UPDATE: Maga hat Their arrested charged with felony theft LOL

Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!

How do you know the hat was taken by force? If there was force, or if the victim was seriously in fear for his life, the crime would be Robbery, and the value of the property taken would be irrelevant.

Aggravated Robbery would require that the victim was harmed and suffered serious injuries. Google the Texas Penal Code under "Robbery" and see the difference. Keep in mind anything posted by P@triot is suspect, for he is a damn liar.

Not sure who you are talking to because I have them on ignore, but it wasn't taken by force. The guy just walked up to him and grabbed it off his head. It is a $10 hat.

The "grabbed it off his head" part is precisely what makes it a felony. He [allegedly] stole property from the person of another.

If the hat had been on the table instead of on the victim's person (on his head), it would likely be a misdemeanor (due to the presumed low value of the property).

From Texas Penal Code § 31.03 :
(e) Except as provided by Subsection (f), an offense under this section is:
(4) a state jail felony if:
(B) regardless of value, the property is stolen from the person of another or from a human corpse or grave, including property that is a military grave marker;​

Force is not a required element. The value of the property is irrelevant. In Texas, if you steal something "from the person of another" (e.g. if, as part of the theft of a hat, you grab the hat off someone's head), you have committed a felony.

No it's not.
However there is also assault around the drink.. because he used an object to strike the kids..i.e., the drink. This is how cops manage to give kids *assault with a deadly weapon*...it doesn't matter what the weapon is, if it is used to hurt someone. I think that's probably a stretch in this case..but I've seen it be stretched to some pretty ridiculous lengths in other cases.

My primary issue is the fact that this is an adult, a grown, extremely muscular and imposing man...he didn't actually hurt the kids physically. But the discrepancy in their sizes and their ages makes the entire episode alarming, because the kids had to be in fear. I know the one on the film is, I can tell he's petrified. And that is a problem. You don't get to terrorize people on the street physically...I don't care whether or not you physically (or even mentally) hurt them. If you accost and terrorize people on the street with your manner and words, combined with a show aggression, you belong in an institution, or prison, for a very long time..maybe forever. And it should be sufficiently horrible for you to know every day that you are being punished.

This is why one of the first lessons we need to teach our kids is KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF.

It's a hard lesson for people to learn, has to be taught from the cradle. Along with the circle rule..you stay out of people's circle unless invited in. If forced into someone's circle, you'd better be respectful and non threatening.

Anyway. More people are packing. This bulllshit is going to start getting numbskulls dead.
You're advocating being respectful and nonthreatening, and then bring up how y'all are going to start SHOOTING people for mouthing off?
Doesn't fly, KG.
They draw people in, do little or nothing to address or reform why the people are there in the first place, them make it much harder to return to normal life, come clean, and stay out of crime.
A. Prisons are not designed to “reform”. They are designed to keep animals locked up so civilized people can go about their lives without becoming victims.

B. Those people are “there in the first place” because they are sub-human animals.

C. Prisons do not “draw people in”. They are not enticing institutions that children grow up dreaming of one day attending.

D. You are a certified idiot.
Funny how they can't provide the slightest bit of evidence for their lies. If they're not careful they can be sued. Wouldn't that be fun!
What are you talking about? I just provided an eye-witness report of the incident in question. That's more than frivolous conjecture or bullshit innuendo's, on your part.

How many "eye witness" accounts would you like me to show you were proven later to be outright lies?
...and now stupid fools are actually going to the guy's family's house harassing his family.
Good! They should be harassed. You animals have celebrated and encouraged the harassment of public servants and their families for merely doing their jobs properly.

If that’s what you people do and/or support, the least you should do is support the harassment of thugs.
Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!

How do you know the hat was taken by force? If there was force, or if the victim was seriously in fear for his life, the crime would be Robbery, and the value of the property taken would be irrelevant.

Aggravated Robbery would require that the victim was harmed and suffered serious injuries. Google the Texas Penal Code under "Robbery" and see the difference. Keep in mind anything posted by P@triot is suspect, for he is a damn liar.

