Unsealed FBI Notes Ask What Goal Of Interviewing Michael Flynn Is: ‘… To Get Him To Lie, So We Can Prosecute’?

If people don’t go to prison the final nail in the Great Experiment has been driven.

I don't know what to believe about this case, and I'm usually quite opinionated, but, I'm careful with such situations as I can only speak from personal experience in Canada and I generally have a high regard for professional agencies. It takes a few bad apples to destroy the reputation of so many, just as Canadas reputation is in the dumpster.

I will say this, t's good to see some Americans in media and in your public domain ask questions and honor your Constitution. Unlike CBC for instance, where just mentioning Communist China causes comments to be "disabled". Your media is more direct and diverse. If Comey or his underlings did in fact railroad a good man for political purposes, it must be dealt with in as public a manner as possible. Justice must be served and must be based on truth and facts.

It's one of the reason I constantly tell Americans "don't be like Canada". The presence of dishonest and unaccountable police agencies to operate without accountability in Canada has absolutely decimated lives, especially the young and poor in this country. This is so systemic and conducted at such a vile degree that we cannot be considered a reliable ally on human right or civil liberty issues. Furthermore, there are enough whistleblowers in Canada who have outed our agencies and agents to other nations so you hear our experiences right from the horses mouth.

If you follow in our footsteps, your constitution will become like our Charter of Rights...toilet paper.
This is just one reason the Democrats are getting more panicked be the day and will do anything to destroy President Trump. With Trump in office, this massive corruption will continue to be exposed and Democrats will continue to crumble!

With Biden in office, they not only can continue their quiet Socialization of America but they also have a man who has rapidly increasing dementia. Someone who sadly is becoming more and more of a ventriloquist's doll simply repeating what he is told.
"CNN doesn’t want to speak about their persecution of General Michael Flynn & why they got the story so wrong. They, along with others, should pay a big price for what they have purposely done to this man & his family. They won’t even cover the big breaking news about this scam! " - President Trump
Great another wanking thread...

I think this goes like FBI didn't like Flynn, Flynn is a convicted criminal... Why should they like him?

He pleaded guilty with his high priced lawyer beside him...
If people don’t go to prison the final nail in the Great Experiment has been driven.

Twitchy.com? Seriously man????

The story is all over the news you fucking lunatic.
If people don’t go to prison the final nail in the Great Experiment has been driven.

Thats the whole point of interviewing people by law enforcement. Cops do it all the time. They catch you in a lie and make you admit the truth.

He was interviewed without knowing he was a subject of the interview. The FBI had a recording of him as I understand it, and if anything he said during this "interview" didn't match up, it could be considered a lie and that was enough. If your ok with that you would have gotten along fine in the old USSR or some bannana republic where you can take out your political opponents like this.
It was a bullshit set up, fishing expedition and in the end we know it was all about trying to get someone to FLIP on Trump.. or just lie to save themselves.
Sounds exactly like how the cops always do people. Cops have always done that. Its up to you to assert your rights to have an attorney present. This happens all day everyday in the hood.

Bush should have done that to Barack Born in Kenya Obama, right?
It’s just fucking amazing that Obama’s FBI set up Flynn with entrapment, memorialized it in writing, and then Comey bragged about it.

Holy fucking shit. That is soviet style totalitarianism.

Liberals don’t mind because ORANGE MAN BAD.
Tards will never understand, but THIS is why we love Trump and NOTHING will ever separate him from his supporters. He stands virtually alone against the Godvernmet/media mob.

The Barry Hussein regime corruption is slowly getting exposed.
Here is Comey fucking BRAGGING about setting up Flynn.

This should be evidence in a trial for Comey being prosecuted for violating Flynn’s civil rights.

Comey is a totalitarian statist, and if you defend Comey just because you hate Trump, you are a fool.

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