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UNRWA calls Gaza 'disaster area,' pleads for end to Israeli blockade

Nationalism and Race: The Birth of Zionism

Zionism, which officially began at the World Zionist Congress held in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897, was the last nationalist movement to appear in nineteenth century Europe.*

Nationalism and Race: The Birth of Zionism : Western Civilization II Guides

Why, Mrs. Sherri, I thought you were a good Christian woman who talks to Jesus every morning. How come you are not concerned with the Jihads against those countries which were invaded when the Arabs left the Saudi Peninsula and forced people to convert to Islam or die? Don't you even care that the Christians whose ancestors managed to survive this onslaught can't even practice Christianity in peace any more because of this. I don't think that the Israelis are running around to different locations killing people because of the religion they practice. However, this is what your friends do.

History of Jihad against the Byzantine Christians of Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey (634-1453)

I read Jesus words and do as He did, speak Truth to Injustice.

Too bad you do not know the Jesus I know.

( Dogma; 1999; Lionsgate Films )
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Some read the words of Jesus and seek to follow Jesus example.

IT does not matter how often Christ rejecters like Sally attack Christians for believing in Jesus and His words, we shall never stop seeking to read His words, the words of Jesus, and seek to follow the example He set in our lives.
Is there a psychiatrist in the house?


Or a move of this thread into the Religion or Rubber Room zones in this thread's future?

That is your desire, to stop discussions of Israel's targeting of children in Palestine and Israels human rights abuses in Gaza and the rest of Occupied Palestine.

But we all know whatever happens to this thread, there will be another Zionist attack on another child tomorrow to speak about or another atrocity or human rights abuse of Occupation.
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Israel as a sovereign state is poison to the RCC.

You must be a Catholic hater, your Hate is certainly shining brightly.

And no truth in your claim but in the minds of haters like you.

And I am not even a Catholic, and I can say all of this.
Watch "Gaza will not be "livable" by 2020: UN estimates" on YouTube
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Israel as a sovereign state is poison to the RCC.

You must be a Catholic hater, your Hate is certainly shining brightly.

And no truth in your claim but in the minds of haters like you.

And I am not even a Catholic, and I can say all of this.

I just happen to know a a bit more about just about everything than you do.

Back to the topic at hand, can you please explain to me why it's taking over 50 years for the mighty Jews of Israel to exterminate the Arabs?
Israel as a sovereign state is poison to the RCC.

You must be a Catholic hater, your Hate is certainly shining brightly.

And no truth in your claim but in the minds of haters like you.

And I am not even a Catholic, and I can say all of this.

I just happen to know a a bit more about just about everything than you do.

Back to the topic at hand, can you please explain to me why it's taking over 50 years for the mighty Jews of Israel to exterminate the Arabs?

Obviously, God has His own plans in store for the Zionist ethnic cleansers of Palestine.

I CANNOT wait to see all of that unfold.

You must be a Catholic hater, your Hate is certainly shining brightly.

And no truth in your claim but in the minds of haters like you.

And I am not even a Catholic, and I can say all of this.

I just happen to know a a bit more about just about everything than you do.

Back to the topic at hand, can you please explain to me why it's taking over 50 years for the mighty Jews of Israel to exterminate the Arabs?

Obviously, God has His own plans in store for the Zionist ethnic cleansers of Palestine.

I CANNOT wait to see all of that unfold.


Can you look in your crystal ball and tell us what God has in store for those Muslims who are busy murdering people because their religious beliefs are different. I wonder just how many Sunni have been murdered by Shia and vice versus since the beginning of Islam. Perhaps the Iranian gang knows the answer.
Killing is both the actual turning away from God and the consequence of turning away from God.

I see people all over our world embracing killing, to include our own government.

AS long as the choice is the World and God is renounced, killing will continue.

