Unprecedented Spite: The American Carnage Of The GOP Health Care Bill

How can the left site "carnage" contained in the bill while at the same time complaining about the alleged secrecy in crafting the bill? If we are older than fifteen or so we should remember the subterfuge of the laughable Obamacare mess where the House Speaker told Americans "you will find out what's in the bill after it is passed". In other words lock step democrats didn't read the 10,000 page bill before they put their names on it. Now that Obamacare is imploding, the desperate left wants to (yawn) blame it on republicans in the age of information. No wonder they lost almost every important election in the last eight years.
How can the left site "carnage" contained in the bill while at the same time complaining about the alleged secrecy in crafting the bill? If we are older than fifteen or so we should remember the subterfuge of the laughable Obamacare mess where the House Speaker told Americans "you will find out what's in the bill after it is passed". In other words lock step democrats didn't read the 10,000 page bill before they put their names on it. Now that Obamacare is imploding, the desperate left wants to (yawn) blame it on republicans in the age of information. No wonder they lost almost every important election in the last eight years.
Do you actually think the republicans are going to produce something better? The reason that this effort will fail is that there can be no Republican healthcare bill that does not appeal to the sadistic tendencies of their base while resulting in a better system.
As the unveiling of the Senate GOP health care bill this week once again showed, the subterfuge, sabotage and sheer cruelty of the 8-year Republican effort to abort the Affordable Care Act know no limits.

A calamity a wiser Donald Trump might call “American carnage”—22 million more uninsured Americans, millions more facing financial ruin, gutted essential health protections, skyrocketing premiums to maintain comparable coverage, jacked-up deductibles, spiraling out of pockets costs and over 200,000 needless deaths by 2026, all to fund an $600 billion tax cut windfall for the wealthy—Mitch McConnell’s “Better Care Reconciliation Act” has nothing to do with “replacing” Obamacare.

For 25 years, Republicans have never wanted to enable universal health care coverage for the American people, but only to prevent the Democratic Party from doing so.

We know this—that is, that Republicans feared not Obamacare’s failure, but its success—because they told us so.


Unprecedented spite: The American carnage of the GOP health care bill

If we weren't all on the same boat, I'd think it's pretty funny. You all vote for putting government in charge of health care, and then you put Republicans in charge of government. What did you THINK was going to happen?
As the unveiling of the Senate GOP health care bill this week once again showed, the subterfuge, sabotage and sheer cruelty of the 8-year Republican effort to abort the Affordable Care Act know no limits.

A calamity a wiser Donald Trump might call “American carnage”—22 million more uninsured Americans, millions more facing financial ruin, gutted essential health protections, skyrocketing premiums to maintain comparable coverage, jacked-up deductibles, spiraling out of pockets costs and over 200,000 needless deaths by 2026, all to fund an $600 billion tax cut windfall for the wealthy—Mitch McConnell’s “Better Care Reconciliation Act” has nothing to do with “replacing” Obamacare.

For 25 years, Republicans have never wanted to enable universal health care coverage for the American people, but only to prevent the Democratic Party from doing so.

We know this—that is, that Republicans feared not Obamacare’s failure, but its success—because they told us so.


Unprecedented spite: The American carnage of the GOP health care bill

You do realize that obamacare is collapsing........right?

The lies about the GOP bill....right from CNN...fake news......
The right wing still doesn't have a working plan.

Where is our, fine and wonderful, health care plan?

They are working on it....no one said the Republicans were particularly smart......the one thing for certain is that anyone who wants the democrats in charge of their healthcare should take a long hard look at the VA healthcare system...that is what they want for everyone....except for them, of course....
The right wing had eight years to come up with something instead of having no Thing, but repeal.
How can the left site "carnage" contained in the bill while at the same time complaining about the alleged secrecy in crafting the bill? If we are older than fifteen or so we should remember the subterfuge of the laughable Obamacare mess where the House Speaker told Americans "you will find out what's in the bill after it is passed". In other words lock step democrats didn't read the 10,000 page bill before they put their names on it. Now that Obamacare is imploding, the desperate left wants to (yawn) blame it on republicans in the age of information. No wonder they lost almost every important election in the last eight years.
CBO score?
As the unveiling of the Senate GOP health care bill this week once again showed, the subterfuge, sabotage and sheer cruelty of the 8-year Republican effort to abort the Affordable Care Act know no limits.

