Unqualified And Ideological: A Guide To Trump’s Worst Judges

If you care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights — or about judges being fit to serve — you oughta read this.

WASHINGTON ― Senate Republicans are confirming so many of President Donald Trump’s nominees to lifetime federal court seats, it’s hard to keep up. Who are these people? What difference will they make in my life, anyway?

You’re in luck: We’re going to break it down here!

Two and a half years in, what stands out about Trump’s confirmed judges isn’t just the quantity, which is remarkable ― two Supreme Court justices, a record-breaking 43 appeals court judges and 99 district court judges.

It’s that a chunk of his judges shouldn’t be on the bench at all because they aren’t qualified or they’re so ideologically extreme that it’s next to impossible to imagine them as fair arbiters of justice. These judges are now on federal courts at every level, from the Supreme Court to appeals courts, which have the final say in nearly all federal cases, down to district courts, where these cases are first filed. For the appeals court judges in particular, the decisions these people make will affect you and millions of other people for generations.

“It is important for the public to appreciate that appeals court appointees serve on courts that are the courts of last resort for 99.9% of cases in their regions of the U.S. on issues like capital punishment, abortion, same-sex marriage, immigration, etc.,” said Carl Tobias, a University of Richmond law professor and an expert on federal judicial nominations. “The key is they resolve 50,000 cases per year and the Supreme Court resolves 100.”

Here’s a snapshot of Trump’s most alarming judges to date. Incredibly, all but one (Wendy Vitter) is or was a member of the Federalist Society, a conservative lawyers’ group that has effectively been picking Trump’s judicial nominees for him. There is a clear theme to these judges, too: They have records of being anti-LGBTQ, anti-abortion and anti-voting rights.

Much More: Unqualified And Ideological: A Guide To Trump's Worst Judges

Wow, you really should read the details in the above link. Seriously! Please give your opinion as to whether you think these people are fit for the job.

When your Huffington Post article starts off by describing the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh as "credible"...the article lost all credibility itself, Lakhota! The fact of the matter is...the charges against Kavanaugh were not credible at all. That confirmation hearing was a disgusting display of the left trying to smear a good man's reputation with a parade of laughably flawed accusers!
If you care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights — or about judges being fit to serve — you oughta read this.

WASHINGTON ― Senate Republicans are confirming so many of President Donald Trump’s nominees to lifetime federal court seats, it’s hard to keep up. Who are these people? What difference will they make in my life, anyway?

You’re in luck: We’re going to break it down here!

Two and a half years in, what stands out about Trump’s confirmed judges isn’t just the quantity, which is remarkable ― two Supreme Court justices, a record-breaking 43 appeals court judges and 99 district court judges.

It’s that a chunk of his judges shouldn’t be on the bench at all because they aren’t qualified or they’re so ideologically extreme that it’s next to impossible to imagine them as fair arbiters of justice. These judges are now on federal courts at every level, from the Supreme Court to appeals courts, which have the final say in nearly all federal cases, down to district courts, where these cases are first filed. For the appeals court judges in particular, the decisions these people make will affect you and millions of other people for generations.

“It is important for the public to appreciate that appeals court appointees serve on courts that are the courts of last resort for 99.9% of cases in their regions of the U.S. on issues like capital punishment, abortion, same-sex marriage, immigration, etc.,” said Carl Tobias, a University of Richmond law professor and an expert on federal judicial nominations. “The key is they resolve 50,000 cases per year and the Supreme Court resolves 100.”

Here’s a snapshot of Trump’s most alarming judges to date. Incredibly, all but one (Wendy Vitter) is or was a member of the Federalist Society, a conservative lawyers’ group that has effectively been picking Trump’s judicial nominees for him. There is a clear theme to these judges, too: They have records of being anti-LGBTQ, anti-abortion and anti-voting rights.

Much More: Unqualified And Ideological: A Guide To Trump's Worst Judges

Wow, you really should read the details in the above link. Seriously! Please give your opinion as to whether you think these people are fit for the job.

Whatever gave you the idea that I care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights? Women already have the same if not more rights than I have, so do Sodomites, and so does anyone who wants to vote.

I think you're just imagining problems where no problems really exist.

Problems actually DO exist with these worthless monkey white-trash guys' continual assaults on the rights of female and LGBT Americans and those who wish to exercise their rights to vote. We need to preserve the rights of Americans and these guys are trying to take them away. Women are not going to be sex slaves, LGBTs are not going away, and everyone will vote, thank you.

Why you talk such crazy shit?

Why is this "crazy shit" when this scum are actually aggressively turning on their fellow humans and fellow Americans? The rest of us, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnic origin have the right to defend ourselves from this vermin. There is no excuse for them.
If you care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights — or about judges being fit to serve — you oughta read this.

WASHINGTON ― Senate Republicans are confirming so many of President Donald Trump’s nominees to lifetime federal court seats, it’s hard to keep up. Who are these people? What difference will they make in my life, anyway?

You’re in luck: We’re going to break it down here!

