Uplifting inspiration video for the times


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
sense coming across this video a couple days ago I have watched it over 20 times,Im sure it will be over a 100 before the month is over.It so much gives me goosebumps the fact it appiles to the dangerous times we are living in now.

anybody ever hear of this lady? she is an inspiration to me.a true humanitarian.:thup:

ClaireH did you watch the video? please post your thoughts? thanks.
I did yes and should have commented about her lovely voice as well as message. I understand how you felt it to be uplifting as it is that. I heard the emotion in her voice that pulls on those of us who "feel" music..yes? lol I think many do this. That video shows a very close-knit community and those are really nice events to go to -crowd size not too big, friendly vibes, everyone seemed to know everyone but not sure in watching the audience and those on stage very laid back..very nice and a great place to go I have no doubt. Thanks for posting awesome positivity:)
ClaireH did you watch the video? please post your thoughts? thanks.
I did yes and should have commented about her lovely voice as well as message. I understand how you felt it to be uplifting as it is that. I heard the emotion in her voice that pulls on those of us who "feel" music..yes? lol I think many do this. That video shows a very close-knit community and those are really nice events to go to -crowd size not too big, friendly vibes, everyone seemed to know everyone but not sure in watching the audience and those on stage very laid back..very nice and a great place to go I have no doubt. Thanks for posting awesome positivity:)
Thank me by referring everyone on your follow list the link to come here and watch this,it’s frustrating that I have not had many more than just a couple replies to this thread so far,this video is too imporatant for people in this section not to watch.

this video is not like any other music thread made here where it’s no big deal if people don’t watch it,this video is too important for people not to watch and listen to.if you are interested in seeing closeups of her face I can send you a video by pm,don’t want to post it here sense it comes from a political video. Did it give you goosebumps or not? Sure hope you email that video to everybody you know,if you want to thank me,that’s how you can do it. Thanks for the kind words.:)

the thing I really love about the video is I am the most pessimistic person in the world about the future of our world,this video inspires me not to give up seeing all the people out there United together standing up for what’s right,:thup:
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Justyna Walker Page - Home | Facebook Found this .It always does me good to see those who stand up for truth and freedom in the face of oppression. This is the first I have heard of her thanks for posting.
Actually I knew what her name was and I knew that was the only place you could find her was on Facebook but thanks anyways for the effort. :thup: I was just wondering if you had heard of her.
I’m guessing she is not very well known sense you can only find her on facebook

so did the song in video give YOU goosebumps by chance or not?
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That type of songs by dedicated people always does :)
As I just got done saying to Claire,please pm everyone on your following list this link to come here and watch it and email your friends as well.this video is too important not to share with everybody. Till I saw this video I have been negative and pessimistic about the future the past year.this gives me somewhat hope things can change,if it keeps me of all people going and inspires me not to give up,maybe it will with others as well. :) :thup:
ClaireH did you watch the video? please post your thoughts? thanks.
I did yes and should have commented about her lovely voice as well as message. I understand how you felt it to be uplifting as it is that. I heard the emotion in her voice that pulls on those of us who "feel" music..yes? lol I think many do this. That video shows a very close-knit community and those are really nice events to go to -crowd size not too big, friendly vibes, everyone seemed to know everyone but not sure in watching the audience and those on stage very laid back..very nice and a great place to go I have no doubt. Thanks for posting awesome positivity:)
Thank me by referring everyone on your follow list the link to come here and watch this,it’s frustrating that I have not had many more than just a couple replies to this thread so far,this video is too imporatant for people in this section not to watch.

this video is not like any other music thread made here where it’s no big deal if people don’t watch it,this video is too important for people not to watch and listen to.if you are interested in seeing closeups of her face I can send you a video by pm,don’t want to post it here sense it comes from a political video. Did it give you goosebumps or not? Sure hope you email that video to everybody you know,if you want to thank me,that’s how you can do it. Thanks for the kind words.:)

the thing I really love about the video is I am the most pessimistic person in the world about the future of our world,this video inspires me not to give up seeing all the people out there United together standing up for what’s right,:thup:

I know how the media and even well-meaning friends/family can greatly enhance one's negativity about current conditions and the future. I'm convinced that article writers who use doom and gloom headlines, specifically geared toward freaking out the audience and getting everybody talking about it, are paid extra.

