Updated Presidents ranking

And your opinion is trump deserves to be in the top five?
Where have I EVER indicated that ANYWHERE?

I know, everyone has to be a partisan like yourself.
What is a "value judgment"? I can only surmise that the list of presidents have or don't have a moral compass. And in my opinion trump does not have a moral compass, he's a narcissistic self serving spoiled brat.
What do you think is objective about moral theory. There are plenty of moral objectivists but there is, as of this moment, zero consensus on moral objectivity. Indeed, at this time moral theory is entirely subjective.

So, you are just reinforcing my point. This is a subjective list. Interestingly enough, the 'criteria' posted basically says that exact same thing:
"No definitions are provided for the categories: participants are able to interpret them as they see fit to determine their rankings."
The very definition of subjective. So are you ready to acknowledge that the entire endeavor is 100 percent subjective and NOT an objective measure?
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Leftist liars.
To be fair, donald j thug was ranked last by the same panel of historians in 2018. How the hell was he now ranked ahead of 3 presidents after convicted of fraud, ordering a massacre at the capitol, accused of espionage and twice impeached , is mind blowing...

I don’t agree with the spin on what was written by the other poster but some of what they wrote was true.

I know the truth hurts your sensitive eyes at time but you will get over it and if not, well does anyone really care?
Stop lying bruce.
Notice how criminal trump is almost at the bottom of the list, while President Obama is at the top 10 in history...

2021 Presidential Historians Survey



President2021 Final ScoreOverall Rankings
Abraham Lincoln8971111
George Washington8512223
Franklin D. Roosevelt8413332
Theodore Roosevelt7854444
Dwight D. Eisenhower7345589
Harry S. Truman7136655
Thomas Jefferson7047777
John F. Kennedy6998868
Ronald Reagan681991011
Barack Obama6641012NANA
Lyndon B. Johnson65411101110
James Monroe64312131514
Woodrow Wilson617131196
William McKinley61214161615
John Adams60915191716
James Madison60416172018
John Quincy Adams60317211919
James K. Polk59918141212
William J. Clinton59419151421
Ulysses S. Grant59020222333
George H. W. Bush58521201820
Andrew Jackson56822181313
William Howard Taft54323242424
Calvin Coolidge53524262627
Grover Cleveland52325232117
Jimmy Carter50626272522
James A. Garfield50627292829
Gerald R. Ford49828252223
George W. Bush495293336NA
Chester A. Arthur47230353232
Richard M. Nixon46431282726
Benjamin Harrison46232303031
Rutherford B. Hayes45633313325
Martin Van Buren45534343130
Zachary Taylor44935322928
Herbert Hoover39636363434
Warren G. Harding38837403838
Millard Fillmore37838373735
John Tyler35439393536
William Henry Harrison35440383937
Donald J. Trump31241NANANA
Franklin Pierce31242414039
Andrew Johnson23043424140
James Buchanan22744434241
Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, and Pierce were better presidents than Trump.
I would be surprised if the liberal so-called intelligentsia had ranked Trump higher. He deserves to be ranked near the top. But obviously, libs have fidelity to “liberalism,” not honestly.

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