UPDATE: Maga hat Their arrested charged with felony theft LOL

I can't believe how hard you leftists are working to defend criminal behaviour.

Glad he lost his job. Bullying little kids, and you're defending it.
How about attacking a child with a gun?
That's called murder and in the case of mass shootings - it ends in life in prison without parole. So what is the problem? :dunno:
You seem to not find that repulsive?
Sure I do - which is why I support life in prison and/or the death penalty for them. Meanwhile, you are defending the assault of the child by a fellow fascist and mocking those of us who acknowledge that this is the textbook definition of assault.
And you attack those of us who call the NRA an enabler, and call it a terrorist organization - isn't that a hate crime, which both of us commit, by your definition?
Yes - you attacking the NRA (whose only purpose is to uphold the U.S. Constitution) is a form of a hate crime. But thankfully for you, it falls under your 1st Amendment right - so your lies and attacks are protected.
I haven' seen the video
And yet here you sit, commenting. So typical of the left.

My mind is open on the MAGA hat event, no one has yet posted the video. My comments on the issue have been moderated by the fact I haven't seen the video, and by the fact that you are a damn liar and never to be trusted.
News flash for you: the prison penal system is a leftover from our barbaric past where people were thrown in dungeons and chains and tortured with hideous devices for any ol' reason, we've merely "reformed" them a bit over the years to where they are less savage in ways that SHOW.
News Flash for you: you are a fragile 'lil left-wing snowflake who spouts the most absurd and asinine idealism known to man. There is nothing "barbaric" about throwing animals in prison, you fucking fragile little girl. :eusa_doh:

What is your alternative - putting them in "timeout" on the couch and then giving them a stern talking to? :lmao:
Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!

How do you know the hat was taken by force? If there was force, or if the victim was seriously in fear for his life, the crime would be Robbery, and the value of the property taken would be irrelevant.

Aggravated Robbery would require that the victim was harmed and suffered serious injuries. Google the Texas Penal Code under "Robbery" and see the difference. Keep in mind anything posted by P@triot is suspect, for he is a damn liar.
Did you watch the video? Of course you did not... no surprise there... idiot.... The Adult RIPPED IT FROM THE JUVENILES HEAD AND BEGAN TAUNTING HIM AND THREATENING HIM ON TAPE!

This is called ROBBERY! And guess what... ITS A FELONY!

I did not see the video, please post it and I'll comment.

Than why the hell are you even commenting on this subject?
Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!

How do you know the hat was taken by force? If there was force, or if the victim was seriously in fear for his life, the crime would be Robbery, and the value of the property taken would be irrelevant.

Aggravated Robbery would require that the victim was harmed and suffered serious injuries. Google the Texas Penal Code under "Robbery" and see the difference. Keep in mind anything posted by P@triot is suspect, for he is a damn liar.
Did you watch the video? Of course you did not... no surprise there... idiot.... The Adult RIPPED IT FROM THE JUVENILES HEAD AND BEGAN TAUNTING HIM AND THREATENING HIM ON TAPE!

This is called ROBBERY! And guess what... ITS A FELONY!

I did not see the video, please post it and I'll comment.

Than why the hell are you even commenting on this subject?
He skipped to the ending.........LOL....
How about attacking a child with a gun?
That's called murder and in the case of mass shootings - it ends in life in prison without parole. So what is the problem? :dunno:
You seem to not find that repulsive?
Sure I do - which is why I support life in prison and/or the death penalty for them. Meanwhile, you are defending the assault of the child by a fellow fascist and mocking those of us who acknowledge that this is the textbook definition of assault.
And you attack those of us who call the NRA an enabler, and call it a terrorist organization - isn't that a hate crime, which both of us commit, by your definition?
Yes - you attacking the NRA (whose only purpose is to uphold the U.S. Constitution) is a form of a hate crime. But thankfully for you, it falls under your 1st Amendment right - so your lies and attacks are protected.
I haven' seen the video
And yet here you sit, commenting. So typical of the left.

My mind is open on the MAGA hat event, no one has yet posted the video. My comments on the issue have been moderated by the fact I haven't seen the video, and by the fact that you are a damn liar and never to be trusted.

The video has been shown all over this board.
My mind is open on the MAGA hat event, no one has yet posted the video.
How sad that none of your news sources are covering it. Maybe you should try turning to TheBlaze. Oh wait - that's right. You hate the truth. Here is the video:

Teen Trump fan attacked: Make America Great Again hat taken from him, drink thrown in his face

My takeaways: The video was taken by a cell phone, likely by someone who had accompanied the "victim"; the "victim" called the employee a "******", no video showed the hat being "ripped off" of the kids head; no context of when the event commenced nor is any discussion that must have occurred before what was in the video; the ice may have hurt, but does appear to have inured the "child" who appeared to be in his mid teens, nor did he appear to be in fear.

This may have been a set up, given that the cell phone video's owner is not in evidence. Was the photographer with the 'victim', and what preceded what I saw in the video?

As an investigator, I was trained to interview every victim, perp and witness twice, before making a judgment. My guess is the detectives will do so and the outcome is down the road.

