Unz: Ukraine is finished and ended so badly might take NATO down as well

I didn't go off message, I just listed Ritter's credentials. He is, after all, a convicted pedophile, so that is an area in which he has expertise, but he doesn't seem to have any credentials that make him an expert on the war in Ukraine.
I know you didn't go off message, but Ritter Assange and others have, so they get the full treatment, and i think Ritter and some others like McGregor with their military and intelligence background know more than some SKY news prostitute that's paid to lie.
I know you didn't go off message, but Ritter Assange and others have, so they get the full treatment, and i think Ritter and some others like McGregor with their military and intelligence background know more than some SKY news prostitute that's paid to lie.
Ritter is a convicted pedophile and McGregor is a passed over colonel forced to retire who earn their livings peddling Putin's propaganda in books and lectures. Aren't you embarrassed that these two are the only two western military men who agree with you and Putin?
You need to listen to this guy, he has more idea about what's going on than some puppet MSM prostitute.

I have been reading and listening to Scott Ridder and Chris Hedges and Seymour Hersh for decades. Sometimes I have deeply admired their work. But do you really think that listening to one of their videos is going to suddenly change my thinking on this particular issue that I have followed carefully for so long?

That Ritter starts his video by saying “The Americans have no credibility, the Europeans have no credibility, the Ukrainians have no credibility. The only side that has credibility is Russia” … shows exactly where his loyalties lie and how far he has fallen!

I actually agree with many things these three have said about past U.S. errors and imperialist adventures in general, and even about U.S. errors made in handling the Russia / Ukraine issue. Of the three of them I still have most respect for Chris Hedges personally, but he tends to fall back on religious pacifism when hard decisions have to be made.

I agree with Hersh on the U.S. almost certainly blowing up the Nordstream pipelines, but that hardly surprises me as the Biden Administration made it clear to Putin that could be one result of an all out invasion of Ukraine. The German government itself has reluctantly accepted the inevitable (and expensive) need to wean itself off Russian energy supplies in the next period. Hersh however has been wrong on other things, and is no longer a very reliable character, though he still tries to be a genuine investigative reporter.

As for retired Colonel McGreggor, mentioned and linked to by Grumblenuts above, he is something else again. Not only has he been completely wrong for 18 months about the military reality in Ukraine, not only is he no expert on Eastern Europe or Russia, but now and since before Putin’s invasion he has been an unprincipled propagandist for Putinism, for authoritarianism in general and for Donald Trump in particular. He obviously hopes to serve in the U.S. Defense Department if that dangerous demagogue ever gets back in the White House.
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Please forgive my error! I don’t know who I was referring to for praising and linking to a video of retired Col. McGreggor, but it was clearly NOT you.

Your link to Chris Hedges is thoroughly appropriate.

Though I do disagree with his view on the Ukraine War in many particulars, I have a lot of personal respect for Chris Hedges. Sincere apologies to you, Grumblenuts .
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As a result of its invasion of Ukraine the Russian Federation deserves to collapse the way the Soviet Union did.
As a result of its invasion of Ukraine the Russian Federation deserves to collapse the way the Soviet Union did.
Putin has shown the world Russia is still Reagans' Evil Empire, and now former Russian allies like Armenia and Kazakhstan are turning away in disgust and others like Azerbaijan treat it with contempt, so perhaps the Russian Federation will fall apart just as the USSR did.
You are bonkers, if people want to leave Russia they just get on a aircraft, where do you get this shit from?
Perhaps things have changed since the Iron Curtain went down.

I know a lot of Russian men left to avoid being drafted to fight in Putin's War.
Interesting that up to 11000 UAF fighters surrendered in the last few days .
Guess that is what winners do after they have captured flattened and deserted villages .
Troll Toomuchbooze is panic stricken because every week his past Trolls look increasingly absurd .
Other posters trying to ridicule people like MacGregor and Ritter simply betray their own ignorance , and time always shows us whom the really ignorant people were and still are .

Looks like the Russians are gearing up for their huge offensive and smart Ukeys are running away fast to avoid the massacre .