Gone are the days of true journalists who relied on their persuasive writing ability to sway the masses without resorting to shock and awe tactics. This type of intentionally sensationalized MSM spin needs bucu counter-evidence, and a lot of it on steriods even. I used to enjoy www.happynews.com to find stories about dogs rescuing people and similar positive stories, but they don't seem to have a lot of new content unfortunately.

In doing a quick search, I found this one I'd never heard and wanted to share it here as it fits the theme of positivity. Avril Lavigne’s personal story as she battled Lyme disease (which halted her career for a couple of years) became the inspiration for the song.
Scroll down to #22... beautiful message and vocals....hopefully you'll find it inspiring as well. I'm going back to listen again:)
ClaireH did you watch the video? please post your thoughts? thanks.
I did yes and should have commented about her lovely voice as well as message. I understand how you felt it to be uplifting as it is that. I heard the emotion in her voice that pulls on those of us who "feel" music..yes? lol I think many do this. That video shows a very close-knit community and those are really nice events to go to -crowd size not too big, friendly vibes, everyone seemed to know everyone but not sure in watching the audience and those on stage very laid back..very nice and a great place to go I have no doubt. Thanks for posting awesome positivity:)
Thank me by referring everyone on your follow list the link to come here and watch this,it’s frustrating that I have not had many more than just a couple replies to this thread so far,this video is too imporatant for people in this section not to watch.

this video is not like any other music thread made here where it’s no big deal if people don’t watch it,this video is too important for people not to watch and listen to.if you are interested in seeing closeups of her face I can send you a video by pm,don’t want to post it here sense it comes from a political video. Did it give you goosebumps or not? Sure hope you email that video to everybody you know,if you want to thank me,that’s how you can do it. Thanks for the kind words.:)

the thing I really love about the video is I am the most pessimistic person in the world about the future of our world,this video inspires me not to give up seeing all the people out there United together standing up for what’s right,:thup:

I know how the media and even well-meaning friends/family can greatly enhance one's negativity about current conditions and the future. I'm convinced that article writers who use doom and gloom headlines, specifically geared toward freaking out the audience and getting everybody talking about it, are paid extra.

Gone are the days of true journalists who relied on their persuasive writing ability to sway the masses without resorting to shock and awe tactics. This type of intentionally sensationalized MSM spin needs bucu counter-evidence, and a lot of it on steriods even. I used to enjoy www.happynews.com to find stories about dogs rescuing people and similar positive stories, but they don't seem to have a lot of new content unfortunately.

In doing a quick search, I found this one I'd never heard and wanted to share it here as it fits the theme of positivity. Avril Lavigne’s personal story as she battled Lyme disease (which halted her career for a couple of years) became the inspiration for the song.
Scroll down to #22... beautiful message and vocals....hopefully you'll find it inspiring as well. I'm going back to listen again:)
So you going to honor my request and pm the link of this thread to people on your following list?

