Unz: Ukraine is finished and ended so badly might take NATO down as well

There was no Russian invasion of Georgia, it was a police action to put Saackashvili back in his cage, the criminal launched a midnight Blitzkrieg on South Ossetia killing civilians and some Russia peacekeepers, Russia should have finished the job and put that moron on trial, that was another little adventure encouraged by the US., even the EU had to admit he started the conflict.
So your position is that if Russia claims it doesn't like something that is going on in another country, it has the right to go and take charge of that country. That's called imperialism.
Apparently, the loading of American Westinghouse fuel onto the Soviet 440 reactor in Rovno NPP, Ukraine, was unsuccessful. At the same time, the plant was not prepared for emergency situations with the new fuel.

At present, a power unit shutdown is possible at this nuclear power plant. Ukraine is transferring specialists from other plants there to somehow improve the situation.
It is still unclear how the reactor may behave. However, despite three emergencies over the past two weeks, no one has contacted the IAEA.

Meanwhile, in the Rivne region, schedules of power outages are already being written. The heating season will also have to be pushed back.
Recall that Ukrainian nuclear power plants were going to switch to American fuel several years ago. And even then they said that there could be problems with reactors, as they were all built in the USSR and are not ready for another type of fuel cassettes. This is very dangerous. At the same time, we should not forget that the accident in Chernobyl also happened because of experiments with the reactor.
This fuss with Westinghouse fuel elements began under President Yushchenko, I think, in 2008. And it was already known then that these assemblies were not suitable. But they persistently tried to cram them in.
And finally, they succeede! At the same time, they shouted loudly about "victory" over the Muscovite monopoly.
The result, as always with the ukrops, is sad and there is no one to blame. More precisely, the fault, as always, lies with the Moscals.
So your position is that if Russia claims it doesn't like something that is going on in another country, it has the right to go and take charge of that country. That's called imperialism.
Same thing about American actions in Taiwan or Kosovo? When your official or unofficial ally is attacked it's OK to come and defend him. From the Russian point of view, it was Ukraine who attacked Donetsk and Lugansk People Republics (allies of the Russian Federation).
Same thing about American actions in Taiwan or Kosovo? When your official or unofficial ally is attacked it's OK to come and defend him. From the Russian point of view, it was Ukraine who attacked Donetsk and Lugansk People Republics (allies of the Russian Federation).
If China attacks Taiwan we will defend Taiwan, but we will not attack China.
If China attacks Taiwan we will defend Taiwan, but we will not attack China.
It is not at all certain the U.S. would actually use its military force to battle Chinese military forces should China attack Taiwan. “Strategic ambiguity” is still more or less official U.S. doctrine. For now the U.S. will probably just continue to sell military arms to Taiwan and continue to pressure it not to sell high tech chips to China, its biggest trade partner,

The U.S. policy of “strategic ambiguity” may change in the next period. We must remember that Taiwan independence and state sovereignty is not now recognized internationally — not by the U.N. and not even by the USA. Taiwan thus obviously is not in the same position as Ukraine.

Also, if we assume China’s military has overwhelming power when and if the leader there decides to act, there may well be little the U.S. can do to stop them in any case.

I don’t expect XiJinping will attack Taiwan soon, but it can not be ruled out entirely either.
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We need a Putin, a leader who loves the uniqueness of the country he leads and REFUSES to be a fool for Klaus Schwab and the Great Resetters
Of course that is very much the same as saying we need a Kim Jong-un or a XiJinping, two other dictators Trump admires. Actually for over two decades your hero Putin has utterly abused and run into the ground the Russian economy, allowing its wealth to flow freely into the coffers of an compliant class of super-rich and super-corrupt oligarchs. Russia under Putin has fallen further and further behind the West, despite its immense size, oil and other natural resources. Sure, just what we need here!
The bottom line is this drunken Court Jester was Washingtons man in Russia for a long time, there was no Russophobia in the 90s when the clown was allowing Western Corporate jackals along with their local Russian Oligarch partners in crime to loot Russia, then Putin came along and started to build Russia again and deal with the criminal Oligarchs, that's why they live in London Paris and other Western Countries where they are presented as freedom loving dissidents rather than the gangsters they are.
Of course that is very much the same as saying we need a Kim Jong-un or a XiJinping, two other dictators Trump admires. Actually for over two decades your hero Putin has utterly abused and run into the ground the Russian economy, allowing its wealth to flow freely into the coffers of an compliant class of super-rich and super-corrupt oligarchs. Russia under Putin has fallen further and further behind the West, despite its immense size, oil and other natural resources. Sure, just what we need here!

