UPS to drop 15,000 spouses from insurance, cites Obamacare

The decision comes as many analysts ... (are) noting that the move reflects a long-term trend of shrinking corporate medical benefits, Kaiser Health News reports ....

But UPS repeatedly cites Obamacare to explain the decision ...
to save $60 million a year?

Obviously UPS is a FOX advertiser ....

Healthcare coverage exists today because about 50 years ago businesses began offering healthcare insurance along with other benefits to attract talented executives. The unions jumped on the bandwagon and healthcare became an employee benefits. For many employees, group health insurance became the only option because of the preexisting condition rules and rising cost of individual insurance. Today that has changed, the need for employer sponsored health insurance is disappearing. In the future, employer sponsored health insurance will be become a rarity as more employers move their employees to the exchanges. The increased competition will bring individual insurance prices down and both employer and employee will benefit.

Not to mention the lowered costs of labor for an employer.
If they were going to "save" $60M a year why didnt they do this earlier? Like 4 years ago? Do you think no one paid attention?
And rates are not dropping in exchange states. You've been duped. Not surprisingly.

beat me to it....but yea why now?.....

because under obamcare much more has to be provided - and insurance premiums are skyrocketing.

they were not before.

im trying to get Dipshit Media to answer what he posted.....he posted this so i thought just maybe he had an answer....i know...stupid of me.......
beat me to it....but yea why now?.....

because under obamcare much more has to be provided - and insurance premiums are skyrocketing.

they were not before.

im trying to get Dipshit Media to answer what he posted.....he posted this so i thought just maybe he had an answer....i know...stupid of me.......

dipshit media is here to lie no matter what. He will tell you that black is white and won't even blink. that is his job.
Fears being stoked by Republican propaganda - with lies.


Uh,prices are already soaring.
Health insurance costs rise for employers and workers, survey finds -

This is the last opportunity Health Insurance companies will have to jack up prices and gouge the defenseless employer in Red States that reject the ACA Exchanges.

But their days are definitely numbered .... as the Fed takes up running these exchanges in the Red States who reject them.


You really are a dipshit, ALL rates must be submitted and approved by the Dept of Insurance in each State.

EVEN the Companies who participate in the Exchanges kid, sorry.

This is the last opportunity Health Insurance companies will have to jack up prices and gouge the defenseless employer in Red States that reject the ACA Exchanges.

But their days are definitely numbered .... as the Fed takes up running these exchanges in the Red States who reject them.


You really are a dipshit, ALL rates must be submitted and approved by the Dept of Insurance in each State.

EVEN the Companies who participate in the Exchanges kid, sorry.

You'll have to forgive him. Little details like that just aren't important. That's why he's "drive by".
This is the last opportunity Health Insurance companies will have to jack up prices and gouge the defenseless employer in Red States that reject the ACA Exchanges.

But their days are definitely numbered .... as the Fed takes up running these exchanges in the Red States who reject them.


You really are a dipshit, ALL rates must be submitted and approved by the Dept of Insurance in each State.

EVEN the Companies who participate in the Exchanges kid, sorry.

You'll have to forgive him. Little details like that just aren't important. That's why he's "drive by".

The entire thing is in complete disarray.

The Exchanges aren't going to be ready, therefore no subsidies will be payed out until they are...Insurance companies will be forced to accept everyone without the subsidies...

No proof of income will be required, but the following year whoever lied to quaify will be hammered at Tax time...

The rates in Nebraska have not been approved yet, open enrollment starts Oct 1...

This is the largest Gov cluster fuck in history.
You really are a dipshit, ALL rates must be submitted and approved by the Dept of Insurance in each State.

EVEN the Companies who participate in the Exchanges kid, sorry.

You'll have to forgive him. Little details like that just aren't important. That's why he's "drive by".

The entire thing is in complete disarray.

The Exchanges aren't going to be ready, therefore no subsidies will be payed out until they are...Insurance companies will be forced to accept everyone without the subsidies...

No proof of income will be required, but the following year whoever lied to quaify will be hammered at Tax time...