A calamity a wiser Donald Trump might call “American carnage”—22 million more uninsured Americans, millions more facing financial ruin, gutted essential health protections, skyrocketing premiums to maintain comparable coverage, jacked-up deductibles, spiraling out of pockets costs and over 200,000 needless deaths by 2026, all to fund an $600 billion tax cut windfall for the wealthy—Mitch McConnell’s “Better Care Reconciliation Act” has nothing to do with “replacing” Obamacare.

For 25 years, Republicans have never wanted to enable universal health care coverage for the American people, but only to prevent the Democratic Party from doing so.

We know this—that is, that Republicans feared not Obamacare’s failure, but its success—because they told us so.


Unprecedented spite: The American carnage of the GOP health care bill

If we weren't all on the same boat, I'd think it's pretty funny. You all vote for putting government in charge of health care, and then you put Republicans in charge of government. What did you THINK was going to happen?
I voted democrat this election cycle.
How can the left site "carnage" contained in the bill while at the same time complaining about the alleged secrecy in crafting the bill? If we are older than fifteen or so we should remember the subterfuge of the laughable Obamacare mess where the House Speaker told Americans "you will find out what's in the bill after it is passed". In other words lock step democrats didn't read the 10,000 page bill before they put their names on it. Now that Obamacare is imploding, the desperate left wants to (yawn) blame it on republicans in the age of information. No wonder they lost almost every important election in the last eight years.
Do you actually think the republicans are going to produce something better? The reason that this effort will fail is that there can be no Republican healthcare bill that does not appeal to the sadistic tendencies of their base while resulting in a better system.
having nothing but repeal is not politics, just obstruction. We have at least two parties and should have at least, two competing solutions.
As the unveiling of the Senate GOP health care bill this week once again showed, the subterfuge, sabotage and sheer cruelty of the 8-year Republican effort to abort the Affordable Care Act know no limits.

A calamity a wiser Donald Trump might call “American carnage”—22 million more uninsured Americans, millions more facing financial ruin, gutted essential health protections, skyrocketing premiums to maintain comparable coverage, jacked-up deductibles, spiraling out of pockets costs and over 200,000 needless deaths by 2026, all to fund an $600 billion tax cut windfall for the wealthy—Mitch McConnell’s “Better Care Reconciliation Act” has nothing to do with “replacing” Obamacare.

For 25 years, Republicans have never wanted to enable universal health care coverage for the American people, but only to prevent the Democratic Party from doing so.

We know this—that is, that Republicans feared not Obamacare’s failure, but its success—because they told us so.


Unprecedented spite: The American carnage of the GOP health care bill

You do realize that obamacare is collapsing........right?

The lies about the GOP bill....right from CNN...fake news......

What lies? Specific to the bill, not the many people will die line.
REPEAL not Replace......

Indeed. Replacement implies that ACA is performing a necessary function. It is not.
Repeal just means it is as bad as before the democrats did something to improve the situation for the less wealthy.

Replacement should mean a better solution at lower cost.

eight years, gentlemen. Why is there no better solution at lower cost, now.
REPEAL not Replace......

Indeed. Replacement implies that ACA is performing a necessary function. It is not.
Repeal just means it is as bad as before the democrats did something to improve the situation for the less wealthy.

Replacement should mean a better solution at lower cost.

eight years, gentlemen. Why is there no better solution at lower cost, now.

Because we can't even agree on what problem we're trying to solve.
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