University of Colorado allows students to carry guns

1) Do inspectors visit your home to inspect your car?

Saigon, nobody "inspects" are cars in America. You are an IDIOT. You don't know American laws, but you keep opening your mouth anyway. You're embarssing yourself. There are NO car inspections in America. I've driven my entire life, and NOT ONCE has a government agency ever checked to see if my breaks worked. Please, shut the fuck up because you don't know what you are talkling about.

2) Psyche evaluations will become standard in the EU within 5 years, I believe, and will be conducted by police psychiatrists trained to conduct the 30 minute interviews.

If the EU is so great, why are you wasting your time on a United States message board?!?! If you want to go back to Nazi, Germany under Adolf Hitler - God bless your stupid, ignorant ass. We have freedoms in America. Sorry if that pisses you off. Sorry if you have freedom envy of our great nation. Maybe you people should be more focused on dentists and less worried about "trained psychiatrists conducting 30 minute interviews".

How many gangsters do you think will pass?!

100% of them. If you are going to be this absurd and ignorant, please stop posting. Gangsters do not suffer from severe mental conditions. They suffer from severe moral conditions. Something no one is going to uncover in an interview, stupid.

3) If you pay for a drivers license, you can pay for a gun license.

And we do STUPID.
Rottweiler -

To have any debate, there has to be a minimal level of integirity, information and intelligence available.

At the moment it isn't really possible to discuss this issue with you, because your points are not strong enough. Your last post here is simply incoherent gibberish.

If you wish to try to make a serious post, I will absolutely answer it.

Sensible laws save lives, and we know this, because countries with sensible laws have less people dying.

When you are willing to discuss this, let me know.
nobody "inspects" are cars in America. You are an IDIOT

There are NO car inspections in America. I've driven my entire life, and NOT ONCE has a government agency ever checked to see if my breaks worked. Please, shut the fuck up because you don't know what you are talkling about.

In the United States, vehicle safety inspection and emissions inspection are governed by each state individually. 17 states have a periodic (annual or biennial) safety inspection program, while Maryland and Alabama require a safety inspection prior to registration or transfer of ownership only. Nebraska requires safety inspection only upon newly-arrived vehicles which were previously registered in another state. New Jersey discontinued its passenger vehicle safety inspection program on August 1, 2010.[1]

Vehicle inspection in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again, your points on this thread are simply not strong enough to merit discussion.

btw. They are called "brakes", not "breaks".
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Rottweiler -

To have any debate, there has to be a minimal level of integirity, information and intelligence available.

At the moment it isn't really possible to discuss this issue with you, because your points are not strong enough. Your last post here is simply incoherent gibberish.

If you wish to try to make a serious post, I will absolutely answer it.

Sensible laws save lives, and we know this, because countries with sensible laws have less people dying.

When you are willing to discuss this, let me know.

In other words, you finally are waving the white flag and acknowleding defeat? Good for you Saigon!

If "sensible" laws "save lives", why are there 10,000 more people dying EVERY year from automobiles than guns? Answer the question...
If "sensible" laws "save lives", why are there 10,000 more people dying EVERY year from automobiles than guns? Answer the question...

Because there are more people in the US than there are in, say, France.

If you compare the per capita rates of auto deatha, they average out at around 1.5:1. (US/EU)

If you compare the per capita homocide rates, they average out at around 6:1.(US/EU)

In other words, the imbalance beween deaths in cars is 4 times less evident than the imbalance in homocide rates.
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In the United States, vehicle safety inspection and emissions inspection are governed by each state individually. 17 states have a periodic (annual or biennial) safety inspection program, while Maryland and Alabama require a safety inspection prior to registration or transfer of ownership only. Nebraska requires safety inspection only upon newly-arrived vehicles which were previously registered in another state. New Jersey discontinued its passenger vehicle safety inspection program on August 1, 2010.[1]

Vehicle inspection in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are 50 states in America STUPID. You're citing 17?!?! Again, I've driven my entire life and NOBODY has EVER "inspected" my car. Because 75% of America DOESN'T have the program you just cited. So you want to use the super minority, 25%, to justify your argument? That says it all...
In other words, you finally are waving the white flag and acknowleding defeat? Good for you Saigon!

