University offers new course slamming white people


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
University Launches New Course Slamming White People
According to the online overview of the course objectives, students will be taught “what it really means to be white.” The overview also mentions that the “Critical Whiteness Studies aims to understand how whiteness is socially constructed and experienced in order to help dismantle white supremacy.”

So let the lower IQ's blame the whites of today for some bs the whites did decades ago. Lets blame the whites of today for what the whites did a century ago.
That's like blaming your neighbor for the car accident you were in because the telephone pole did it.

These zombies are creating their own segregation, that their ancestors fought to get get away from. So lets put all whites and or black into their own little space on the bus right. Meanwhile they're doing it themselves.

So as they segregate themselves from the whites are they going to tell history the whites did it again when it is they who created it themselves this time.
more hate and divisiveness?
time to shut down some of these course and stick to requisites
The teacher is a Hip Hop "artist".

Damon Sajnani aka“” (pronounced Professor D dot U.S.) is an accomplished HipHop artist and a Ph.D candidate in African American Studies at Northwestern University. As leader of The Dope Poet Society, one of Canada’s top selling independent HipHop acts, he has toured worldwide and released four critically acclaimed CDs, including his latest, “THIRD WORLD WARriors.” His writing and research concerns race, neo/colonialism, geopolitics, and popular culture. He is the winner of the Inaugural Nasir Jones HipHop Fellowship at the DuBois Institute at Harvard where he will be completing his dissertation on the politics of HipHop in Senegal.
If it was a private college I wouldn't give a shit. But I believe the University of Wisconsin is public. If so your tax dollars are being spent to tell white people how evil they are. No taxation without representation dictates a response. How about a course on "SJW's how much fucking stupid can they pack into the movement." or How calling an entire race racist, makes you a racist and other duh moments. "
If black people are going to act like murdering thugs then they need to get over being treated like a murdering thug. Most "white' people don't give a damn about race, only liberal stupid shit and black racist do.
This is an example of why "multiculturalism" will NEVER work.

Blacks see everything thru race colored glasses.

This may be why they never left the stone age and lived in grass huts until the white man gave them the opportunity for civilization.

You can find white trash these days just about everywhere you look. And did you know that white trash consumes far more welfare/government dollars than blacks. And by every measure.
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You can find white trash these days just about everywhere you look. And did you know that white trash consumes far more welfare/government dollars than blacks. And by every measure.
And don't forget "Christians are just as bad as Muslims". All those Christians beheading unbelievers and all!
If white people are going to act like the OP. Well, I don't blame the U of W.

Seriously, I hope they have porno 101 soon.
Porn ruins lives and it has invaded us like the plaque, and it was intentional. It is an epidemic running deeper than most people both men and women want to admit.
It has become an excellent way to destroy the family, and family values.

By the way there is an University teaching kids how to give blow jobs by some slut. So yeah would you seriously want your kids being taught by a whore on how to give oral sex.
Or having a professor telling kids they have to sit nude for portrait in order to graduate, your daughter is only 17 lets say and here's a male teacher in his forty's and a fkn perv just be that request.
You can find white trash these days just about everywhere you look. And did you know that white trash consumes far more welfare/government dollars than blacks. And by every measure.
And don't forget "Christians are just as bad as Muslims". All those Christians beheading unbelievers and all!
Either your being a smart ass on that comment and seriously mean it or, you have no clue wtf your talking about.
It's the other way around einstein. christians are being slaughtered.

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