Not sure who you are talking to because I have them on ignore, but it wasn't taken by force. The guy just walked up to him and grabbed it off his head. It is a $10 hat.

If it wasn't given to him, then it WAS taken by "force or intimidation". Try getting an education.
...and now stupid fools are actually going to the guy's family's house harassing his family.
Good! They should be harassed. You animals have celebrated and encouraged the harassment of public servants and their families for merely doing their jobs properly.

If that’s what you people do and/or support, the least you should do is support the harassment of thugs.

I disagree. The only people who should be affected by their criminal behavior is the criminals themselves. Harassing the assholes family is not appropriate in the slightest.
Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!

How do you know the hat was taken by force? If there was force, or if the victim was seriously in fear for his life, the crime would be Robbery, and the value of the property taken would be irrelevant.

Aggravated Robbery would require that the victim was harmed and suffered serious injuries. Google the Texas Penal Code under "Robbery" and see the difference. Keep in mind anything posted by P@triot is suspect, for he is a damn liar.

Not sure who you are talking to because I have them on ignore, but it wasn't taken by force. The guy just walked up to him and grabbed it off his head. It is a $10 hat.

If it wasn't given to him, then it WAS taken by "force or intimidation". Try getting an education.
They've already been educated. That's how they become useful idiots.

And I don't think they can be fixed.
The MAGA hat racists would've still had their caps if they hadn't been talking out loud about killing blacks in the streets and claiming whites should have a right to kill blacks. That's why they were attacked.
Let’s just pretend for a moment that your claim is 100% accurate. So what? They have a 1st Amendment right to state their beliefs. And nobody has the right to assault someone over speech. Nobody.
These MAGA hat wearing pricks deserved a major beat down.
Spoken like a true fascist idiot. And you wonder why Republicans control everything coast-to-coast and your party is in complete and total disarray?
They draw people in, do little or nothing to address or reform why the people are there in the first place, them make it much harder to return to normal life, come clean, and stay out of crime.
A. Prisons are not designed to “reform”. They are designed to keep animals locked up so civilized people can go about their lives without becoming victims.

B. Those people are “there in the first place” because they are sub-human animals.

C. Prisons do not “draw people in”. They are not enticing institutions that children grow up dreaming of one day attending.

D. You are a certified idiot.

This is an absolutely ludicrous post. Do you have any idea what percentage of people that go to prison are eventually released? Do you want them to be released where they have learned to be better citizens or as hardened criminals who will just commit another crime?
Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!

How do you know the hat was taken by force? If there was force, or if the victim was seriously in fear for his life, the crime would be Robbery, and the value of the property taken would be irrelevant.

Aggravated Robbery would require that the victim was harmed and suffered serious injuries. Google the Texas Penal Code under "Robbery" and see the difference. Keep in mind anything posted by P@triot is suspect, for he is a damn liar.

Not sure who you are talking to because I have them on ignore, but it wasn't taken by force. The guy just walked up to him and grabbed it off his head. It is a $10 hat.

If it wasn't given to him, then it WAS taken by "force or intimidation". Try getting an education.


Do you know what the description of force and intimidation is?

At no point did I say it was right for him to take someone else's property... what I did say is it shouldn't be a felony.

For someone that labels theirself a "liberal" you sure like locking people up for shit.
...and now stupid fools are actually going to the guy's family's house harassing his family.
Good! They should be harassed. You animals have celebrated and encouraged the harassment of public servants and their families for merely doing their jobs properly.

If that’s what you people do and/or support, the least you should do is support the harassment of thugs.

I advocate communities bringing a certain degree of pressure to bear upon the families of brownshirted thugs...nothing as overt as threats or intimidation, however. Just a full disclosure on multiple fronts that the behavior of the offending family member is not acceptable in any way, shape or form. That comes from the perspective of someone who lives in the rural US...where we have been invaded by government officials who drag their families into our small communities thereby completely changing the culture.

