Update On The Battlefront

It's obvious you never watched Rudy just as you have never watched Trump because your frail nervous system can't handle facts that collide with your insanity.
I’ve watched Rudy. He’s speaking mostly in gibberish and always promising to reveal more soon, which he never does.

Dude is no longer a real lawyer. He’s a TV personality now.

"...no longer a real lawyer. He’s a TV personality now."

Let's keep in mind that Biden is no longer a political candidate......he's a bought and paid for asset of Communist China.

You know that, don't you.
The GA elections really don't matter because Joe Manchin already said he will not vote to end the 60-vote filibuster requirement.
So what will the democrats be able to pass in the Senate with 60-votes? Not much.

1. Never believe Manchin.....he's a Democrat, and falls in line when they need him.
2. Don't forget Rino Romney.
3. The end of America is within their grasp.
1. If Manchin votes with the dems he is done in WV.
2. Even Mitt Romney isn't that stupid?!
3. The end of America will not happen in GA. NFW.

July 28, 2017
S 1628: To repeal the ACA by enacting the Health Care Freedom Act, aka “skinny” repeal.
Status: House amendment rejected
On the Amendment S.Amdt. 667 to S.Amdt. 267 to H.R. 1628 (American Health Care Act of 2017) [more]
Sen. Manchin voted No,

July 25, 2017
S 1628: Motion to Proceed on H.R. 1628: American Health Care Act of 2017
Status: House motion to proceed agreed to
This was the first Senate vote on repealing or replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA; aka Obamacare). This was a procedural vote to bring the House health care bill H.R. 1628 to the floor for debate so that amendments could be subsequently proposed. [more]
Sen. Manchin voted No,

January 12, 2017
S 3: A budget resolution to begin the process of repealing the ACA.
Status: House concurrent resolution agreed to
On the Concurrent Resolution S.Con.Res. 3 [more]
Sen. Manchin voted No,

S 1628: To repeal and replace the ACA by enacting the Obamacare Repeal Reconciliation Act of 2017
Status: House amendment rejected
On the Amendment S.Amdt. 271 to S.Amdt. 267 to H.R. 1628 (American Health Care Act of 2017) [more]
Sen. Manchin voted No,

July 26, 2015
S 22: To repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 entirely.
Status: House cloture motion rejected
On the Cloture Motion S.Amdt. 2328 to S.Amdt. 2327 to S.Amdt. 2266 to H.R. 22 [more]
Sen. Manchin voted No,

February 2, 2011
S 223: Repealing the Health Care Bill
Status: House motion rejected
Repeal of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 [more]
Sen. Manchin voted No

"... a Democrat who was not even in Congress when the health care bill was approved, ...... Earlier this year, West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin said he would have voted for President Barack Obama’s health care plan.
View attachment 417040

Skillful....but totally untrustworthy.
1. Manchin voting to keep the ACA in WV, meh.
2. If Manchin votes to kill the 60 vote filibuster after he said he won't, they'd lynch him.

I see you're still an optimist.....that balances my view.
But experience has shown that there are no honest Democrats, what are called moderates or Blue Dog Democrats.

When their party tells them....every one of 'em....that they need their vote.....they snap to attention.

This is the party where AOC is a recognized leader.
….or, sometimes the bad guys win.

1.With their belief (hope?) that fake votes and Dominion voting machines have won the election for ‘em, now the evil party is all about that Georgia special election in January that will decide the Senate…..so Thom Friedman wants lots of Democrats to move to Georgia and vote in that run-off. Brings to mind that Charlie Daniel’s song, ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia.’

"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

2. They need to own the Senate, too, so that they can complete the total destruction of America, with the end of the filibuster, two new states with Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, and packing the Supreme Court…..don’t forget finishing Obama’s plan to get nuclear weapons into the hands of the 7th century homicidal psychopaths. Oh…..and making certain that Communist China gets what it paid for with the Biden family, leaving them with complete control of the South China Seas making 30% of the world’s commercial sea traffic having to go through a communist toll booth.

"Police reform, climate change, and health care are all on their agenda. But before newly empowered Democrats get to any of that, they will very likely pass a relief package to address the coronavirus pandemic and the associated economic crisis. Then, they will aim to fundamentally change how voting and government work in the United States by expanding voting rights, reducing the influence of money in politics, strengthening ethics rules, and maybe even ending the Senate filibuster—reforms they hope will make America’s democracy work better and the rest of their agenda easier to carry out."

3. Now, if there is a vaccine that works, how about having to prove you had it before you could go into work or on a train, or whatever ‘mandate’ the Fascists…er, Democrats determine. So….how do you think they’d decide who gets the vaccine?

This is the party that once put American citizens into concentration camps, have aborted 60 million babies, and supported the Bolsheviks who killed 100 million men, women and children.

"Amazingly, one group isn’t celebrating: Democratic politicians. They would sooner criticize the breakthrough than allow the triumph to occur on President Trump’s watch. Gov. Cuomo in New York and Gov. Gavin Newsom in California are saying FDA approval of the vaccine isn’t enough, and they will insist on approval by experts in their own states, as well.
That’s unconstitutional. "

....but then, so is the Pennsylvania court changing the deadline for voting.
They hit on social justice to hide the rest of the stuff they do. They like pain and suffering for others. It gives them their jollies.
The US is kaput.
Well not quite yet. There may be a second civil war however where guns will decide the future of this nation yet again. Your title did say battlefront, I'm afraid that may come in the literal sense.

I feel ya,' bro......but hate the idea.

I just do not want to think in terms of 'civil war.'
The last one took the lives of over 2% of our nation.
That would approach 8 million with today's population, and today's weapons are far more powerful.
And....it may not even be the solution to the problem.
I'm thinking that civilizations may simply have a 'sell-by' date....and we've reached ours.
It was great while it lasted.
Let's keep in mind that Biden is no longer a political candidate.
You’re right! He’s not a candidate. He’s the president elect.

