UPDATE: Maga hat Their arrested charged with felony theft LOL

You know they can charge for " pre crime thoughts". =) Sorry I couldn't skip out on that one.

You know MW, people here think I'm being soft on crime now. They just aren't seeing the bigger picture. A couple months ago people here were attacking me as too harsh for wanting water boarding and torture to get a confession from a terrorist about to nuke NYC! Another time they thought me a monster for wanting to hold police accountable in a case where a guy was shot and killed needlessly. Now we have a kid that got his soda pop thrown at him by a jerk and I'm too easy on him for not wanting to put him behind bars for 20 years.

Prison is a last resort. Prison is what you do in cases where the crime was so heinous and the person so bad they are not safe or deserve to be on the street. But in far too many cases, our laws are numbingly short-sighted simplistic formulas with no real INTELLIGENCE involved, and prison becomes not any kind of a solution, but a very expensive knee-jerk, assembly-line way of concealing the problem out of sight. And it keeps the judges and lawyers RICH. But the very fact that we are a country full of huge prisons overfilled to busting with so many people goes to show we've failed at getting to the real cause of crime because no one wants to admit it.

Nonsense. Prison is where you put anti-social fools who are a danger and a drag upon society, for the specific purpose of keeping our KIDS safe if they should decide to go to In and Out Burger for a coke with their friends.

Prsion might seem right, but on the flip side we need to knock our prison population back down Kosh. Yeah i'd like to see that twit in jail too for doing that but on the flip side doing what he did is it worth the prison space and cost when he could be punished another way.

I'm on the fence about prison because I def. say throw the prick into prison then the other side says well twenty years ago if someone did that they would get maybe a fine or communisty service, but a FELONY Uuuuugh do we want more of a prison population because felony records keep them from gettingg decent jobs etc. Be it they would obtain that nobody knows but it sure lessons their learning how to be better criminls.

I'm sorry, you are never going to convince me that we need more criminals on the streets.

You stop crime by locking up criminals. That's it. Or killing them, but I don't want to kill them. I want them locked up..not locked up, fed up, then released to do it again. The fact of the matter is, most criminals offend OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. They belong in prison. They need to stay in prison. We all know they don't learn, and they are a menace and a drain.

Dude, your talking to someone whose brother was killed by you know who.

Of course I don't think this fkn bastard shouldn't get into hot water. , jail probably mostly because he has obvioulsy past troubles.

My statement was more on the " general side of throwing people into prison" for everything and anything as most leftards want to do that.

Throw them into prison for jay walkingg, throw them into prison for farting, throw them into prison because the Trum loving prick hates Obama , you get what I mean.

Chill out LOL

I'm not saying to throw them in prison for farting or for jaywalking.
I'm saying throw them in prison for physically accosting people.

And I'm not the one getting hysterical here.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft
The man caught on video pouring a drink on a teen and then stealing his Make America Great Again hat was arrested Thursday.

A robbery task force with the San Antonio Police Department located 30-year-old Kino Jimenez in Universal City, Texas, after he confronted 16-year-old Hunter Richard at a local Whataburger restaurant.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft

LMFAO, Good this Trump hating gPOS who think they are all that is gettig pay back good for you , you lttle bitch.

This is what your TRUMP HATERS are all about now you know why they're all for ABORTING they have no regard for human life ANTIFA....... humanity haters.

At least these stupid mother fkrs can't ever own a gun now lmfao.
Why is it a felony?

He used threat of violence to steal the hat. That is called a Strong Arm Robbery. Had he tried that against an adult he could have been shot to death with no repercussions to the shooter, unless they lived in CA, or any other progressive bastion where violent criminal behavior seems to be allowed against trump supporters.

Ignorance on display ^^^. Read my post on Robbery, above (post 119), and on the possible consequences in CA.

Yes, we all know you are an ignorant fool. The case happened in TEXAS. Try again, moron.

