UPDATE: Maga hat Their arrested charged with felony theft LOL

Serious prison time will do nothing but leave him unemployed, unemployable, without a home,

This guy was arrested for something just a year ago in 2017. His mug shot for that arrest is on several of the 2018 stories.

Looks like the guy is already unemployable. His job was only part time, he's 30 years old and living with his Dad. Now that he's a public figure, it's doubtful any employer will want his baggage on their property sullying their company name.

Unfortunately we or at least the criminal justice system haven't seen the last of Mr. Jimenez. He's his own worst enemy.

See, now THAT's something to go on! Not looking good for the dude at all, and the case is being made for real jail time. But not for a stupid softdrink alone. Unfortunate for us, it looks like the state will be supporting this guy for a large portion of his life.
I don’t believe so-
View attachment 203289
Kino Jimenez
He then proceeded to take the teen’s pro-Trump hat, saying, “You ain’t supportin’ s–t, n—-.”
That's it--hate crime.
No he's black, it can't be a hate crime.

No matter what he does or says. It's okay. Just let him go.
Congresswoman Waters is responsible for this attack. She wants conservative comforted in all public places and even their homes.

You might want to re read that.....:biggrin:
Yeah, this damn iPad seems to decide what you wanted to type and fills it in. Confronted is what I meant to write.
I don’t believe so-
View attachment 203289
Kino Jimenez
He then proceeded to take the teen’s pro-Trump hat, saying, “You ain’t supportin’ s–t, n—-.”
That's it--hate crime.
No he's black, it can't be a hate crime.

No matter what he does or says. It's okay. Just let him go.
Congresswoman Waters is responsible for this attack. She wants conservative comforted in all public places and even their homes.

You might want to re read that.....:biggrin:
Yeah, this damn iPad seems to decide what you wanted to type and fills it in. Confronted is what I meant to write.

Nah.....it's a leftwing censorship from apple.:5_1_12024:
Yah know when you look at all the different thoughts ad views on this one , I actually have a moment of thinking you know the 30 yr old was certainly an asshole, the kids minding their own business etc etc, ........

So back to the manly 30 yr old , the question is Should this guy really get a felony for this? I mean we need to knock back the prison population really. We have the highest prison rates in the world we even beat China.

China who has a huge population has less ppl in prison then the US does.

Ok so lets say the 30 yr old does have a past is sticking him in prison going to fix him prob. not.....

Maybe the President (s ) should et up a military system that is for those who are about to be convicted of certain crimes, or hey those about to finis up thier last year or two maybe they should send peopel inot a military off the arm of the real military. That sort of thing.
If he's been fined, how is he walking away scot-free?

Unless it's an exorbitant amount, he's not going to learn a lesson. Besides, only a fine is like saying it's ok to do this shit as long as you have a hundred dollars in your bank account. You don't pick on kids, nor should you pick on people so much smaller than you...he committed an extremely dishonorable act and that's what makes this video so outrageous.

Let's just make it Life in prison then like Koshergrl says and then that will get all the dregs off the street and eliminate repeat offenders or any chance these "scum" might procreate. o_O

You accost a child, you should count yourself lucky to be alive.

Right, Derp. Now kids are the protected class. No teacher or parent even dare look cross-eyed at! Is that why half the kids are totally out of control now? Look, the guy was a bully. If he was an adult, he should be fined and maybe given some community service. We put people in prison far too easily. It doesn't solve anything. If these had been two school kids throwing a drink, it would be considered a prank. The guy needs some serious time getting counseling for real emotional issues before they DO lead to something more serious!

^^Freak who thinks children shouldn't be a protected class.

And we all know who whines that we should put fewer criminals in prison.