BTW Simplicius is a master poster as is Bernard at Moon of Alabama . Bit too long , accurate and detailed for most Americans . But give it a go .
NATO is a Cold War relic that should have died with the Soviet Union. There is no rational reason for the US to squander it's resources in Europe any more.
It's all about control, but you are right Nato is a historical fossil, even if you accept it was formed to confront the Soviet Union that reason went decades ago, so they had to come up with another reason for it to exist, first it was the war on terror which in actual fact was a war of terror, now it's some mythical Russian threat, Nato is no more than a foreign legion for US World hegemony, and it's being challenged, it could have been so different after the cold war but the extremists in the West wanted it all, Russia had to be quiet and do as they were told, for a time the West never had a problem with Russia when a drunken clown was running the show, Yeltsin, he allowed western Corporate jackals and carpet baggers along with their local Russian partners in crime to loot the Country, then Putin came along and stopped them, that's why they hate him because he restored Russia and rebuilt it from the wreck it was.
Interesting that up to 11000 UAF fighters surrendered in the last few days .
Guess that is what winners do after they have captured flattened and deserted villages .
Troll Toomuchbooze is panic stricken because every week his past Trolls look increasingly absurd .
Other posters trying to ridicule people like MacGregor and Ritter simply betray their own ignorance , and time always shows us whom the really ignorant people were and still are .

Looks like the Russians are gearing up for their huge offensive and smart Ukeys are running away fast to avoid the massacre .

BTW Simplicius is a master poster as is Bernard at Moon of Alabama . Bit too long , accurate and detailed for most Americans . But give it a go .
I don't know if Russia will launch a massive winter offensive, but it wouldn't surprise me if they did, the Soviets did just that after Stalingrad and that didn't stop until they reached Berlin.
Ritter is a convicted pedophile and McGregor is a passed over colonel forced to retire who earn their livings peddling Putin's propaganda in books and lectures. Aren't you embarrassed that these two are the only two western military men who agree with you and Putin?

I have been reading and listening to Scott Ridder and Chris Hedges and Seymour Hersh for decades. Sometimes I have deeply admired their work. But do you really think that listening to one of their videos is going to suddenly change my thinking on this particular issue that I have followed carefully for so long?

That Ritter starts his video by saying “The Americans have no credibility, the Europeans have no credibility, the Ukrainians have no credibility. The only side that has credibility is Russia” … shows exactly where his loyalties lie and how far he has fallen!

I actually agree with many things these three have said about past U.S. errors and imperialist adventures in general, and even about U.S. errors made in handling the Russia / Ukraine issue. Of the three of them I still have most respect for Chris Hedges personally, but he tends to fall back on religious pacifism when hard decisions have to be made.

I agree with Hersh on the U.S. almost certainly blowing up the Nordstream pipelines, but that hardly surprises me as the Biden Administration made it clear to Putin that could be one result of an all out invasion of Ukraine. The German government itself has reluctantly accepted the inevitable (and expensive) need to wean itself off Russian energy supplies in the next period. Hersh however has been wrong on other things, and is no longer a very reliable character, though he still tries to be a genuine investigative reporter.

As for retired Colonel McGreggor, mentioned and linked to by Grumblenuts above, he is something else again. Not only has he been completely wrong for 18 months about the military reality in Ukraine, not only is he no expert on Eastern Europe or Russia, but now and since before Putin’s invasion he has been an unprincipled propagandist for Putinism, for authoritarianism in general and for Donald Trump in particular. He obviously hopes to serve in the U.S. Defense Department if that dangerous demagogue ever gets back in the White House.
update :

Russia is still a dangerous aggressor. I liked Mikhail Gorbachev.
No it isn't, and of course you liked Gorbachov he was a naive fool who believed he was dealing with men of honour in Washington who told him if Russia pulled back from Eastern Germany Nato would not move one inch East, i can understand the neocons and the Industrial military complex going down that road that's how they operate, what i don't get is what people like you get out of this confrontation and spending billion on war and weapons?
No it isn't, and of course you liked Gorbachov he was a naive fool who believed he was dealing with men of honour in Washington who told him if Russia pulled back from Eastern Germany Nato would not move one inch East, i can understand the neocons and the Industrial military complex going down that road that's how they operate, what i don't get is what people like you get out of this confrontation and spending billion on war and weapons?
Germany has not invaded any country since World War II. Russia has.

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