The rates in Nebraska have not been approved yet, open enrollment starts Oct 1...

This is the largest Gov cluster fuck in history.
It's completely unworkable. The level of fraud, abuse, waste, and mismanagement will be unmatched. And Obama will blame the GOP for not voting more money to fix it.
Seems FOX and the RNC are making their own version of what UPS has done.

Lot of lying going on their ....


I am looking in vain for the place where you tell us what the REAL version is, but I don't see it. So apparently, we're all just supposed to say, "Oh, okay, drive says it's not true, so that's good enough"? PLEASE hold your breath until that happens.
UPS drops those spouses that already have coverage, saves $60 million a year ... and "blames" Obamacare for saving them millions?

What have we missed here ....


No, they blame Obamacare for making them do this because otherwise their insurance bill would be unaffordable, because insurance costs under Obamacare are skyrocketing, despite lies from flacks like Snotbeard.

So, they dump double dippers who shouldn't have double coverage, save $60 million a year - and blame Obamacare?

All while insurance rates in "exchange" states are dropping 30%?

Looks like Rinse Penis' footprint on this one.


Who said anything about "double-dipping"? Just because I CAN have insurance either through my employer or my husband's doesn't mean I'm actually GETTING insurance through both.

And by the way, if I'm paying the monthly premiums for both, what fucking business is it of yours to tell me I shouldn't?

In this case, though, what they did was dump all the people who had the option of getting insurance through their own employers, but preferred the insurance available through their spouse's employment at UPS. So much for individuals controlling their own healthcare choices, huh?
If they were going to "save" $60M a year why didnt they do this earlier? Like 4 years ago?

Or 8 years ago? or 12 years ago?

Good question ... must be they see the savings under ACA ... ask them


You're the one claiming this is the reality, so we're asking YOU to prove YOUR claim. We're not interested in going off and asking someone ELSE to prove that you're not full of shit, especially since we don't expect that to be possible.

If you can't answer the question, just admit that you're making it up as you go along, and let it go.
It has always been either or. Either the couple pay for both spouse and employee, or the spouse gets coverage at their employer.

Until Obamacare, there was never a need to force the spouse out of the employee's insurance plan.

In the UPS plan, no one is forcing the spouse out of the UPS plan if the spouse has no other coverage.

Think the ACA writers targeted the double dippers?



I don't know about anyone else, but I'm tired of listening to you drivel on about the "reality" of the assumption you have decided to read into the story simply because you want to believe that's how it is.

UPS is not "targeting double-dippers". It is running off spouses who have coverage AVAILABLE at their employers, but have chosen until now to get coverage through their spouses' employment at UPS.

Your attempts at diversion and misdirection are invalid, incorrect, and unaccepted. Refrain from doing so, or tacitly admit that your hero and his fucking plan are garbage, you're unable to defend them, but you're too much of a partisan kiss-ass to stop doing it regardless.
What part of this do you find so vexing:

They're cutting down in other areas to offset costs in other areas.. it happens every day. We did it here at my company... made employees pay to add/cover spouses.. it was amazing how many people (nearly 100%) dropped spouses that had insurance elsewhere.

they didn't drop spouses that had insurance elsewhere.

They dropped spouses that had ACCESS to insurance elsewhere.

There is a difference.

Yeah.. and? I still don't understand why this is a problem?

Lack. Of. Choice.

Previously, these couples provided themselves with a choice of coverage by both of them working their asses off. And they CHOSE to both pay for coverage through the spouse who was employed by UPS. Now, thanks to Obamacare, that choice has been taken away from them and spouse is being told that he/she has to accept and pay for the coverage he/she already decided was less-desirable.
If they were going to "save" $60M a year why didnt they do this earlier? Like 4 years ago? Do you think no one paid attention?
And rates are not dropping in exchange states. You've been duped. Not surprisingly.

beat me to it....but yea why now?.....

because under obamcare much more has to be provided - and insurance premiums are skyrocketing.

they were not before.

Also, because of Obamacare's mandated coverage, employees who previously opted not to have coverage because they didn't want it are being persuaded to sign up, which ends up costing UPS more money.

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