Two and a half years in, what stands out about Trump’s confirmed judges isn’t just the quantity, which is remarkable ― two Supreme Court justices, a record-breaking 43 appeals court judges and 99 district court judges.

It’s that a chunk of his judges shouldn’t be on the bench at all because they aren’t qualified or they’re so ideologically extreme that it’s next to impossible to imagine them as fair arbiters of justice. These judges are now on federal courts at every level, from the Supreme Court to appeals courts, which have the final say in nearly all federal cases, down to district courts, where these cases are first filed. For the appeals court judges in particular, the decisions these people make will affect you and millions of other people for generations.

“It is important for the public to appreciate that appeals court appointees serve on courts that are the courts of last resort for 99.9% of cases in their regions of the U.S. on issues like capital punishment, abortion, same-sex marriage, immigration, etc.,” said Carl Tobias, a University of Richmond law professor and an expert on federal judicial nominations. “The key is they resolve 50,000 cases per year and the Supreme Court resolves 100.”

Here’s a snapshot of Trump’s most alarming judges to date. Incredibly, all but one (Wendy Vitter) is or was a member of the Federalist Society, a conservative lawyers’ group that has effectively been picking Trump’s judicial nominees for him. There is a clear theme to these judges, too: They have records of being anti-LGBTQ, anti-abortion and anti-voting rights.

Much More: Unqualified And Ideological: A Guide To Trump's Worst Judges

Wow, you really should read the details in the above link. Seriously! Please give your opinion as to whether you think these people are fit for the job.

Whatever gave you the idea that I care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights? Women already have the same if not more rights than I have, so do Sodomites, and so does anyone who wants to vote.

I think you're just imagining problems where no problems really exist.

Problems actually DO exist with these worthless monkey white-trash guys' continual assaults on the rights of female and LGBT Americans and those who wish to exercise their rights to vote. We need to preserve the rights of Americans and these guys are trying to take them away. Women are not going to be sex slaves, LGBTs are not going away, and everyone will vote, thank you.

Why you talk such crazy shit?

Why is this "crazy shit" when this scum are actually aggressively turning on their fellow humans and fellow Americans? The rest of us, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnic origin have the right to defend ourselves from this vermin. There is no excuse for them.

Why is it always "the rest of us" with you zipperheads? Like you're a majority or something? Like you're the self-appointed spokesperson the everyone in this country?

The truth is, you might think you're a "majority", but you're not. You're actually a minority. A very loud and obnoxious minority, but still a minority. Most of the people in this country disagree with you, your politics, and your distorted view of the world, whether you want to believe that or not.

Maybe you should spend a little less time listening to your puppet-masters on the fake news channels and late-night comedians. Maybe you should learn to think for yourself, that is if you have the brain capacity to do so. Otherwise, carry on and keep following the rest of the lemmings over the cliff. I really don't care one way or the other.
If you care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights — or about judges being fit to serve — you oughta read this.

WASHINGTON ― Senate Republicans are confirming so many of President Donald Trump’s nominees to lifetime federal court seats, it’s hard to keep up. Who are these people? What difference will they make in my life, anyway?

You’re in luck: We’re going to break it down here!

Two and a half years in, what stands out about Trump’s confirmed judges isn’t just the quantity, which is remarkable ― two Supreme Court justices, a record-breaking 43 appeals court judges and 99 district court judges.

It’s that a chunk of his judges shouldn’t be on the bench at all because they aren’t qualified or they’re so ideologically extreme that it’s next to impossible to imagine them as fair arbiters of justice. These judges are now on federal courts at every level, from the Supreme Court to appeals courts, which have the final say in nearly all federal cases, down to district courts, where these cases are first filed. For the appeals court judges in particular, the decisions these people make will affect you and millions of other people for generations.

“It is important for the public to appreciate that appeals court appointees serve on courts that are the courts of last resort for 99.9% of cases in their regions of the U.S. on issues like capital punishment, abortion, same-sex marriage, immigration, etc.,” said Carl Tobias, a University of Richmond law professor and an expert on federal judicial nominations. “The key is they resolve 50,000 cases per year and the Supreme Court resolves 100.”

Here’s a snapshot of Trump’s most alarming judges to date. Incredibly, all but one (Wendy Vitter) is or was a member of the Federalist Society, a conservative lawyers’ group that has effectively been picking Trump’s judicial nominees for him. There is a clear theme to these judges, too: They have records of being anti-LGBTQ, anti-abortion and anti-voting rights.

Much More: Unqualified And Ideological: A Guide To Trump's Worst Judges

Wow, you really should read the details in the above link. Seriously! Please give your opinion as to whether you think these people are fit for the job.

Whatever gave you the idea that I care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights? Women already have the same if not more rights than I have, so do Sodomites, and so does anyone who wants to vote.

I think you're just imagining problems where no problems really exist.

Problems actually DO exist with these worthless monkey white-trash guys' continual assaults on the rights of female and LGBT Americans and those who wish to exercise their rights to vote. We need to preserve the rights of Americans and these guys are trying to take them away. Women are not going to be sex slaves, LGBTs are not going away, and everyone will vote, thank you.

Why you talk such crazy shit?