Just so you know the media and family and friends have no impact on my negativity,it’s just that the American people have let this corruption go on for decades and done nothing about it and neither the police or military will arrest these criminal politicians that I have negativity and see no hope for the future of the world allowing this corrupt two party system to stay in place and not get a third party started,one that’s for the people instead of the corporations and bankers. These braindead soldiers go off buying the lies they hear that we have terrorists from other countries threatening us when the ONLY terrorists are the polliticians and they refuse to take any action on those murderers.:mad:
Oh i mentioned earlier thst if you wanted to see closeups of the lady’s face of a political video she is in I would send it to you in a pm but I also did not mention it has her singing that song as well but in this video of that performance you get to see closeups of her face and see how pretty she is.:) Also the entire videowhich is an hour long is as uplifting as her song is,you get to hear rfk jr talk about how he has been fighting government corruption for 40 years and stuff like that in the video as well.
ClaireH did you watch the video? please post your thoughts? thanks.
I did yes and should have commented about her lovely voice as well as message. I understand how you felt it to be uplifting as it is that. I heard the emotion in her voice that pulls on those of us who "feel" music..yes? lol I think many do this. That video shows a very close-knit community and those are really nice events to go to -crowd size not too big, friendly vibes, everyone seemed to know everyone but not sure in watching the audience and those on stage very laid back..very nice and a great place to go I have no doubt. Thanks for posting awesome positivity:)
Thank me by referring everyone on your follow list the link to come here and watch this,it’s frustrating that I have not had many more than just a couple replies to this thread so far,this video is too imporatant for people in this section not to watch.

this video is not like any other music thread made here where it’s no big deal if people don’t watch it,this video is too important for people not to watch and listen to.if you are interested in seeing closeups of her face I can send you a video by pm,don’t want to post it here sense it comes from a political video. Did it give you goosebumps or not? Sure hope you email that video to everybody you know,if you want to thank me,that’s how you can do it. Thanks for the kind words.:)

the thing I really love about the video is I am the most pessimistic person in the world about the future of our world,this video inspires me not to give up seeing all the people out there United together standing up for what’s right,:thup:

I know how the media and even well-meaning friends/family can greatly enhance one's negativity about current conditions and the future. I'm convinced that article writers who use doom and gloom headlines, specifically geared toward freaking out the audience and getting everybody talking about it, are paid extra.

Gone are the days of true journalists who relied on their persuasive writing ability to sway the masses without resorting to shock and awe tactics. This type of intentionally sensationalized MSM spin needs bucu counter-evidence, and a lot of it on steriods even. I used to enjoy www.happynews.com to find stories about dogs rescuing people and similar positive stories, but they don't seem to have a lot of new content unfortunately.

In doing a quick search, I found this one I'd never heard and wanted to share it here as it fits the theme of positivity. Avril Lavigne’s personal story as she battled Lyme disease (which halted her career for a couple of years) became the inspiration for the song.
Scroll down to #22... beautiful message and vocals....hopefully you'll find it inspiring as well. I'm going back to listen again:)
So you going to honor my request and pm the link of this thread to people on your following list?

Just so you know the media and family and friends have no impact on my negativity,it’s just that the American people have let this corruption go on for decades and done nothing about it and neither the police or military will arrest these criminal politicians that I have negativity and see no hope for the future of the world allowing this corrupt two party system to stay in place and not get a third party started,one that’s for the people instead of the corporations and bankers.
I have never contacted anyone on my follow list except for a reply, but I will make you a deal. I like deals and I've been told that in a former life I must have been a hostage negotiator...but back to the deal...ok so I've been procrastinating about posting a topic. How about if after I post my first post, at some time that has yet to be determined, I will pm this link? Now, since I pride myself on deals, and am used to errr...winning...if you agree to the deal I will always speak highly of you even if I think otherwise...deal? Now you know I don't think otherwise haha just joking per my norm.

My view about the future: there are a lot more good people in the world than bad....as in maybe 10 x as many good people compared to bad. Not all would agree with this conception; some would say I'm too optimistic and some would say I'm not optimistic enough. I define "bad" as most anything that leads to death/destruction/chaos and good as anything that leads to life and supports life. A pretty cut and dry distinction, but in reality as you know it's more tricky with how deception is in the mix. Until the "bad elements" outnumber the "good elements", we'll be fine no matter who steers the ship.

I count on myself first, family next, and a few close friends after that. Anyone beyond that really doesn't owe my anything, but I still expect people to treat others in a respectful manner out in public regardless of players.

