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UNRWA calls Gaza 'disaster area,' pleads for end to Israeli blockade

Zionism was a creation of the 1800s in Europe and it's purpose was to ethnically cleanse Palestine of nonJews.

ZIONISM was created to steal and kill.

An Ideology straight from Hell, that shall send it's adherents all straight to hell if they keep embracing it.

Zionism was supposed to have a home in East Africa, not Israel.
Try again.
A Child defending her peoples very own child killings, that is rich!
Not only are you a copycat (#128 piggy-backing on top of #126) and suffer from a lack of originality, but you are operating under the delusion that you have a sense of humor.

Your promotion of Islamo-Fascism and its practitioners and syncophants is the only defense of child-killing going-on, on these boards.

Hollie is doing no more than ensuring that both perspectives in these matters (such as the Israeli AND Egyptian blockade of Gaza) are made known...

And having fun channeling you-and-yours into foolhardy and juvenile and robotic behaviors while she's at it.

Hollie is a child, not a fact I have any obligation to keep silent about. I have been posting about it for a long time; it did not begin with this thread.

Final words for you now, fuck you and all your fellow defenders of Israel's child killings in Palestine.

I am not one to be silenced by Zionist bullies like you, no matter how low your techniques go.
My, my, my... such nastiness, coming from a self-proclaimed Christian lady...

How do you know that Hollie is a child?

Does she have an online social media presence, such as Facebook, on which you have learned something about her, personally?

Such as where she lives, and whom she is married to, and whether her husband comes from hostile country A or B, or whether her husband drives trucks for a living, or whatever?

Here, she is merely doing no more than providing her own input and perspective on the Israeli-Egyptian Blockade of Gaza, and having to dodge bullets from you-and-yours while she's doing it.

As to your 'final' words for me... well... Jesus would not approve of you saying such things.

As to 'bullying'... I have no idea how one uses words on an electronic message board, to bully somebody, when discussing topics, or even counterpointing personal attacks.

As to 'silencing'... why-ever in the world would someone want to silence you?

Within the narrow confines of this particular board system...

You are the greatest thing to happen to the Israeli Cause since sliced bread...

Your post-content and mannerisms and behaviors make more friends for Israel and convince more fence-sitters to stay on the fence or to climb-down on the Israeli side than any ten other pro-Palestinian / pro-Muslim / pro-Islamo-Fascism posters subscribing to this system.

Unwittingly, you're the best friend Israel HAS on this board system.

Evincing a discernible likely similarity to Tokyo Rose or Lord Haw-Haw.

Silence you?

Hell no!

Keep it up.

You're doing great! --- for the Israeli side.
A Child defending her peoples very own child killings, that is rich!
Not only are you a copycat (#128 piggy-backing on top of #126) and suffer from a lack of originality, but you are operating under the delusion that you have a sense of humor.

Your promotion of Islamo-Fascism and its practitioners and syncophants is the only defense of child-killing going-on, on these boards.

Hollie is doing no more than ensuring that both perspectives in these matters (such as the Israeli AND Egyptian blockade of Gaza) are made known...

And having fun channeling you-and-yours into foolhardy and juvenile and robotic behaviors while she's at it.

Hollie is a child, not a fact I have any obligation to keep silent about. I have been posting about it for a long time; it did not begin with this thread.

Final words for you now, fuck you and all your fellow defenders of Israel's child killings in Palestine.

I am not one to be silenced by Zionist bullies like you, no matter how low your techniques go.

I doubt if genteel church ladies use vulgarities, but it is funny how many of those when they first come to America learn how to curse in English. I wonder how you say that in Farsi. However, it certainly looks like the Farsi-speaking posters don't seem to mind all the child killings committed by their fellow Muslims. They certainly have no problem overlooking that.
A Child defending her peoples very own child killings, that is rich!
Not only are you a copycat (#128 piggy-backing on top of #126) and suffer from a lack of originality, but you are operating under the delusion that you have a sense of humor.

Your promotion of Islamo-Fascism and its practitioners and syncophants is the only defense of child-killing going-on, on these boards.

Hollie is doing no more than ensuring that both perspectives in these matters (such as the Israeli AND Egyptian blockade of Gaza) are made known...

And having fun channeling you-and-yours into foolhardy and juvenile and robotic behaviors while she's at it.

Hollie is a child, not a fact I have any obligation to keep silent about. I have been posting about it for a long time; it did not begin with this thread.

Final words for you now, fuck you and all your fellow defenders of Israel's child killings in Palestine.

I am not one to be silenced by Zionist bullies like you, no matter how low your techniques go.

