Unskewed Polling Data

Anyone who believes Obama is ahead in Fl and OH big are delusional.
It's amazing how often the left skews polls to favor their candidates and then are surprised when Republicans win in high numbers.

The Idiots Followers on the Left may be surprised, but the Power on the left knows what they are doing, they don't believe the polls. They just think they will suppress GOP turn out, and if Obama loses they can claim they were cheated and Point to their BS skewed Polls as evidence something is fishy.

I agree with your excellent observation!!! If Obama loses, it won't be pretty and there will be claims of cheating racists. Even though polls have been notoriously wrong in the past, I wouldn't be surprised if the left held them up as proof Obama should have won.
In the 2012 race for the White House President Obama is ahead, but the polls are misleading.

In a recent interview, Romney pollster Neil Newhouse made the argument that these mainstream polls are skewed in favor of Obama.

In order to address this, some conservative outlets have taken matters into their own hands. One website, UnSkewed Polls -- erasing the bias to show an accurate picture of politics, has begun reweighting mainstream polls to more closely track the demographic assumptions that the conservative leaning Rasmussem Reports uses. The results have been staggering: the re-weighted polls all put Romney ahead of Obama with margins of between 3 and 11 points. If one looks at the Real Clear Politics average Obama is currently up four percent over Romney. But according to UnSkewedPolls.com, Romney has a 7.8 percent edge on Obama.
In the 2012 race for the White House President Obama is ahead, but the polls are misleading.

In a recent interview, Romney pollster Neil Newhouse made the argument that these mainstream polls are skewed in favor of Obama.

In order to address this, some conservative outlets have taken matters into their own hands. One website, UnSkewed Polls -- erasing the bias to show an accurate picture of politics, has begun reweighting mainstream polls to more closely track the demographic assumptions that the conservative leaning Rasmussem Reports uses. The results have been staggering: the re-weighted polls all put Romney ahead of Obama with margins of between 3 and 11 points. If one looks at the Real Clear Politics average Obama is currently up four percent over Romney. But according to UnSkewedPolls.com, Romney has a 7.8 percent edge on Obama.

Yes and the polls in LA, TX, OK, etc--the red states are all right?

I hope you're not dumb enough to believe your own garbage; something tells me you are.
Why are there about a dozen threads on skewed polls? Oh..ya and they are all posted by the idiot newGOPers.

Does anyone believe these little bitches would be crying if Mittens was ahead in any of these polls?

Ya...It couldn't possibly be that the American public is waking up to the fact that the republicans are the reason why the country has not healed faster. True the love affair with Obama is over. Fact.. Americans for the most part hate what the GOP has done to our country out of spite. They have been telling themselve over and over that it is OK to be assholes. It's what the hated "liberals" deserve! Guess what morons? It isn't.

If the election were held today Mitt Romney would win 301 electoral votes while Barack Obama would win in states worth 221 electoral votes. Michigan, worth 16 electoral votes, is too close to call.

The Rasmussen Reports Presidential Daily Tracking poll released today shows President Obama leading over Mitt Romney by a 46 percent to 45 percent margin. The new Gallup Tracking poll released today shows the race tied at 47 percent for each candidate. Today's release of the QStarNews Daily Tracking Poll shows a 55 percent to 45 percent lead for Mitt Romney. An Associated Press/GfK poll released yesterday, based on a balanced sample showed Obama leading Romney 47 percent to 46 percent. These are the most accurate and least skewed polls among those currently included in the Real Clear Politics average of presidential polls. The average of these four polls would put the race at 48.3 Romney and 46.3 Obama. That is within the margin of error or a tie. Leaving out the QstarNews poll, the average of the other three is a tie.

The presidential race is decided by the votes of the states that send the electors to the electoral college who will actually elect the next president under our Constitution. State polls released today and recently are the basis for the analysis below. As former Clinton political consultant Dick Morris and others have pointed out, the undecided vote in a presidential election will always heavily favor the challenging candidate by election day. This entirely new analysis will be by regions of the country and the key swing states within them. The map above shows the map based on this analysis and projection of electoral votes.

Mitt Romney winning 301 electoral votes as projected by polling data - Arlington Conservative | Examiner.com

UnSkewed Polls -- erasing the bias to show an accurate picture of politics

Gee, a great reminder of what a brilliant RW'er Jroc is.
Anyone experiencing a sense of deja vu?

Do you think Evangelicals are going to desert Trump like they did Romney the Mormon?

I dont think they will.

This is a problem with polling; it is far easier to tell a pollster (in most cases) who you will vote for then to actually go out into the weather, drive down to the precinct polling place and actually cast your vote.

On election day in 2012, too many social conservatives considered the royal fucking Romney has given them for the previous ten years and said "Fuck it!" and stayed home. the polls did not catch this development.

Polls also dont catch the shamed voter who will not admit who he plans to vote for, but who will vote that person anyway and then lie and tell everyone he voted for someone else later.

The set of people who are willing to tell pollsters what they want to hear does not equate to actual voters.

It certainly does not help if you over sample the voter base to start with.
In the 2012 race for the White House President Obama is ahead, but the polls are misleading.

In a recent interview, Romney pollster Neil Newhouse made the argument that these mainstream polls are skewed in favor of Obama.

In order to address this, some conservative outlets have taken matters into their own hands. One website, UnSkewed Polls -- erasing the bias to show an accurate picture of politics, has begun reweighting mainstream polls to more closely track the demographic assumptions that the conservative leaning Rasmussem Reports uses. The results have been staggering: the re-weighted polls all put Romney ahead of Obama with margins of between 3 and 11 points. If one looks at the Real Clear Politics average Obama is currently up four percent over Romney. But according to UnSkewedPolls.com, Romney has a 7.8 percent edge on Obama.

One would think you would have learned your lesson…
In the 2012 race for the White House President Obama is ahead, but the polls are misleading.

In a recent interview, Romney pollster Neil Newhouse made the argument that these mainstream polls are skewed in favor of Obama.

In order to address this, some conservative outlets have taken matters into their own hands. One website, UnSkewed Polls -- erasing the bias to show an accurate picture of politics, has begun reweighting mainstream polls to more closely track the demographic assumptions that the conservative leaning Rasmussem Reports uses. The results have been staggering: the re-weighted polls all put Romney ahead of Obama with margins of between 3 and 11 points. If one looks at the Real Clear Politics average Obama is currently up four percent over Romney. But according to UnSkewedPolls.com, Romney has a 7.8 percent edge on Obama.

One would think you would have learned your lesson…

Where have I even commented on the polls, dumbass?
For the life of me I can't understand the arguments over polls. Nov 8th will be here soon enough and we'll know. I'm voting even if my candidate is 20 points behind in the "polls". Shouldn't everybody?
For the life of me I can't understand the arguments over polls. Nov 8th will be here soon enough and we'll know. I'm voting even if my candidate is 20 points behind in the "polls". Shouldn't everybody?
Yes but trolls gotta be trolls. What's more relevant to this year's election than last years?

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