It is man's choice, it is always a choice.
UNRWA calls Gaza 'disaster area,'

It shouldn't surprise anyone that the agency perpetuating the welfare fraud that is UNRWA has an interest in making such claims. Islamic terrorists occupying "Palestine" have managed to fleece the workd community for approx 65 years now.
"...That is your desire, to stop discussions of Israel's targeting of children in Palestine and Israels human rights abuses in Gaza and the rest of Occupied Palestine..."
On the contrary; the kind of amateur-hour, one-sided propagandizing that you and the rest of the pro-Palestinian / pro-Muslim / pro-Arab / pro-Islamo-Fascism contingent serve-up - and the excellent counterpointing being done in return - are the best thing that could possibly happen to Israel in the context of its relationship with The West in general and the US in particular.

You do far more good for Israel than harm, within the sampling universe of our audience.

Silence you? Stop discussions? Are you kidding? You do a GREAT job for Israel. Keep it up!

My 'psychiatrist' remark had a far more pedestrian and apolitical motive.

"...But we all know whatever happens to this thread, there will be another Zionist attack on another child tomorrow to speak about or another atrocity or human rights abuse of Occupation."
Stop the rocket attacks and mortar-fire and tunneling and it all goes away.
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I cite findings of human rights groups and NGOs to document Israels violations of international law and human rights violations in Palestine, as well as other international authorities like The International Court of Justice, UNICEF, UNRWA, WHO, the ICRC, The UN Human Rights Council, and many others.


Truth is the Occupation is filled with countless Israeli violations of international law and human rights violations that constitute violations of Israel's treaty obligations, like obligations they are bound to follow under The UN Charter and The Fourth Geneva Convention.
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"I cite findings of human rights groups and NGOs to document Israels violations of international law and human rights violations in Palestine, as well as other international authorities like The International Court of Justice, UNICEF, UNRWA, WHO, the ICRC, The UN Human Rights Council, and many others. None of these are propaganda sources!..."
True. And false. Many of the sources cited by your side are Palestinian or Muslim or Arab-based or centric or prejudiced, and a number of the so-called busy-body human-rights organizations that you cite are not impartial, but have a history of gleaning only one side of any given incident-story and then passing biased summary judgments. And the Muslim-centric votes of the UN General Assembly over the years haven't helped much either. Consequently, a great many people have turned a deaf ear to such findings; diluted as they are by decades of one-sided prejudice and lack of vetting.

That's bad enough, but the conclusions that you reach, based upon such findings, and the strident and the absolutely despicable and hateful emotionalism which you-and-yours manifest when articulating such conclusions, are all part-and-parcel of propagandizing, as well; designed to bring out the worst in people. Many of you are Haters, or manifest such behaviors, operating under the aegis of service to a foreign population which is inherently hostile to Western Society. Fifth columnists in the guise of freedom fighter (terrorist) syncophants and faux justice seekers. One need look no further than the invective and poison which you-and-your spew towards your colleagues here, in order to know the truth of such an observation.

"...Truth is the Occupation is filled with countless Israeli violations of international law and human rights violations that constitute violations of Israel's treaty obligations, like obligations they are bound to follow under The UN Charter and The Fourth Geneva Convention."
Oh, there is no escaping the idea that the Israelis frequently engage in practices which violate either the spirit or the letter of various international law; some of which they are signatory to, some of which they are not, some of which have been modified since their signing by arbitrary committee decisions which various signatory nations do not agree with.

Then again, the continuing rocket-barrages and mortar-fire by Gazans upon Israeli civilian population centers give the Israelis all the Functional Smokescreen they need, to conduct Fire-Suppression Missions and Combatant Personnel Kill-Missions, which serve the Israeli's purposes; allowing them to claim Self-Defense, a right which they intend to continue exercising, treaties and laws be damned.

Stop the rockets and mortars and fence-line incidents and 95-99% of the killing stops.

It is clear that the Israelis are driving the Palestinians out of the West Bank, and it will be Gaza's turn next.

It is equally clear that there is no Arab power capable of stopping them.

It is equally clear that the non-Arab/non-Muslim world doesn't care enough about the Palestinians in order to effectively intervene.

The Palestinians long history of international terrorism as an attention-getting tactic probably has much to do with that.

Not to mention their long history of stupidly and idiotically poking at the Israeli Bear with a stick, and then complaining about what happens afterwards.