Sure, right, blah blah, blah.
I don't believe in affirmative action. Hiring should be based on qualification.
I don't believe in a hate-crime. All crimes involve a kind of hate and NO ONE knows what you were thinking. You can't punish bad thoughts.
I don't believe in treating gays any different than straight people.
And I don't believe in treating kids like ming vases. All it does is spoil them and they just take advantage and use it against both teachers AND their parents!
But I DO believe in protecting kids from the kind of abuse they suffer daily at the hands of public schools, and I do believe in weighting a sentence stiffer in a case where an ADULT does deliberate harm to a child. But no child was harmed here that I've seen. From what I heard of his voice in the video, the kid was more surprised and shocked than anything. It will be the history of the perp that decides if this compounds into serious consequences. Either way, the guy needs some real mental counseling. He has a screw loose and is a danger to others on the street.
Unless it's an exorbitant amount, he's not going to learn a lesson. Besides, only a fine is like saying it's ok to do this shit as long as you have a hundred dollars in your bank account. You don't pick on kids, nor should you pick on people so much smaller than you...he committed an extremely dishonorable act and that's what makes this video so outrageous.

Let's just make it Life in prison then like Koshergrl says and then that will get all the dregs off the street and eliminate repeat offenders or any chance these "scum" might procreate. o_O

You accost a child, you should count yourself lucky to be alive.

Right, Derp. Now kids are the protected class. No teacher or parent even dare look cross-eyed at! Is that why half the kids are totally out of control now? Look, the guy was a bully. If he was an adult, he should be fined and maybe given some community service. We put people in prison far too easily. It doesn't solve anything. If these had been two school kids throwing a drink, it would be considered a prank. The guy needs some serious time getting counseling for real emotional issues before they DO lead to something more serious!

^^Freak who thinks children shouldn't be a protected class.

And we all know who whines that we should put fewer criminals in prison.


Sure, right, blah blah, blah.
I don't believe in affirmative action. Hiring should be based on qualification.
I don't believe in a hate-crime. All crimes involve a kind of hate and NO ONE knows what you were thinking. You can't punish bad thoughts.
I don't believe in treating gays any different than straight people.
And I don't believe in treating kids like ming vases. All it does is spoil them and they just take advantage and use it against both teachers AND their parents!
But I DO believe in protecting kids from the kind of abuse they suffer daily at the hands of public schools, and I do believe in weighting a sentence stiffer in a case where an ADULT does deliberate harm to a child. But no child was harmed here that I've seen. From what I heard of his voice in the video, the kid was more surprised and shocked than anything. It will be the history of the perp that decides if this compounds into serious consequences. Either way, the guy needs some real mental counseling. He has a screw loose and is a danger to others on the street.

You know they can charge for " pre crime thoughts". =) Sorry I couldn't skip out on that one.
Why is it a felony?

I agree. Felony theft is over the top. He should be charged with a misdemeanor and fined. Jail time is unwarranted.

I strongly disagree. He intentionally targeted youngsters because he is a coward, and a sociopath. No person in their right mind can ever think that what he did was OK. He needs to be punished very harshly so that the next moron thinks twice before acting. It won't prevent true sociopaths from committing the crimes, but it will dissuade a copy cat from doing it, maybe.
Unless he’s been convicted of theft at least twice before, his theft of s $25.00 hat does not qualify as felonious theft, which includes taking property valued between $2,500.00 and $30,000.00...

Texas Penal Code - PENAL - PENAL § 31.03 | FindLaw

He’ll walk based on that. He should be charged appropriately so he can be prosecuted appropriately.

The second he threatened to use force to take the hat you are lost. The fact that the video is so damning tells me that if the moron doesn't take a plea, he's going to get the book thrown at him. Especially now that it has made international news with the BBC reporting on it.
Great, show me where the law, and not you, says that...

Texas Penal Code - PENAL - PENAL § 31.03 | FindLaw
Unless it's an exorbitant amount, he's not going to learn a lesson. Besides, only a fine is like saying it's ok to do this shit as long as you have a hundred dollars in your bank account. You don't pick on kids, nor should you pick on people so much smaller than you...he committed an extremely dishonorable act and that's what makes this video so outrageous.

