Unjust Treatment Jan 6 Participants - Political Prisoners? Facts Matter

There were like a 1000 people at Jan 6th and around 100 of them were Feds of 1 type or another.

The FBI says it won't release the tapes because it will show feds breaking the law.

The only people who think Jan 6th is a big deal are NWO shillbots and NPCs.

Americans couldn't care less about Jan 6th.
Conservatives continue to attempt to defend the indefensible with lies such as these; further proof that conservatives are enemies of democracy.
There were like a 1000 people at Jan 6th and around 100 of them were Feds of 1 type or another.

The FBI says it won't release the tapes because it will show feds breaking the law.

The only people who think Jan 6th is a big deal are NWO shillbots and NPCs.

Americans couldn't care less about Jan 6th.
Compare this

to Tucker Carlson and other FOX News propaganda bullshit programs: "Carlson's show on Fox averaged 3.27 million in his last four weeks as a host."
They are getting off very easy as they should all have been lined up against a wall and shot for treason. Trying to overthrow my legally cast vote cuz they are stupid beyond belief is not an excuse.
They are getting off very easy as they should all have been lined up against a wall and shot for treason.
They should all be pardoned in my opinion. The only one that should be shot is the coward that killed the unarmed woman.
They should all be pardoned in my opinion. The only one that should be shot is the coward that killed the unarmed woman.
You like people who try to overthrow your vote? If so you are a treasonous anti-American troll. Respect democracy or spend 2-20 years in prision as an insurrectionist.

Here is a list of what your future looks like if you get the balls to follow their lead. Where were you on Jan 6?

Here is a picture of the layout. It’s so long cuz all those treasonists are in jail.

Early indications? Many of them have been in prison already for over two years! Without being charged! Many are reporting savage human rights violations and massive legal rights violations. What is "easy" about that? What does that say far worse about the Left who see fit to treat a simple protestor far worse than a serial killer violating all of their rights and our laws that said "democracy" is supposed to preserve and protect? What does that say about a group of people (democrats) who do far greater damage to their own democracy IN THE NAME OF "democracy?"

Violent nature? Do you understand they were attacked first while just standing around? Do you realize the Cap Police drew first blood? Do you even understasnd that 75% of the people arrested for J6 committed no attack, no damage, no harm at all, many not even going inside? Do you understand that the DOJ is charging people who weren't even there that day so as to admittedly pile up as many J6 cases as possible strictly for public image and perception to make themselves look good like they are hot on some case?
Really? Who hasn't been charged?
Early indications? Many of them have been in prison already for over two years! Without being charged! Many are reporting savage human rights violations and massive legal rights violations. What is "easy" about that? What does that say far worse about the Left who see fit to treat a simple protestor far worse than a serial killer violating all of their rights and our laws that said "democracy" is supposed to preserve and protect? What does that say about a group of people (democrats) who do far greater damage to their own democracy IN THE NAME OF "democracy?"

Violent nature? Do you understand they were attacked first while just standing around? Do you realize the Cap Police drew first blood? Do you even understasnd that 75% of the people arrested for J6 committed no attack, no damage, no harm at all, many not even going inside? Do you understand that the DOJ is charging people who weren't even there that day so as to admittedly pile up as many J6 cases as possible strictly for public image and perception to make themselves look good like they are hot on some case?
Really? Who hasn't been charged?
Political prisoners being held for over a year WITHOUT A FORMAL CHARGE many kept in solitary confinement. One of the most disgraceful chapters in American history. Our country is being dragged down the tubes by a Democrat controlled Department of INJUSTICE.
They are not "political" prisoners. They are terrorists and will disappear into the wild blue yonder.
So yeah, they have to be held.
Another one bites the dust

Capitol rioter creep​

Florida man connected to Proud Boys pleads guilty to assaulting police during Capitol riot​

A Florida man with ties to the Proud Boys pleaded guilty on Friday to assaulting police during the Capitol riot.

Zachary Johnson, 34, pleaded guilty to one count of assaulting, resisting or impeding officers at the Capitol, after reaching a plea deal with the U.S. attorney’s office for the District of Columbia, court documents show.

Johnson admitted in a statement of offense that he marched with a group to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, where they confronted Capitol Police manning metal barricades, overran the officers and the barricades, and moved toward the Capitol.

The 34-year-old was among the first rioters to enter restricted grounds on the day of the Capitol riot, the U.S. attorney’s office for Washington, D.C., noted in a press release.

He later joined a crowd of other rioters pushing against Capitol Police officers in a passageway that connects the Lower West Terrace of the Capitol to the inside of the building — also known as the “Tunnel” — in a concerted rocking or heave-ho fashion, according to the statement of offense.

Johnson also passed a canister of pepper spray to other rioters, which was ultimately used on Capitol Police officers.

Johnson is set to be sentenced on Nov. 30, according to court documents.

What has trump done for the J6 prisoners?

Meanwhile all his supporters cry over the political theater of Trump going to jail.

Trump ain’t going to jail and neither are any of the bidens Clinton’s or Obamas

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