Urban Fighter: Doctorate


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an urbanization Utopia crime-fighting parable inspired by the films Spawn, Batman Begins, and Cobra.

Signing off,


Michael Myers was America's weirdest psycho. He never killed anyone, but he wandered around every Halloween in an eerie white mask and mechanic's uniform and carrying a large fake plastic butcher's knife. He would wander around his hometown of Haddonfield pretending to be a person in Halloween costume, but his manner of walking and skulking around gave everyone who saw him goosebumps. That's because Michael Myers intentionally created an aura of darkness around him, with no clear intention to do evil --- only a creepy 'veil' of mischief. Then, one day, when his mother died, Michael Myers had a revelation and decided he wanted to become a vigilante and hero. He fashioned a bat-like mask and cape and began calling himself 'Batman.' Batman was now America's weirdest vigilante. Batman carried tranquilizer-darts and would prowl around NYC on weekend evenings and harass members of criminal gangs and the mafia.


Batman (Michael Myers) quickly discovered that NYC was host to not only brutish mafia-men but also a legion of rising super evildoers. These minions of hell included a face-painted cannibal named Satan, a pagan sociopath (named Skull) who killed homeless people, a rogue vigilante named Slash who shot cops in the name of 'cleansing,' and a team of narcotics-dealers (called the KKK) who laced their 'merchandise' with deadly amounts of a hallucinogenic toxin. Fortunately, Batman had help in the form of some idealistic crime-fighters, including a decent but jaded cop named Slade and his estranged female partner Farah, a 'shaman-cop' named Owens, a fortune-telling NYPD aide named Rocky, and a merciless executioner referring to himself simply as 'Blade.' Unfortunately for Batman, this 'legion' of crime-fighters was too corrupt to really deal with the likes of Satan and Slash. Batman decided he needed to do everything...


So what did Batman do? Over the course of the next three years, Batman made the lives of the evildoers (Satan, Slash, and company!) very miserable. He sabotaged their criminal operations, sent in anonymous notices to the New York Post claiming some of these members were irreversibly mentally handicapped, performed anonymous 'optimism-rally' deeds such as painting a giant Christian cross in Times Square. The evildoers were pensive and frustrated and even wondered if all of these 'deeds' were done by one man (a valiant vigilante) or some of the jaded/corrupt crime-fighters they were familiar with (such as Blade and Rocky and Farah). One night, when Batman (Michael Myers!) was painting the symbol of the Red Cross on a crime-scene executed by Slash, Slash discovered him and demanded to know who he was. Batman turned to him (very slowly) and said (very eerily), "I'm New York's capital conscience!"



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