I fully get it about seeing the corruption going on for years and years without effective consequence. "Catch and release" never works as all smart people know, and because money can buy one's way out of jail time, crooks continue to carry on as usual. I still believe that because good outweighs bad we still have hope for a good future. Everything in life is temporary...which is really not something many say is a good thing but it is when it includes corruptive shyters getting away with their crimes and worse fates than that in the mix. These crooks will be held accountable...eventually. I always hold out for the good guys winning, especially if the good guys appear to be more of the underdog in the fight. Good will prevail but it will come like it's always been, in incremental achievements...nothing too grand but more like a back and forth tug of war.
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ClaireH did you watch the video? please post your thoughts? thanks.
I did yes and should have commented about her lovely voice as well as message. I understand how you felt it to be uplifting as it is that. I heard the emotion in her voice that pulls on those of us who "feel" music..yes? lol I think many do this. That video shows a very close-knit community and those are really nice events to go to -crowd size not too big, friendly vibes, everyone seemed to know everyone but not sure in watching the audience and those on stage very laid back..very nice and a great place to go I have no doubt. Thanks for posting awesome positivity:)
Thank me by referring everyone on your follow list the link to come here and watch this,it’s frustrating that I have not had many more than just a couple replies to this thread so far,this video is too imporatant for people in this section not to watch.

this video is not like any other music thread made here where it’s no big deal if people don’t watch it,this video is too important for people not to watch and listen to.if you are interested in seeing closeups of her face I can send you a video by pm,don’t want to post it here sense it comes from a political video. Did it give you goosebumps or not? Sure hope you email that video to everybody you know,if you want to thank me,that’s how you can do it. Thanks for the kind words.:)

the thing I really love about the video is I am the most pessimistic person in the world about the future of our world,this video inspires me not to give up seeing all the people out there United together standing up for what’s right,:thup:

I know how the media and even well-meaning friends/family can greatly enhance one's negativity about current conditions and the future. I'm convinced that article writers who use doom and gloom headlines, specifically geared toward freaking out the audience and getting everybody talking about it, are paid extra.

Gone are the days of true journalists who relied on their persuasive writing ability to sway the masses without resorting to shock and awe tactics. This type of intentionally sensationalized MSM spin needs bucu counter-evidence, and a lot of it on steriods even. I used to enjoy www.happynews.com to find stories about dogs rescuing people and similar positive stories, but they don't seem to have a lot of new content unfortunately.

In doing a quick search, I found this one I'd never heard and wanted to share it here as it fits the theme of positivity. Avril Lavigne’s personal story as she battled Lyme disease (which halted her career for a couple of years) became the inspiration for the song.
Scroll down to #22... beautiful message and vocals....hopefully you'll find it inspiring as well. I'm going back to listen again:)
So you going to honor my request and pm the link of this thread to people on your following list?

Just so you know the media and family and friends have no impact on my negativity,it’s just that the American people have let this corruption go on for decades and done nothing about it and neither the police or military will arrest these criminal politicians that I have negativity and see no hope for the future of the world allowing this corrupt two party system to stay in place and not get a third party started,one that’s for the people instead of the corporations and bankers.
I have never contacted anyone on my follow list except for a reply, but I will make you a deal. I like deals and I've been told that in a former life I must have been a hostage negotiator...but back to the deal...ok so I've been procrastinating about posting a topic. How about if after I post my first post, at some time that has yet to be determined, I will pm this link? Now, since I pride myself on deals, and am used to errr...winning...if you agree to the deal I will always speak highly of you even if I think otherwise...deal? Now you know I don't think otherwise haha just joking per my norm.

My view about the future: there are a lot more good people in the world than bad....as in maybe 10 x as many good people compared to bad. Not all would agree with this conception; some would say I'm too optimistic and some would say I'm not optimistic enough. I define "bad" as most anything that leads to death/distruction/chaos and good as anything that leads to life and supports life. A pretty cut and dry distinction, but in reality as you know it's more tricky with how deception is in the mix. Until the "bad elements" outnumber the "good elements", we'll be fine no matter who steers the ship.