Let's just make it Life in prison then like Koshergrl says and then that will get all the dregs off the street and eliminate repeat offenders or any chance these "scum" might procreate. o_O

You accost a child, you should count yourself lucky to be alive.

Right, Derp. Now kids are the protected class. No teacher or parent even dare look cross-eyed at! Is that why half the kids are totally out of control now? Look, the guy was a bully. If he was an adult, he should be fined and maybe given some community service. We put people in prison far too easily. It doesn't solve anything. If these had been two school kids throwing a drink, it would be considered a prank. The guy needs some serious time getting counseling for real emotional issues before they DO lead to something more serious!

^^Freak who thinks children shouldn't be a protected class.

And we all know who whines that we should put fewer criminals in prison.


Sure, right, blah blah, blah.
I don't believe in affirmative action. Hiring should be based on qualification.
I don't believe in a hate-crime. All crimes involve a kind of hate and NO ONE knows what you were thinking. You can't punish bad thoughts.
I don't believe in treating gays any different than straight people.
And I don't believe in treating kids like ming vases. All it does is spoil them and they just take advantage and use it against both teachers AND their parents!
But I DO believe in protecting kids from the kind of abuse they suffer daily at the hands of public schools, and I do believe in weighting a sentence stiffer in a case where an ADULT does deliberate harm to a child. But no child was harmed here that I've seen. From what I heard of his voice in the video, the kid was more surprised and shocked than anything. It will be the history of the perp that decides if this compounds into serious consequences. Either way, the guy needs some real mental counseling. He has a screw loose and is a danger to others on the street.

So remove him from the street.

You do realize that while the law exists to punish criminals, it also exists to protect innocents from people who pose a threat...BEFORE they actually kill someone?

A violent offense, whether or not someone is actually hurt, is sufficient to require someone being considered a danger. That's why people still go to jail when they try, and fail, to kill people.
Let's just make it Life in prison then like Koshergrl says and then that will get all the dregs off the street and eliminate repeat offenders or any chance these "scum" might procreate. o_O

You accost a child, you should count yourself lucky to be alive.

Right, Derp. Now kids are the protected class. No teacher or parent even dare look cross-eyed at! Is that why half the kids are totally out of control now? Look, the guy was a bully. If he was an adult, he should be fined and maybe given some community service. We put people in prison far too easily. It doesn't solve anything. If these had been two school kids throwing a drink, it would be considered a prank. The guy needs some serious time getting counseling for real emotional issues before they DO lead to something more serious!

^^Freak who thinks children shouldn't be a protected class.

And we all know who whines that we should put fewer criminals in prison.


Sure, right, blah blah, blah.
I don't believe in affirmative action. Hiring should be based on qualification.
I don't believe in a hate-crime. All crimes involve a kind of hate and NO ONE knows what you were thinking. You can't punish bad thoughts.
I don't believe in treating gays any different than straight people.
And I don't believe in treating kids like ming vases. All it does is spoil them and they just take advantage and use it against both teachers AND their parents!
But I DO believe in protecting kids from the kind of abuse they suffer daily at the hands of public schools, and I do believe in weighting a sentence stiffer in a case where an ADULT does deliberate harm to a child. But no child was harmed here that I've seen. From what I heard of his voice in the video, the kid was more surprised and shocked than anything. It will be the history of the perp that decides if this compounds into serious consequences. Either way, the guy needs some real mental counseling. He has a screw loose and is a danger to others on the street.

You know they can charge for " pre crime thoughts". =) Sorry I couldn't skip out on that one.

You know MW, people here think I'm being soft on crime now. They just aren't seeing the bigger picture. A couple months ago people here were attacking me as too harsh for wanting water boarding and torture to get a confession from a terrorist about to nuke NYC! Another time they thought me a monster for wanting to hold police accountable in a case where a guy was shot and killed needlessly. Now we have a kid that got his soda pop thrown at him by a jerk and I'm too easy on him for not wanting to put him behind bars for 20 years.

