Unsealing the Prophetic Book of Daniel

Truth needs no ad hominem rage personal cussing attacks.
You can't claim use of the OT to validate your created idol by attacking a Kohanim and A Levite, and you can't use Dan verses that use my first and last name then throw dirt on the oracle of God (Philadelphia).
You always want it both ways.
On one hand you claim to be a
reincarnation yet your text denounce such pagan beliefs.
Then you claim Jesus is your master yet Jesus had your character of your claimed past life killed and stole his flock.
See sources; "Mandeans" a sect of Sabians, that claim to be surviving followers of the character you claim to be, and Jesus to be the wicked false prophet who had their Righteous one murdered to steal his flock.
You want 2 opposing sides of everything,
you are a fence sitter, the part that's pointy and uncomfortable, so make up your mind, forever have a pole up your rear or get off the fence and chose just one side of an issue
for a change and accept that you are lying to your rational side of your brain.
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The funny thing

Is it really that funny that your Maker, Creator God is calling you a mother-fucking, piece-of-shit scumbag right now and for the next 483 days; it seems to me that you need to take Him more seriously.
Wow... So let me get this straight you are accusing me of something that is claimed for your Lord and Master after all didn't he impregnate his mother according to what is taught by Christianity...Really you should try and get your facts straight..As I told you before the Gregorian calendar is completely off and was never fixed so the Date you chose is December 26 ?.. Where does that date have any bearing at all did you pick it out of your Crazy Eddie complex..If I offend you I am sorry even though it was you that is being offensive.. You really should not fly off the handle like that Or I will be forced to call you Eddie the eagle...We all know that The symbol of Rome was the eagle and since you mistakenly got your dates from the corrupted Roman system you might be incredibly disappointed to say the least....

Don't flatter yourself, asswipe, I left my rage back in Courtroom 12, if you actual think you can ever get me back in there; what you are experiencing is the blatant reality of just how wickedly sinful you are; if you don't like my use of the vernacular, pretend you're reading poetry.

As for that piece of white trash niggerhood you're butt-fucking back in M-33, I suggest better use of hygiene.
Interesting, how can you claim to be the reincarnation of John the Baptist and
1) use that language.
2) break commands using false testimony with hate speach.
3) lash out against the sexual practices of John and Jesus who were both bi-lovers?

A newly translated Gnostic gospel, entitled The Secret Book of Judas of Kerioth, According to this seemingly authentic early Cainite-Ophite text, translated from the Coptic by Mohammed al-Murtada and Francis Bendik, said Jesus and the disciples had taken psychedelic mushrooms & had an active bisexual love life,including relations with John, under age Lazarus, and Mary Magdelene.

Jesus hometown was not Nazareth which was a town built in 90ad, it was Capernaum
which was liken to port town of
San Francisco where men lay with men.
Capernaum sources hometown liken to Soddom:
Matthew 4:13
Matthew 11:23
Matthew 17:24
Mark 1:21,2:1 etc

Jesus was bi sexual- (Mark 10:21&John 11:11, 13:23-25)
The Secret Book of Judas of
Kerioth, According
Missing fragment in text of St. Mark chapter 10 (between verses 34 and 35 in the standard version of the Bible)

So if you are gonna claim yourself a reincarnation, you have to own up to the character you are impersonating.
Your post just busted on yourself while trying to attack my character.
Very telling of how a religion makes people wormwood (bitter & poisonous).
Interesting, how can you claim

This isn't a claim, you filthy, hateful, mother-fucking, murdering moron.

I'm not your dirty little hat check girl you screw behind your wife's back.

This is about Daniel 8:14 which states very clearly that you are all the description I have applied to you and much worse.
No "YOU" who claims to not be commanded had posted Dan 10 and Dan 12 both which carry both my first and last name and not Jesus' name, yet you thieve and make them out to be about him.
The cast of Sunny In Philadelphia want to know if you see Mary on wall stains too?
Jesus in French Toast? Perhaps see him in Coffee creamer swirls at Starbucks?
Jesus isn't mentioned in Daniel prophecy, the verses you talk about have nothing to do with Messianic expectations and when mentioning 'An Anointed one' remember Kings are anointed, and it doesn't say
KING CYRUS was anointed, did the works of an anointed one in gathering back the scattered to their land and petitioning the rebuilding the Temple.
The days from Cyrus lead up to
King Onios who was the anointed king slain by the wicked one=Antiochus who desecrated the Temple.
NONE of these have anything to do with Messianic expectations unless you convey the fact Cyrus heart is battled with like Jacobs was and lead to do the Moshiach roles. And admit it's the one who changed Cyrus' heart thus called HaSheva (Redeemer) in Ezra and Isaiah:
Ezra 1 and Isaiah 44-45 "the redeemer" is the one who battles with the Persian prince and King Cyrus' heart to do the right thing in gathering the Jews and rebuilding the Temple (all Moshiach roles) and Dan 10 tells you who that HaSheva(i.e. redeemer) is, by first & last name in Dan 10:20-21).
It is Michael who (in Hebrew)
*Hashev Lacham Sar Parac"
(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).
Jeremiah 23:5-6, Isaiah 51:9, Isaiah 59;19, Is.11:4, Isaiah 25:8
The Nations will end up recognizing the wrongs they did Israel(Is.52:13-53:12 combined with Dan 12:1-4)=Michael is the HaSheva (i.e. deliverer, redeemer, restorer)
The Groom
In Judaism
Is Michael
Not Jim, not Joe, and not Jesus.
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I read a book entitled, "The Time of the End" by Francis M. Darter. This was the best treaties of the book of Daniel I have read. There are basically two interpretations as to when the 70 week prophecy begins. Darter holds that the decree to Ezra from Artaxerxes in 457 BC is the beginning. I tend to agree.[/QUOTE
My grand kids go camping and tell me about Blue Darter
Interesting thread. Daniel is an 'odd man out' book in the OT. I personally don't consider it part of the OT 'canon', since it was apparently written in two parts, and is also the only book in the OT to devote its main part to apocalyptic literature, a very late development in Hebrew scholarship, coinciding with the Pharisees and 'Hellenization' under a foreign ruler, with the later chapters added in the 2nd century B.C., but obviously some of the priests liked it, mostly it seems for political reasons of the times.
Interesting thread. Daniel is an 'odd man out' book in the OT. I personally don't consider it part of the OT 'canon', since it was apparently written in two parts, and is also the only book in the OT to devote its main part to apocalyptic literature, a very late development in Hebrew scholarship, coinciding with the Pharisees and 'Hellenization' under a foreign ruler, with the later chapters added in the 2nd century B.C., but obviously some of the priests liked it, mostly it seems for political reasons of the times.