I count on myself first, family next, and a few close friends aftet that. Anyone beyond that really doesn't owe my anything, but I still expect people to treat others in a respectful manner out in public regardless of players.

I fully get it about seeing the corruption going on for years and years without effective consequence. "Catch and release" never works as all smart people know, and because money can buy one's way out of jail time, crooks continue to carry on as usual. I still believe that because good outweighs bad we still have hope for a good future. Everything in life is temporary...which is really not something many say is a good thing but it is when it includes corruptive shyters getting away with their crimes and worse fates than that in the mix. These crooks will be held accountable...eventually. I always hold out for the good guys winning, especially if the good guys appear to be more of the underdog in the fight. Good will prevail but it will come like it's always been, in incremental achievements...nothing too grand but more like a back and forth tug of war.
Okay great,if you post the link in your thread or whatever thst would be great and I wish I could share your optimism on the future but I just can’t.
ClaireH did you watch the video? please post your thoughts? thanks.
I did yes and should have commented about her lovely voice as well as message. I understand how you felt it to be uplifting as it is that. I heard the emotion in her voice that pulls on those of us who "feel" music..yes? lol I think many do this. That video shows a very close-knit community and those are really nice events to go to -crowd size not too big, friendly vibes, everyone seemed to know everyone but not sure in watching the audience and those on stage very laid back..very nice and a great place to go I have no doubt. Thanks for posting awesome positivity:)
Thank me by referring everyone on your follow list the link to come here and watch this,it’s frustrating that I have not had many more than just a couple replies to this thread so far,this video is too imporatant for people in this section not to watch.

this video is not like any other music thread made here where it’s no big deal if people don’t watch it,this video is too important for people not to watch and listen to.if you are interested in seeing closeups of her face I can send you a video by pm,don’t want to post it here sense it comes from a political video. Did it give you goosebumps or not? Sure hope you email that video to everybody you know,if you want to thank me,that’s how you can do it. Thanks for the kind words.:)

the thing I really love about the video is I am the most pessimistic person in the world about the future of our world,this video inspires me not to give up seeing all the people out there United together standing up for what’s right,:thup:

I know how the media and even well-meaning friends/family can greatly enhance one's negativity about current conditions and the future. I'm convinced that article writers who use doom and gloom headlines, specifically geared toward freaking out the audience and getting everybody talking about it, are paid extra.

Gone are the days of true journalists who relied on their persuasive writing ability to sway the masses without resorting to shock and awe tactics. This type of intentionally sensationalized MSM spin needs bucu counter-evidence, and a lot of it on steriods even. I used to enjoy www.happynews.com to find stories about dogs rescuing people and similar positive stories, but they don't seem to have a lot of new content unfortunately.

In doing a quick search, I found this one I'd never heard and wanted to share it here as it fits the theme of positivity. Avril Lavigne’s personal story as she battled Lyme disease (which halted her career for a couple of years) became the inspiration for the song.
Scroll down to #22... beautiful message and vocals....hopefully you'll find it inspiring as well. I'm going back to listen again:)
So you going to honor my request and pm the link of this thread to people on your following list?

Just so you know the media and family and friends have no impact on my negativity,it’s just that the American people have let this corruption go on for decades and done nothing about it and neither the police or military will arrest these criminal politicians that I have negativity and see no hope for the future of the world allowing this corrupt two party system to stay in place and not get a third party started,one that’s for the people instead of the corporations and bankers.
I have never contacted anyone on my follow list except for a reply, but I will make you a deal. I like deals and I've been told that in a former life I must have been a hostage negotiator...but back to the deal...ok so I've been procrastinating about posting a topic. How about if after I post my first post, at some time that has yet to be determined, I will pm this link? Now, since I pride myself on deals, and am used to errr...winning...if you agree to the deal I will always speak highly of you even if I think otherwise...deal? Now you know I don't think otherwise haha just joking per my norm.