No shit, Sherlock. Penal codes may differ, but my legal experience was based in CA. BTW, calling me an ignorant fool is not based on anything I've written, but seems to apply to you.

There is a Penal Code Section in the Texas Code, Aggravated Robbery, defined here:

(a) A person commits an offense if he commits robbery as defined in Section 29.02 , and he:

(1) causes serious bodily injury to another;

(2) uses or exhibits a deadly weapon;  or

(3) causes bodily injury to another person or threatens or places another person in fear of imminent bodily injury or death, if the other person is:

(A) 65 years of age or older;  or

(B) a disabled person.

(b) An offense under this section is a felony of the first degree.

(c) In this section, “disabled person” means an individual with a mental, physical, or developmental disability who is substantially unable to protect himself from harm.


So, where did you get the term "strong arm robbery"? Likely from some TV show. The facts I posted in the CA law are very similar to what is posted above.

Of course I can't pretend to presume a Texas Judge or Jury would not find the defendant guilty of Aggravated Robbery for pouring a drink over a kids head and taking his hat. Nor do can I predict how a prosecutor would file when the facts are as I understand them.

Here the crime would likely be filed as a misdemeanor theft - unless the defendant was charged with a three strikes enhancement.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft
The man caught on video pouring a drink on a teen and then stealing his Make America Great Again hat was arrested Thursday.

A robbery task force with the San Antonio Police Department located 30-year-old Kino Jimenez in Universal City, Texas, after he confronted 16-year-old Hunter Richard at a local Whataburger restaurant.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft

LMFAO, Good this Trump hating gPOS who think they are all that is gettig pay back good for you , you lttle bitch.

This is what your TRUMP HATERS are all about now you know why they're all for ABORTING they have no regard for human life ANTIFA....... humanity haters.

At least these stupid mother fkrs can't ever own a gun now lmfao.
Why is it a felony?

He used threat of violence to steal the hat. That is called a Strong Arm Robbery. Had he tried that against an adult he could have been shot to death with no repercussions to the shooter, unless they lived in CA, or any other progressive bastion where violent criminal behavior seems to be allowed against trump supporters.

Ignorance on display ^^^. Read my post on Robbery, above (post 119), and on the possible consequences in CA.

Yes, we all know you are an ignorant fool. The case happened in TEXAS. Try again, moron.

No shit, Sherlock. Penal codes may differ, but my legal experience was based in CA. BTW, calling me an ignorant fool is not based on anything I've written, but seems to apply to you.

There is a Penal Code Section in the Texas Code, Aggravated Robbery, defined here:

(a) A person commits an offense if he commits robbery as defined in Section 29.02 , and he:

(1) causes serious bodily injury to another;

(2) uses or exhibits a deadly weapon;  or

(3) causes bodily injury to another person or threatens or places another person in fear of imminent bodily injury or death, if the other person is:

(A) 65 years of age or older;  or

(B) a disabled person.

(b) An offense under this section is a felony of the first degree.

(c) In this section, “disabled person” means an individual with a mental, physical, or developmental disability who is substantially unable to protect himself from harm.


So, where did you get the term "strong arm robbery"? Likely from some TV show. The facts I posted in the CA law are very similar to what is posted above.

Of course I can't pretend to presume a Texas Judge or Jury would not find the defendant guilty of Aggravated Robbery for pouring a drink over a kids head and taking his hat. Nor do can I predict how a prosecutor would file when the facts are as I understand them.

Here the crime would likely be filed as a misdemeanor theft - unless the defendant was charged with a three strikes enhancement.

Silly doofus, I called you an ignorant fool in response to your insult. If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen. It's amazing how you morons think you're immune to the very insults you hurl. As far as the PC go's, it's no surprise that they vary from State to State.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft
The man caught on video pouring a drink on a teen and then stealing his Make America Great Again hat was arrested Thursday.

A robbery task force with the San Antonio Police Department located 30-year-old Kino Jimenez in Universal City, Texas, after he confronted 16-year-old Hunter Richard at a local Whataburger restaurant.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft

LMFAO, Good this Trump hating gPOS who think they are all that is gettig pay back good for you , you lttle bitch.

