Uranium & Hillary


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2017
President Donald Trump repeated an incorrect claim on Thursday that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20 percent of the United States' uranium while serving as secretary of State.

The fact-checking website PolitiFact has determined that statement, which Trump first made on the campaign trail, is mostly false.

"We had Hillary Clinton give Russia 20 percent of the uranium in our country. You know what uranium is, right? It's a thing called nuclear weapons and other things. Like lots of things are done with uranium, including some bad things," Trump said during a press conference.

The claim isn't true. Between 2009 and 2013, Russia's atomic energy agency, Rosatom, purchased a majority stake in a Canadian company called Uranium One, The New York Times reported in 2015. The Toronto-based firm's mining assets in Wyoming, Utah and elsewhere in the United States account for about 20 percent of U.S. uranium production capacity, according to the Times.

PolitiFact pointed out that 20 percent of uranium capacity is different from 20 percent of existing uranium. Moreover, the State Department was one of nine government agencies that had to sign off on the deals. Other federal and state regulators also had to approve them.

Clinton was the nation's top diplomat when the sales took place, and the Obama administration was still trying to reset relations with Moscow at the time, PolitiFact noted.

However, Clinton did not represent the State Department on the panel of agency officials who approve deals such as the Uranium One transaction. The representative at the time, former Assistant Secretary Jose Fernandez, told the Times, "Mrs. Clinton never intervened with me on any C.F.I.U.S. matter," referring to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.

The national security question raised by the transaction at the time centered on whether it would make the United States reliant on foreign sources of uranium, not on the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the Times reported. The United States and Russia had exchanged enriched and raw uranium for years, according to the Times. Maybe this will put to bed all republican BS about Hill and Uranium?

Tom DiChristophe
As usual, left wing propaganda supporter politifact got it wrong.

"Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and the author of “Clinton Cash,” explained on Fox News Tuesday how a Russia connection to the Clinton campaign and Obama presidency is much bigger and more troubling than anything Democrats have accused Team Trump of.

During his appearance on “Fox & Friends,” Schweizer alleged that Clinton campaign chair John Podesta probably violated federal law when he failed to disclose his stock holdings in a Kremlin-funded company.

“In 2011, John Podesta joins the board of this very small energy company called Joule Energy based out of Massachusetts," Schweizer said. "About two months after he joins the board, a Russian entity called Rusnano puts a billion rubles -- which is about 35 million dollars -- into John Podesta’s company. Now, what is Rusnano? Rusnano is not a private company, Steve. It is a fund directly funded by the Kremlin. In fact, the Russian science minister called Rusnano Putin’s child. So you have the Russian government investing in one of John Podesta’s businesses in 2011, while he is an advisor to Hillary Clinton at the State Department.”

"Does anyone in Trump's circle rise to the level where there's this kind of money involved?" asked host Steve Doocy."

"He added, “What makes the Podesta case clear is there was a transfer of money and there was a transfer of a lot of money that stood to make John Podesta a lot of money. That is unique and that’s extremely troubling because at the time that transfer is taking place he is advising Hillary Clinton at the State Department. We know that from the Podesta emails that he is helping her make personnel decisions, speech decisions, policy decisions. He is meeting with her monthly. It’s a transfer of money from a foreign government, at the time that he is advising America’s chief diplomat, Hillary Clinton.”

RussiaGate: Hillary Clinton and John Podesta's Troubling Ties to Russia
President Donald Trump repeated an incorrect claim on Thursday that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20 percent of the United States' uranium while serving as secretary of State.

The fact-checking website PolitiFact has determined that statement, which Trump first made on the campaign trail, is mostly false.

"We had Hillary Clinton give Russia 20 percent of the uranium in our country. You know what uranium is, right? It's a thing called nuclear weapons and other things. Like lots of things are done with uranium, including some bad things," Trump said during a press conference.

The claim isn't true. Between 2009 and 2013, Russia's atomic energy agency, Rosatom, purchased a majority stake in a Canadian company called Uranium One, The New York Times reported in 2015. The Toronto-based firm's mining assets in Wyoming, Utah and elsewhere in the United States account for about 20 percent of U.S. uranium production capacity, according to the Times.