Prison is a last resort. Prison is what you do in cases where the crime was so heinous and the person so bad they are not safe or deserve to be on the street. But in far too many cases, our laws are numbingly short-sighted simplistic formulas with no real INTELLIGENCE involved, and prison becomes not any kind of a solution, but a very expensive knee-jerk, assembly-line way of concealing the problem out of sight. And it keeps the judges and lawyers RICH. But the very fact that we are a country full of huge prisons overfilled to busting with so many people goes to show we've failed at getting to the real cause of crime because no one wants to admit it.
Why is it a felony?

I agree. Felony theft is over the top. He should be charged with a misdemeanor and fined. Jail time is unwarranted.

I strongly disagree. He intentionally targeted youngsters because he is a coward, and a sociopath. No person in their right mind can ever think that what he did was OK. He needs to be punished very harshly so that the next moron thinks twice before acting. It won't prevent true sociopaths from committing the crimes, but it will dissuade a copy cat from doing it, maybe.
Unless he’s been convicted of theft at least twice before, his theft of s $25.00 hat does not qualify as felonious theft, which includes taking property valued between $2,500.00 and $30,000.00...

Texas Penal Code - PENAL - PENAL § 31.03 | FindLaw

He’ll walk based on that. He should be charged appropriately so he can be prosecuted appropriately.

The second he threatened to use force to take the hat you are lost. The fact that the video is so damning tells me that if the moron doesn't take a plea, he's going to get the book thrown at him. Especially now that it has made international news with the BBC reporting on it.
Great, show me where the law, and not you, says that...

Texas Penal Code - PENAL - PENAL § 31.03 | FindLaw

I don't have to. The Texas PC is quoted in the Warrant. Look it up.
I agree. Felony theft is over the top. He should be charged with a misdemeanor and fined. Jail time is unwarranted.

I strongly disagree. He intentionally targeted youngsters because he is a coward, and a sociopath. No person in their right mind can ever think that what he did was OK. He needs to be punished very harshly so that the next moron thinks twice before acting. It won't prevent true sociopaths from committing the crimes, but it will dissuade a copy cat from doing it, maybe.
Unless he’s been convicted of theft at least twice before, his theft of s $25.00 hat does not qualify as felonious theft, which includes taking property valued between $2,500.00 and $30,000.00...

Texas Penal Code - PENAL - PENAL § 31.03 | FindLaw

He’ll walk based on that. He should be charged appropriately so he can be prosecuted appropriately.

The second he threatened to use force to take the hat you are lost. The fact that the video is so damning tells me that if the moron doesn't take a plea, he's going to get the book thrown at him. Especially now that it has made international news with the BBC reporting on it.
Great, show me where the law, and not you, says that...

Texas Penal Code - PENAL - PENAL § 31.03 | FindLaw

I don't have to. The Texas PC is quoted in the Warrant. Look it up.

And you think the warrant can extend beyond the law, do you?
You accost a child, you should count yourself lucky to be alive.

Right, Derp. Now kids are the protected class. No teacher or parent even dare look cross-eyed at! Is that why half the kids are totally out of control now? Look, the guy was a bully. If he was an adult, he should be fined and maybe given some community service. We put people in prison far too easily. It doesn't solve anything. If these had been two school kids throwing a drink, it would be considered a prank. The guy needs some serious time getting counseling for real emotional issues before they DO lead to something more serious!

^^Freak who thinks children shouldn't be a protected class.

And we all know who whines that we should put fewer criminals in prison.


Sure, right, blah blah, blah.
I don't believe in affirmative action. Hiring should be based on qualification.
I don't believe in a hate-crime. All crimes involve a kind of hate and NO ONE knows what you were thinking. You can't punish bad thoughts.
I don't believe in treating gays any different than straight people.
And I don't believe in treating kids like ming vases. All it does is spoil them and they just take advantage and use it against both teachers AND their parents!
But I DO believe in protecting kids from the kind of abuse they suffer daily at the hands of public schools, and I do believe in weighting a sentence stiffer in a case where an ADULT does deliberate harm to a child. But no child was harmed here that I've seen. From what I heard of his voice in the video, the kid was more surprised and shocked than anything. It will be the history of the perp that decides if this compounds into serious consequences. Either way, the guy needs some real mental counseling. He has a screw loose and is a danger to others on the street.