This is what your TRUMP HATERS are all about now you know why they're all for ABORTING they have no regard for human life ANTIFA....... humanity haters.

At least these stupid mother fkrs can't ever own a gun now lmfao.
Why is it a felony?
Threat with the use of force or fear...

He's screwed! And he should be!
He dumped a drink on the kids head, that's not even an assault, it's a battery, and a Misdemeanor at that. Your ignorance never ceases to amaze.
And you claim to have worked in law enforcement?!? Hahahahaha! You have it completely backwards!!!

View attachment 203328
Someone can only be charged with battery if they have caused real physical harm to someone, while a person can be charged with assault if the mere threat of harm is present.

Understanding The Difference Between Assault And Battery | Law ...

What Is the Difference Between Assault and Battery? - Criminal Law

Google is not your friend, when you don't read, or can't comprehend the written word. The first link is by a criminal defense lawyer, using fear to reel in a client; the second sustains my statement based on CA law.
Assault: Is an attempt to commit a battery, when he poured the drink onto the kid he committed a battery, one which did not cause a serious injury.
So now you must completely reversed your previous position in post #128.
He dumped a drink on the kids head, that's not even an assault, it's a battery, and a Misdemeanor at that.
If assault is “attempt to commit a battery” and he “committed a battery”, then he in fact attempted (you can’t commit something you didn’t attempt). You’ve now contradicted yourself again.

I keep catching you in lies. You never worked in law enforcement. Never. Nobody who worked in law enforcement could possibly fuck that up.
He dumped a drink on the kids head, that's not even an assault, it's a battery, and a Misdemeanor at that. Your ignorance never ceases to amaze.
And you claim to have worked in law enforcement?!? Hahahahaha! You have it completely backwards!!!

View attachment 203328
Someone can only be charged with battery if they have caused real physical harm to someone, while a person can be charged with assault if the mere threat of harm is present.

Understanding The Difference Between Assault And Battery | Law ...

What Is the Difference Between Assault and Battery? - Criminal Law

Google is not your friend, when you don't read, or can't comprehend the written word. The first link is by a criminal defense lawyer, using fear to reel in a client; the second sustains my statement based on CA law.
And both prove you’re an idiot who makes shit up. You didn’t have a damn clue what assault or battery were.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft
The man caught on video pouring a drink on a teen and then stealing his Make America Great Again hat was arrested Thursday.

A robbery task force with the San Antonio Police Department located 30-year-old Kino Jimenez in Universal City, Texas, after he confronted 16-year-old Hunter Richard at a local Whataburger restaurant.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft

LMFAO, Good this Trump hating gPOS who think they are all that is gettig pay back good for you , you lttle bitch.

This is what your TRUMP HATERS are all about now you know why they're all for ABORTING they have no regard for human life ANTIFA....... humanity haters.

At least these stupid mother fkrs can't ever own a gun now lmfao.
The MAGA hat racists would've still had their caps if they hadn't been talking out loud about killing blacks in the streets and claiming whites should have a right to kill blacks. That's why they were attacked.

MAGA Hat-Wearing Kids Attacked in Viral Video Wanted to Engage in Ethnic Cleansing: Witness

"They were talking about for the Fourth of July hanging black people from trees that that would be the perfect party. Hopefully, with Donald Trump within the next few years, we can celebrate a white country, a real country without blacks. Maybe we can deport them to Africa," the witness told KENS 5.

He added: "They said they wanted it to be legal for white people to kill any other race for the Fourth of July."

These MAGA hat wearing pricks deserved a major beat down.
Good. Perhaps Mr. Jimenez will make his time in prison productive and use it to reflect on the err in his ways. At the end of the day the more practical solution to disagreements and things that we do not like is to ask ourselves what it is that we can do better. Know what I mean?