Oh my, Mahmoud. You are quite the foul mouth.

You seethe with phony, contrived, self-righteous contempt over the invention of Israeli oppression of Arabs who are an immigrant people, yet when Arab Islamic terrorists have the real thing going on in full swing in Gaza'istan, we don't hear so much as bong-cough.
Zionism was a creation of the 1800s in Europe and it's purpose was to ethnically cleanse Palestine of nonJews.

ZIONISM was created to steal and kill.

An Ideology straight from Hell, that shall send it's adherents all straight to hell if they keep embracing it.

Zionism was supposed to have a home in East Africa, not Israel.
Try again.

Zionists were offered land in s america AND russia...they rejected both. It was the palistinian's land or nothing.
West of gaza is the sea. The west bank is east.


Once again, your historical chronology is incorrect.

And where is the help from all of their wealthy fellow citizens just to their West?

Start the clock at the beginning.

The Palestinians were at home, minding their own business, when the Zionists went down from Europe to take over the country.

The Palestinians have been defending themselves ever since.

There were just as many Jews as Arabs.
The Arabs were pro-Hitler; Hitler lost.
The Arabs were asked to stay by the Jews.
The Arabs were told to leave by the Jordanians to avoid the oncoming tanks.[/QUOTE]

You are badly misinformed on your facts.

AT the onset of the 1900s, less than 10% of the population were Jews, there were more Christian Arabs then Jews in the land. And the majority of the people of Palestine were Muslim Palestinians.

Zionists actually got help from Hitler.

Palestinians simply desired to live out their lives peacefully in their homeland, Palestine.

BUT the land stealing and baby killing ZIONIST ETHNIC CLEANSERS arrived in Palestine and brought death and devastation.
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Zionism was a creation of the 1800s in Europe and it's purpose was to ethnically cleanse Palestine of nonJews.

ZIONISM was created to steal and kill.

An Ideology straight from Hell, that shall send it's adherents all straight to hell if they keep embracing it.

Zionism was supposed to have a home in East Africa, not Israel.
Try again.

Zionists were offered land in s america AND russia...they rejected both. It was the palistinian's land or nothing.

The Jews who left behind by the Romans never left.
The Arabs who were living there, either as resident gentiles or squatters, never developed the land to infer acquisition.
They were also offered, in 1948, a welcome mat.
None of their Arab brethren wanted them as they were stranded in this barren land to be used as public relations pawns.
Zionism was a creation of the 1800s in Europe and it's purpose was to ethnically cleanse Palestine of nonJews.

ZIONISM was created to steal and kill.

An Ideology straight from Hell, that shall send it's adherents all straight to hell if they keep embracing it.

Zionism was supposed to have a home in East Africa, not Israel.
Try again.

Zionists were offered land in s america AND russia...they rejected both. It was the palistinian's land or nothing.

The Jewish ancestral homeland was where it is now, has been in the past and where it will be in the future, in spite of islamo-fascist attitudes and attempts at genocide.
"...AT the onset of the 1900s, less than 10% of the population were Jews..."
That's what happens with large-scale immigration. A lesson that we could profit from.

"...but the land stealing and baby killing Zionist ethnic cleansers arrived in Palestine and brought death and devastation."
There goes the neighborhood, right?
"...Zionists were offered land in s america AND russia...they rejected both. It was the palistinian's land or nothing."

It was their ancient spiritual and ancestral homeland - the Holy Land - or nothing.

They've been singing 'Next Year in Jerusalem' for the better part of 2000 years.

Amazing that they held-together for that long and then actually pulled it off.

Heckuva Comback Story.
Death figure vary still as data is incomplete. Some sources say as 50 palestinians in the region died due to the storm, some only mention at least two in gaza having been confirmed. It might be days till the whole picture is known. Some might just be missing or sheltered elsewhere and unaccounted for.

>>GAZA CITY (AP) - Flooding from heavy rains forced some 40,000 Gaza Strip residents from their homes, including thousands who were taken to safety in boats and military trucks, officials said Saturday.

The downpour that began late Wednesday was part of a storm that covered parts of Israel and the West Bank with snow, paralyzed Jerusalem and left thousands in Israel without power. Israeli TV stations showed footage of armored personnel carriers rescuing motorists and said it was the most severe snow storm in decades.

Even Gaza with its milder coastal climate saw some snow, though lower-lying areas were mainly hit by flooding.

Rescue efforts were hampered by fuel shortages and rolling power cuts that have become more severe in recent months, since Egypt tightened a border blockade of the territory, ruled by the Islamic militant Hamas since 2007.

Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material. http://www.aawsat.net/2013/12/article55325197
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Zionism was a creation of the 1800s in Europe and it's purpose was to ethnically cleanse Palestine of nonJews.

ZIONISM was created to steal and kill.

An Ideology straight from Hell, that shall send it's adherents all straight to hell if they keep embracing it.

Zionism was supposed to have a home in East Africa, not Israel.
Try again.

No idea where you get your misconceptions from, what I posted was all true and correct.
Nationalism and Race: The Birth of Zionism

Zionism, which officially began at the World Zionist Congress held in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897, was the last nationalist movement to appear in nineteenth century Europe.*

Nationalism and Race: The Birth of Zionism : Western Civilization II Guides

Why, Mrs. Sherri, I thought you were a good Christian woman who talks to Jesus every morning. How come you are not concerned with the Jihads against those countries which were invaded when the Arabs left the Saudi Peninsula and forced people to convert to Islam or die? Don't you even care that the Christians whose ancestors managed to survive this onslaught can't even practice Christianity in peace any more because of this. I don't think that the Israelis are running around to different locations killing people because of the religion they practice. However, this is what your friends do.

History of Jihad against the Byzantine Christians of Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey (634-1453)
Words of Jesus, the one whose example I follow.

HE Spoke Truth to Injustice.

Matthew 23*(New International Version)

33*“You snakes! You brood of vipers!*How will you escape being condemned to hell?*34*Therefore I am sending you prophets and sages and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify;*others you will flog in your synagogues*and pursue from town to town.*35*And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel*to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah,*whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.36*Truly I tell you, all this will come on this generation.

Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs,*which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.28*In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

Matthew 23 NIV - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway
Nationalism and Race: The Birth of Zionism

Zionism, which officially began at the World Zionist Congress held in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897, was the last nationalist movement to appear in nineteenth century Europe.*

Nationalism and Race: The Birth of Zionism : Western Civilization II Guides

Why, Mrs. Sherri, I thought you were a good Christian woman who talks to Jesus every morning. How come you are not concerned with the Jihads against those countries which were invaded when the Arabs left the Saudi Peninsula and forced people to convert to Islam or die? Don't you even care that the Christians whose ancestors managed to survive this onslaught can't even practice Christianity in peace any more because of this. I don't think that the Israelis are running around to different locations killing people because of the religion they practice. However, this is what your friends do.

History of Jihad against the Byzantine Christians of Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey (634-1453)

I read Jesus words and do as He did, speak Truth to Injustice.

Too bad you do not know the Jesus I know.
Nationalism and Race: The Birth of Zionism

Zionism, which officially began at the World Zionist Congress held in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897, was the last nationalist movement to appear in nineteenth century Europe.*

Nationalism and Race: The Birth of Zionism : Western Civilization II Guides

Why, Mrs. Sherri, I thought you were a good Christian woman who talks to Jesus every morning. How come you are not concerned with the Jihads against those countries which were invaded when the Arabs left the Saudi Peninsula and forced people to convert to Islam or die? Don't you even care that the Christians whose ancestors managed to survive this onslaught can't even practice Christianity in peace any more because of this. I don't think that the Israelis are running around to different locations killing people because of the religion they practice. However, this is what your friends do.

History of Jihad against the Byzantine Christians of Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey (634-1453)

I read Jesus words and do as He did, speak Truth to Injustice.

Too bad you do not know the Jesus I know.

All that happened is that the tape for Matthew 23 was shoved into the slot on this robot. How many times has this Jihadi group brought up Matthew 23?
Some read the words of Jesus and seek to follow Jesus example.

IT does not matter how often Christ rejecters like Sally attack Christians for believing in Jesus and His words, we shall never stop seeking to read His words, the words of Jesus, and seek to follow the example He set in our lives.
Some read the words of Jesus and seek to follow Jesus example.

IT does not matter how often Christ rejecters like Sally attack Christians for believing in Jesus and His words, we shall never stop seeking to read His words, the words of Jesus, and seek to follow the example He set in our lives.

Mrs. Sherri and her gang wants us to believe that they follow the words of Jesus, but they have had nothing to say about the murders of His followers in the Middle East which are going on constantly. How nice that someone has researched the Internet and found out what is in the Bible and Gospels and then can tape it and shove the tape in this robot's body.
Some read the words of Jesus and seek to follow Jesus example.

IT does not matter how often Christ rejecters like Sally attack Christians for believing in Jesus and His words, we shall never stop seeking to read His words, the words of Jesus, and seek to follow the example He set in our lives.
Is there a psychiatrist in the house?


Or a move of this thread into the Religion or Rubber Room zones in this thread's future?

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