Unz: Ukraine is finished and ended so badly might take NATO down as well

NATO is a Cold War relic that should have died with the Soviet Union. There is no rational reason for the US to squander it's resources in Europe any more.
Russian invasions of Georgia and Ukraine show clearly that NATO is as relevant today as it was when it was formed in response to Russian imperialist aggression at the end of WWII. Putin has called the collapse of the USSR "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century" and is still so furious about it that he refused to go to Gorbachev's funeral. Russian rhetoric today is still the same as Soviet rhetoric was.

If you are an American isolationist, then perhaps there is no rational basis for the US to help eastern European countries fight off Putin's attempt to conquer eastern Europe, but if you are sane, then it is clear to you that stopping Putin is just as necessary as stopping Hitler and Imperialist Japan, and later stopping the USSR, was in the last century.
Smart ass!

The brother of Kiev mayor Vitaliy Klitschko, former world boxing champion Volodymyr Klitschko, has explained his refusal to serve in the Armed Forces by his desire to live for Ukraine rather than die for the country. This he stated on air of the TV channel ZDF.
"I'm not ready to die for the country. I am ready to live for her. It is more difficult than to die," Klitschko said.
He added that most of the fighting Ukrainians were not mobilized.
Smart ass!

The brother of Kiev mayor Vitaliy Klitschko, former world boxing champion Volodymyr Klitschko, has explained his refusal to serve in the Armed Forces by his desire to live for Ukraine rather than die for the country. This he stated on air of the TV channel ZDF.
"I'm not ready to die for the country. I am ready to live for her. It is more difficult than to die," Klitschko said.
He added that most of the fighting Ukrainians were not mobilized.
Well the Ukrainian Nazis should draft his arse, he is one of the criminals responsible for the whole horror show from 2014.
Russian invasions of Georgia and Ukraine show clearly that NATO is as relevant today as it was when it was formed in response to Russian imperialist aggression at the end of WWII. Putin has called the collapse of the USSR "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century" and is still so furious about it that he refused to go to Gorbachev's funeral. Russian rhetoric today is still the same as Soviet rhetoric was.

If you are an American isolationist, then perhaps there is no rational basis for the US to help eastern European countries fight off Putin's attempt to conquer eastern Europe, but if you are sane, then it is clear to you that stopping Putin is just as necessary as stopping Hitler and Imperialist Japan, and later stopping the USSR, was in the last century.
There was no Russian invasion of Georgia, it was a police action to put Saackashvili back in his cage, the criminal launched a midnight Blitzkrieg on South Ossetia killing civilians and some Russia peacekeepers, Russia should have finished the job and put that moron on trial, that was another little adventure encouraged by the US., even the EU had to admit he started the conflict.
Wow. It seems your new slogan will be 'The US needs a Prigozhin!'
Time to surrender.

Massive propaganda hides the truth about the war in Ukraine. Russia will win. As I wrote when this began, it has 4-5 times more manpower and ten times Ukraine’s economic power. Since Ukraine has been wrecked and half its people fled, Russia now has ten times more manpower and 100 times its economic power.

Russia seems in no hurry to win as most of its army remains in reserve. I can only guess that it’s enjoying the friction in NATO nations that suffer from high prices and mass immigration, and is watching NATO unity crack. At some point, it will decide to roll forth and take the entire nation. There will be no ceasefire unless Ukraine surrenders. Russia will not allow NATO to rebuild Ukraine’s army and start the
Time to surrender.

Massive propaganda hides the truth about the war in Ukraine. Russia will win. As I wrote when this began, it has 4-5 times more manpower and ten times Ukraine’s economic power. Since Ukraine has been wrecked and half its people fled, Russia now has ten times more manpower and 100 times its economic power.

Russia seems in no hurry to win as most of its army remains in reserve. I can only guess that it’s enjoying the friction in NATO nations that suffer from high prices and mass immigration, and is watching NATO unity crack. At some point, it will decide to roll forth and take the entire nation. There will be no ceasefire unless Ukraine surrenders. Russia will not allow NATO to rebuild Ukraine’s army and start the
Ukraine will never surrender. If Russia occupies the entire country It will have a guerrilla war on its hands. NATO will continue to arm the guerrilla fighters.
Ukraine will never surrender. If Russia occupies the entire country It will have a guerrilla war on its hands. NATO will continue to arm the guerrilla fighters.
Well these guys chose life, they were probably some of the poor bastards press ganged, and Russia never intended occupying all of Ukraine, they want to de Nazify and de militarise it so it can never be a threat again.
Ukraine will never surrender. If Russia occupies the entire country It will have a guerrilla war on its hands. NATO will continue to arm the guerrilla fighters.
Ukraine will be destroyed if they don’t surrender.

Why do you want all Ukrainian men slaughtered merely to enrich the US military industrial complex?
Ukraine will be destroyed if they don’t surrender.

Why do you want all Ukrainian men slaughtered merely to enrich the US military industrial complex?
I want Ukraine to win because Ukraine was unjustly invaded. Why do you want anyone to die in an unjust vanity project of Putin?
I want Ukraine to win because Ukraine was unjustly invaded. Why do you want anyone to die in an unjust vanity project of Putin?
Yeah an the war was unprovoked, NATO is a defensive alliance, Russia blew up their pipelines, and Putin is on his deathbed.

Get informed!!!
Yeah an the war was unprovoked, NATO is a defensive alliance, Russia blew up their pipelines, and Putin is on his deathbed.

Get informed!!!
Ukraine was no threat to Russia. NATO had no intention to invade Russia. If any country might invade Russia it is China.

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