Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine

Hilarious - the Commie and the Nazi are bonding over their mutual Jew-murdering hatred.
Marg clucks in defense of Jew-murdering hatred?
Some of us find hatred an appropriate response for the murder of any and all innocent beings.
What's your problem, Marg?
Are some beings more equal than others, or does your daily $tipend depend on apologizing for all the hundreds of thousands of innocent beings who have been maimed, murdered, and displaced by greedy Jews over the last century in Palestine?:smiliehug:

Again Comrade George is bringing up the Palestinians, his pawns in his fight against his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. I wonder if Comrade George can show us from some legitimate site, like the Encyclopedia Britanica or from the history department of a major university, that the Jews killed hundreds of thousands of "Palestinians.". Meanwhile, if Comrade George really cared about Arab human beings, he certainly would be concerned about the 150,000 who have been killed in the Syrian Civil War. God only knows how many have been wounded, and of course we can't forget the over two million who are refugees now.. No, this he shuts his eyes to because he can't drag the Jews into this.
Hilarious - the Commie and the Nazi are bonding over their mutual Jew-murdering hatred.
Marg clucks in defense of Jew-murdering hatred?
Some of us find hatred an appropriate response for the murder of any and all innocent beings.
What's your problem, Marg?
Are some beings more equal than others, or does your daily $tipend depend on apologizing for all the hundreds of thousands of innocent beings who have been maimed, murdered, and displaced by greedy Jews over the last century in Palestine?:smiliehug:

Again Comrade George is bringing up the Palestinians, his pawns in his fight against his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. I wonder if Comrade George can show us from some legitimate site, like the Encyclopedia Britanica or from the history department of a major university, that the Jews killed hundreds of thousands of "Palestinians.". Meanwhile, if Comrade George really cared about Arab human beings, he certainly would be concerned about the 150,000 who have been killed in the Syrian Civil War. God only knows how many have been wounded, and of course we can't forget the over two million who are refugees now.. No, this he shuts his eyes to because he can't drag the Jews into this.
Why are elite Jews dragging their feet on Ukraine?

"Perhaps Israel was disturbed by the language of today’s resolution, which 'Calls upon all States, international organizations and specialized agencies not to recognize any alteration of the status of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol' and to 'refrain from any action or dealing that might be interpreted as recognizing any such altered status.'”

"Israel, of course, remains in flagrant violation of dozens of similarly worded UN General Assembly and Security Council resolutions including Security Council Resolution 465 of 1980, deeming Israel’s annexation of Jerusalem and its settlements on occupied land to be illegal.

"That resolution declared that 'all measures taken by Israel to change the physical character, demographic composition, institutional structure or status of the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, or any part thereof, have no legal validity and that Israel’s policy and practices of settling parts of its population and new immigrants in those territories constitute a flagrant violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.'

"It also called 'upon all States not to provide Israel with any assistance to be used specifically in connexion with settlements in the occupied territories.'”

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Marg clucks in defense of Jew-murdering hatred?
Some of us find hatred an appropriate response for the murder of any and all innocent beings.
What's your problem, Marg?
Are some beings more equal than others, or does your daily $tipend depend on apologizing for all the hundreds of thousands of innocent beings who have been maimed, murdered, and displaced by greedy Jews over the last century in Palestine?:smiliehug:

Again Comrade George is bringing up the Palestinians, his pawns in his fight against his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. I wonder if Comrade George can show us from some legitimate site, like the Encyclopedia Britanica or from the history department of a major university, that the Jews killed hundreds of thousands of "Palestinians.". Meanwhile, if Comrade George really cared about Arab human beings, he certainly would be concerned about the 150,000 who have been killed in the Syrian Civil War. God only knows how many have been wounded, and of course we can't forget the over two million who are refugees now.. No, this he shuts his eyes to because he can't drag the Jews into this.
Why are elite Jews dragging their feet on Ukraine?

"Perhaps Israel was disturbed by the language of today’s resolution, which 'Calls upon all States, international organizations and specialized agencies not to recognize any alteration of the status of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol' and to 'refrain from any action or dealing that might be interpreted as recognizing any such altered status.'”

"Israel, of course, remains in flagrant violation of dozens of similarly worded UN General Assembly and Security Council resolutions including Security Council Resolution 465 of 1980, deeming Israel’s annexation of Jerusalem and its settlements on occupied land to be illegal.

