UPDATE: Maga hat Their arrested charged with felony theft LOL

Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!
Sure, right, blah blah, blah.
I don't believe in affirmative action. Hiring should be based on qualification.
I don't believe in a hate-crime. All crimes involve a kind of hate and NO ONE knows what you were thinking. You can't punish bad thoughts.
I don't believe in treating gays any different than straight people.
And I don't believe in treating kids like ming vases. All it does is spoil them and they just take advantage and use it against both teachers AND their parents!
But I DO believe in protecting kids from the kind of abuse they suffer daily at the hands of public schools, and I do believe in weighting a sentence stiffer in a case where an ADULT does deliberate harm to a child. But no child was harmed here that I've seen. From what I heard of his voice in the video, the kid was more surprised and shocked than anything. It will be the history of the perp that decides if this compounds into serious consequences. Either way, the guy needs some real mental counseling. He has a screw loose and is a danger to others on the street.

You know they can charge for " pre crime thoughts". =) Sorry I couldn't skip out on that one.

You know MW, people here think I'm being soft on crime now. They just aren't seeing the bigger picture. A couple months ago people here were attacking me as too harsh for wanting water boarding and torture to get a confession from a terrorist about to nuke NYC! Another time they thought me a monster for wanting to hold police accountable in a case where a guy was shot and killed needlessly. Now we have a kid that got his soda pop thrown at him by a jerk and I'm too easy on him for not wanting to put him behind bars for 20 years.

Prison is a last resort. Prison is what you do in cases where the crime was so heinous and the person so bad they are not safe or deserve to be on the street. But in far too many cases, our laws are numbingly short-sighted simplistic formulas with no real INTELLIGENCE involved, and prison becomes not any kind of a solution, but a very expensive knee-jerk, assembly-line way of concealing the problem out of sight. And it keeps the judges and lawyers RICH. But the very fact that we are a country full of huge prisons overfilled to busting with so many people goes to show we've failed at getting to the real cause of crime because no one wants to admit it.

Nonsense. Prison is where you put anti-social fools who are a danger and a drag upon society, for the specific purpose of keeping our KIDS safe if they should decide to go to In and Out Burger for a coke with their friends.

Prsion might seem right, but on the flip side we need to knock our prison population back down Kosh. Yeah i'd like to see that twit in jail too for doing that but on the flip side doing what he did is it worth the prison space and cost when he could be punished another way.

I'm on the fence about prison because I def. say throw the prick into prison then the other side says well twenty years ago if someone did that they would get maybe a fine or communisty service, but a FELONY Uuuuugh do we want more of a prison population because felony records keep them from gettingg decent jobs etc. Be it they would obtain that nobody knows but it sure lessons their learning how to be better criminls.

I'm sorry, you are never going to convince me that we need more criminals on the streets.

I haven't seen anyone here arguing to put more criminals on the streets other than the San Francisco Municipality Board with Sanctuary Laws. But when does a person stop becoming a criminal? Once they are caught? Once they are arrested? Charged? Convicted? Or after they serve their time? If then, why does society still treat them with scorn?-----

You stop crime by locking up criminals.

Thanks for answering my question. Prison doesn't "stop" crime, the crime has already occurred! Prison merely PUNISHES a person and hopes to act as a deterrent. But deterrence is a RATIONAL process and hate crimes and crimes of passion, people do not stop to consider the consequences, they are acting on intense impulse. So crime is not stopped by prison in a lot of cases if not most and only stops it until you let the person back out or the next person comes along, otherwise, our prisons wouldn't be full.

HOPE stops crime.
OPPORTUNITY stops crime.

If we had more hope, opportunity, dignity and respect to go around for all and the quality of life that follows, people wouldn't be out there committing crimes in the first place. The main cause of crime is the huge disparity in lifestyle, living quality, and opportunity depending if you are black or white, born in an affluent city or a slum. The greatest factor contributing to crime is the frustration and hopelessness of growing up in a world far too overpopulated to support the quality of life of everyone times the greed, abuse and corruption of many who are in power to control or change it.

Crime is the waste byproduct of a society that USES people are mere tax-revenue generating serfs, and controls them with reward-deterrence fear-threat of complying or being punished, then discards them when no longer beneficial.
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Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!

It's just to bad we can't video tape them while doing the same thing to them ( take their hat), Oh I would love to watch these hypocritical spew their bs.
Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!

