University of Colorado allows students to carry guns

Can you explain why 100% of mass shootings have occured in locations where guns are prohibited?

They haven't - that is simply not true.

Shall I provide eamples, or can you remember some of these events yourself.

I defy you to provide ONE mass shooting in the US that occurred somewhere where guns were permitted. I'm waiting.....

Seriously? You seriously need me to present evidence of some of these...?

How many would you need to see before you will reconsider your position?
You want an interesting fact? In the summer, ice-cream consumption goes way up. Also in the summer, the homicide rates go way up. So by the way you think, ice-cream is causing murder and we should outlaw it immediately.

While a person of higher intelligence realizes that in the summer, ice-cream consumption goes up because it's hotter. And the homicide rate goes up because A.) it's hotter (ie tempers flare), B.) there are more people out and about, so there are more targets, C.) there are more people out and about, so there are more conflicts, etc.

Who claimed that guns CAUSE crime?

I don't think they least not often.

Guns are used as a method of killing...not a reason to kill.

So then why are you attacking the method and claiming that the US has more gun crime than the UK? Are you finally coming to your senses and realizing that arming the law abiding citizen is the ONLY solution to the problem?
They haven't - that is simply not true.

Shall I provide eamples, or can you remember some of these events yourself.

I defy you to provide ONE mass shooting in the US that occurred somewhere where guns were permitted. I'm waiting.....

Seriously? You seriously need me to present evidence of some of these...?

How many would you need to see before you will reconsider your position?

One. Just one... And since you haven't given one despite me begging you 3x's now, I think it's safe to say you can't (but then, I already knew that). We could go through out the modern history and you won't be able to come up with one.
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Full-auto -

I'm only interested in facts and statistis.

The US has a homicide rate 5 times that of Germany. The US has more guns than Germany.

Thosr are facts.

This is the same ignorant battle cry from the left everytime, despite the FACT that mass shootings ONLY happen where guns are banned.

Can we see some evidence to back that up please?

Also, can you tell us how many mass shootings there have been in countries with far less guns that the US, such as France, Germany and the UK?

Columbine - a high school in Colorado where guns were strictly prohibited

Virginia Tech - a college in Virginia where guns were strictly prohibited

Aurora Municipal Center - a movie theater in Colorado where guns were strictly prohibited

Chardon - a high school in Ohio where guns were strictly prohibited

You can take it from there. Go back a decade, pick any mass shooting, and you will find a location where guns were strictly prohibited.

This is not rocket science liberals. Predators look for easy prey. They don't want a challenge. They don't want to take a risk. When you create victim zones, you get victims.

Despite the deep hate for law enforcement by criminals, haven't any of you ever wondered why nobody has ever walked into a police station and opened fire? It's because they know a police station is filled with well armed, well trained personnel. So instead, they head to the nearest victim zone created by the idiot liberal dumbocrat.

Might I add that the people who died were law-abiding and observed the prohibition on firearms...the shooters did not.
You want an interesting fact? In the summer, ice-cream consumption goes way up. Also in the summer, the homicide rates go way up. So by the way you think, ice-cream is causing murder and we should outlaw it immediately.

While a person of higher intelligence realizes that in the summer, ice-cream consumption goes up because it's hotter. And the homicide rate goes up because A.) it's hotter (ie tempers flare), B.) there are more people out and about, so there are more targets, C.) there are more people out and about, so there are more conflicts, etc.

Who claimed that guns CAUSE crime?

I don't think they least not often.

Guns are used as a method of killing...not a reason to kill.

That's correct, guns are tool. We should address the killers, stop making excuses and making them famous. They should be killed asap. It's a joke, people wanted Tookie Williams to stay alive, why??????? Carla FAye Tucker, why??????? These people killed and were brutal and they should be dead, it's justice, and it might be a deterant IF we did it swiftly and when people actually remember the crime, not 20 years later, but justice is my favorite reason, they deserve it.
Full-auto -

I'm only interested in facts and statistis.

The US has a homicide rate 5 times that of Germany. The US has more guns than Germany.

Thosr are facts.

And more people with a different culture.

You think tossing around your version of Captain obvious changes anything.

Here is a stat for ya...

US gun owners make up less then one percent of the worlds population, yet we own one third of the worlds guns...

The moral of the story is simple....Dont fuck with us.....
So countries which do not have many guns have a lot of bombings, do they?

Again - can we see some evidence of this, as I don't recall the last bombing in the UK or Germany....

