Unjust Treatment Jan 6 Participants - Political Prisoners? Facts Matter

May 4, 2022

Early indications suggest that insurrectionists are, in fact, getting off easy. Data examined by Slate on the first anniversary of the insurrection found that Jan. 6 defendants were receiving significantly lighter sentences than what prosecutors have asked for. They also, at least as of the one-year mark, enjoyed a far higher rate of pretrial release — 70 percent — than other federal defendants, only 32 percent of whom were granted pretrial release.

As a general trend, the January 6 people, especially given the violent nature of their protest, got off quite lightly in terms of the charges they face [and] the average sentence they face when they plead guilty and/or are found guilty,” says Wadie Said, a former federal public defender who studies national security prosecutions at the University of South Carolina School of Law. “That doesn’t mean that the result is always in their favor or that they don’t get punished, but just that their claims are certainly heard more, and their position certainly seems to be understood a little bit more.”


The supposed unjust treatment and persecution of Jan. 6 participants has become core to the prevailing conservative counter-narrative around the violent riot, an account that characterizes the participants as “political prisoners.” But contrary to the claims of heavy-handed political persecution, cases like Bisignano show how, in some instances, the legal system has afforded Jan. 6 defendants a far more judicious process than standard federal criminal defendants. And indeed, many experts believe the insurrectionists have been given far softer treatment than one might expect for attempting to storm the Capitol to block the certification of a presidential election.

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Political prisoners being held for over a year WITHOUT A FORMAL CHARGE many kept in solitary confinement. One of the most disgraceful chapters in American history. Our country is being dragged down the tubes by a Democrat controlled Department of INJUSTICE.
Political prisoners being held for over a year WITHOUT A FORMAL CHARGE many kept in solitary confinement. One of the most disgraceful chapters in American history. Our country is being dragged down the tubes by a Democrat controlled Department of INJUSTICE.
They belong in GITMO, so we could waterboard them too.

even back in 2022 we knew this to be bullshit:

Jan. 6 defendants have been charged with crimes - February 11, 2022


Jailed defendants in Jan. 6 attack aren’t 'political prisoners.' They’re charged with real crimes.


As of June 7, 2022: "More than 800 people across the U.S. have been charged in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, which left officers bloodied and sent lawmakers into hiding, and federal authorities continue to make new arrests practically every week."


As of March 25, 2023: 1,000 people have been charged for the Capitol riot. Here's where their cases stand

They belong in GITMO, so we could waterboard them too.

even back in 2022 we knew this to be bullshit:

Jan. 6 defendants have been charged with crimes - February 11, 2022


Jailed defendants in Jan. 6 attack aren’t 'political prisoners.' They’re charged with real crimes.


As of June 7, 2022: "More than 800 people across the U.S. have been charged in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, which left officers bloodied and sent lawmakers into hiding, and federal authorities continue to make new arrests practically every week."


As of March 25, 2023: 1,000 people have been charged for the Capitol riot. Here's where their cases stand

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:hater.
Early indications suggest that insurrectionists are, in fact, getting off easy. Data examined by Slate on the first anniversary of the insurrection found that Jan. 6 defendants were receiving significantly lighter sentences than what prosecutors have asked for. They also, at least as of the one-year mark, enjoyed a far higher rate of pretrial release — 70 percent — than other federal defendants, only 32 percent of whom were granted pretrial release.
As a general trend, the January 6 people, especially given the violent nature of their protest, got off quite lightly in terms of the charges they face [and] the average sentence they face when they plead guilty and/or are found guilty,” says Wadie Said, a former federal public defender who studies national security prosecutions at the University of South Carolina School of Law. “That doesn’t mean that the result is always in their favor or that they don’t get punished, but just that their claims are certainly heard more, and their position certainly seems to be understood a little bit more.”
The supposed unjust treatment and persecution of Jan. 6 participants has become core to the prevailing conservative counter-narrative around the violent riot, an account that characterizes the participants as “political prisoners.” But contrary to the claims of heavy-handed political persecution, cases like Bisignano show how, in some instances, the legal system has afforded Jan. 6 defendants a far more judicious process than standard federal criminal defendants. And indeed, many experts believe the insurrectionists have been given far softer treatment than one might expect for attempting to storm the Capitol to block the certification of a presidential election.
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Early indications suggest that insurrectionists are, in fact, getting off easy. Data examined by Slate on the first anniversary of the insurrection found that Jan. 6 defendants were receiving significantly lighter sentences than what prosecutors have asked for. They also, at least as of the one-year mark, enjoyed a far higher rate of pretrial release — 70 percent — than other federal defendants, only 32 percent of whom were granted pretrial release.
As a general trend, the January 6 people, especially given the violent nature of their protest, got off quite lightly in terms of the charges they face [and] the average sentence they face when they plead guilty and/or are found guilty,” says Wadie Said, a former federal public defender who studies national security prosecutions at the University of South Carolina School of Law. “That doesn’t mean that the result is always in their favor or that they don’t get punished, but just that their claims are certainly heard more, and their position certainly seems to be understood a little bit more.”
The supposed unjust treatment and persecution of Jan. 6 participants has become core to the prevailing conservative counter-narrative around the violent riot, an account that characterizes the participants as “political prisoners.” But contrary to the claims of heavy-handed political persecution, cases like Bisignano show how, in some instances, the legal system has afforded Jan. 6 defendants a far more judicious process than standard federal criminal defendants. And indeed, many experts believe the insurrectionists have been given far softer treatment than one might expect for attempting to storm the Capitol to block the certification of a presidential election.
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:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Early indications suggest that insurrectionists are, in fact, getting off easy.
Early indications? Many of them have been in prison already for over two years! Without being charged! Many are reporting savage human rights violations and massive legal rights violations. What is "easy" about that? What does that say far worse about the Left who see fit to treat a simple protestor far worse than a serial killer violating all of their rights and our laws that said "democracy" is supposed to preserve and protect? What does that say about a group of people (democrats) who do far greater damage to their own democracy IN THE NAME OF "democracy?"

