UPS to drop 15,000 spouses from insurance, cites Obamacare

Thousands of companies are having to do what UPS did or cut employees to part time and the Obamabots just keep pointing the finger at corporate greed.

Talk about being willfully blind. Anything to defend the Messiah.

this is just an excuse. A lot of them are moving to part-time period because its cheaper for them to run that way. It has nothing to do with Obamacare.

It's cheaper to run that way BECAUSE of obiecare. Are you unable to comprehend this dynamic?
Look at the moonbats try to blame businesses for doing exactly what ObamaCare is designed to encourage.

The agenda is to force the country into Single Payer...and ObamaCare's programs are set up to destroy private insurance to soften up the country for The Goal.

What does a corporation's decision to drop coverage for spouses, who are working elsewhere and who can get employer coverage where they work, have to do with single payer?

What does your response have to do with UPS citing ObamaCare as a reason for their decision?
Of the 1 million new jobs created this year, 75% are lower paying part-time jobs. Two main factors behind this are a tepid economy AND Obamacare.
It was a futile gesture to extend corporate compliance to 2015 for Obamacare since most companies have already slimmed and trimmed. UPS was just late to that party but is joining it before 'last call'.

When you can prove your opinion is correct, do let us know. And if true, what is wrong with providing more jobs for Americans? That gets them off unemployment and other social programs, and stops the rightwing whining.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, Wells Fargo eliminates 2300 mortgage jobs today. I'm sure those workers will be estatic over getting lower paying part-time jobs.
Dude, where did we park our our housing and overall economic recovery?

The same amount of work has to be done, that means more employees, more managers, more uniforms, more book keepers, and the best is that products will be lowered to these consumers or they won't buy with reduced wages. It's a win win, soon America will be working 32 hour weeks and getting paid wages for 40. And workers will get more time off to be their families, will live longer & start enjoying life. After-all, it is a management decision, not a presidential one.
When you can prove your opinion is correct, do let us know. And if true, what is wrong with providing more jobs for Americans? That gets them off unemployment and other social programs, and stops the rightwing whining.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, Wells Fargo eliminates 2300 mortgage jobs today. I'm sure those workers will be estatic over getting lower paying part-time jobs.
Dude, where did we park our our housing and overall economic recovery?

The same amount of work has to be done, that means more employees, more managers, more uniforms, more book keepers, and the best is that products will be lowered to these consumers or they won't buy with reduced wages. It's a win win, soon America will be working 32 hour weeks and getting paid wages for 40. And workers will get more time off to be their families, will live longer & start enjoying life. After-all, it is a management decision, not a presidential one.

Did you go to the Pee Wee Herman School of Economics?
Thousands of companies are having to do what UPS did or cut employees to part time and the Obamabots just keep pointing the finger at corporate greed.

Talk about being willfully blind. Anything to defend the Messiah.

this is just an excuse. A lot of them are moving to part-time period because its cheaper for them to run that way. It has nothing to do with Obamacare.

It's cheaper to run that way BECAUSE of obiecare. Are you unable to comprehend this dynamic?

No, it is cheaper to run that way because of a CEO decision. Comprehendo that?
this is just an excuse. A lot of them are moving to part-time period because its cheaper for them to run that way. It has nothing to do with Obamacare.

It's cheaper to run that way BECAUSE of obiecare. Are you unable to comprehend this dynamic?

No, it is cheaper to run that way because of a CEO decision. Comprehendo that?

A decision that is based upon what it costs to operate, including the additional costs of obama-care.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, Wells Fargo eliminates 2300 mortgage jobs today. I'm sure those workers will be estatic over getting lower paying part-time jobs.
Dude, where did we park our our housing and overall economic recovery?

The same amount of work has to be done, that means more employees, more managers, more uniforms, more book keepers, and the best is that products will be lowered to these consumers or they won't buy with reduced wages. It's a win win, soon America will be working 32 hour weeks and getting paid wages for 40. And workers will get more time off to be their families, will live longer & start enjoying life. After-all, it is a management decision, not a presidential one.

Did you go to the Pee Wee Herman School of Economics?
I see you have been spending time in the theater again with PW huh? It might have rubbed on ya honey, but your message can't touch me.:eusa_whistle:
Thousands of companies are having to do what UPS did or cut employees to part time and the Obamabots just keep pointing the finger at corporate greed.

Talk about being willfully blind. Anything to defend the Messiah.

this is just an excuse. A lot of them are moving to part-time period because its cheaper for them to run that way. It has nothing to do with Obamacare.

Quit lying you know you post this as a fool dont you?.. just be honest once in your life I know you read and follow the news.