"That resolution declared that 'all measures taken by Israel to change the physical character, demographic composition, institutional structure or status of the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, or any part thereof, have no legal validity and that Israel’s policy and practices of settling parts of its population and new immigrants in those territories constitute a flagrant violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.'

"It also called 'upon all States not to provide Israel with any assistance to be used specifically in connexion with settlements in the occupied territories.'”

Why did Israel fail to back US-supported UN resolution on Crimea? | The Electronic Intifada

I am sure almost all the readers realize that there have been so many resolutions against Israel and so few against countries which actually deserve them. Didn't the Secretary General of the UN admit that the UN was anti-Semitic, Comrade George? And, Comrade George, any intelligent person is not going to fall for your nonsense, no matter how hard you try, that you actually care about the Palestinians. They do make some great pawns for you, don't they, in your right against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

As for you being so involved with the Ukraine and Russia (of course because you can drag your scapegoats into the mix), Comrade George, may i suggest that you find a site where Ukrainian and Russian women are looking for American men. You can petition to have one brought over as your housekeeper, saying you are finding it too difficult to handle your one-room subsidized apartment, and the woman your choose will be so happy to be able to come to American, even if it means she has to live with a poor American and a misanthrope when it comes to the Jews.

Now for some news which doesn't mention Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Russia tightens economic noose on Ukraine as armed showdowns persist - latimes.com
Again Comrade George is bringing up the Palestinians, his pawns in his fight against his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. I wonder if Comrade George can show us from some legitimate site, like the Encyclopedia Britanica or from the history department of a major university, that the Jews killed hundreds of thousands of "Palestinians.". Meanwhile, if Comrade George really cared about Arab human beings, he certainly would be concerned about the 150,000 who have been killed in the Syrian Civil War. God only knows how many have been wounded, and of course we can't forget the over two million who are refugees now.. No, this he shuts his eyes to because he can't drag the Jews into this.
Why are elite Jews dragging their feet on Ukraine?

"Perhaps Israel was disturbed by the language of today’s resolution, which 'Calls upon all States, international organizations and specialized agencies not to recognize any alteration of the status of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol' and to 'refrain from any action or dealing that might be interpreted as recognizing any such altered status.'”

"Israel, of course, remains in flagrant violation of dozens of similarly worded UN General Assembly and Security Council resolutions including Security Council Resolution 465 of 1980, deeming Israel’s annexation of Jerusalem and its settlements on occupied land to be illegal.

"That resolution declared that 'all measures taken by Israel to change the physical character, demographic composition, institutional structure or status of the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, or any part thereof, have no legal validity and that Israel’s policy and practices of settling parts of its population and new immigrants in those territories constitute a flagrant violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.'

"It also called 'upon all States not to provide Israel with any assistance to be used specifically in connexion with settlements in the occupied territories.'”

Why did Israel fail to back US-supported UN resolution on Crimea? | The Electronic Intifada

I am sure almost all the readers realize that there have been so many resolutions against Israel and so few against countries which actually deserve them. Didn't the Secretary General of the UN admit that the UN was anti-Semitic, Comrade George? And, Comrade George, any intelligent person is not going to fall for your nonsense, no matter how hard you try, that you actually care about the Palestinians. They do make some great pawns for you, don't they, in your right against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

As for you being so involved with the Ukraine and Russia (of course because you can drag your scapegoats into the mix), Comrade George, may i suggest that you find a site where Ukrainian and Russian women are looking for American men. You can petition to have one brought over as your housekeeper, saying you are finding it too difficult to handle your one-room subsidized apartment, and the woman your choose will be so happy to be able to come to American, even if it means she has to live with a poor American and a misanthrope when it comes to the Jews.

Now for some news which doesn't mention Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Russia tightens economic noose on Ukraine as armed showdowns persist - latimes.com

Sally is such a tool. Personal insults are her only game.
Why are elite Jews dragging their feet on Ukraine?

"Perhaps Israel was disturbed by the language of today’s resolution, which 'Calls upon all States, international organizations and specialized agencies not to recognize any alteration of the status of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol' and to 'refrain from any action or dealing that might be interpreted as recognizing any such altered status.'”

"Israel, of course, remains in flagrant violation of dozens of similarly worded UN General Assembly and Security Council resolutions including Security Council Resolution 465 of 1980, deeming Israel’s annexation of Jerusalem and its settlements on occupied land to be illegal.