You know they can charge for " pre crime thoughts". =) Sorry I couldn't skip out on that one.

You know MW, people here think I'm being soft on crime now. They just aren't seeing the bigger picture. A couple months ago people here were attacking me as too harsh for wanting water boarding and torture to get a confession from a terrorist about to nuke NYC! Another time they thought me a monster for wanting to hold police accountable in a case where a guy was shot and killed needlessly. Now we have a kid that got his soda pop thrown at him by a jerk and I'm too easy on him for not wanting to put him behind bars for 20 years.

Prison is a last resort. Prison is what you do in cases where the crime was so heinous and the person so bad they are not safe or deserve to be on the street. But in far too many cases, our laws are numbingly short-sighted simplistic formulas with no real INTELLIGENCE involved, and prison becomes not any kind of a solution, but a very expensive knee-jerk, assembly-line way of concealing the problem out of sight. And it keeps the judges and lawyers RICH. But the very fact that we are a country full of huge prisons overfilled to busting with so many people goes to show we've failed at getting to the real cause of crime because no one wants to admit it.

Half of the country doesn't have a clue how we have the highest prison populaiton in the world.
I agree there are petty crimes, and then there are crimes prisons should be for EXTREME Violenct blah blah....

Instead we have a system where even China has less in prison than we do and look how huge their populaiton is.
You accost a child, you should count yourself lucky to be alive.

Right, Derp. Now kids are the protected class. No teacher or parent even dare look cross-eyed at! Is that why half the kids are totally out of control now? Look, the guy was a bully. If he was an adult, he should be fined and maybe given some community service. We put people in prison far too easily. It doesn't solve anything. If these had been two school kids throwing a drink, it would be considered a prank. The guy needs some serious time getting counseling for real emotional issues before they DO lead to something more serious!

^^Freak who thinks children shouldn't be a protected class.

And we all know who whines that we should put fewer criminals in prison.


Sure, right, blah blah, blah.
I don't believe in affirmative action. Hiring should be based on qualification.
I don't believe in a hate-crime. All crimes involve a kind of hate and NO ONE knows what you were thinking. You can't punish bad thoughts.
I don't believe in treating gays any different than straight people.
And I don't believe in treating kids like ming vases. All it does is spoil them and they just take advantage and use it against both teachers AND their parents!
But I DO believe in protecting kids from the kind of abuse they suffer daily at the hands of public schools, and I do believe in weighting a sentence stiffer in a case where an ADULT does deliberate harm to a child. But no child was harmed here that I've seen. From what I heard of his voice in the video, the kid was more surprised and shocked than anything. It will be the history of the perp that decides if this compounds into serious consequences. Either way, the guy needs some real mental counseling. He has a screw loose and is a danger to others on the street.

You know they can charge for " pre crime thoughts". =) Sorry I couldn't skip out on that one.

You know MW, people here think I'm being soft on crime now. They just aren't seeing the bigger picture. A couple months ago people here were attacking me as too harsh for wanting water boarding and torture to get a confession from a terrorist about to nuke NYC! Another time they thought me a monster for wanting to hold police accountable in a case where a guy was shot and killed needlessly. Now we have a kid that got his soda pop thrown at him by a jerk and I'm too easy on him for not wanting to put him behind bars for 20 years.

Prison is a last resort. Prison is what you do in cases where the crime was so heinous and the person so bad they are not safe or deserve to be on the street. But in far too many cases, our laws are numbingly short-sighted simplistic formulas with no real INTELLIGENCE involved, and prison becomes not any kind of a solution, but a very expensive knee-jerk, assembly-line way of concealing the problem out of sight. And it keeps the judges and lawyers RICH. But the very fact that we are a country full of huge prisons overfilled to busting with so many people goes to show we've failed at getting to the real cause of crime because no one wants to admit it.