How do you know the hat was taken by force? If there was force, or if the victim was seriously in fear for his life, the crime would be Robbery, and the value of the property taken would be irrelevant.

Aggravated Robbery would require that the victim was harmed and suffered serious injuries. Google the Texas Penal Code under "Robbery" and see the difference. Keep in mind anything posted by P@triot is suspect, for he is a damn liar.
Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!

How do you know the hat was taken by force? If there was force, or if the victim was seriously in fear for his life, the crime would be Robbery, and the value of the property taken would be irrelevant.

Aggravated Robbery would require that the victim was harmed and suffered serious injuries. Google the Texas Penal Code under "Robbery" and see the difference. Keep in mind anything posted by P@triot is suspect, for he is a damn liar.

Not sure who you are talking to because I have them on ignore, but it wasn't taken by force. The guy just walked up to him and grabbed it off his head. It is a $10 hat.
Funny how they can't provide the slightest bit of evidence for their lies. If they're not careful they can be sued. Wouldn't that be fun!
What are you talking about? I just provided an eye-witness report of the incident in question. That's more than frivolous conjecture or bullshit innuendo's, on your part.
Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!
That in itself is not a felony in Texas. The value of the stolen property can matter. Read the fucking law...

Texas Penal Code - PENAL - PENAL § 31.03 | FindLaw
Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!
That in itself is not a felony in Texas. The value of the stolen property can matter. Read the fucking law...

Texas Penal Code - PENAL - PENAL § 31.03 | FindLaw
Perhaps we have learned the tactics of Mueller..................Going to crucify him for politics........Isn't that right Mueller............

Have you got the GRAND TALE just prior to the next election ready.............or will you just leak it like normal.

Oh.....the Mexican who threatens kids............Lock his ass up and make an example of him.......

Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!

How do you know the hat was taken by force? If there was force, or if the victim was seriously in fear for his life, the crime would be Robbery, and the value of the property taken would be irrelevant.

Aggravated Robbery would require that the victim was harmed and suffered serious injuries. Google the Texas Penal Code under "Robbery" and see the difference. Keep in mind anything posted by P@triot is suspect, for he is a damn liar.

Not sure who you are talking to because I have them on ignore, but it wasn't taken by force. The guy just walked up to him and grabbed it off his head. It is a $10 hat.

The "grabbed it off his head" part is precisely what makes it a felony. He [allegedly] stole property from the person of another.

If the hat had been on the table instead of on the victim's person (on his head), it would likely be a misdemeanor (due to the presumed low value of the property).

From Texas Penal Code § 31.03 :
(e) Except as provided by Subsection (f), an offense under this section is:
(4) a state jail felony if:
(B) regardless of value, the property is stolen from the person of another or from a human corpse or grave, including property that is a military grave marker;​

Force is not a required element. The value of the property is irrelevant. In Texas, if you steal something "from the person of another" (e.g. if, as part of the theft of a hat, you grab the hat off someone's head), you have committed a felony.
If the witness Billo quoted is telling the truth, I take back pretty much everything I've said so far.
The kids were asking for it and this entire incident should have never been reported to police.
Only in Texas. smh
Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!
That in itself is not a felony in Texas. The value of the stolen property can matter. Read the fucking law...

Texas Penal Code - PENAL - PENAL § 31.03 | FindLaw
Perhaps we have learned the tactics of Mueller..................Going to crucify him for politics........Isn't that right Mueller............

Have you got the GRAND TALE just prior to the next election ready.............or will you just leak it like normal.

Oh.....the Mexican who threatens kids............Lock his ass up and make an example of him.......

I really don’t care what issues you have with Mueller but neither he nor the election has anything to do with this.

What I’m saying is charge this guy appropriately or he’s gonna beat the charges. Are you going to be happier with that?
Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!

How do you know the hat was taken by force? If there was force, or if the victim was seriously in fear for his life, the crime would be Robbery, and the value of the property taken would be irrelevant.

Aggravated Robbery would require that the victim was harmed and suffered serious injuries. Google the Texas Penal Code under "Robbery" and see the difference. Keep in mind anything posted by P@triot is suspect, for he is a damn liar.

Not sure who you are talking to because I have them on ignore, but it wasn't taken by force. The guy just walked up to him and grabbed it off his head. It is a $10 hat.

The "grabbed it off his head" part is precisely what makes it a felony. He [allegedly] stole property from the person of another.

If the hat had been on the table instead of on the victim's person (on his head), it would likely be a misdemeanor (due to the presumed low value of the property).