That's what men do.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft
The man caught on video pouring a drink on a teen and then stealing his Make America Great Again hat was arrested Thursday.

A robbery task force with the San Antonio Police Department located 30-year-old Kino Jimenez in Universal City, Texas, after he confronted 16-year-old Hunter Richard at a local Whataburger restaurant.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft

LMFAO, Good this Trump hating gPOS who think they are all that is gettig pay back good for you , you lttle bitch.

This is what your TRUMP HATERS are all about now you know why they're all for ABORTING they have no regard for human life ANTIFA....... humanity haters.

At least these stupid mother fkrs can't ever own a gun now lmfao.
The MAGA hat racists would've still had their caps if they hadn't been talking out loud about killing blacks in the streets and claiming whites should have a right to kill blacks. That's why they were attacked.

MAGA Hat-Wearing Kids Attacked in Viral Video Wanted to Engage in Ethnic Cleansing: Witness

"They were talking about for the Fourth of July hanging black people from trees that that would be the perfect party. Hopefully, with Donald Trump within the next few years, we can celebrate a white country, a real country without blacks. Maybe we can deport them to Africa," the witness told KENS 5.

He added: "They said they wanted it to be legal for white people to kill any other race for the Fourth of July."

These MAGA hat wearing pricks deserved a major beat down.

Wow. You are seriously creepy.
his fine should be double whatever the gofundme account leftards

set up for this scumbag fascist
Assault: Is an attempt to commit a battery, when he poured the drink onto the kid he committed a battery, one which did not cause a serious injury.
So now you must completely reversed your previous position in post #128.
He dumped a drink on the kids head, that's not even an assault, it's a battery, and a Misdemeanor at that.

If assault is “attempt to commit a battery” and he “committed a battery”, then he in fact attempted (you can’t commit something you didn’t attempt). You’ve now contradicted yourself again.

I keep catching you in lies. You never worked in law enforcement. Never. Nobody who worked in law enforcement could possibly fuck that up.

Nice spin, sadly you used square bearings and it won't turn. An assault is a stand alone offense, once the battery occurs, the crime was completed. Now, a criminal complaint may allege an assault and battery, but it has no bearing on the outcome; in CA the Assault is punishable with a maximum jail sentence of 6 months; a misdemeanor battery a maximum of one year.

Assault is an element of battery, and one convicted of assault and battery cannot be sentenced to 18 months in the CJ.

Now, go pester someone else, your schtick has gotten old.
Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft
The man caught on video pouring a drink on a teen and then stealing his Make America Great Again hat was arrested Thursday.

A robbery task force with the San Antonio Police Department located 30-year-old Kino Jimenez in Universal City, Texas, after he confronted 16-year-old Hunter Richard at a local Whataburger restaurant.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft

LMFAO, Good this Trump hating gPOS who think they are all that is gettig pay back good for you , you lttle bitch.

This is what your TRUMP HATERS are all about now you know why they're all for ABORTING they have no regard for human life ANTIFA....... humanity haters.

At least these stupid mother fkrs can't ever own a gun now lmfao.
The MAGA hat racists would've still had their caps if they hadn't been talking out loud about killing blacks in the streets and claiming whites should have a right to kill blacks. That's why they were attacked.

MAGA Hat-Wearing Kids Attacked in Viral Video Wanted to Engage in Ethnic Cleansing: Witness

"They were talking about for the Fourth of July hanging black people from trees that that would be the perfect party. Hopefully, with Donald Trump within the next few years, we can celebrate a white country, a real country without blacks. Maybe we can deport them to Africa," the witness told KENS 5.

He added: "They said they wanted it to be legal for white people to kill any other race for the Fourth of July."

These MAGA hat wearing pricks deserved a major beat down.

Funny how they can't provide the slightest bit of evidence for their lies. If they're not careful they can be sued. Wouldn't that be fun!
He dumped a drink on the kids head, that's not even an assault, it's a battery, and a Misdemeanor at that. Your ignorance never ceases to amaze.
And you claim to have worked in law enforcement?!? Hahahahaha! You have it completely backwards!!!