Nonsense. Prison is where you put anti-social fools who are a danger and a drag upon society, for the specific purpose of keeping our KIDS safe if they should decide to go to In and Out Burger for a coke with their friends.
Right, Derp. Now kids are the protected class. No teacher or parent even dare look cross-eyed at! Is that why half the kids are totally out of control now? Look, the guy was a bully. If he was an adult, he should be fined and maybe given some community service. We put people in prison far too easily. It doesn't solve anything. If these had been two school kids throwing a drink, it would be considered a prank. The guy needs some serious time getting counseling for real emotional issues before they DO lead to something more serious!

^^Freak who thinks children shouldn't be a protected class.

And we all know who whines that we should put fewer criminals in prison.


Sure, right, blah blah, blah.
I don't believe in affirmative action. Hiring should be based on qualification.
I don't believe in a hate-crime. All crimes involve a kind of hate and NO ONE knows what you were thinking. You can't punish bad thoughts.
I don't believe in treating gays any different than straight people.
And I don't believe in treating kids like ming vases. All it does is spoil them and they just take advantage and use it against both teachers AND their parents!
But I DO believe in protecting kids from the kind of abuse they suffer daily at the hands of public schools, and I do believe in weighting a sentence stiffer in a case where an ADULT does deliberate harm to a child. But no child was harmed here that I've seen. From what I heard of his voice in the video, the kid was more surprised and shocked than anything. It will be the history of the perp that decides if this compounds into serious consequences. Either way, the guy needs some real mental counseling. He has a screw loose and is a danger to others on the street.

You know they can charge for " pre crime thoughts". =) Sorry I couldn't skip out on that one.

You know MW, people here think I'm being soft on crime now. They just aren't seeing the bigger picture. A couple months ago people here were attacking me as too harsh for wanting water boarding and torture to get a confession from a terrorist about to nuke NYC! Another time they thought me a monster for wanting to hold police accountable in a case where a guy was shot and killed needlessly. Now we have a kid that got his soda pop thrown at him by a jerk and I'm too easy on him for not wanting to put him behind bars for 20 years.

Prison is a last resort. Prison is what you do in cases where the crime was so heinous and the person so bad they are not safe or deserve to be on the street. But in far too many cases, our laws are numbingly short-sighted simplistic formulas with no real INTELLIGENCE involved, and prison becomes not any kind of a solution, but a very expensive knee-jerk, assembly-line way of concealing the problem out of sight. And it keeps the judges and lawyers RICH. But the very fact that we are a country full of huge prisons overfilled to busting with so many people goes to show we've failed at getting to the real cause of crime because no one wants to admit it.

Nonsense. Prison is where you put anti-social fools who are a danger and a drag upon society, for the specific purpose of keeping our KIDS safe if they should decide to go to In and Out Burger for a coke with their friends.

Prsion might seem right, but on the flip side we need to knock our prison population back down Kosh. Yeah i'd like to see that twit in jail too for doing that but on the flip side doing what he did is it worth the prison space and cost when he could be punished another way.

I'm on the fence about prison because I def. say throw the prick into prison then the other side says well twenty years ago if someone did that they would get maybe a fine or communisty service, but a FELONY Uuuuugh do we want more of a prison population because felony records keep them from gettingg decent jobs etc. Be it they would obtain that nobody knows but it sure lessons their learning how to be better criminls.
^^Freak who thinks children shouldn't be a protected class.

And we all know who whines that we should put fewer criminals in prison.