"That resolution declared that 'all measures taken by Israel to change the physical character, demographic composition, institutional structure or status of the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, or any part thereof, have no legal validity and that Israel’s policy and practices of settling parts of its population and new immigrants in those territories constitute a flagrant violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.'

"It also called 'upon all States not to provide Israel with any assistance to be used specifically in connexion with settlements in the occupied territories.'”

Why did Israel fail to back US-supported UN resolution on Crimea? | The Electronic Intifada

I am sure almost all the readers realize that there have been so many resolutions against Israel and so few against countries which actually deserve them. Didn't the Secretary General of the UN admit that the UN was anti-Semitic, Comrade George? And, Comrade George, any intelligent person is not going to fall for your nonsense, no matter how hard you try, that you actually care about the Palestinians. They do make some great pawns for you, don't they, in your right against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

As for you being so involved with the Ukraine and Russia (of course because you can drag your scapegoats into the mix), Comrade George, may i suggest that you find a site where Ukrainian and Russian women are looking for American men. You can petition to have one brought over as your housekeeper, saying you are finding it too difficult to handle your one-room subsidized apartment, and the woman your choose will be so happy to be able to come to American, even if it means she has to live with a poor American and a misanthrope when it comes to the Jews.

Now for some news which doesn't mention Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Russia tightens economic noose on Ukraine as armed showdowns persist - latimes.com

Sally is such a tool. Personal insults are her only game.

And montelati's name is actually Haniya, and she is a Muslim, and we know how many Muslims feel about the Jews. Actually there is a little so-called larceny going on. Haniya came on as montelatici at the same time a guy named Defeat67 appeared. Haniya didn't post much, but when Defeat67 came on using Haniya's screen name, it was like he had diarrhea of the fingers. Meanwhile, Haniya/Defeat67 forgets all the insults he has thrown out, calling people morons when they have had experience living in the Middle East or are former Army Intelligence personnel who certainly know more than Defeat67.
It certainly is. They are both losers in life. Meanwhile, Israelis themselves should be asked for their opinion of Avnery. I am sure the Leftist Jews love him, but there are no doubt plenty of Israelis who think that he is flat-out wrong. I once asked an israeli what she thought of him, and she said most Israelis don't even bother reading his nonsense. However, Avnery seems to be a hit on those sites where the readers would love Israel to roll over and die. They could care less about the "Palestinians." They use the "Palestinians" as their pawns in their hatred against the Jews.

I never have and never will.....BUT I will point out your horrible HYPOCRICY HERE Sally,on one hand you decry others motivation(in your sordid little mind) Yet you as a TERRORIST ZIONIST have actually carried out atrocities willingly against the Semetic Palestinians,with ruthless will and murder for over 80 years..........your stupidity and aggression have NO bounds.......like all Zionist as soon as you are threatened by others with the facts and truth..you weep..you cast Avnery in this instant as Rubbish and yet he is a Jew,not every Jew thinks as you do (Thank God) but being a Zionist comes before even Judaism for Trolls like you.

You are neither fair or balanced regarding the Palestinians......Just RABID HATE all the time,and HATE towards these Semetic People.:cuckoo:,you sound so stupid when you Troll out the Anti-Semetic line when corrected of the material facts regarding Jews.

As a Pragmatic person I have always wanted the best for both peoples.......the trouble with you Zionists,you hate and try to manipulate anyone and everyone constantly...EVEN YOUR OWN BLOOD,if you don't get your own way.....yet you'r surprized when others don't like you!!!!!!!!!!!Amazing really but without realizing this MENTAL CONDITION YOU HAVE CREATED...........has detrimentally affected your human .....being.

Not all Jews think like you.....although your Zionism wrongly tries to entwine itself as Judaism...WHICH IT CERTAINLY IS NOT........YOU ARE ONLY A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION......and by implication YOU ARE A WONTON TERRORIST.

STOP mouthing off your Zionist MANTRA......We just are not interested that much about what you say but do MONITOR WHAT YOU DO...and it's UGLY most of the time.steve:D

You are not fooling anyone, Stevie Boy. I think many readers have seen right through you and see you for the faker that you are. Meanwhile, how come you are ignoring all the bodies lying in the streets of the Middle East? Tens of thousands have been killed just in the last three years, and the killings are still going on. Perhaps you think it is more important for you to throw "Zionist" around as is your usual shtick than to pay attention to what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. This is why I didn't even bother reading the blabber you post; just quickly scan through it to catch the word "Zionist" once again.. However, if it makes you feel good to blabber about the "Zionists." Go for it!!! Maybe throwing around "Zionists" is one of the little pleasures you have in life.

