UPDATE: Here’s How The Predatory Gay Activist Couple Was Allowed To Adopt Children Despite One Member Being Previously Accused Of Child Rape

I'm agnostic and I think pedophiles should be fired from a cannon. Nice to know where you stand on the subject though.

I prefer this, and aim it at a gator pond:


I'm curious who wouldn't hate two fags raping children and pimping them out

Obviously, Donald H, for one. I can think of several more examples, but that's the one that has appeared, so far, in this thread.

Then there's TheProgressivePatriot, that claims, as a CPS worker, to have actually placed children in the custody of depraved faggots; making it not only supportive of such filth, but actively complicit.
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Obviously, Donald H, for one. I can think of several more examples, but that's the one that has appeared, so far, in this thread.

Then there's TheProgressivePatriot, that claims, as a CPS worker, to have actually placed children in the custody of depraved faggots; making it not only supportive of such filth, but actively complicit.
They need to go to hell and get raped with a red hot poker for eternity.
The media showed more anger towards NHL player Ivan Provorov for not wearing a rainbow on his shirt than they did towards the gay men who raped and pimped out their kids. Enemy of the people.

Gay Activist Couple Who Sexually Abused Adopted Sons Describe Life Behind Bars​

22 Jan 2023 ~~ By Cullen Linebarger

The journalist who first broke the story on William Dale Zulock and Zachary Jacoby Zulock’s malevolent alleged crimes released the final part of her investigation on Friday. In her essay, Mia Cathell unveils how William and Zachary are handling life behind bars.
Cathell, as her Twitter thread will later show, illustrates that the two accused child predators are having different types of experiences. Zachary is being subject to what is known as “jail justice,” a type of treatment inmates regularly give to those suspected of having abused innocent children. William, on the other hand, is whining about the prison food and has lost a significant amount of weight.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that both men were accused of making porn with the children. The children were rescued and taken by officials.


There is nothing lower than a predatory homosexual that rapes minors, especially kids that they are supposed to be parenting. Predators like this, should be fed into wood chipper live.
Tis doesn't sound like they're getting any of the jail justice they deserve.
This is what the Maoist/DSA Democrats have made our country into.
Despicable & shameful
There is an old saying- If you can't do the time. Don't do the crime!
Hasn’t America had enough? Stolen elections, starting wars over illegal bio-weapons labs, lab-leak pandemics and deadly vaccines, and more and more child sex trafficking is coming to light. These guys adopted these boys to trade them around for sex. These men weren’t married, they weren’t monogamous, they were on grinder hooking up with other pedo freaks, trading child porn and letting their sons be used as a sex dolls.

See Also:
All fags rape kids......kill them all......

I mean, there are some good fags that deserve to be left alive for our entertainment..but kill the rest as God intended....


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