We spent more on the "military" than anyone on Earth and all we have to show for it is bloated staffing and no ammo
The bottom line is this drunken Court Jester was Washingtons man in Russia for a long time, there was no Russophobia in the 90s when the clown was allowing Western Corporate jackals along with their local Russian Oligarch partners in crime to loot Russia, then Putin came along and started to build Russia again and deal with the criminal Oligarchs, that's why they live in London Paris and other Western Countries where they are presented as freedom loving dissidents rather than the gangsters they are.

Thats why The Deep State tried to take our Reagan and why the “Oligarchy” did so well under HW
Same thing about American actions in Taiwan or Kosovo? When your official or unofficial ally is attacked it's OK to come and defend him. From the Russian point of view, it was Ukraine who attacked Donetsk and Lugansk People Republics (allies of the Russian Federation).
Again, nothing but bullshit from you. Ethnic Russians were never persecuted so there was no one for Putin to defend. His goal from the start of the invasion in 2014 was to colonize Ukraine. Donetsk and Lugansk are two Russian colonies he created.
Again, nothing but bullshit from you. Ethnic Russians were never persecuted so there was no one for Putin to defend. His goal from the start of the invasion in 2014 was to colonize Ukraine. Donetsk and Lugansk are two Russian colonies he created.
Stop lying, there was NO invasion in 2014, if there had been why would the Russians have to invade again in 2022, no ethnic Russians persecuted, behave yourself, after the Coup they were attacked in Donbass by the Ukrainian army and airforce because they refused to go along with the coup , some were burned alive in Odessa trade Union building, that was a sign of things to come, and some people are still in denial so they have fabricated a story about a Russian invasion.
Stop lying, there was NO invasion in 2014, if there had been why would the Russians have to invade again in 2022, no ethnic Russians persecuted, behave yourself, after the Coup they were attacked in Donbass by the Ukrainian army and airforce because they refused to go along with the coup , some were burned alive in Odessa trade Union building, that was a sign of things to come, and some people are still in denial so they have fabricated a story about a Russian invasion.
Perhaps people believe that on Planet Putin but here on Earth, there was no coup, Yanukovych was removed by Constitutional processes, and the 2014 violence began when Russia launched a proxy war against Ukraine, during which Russian troops entered Ukraine.

In early 2014, the Euromaidan protests led to the Revolution of Dignity and the ousting of Ukraine's pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych. Shortly after, pro-Russian unrest erupted in eastern and southern Ukraine. Simultaneously, unmarked Russian troops moved into Ukraine's Crimea and took over government buildings, strategic sites and infrastructure. Russia soon annexed Crimea after a highly-disputed referendum. In April 2014, armed pro-Russian separatists seized government buildings in Ukraine's eastern Donbas region and proclaimed the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) as independent states, starting the Donbas war. The separatists received considerable but covert support from Russia, and Ukrainian attempts to fully retake separatist-held areas failed. Although Russia denied involvement, Russian troops took part in the fighting.

Russo-Ukrainian War - Wikipedia
If China attacks Taiwan we will defend Taiwan, but we will not attack China.
Taiwan is officially recognized as a part of China by the US government. Defense of Taiwan, officially, is an attack on China. Defense of Kosovo was an attack on Serbia.
Defense of Donbass is attack on Ukraine. No one can defend a defender without attacking the attacker.
Again, nothing but bullshit from you. Ethnic Russians were never persecuted so there was no one for Putin to defend. His goal from the start of the invasion in 2014 was to colonize Ukraine. Donetsk and Lugansk are two Russian colonies he created.
Really? So, what about Odessa Massacre in 2014? And do Russian language have the same rights as Ukrainian?
Really? So, what about Odessa Massacre in 2014? And do Russian language have the same rights as Ukrainian?
What happened in Odessa was a street fight that had an unfortunate end and was not an act by the government, and Russian speakers or ethnic Russianns have all the same rights as everyone else. This war is about Russia's ambition to colonize Ukraine and nothing else.
What happened in Odessa was a street fight that had an unfortunate end and was not an act by the government, and Russian speakers or ethnic Russianns have all the same rights as everyone else. This war is about Russia's ambition to colonize Ukraine and nothing else.
There were some street fights in the USA in 2020, you know. But the government of the United States didn't sent "non-government KKK terror battalions" for murdering those "treasonous N-ggers".
There were no US officials, supporting murder of "anti-american" BLM-activists. Every single death was properly investigated. Nobody banned "N-ggers' music" (including RAP and Jazz). There is no "High Council for de-Niggerisation and de-Latinisation".
If it were - we could already have a civil war, too.

When a government doesn't investigate crimes against specific ethnic groups, when the goverment officially deny necesserity of law protection of this specific group, when the government officially abuse and discriminate this specific group... Yeah. Then the people have lawful right and even duty to fight against this abusive and discriminative government.

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