UPS ends ban on beards and "natural Black hairstyles"

What if it's whitey sportin' a dude-fro?


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Times are a-changing.

Time was when an employer had the right to require that all employees have a certain look when it came to clothing, hair, etc.

Today that power is gone.

Here in California, for example, a recent new law prohibits employers from telling people what hair style they must have. Personally, I think that some hair styles are distracting and ridiculous. But the new law says it does not matter what I or anyone else thinks. If person X likes that hair style, then s/he has an absolute right to wear it.

I also have read that the armed forces now allow people to have wide latitude when it comes to hair styles, beards, etc. Are tattoos OK, too? Liberals say that allowing soldiers to dress as they wish has no effect on morale. Conservatives disagree.

Personally, I just cannot work up a lot of respect for nuns who wear "civilian clothes" instead of their habits. And what about nurses who no longer dress like a nurse? Or male teachers who wear jeans instead of a suit?

Dang! (Yes, I am an old geezer!)

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