Why is this "crazy shit" when this scum are actually aggressively turning on their fellow humans and fellow Americans? The rest of us, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnic origin have the right to defend ourselves from this vermin. There is no excuse for them.

Why is it always "the rest of us" with you zipperheads? Like you're a majority or something? Like you're the self-appointed spokesperson the everyone in this country?

The truth is, you might think you're a "majority", but you're not. You're actually a minority. A very loud and obnoxious minority, but still a minority. Most of the people in this country disagree with you, your politics, and your distorted view of the world, whether you want to believe that or not.

Maybe you should spend a little less time listening to your puppet-masters on the fake news channels and late-night comedians. Maybe you should learn to think for yourself, that is if you have the brain capacity to do so. Otherwise, carry on and keep following the rest of the lemmings over the cliff. I really don't care one way or the other.

You are a complete jackass if you would ever think that I would follow anyone blindly. This is why I have never marched behind popes or priests or "preacher" types. You assume that I watch late-night comedians and "fake news" channels, when I watch only credible news channels before turning to a fiction show or a book. Do you think that I should believe in the orange whore, pigpence, frankie graham, focus on the family, jeffress? What a hoot! As for politics, I prefer to READ presentations detailing whatever policy question is at issue. You are the one who needs to learn to think for himself, instead of marching lock-step behind these clowns through blind loyalty and ignorance.

You use terms like "most of the people" without any proof of the truth of the matter. The "rest of us" means the aggregate of all the groups that this scummy sub-group of white, heterosexual, trash-cult males has continued to attack. I emphasize the term "sub-group" because most white, heterosexual males are decent people.
Whatever gave you the idea that I care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights? Women already have the same if not more rights than I have, so do Sodomites, and so does anyone who wants to vote.

I think you're just imagining problems where no problems really exist.

Problems actually DO exist with these worthless monkey white-trash guys' continual assaults on the rights of female and LGBT Americans and those who wish to exercise their rights to vote. We need to preserve the rights of Americans and these guys are trying to take them away. Women are not going to be sex slaves, LGBTs are not going away, and everyone will vote, thank you.

Why you talk such crazy shit?

Why is this "crazy shit" when this scum are actually aggressively turning on their fellow humans and fellow Americans? The rest of us, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnic origin have the right to defend ourselves from this vermin. There is no excuse for them.

Why is it always "the rest of us" with you zipperheads? Like you're a majority or something? Like you're the self-appointed spokesperson the everyone in this country?

The truth is, you might think you're a "majority", but you're not. You're actually a minority. A very loud and obnoxious minority, but still a minority. Most of the people in this country disagree with you, your politics, and your distorted view of the world, whether you want to believe that or not.

Maybe you should spend a little less time listening to your puppet-masters on the fake news channels and late-night comedians. Maybe you should learn to think for yourself, that is if you have the brain capacity to do so. Otherwise, carry on and keep following the rest of the lemmings over the cliff. I really don't care one way or the other.

You are a complete jackass if you would ever think that I would follow anyone blindly. This is why I have never marched behind popes or priests or "preacher" types. You assume that I watch late-night comedians and "fake news" channels, when I watch only credible news channels before turning to a fiction show or a book. Do you think that I should believe in the orange whore, pigpence, frankie graham, focus on the family, jeffress? What a hoot! As for politics, I prefer to READ presentations detailing whatever policy question is at issue. You are the one who needs to learn to think for himself, instead of marching lock-step behind these clowns through blind loyalty and ignorance.

You use terms like "most of the people" without any proof of the truth of the matter. The "rest of us" means the aggregate of all the groups that this scummy sub-group of white, heterosexual, trash-cult males has continued to attack. I emphasize the term "sub-group" because most white, heterosexual males are decent people.

Maybe it's just me, but you're cute when you're angry. :laughing0301:
Problems actually DO exist with these worthless monkey white-trash guys' continual assaults on the rights of female and LGBT Americans and those who wish to exercise their rights to vote. We need to preserve the rights of Americans and these guys are trying to take them away. Women are not going to be sex slaves, LGBTs are not going away, and everyone will vote, thank you.

Why you talk such crazy shit?

Why is this "crazy shit" when this scum are actually aggressively turning on their fellow humans and fellow Americans? The rest of us, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnic origin have the right to defend ourselves from this vermin. There is no excuse for them.

Why is it always "the rest of us" with you zipperheads? Like you're a majority or something? Like you're the self-appointed spokesperson the everyone in this country?

The truth is, you might think you're a "majority", but you're not. You're actually a minority. A very loud and obnoxious minority, but still a minority. Most of the people in this country disagree with you, your politics, and your distorted view of the world, whether you want to believe that or not.

Maybe you should spend a little less time listening to your puppet-masters on the fake news channels and late-night comedians. Maybe you should learn to think for yourself, that is if you have the brain capacity to do so. Otherwise, carry on and keep following the rest of the lemmings over the cliff. I really don't care one way or the other.