The Palestinians continued rocketing and mortaring of Israeli civilian population centers feeds the reputation that the Palestinians have as savages and terrorists.

It's a little difficult to sympathize with and help someone who petulantly and childishly insists on pissing into the wind like the Palestinians have been doing for 65 years.

And they've been pissing into the wind for so long now that they've lost whatever sympathetic edge they once might have attained, with a saner and more rational approach.
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Human rights organizations and NGOS and UN organizations and international courts are not propaganda sources, no matter how desperate apologists for Israels war crimes are to cast them in such a light.

What is sad is the desperation of the Zionists defending Israels war crimes, it takes a sorry person to defend these crimes against humanity Israel embraces each and every day of her Occcupation of Palestine.

ISRAEL, a nation who declared herself into existence just 65 years ago, has slaughtered thousands and ethnically cleansed hundreds of thousands in violation of international law.

And all of these crimes are documented and have been for the past 65 years by human rights groups and NGOS and UN organizations.
Human rights organizations and NGOS and UN organizations and international courts are not propaganda sources, no matter how desperate apologists for Israels war crimes are to cast them in such a light...
HR NGOs and UN agencies and international courts are assemblages of people, subject to all the positive and negative aspects of human behavior and bias as every other person and every other organization on the face of the planet.

They are entirely fallible, prone to one-sided investigations and summary findings, and require the same vetting that others do.

Nobody is calling them propaganda sources. Merely (oftentimes) one-sided and not as trustworthy as they once were.

But people ARE calling the Ma'an News Agency and the Palestinian Commission on Human Rights and similar one-sided one-trick-ponies to be propaganda sources, and your side of the fence oftentimes resorts to such as the basis for your incessant wild and hairy-assed accusations.

Ditto for the usual outputs of Israel's own collection of Lefties and Internationalists and Appeasers and Surrender-Monkeys and Fifth Columnists, under the guise of one or two vocal HR organizations in that domain.

"...What is sad is the desperation of the Zionists defending Israels war crimes, it takes a sorry person to defend these crimes against humanity Israel embraces each and every day of her Occcupation of Palestine..."
One must first prove a War Crime before one can legitimately call it that.

And your side's (pro-Palestinian / pro-Muslim / pro-Arab / pro-Islamo-Fascist) routine use of one-sided news stories to highlight deaths and inuries - usually without any insight into what those killed or injured were doing at the time of the incident, or who they were nearby at the time - speaks volumes about your lack of objectivity and its consequent detrimental impact upon overall credibility.

"...ISRAEL, a nation who declared herself into existence just 65 years ago, has slaughtered thousands and ethnically cleansed hundreds of thousands in violation of international law."
The Israelis have, indeed, killed thousands of Enemy Combatants in the West Bank and Gaza over time, as well as numerous innocents who had the bad fortune to be nearby the War Assets or Combatant Personnel of the PLO and Fatah and Hamas, et al, given that the Palestinian Militancy has pitilessly and callously positioned those Assets and Personnel and Leadership alongside their own civilian populations...

Thereby egregiously subjecting their own Palestinian civilian population to grave danger in contravention to either the letter or the spirit of the Rules of War and International Law, as condemned by some of the very NGOs that you love to cite - in delightful and rare instances where these NGO's actually condemn the actions of the Palestinians.

"...And all of these crimes are documented and have been for the past 65 years by human rights groups and NGOS and UN organizations."
Routinely based upon one-sided observation and testimony and conclusions, routinely based on biased amateur investigators and preordained and foregone conclusions before investigation of any given incident even begins - rendering their findings unreliable.

One-sided documentation of various incidents (alleged crimes) only gets us half-way to the truth with respect to any given incident.

If crimes have occurred, then bring charges at-law, in the proper venue.

But that requires two sides to the story, and an objective evaluation of both.
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UNRWA calls Gaza 'disaster area,'

It shouldn't surprise anyone that the agency perpetuating the welfare fraud that is UNRWA has an interest in making such claims. Islamic terrorists occupying "Palestine" have managed to fleece the workd community for approx 65 years now.

The disaster is not an issue of aid.

It is the requirement to need aid.

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