As a general trend, the January 6 people, especially given the violent nature of their protest
Violent nature? Do you understand they were attacked first while just standing around? Do you realize the Cap Police drew first blood? Do you even understasnd that 75% of the people arrested for J6 committed no attack, no damage, no harm at all, many not even going inside? Do you understand that the DOJ is charging people who weren't even there that day so as to admittedly pile up as many J6 cases as possible strictly for public image and perception to make themselves look good like they are hot on some case?
Early indications? Many of them have been in prison already for over two years! Without being charged! Many are reporting savage human rights violations and massive legal rights violations. What is "easy" about that? What does that say far worse about the Left who see fit to treat a simple protestor far worse than a serial killer violating all of their rights and our laws that said "democracy" is supposed to preserve and protect? What does that say about a group of people (democrats) who do far greater damage to their own democracy IN THE NAME OF "democracy?"

Violent nature? Do you understand they were attacked first while just standing around? Do you realize the Cap Police drew first blood? Do you even understasnd that 75% of the people arrested for J6 committed no attack, no damage, no harm at all, many not even going inside? Do you understand that the DOJ is charging people who weren't even there that day so as to admittedly pile up as many J6 cases as possible strictly for public image and perception to make themselves look good like they are hot on some case?
You're confused. Please provide credible links to what you claim?

You're confused. Please provide credible links to what you claim?
Are you ASKING me, you ignorant pinhead? There are no links know of, the leftward controlled media blocks that sort of thing. I've heard it directly from several of these people in prison or their attorneys several times when being interviewed on live TV news by conscientious news outlets like RAV News. You should try it sometime to get the real story on things.

Prison? Preposterous. People are sentenced to prison.
Moron, these people have been held in prison awaiting charges, pretrial motions and a court date some of them almost since January 2021, pinhead.

People awaiting arraignments are held in jails, not prisons.
Oh I see. That is how you intend to play it, a game of words. Pretty much what anyone can expect out of a leftwing commie GOON like you.
They belong in GITMO, so we could waterboard them too.

even back in 2022 we knew this to be bullshit:

Jan. 6 defendants have been charged with crimes - February 11, 2022


Jailed defendants in Jan. 6 attack aren’t 'political prisoners.' They’re charged with real crimes.


As of June 7, 2022: "More than 800 people across the U.S. have been charged in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, which left officers bloodied and sent lawmakers into hiding, and federal authorities continue to make new arrests practically every week."


As of March 25, 2023: 1,000 people have been charged for the Capitol riot. Here's where their cases stand

Another well trained minion doing work for the Chinacrats.
Another loser unable to make a civil, or credible contribution to a conversation, regressing back to grade school playgorunds
What conversation is that? You don't want a conversation, you've been programmed to think all J6 prisoners are MAGA White Supremacists. Your life revolves around Trump Trump Trump there is no conversation with a programmed Trump hater.
What conversation is that? You don't want a conversation, you've been programmed to think all J6 prisoners are MAGA White Supremacists. Your life revolves around Trump Trump Trump there is no conversation with a programmed Trump hater.
Another one bites the dust: Good Riddance!

Jan 6 rioter sentenced Pelosi chair.jpg

What conversation is that? You don't want a conversation, you've been programmed to think all J6 prisoners are MAGA White Supremacists. Your life revolves around Trump Trump Trump there is no conversation with a programmed Trump hater.
Jan 6 prisoners? You mean people who have been sentenced.

No they're all not White Supremacists, but happy to see you acknowledging that some, maybe many are.

People awaiting hearings or trials are usually kept in jails. They have not been sentenced.

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