You are a complete jackass if you would ever think that I would follow anyone blindly. This is why I have never marched behind popes or priests or "preacher" types. You assume that I watch late-night comedians and "fake news" channels, when I watch only credible news channels before turning to a fiction show or a book. Do you think that I should believe in the orange whore, pigpence, frankie graham, focus on the family, jeffress? What a hoot! As for politics, I prefer to READ presentations detailing whatever policy question is at issue. You are the one who needs to learn to think for himself, instead of marching lock-step behind these clowns through blind loyalty and ignorance.

You use terms like "most of the people" without any proof of the truth of the matter. The "rest of us" means the aggregate of all the groups that this scummy sub-group of white, heterosexual, trash-cult males has continued to attack. I emphasize the term "sub-group" because most white, heterosexual males are decent people.

Maybe it's just me, but you're cute when you're angry. :laughing0301:

This is the sort of stupid patronizing comment that I would expect from someone like you, who apparently cannot take on the issues. Go away, little boy. You apparently cannot deal with substance.
Why you talk such crazy shit?

Why is this "crazy shit" when this scum are actually aggressively turning on their fellow humans and fellow Americans? The rest of us, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnic origin have the right to defend ourselves from this vermin. There is no excuse for them.

Why is it always "the rest of us" with you zipperheads? Like you're a majority or something? Like you're the self-appointed spokesperson the everyone in this country?

The truth is, you might think you're a "majority", but you're not. You're actually a minority. A very loud and obnoxious minority, but still a minority. Most of the people in this country disagree with you, your politics, and your distorted view of the world, whether you want to believe that or not.

Maybe you should spend a little less time listening to your puppet-masters on the fake news channels and late-night comedians. Maybe you should learn to think for yourself, that is if you have the brain capacity to do so. Otherwise, carry on and keep following the rest of the lemmings over the cliff. I really don't care one way or the other.

You are a complete jackass if you would ever think that I would follow anyone blindly. This is why I have never marched behind popes or priests or "preacher" types. You assume that I watch late-night comedians and "fake news" channels, when I watch only credible news channels before turning to a fiction show or a book. Do you think that I should believe in the orange whore, pigpence, frankie graham, focus on the family, jeffress? What a hoot! As for politics, I prefer to READ presentations detailing whatever policy question is at issue. You are the one who needs to learn to think for himself, instead of marching lock-step behind these clowns through blind loyalty and ignorance.

You use terms like "most of the people" without any proof of the truth of the matter. The "rest of us" means the aggregate of all the groups that this scummy sub-group of white, heterosexual, trash-cult males has continued to attack. I emphasize the term "sub-group" because most white, heterosexual males are decent people.

Maybe it's just me, but you're cute when you're angry. :laughing0301:

This is the sort of stupid patronizing comment that I would expect from someone like you, who apparently cannot take on the issues. Go away, little boy. You apparently cannot deal with substance.

Whatever, little lady.
If you care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights — or about judges being fit to serve — you oughta read this.

WASHINGTON ― Senate Republicans are confirming so many of President Donald Trump’s nominees to lifetime federal court seats, it’s hard to keep up. Who are these people? What difference will they make in my life, anyway?

You’re in luck: We’re going to break it down here!

Two and a half years in, what stands out about Trump’s confirmed judges isn’t just the quantity, which is remarkable ― two Supreme Court justices, a record-breaking 43 appeals court judges and 99 district court judges.

It’s that a chunk of his judges shouldn’t be on the bench at all because they aren’t qualified or they’re so ideologically extreme that it’s next to impossible to imagine them as fair arbiters of justice. These judges are now on federal courts at every level, from the Supreme Court to appeals courts, which have the final say in nearly all federal cases, down to district courts, where these cases are first filed. For the appeals court judges in particular, the decisions these people make will affect you and millions of other people for generations.

“It is important for the public to appreciate that appeals court appointees serve on courts that are the courts of last resort for 99.9% of cases in their regions of the U.S. on issues like capital punishment, abortion, same-sex marriage, immigration, etc.,” said Carl Tobias, a University of Richmond law professor and an expert on federal judicial nominations. “The key is they resolve 50,000 cases per year and the Supreme Court resolves 100.”

Here’s a snapshot of Trump’s most alarming judges to date. Incredibly, all but one (Wendy Vitter) is or was a member of the Federalist Society, a conservative lawyers’ group that has effectively been picking Trump’s judicial nominees for him. There is a clear theme to these judges, too: They have records of being anti-LGBTQ, anti-abortion and anti-voting rights.

Much More: Unqualified And Ideological: A Guide To Trump's Worst Judges

Wow, you really should read the details in the above link. Seriously! Please give your opinion as to whether you think these people are fit for the job.

Whatever gave you the idea that I care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights? Women already have the same if not more rights than I have, so do Sodomites, and so does anyone who wants to vote.

I think you're just imagining problems where no problems really exist.

Problems actually DO exist with these worthless monkey white-trash guys' continual assaults on the rights of female and LGBT Americans and those who wish to exercise their rights to vote. We need to preserve the rights of Americans and these guys are trying to take them away. Women are not going to be sex slaves, LGBTs are not going away, and everyone will vote, thank you.

Why you talk such crazy shit?

