UPS to drop 15,000 spouses from insurance, cites Obamacare

Don't tell UV that they are simply out to Embarress Obama...

University of Virginia Slashes Health Benefits Due to ObamaCare

Citing ObamaCare as a reason, the the University of Virginia has announced that spouses of University employees who have access to health insurance through their own jobs will no longer be eligible for health insurance coverage.

In its announcement, President Obama's healthcare plan is specifically mentioned by UVa as a reason for the rising costs that forced the university to drop working spouses. ObamaCare is expected to add $7 million to the university's health care costs.

UVa was also a public supporter of ObamaCare:

Working spouse provision: Starting Jan. 1, spouses who have access to coverage through their own employer will no longer be eligible for coverage under U.Va.’s plan. Spouses who do not have coverage elsewhere can remain on the employee’s plan, and coverage of children is not affected. ...

Provisions of the federal Affordable Care Act are projected to add $7.3 million to the cost of the University health plan in 2014 alone. Federal health care reform will create new costs related to the “individual mandate” that requires all Americans to have health care coverage (or pay a penalty).

The Shilling Show blog reports that UVa was a vocal supporter of ObamaCare:

But wait; didn’t the University of Virginia support Obamacare?

Yes. In fact, they went all-out (on a limb). On March 19, 2010, Sally N. Barber, Special Advisor to the Medical Center CEO released publicly a letter to then Congressman, Tom Perriello, endorsing the Democrats’ health care proposal:

“I am writing on behalf of the University of Virginia Medical Center to indicate our support of the health reform package pending before the House because we believe providing affordable health coverage for more citizens of the Commonwealth is critical.” [emphasis added]
What does a corporation's decision to drop coverage for spouses, who are working elsewhere and who can get employer coverage where they work, have to do with single payer?

What does your response have to do with UPS citing ObamaCare as a reason for their decision?

That's your answer to what this has to do with single payer?

I assumed you had no idea what you were talking about. I apologize for bothering to ask anyway.

UPS cited Obamacare as the reason for dropping the coverage.

So put that in your bong and smoke it.
Coming from's pretty laughable.

They treat their employees like shit until they get into the Union..and they don't pay their parking tickets.

Actually they had pretty good benefits prior to Obamacare. Obamacare ruined that

Oh please.

Pretty good? I guess compared to Somalia..yeah.

In the real world?

Not so much.

When I worked at the Moving company..for no benefits..we had plenty of UPS guys coming over because the working conditions were better.


Speaking of "laughable" . . . You talking about "the real world". :lol:
Coming from's pretty laughable.

They treat their employees like shit until they get into the Union..and they don't pay their parking tickets.

The fellow that delivers for UPS in my area told me that UPS makes the drivers pay for maint and upkeep of the vehicle.

Oh, WELL then . . . I guess the all-wise, compassionate left has decided that if someone chooses to work for a company they deem to suck, those employees can just fuck off, huh?

Is there actually going to be a list of leftist-approved employers published at some point, or do we just have to guess?
Thousands of companies are having to do what UPS did or cut employees to part time and the Obamabots just keep pointing the finger at corporate greed.

Talk about being willfully blind. Anything to defend the Messiah.

Did Obama make a UPS decision as their CEO? I mean, get a grip. lol!! If a star falls from the sky, it isn't obamas fault. If you get sick from breakfast, it isn't Obamas fault. If you decide not to pay your taxes, and you get fined, it isn't obamas fault. etc. etc. etc. :cuckoo:

"Just because I drifted into your lane of traffic and nearly sideswiped you doesn't make it MY fault you swerved off the road. It was YOUR decision to do it!"

Brilliant logic there. I have two questions.

1) Are you really this obtuse?

2) If you're not, are you at least embarrassed to have to pretend to be?
Seems FOX and the RNC are making their own version of what UPS has done.

Lot of lying going on their ....

Well it is because of that 65 dollar a spouse fee from ACA. They should just happily pay that and say thanks Obama? This is a company that actually has to make money. They can't just steal it and then use it to buy votes like the government does.

They don't understand that companies really do need to make money. They spread this saving 60 million bullshit but don't mention it's 60 million they wouldn't have to spend without the ACA
UPS drops those spouses that already have coverage, saves $60 million a year ... and "blames" Obamacare for saving them millions?

What have we missed here ....


No, they blame Obamacare for making them do this because otherwise their insurance bill would be unaffordable, because insurance costs under Obamacare are skyrocketing, despite lies from flacks like Snotbeard.
It would be nice if the troll understood some of the crap he post for trolling
UPS drops those spouses that already have coverage, saves $60 million a year ... and "blames" Obamacare for saving them millions?

What have we missed here ....


No, they blame Obamacare for making them do this because otherwise their insurance bill would be unaffordable, because insurance costs under Obamacare are skyrocketing, despite lies from flacks like Snotbeard.

So, they dump double dippers who shouldn't have double coverage, save $60 million a year - and blame Obamacare?

All while insurance rates in "exchange" states are dropping 30%?

Looks like Rinse Penis' footprint on this one.

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thanks, obamacare.

I guess, they are only the first ones in the long list of employers which will be doing the same.
thanks, obamacare.

I guess, they are only the first ones in the long list of employers which will be doing the same.

Few companies (6%) are dumb enough to pay Medical Insurance for the spouse of an employee who is covered by another employer.

Thanks to ACA, like UPS, these dumbos can now bank the savings.

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UPS drops those spouses that already have coverage, saves $60 million a year ... and "blames" Obamacare for saving them millions?

What have we missed here ....


No, they blame Obamacare for making them do this because otherwise their insurance bill would be unaffordable, because insurance costs under Obamacare are skyrocketing, despite lies from flacks like Snotbeard.

So, they dump double dippers who shouldn't have double coverage, save $60 million a year - and blame Obamacare?

All while insurance rates in "exchange" states are dropping 30%?

Looks like Rinse Penis' footprint on this one.


If they were going to "save" $60M a year why didnt they do this earlier? Like 4 years ago? Do you think no one paid attention?
And rates are not dropping in exchange states. You've been duped. Not surprisingly.
If they were going to "save" $60M a year why didnt they do this earlier? Like 4 years ago?

Or 8 years ago? or 12 years ago?

Good question ... must be they see the savings under ACA ... ask them

It has always been either or. Either the couple pay for both spouse and employee, or the spouse gets coverage at their employer.

Until Obamacare, there was never a need to force the spouse out of the employee's insurance plan.
New York Health Exchanges Offer 50% Drop in Premiums

New York Health Exchanges Offer 50% Drop in Premiums - Bloomberg


You really need to read your own postings:
“Some of the products may only contain a narrow option, and so members may not be able to see pre-chosen doctors or a hospital of their choosing,” Mansfield said by phone. “Overall, though, having more people insured would be an improvement.”
So it will give people shitty Third-world care, which is why Congress exempted itself.

"Rates will be coming down “primarily because a greater number of uninsured individuals are expected to obtain coverage,” the state said.

So they are making young healthy people buy shit they dont need and wont use to subsidize old fat people. And when those same young healthy people cannot afford gold-plated insurance coverage because they have a 50% unemployment rate and student loans then gov't will pay their way.
And we think this is somehow an improvement??

It is the perfect socialist expression of "equality": Everyone gets the same crappy third rate service and pays through the nose for it.
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