Whatcha got to say

UPS to drop 15,000 spouses from insurance, cites Obamacare - Atlanta Business Chronicle

United Parcel Service Inc. plans to remove thousands of spouses from its medical plan because they are eligible for coverage elsewhere. The Atlanta-based logistics company points to the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, as a big reason for the decision, reports Kaiser Health News.

The decision comes as many analysts are downplaying the Affordable Care Act's effect on companies such as UPS, noting that the move reflects a long-term trend of shrinking corporate medical benefits, Kaiser Health News reports. But UPS repeatedly cites Obamacare to explain the decision, adding fuel to the debate over whether it erodes traditional employer coverage, Kaiser says.

Rising medical costs, “combined with the costs associated with the Affordable Care Act, have made it increasingly difficult to continue providing the same level of health care benefits to our employees at an affordable cost,” UPS said in a memo to employees.

According to Kaiser, UPS told white-collar workers two months ago that 15,000 working spouses eligible for coverage by their own employers would be excluded from the UPS plan in 2014.

UPS expects the move, which applies to non-union U.S. workers only, to save about $60 million a year, company spokesman Andy McGowan said.

Along with blaming Obama for Katrina too, I wager. :D

Whatcha got to say

UPS to drop 15,000 spouses from insurance, cites Obamacare - Atlanta Business Chronicle

United Parcel Service Inc. plans to remove thousands of spouses from its medical plan because they are eligible for coverage elsewhere. The Atlanta-based logistics company points to the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, as a big reason for the decision, reports Kaiser Health News.

The decision comes as many analysts are downplaying the Affordable Care Act's effect on companies such as UPS, noting that the move reflects a long-term trend of shrinking corporate medical benefits, Kaiser Health News reports. But UPS repeatedly cites Obamacare to explain the decision, adding fuel to the debate over whether it erodes traditional employer coverage, Kaiser says.

Rising medical costs, “combined with the costs associated with the Affordable Care Act, have made it increasingly difficult to continue providing the same level of health care benefits to our employees at an affordable cost,” UPS said in a memo to employees.

According to Kaiser, UPS told white-collar workers two months ago that 15,000 working spouses eligible for coverage by their own employers would be excluded from the UPS plan in 2014.

UPS expects the move, which applies to non-union U.S. workers only, to save about $60 million a year, company spokesman Andy McGowan said.

Along with blaming Obama for Katrina too, I wager. :D

Katrina was just Old Mother Nature doing her thing....

The New Orleans mess belongs mostly to Nagin and Blanco.

Whatcha got to say

UPS to drop 15,000 spouses from insurance, cites Obamacare - Atlanta Business Chronicle

United Parcel Service Inc. plans to remove thousands of spouses from its medical plan because they are eligible for coverage elsewhere. The Atlanta-based logistics company points to the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, as a big reason for the decision, reports Kaiser Health News.

The decision comes as many analysts are downplaying the Affordable Care Act's effect on companies such as UPS, noting that the move reflects a long-term trend of shrinking corporate medical benefits, Kaiser Health News reports. But UPS repeatedly cites Obamacare to explain the decision, adding fuel to the debate over whether it erodes traditional employer coverage, Kaiser says.

Rising medical costs, “combined with the costs associated with the Affordable Care Act, have made it increasingly difficult to continue providing the same level of health care benefits to our employees at an affordable cost,” UPS said in a memo to employees.

According to Kaiser, UPS told white-collar workers two months ago that 15,000 working spouses eligible for coverage by their own employers would be excluded from the UPS plan in 2014.

UPS expects the move, which applies to non-union U.S. workers only, to save about $60 million a year, company spokesman Andy McGowan said.

Along with blaming Obama for Katrina too, I wager. :D

So now this is your new talking point? a bunch of folks that like to fuck with pollsters?
Look at the moonbats try to blame businesses for doing exactly what ObamaCare is designed to encourage.

The agenda is to force the country into Single Payer...and ObamaCare's programs are set up to destroy private insurance to soften up the country for The Goal.

What does a corporation's decision to drop coverage for spouses, who are working elsewhere and who can get employer coverage where they work, have to do with single payer?

What does your response have to do with UPS citing ObamaCare as a reason for their decision?

That's your answer to what this has to do with single payer?

I assumed you had no idea what you were talking about. I apologize for bothering to ask anyway.
It's cheaper to run that way BECAUSE of obiecare. Are you unable to comprehend this dynamic?

No, it is cheaper to run that way because of a CEO decision. Comprehendo that?

A decision that is based upon what it costs to operate, including the additional costs of obama-care.