Why is this "crazy shit" when this scum are actually aggressively turning on their fellow humans and fellow Americans? The rest of us, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnic origin have the right to defend ourselves from this vermin. There is no excuse for them.

Hurting your feelings is not an attack, you crazy bitch

You move to "self defense" because someone hurt your feelings? You are a thug and a bully.

YOu are the bad guy.
Problems actually DO exist with these worthless monkey white-trash guys' continual assaults on the rights of female and LGBT Americans and those who wish to exercise their rights to vote. We need to preserve the rights of Americans and these guys are trying to take them away. Women are not going to be sex slaves, LGBTs are not going away, and everyone will vote, thank you.

Why you talk such crazy shit?

Why is this "crazy shit" when this scum are actually aggressively turning on their fellow humans and fellow Americans? The rest of us, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnic origin have the right to defend ourselves from this vermin. There is no excuse for them.

Why is it always "the rest of us" with you zipperheads? Like you're a majority or something? Like you're the self-appointed spokesperson the everyone in this country?

The truth is, you might think you're a "majority", but you're not. You're actually a minority. A very loud and obnoxious minority, but still a minority. Most of the people in this country disagree with you, your politics, and your distorted view of the world, whether you want to believe that or not.

Maybe you should spend a little less time listening to your puppet-masters on the fake news channels and late-night comedians. Maybe you should learn to think for yourself, that is if you have the brain capacity to do so. Otherwise, carry on and keep following the rest of the lemmings over the cliff. I really don't care one way or the other.

You are a complete jackass if you would ever think that I would follow anyone blindly. This is why I have never marched behind popes or priests or "preacher" types. You assume that I watch late-night comedians and "fake news" channels, when I watch only credible news channels before turning to a fiction show or a book. Do you think that I should believe in the orange whore, pigpence, frankie graham, focus on the family, jeffress? What a hoot! As for politics, I prefer to READ presentations detailing whatever policy question is at issue. You are the one who needs to learn to think for himself, instead of marching lock-step behind these clowns through blind loyalty and ignorance.

You use terms like "most of the people" without any proof of the truth of the matter. The "rest of us" means the aggregate of all the groups that this scummy sub-group of white, heterosexual, trash-cult males has continued to attack. I emphasize the term "sub-group" because most white, heterosexual males are decent people.

Maybe it's just me, but you're cute when you're angry. :laughing0301:

It is just you. I find her ugly as sin.
If you care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights — or about judges being fit to serve — you oughta read this.

WASHINGTON ― Senate Republicans are confirming so many of President Donald Trump’s nominees to lifetime federal court seats, it’s hard to keep up. Who are these people? What difference will they make in my life, anyway?

You’re in luck: We’re going to break it down here!

Two and a half years in, what stands out about Trump’s confirmed judges isn’t just the quantity, which is remarkable ― two Supreme Court justices, a record-breaking 43 appeals court judges and 99 district court judges.

It’s that a chunk of his judges shouldn’t be on the bench at all because they aren’t qualified or they’re so ideologically extreme that it’s next to impossible to imagine them as fair arbiters of justice. These judges are now on federal courts at every level, from the Supreme Court to appeals courts, which have the final say in nearly all federal cases, down to district courts, where these cases are first filed. For the appeals court judges in particular, the decisions these people make will affect you and millions of other people for generations.

“It is important for the public to appreciate that appeals court appointees serve on courts that are the courts of last resort for 99.9% of cases in their regions of the U.S. on issues like capital punishment, abortion, same-sex marriage, immigration, etc.,” said Carl Tobias, a University of Richmond law professor and an expert on federal judicial nominations. “The key is they resolve 50,000 cases per year and the Supreme Court resolves 100.”

Here’s a snapshot of Trump’s most alarming judges to date. Incredibly, all but one (Wendy Vitter) is or was a member of the Federalist Society, a conservative lawyers’ group that has effectively been picking Trump’s judicial nominees for him. There is a clear theme to these judges, too: They have records of being anti-LGBTQ, anti-abortion and anti-voting rights.

Much More: Unqualified And Ideological: A Guide To Trump's Worst Judges

Wow, you really should read the details in the above link. Seriously! Please give your opinion as to whether you think these people are fit for the job.

Whatever gave you the idea that I care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights? Women already have the same if not more rights than I have, so do Sodomites, and so does anyone who wants to vote.

I think you're just imagining problems where no problems really exist.

Problems actually DO exist with these worthless monkey white-trash guys' continual assaults on the rights of female and LGBT Americans and those who wish to exercise their rights to vote. We need to preserve the rights of Americans and these guys are trying to take them away. Women are not going to be sex slaves, LGBTs are not going away, and everyone will vote, thank you.

Why you talk such crazy shit?

Why is this "crazy shit" when this scum are actually aggressively turning on their fellow humans and fellow Americans? The rest of us, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnic origin have the right to defend ourselves from this vermin. There is no excuse for them.

Hurting your feelings is not an attack, you crazy bitch

You move to "self defense" because someone hurt your feelings? You are a thug and a bully.

YOu are the bad guy.