PolitiFact pointed out that 20 percent of uranium capacity is different from 20 percent of existing uranium. Moreover, the State Department was one of nine government agencies that had to sign off on the deals. Other federal and state regulators also had to approve them.

Clinton was the nation's top diplomat when the sales took place, and the Obama administration was still trying to reset relations with Moscow at the time, PolitiFact noted.

However, Clinton did not represent the State Department on the panel of agency officials who approve deals such as the Uranium One transaction. The representative at the time, former Assistant Secretary Jose Fernandez, told the Times, "Mrs. Clinton never intervened with me on any C.F.I.U.S. matter," referring to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.

The national security question raised by the transaction at the time centered on whether it would make the United States reliant on foreign sources of uranium, not on the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the Times reported. The United States and Russia had exchanged enriched and raw uranium for years, according to the Times. Maybe this will put to bed all republican BS about Hill and Uranium?

Tom DiChristophe

President Donald Trump repeated an incorrect claim on Thursday that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20 percent of the United States' uranium while serving as secretary of State.

She didn't GIVE them uranium......she received a big bribe...err...donation in return.
can you tell me where you moved it too?

Nice going Westy can you now defend Kuchner flynn etc etc and all those who ""forgot"" to make known their relationships with our friends the Russians Maybe in a different forum?
can you tell me where you moved it too?

Nice going Westy can you now defend Kuchner flynn etc etc and all those who ""forgot"" to make known their relationships with our friends the Russians Maybe in a different forum?

It's not Politics silly boy. It is General Discussion material and that's where I placed it. Politics is for POLITICAL things. This is more a criminal thing, or GD. Would you prefer I placed it in Law and Justice?
can you tell me where you moved it too?

Nice going Westy can you now defend Kuchner flynn etc etc and all those who ""forgot"" to make known their relationships with our friends the Russians Maybe in a different forum?

It's not Politics silly boy. It is General Discussion material and that's where I placed it. Politics is for POLITICAL things. This is more a criminal thing, or GD. Would you prefer I placed it in Law and Justice?
No wherever you think best
It's a lot to read & take it all in......


As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

Ever wonder why some things just pop right out from the page? Now why doesn't the US records show the same transactions?????? OR why didn't the Clintons disclose that information as agreed with the White House?
can you tell me where you moved it too?

Nice going Westy can you now defend Kuchner flynn etc etc and all those who ""forgot"" to make known their relationships with our friends the Russians Maybe in a different forum?

It's not Politics silly boy. It is General Discussion material and that's where I placed it. Politics is for POLITICAL things. This is more a criminal thing, or GD. Would you prefer I placed it in Law and Justice?

How 'bout.....Conspiracy Theories????:laugh:
As usual, left wing propaganda supporter politifact got it wrong.

"Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and the author of “Clinton Cash,” explained on Fox News Tuesday how a Russia connection to the Clinton campaign and Obama presidency is much bigger and more troubling than anything Democrats have accused Team Trump of.

During his appearance on “Fox & Friends,” Schweizer alleged that Clinton campaign chair John Podesta probably violated federal law when he failed to disclose his stock holdings in a Kremlin-funded company.

“In 2011, John Podesta joins the board of this very small energy company called Joule Energy based out of Massachusetts," Schweizer said. "About two months after he joins the board, a Russian entity called Rusnano puts a billion rubles -- which is about 35 million dollars -- into John Podesta’s company. Now, what is Rusnano? Rusnano is not a private company, Steve. It is a fund directly funded by the Kremlin. In fact, the Russian science minister called Rusnano Putin’s child. So you have the Russian government investing in one of John Podesta’s businesses in 2011, while he is an advisor to Hillary Clinton at the State Department.”

"Does anyone in Trump's circle rise to the level where there's this kind of money involved?" asked host Steve Doocy."

"He added, “What makes the Podesta case clear is there was a transfer of money and there was a transfer of a lot of money that stood to make John Podesta a lot of money. That is unique and that’s extremely troubling because at the time that transfer is taking place he is advising Hillary Clinton at the State Department. We know that from the Podesta emails that he is helping her make personnel decisions, speech decisions, policy decisions. He is meeting with her monthly. It’s a transfer of money from a foreign government, at the time that he is advising America’s chief diplomat, Hillary Clinton.”