Sure, right, blah blah, blah.
I don't believe in affirmative action. Hiring should be based on qualification.
I don't believe in a hate-crime. All crimes involve a kind of hate and NO ONE knows what you were thinking. You can't punish bad thoughts.
I don't believe in treating gays any different than straight people.
And I don't believe in treating kids like ming vases. All it does is spoil them and they just take advantage and use it against both teachers AND their parents!
But I DO believe in protecting kids from the kind of abuse they suffer daily at the hands of public schools, and I do believe in weighting a sentence stiffer in a case where an ADULT does deliberate harm to a child. But no child was harmed here that I've seen. From what I heard of his voice in the video, the kid was more surprised and shocked than anything. It will be the history of the perp that decides if this compounds into serious consequences. Either way, the guy needs some real mental counseling. He has a screw loose and is a danger to others on the street.

You know they can charge for " pre crime thoughts". =) Sorry I couldn't skip out on that one.

You know MW, people here think I'm being soft on crime now. They just aren't seeing the bigger picture. A couple months ago people here were attacking me as too harsh for wanting water boarding and torture to get a confession from a terrorist about to nuke NYC! Another time they thought me a monster for wanting to hold police accountable in a case where a guy was shot and killed needlessly. Now we have a kid that got his soda pop thrown at him by a jerk and I'm too easy on him for not wanting to put him behind bars for 20 years.

Prison is a last resort. Prison is what you do in cases where the crime was so heinous and the person so bad they are not safe or deserve to be on the street. But in far too many cases, our laws are numbingly short-sighted simplistic formulas with no real INTELLIGENCE involved, and prison becomes not any kind of a solution, but a very expensive knee-jerk, assembly-line way of concealing the problem out of sight. And it keeps the judges and lawyers RICH. But the very fact that we are a country full of huge prisons overfilled to busting with so many people goes to show we've failed at getting to the real cause of crime because no one wants to admit it.

Nonsense. Prison is where you put anti-social fools who are a danger and a drag upon society, for the specific purpose of keeping our KIDS safe if they should decide to go to In and Out Burger for a coke with their friends.

Prsion might seem right, but on the flip side we need to knock our prison population back down Kosh. Yeah i'd like to see that twit in jail too for doing that but on the flip side doing what he did is it worth the prison space and cost when he could be punished another way.

I'm on the fence about prison because I def. say throw the prick into prison then the other side says well twenty years ago if someone did that they would get maybe a fine or communisty service, but a FELONY Uuuuugh do we want more of a prison population because felony records keep them from gettingg decent jobs etc. Be it they would obtain that nobody knows but it sure lessons their learning how to be better criminls.

I'm sorry, you are never going to convince me that we need more criminals on the streets.

You stop crime by locking up criminals. That's it. Or killing them, but I don't want to kill them. I want them locked up..not locked up, fed up, then released to do it again. The fact of the matter is, most criminals offend OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. They belong in prison. They need to stay in prison. We all know they don't learn, and they are a menace and a drain.
And I think absolutely 100 percent that walking up to people, in this case, kids, who are just sitting there enjoying a coke and wearing a stupid hat, smacking them on the head and taking their property, while screaming obscenities at them, is 100 percent a PRISON WORTHY OFFENSE.

Wtf. I would shoot someone that did that to me, or to one of my kids. The fact that you think it's cool is disturbing, to say the least.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft
The man caught on video pouring a drink on a teen and then stealing his Make America Great Again hat was arrested Thursday.

A robbery task force with the San Antonio Police Department located 30-year-old Kino Jimenez in Universal City, Texas, after he confronted 16-year-old Hunter Richard at a local Whataburger restaurant.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft

LMFAO, Good this Trump hating gPOS who think they are all that is gettig pay back good for you , you lttle bitch.

This is what your TRUMP HATERS are all about now you know why they're all for ABORTING they have no regard for human life ANTIFA....... humanity haters.

At least these stupid mother fkrs can't ever own a gun now lmfao.
Why is it a felony?
Thats what im wondering. Felony theft in TX is 1500 minimum.
Maybe he is on parole? He has been arrested a few times..

Gee, why am I not surprised this leftwing fag has a record?
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft
The man caught on video pouring a drink on a teen and then stealing his Make America Great Again hat was arrested Thursday.