I am not talking about hurt feelings. I am talking about abusing the powers of government to allow one group to be aggressive toward another group, and how we must all stand together to stop it by putting up a united front.
WASHINGTON ― The White House and Senate Republicans on Monday quietly advanced one of President Donald Trump’s most controversial judicial nominees to date, Steven Menashi, a legal aide to the president with a long record of opposing and undermining equality for communities of color, women and LGBTQ people.

Controversial Trump Court Pick Gets Expedited Senate Confirmation Hearing

Dangerous people.

Dangerous to feminism and diversity? Good if it is, but the perceived threat is probably blown way out of proportion .
If you care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights — or about judges being fit to serve — you oughta read this.

WASHINGTON ― Senate Republicans are confirming so many of President Donald Trump’s nominees to lifetime federal court seats, it’s hard to keep up. Who are these people? What difference will they make in my life, anyway?

You’re in luck: We’re going to break it down here!

Two and a half years in, what stands out about Trump’s confirmed judges isn’t just the quantity, which is remarkable ― two Supreme Court justices, a record-breaking 43 appeals court judges and 99 district court judges.

It’s that a chunk of his judges shouldn’t be on the bench at all because they aren’t qualified or they’re so ideologically extreme that it’s next to impossible to imagine them as fair arbiters of justice. These judges are now on federal courts at every level, from the Supreme Court to appeals courts, which have the final say in nearly all federal cases, down to district courts, where these cases are first filed. For the appeals court judges in particular, the decisions these people make will affect you and millions of other people for generations.

“It is important for the public to appreciate that appeals court appointees serve on courts that are the courts of last resort for 99.9% of cases in their regions of the U.S. on issues like capital punishment, abortion, same-sex marriage, immigration, etc.,” said Carl Tobias, a University of Richmond law professor and an expert on federal judicial nominations. “The key is they resolve 50,000 cases per year and the Supreme Court resolves 100.”

Here’s a snapshot of Trump’s most alarming judges to date. Incredibly, all but one (Wendy Vitter) is or was a member of the Federalist Society, a conservative lawyers’ group that has effectively been picking Trump’s judicial nominees for him. There is a clear theme to these judges, too: They have records of being anti-LGBTQ, anti-abortion and anti-voting rights.

Much More: Unqualified And Ideological: A Guide To Trump's Worst Judges

Wow, you really should read the details in the above link. Seriously! Please give your opinion as to whether you think these people are fit for the job.

Whatever gave you the idea that I care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights? Women already have the same if not more rights than I have, so do Sodomites, and so does anyone who wants to vote.

I think you're just imagining problems where no problems really exist.

Problems actually DO exist with these worthless monkey white-trash guys' continual assaults on the rights of female and LGBT Americans and those who wish to exercise their rights to vote. We need to preserve the rights of Americans and these guys are trying to take them away. Women are not going to be sex slaves, LGBTs are not going away, and everyone will vote, thank you.

You may have missed it, but Republicans made sure women, blacks, and other minorities got the right to vote a long time ago. Sex slavery has been outlawed for quite a long time as well. Everybody doesn't vote. They CAN, they just choose not to.
Whatever gave you the idea that I care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights? Women already have the same if not more rights than I have, so do Sodomites, and so does anyone who wants to vote.

I think you're just imagining problems where no problems really exist.

Problems actually DO exist with these worthless monkey white-trash guys' continual assaults on the rights of female and LGBT Americans and those who wish to exercise their rights to vote. We need to preserve the rights of Americans and these guys are trying to take them away. Women are not going to be sex slaves, LGBTs are not going away, and everyone will vote, thank you.

Why you talk such crazy shit?

Why is this "crazy shit" when this scum are actually aggressively turning on their fellow humans and fellow Americans? The rest of us, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnic origin have the right to defend ourselves from this vermin. There is no excuse for them.

Hurting your feelings is not an attack, you crazy bitch

You move to "self defense" because someone hurt your feelings? You are a thug and a bully.

YOu are the bad guy.

I am not talking about hurt feelings. I am talking about abusing the powers of government to allow one group to be aggressive toward another group, and how we must all stand together to stop it by putting up a united front.

"Be aggressive"? LOL!!!

You are talking about hurt feelings, to justify violence and/or police action(s).
If you care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights — or about judges being fit to serve — you oughta read this.

WASHINGTON ― Senate Republicans are confirming so many of President Donald Trump’s nominees to lifetime federal court seats, it’s hard to keep up. Who are these people? What difference will they make in my life, anyway?

You’re in luck: We’re going to break it down here!

Two and a half years in, what stands out about Trump’s confirmed judges isn’t just the quantity, which is remarkable ― two Supreme Court justices, a record-breaking 43 appeals court judges and 99 district court judges.

It’s that a chunk of his judges shouldn’t be on the bench at all because they aren’t qualified or they’re so ideologically extreme that it’s next to impossible to imagine them as fair arbiters of justice. These judges are now on federal courts at every level, from the Supreme Court to appeals courts, which have the final say in nearly all federal cases, down to district courts, where these cases are first filed. For the appeals court judges in particular, the decisions these people make will affect you and millions of other people for generations.