View attachment 203328
Someone can only be charged with battery if they have caused real physical harm to someone, while a person can be charged with assault if the mere threat of harm is present.

Understanding The Difference Between Assault And Battery | Law ...

What Is the Difference Between Assault and Battery? - Criminal Law

Google is not your friend, when you don't read, or can't comprehend the written word. The first link is by a criminal defense lawyer, using fear to reel in a client; the second sustains my statement based on CA law.
And both prove you’re an idiot who makes shit up. You didn’t have a damn clue what assault or battery were.

:dance: :dance: :dance:

See my post above, #194 and then go away, you bore me.
Right, Derp. Now kids are the protected class. No teacher or parent even dare look cross-eyed at! Is that why half the kids are totally out of control now? Look, the guy was a bully. If he was an adult, he should be fined and maybe given some community service. We put people in prison far too easily. It doesn't solve anything. If these had been two school kids throwing a drink, it would be considered a prank. The guy needs some serious time getting counseling for real emotional issues before they DO lead to something more serious!

^^Freak who thinks children shouldn't be a protected class.

And we all know who whines that we should put fewer criminals in prison.


Sure, right, blah blah, blah.
I don't believe in affirmative action. Hiring should be based on qualification.
I don't believe in a hate-crime. All crimes involve a kind of hate and NO ONE knows what you were thinking. You can't punish bad thoughts.
I don't believe in treating gays any different than straight people.
And I don't believe in treating kids like ming vases. All it does is spoil them and they just take advantage and use it against both teachers AND their parents!
But I DO believe in protecting kids from the kind of abuse they suffer daily at the hands of public schools, and I do believe in weighting a sentence stiffer in a case where an ADULT does deliberate harm to a child. But no child was harmed here that I've seen. From what I heard of his voice in the video, the kid was more surprised and shocked than anything. It will be the history of the perp that decides if this compounds into serious consequences. Either way, the guy needs some real mental counseling. He has a screw loose and is a danger to others on the street.

You know they can charge for " pre crime thoughts". =) Sorry I couldn't skip out on that one.

You know MW, people here think I'm being soft on crime now. They just aren't seeing the bigger picture. A couple months ago people here were attacking me as too harsh for wanting water boarding and torture to get a confession from a terrorist about to nuke NYC! Another time they thought me a monster for wanting to hold police accountable in a case where a guy was shot and killed needlessly. Now we have a kid that got his soda pop thrown at him by a jerk and I'm too easy on him for not wanting to put him behind bars for 20 years.

Prison is a last resort. Prison is what you do in cases where the crime was so heinous and the person so bad they are not safe or deserve to be on the street. But in far too many cases, our laws are numbingly short-sighted simplistic formulas with no real INTELLIGENCE involved, and prison becomes not any kind of a solution, but a very expensive knee-jerk, assembly-line way of concealing the problem out of sight. And it keeps the judges and lawyers RICH. But the very fact that we are a country full of huge prisons overfilled to busting with so many people goes to show we've failed at getting to the real cause of crime because no one wants to admit it.

Nonsense. Prison is where you put anti-social fools who are a danger and a drag upon society, for the specific purpose of keeping our KIDS safe if they should decide to go to In and Out Burger for a coke with their friends.

Prisons were created to keep kids safe in burger joints? Was this kid ever in real danger other than to get some ice cubes down his shirt? You think you can anticipate every person who might commit a stupid or dangerous act before they can do it? News flash for you: the prison penal system is a leftover from our barbaric past where people were thrown in dungeons and chains and tortured with hideous devices for any ol' reason, we've merely "reformed" them a bit over the years to where they are less savage in ways that SHOW.

They are now institutions where you can deal drugs, get drugs, operate a crime ring out of on the outside, get laid, bribe the guards, run a business, write a book, and do computer research. They draw people in, do little or nothing to address or reform why the people are there in the first place, them make it much harder to return to normal life, come clean, and stay out of crime.

