Update On The Battlefront

….or, sometimes the bad guys win.

1.With their belief (hope?) that fake votes and Dominion voting machines have won the election for ‘em, now the evil party is all about that Georgia special election in January that will decide the Senate…..so Thom Friedman wants lots of Democrats to move to Georgia and vote in that run-off. Brings to mind that Charlie Daniel’s song, ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia.’

"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

2. They need to own the Senate, too, so that they can complete the total destruction of America, with the end of the filibuster, two new states with Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, and packing the Supreme Court…..don’t forget finishing Obama’s plan to get nuclear weapons into the hands of the 7th century homicidal psychopaths. Oh…..and making certain that Communist China gets what it paid for with the Biden family, leaving them with complete control of the South China Seas making 30% of the world’s commercial sea traffic having to go through a communist toll booth.

"Police reform, climate change, and health care are all on their agenda. But before newly empowered Democrats get to any of that, they will very likely pass a relief package to address the coronavirus pandemic and the associated economic crisis. Then, they will aim to fundamentally change how voting and government work in the United States by expanding voting rights, reducing the influence of money in politics, strengthening ethics rules, and maybe even ending the Senate filibuster—reforms they hope will make America’s democracy work better and the rest of their agenda easier to carry out."

3. Now, if there is a vaccine that works, how about having to prove you had it before you could go into work or on a train, or whatever ‘mandate’ the Fascists…er, Democrats determine. So….how do you think they’d decide who gets the vaccine?

This is the party that once put American citizens into concentration camps, have aborted 60 million babies, and supported the Bolsheviks who killed 100 million men, women and children.

"Amazingly, one group isn’t celebrating: Democratic politicians. They would sooner criticize the breakthrough than allow the triumph to occur on President Trump’s watch. Gov. Cuomo in New York and Gov. Gavin Newsom in California are saying FDA approval of the vaccine isn’t enough, and they will insist on approval by experts in their own states, as well.
That’s unconstitutional. "

....but then, so is the Pennsylvania court changing the deadline for voting.

What the dumbshit Friedman said, is a felony.
The US is kaput.
Well not quite yet. There may be a second civil war however where guns will decide the future of this nation yet again.
Why are our tax dollars still being given to nations that have existed longer than the US?
It's been 70+ years since WWII and these lazy ass nations still can't pay their own way?
How is that at all relevant or germane to my post or even this thread? Do you not know how to begin a thread?
That wasn't meant for you.
Sometimes my browser goes awry.
"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

I'm sure there are thousands of Democrats all over the country itching to completely uproot their lives and move to another state on the spur of the moment just to vote in a Senate election

That really isn't the point of the post, is it.

The fact that Democrat talking heads told them to, is.

For your information, the same plan was advanced in the 70s for Leftists to move to a small state, so as to produce Leftists in Congresss.
The result was Bernie Sanders.
You guys cried wolf too many times. Now you have no credibility.

"You guys cried wolf too many times. Now you have no credibility."

We have a winner in the category of "Unintentional Humor!!"

This moron talks of crying wolf, after this:
First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, one after another lead balloons.

How's that for another custard pie in your ugly kisser?
Tell you what, as soon as you lock Clinton up, I’ll take your accusations seriously. Better hurry. Almost out of time.

Somehow, government school grads have been trained to simply walk away with egg on their faces.

Seems to have replaced conscience and honor.
Did Clinton get locked up or not?

Did Communist China buy the Bidens or not?

"The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China
In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden flew aboard Air Force Two to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter Biden’s firm inked a $1 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China. The deal was later expanded to $1.5 billion. In short, the Chinese government funded a business that it co-owned along with the son of a sitting vice president."
The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China

Sounds a lot like the $145 million Putin gave the Clintons.
Did Communist China buy the Bidens or not?
China gives more money to Donald Trump than to Joe Biden. Ditto Russia.

Did you lock Clinton up?

"China gives more money to Donald Trump than to Joe Biden. Ditto Russia. "

Another blatant lie from you.

"...people with ties to the Chinese state poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into his re-election bid to get close to and potentially influence the new president. "

"The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China
In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden flew aboard Air Force Two to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter Biden’s firm inked a $1 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China. The deal was later expanded to $1.5 billion. In short, the Chinese government funded a business that it co-owned along with the son of a sitting vice president."
The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China

"Here’s Why the Mayor of Moscow’s Wife Paid Hunter Biden $3.5 Million… And Likely More!

Here’s Why the Mayor of Moscow’s Wife Paid Hunter Biden $3.5 Million… And Likely More! By Cristina Laila for The Gateway Pundit

According to US treasury documents provided by the Senate Finance and Homeland Security Committees, Hunter Biden was paid $3.5 million from the Mayor of Moscow’s wife."
This from the party that told North Carolinians to vote twice--by mail and in person.
Another blatant lie from you.

Trump Records Shed New Light on Chinese Business Pursuits

You’re an ignorant asshole.
This from the party that told North Carolinians to vote twice--by mail and in person.

So you found the truth of this OP terribly painful?

But not a single error in same?


1.With their belief (hope?) that fake votes and Dominion voting machines have won the election for ‘em, now the evil party is all about that Georgia special election in January that will decide the Senate…..so Thom Friedman wants lots of Democrats to move to Georgia and vote in that run-off. Brings to mind that Charlie Daniel’s song, ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia.’