From Texas Penal Code § 31.03 :
(e) Except as provided by Subsection (f), an offense under this section is:
(4) a state jail felony if:
(B) regardless of value, the property is stolen from the person of another or from a human corpse or grave, including property that is a military grave marker;​

Force is not a required element. The value of the property is irrelevant. In Texas, if you steal something "from the person of another" (e.g. if, as part of the theft of a hat, you grab the hat off someone's head), you have committed a felony.

No it's not.
However there is also assault around the drink.. because he used an object to strike the kids..i.e., the drink. This is how cops manage to give kids *assault with a deadly weapon*...it doesn't matter what the weapon is, if it is used to hurt someone. I think that's probably a stretch in this case..but I've seen it be stretched to some pretty ridiculous lengths in other cases.

My primary issue is the fact that this is an adult, a grown, extremely muscular and imposing man...he didn't actually hurt the kids physically. But the discrepancy in their sizes and their ages makes the entire episode alarming, because the kids had to be in fear. I know the one on the film is, I can tell he's petrified. And that is a problem. You don't get to terrorize people on the street physically...I don't care whether or not you physically (or even mentally) hurt them. If you accost and terrorize people on the street with your manner and words, combined with a show aggression, you belong in an institution, or prison, for a very long time..maybe forever. And it should be sufficiently horrible for you to know every day that you are being punished.

This is why one of the first lessons we need to teach our kids is KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF.

It's a hard lesson for people to learn, has to be taught from the cradle. Along with the circle rule..you stay out of people's circle unless invited in. If forced into someone's circle, you'd better be respectful and non threatening.

Anyway. More people are packing. This bulllshit is going to start getting numbskulls dead.
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Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!
That in itself is not a felony in Texas. The value of the stolen property can matter. Read the fucking law...

Texas Penal Code - PENAL - PENAL § 31.03 | FindLaw
Perhaps we have learned the tactics of Mueller..................Going to crucify him for politics........Isn't that right Mueller............

Have you got the GRAND TALE just prior to the next election ready.............or will you just leak it like normal.

Oh.....the Mexican who threatens kids............Lock his ass up and make an example of him.......

I really don’t care what issues you have with Mueller but neither he nor the election has anything to do with this.

What I’m saying is charge this guy appropriately or he’s gonna beat the charges. Are you going to be happier with that?
You have his avatar......so oh well.....

Let's do it the Mueller way...........make up fake stories.......get a FISA warrant.........then search for anything the guy can be charged with.........then dig 20 years back..........and charge him with every crime that can be found.........

You will soon forget about the MAGA hat.........

You see until we saw the FBI tactics we didn't understand due process.........all you have to do is make shit up and frag people.......

Good for them .....why not do the same to this guy...........would it be Karma.......
Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!
That in itself is not a felony in Texas. The value of the stolen property can matter. Read the fucking law...

Texas Penal Code - PENAL - PENAL § 31.03 | FindLaw
Perhaps we have learned the tactics of Mueller..................Going to crucify him for politics........Isn't that right Mueller............

Have you got the GRAND TALE just prior to the next election ready.............or will you just leak it like normal.

Oh.....the Mexican who threatens kids............Lock his ass up and make an example of him.......

I really don’t care what issues you have with Mueller but neither he nor the election has anything to do with this.

What I’m saying is charge this guy appropriately or he’s gonna beat the charges. Are you going to be happier with that?
You have his avatar......so oh well.....

Let's do it the Mueller way...........make up fake stories.......get a FISA warrant.........then search for anything the guy can be charged with.........then dig 20 years back..........and charge him with every crime that can be found.........

You will soon forget about the MAGA hat.........

You see until we saw the FBI tactics we didn't understand due process.........all you have to do is make shit up and frag people.......

Good for them .....why not do the same to this guy...........would it be Karma.......

Naw let's not go that far hahhha.

I think this guy has priors. When you see a pattern of aggressive behavior, it's time to lock him up.
We need to apply that across the board.

I draw the line at doing business the way brownshirted pigs do it, though.
Not sure how you can charge someone with a felon for stealing a $5 hat. It usually has to be worth at least $500 to be a felony.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!
That in itself is not a felony in Texas. The value of the stolen property can matter. Read the fucking law...

Texas Penal Code - PENAL - PENAL § 31.03 | FindLaw
Perhaps we have learned the tactics of Mueller..................Going to crucify him for politics........Isn't that right Mueller............