Look, I'm not defending the burger guy in any way, he was WAY out of line. He was 30 years old and should have better judgement and self-control. Don't you find it odd these kids had a camera out taping this guy if it all just happened innocently and spontaneously over a MAGA hat? Obviously it didn't. But now I understand the three kids actually instigated the whole thing calling him racial slurs (at least one is caught on the video) and now stupid fools are actually going to the guy's family's house harassing his family. The whole thing is stupid from the start, I've devoted far more time than it deserves, it never should have happened, and a judge will look at everything and decide how best to "solve" it. The guy will probably get some prison time and a fine.
^^Freak who thinks children shouldn't be a protected class.

And we all know who whines that we should put fewer criminals in prison.


Sure, right, blah blah, blah.
I don't believe in affirmative action. Hiring should be based on qualification.
I don't believe in a hate-crime. All crimes involve a kind of hate and NO ONE knows what you were thinking. You can't punish bad thoughts.
I don't believe in treating gays any different than straight people.
And I don't believe in treating kids like ming vases. All it does is spoil them and they just take advantage and use it against both teachers AND their parents!
But I DO believe in protecting kids from the kind of abuse they suffer daily at the hands of public schools, and I do believe in weighting a sentence stiffer in a case where an ADULT does deliberate harm to a child. But no child was harmed here that I've seen. From what I heard of his voice in the video, the kid was more surprised and shocked than anything. It will be the history of the perp that decides if this compounds into serious consequences. Either way, the guy needs some real mental counseling. He has a screw loose and is a danger to others on the street.

You know they can charge for " pre crime thoughts". =) Sorry I couldn't skip out on that one.

You know MW, people here think I'm being soft on crime now. They just aren't seeing the bigger picture. A couple months ago people here were attacking me as too harsh for wanting water boarding and torture to get a confession from a terrorist about to nuke NYC! Another time they thought me a monster for wanting to hold police accountable in a case where a guy was shot and killed needlessly. Now we have a kid that got his soda pop thrown at him by a jerk and I'm too easy on him for not wanting to put him behind bars for 20 years.

Prison is a last resort. Prison is what you do in cases where the crime was so heinous and the person so bad they are not safe or deserve to be on the street. But in far too many cases, our laws are numbingly short-sighted simplistic formulas with no real INTELLIGENCE involved, and prison becomes not any kind of a solution, but a very expensive knee-jerk, assembly-line way of concealing the problem out of sight. And it keeps the judges and lawyers RICH. But the very fact that we are a country full of huge prisons overfilled to busting with so many people goes to show we've failed at getting to the real cause of crime because no one wants to admit it.

Nonsense. Prison is where you put anti-social fools who are a danger and a drag upon society, for the specific purpose of keeping our KIDS safe if they should decide to go to In and Out Burger for a coke with their friends.

Prsion might seem right, but on the flip side we need to knock our prison population back down Kosh. Yeah i'd like to see that twit in jail too for doing that but on the flip side doing what he did is it worth the prison space and cost when he could be punished another way.

I'm on the fence about prison because I def. say throw the prick into prison then the other side says well twenty years ago if someone did that they would get maybe a fine or communisty service, but a FELONY Uuuuugh do we want more of a prison population because felony records keep them from gettingg decent jobs etc. Be it they would obtain that nobody knows but it sure lessons their learning how to be better criminls.

Used to be that a "felony" was a very serious crime! Now, if you can commit a "felony" for taking a kid's ballcap, we're all in trouble. What's NOT a felony anymore? Or a "hate-crime." I don't like Sessions very much, turns out to be he is a pretty stupid jackass and I don't think much of him at all. It's very easy and tempting to think that stiffer penalties is the solution to everything, and for some things, stiffer penalties and stricter enforcement IS called for, but if that ALONE was the solution to crime, why not make it life in prison or the death sentence for ANY crime and see if not all the crime doesn't stop and all our huge prisons don't start emptying out.

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