"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

2. They need to own the Senate, too, so that they can complete the total destruction of America, with the end of the filibuster, two new states with Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, and packing the Supreme Court…..don’t forget finishing Obama’s plan to get nuclear weapons into the hands of the 7th century homicidal psychopaths. Oh…..and making certain that Communist China gets what it paid for with the Biden family, leaving them with complete control of the South China Seas making 30% of the world’s commercial sea traffic having to go through a communist toll booth.

"Police reform, climate change, and health care are all on their agenda. But before newly empowered Democrats get to any of that, they will very likely pass a relief package to address the coronavirus pandemic and the associated economic crisis. Then, they will aim to fundamentally change how voting and government work in the United States by expanding voting rights, reducing the influence of money in politics, strengthening ethics rules, and maybe even ending the Senate filibuster—reforms they hope will make America’s democracy work better and the rest of their agenda easier to carry out."

3. Now, if there is a vaccine that works, how about having to prove you had it before you could go into work or on a train, or whatever ‘mandate’ the Fascists…er, Democrats determine. So….how do you think they’d decide who gets the vaccine?

This is the party that once put American citizens into concentration camps, have aborted 60 million babies, and supported the Bolsheviks who killed 100 million men, women and children.

"Amazingly, one group isn’t celebrating: Democratic politicians. They would sooner criticize the breakthrough than allow the triumph to occur on President Trump’s watch. Gov. Cuomo in New York and Gov. Gavin Newsom in California are saying FDA approval of the vaccine isn’t enough, and they will insist on approval by experts in their own states, as well.
That’s unconstitutional. "

....but then, so is the Pennsylvania court changing the deadline for voting.
Another blatant lie from you.

Trump Records Shed New Light on Chinese Business Pursuits

You’re an ignorant asshole.

I just provided the actual dollar amounts.....so you are a blatant liar.
I just provided the actual dollar amounts.....so you are a blatant liar.
Those amounts didn’t go to Hunter Biden let alone Joe. You’re full of shit.

No vulgarity, no matter how badly I make you look.
Admit you're a blatant liar.

Here's more:

"Records produced by Bobulinski show that in 2017, Hunter Biden and James Biden were involved in negotiations about a joint venture with a Chinese energy and finance company called CEFC China Energy.

The Bobulinski records include emails, contracts, business plan documents and photographs of encrypted messages among the American partners. The Times could not independently authenticate all of the records, but the records referred to in this article are consistent with interviews and previous reporting by The Times. The Biden campaign did not dispute that Hunter and James Biden participated in negotiating the deal with the Chinese company.

The records make clear that Hunter Biden saw the family name as a valuable asset, angrily citing his “family’s brand” as a reason he is valuable to the proposed venture.

The documents also show that the countries that Hunter Biden, James Biden and their associates planned to target for deals overlapped with nations where Joe Biden had previously been involved as vice president. One 42-page plan includes a section specifically highlighting former Vice President Biden’s role in facilitating increased commerce with Colombia, which is one of the targets of the joint venture, along with Luxembourg, Oman and Romania.

Hunter Biden’s role in the deal, according to one of the documents, “was key in relationship set up, messaging the good will around the chairman,” referring to Ye Jianming, the chairman of CEFC."
No vulgarity, no matter how badly I make you look.
Admit you're a blatant liar.
All you proved is that you’re a gullible sucker. I mean, quoting Gateway Pundit is a good way to demonstrate your complete lack of critical thinking.

Any other lies you want to repeat? Because you’re off to a great start so far.

And yeah, when did you lock Clinton up? Still waiting to hear about that one.
No vulgarity, no matter how badly I make you look.
Admit you're a blatant liar.
All you proved is that you’re a gullible sucker. I mean, quoting Gateway Pundit is a good way to demonstrate your complete lack of critical thinking.

Any other lies you want to repeat? Because you’re off to a great start so far.

And yeah, when did you lock Clinton up? Still waiting to hear about that one.
There is no objective news outlet so the same goes for anyone who believes 100% of what they hear or read.
7. Is it next month that Biden plans to rejoin the Paris HotAir Accord, you know, where only America suffers?


This time, if they get the Senate, they can make it an actual treaty. Hussein went ahead without a treaty…..one more example of the tin pot dictator Obama.

BTW…..the same administration that had a kill list in the Oval Office….and bombed more countries than any administration since WWII….but they called Trump and ‘authoritarian.’

Funny, huh? And some of the old generals getting ready to join Biden for more wars.

8. Speaking of more wars, Trump got all sorts of peace deals in the Middle East, five nominations for the Nobel Prize not due to his skin color….but he’s a war monger.

9. Trump made us energy independent, …the alleged plan since Jimmy Carter, fracking and all, but Biden, another anti-America Democrat, wants to end that.
Finally achieved under Trump…but, ignore that. Now, back to killing our energy industry, and making us slaves to the Middle East.

Let’s assume, arguendo, that more Americans voted for the do-nothing Democrat, than the man who accomplished so much in so short a time…with that constant Leftist headwind against him, that would indicate that electing the puppet of Communist China was a grave error.

Time to consider Luke, 23:34
Yes; it is a phrase the media made up to convince ignorant people that someone has won the Presidential race.
The election was about 2 weeks ago. That’s how we determined who won the election. No one is voting anymore. It’s over. The race is over.

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