Really? Right off the top of my head, I instantly recall TWO bombings on the same day in the UK. One was in the subway and another was on one of those triple-decker busses. Oops - looks like someone was just exposed for being a moron!

Um....maybe you want to go and think this one through a little more....

Think what through?!?! The incident happened! Double bombing on July 7, 2005. Here, read it and educate yourself about this issue...

7 July 2005 London bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So then why are you attacking the method and claiming that the US has more gun crime than the UK? Are you finally coming to your senses and realizing that arming the law abiding citizen is the ONLY solution to the problem?

Guns do not cause crime.

Guns enable crime.
So then why are you attacking the method and claiming that the US has more gun crime than the UK? Are you finally coming to your senses and realizing that arming the law abiding citizen is the ONLY solution to the problem?

Guns do not cause crime.

Guns enable crime.

So do knives, bats, clubs and the worlds most deadliest weapon.

That is where you are exposed as a fraud. Your concern is not about senseless deaths but only about deaths caused by guns...

Keep reading you are not there yet.........
Awesome.Maybe we can avoid another Va Tech. Bout time people came to their senses.

Would the Va Tech shooting have happened in the shooter had not had access to guns?

Bout time people came to their senses, alright!

Yeah, we're waiting, but for some reason - people like you just NEVER do.

For instance, by your logic here, we should have no assualts since assault is completely outlawed (yet strangely, it happens every day all over the nation).
Rotteiler -

Have you heard of 9/11?

Terrorist attacks tend to be very different in motive and methodology to other kinds of crime. Very few major terror attaks us guns as the primary weapon.

Very few murders use bombs as the method.

Your claim that murderers would use bombs if guns were not available is not backed up by fact, because in countries with fewer guns, we do not see a lot of bombings. In fact, I suspect the UK and France have less bombings than the US does.
So then why are you attacking the method and claiming that the US has more gun crime than the UK? Are you finally coming to your senses and realizing that arming the law abiding citizen is the ONLY solution to the problem?

Guns do not cause crime.

Guns enable crime.

Jon Benet Ramsey was found with her panties rapped around her throat. Do little girls panties "enable crime"? Do you want to outlaw panties for little girls?
Awesome.Maybe we can avoid another Va Tech. Bout time people came to their senses.

Would the Va Tech shooting have happened in the shooter had not had access to guns?

Bout time people came to their senses, alright!

Are you really arguing this point? so you want to ban all guns? you dont think criminals would get them? You do reallize Mexico has one gun store in the ENTIRE country and well, they find a way.

Why do people think that bad people will stop killing if it's hard to get stuff, it just makes it harder for law abiding people to get them.

And how did he kill so many, that's right he was shooting fish in a barrell, because noone was allowed to have a gun on campus, imagine that a murderer breaking the rules.......who would have thought that possible?

Mexican drug cartels don't need gun stores in their country...they have the DOJ here. They can get anything they want from the US DOJ. I'm still wondering why the MX government leadership hasn't raised hell about this...
Rotteiler -

Have you heard of 9/11?

Terrorist attacks tend to be very different in motive and methodology to other kinds of crime. Very few major terror attaks us guns as the primary weapon.

Very few murders use bombs as the method.

Your claim that murderers would use bombs if guns were not available is not backed up by fact, because in countries with fewer guns, we do not see a lot of bombings. In fact, I suspect the UK and France have less bombings than the US does.

Actually, that's a great point too! Thank you for helping me! We saw the murder of 3,000 people on 9/11 from airplanes. Should we outlaw airplanes? By the way, before you claim this was some once in a lifetime thing, when Bill Clinton was in office, an American flew his own plane into the White House.

By your logic, looks like it's time to outlaw airplanes! Man, your logic is taking us back to the stone ages...
So do knives, bats, clubs and the worlds most deadliest weapon.


Yes, they do.

But they do so less effectively than guns.

btw. Please remember to back up all of your claims with facts and statistics.

Try google if you think guns are the number one killer. I like sandbagging too much....

And you havent been given quite enough rope as of yet.
So then why are you attacking the method and claiming that the US has more gun crime than the UK? Are you finally coming to your senses and realizing that arming the law abiding citizen is the ONLY solution to the problem?

Guns do not cause crime.

Guns enable crime.

Al Capone wants beat two men to death with a baseball bat during dinner. Should we outlaw baseball now?
US gun owners make up less then one percent of the worlds population, yet we own one third of the worlds guns...


And have 246 times more gun-related homicides than the UK.

The message is simple, alright!

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