I acknowledge that you have conceded defeat and are no longer willing to discuss the concepts at a level which makes discussion possible.

Ranting like:

other nations are irrelevant

is not debate. It is running away from debate.
I don't dispute that more guns will stop mass shootings as that is a matter of simple math and probability, but what I worry about is the unarmed people that will inevitably get caught in the crossfire of these shootouts between the would-be mass murderer and the gun-toting hero? You can just see a story of some random person getting hit by a stray bullet coming from a country mile away with decisions like this.

Not everyone is a dead eye. There will no doubt be many stories of people using their gun to save lives, but there will also be stories where innocent people will either get injured or killed in the crossfire by stray bullets, either by the would-be assailant or by the hero. That's what happens in a shootout and it's damn near unavoidable. Like the above, this is also a matter of simple math and probability. So while I'm happy for the University of Colorado in their decision to protect themselves more vigilantly, I hope they are prepared for the potentially tragic consequences that can happen.

Like the NYPD that shot 9 innocents?
There are 50 states in America STUPID. You're citing 17?!?! Again, I've driven my entire life and NOBODY has EVER "inspected" my car. Because 75% of America DOESN'T have the program you just cited. So you want to use the super minority, 25%, to justify your argument? That says it all...

Do you accept that you were wrong about vehicle inspections in the US?

You claimed:
There are NO car inspections in America. I've driven my entire life, and NOT ONCE has a government agency ever checked to see if my breaks worked. Please, shut the fuck up because you don't know what you are talkling about.

Again - Please debate honestly.
In other words, you finally are waving the white flag and acknowleding defeat? Good for you Saigon!

I acknowledge that you have conceded defeat and are no longer willing to discuss the concepts at a level which makes discussion possible.

Ranting like:

other nations are irrelevant

is not debate. It is running away from debate.

I defeated you in this debate long ago, ignoring me proves that.
If "sensible" laws "save lives", why are there 10,000 more people dying EVERY year from automobiles than guns? Answer the question...

Because there are more people in the US than there are in, say, France.

If you compare the per capita rates, they average out at around 1.5:1. (US/EU)

If you compare the per capita homocide rates, they average out at around 6:1.(US/EU)

In other words, the imbalance beween deaths in cars is 4 times less evident than the imbalance in homocide rates.

Good God you are getting dumber with each post. Who said ANYTHING about France?!? I'm talking about the United States. The United States. You need to think ONLY about the United States now. We are talking about the United States (you're lucking a retarded monkey - you can't even stay focused on the subject).

And IN THE UNITED STATES, there are roughly 10,000 more deaths from automobiles than there are from guns (in the United States). US auto deaths vs US gun deaths. Not France. Not Germany. Not UK. You fucking Europeans are so stupid, it's no wonder you're all collapsing and rioting.
There are 50 states in America STUPID. You're citing 17?!?! Again, I've driven my entire life and NOBODY has EVER "inspected" my car. Because 75% of America DOESN'T have the program you just cited. So you want to use the super minority, 25%, to justify your argument? That says it all...

Do you accept that you were wrong about vehicle inspections in the US?

You claimed:
There are NO car inspections in America. I've driven my entire life, and NOT ONCE has a government agency ever checked to see if my breaks worked. Please, shut the fuck up because you don't know what you are talkling about.

Again - Please debate honestly.

I'm debating honestly, and you cited 17 states out of 50!!! You are WRONG. 75% of America does NOT have ANY car inspection at all. My car has NEVER been inspected. Period.

Do you accept you are WRONG about vehicle inspection? Go find a European site to cry on, because you know NOTHING about the United States.
Rottweiler -

Who said ANYTHING about France?!? I'm talking about the United States. The United States. You need to think ONLY about the United States now. We are talking about the United States (you're lucking a retarded monkey - you can't even stay focused on the subject).

I realise that you do not understand my point.

YOU raised the issue of automotive deaths. And now you refuse to discuss it within an international context.