My view about the future: there are a lot more good people in the world than bad....as in maybe 10 x as many good people compared to bad. Not all would agree with this conception; some would say I'm too optimistic and some would say I'm not optimistic enough. I define "bad" as most anything that leads to death/distruction/chaos and good as anything that leads to life and supports life. A pretty cut and dry distinction, but in reality as you know it's more tricky with how deception is in the mix. Until the "bad elements" outnumber the "good elements", we'll be fine no matter who steers the ship.

I count on myself first, family next, and a few close friends aftet that. Anyone beyond that really doesn't owe my anything, but I still expect people to treat others in a respectful manner out in public regardless of players.

I fully get it about seeing the corruption going on for years and years without effective consequence. "Catch and release" never works as all smart people know, and because money can buy one's way out of jail time, crooks continue to carry on as usual. I still believe that because good outweighs bad we still have hope for a good future. Everything in life is temporary...which is really not something many say is a good thing but it is when it includes corruptive shyters getting away with their crimes and worse fates than that in the mix. These crooks will be held accountable...eventually. I always hold out for the good guys winning, especially if the good guys appear to be more of the underdog in the fight. Good will prevail but it will come like it's always been, in incremental achievements...nothing too grand but more like a back and forth tug of war.
Okay great,if you post the link in your thread or whatever thst would be great and I wish I could share your optimism on the future but I just can’t.
Okay, it's a deal. Even better it will give me an idea of the way to match your link with the OP topic I use in some way...shooting for increasing positivity! Perfect.
sense coming across this video a couple days ago I have watched it over 20 times,Im sure it will be over a 100 before the month is over.It so much gives me goosebumps the fact it appiles to the dangerous times we are living in now.

anybody ever hear of this lady? she is an inspiration to me.a true humanitarian.:thup:

heY Darkwind Jets @ Gracie Oddball progressive hunter aaronleland Indeependent @Shawnee_ Shelzin Hossfly JWBooth WTH_Progs? Old Yeller Gdjjr kaz HereWeGoAgain TemplarKormac Jim H - VA USA WTF19 Thunderbird The Irish Ram ThunderKiss1965 52ndStreet Damaged Eagle Aletheia4u munkle Anonymous519 badbob85037 Baron Billiejeens Blackrook blackhawk Bleipriester Bob Blaylock BluesLegend BothWings buckeye Burgermeister Captain Caveman Catman51 Circe
Concerned American Dalia DBA Desperado Drop Dead Fred ESDRAELON

Please watch this video and listen to this song and tell me if it gives you goosebumps as it did me,would very much appreciate your feedback,thank you.
sense coming across this video a couple days ago I have watched it over 20 times,Im sure it will be over a 100 before the month is over.It so much gives me goosebumps the fact it appiles to the dangerous times we are living in now.

anybody ever hear of this lady? she is an inspiration to me.a true humanitarian.:thup:

heY Darkwind Jets @ Gracie Oddball progressive hunter aaronleland Indeependent @Shawnee_ Shelzin Hossfly JWBooth WTH_Progs? Old Yeller Gdjjr kaz HereWeGoAgain TemplarKormac Jim H - VA USA WTF19 Thunderbird The Irish Ram ThunderKiss1965 52ndStreet Damaged Eagle Aletheia4u munkle Anonymous519 badbob85037 Baron Billiejeens Blackrook blackhawk Bleipriester Bob Blaylock BluesLegend BothWings buckeye Burgermeister Captain Caveman Catman51 Circe
Concerned American Dalia DBA Desperado Drop Dead Fred ESDRAELON

Please watch this video and listen to this song and tell me if it gives you goosebumps as it did me,would very much appreciate your feedback,thank you.

I can relate,,,

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