A robbery task force with the San Antonio Police Department located 30-year-old Kino Jimenez in Universal City, Texas, after he confronted 16-year-old Hunter Richard at a local Whataburger restaurant.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft

LMFAO, Good this Trump hating gPOS who think they are all that is gettig pay back good for you , you lttle bitch.

This is what your TRUMP HATERS are all about now you know why they're all for ABORTING they have no regard for human life ANTIFA....... humanity haters.

At least these stupid mother fkrs can't ever own a gun now lmfao.

LOL, Universal City....I used to live there.
Sure, right, blah blah, blah.
I don't believe in affirmative action. Hiring should be based on qualification.
I don't believe in a hate-crime. All crimes involve a kind of hate and NO ONE knows what you were thinking. You can't punish bad thoughts.
I don't believe in treating gays any different than straight people.
And I don't believe in treating kids like ming vases. All it does is spoil them and they just take advantage and use it against both teachers AND their parents!
But I DO believe in protecting kids from the kind of abuse they suffer daily at the hands of public schools, and I do believe in weighting a sentence stiffer in a case where an ADULT does deliberate harm to a child. But no child was harmed here that I've seen. From what I heard of his voice in the video, the kid was more surprised and shocked than anything. It will be the history of the perp that decides if this compounds into serious consequences. Either way, the guy needs some real mental counseling. He has a screw loose and is a danger to others on the street.

You know they can charge for " pre crime thoughts". =) Sorry I couldn't skip out on that one.

You know MW, people here think I'm being soft on crime now. They just aren't seeing the bigger picture. A couple months ago people here were attacking me as too harsh for wanting water boarding and torture to get a confession from a terrorist about to nuke NYC! Another time they thought me a monster for wanting to hold police accountable in a case where a guy was shot and killed needlessly. Now we have a kid that got his soda pop thrown at him by a jerk and I'm too easy on him for not wanting to put him behind bars for 20 years.

Prison is a last resort. Prison is what you do in cases where the crime was so heinous and the person so bad they are not safe or deserve to be on the street. But in far too many cases, our laws are numbingly short-sighted simplistic formulas with no real INTELLIGENCE involved, and prison becomes not any kind of a solution, but a very expensive knee-jerk, assembly-line way of concealing the problem out of sight. And it keeps the judges and lawyers RICH. But the very fact that we are a country full of huge prisons overfilled to busting with so many people goes to show we've failed at getting to the real cause of crime because no one wants to admit it.

Nonsense. Prison is where you put anti-social fools who are a danger and a drag upon society, for the specific purpose of keeping our KIDS safe if they should decide to go to In and Out Burger for a coke with their friends.

Prsion might seem right, but on the flip side we need to knock our prison population back down Kosh. Yeah i'd like to see that twit in jail too for doing that but on the flip side doing what he did is it worth the prison space and cost when he could be punished another way.

I'm on the fence about prison because I def. say throw the prick into prison then the other side says well twenty years ago if someone did that they would get maybe a fine or communisty service, but a FELONY Uuuuugh do we want more of a prison population because felony records keep them from gettingg decent jobs etc. Be it they would obtain that nobody knows but it sure lessons their learning how to be better criminls.

I'm sorry, you are never going to convince me that we need more criminals on the streets.

You stop crime by locking up criminals. That's it. Or killing them, but I don't want to kill them. I want them locked up..not locked up, fed up, then released to do it again. The fact of the matter is, most criminals offend OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. They belong in prison. They need to stay in prison. We all know they don't learn, and they are a menace and a drain.

Dude, your talking to someone whose brother was killed by you know who.

Of course I don't think this fkn bastard shouldn't get into hot water. , jail probably mostly because he has obvioulsy past troubles.

My statement was more on the " general side of throwing people into prison" for everything and anything as most leftards want to do that.

Throw them into prison for jay walkingg, throw them into prison for farting, throw them into prison because the Trum loving prick hates Obama , you get what I mean.

Chill out LOL

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