Have you got the GRAND TALE just prior to the next election ready.............or will you just leak it like normal.

Oh.....the Mexican who threatens kids............Lock his ass up and make an example of him.......

I really don’t care what issues you have with Mueller but neither he nor the election has anything to do with this.

What I’m saying is charge this guy appropriately or he’s gonna beat the charges. Are you going to be happier with that?
You have his avatar......so oh well.....

Let's do it the Mueller way...........make up fake stories.......get a FISA warrant.........then search for anything the guy can be charged with.........then dig 20 years back..........and charge him with every crime that can be found.........

You will soon forget about the MAGA hat.........

You see until we saw the FBI tactics we didn't understand due process.........all you have to do is make shit up and frag people.......

Good for them .....why not do the same to this guy...........would it be Karma.......
You poor thing, looks like Mueller haunts you. That’s too bad; but that’s your problem.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!
That in itself is not a felony in Texas. The value of the stolen property can matter. Read the fucking law...

Texas Penal Code - PENAL - PENAL § 31.03 | FindLaw
Perhaps we have learned the tactics of Mueller..................Going to crucify him for politics........Isn't that right Mueller............

Have you got the GRAND TALE just prior to the next election ready.............or will you just leak it like normal.

Oh.....the Mexican who threatens kids............Lock his ass up and make an example of him.......

I really don’t care what issues you have with Mueller but neither he nor the election has anything to do with this.

What I’m saying is charge this guy appropriately or he’s gonna beat the charges. Are you going to be happier with that?
You have his avatar......so oh well.....

Let's do it the Mueller way...........make up fake stories.......get a FISA warrant.........then search for anything the guy can be charged with.........then dig 20 years back..........and charge him with every crime that can be found.........

You will soon forget about the MAGA hat.........

You see until we saw the FBI tactics we didn't understand due process.........all you have to do is make shit up and frag people.......

Good for them .....why not do the same to this guy...........would it be Karma.......

Naw let's not go that far hahhha.

I think this guy has priors. When you see a pattern of aggressive behavior, it's time to lock him up.
We need to apply that across the board.

I draw the line at doing business the way brownshirted pigs do it, though.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft
The man caught on video pouring a drink on a teen and then stealing his Make America Great Again hat was arrested Thursday.

A robbery task force with the San Antonio Police Department located 30-year-old Kino Jimenez in Universal City, Texas, after he confronted 16-year-old Hunter Richard at a local Whataburger restaurant.
Update: MAGA Hat Thief Arrested, Charged with Felony Theft

LMFAO, Good this Trump hating gPOS who think they are all that is gettig pay back good for you , you lttle bitch.

This is what your TRUMP HATERS are all about now you know why they're all for ABORTING they have no regard for human life ANTIFA....... humanity haters.

At least these stupid mother fkrs can't ever own a gun now lmfao.
Why is it a felony?

Assault on a minor.

No doubt you think adults beating up kids is cool, if they are Trump supporters.
You guys are total fucking idiots...

The man took an item from the person of someone else by force.

This is felony theft/assault. BECAUSE HE TOOK IT FROM HIS PERSON! BY FORCE!!!!!
That in itself is not a felony in Texas. The value of the stolen property can matter. Read the fucking law...

Texas Penal Code - PENAL - PENAL § 31.03 | FindLaw
Perhaps we have learned the tactics of Mueller..................Going to crucify him for politics........Isn't that right Mueller............

Have you got the GRAND TALE just prior to the next election ready.............or will you just leak it like normal.

Oh.....the Mexican who threatens kids............Lock his ass up and make an example of him.......

I really don’t care what issues you have with Mueller but neither he nor the election has anything to do with this.

What I’m saying is charge this guy appropriately or he’s gonna beat the charges. Are you going to be happier with that?
You have his avatar......so oh well.....

Let's do it the Mueller way...........make up fake stories.......get a FISA warrant.........then search for anything the guy can be charged with.........then dig 20 years back..........and charge him with every crime that can be found.........

You will soon forget about the MAGA hat.........

You see until we saw the FBI tactics we didn't understand due process.........all you have to do is make shit up and frag people.......

Good for them .....why not do the same to this guy...........would it be Karma.......
You poor thing, looks like Mueller haunts you. That’s too bad; but that’s your problem.
I screwing with you Mueller..........that's how your side does it..........if their not using the IRS to screw with people who don't believe the same as your side does............but that doesn't matter to you now does it Mueller.

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