“It is important for the public to appreciate that appeals court appointees serve on courts that are the courts of last resort for 99.9% of cases in their regions of the U.S. on issues like capital punishment, abortion, same-sex marriage, immigration, etc.,” said Carl Tobias, a University of Richmond law professor and an expert on federal judicial nominations. “The key is they resolve 50,000 cases per year and the Supreme Court resolves 100.”

Here’s a snapshot of Trump’s most alarming judges to date. Incredibly, all but one (Wendy Vitter) is or was a member of the Federalist Society, a conservative lawyers’ group that has effectively been picking Trump’s judicial nominees for him. There is a clear theme to these judges, too: They have records of being anti-LGBTQ, anti-abortion and anti-voting rights.

Much More: Unqualified And Ideological: A Guide To Trump's Worst Judges

Wow, you really should read the details in the above link. Seriously! Please give your opinion as to whether you think these people are fit for the job.

Whatever gave you the idea that I care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights? Women already have the same if not more rights than I have, so do Sodomites, and so does anyone who wants to vote.

I think you're just imagining problems where no problems really exist.

Problems actually DO exist with these worthless monkey white-trash guys' continual assaults on the rights of female and LGBT Americans and those who wish to exercise their rights to vote. We need to preserve the rights of Americans and these guys are trying to take them away. Women are not going to be sex slaves, LGBTs are not going away, and everyone will vote, thank you.

Well aren't you a little Ms. Potty Mouth? I love it when a woman talks dirty to me.
She has been wishing she was someone's sex slave for years. Poor thing is obsessed with longing and no one wants her.
If you care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights — or about judges being fit to serve — you oughta read this.

WASHINGTON ― Senate Republicans are confirming so many of President Donald Trump’s nominees to lifetime federal court seats, it’s hard to keep up. Who are these people? What difference will they make in my life, anyway?

You’re in luck: We’re going to break it down here!

Two and a half years in, what stands out about Trump’s confirmed judges isn’t just the quantity, which is remarkable ― two Supreme Court justices, a record-breaking 43 appeals court judges and 99 district court judges.

It’s that a chunk of his judges shouldn’t be on the bench at all because they aren’t qualified or they’re so ideologically extreme that it’s next to impossible to imagine them as fair arbiters of justice. These judges are now on federal courts at every level, from the Supreme Court to appeals courts, which have the final say in nearly all federal cases, down to district courts, where these cases are first filed. For the appeals court judges in particular, the decisions these people make will affect you and millions of other people for generations.

“It is important for the public to appreciate that appeals court appointees serve on courts that are the courts of last resort for 99.9% of cases in their regions of the U.S. on issues like capital punishment, abortion, same-sex marriage, immigration, etc.,” said Carl Tobias, a University of Richmond law professor and an expert on federal judicial nominations. “The key is they resolve 50,000 cases per year and the Supreme Court resolves 100.”

Here’s a snapshot of Trump’s most alarming judges to date. Incredibly, all but one (Wendy Vitter) is or was a member of the Federalist Society, a conservative lawyers’ group that has effectively been picking Trump’s judicial nominees for him. There is a clear theme to these judges, too: They have records of being anti-LGBTQ, anti-abortion and anti-voting rights.

Much More: Unqualified And Ideological: A Guide To Trump's Worst Judges

Wow, you really should read the details in the above link. Seriously! Please give your opinion as to whether you think these people are fit for the job.

Whatever gave you the idea that I care about women’s rights, LGBTQ rights or voting rights? Women already have the same if not more rights than I have, so do Sodomites, and so does anyone who wants to vote.

I think you're just imagining problems where no problems really exist.

Problems actually DO exist with these worthless monkey white-trash guys' continual assaults on the rights of female and LGBT Americans and those who wish to exercise their rights to vote. We need to preserve the rights of Americans and these guys are trying to take them away. Women are not going to be sex slaves, LGBTs are not going away, and everyone will vote, thank you.

Well aren't you a little Ms. Potty Mouth? I love it when a woman talks dirty to me.
She has been wishing she was someone's sex slave for years. Poor thing is obsessed with longing and no one wants her.

I could tell she has the hots for me. :biggrin:
Why you talk such crazy shit?

Why is this "crazy shit" when this scum are actually aggressively turning on their fellow humans and fellow Americans? The rest of us, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnic origin have the right to defend ourselves from this vermin. There is no excuse for them.

Why is it always "the rest of us" with you zipperheads? Like you're a majority or something? Like you're the self-appointed spokesperson the everyone in this country?

The truth is, you might think you're a "majority", but you're not. You're actually a minority. A very loud and obnoxious minority, but still a minority. Most of the people in this country disagree with you, your politics, and your distorted view of the world, whether you want to believe that or not.

Maybe you should spend a little less time listening to your puppet-masters on the fake news channels and late-night comedians. Maybe you should learn to think for yourself, that is if you have the brain capacity to do so. Otherwise, carry on and keep following the rest of the lemmings over the cliff. I really don't care one way or the other.