For four years you and your sort lied that Trump was an agent of a foreign power.

Now you voted for one who is proven so.

There is this historic comparison for you and the Bidens.......you took the 30 pieces of silver.
...but then, so is the Pennsylvania court changing the deadline for voting.
That is headed for the courts. Super patriot and lawyer Sydney Powell has taken a personal interest
in Dominion and voter fraud by computer, of which much has already been identified.
"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

I'm sure there are thousands of Democrats all over the country itching to completely uproot their lives and move to another state on the spur of the moment just to vote in a Senate election
The US is kaput.
Well not quite yet. There may be a second civil war however where guns will decide the future of this nation yet again.
Why are our tax dollars still being given to nations that have existed longer than the US?
It's been 70+ years since WWII and these lazy ass nations still can't pay their own way?
How is that at all relevant or germane to my post or even this thread? Do you not know how to begin a thread?
For four years you and your sort lied that Trump was an agent of a foreign power.

This is a lie.

Now you voted for one who is proven so.

Also a lie.

Watch me ram your lying claim back down your throat:


"EXCLUSIVE: NY Post’s ‘Smoking Gun’ Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes"
"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

I'm sure there are thousands of Democrats all over the country itching to completely uproot their lives and move to another state on the spur of the moment just to vote in a Senate election

That really isn't the point of the post, is it.

The fact that Democrat talking heads told them to, is.

For your information, the same plan was advanced in the 70s for Leftists to move to a small state, so as to produce Leftists in Congresss.
The result was Bernie Sanders.
"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

I'm sure there are thousands of Democrats all over the country itching to completely uproot their lives and move to another state on the spur of the moment just to vote in a Senate election

That really isn't the point of the post, is it.

The fact that Democrat talking heads told them to, is.

For your information, the same plan was advanced in the 70s for Leftists to move to a small state, so as to produce Leftists in Congresss.
The result was Bernie Sanders.
You guys cried wolf too many times. Now you have no credibility.
"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

I'm sure there are thousands of Democrats all over the country itching to completely uproot their lives and move to another state on the spur of the moment just to vote in a Senate election

That really isn't the point of the post, is it.

The fact that Democrat talking heads told them to, is.

For your information, the same plan was advanced in the 70s for Leftists to move to a small state, so as to produce Leftists in Congresss.
The result was Bernie Sanders.
You guys cried wolf too many times. Now you have no credibility.

"You guys cried wolf too many times. Now you have no credibility."

We have a winner in the category of "Unintentional Humor!!"

This moron talks of crying wolf, after this:
First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, one after another lead balloons.

How's that for another custard pie in your ugly kisser?
"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

I'm sure there are thousands of Democrats all over the country itching to completely uproot their lives and move to another state on the spur of the moment just to vote in a Senate election

That really isn't the point of the post, is it.

The fact that Democrat talking heads told them to, is.

For your information, the same plan was advanced in the 70s for Leftists to move to a small state, so as to produce Leftists in Congresss.
The result was Bernie Sanders.
You guys cried wolf too many times. Now you have no credibility.

"You guys cried wolf too many times. Now you have no credibility."

We have a winner in the category of "Unintentional Humor!!"

This moron talks of crying wolf, after this:
First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, one after another lead balloons.

How's that for another custard pie in your ugly kisser?
Tell you what, as soon as you lock Clinton up, I’ll take your accusations seriously. Better hurry. Almost out of time.
"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

I'm sure there are thousands of Democrats all over the country itching to completely uproot their lives and move to another state on the spur of the moment just to vote in a Senate election

That really isn't the point of the post, is it.

The fact that Democrat talking heads told them to, is.

For your information, the same plan was advanced in the 70s for Leftists to move to a small state, so as to produce Leftists in Congresss.
The result was Bernie Sanders.
You guys cried wolf too many times. Now you have no credibility.

"You guys cried wolf too many times. Now you have no credibility."

We have a winner in the category of "Unintentional Humor!!"

This moron talks of crying wolf, after this:
First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, one after another lead balloons.

How's that for another custard pie in your ugly kisser?
Tell you what, as soon as you lock Clinton up, I’ll take your accusations seriously. Better hurry. Almost out of time.

Somehow, government school grads have been trained to simply walk away with egg on their faces.

Seems to have replaced conscience and honor.
"NYT’s Friedman Urges Democrats to Move to Georgia, Register to Vote"

I'm sure there are thousands of Democrats all over the country itching to completely uproot their lives and move to another state on the spur of the moment just to vote in a Senate election

That really isn't the point of the post, is it.

The fact that Democrat talking heads told them to, is.

For your information, the same plan was advanced in the 70s for Leftists to move to a small state, so as to produce Leftists in Congresss.
The result was Bernie Sanders.
You guys cried wolf too many times. Now you have no credibility.

"You guys cried wolf too many times. Now you have no credibility."

We have a winner in the category of "Unintentional Humor!!"

This moron talks of crying wolf, after this:
First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, one after another lead balloons.

How's that for another custard pie in your ugly kisser?
Tell you what, as soon as you lock Clinton up, I’ll take your accusations seriously. Better hurry. Almost out of time.

Somehow, government school grads have been trained to simply walk away with egg on their faces.

Seems to have replaced conscience and honor.
Did Clinton get locked up or not?
It will be telling to compare the vote count in the Georgia runoff elections in January against the November numbers, which oughta highlight whether or not a buncha new voters showed up. If anything the vote count oughta be reduced cuz the animus against Trump won't be there. At this point though, nothing would surprise me. We really do not need a democrat Senate majority.

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