For example, in my town, one of our USFS higher-ups came into the community maybe ten years ago..bringing his wife, who is now a secretary at the school and thus operates from a position of authority and brings in pro-USFS materials and shares her ideology with teachers, admin, students and other parents.

Harney County was destroyed by this invasion...the culture is gone, the ranchers and the cowboy/logger culture is gone (except for the Hammonds, who are in prison..and a few other who are scared out of their minds). Lane county was also destroyed. Eugene has always been leftist..but the rest of the county was old time Democrat...and completely against the closure of the forests.

So I advocate people calling out these people, or at least openly sharing information about the nature of their business and natures. I don't allow my children to hang out with USFS families, and I tell them why when it comes up. We have the right to choose our society, and to choose who we allow in our communities.

But no, not to the point of calling them and threatening them....though honestly, I think the leftists lie about that, too.
This is an absolutely ludicrous post.
And yet you were unable to dispute a single point.
Do you have any idea what percentage of people that go to prison are eventually released?
Far too many thanks to failed and idiotic left-wing policy.
Do you want them to be released where they have learned to be better citizens or as hardened criminals who will just commit another crime?
I don’t want them released at all, chief. Why would you make such an idiotic presumption?
They draw people in, do little or nothing to address or reform why the people are there in the first place, them make it much harder to return to normal life, come clean, and stay out of crime.
A. Prisons are not designed to “reform”. They are designed to keep animals locked up so civilized people can go about their lives without becoming victims.

B. Those people are “there in the first place” because they are sub-human animals.

C. Prisons do not “draw people in”. They are not enticing institutions that children grow up dreaming of one day attending.

D. You are a certified idiot.

Hey Patriot, congratulations, you just proved that just because a person is conservative doesn't stop all of them from not being a flaming idiot with their heads firmly up their ass! Not only did you get half my points totally wrong, you actually proved them but are too dumb to even know it.
This is an absolutely ludicrous post.
And yet you were unable to dispute a single point.
Do you have any idea what percentage of people that go to prison are eventually released?
Far too many thanks to failed and idiotic left-wing policy.
Do you want them to be released where they have learned to be better citizens or as hardened criminals who will just commit another crime?
I don’t want them released at all, chief. Why would you make such an idiotic presumption?

Dispute a single point? Read a fucking book. Using prisons to warehouse people does not work.

Locking up people for life doesn't work. Putting people to death for crimes not equal to death is cruel and unusual punishment.

You are either a troll or extremely stupid.
They draw people in, do little or nothing to address or reform why the people are there in the first place, them make it much harder to return to normal life, come clean, and stay out of crime.
A. Prisons are not designed to “reform”. They are designed to keep animals locked up so civilized people can go about their lives without becoming victims.

B. Those people are “there in the first place” because they are sub-human animals.

C. Prisons do not “draw people in”. They are not enticing institutions that children grow up dreaming of one day attending.

D. You are a certified idiot.

Hey Patriot, congratulations, you just proved that just because a person is conservative doesn't stop all of them from not being a flaming idiot with their heads firmly up their ass! Not only did you get half my points totally wrong, you actually proved them but are too dumb to even know it.

Wow me and you actually agree on something.
...and now stupid fools are actually going to the guy's family's house harassing his family.
Good! They should be harassed. You animals have celebrated and encouraged the harassment of public servants and their families for merely doing their jobs properly.

If that’s what you people do and/or support, the least you should do is support the harassment of thugs.

LOOK YOU IGNORANT PIG DROPPING, I am not an "animal," so take your 5th grade mentality and SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS. I have not celebrated anything you TWIT. I hope someday you get arrested for something you didn't do, maybe mistaken identity, get thrown in prison, then have your wife and children intimidated and threatened IN THEIR HOME afraid to even go outside, and remember, YOU are an animal now because YOU are in jail, and by your own admission, your family are THUGS who deserve harassment for merely having the misfortune of being married to and related to you.

And when your family is terrorized and harmed by assholes like you, remember that you not only condoned it but SANCTIONED IT, you stupid, drooling, shithead.

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