You are a complete jackass if you would ever think that I would follow anyone blindly. This is why I have never marched behind popes or priests or "preacher" types. You assume that I watch late-night comedians and "fake news" channels, when I watch only credible news channels before turning to a fiction show or a book. Do you think that I should believe in the orange whore, pigpence, frankie graham, focus on the family, jeffress? What a hoot! As for politics, I prefer to READ presentations detailing whatever policy question is at issue. You are the one who needs to learn to think for himself, instead of marching lock-step behind these clowns through blind loyalty and ignorance.

You use terms like "most of the people" without any proof of the truth of the matter. The "rest of us" means the aggregate of all the groups that this scummy sub-group of white, heterosexual, trash-cult males has continued to attack. I emphasize the term "sub-group" because most white, heterosexual males are decent people.

Maybe it's just me, but you're cute when you're angry. :laughing0301:

It is just you. I find her ugly as sin.

Since we have never met or posted our pictures, you all are full of shit. If you guys are anything like the republican "Christian" guys I've seen, I will opt for "conversion therapy" to become a lesbian. Men who call themselves "conservatives" are usually the ugliest of the lot.
Why is this "crazy shit" when this scum are actually aggressively turning on their fellow humans and fellow Americans? The rest of us, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and ethnic origin have the right to defend ourselves from this vermin. There is no excuse for them.

Why is it always "the rest of us" with you zipperheads? Like you're a majority or something? Like you're the self-appointed spokesperson the everyone in this country?

The truth is, you might think you're a "majority", but you're not. You're actually a minority. A very loud and obnoxious minority, but still a minority. Most of the people in this country disagree with you, your politics, and your distorted view of the world, whether you want to believe that or not.

Maybe you should spend a little less time listening to your puppet-masters on the fake news channels and late-night comedians. Maybe you should learn to think for yourself, that is if you have the brain capacity to do so. Otherwise, carry on and keep following the rest of the lemmings over the cliff. I really don't care one way or the other.

You are a complete jackass if you would ever think that I would follow anyone blindly. This is why I have never marched behind popes or priests or "preacher" types. You assume that I watch late-night comedians and "fake news" channels, when I watch only credible news channels before turning to a fiction show or a book. Do you think that I should believe in the orange whore, pigpence, frankie graham, focus on the family, jeffress? What a hoot! As for politics, I prefer to READ presentations detailing whatever policy question is at issue. You are the one who needs to learn to think for himself, instead of marching lock-step behind these clowns through blind loyalty and ignorance.

You use terms like "most of the people" without any proof of the truth of the matter. The "rest of us" means the aggregate of all the groups that this scummy sub-group of white, heterosexual, trash-cult males has continued to attack. I emphasize the term "sub-group" because most white, heterosexual males are decent people.

Maybe it's just me, but you're cute when you're angry. :laughing0301:

It is just you. I find her ugly as sin.

Since we have never met or posted our pictures, you all are full of shit. If you guys are anything like the republican "Christian" guys I've seen, I will opt for "conversion therapy" to become a lesbian. Men who call themselves "conservatives" are usually the ugliest of the lot.

How would that be a problem? What red-blooded male would pass up a threesome with two lesbians?
Why is it always "the rest of us" with you zipperheads? Like you're a majority or something? Like you're the self-appointed spokesperson the everyone in this country?

The truth is, you might think you're a "majority", but you're not. You're actually a minority. A very loud and obnoxious minority, but still a minority. Most of the people in this country disagree with you, your politics, and your distorted view of the world, whether you want to believe that or not.

Maybe you should spend a little less time listening to your puppet-masters on the fake news channels and late-night comedians. Maybe you should learn to think for yourself, that is if you have the brain capacity to do so. Otherwise, carry on and keep following the rest of the lemmings over the cliff. I really don't care one way or the other.

You are a complete jackass if you would ever think that I would follow anyone blindly. This is why I have never marched behind popes or priests or "preacher" types. You assume that I watch late-night comedians and "fake news" channels, when I watch only credible news channels before turning to a fiction show or a book. Do you think that I should believe in the orange whore, pigpence, frankie graham, focus on the family, jeffress? What a hoot! As for politics, I prefer to READ presentations detailing whatever policy question is at issue. You are the one who needs to learn to think for himself, instead of marching lock-step behind these clowns through blind loyalty and ignorance.

You use terms like "most of the people" without any proof of the truth of the matter. The "rest of us" means the aggregate of all the groups that this scummy sub-group of white, heterosexual, trash-cult males has continued to attack. I emphasize the term "sub-group" because most white, heterosexual males are decent people.

Maybe it's just me, but you're cute when you're angry. :laughing0301:

It is just you. I find her ugly as sin.

Since we have never met or posted our pictures, you all are full of shit. If you guys are anything like the republican "Christian" guys I've seen, I will opt for "conversion therapy" to become a lesbian. Men who call themselves "conservatives" are usually the ugliest of the lot.

How would that be a problem? What red-blooded male would pass up a threesome with two lesbians?

Typical response from somebody who is obsessed with sex, scared of women and LGBTs, and probably never graduated from anywhere. It's never too late to grow up.

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