RussiaGate: Hillary Clinton and John Podesta's Troubling Ties to Russia
Good deflection :thup:

I stopped reading after "appeared on Fox w/Steve Doocey..." lol
As usual, left wing propaganda supporter politifact got it wrong.

"Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and the author of “Clinton Cash,” explained on Fox News Tuesday how a Russia connection to the Clinton campaign and Obama presidency is much bigger and more troubling than anything Democrats have accused Team Trump of.

During his appearance on “Fox & Friends,” Schweizer alleged that Clinton campaign chair John Podesta probably violated federal law when he failed to disclose his stock holdings in a Kremlin-funded company.

“In 2011, John Podesta joins the board of this very small energy company called Joule Energy based out of Massachusetts," Schweizer said. "About two months after he joins the board, a Russian entity called Rusnano puts a billion rubles -- which is about 35 million dollars -- into John Podesta’s company. Now, what is Rusnano? Rusnano is not a private company, Steve. It is a fund directly funded by the Kremlin. In fact, the Russian science minister called Rusnano Putin’s child. So you have the Russian government investing in one of John Podesta’s businesses in 2011, while he is an advisor to Hillary Clinton at the State Department.”

"Does anyone in Trump's circle rise to the level where there's this kind of money involved?" asked host Steve Doocy."

"He added, “What makes the Podesta case clear is there was a transfer of money and there was a transfer of a lot of money that stood to make John Podesta a lot of money. That is unique and that’s extremely troubling because at the time that transfer is taking place he is advising Hillary Clinton at the State Department. We know that from the Podesta emails that he is helping her make personnel decisions, speech decisions, policy decisions. He is meeting with her monthly. It’s a transfer of money from a foreign government, at the time that he is advising America’s chief diplomat, Hillary Clinton.”

RussiaGate: Hillary Clinton and John Podesta's Troubling Ties to Russia
Good deflection :thup:

I stopped reading after "appeared on Fox w/Steve Doocey..." lol

Yes, we understand how facts upset you snowflakes.
And factual. Unlike the poiltifact propaganda.
Discredited Right-wing lies are only "factual" to the dishonest!

By all means provide some support for your claim. Just holding your ears, closing your eyes, and screaming at the top of your longs, doesn't prove anything other than you're a blithering idiot.
And factual. Unlike the poiltifact propaganda.
Discredited Right-wing lies are only "factual" to the dishonest!
By all means provide some support for your claim. Just holding your ears, closing your eyes, and screaming at the top of your longs, doesn't prove anything other than you're a blithering idiot.
You were already given proof, but you just held your ears, closed your eyes, stomped your feet and screamed at the top of your lungs "propaganda," proving you are not only an idiot, but a hypocritical idiot at that!
And factual. Unlike the poiltifact propaganda.
Discredited Right-wing lies are only "factual" to the dishonest!
By all means provide some support for your claim. Just holding your ears, closing your eyes, and screaming at the top of your longs, doesn't prove anything other than you're a blithering idiot.
You were already given proof, but you just held your ears, closed your eyes, stomped your feet and screamed at the top of your lungs "propaganda," proving you are not only an idiot, but a hypocritical idiot at that!

Wrong. You gave the OPINION of a political operative. I presented you with real FACTS. Learn the difference.
Lipstick on a pig!
And factual. Unlike the poiltifact propaganda.
Discredited Right-wing lies are only "factual" to the dishonest!
By all means provide some support for your claim. Just holding your ears, closing your eyes, and screaming at the top of your longs, doesn't prove anything other than you're a blithering idiot.
You were already given proof, but you just held your ears, closed your eyes, stomped your feet and screamed at the top of your lungs "propaganda," proving you are not only an idiot, but a hypocritical idiot at that!
Wrong. You gave the OPINION of a political operative. I presented you with real FACTS. Learn the difference.
Wrong. You gave the OPINION of a political HACK. I presented you with real FACTS. Learn the difference.

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