Unsealed FBI Notes Ask What Goal Of Interviewing Michael Flynn Is: ‘… To Get Him To Lie, So We Can Prosecute’?

I"m waiting for the guy that altered documents (email) to gain FISA court approval put in jail. When the fuck is that happening?

Comey, et al need to go to jail.

You're right, but democrats are above the law, so it will NEVER happen. Barr won't touch him, he refused to prosecute PROVEN traitors McCabe and Strzok. democrats are just not subject to the law.
Oh - I think Barr is working on it. Let's just wait and see. I think within the next three months.
FBI and Obama knew Flynn was in the Dominican Republic on vacation when they sent all of those Russian diplomats back home. As part of the transition team, the expelled Russians called Flynn. The FBI listened to the call. Then Comey sent 2 agents over to the White House to interview Flynn. They lied and said it was casual and he didn’t need counsel. Comey has BRAGGED about this.

Flynn got a couple of facts wrong about the conversation, so he was charged with perjury.

It was a total fucking set up and those involved should be in prison for a long time.

They had the Logan act as a backup plan.....total set up from the jump.

Obama is scum and so is the FBI leadership.
Oh - I think Barr is working on it. Let's just wait and see. I think within the next three months.


Don't think Barr is a good guy, he's not.
I"m waiting for the guy that altered documents (email) to gain FISA court approval put in jail. When the fuck is that happening?

Comey, et al need to go to jail.

The guy who altered documents is a little pussy named Kevin Clinesmith. He is a SURE THING for an indictment or guilty plea without indictment.

Being a cowardly pussy, he is likely cooperating with the investigation so as to limit his time as Big Bubba's Wife in a Federal Pen; or at worst in line for indictment with other co-conspirators. (When you indict, you have to give the Defendant a speedy trial if he wants one, and perhaps will be be forced to use evidence you would rather hold to ALSO nail the other criminal co-conspirators.

Today is a big step forward toward Justice delayed for far too long.

When all the Tort Suits are tried or settled, General Flynn will be a very rich man. And rest assured, he will never see a day in Jail.

FBI and Obama knew Flynn was in the Dominican Republic on vacation when they sent all of those Russian diplomats back home. As part of the transition team, the expelled Russians called Flynn. The FBI listened to the call. Then Comey sent 2 agents over to the White House to interview Flynn. They lied and said it was casual and he didn’t need counsel. Comey has BRAGGED about this.

Flynn got a couple of facts wrong about the conversation, so he was charged with perjury.

It was a total fucking set up and those involved should be in prison for a long time.

They had the Logan act as a backup plan.....total set up from the jump.

Obama is scum and so is the FBI leadership.

As I understand it. As National security Advisor, The first thing Michael Flynn had on his plate was to do an in depth review of the actions of the intel community during the last administration.
It could very well be that the FBI was not only doing the bidding of those who wanted to see Hillary elected but also protecting their own asses by getting rid of Flynn. He was a threat to them.
FBI and Obama knew Flynn was in the Dominican Republic on vacation when they sent all of those Russian diplomats back home. As part of the transition team, the expelled Russians called Flynn. The FBI listened to the call. Then Comey sent 2 agents over to the White House to interview Flynn. They lied and said it was casual and he didn’t need counsel. Comey has BRAGGED about this.

Flynn got a couple of facts wrong about the conversation, so he was charged with perjury.

It was a total fucking set up and those involved should be in prison for a long time.

They had the Logan act as a backup plan.....total set up from the jump.

Obama is scum and so is the FBI leadership.

As I understand it. As National security Advisor, The first thing Michael Flynn had on his plate was to do an in depth review of the actions of the intel community during the last administration.
It could very well be that the FBI was not only doing the bidding of those who wanted to see Hillary elected but also protecting their own asses by getting rid of Flynn. He was a threat to them.

No doubt. There was definitely a reason they had to take him down beyond him and Obama disagreeing on war.

The Obama administration was fucking filthy.
If people don’t go to prison the final nail in the Great Experiment has been driven.

Thats the whole point of interviewing people by law enforcement. Cops do it all the time. They catch you in a lie and make you admit the truth.

He was interviewed without knowing he was a subject of the interview. The FBI had a recording of him as I understand it, and if anything he said during this "interview" didn't match up, it could be considered a lie and that was enough. If your ok with that you would have gotten along fine in the old USSR or some bannana republic where you can take out your political opponents like this.
It was a bullshit set up, fishing expedition and in the end we know it was all about trying to get someone to FLIP on Trump.. or just lie to save themselves.
If people don’t go to prison the final nail in the Great Experiment has been driven.

Thats the whole point of interviewing people by law enforcement. Cops do it all the time. They catch you in a lie and make you admit the truth.

He was interviewed without knowing he was a subject of the interview. The FBI had a recording of him as I understand it, and if anything he said during this "interview" didn't match up, it could be considered a lie and that was enough. If your ok with that you would have gotten along fine in the old USSR or some bannana republic where you can take out your political opponents like this.
It was a bullshit set up, fishing expedition and in the end we know it was all about trying to get someone to FLIP on Trump.. or just lie to save themselves.
Sounds exactly like how the cops always do people. Cops have always done that. Its up to you to assert your rights to have an attorney present. This happens all day everyday in the hood.
I"m waiting for the guy that altered documents (email) to gain FISA court approval put in jail. When the fuck is that happening?

Comey, et al need to go to jail.

Nope........PROGS play victim roles so they're not subject to standard. That and they have a lot of power. Very cool how Trump robbed them of a lot of said power, Trump and conservative congress in November or we're fucked, socialism is right on the corner, and it comes in the shape of COVID19. We might be fucked anyhow.
Pulitzer Prizes were given over the Flynn case

the left such a self fulfilling prophecy
2corinthians 10:12

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