This is actually what I mean when I say sensible debate is impossible.
In other words, you finally are waving the white flag and acknowleding defeat? Good for you Saigon!

I acknowledge that you have conceded defeat and are no longer willing to discuss the concepts at a level which makes discussion possible.

Ranting like:

other nations are irrelevant

is not debate. It is running away from debate.

You lost... go home son. There are 10,000 more people dying every year from automobiles, and you don't say a word about it. But one person dies from a gun, and you hop around like an idiot about it.

If you gave the slightest damn about human life, you're #1 priority would be stopping automobiles which are causing the most deaths. This just proves what an irrational anti-gun nut you are.
I'm debating honestly, and you cited 17 states out of 50!!! You are WRONG. 75% of America does NOT have ANY car inspection at all. My car has NEVER been inspected. Period.

Do you accept you are WRONG about vehicle inspection? Go find a European site to cry on, because you know NOTHING about the United States.

Oh dear. Did you actually look at the link?

Thirty one states have vehicle inspections.

Post an honest reassesment of your statement and perhaps we can move on to the international auto death statistics.
Rottweiler -

Who said ANYTHING about France?!? I'm talking about the United States. The United States. You need to think ONLY about the United States now. We are talking about the United States (you're lucking a retarded monkey - you can't even stay focused on the subject).

I realise that you do not understand my point.

YOU raised the issue of automotive deaths. And now you refuse to discuss it within an international context.

This is actually what I mean when I say sensible debate is impossible.

Because I live in the United States, not the "international". And you live in the UK, not the "international". So "international" context is irrelevant.

Furthermore, you more worried about RATIO'S than you are about HUMAN LIVES. More people die "internationally" from automobiles than guns. Why are you so silent about automobiles than guns?

Because you are an irrational anti-gun nut, that's why....
I'm debating honestly, and you cited 17 states out of 50!!! You are WRONG. 75% of America does NOT have ANY car inspection at all. My car has NEVER been inspected. Period.

Do you accept you are WRONG about vehicle inspection? Go find a European site to cry on, because you know NOTHING about the United States.

Oh dear. Did you actually look at the link?

Thirty one states have vehicle inspections.

Post an honest reassesment of your statement and perhaps we can move on to the international auto death statistics.

No they don't stupid. This is why Europeans should keep their nose out of America. You don't live here, you've never lived here, and you have no idea what goes on here.

Have an EMISSIONS test has NOTHING to do with safety stupid. That is for the ENVIRONMENT. How does EMISSIONS testing keep people from dying in cars? You're an embarassment...
Rottweiler -

I do not like in the UK, and am not English.

Let me explain here:

To compare the relaive merit of various gun laws, we have to look at how those gun laws in different countries to see how they work.

For instance - the US has 246 times more gun-related homocides than the UK.

That proves that the UK has more effective gun laws than the US does.

If you want to compare auto deaths in the same context to test the effectiveness of US road laws we can do that to.

No sensible person is ever going to test the use of US laws by comparing the US with itself - and the only reason you wish to do so is because you know the statistics prove you wrong.

You know it, I know it.
If "sensible" laws "save lives", why are there 10,000 more people dying EVERY year from automobiles than guns? Answer the question...

Because there are more people in the US than there are in, say, France.

Again, I wasn't comparing auto deaths in the US to France. I was comparing auto deaths in the US to gun deaths in the US. And how do you explain 10,000 more auto deaths in the US than gun deaths in the US with so many laws for automobiles?!?!?

If you compare the per capita rates of auto deatha, they average out at around 1.5:1. (US/EU)

If you compare the per capita homocide rates, they average out at around 6:1.(US/EU)

In other words, the imbalance beween deaths in cars is 4 times less evident than the imbalance in homocide rates.

Saigon proving she cares more about RATIO's than she does HUMAN LIVES.

Because it's not about human lives for her. It's about an irrational anti-gun phobia....
No they don't stupid.

Yes, they do, and the link has been provided.

When you are prepared to admit that, we can move on.

And yes, the efficiency of the engine does relate to the safety of the vehicle, which is why they are called Vehicle SAFETY inspections in many states.

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