This event is not by Texas law a Robbery or Grand Theft Person, IMO it is not a felony or even a serious Misdemeanor.
IMHO LE often overcharges in cases because they know it will eventually be pleaded down.
I think examples need to be made of these people, or else somebody's going to die over it.
More than that...we need deterrents. Assholes like this thug engage in this behavior because they know nothing will happen. Just a little community service.

Now imagine if the sentence was a mandatory 10 years in prison and both hands cut off so that you could never steal or assault again. I guarantee this doesn’t happen.
I'd settle for a serious ass-whipping.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft
The man caught on video pouring a drink on a teen and then stealing his Make America Great Again hat was arrested Thursday.

A robbery task force with the San Antonio Police Department located 30-year-old Kino Jimenez in Universal City, Texas, after he confronted 16-year-old Hunter Richard at a local Whataburger restaurant.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft

LMFAO, Good this Trump hating gPOS who think they are all that is gettig pay back good for you , you lttle bitch.

This is what your TRUMP HATERS are all about now you know why they're all for ABORTING they have no regard for human life ANTIFA....... humanity haters.

At least these stupid mother fkrs can't ever own a gun now lmfao.
Why is it a felony?

Because the DA is a Trump supporter.
no video showed the hat being "ripped off" of the kids head.

This may have been a set up, given that the cell phone video's owner is not in evidence.
You just answered your own question. If this was a "set up" - the video would have been ready to roll and it would have captured that animal assaulting the child.

In addition - look closely at the child in yellow. There is nothing but pure shock on his face. This wasn't a "set up" you partisan hack. They had no idea this was coming. None. And it's obvious to anyone who isn't a left-wing idiot attempting to excuse and defend this behavior.
Why is it a felony?
Because the DA is a Trump supporter.
Why is it a felony?
Because the DA is a Trump supporter.
Nobody does bat-shit crazy conspiracy theory quite like Bullshit here. The dummy doesn't even know that a DA cannot bring charges he wants - they are dictated by law. For instance, the DA cannot charge this man with "murder" just because he has a "Trump supporter". Nitwit.
IMHO LE often overcharges in cases because they know it will eventually be pleaded down.
I think examples need to be made of these people, or else somebody's going to die over it.
More than that...we need deterrents. Assholes like this thug engage in this behavior because they know nothing will happen. Just a little community service.

Now imagine if the sentence was a mandatory 10 years in prison and both hands cut off so that you could never steal or assault again. I guarantee this doesn’t happen.
I'd settle for a serious ass-whipping.

As long as it required a trip to the hospital I'd be okay with that.
News flash for you: the prison penal system is a leftover from our barbaric past where people were thrown in dungeons and chains and tortured with hideous devices for any ol' reason, we've merely "reformed" them a bit over the years to where they are less savage in ways that SHOW.
News Flash for you: you are a fragile 'lil left-wing snowflake who spouts the most absurd and asinine idealism known to man. There is nothing "barbaric" about throwing animals in prison, you fucking fragile little girl. :eusa_doh:

What is your alternative - putting them in "timeout" on the couch and then giving them a stern talking to? :lmao:

Drop dead, jerkoff. Me left-wing? You really are a dolt. I actually tested on a thread several months back as one of the three most right-wing people on the forum, fool. And I have 8000 posts to prove it. Try reading a few. You've rated me Winner and Agree a whole bunch of times. I just have a brain, too. I could care less what they do to this guy, I'm anything but soft on crime, all I'm saying is that overall, our legal system is broken, society is in meltdown, and we are quickly becoming a police-state where everything has become a felony and every one of us has broken a law of some kind. Things have really gone downhill since I was a kid. Rather than seek to solve things WITHOUT making a federal case of it, we now seek to make EVERYTHING a federal case! I don't want to live in a world run by goose-stepping, jack-booted idiots like you who want to sentence people to 20 years and cut their hands off for a few seconds of lost temper and loss of control--- --- we have ISIS to do things like that.

Prison is fine and necessary in hard cases, but with that comes the need of any responsible society to address and seek to solve WHERE POSSIBLE the underlying causes with the goal of being proactive in creating a society that is peaceful, healthy and erudite, not violent, class-driven and divided, looking for every and any excuse to throw you in a cage. You're still living in the 19th century, I'd rather try to make the 21st a better place.
My takeaways: The video was taken by a cell phone, likely by someone who had accompanied the "victim"; the "victim" called the employee a "******", no video showed the hat being "ripped off" of the kids head

Correct. There's no video showing "the hat being 'ripped off' of the kids [sic] head".

However, there's no video of Richard (the victim) calling any Whataburger employee by any racial slur. Nor is there any video of Richard calling Jimenez by any racial slur prior to the theft of the hat.

The video shows Jimenez in possession of the hat and appears to show him leaving the restaurant with that property.

This event is not by Texas law a Robbery or Grand Theft Person, IMO it is not a felony or even a serious Misdemeanor.

If (and, of course, this is a big "if") Jimenez stole the hat off of Richard's head, it's a felony. The property was "stolen from the person of another". Texas PC 31.03(e)(4)(B). According to the plain text of that statute, the value of the property is irrelevant ("regardless of value" in the statute). Whether you steal a $10,000 watch off of someone's wrist, a $20,000 ring off of someone's finger, a $10 hat off of someone's head, or a $1 bill out of someone's hand, you commit a felony in Texas.

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