It could be a lot of things in the cost to operate, or just poor decision making by management. For instance they have 54 Billion in revenue and made 4 billion last year alone, so they can afford to feed the women if they wanted to - the same women who helped them make that 4B.:lol:

Whatcha got to say

UPS to drop 15,000 spouses from insurance, cites Obamacare - Atlanta Business Chronicle

United Parcel Service Inc. plans to remove thousands of spouses from its medical plan because they are eligible for coverage elsewhere. The Atlanta-based logistics company points to the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, as a big reason for the decision, reports Kaiser Health News.

The decision comes as many analysts are downplaying the Affordable Care Act's effect on companies such as UPS, noting that the move reflects a long-term trend of shrinking corporate medical benefits, Kaiser Health News reports. But UPS repeatedly cites Obamacare to explain the decision, adding fuel to the debate over whether it erodes traditional employer coverage, Kaiser says.

Rising medical costs, “combined with the costs associated with the Affordable Care Act, have made it increasingly difficult to continue providing the same level of health care benefits to our employees at an affordable cost,” UPS said in a memo to employees.

According to Kaiser, UPS told white-collar workers two months ago that 15,000 working spouses eligible for coverage by their own employers would be excluded from the UPS plan in 2014.

UPS expects the move, which applies to non-union U.S. workers only, to save about $60 million a year, company spokesman Andy McGowan said.

I it is then.
I love how corporate America pretends that Obamacare is suddenly the reason they 'need' to cut back on employee healthcare benefits.

Meaning you don't know shit about Obamacare.

Question for you pissant....the Exchanges aren't going to be ready.....what happens to the subsidies?
No, it is cheaper to run that way because of a CEO decision. Comprehendo that?

A decision that is based upon what it costs to operate, including the additional costs of obama-care.

It could be a lot of things in the cost to operate, or just poor decision making by management. For instance they have 54 Billion in revenue and made 4 billion last year alone, so they can afford to feed the women if they wanted to - the same women who helped them make that 4B.:lol:

Since you seem to be a self-appointed expert...

What was their profit margin last year?

Was it under 10%? Under 5%?

How much they made doesn't mean squat if it is only a 1% or 2% profit margin.
When you can prove your opinion is correct, do let us know. And if true, what is wrong with providing more jobs for Americans? That gets them off unemployment and other social programs, and stops the rightwing whining.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, Wells Fargo eliminates 2300 mortgage jobs today. I'm sure those workers will be estatic over getting lower paying part-time jobs.
Dude, where did we park our our housing and overall economic recovery?

The same amount of work has to be done, that means more employees, more managers, more uniforms, more book keepers, and the best is that products will be lowered to these consumers or they won't buy with reduced wages. It's a win win, soon America will be working 32 hour weeks and getting paid wages for 40. And workers will get more time off to be their families, will live longer & start enjoying life. After-all, it is a management decision, not a presidential one.

yea right..... what world do you live in....

Whatcha got to say

UPS to drop 15,000 spouses from insurance, cites Obamacare - Atlanta Business Chronicle

United Parcel Service Inc. plans to remove thousands of spouses from its medical plan because they are eligible for coverage elsewhere. The Atlanta-based logistics company points to the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, as a big reason for the decision, reports Kaiser Health News.

The decision comes as many analysts are downplaying the Affordable Care Act's effect on companies such as UPS, noting that the move reflects a long-term trend of shrinking corporate medical benefits, Kaiser Health News reports. But UPS repeatedly cites Obamacare to explain the decision, adding fuel to the debate over whether it erodes traditional employer coverage, Kaiser says.

Rising medical costs, “combined with the costs associated with the Affordable Care Act, have made it increasingly difficult to continue providing the same level of health care benefits to our employees at an affordable cost,” UPS said in a memo to employees.

According to Kaiser, UPS told white-collar workers two months ago that 15,000 working spouses eligible for coverage by their own employers would be excluded from the UPS plan in 2014.

UPS expects the move, which applies to non-union U.S. workers only, to save about $60 million a year, company spokesman Andy McGowan said.

I it is then.

You know that Fed_Ex is Non-Union, right? :eusa_whistle: Try USPS, and make sure to buy the Insurance. ;)
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....and if the Spouses work for an employer with less than 50 employees? Lefty's are just ignorant asses,
What does a corporation's decision to drop coverage for spouses, who are working elsewhere and who can get employer coverage where they work, have to do with single payer?

What does your response have to do with UPS citing ObamaCare as a reason for their decision?

That's your answer to what this has to do with single payer?

I assumed you had no idea what you were talking about. I apologize for bothering to ask anyway.

I don't know. What does doubling or tripling the cost for the same coverage have to do with the real world? Thanks for making it all better, Obama. What's next? Oh yeah, fixing Energy. ;) Let's triple the cost of that too, and blame the Republicans. That alway's seems to work. ;)
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