Update On Teacher Shot by 6 Year Old

What behavior of his, prior to that day, would have indicated that he’s a risk to himself and others?

Uh well his parents came to school with him every day but the one he had the gun; even THEY knew how bad it was. Not to mention the teacher had asked admin for support for him over and over
Ok. So prior to the day this kid brought the gun to school, what behavior of his would have flagged him as a “violent creature” that would ensure him being kept away from others?

He had told multiple people he wanted to attack his teacher. Those people knew he had a gun, and reported it. The authorities ignored the warnings, as is the usual way they ignore dangerous people.
Try reading the fucking OP, dumbass.
I did.

“The school had multiple warnings. They're gonna pay. Will they ever learn?”

The multiple warnings were that he had a gun on the day of this shooting. What had he done prior to that?
I’m not following. Please explain.

Parker and school administrators have been under fire from teachers, parents and community members since the shooting who say the administration has failed to address student behavior and ignored teacher concerns. The boy, who has not been named publicly, allegedly took a handgun from his home, put it in his backpack and brought it to school that day before shooting his teacher in an "intentional" act, according to the Newport News Police Department.
Zwerner had asked for support with the boy, and expressed concerns about his behavior, teachers wrote in online messages to Newport News Superintendent George Parker III.

“She had asked for help,” one school staff member wrote in the chat.

“Several times,” another added.
I hope this wakes parents and citizens up. This is everywhere and has been for a long time. Education's focus on "restorative justice" and "trauma informed practices" and, to some extend, "inclusion" (which means mainstreaming special ed students) has led to this madness.

I hope and pray that teacher recovers too.
Why is it we never hear you right wingers whining about that when a white kid goes into a school and shoots up 20 or 30 people.
Parker and school administrators have been under fire from teachers, parents and community members since the shooting who say the administration has failed to address student behavior and ignored teacher concerns. The boy, who has not been named publicly, allegedly took a handgun from his home, put it in his backpack and brought it to school that day before shooting his teacher in an "intentional" act, according to the Newport News Police Department.
Zwerner had asked for support with the boy, and expressed concerns about his behavior, teachers wrote in online messages to Newport News Superintendent George Parker III.

“She had asked for help,” one school staff member wrote in the chat.

“Several times,” another added.
Geez. And only 6 years old. Sounds like he had lots of issues. I blame the parents.

I can see why it would be appropriate to take him out of school until maybe a psychologist clears him.
I can't imagine having police in schools. What's with that, that people will accept it rather than deal with the cause?

That was rhetorical, we all know it's about the others...
How can you live like that ?

A parents first responsibility is to protect their kids. Sending them to school and hoping they come home isnt being a good parent.

Still, they do have freedom.
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