the priests? why do you cite 'the priests'? Just to demonstrate you lack of erudition? btw amos, jeremiah and Isaiah all precede
Daniel (I think---don't quote me....)
There is nothing apparent about it being written in two parts, save for mindless drivel from heretic modernists, apparently like yourself.

At best you refer to the stories of Suzanna and Bel and the Dragon.

The prophecy states that Daniel would stand in his place to the end, and so it shall be.

Looks like you're the odd man out now.

Interesting thread. Daniel is an 'odd man out' book in the OT. I personally don't consider it part of the OT 'canon', since it was apparently written in two parts, and is also the only book in the OT to devote its main part to apocalyptic literature, a very late development in Hebrew scholarship, coinciding with the Pharisees and 'Hellenization' under a foreign ruler, with the later chapters added in the 2nd century B.C., but obviously some of the priests liked it, mostly it seems for political reasons of the times.
There is nothing apparent about it being written in two parts, save for mindless drivel from heretic modernists, apparently like yourself.

At best you refer to the stories of Suzanna and Bel and the Dragon.

The prophecy states that Daniel would stand in his place to the end, and so it shall be.

Looks like you're the odd man out now.

Interesting thread. Daniel is an 'odd man out' book in the OT. I personally don't consider it part of the OT 'canon', since it was apparently written in two parts, and is also the only book in the OT to devote its main part to apocalyptic literature, a very late development in Hebrew scholarship, coinciding with the Pharisees and 'Hellenization' under a foreign ruler, with the later chapters added in the 2nd century B.C., but obviously some of the priests liked it, mostly it seems for political reasons of the times.

Daniel stands who WHOSE place------and leave my susanna out of this
Interesting thread. Daniel is an 'odd man out' book in the OT. I personally don't consider it part of the OT 'canon', since it was apparently written in two parts, and is also the only book in the OT to devote its main part to apocalyptic literature, a very late development in Hebrew scholarship, coinciding with the Pharisees and 'Hellenization' under a foreign ruler, with the later chapters added in the 2nd century B.C., but obviously some of the priests liked it, mostly it seems for political reasons of the times.

the priests? why do you cite 'the priests'? Just to demonstrate you lack of erudition? btw amos, jeremiah and Isaiah all precede
Daniel (I think---don't quote me....)

Pic answered with an idiot giggle
Interesting thread. Daniel is an 'odd man out' book in the OT. I personally don't consider it part of the OT 'canon', since it was apparently written in two parts, and is also the only book in the OT to devote its main part to apocalyptic literature, a very late development in Hebrew scholarship, coinciding with the Pharisees and 'Hellenization' under a foreign ruler, with the later chapters added in the 2nd century B.C., but obviously some of the priests liked it, mostly it seems for political reasons of the times.

the priests? why do you cite 'the priests'? Just to demonstrate you lack of erudition? btw amos, jeremiah and Isaiah all precede
Daniel (I think---don't quote me....)

What are you babbling about? The first parts of Daniel are written by authors not even remotely the same as the later chapters, and in different time periods hundreds of years apart; that is well established. The 'preists' are those who added the later chapters, dumbass. Oh yeah, I forgot you think Constantine wrote the Bible. Never mind. Or maybe you think the authors were Martians, or Freemasons, who knows what you think this week.
Interesting thread. Daniel is an 'odd man out' book in the OT. I personally don't consider it part of the OT 'canon', since it was apparently written in two parts, and is also the only book in the OT to devote its main part to apocalyptic literature, a very late development in Hebrew scholarship, coinciding with the Pharisees and 'Hellenization' under a foreign ruler, with the later chapters added in the 2nd century B.C., but obviously some of the priests liked it, mostly it seems for political reasons of the times.

the priests? why do you cite 'the priests'? Just to demonstrate you lack of erudition? btw amos, jeremiah and Isaiah all precede
Daniel (I think---don't quote me....)

Pic answered with an idiot giggle

All of your posts are idiot giggles. So what?

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