As usual,you try to deflect the tenor of my post which is A TYPICAL....I was referring to your slagging of the more intelligent posters on here by your statement(Bullshit) of saying "They use Palestinians as their pawns in their hatred against Jews"which they did not.
Moreover as a TERRORIST ZIONIST you know not the minute nor the hour but on you go,on and on.You draw in the Syrian and other problems to deflect the horrendous things YOU ZIONISTS have done to the Palestinians......You can spew your one liners to others but I do not listen to Bullshit.

You perpetuate HATRED and that is you life's work.........I detest HATERS because it's a continuance of TOTAL NEGATIVITY and DREAD.

Get a real life.

Viva Palestine,Viva Israel.ps being a Terrorist ZIONIST,you just feel threatened by the truth and facts,that is why you don't bother to read other peoples posts...but that's the ZIONIST way,isn't it Sally......do as I do and say.

Sorry but I am a Sentinal against War Crime....Get Use To It.....I can NEVER be COWERD into YOUR FILTHY ZIONIST MANTRA.But keep trying to convert others.

Non Shall Escape Judgement.sgg
Hilarious - the Commie and the Nazi are bonding over their mutual Jew-murdering hatred.

There are many notable Jews who recognize what I am saying and have the courage and integrity to admit it.

I won't say that your accusation is a lie because you may actually believe that.

I know that you have read enough of what I have written in order to know better.
In that case you are knowingly telling a damnable lie.

I'm not interested in the opinions of whoever you might claim are 'notable Jews' - you're as much of an ideologue as Commie George the Coward, who got homesick in boot camp and faked an injury to get discharged.....no wonder his life's been in the toilet since then.

You've spouted enough of your Nazi-sucking swill for everyone to realize you insist that NO Jew has courage or integrity.

There is NOTHING that you can say worth reading, bupkele : )) You're a Nazi wanna-be: that says it ALL.
Steve - Are you seriously trying to suggest to anyone here that a Commie POS is any better than a Nazi POS?

How could 'class' hatred be any better a thing than 'race' hatred? Georgie and the wee hole-stain are brudders under the skin: they're both ideologues who worship their political paradigms.
Neither Coward George nor the l'il hole-stain give a tinker's dam for the Palestinians: they are ONLY interested in making use of absolutely any and every opportunity to pimp their political spew. Totalitarian ideologies like Communism and Naziism do not produce people committed to tolerance - let alone acceptance of people they are unable to control.

And poor pimply-faced l'il hole-stain is just all a-twitter fearing that he'll never get laid (unless he pays for it).....
I never have and never will.....BUT I will point out your horrible HYPOCRICY HERE Sally,on one hand you decry others motivation(in your sordid little mind) Yet you as a TERRORIST ZIONIST have actually carried out atrocities willingly against the Semetic Palestinians,with ruthless will and murder for over 80 years..........your stupidity and aggression have NO bounds.......like all Zionist as soon as you are threatened by others with the facts and truth..you weep..you cast Avnery in this instant as Rubbish and yet he is a Jew,not every Jew thinks as you do (Thank God) but being a Zionist comes before even Judaism for Trolls like you.

You are neither fair or balanced regarding the Palestinians......Just RABID HATE all the time,and HATE towards these Semetic People.:cuckoo:,you sound so stupid when you Troll out the Anti-Semetic line when corrected of the material facts regarding Jews.

As a Pragmatic person I have always wanted the best for both peoples.......the trouble with you Zionists,you hate and try to manipulate anyone and everyone constantly...EVEN YOUR OWN BLOOD,if you don't get your own way.....yet you'r surprized when others don't like you!!!!!!!!!!!Amazing really but without realizing this MENTAL CONDITION YOU HAVE CREATED...........has detrimentally affected your human .....being.

Not all Jews think like you.....although your Zionism wrongly tries to entwine itself as Judaism...WHICH IT CERTAINLY IS NOT........YOU ARE ONLY A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION......and by implication YOU ARE A WONTON TERRORIST.

STOP mouthing off your Zionist MANTRA......We just are not interested that much about what you say but do MONITOR WHAT YOU DO...and it's UGLY most of the time.steve:D

You are not fooling anyone, Stevie Boy. I think many readers have seen right through you and see you for the faker that you are. Meanwhile, how come you are ignoring all the bodies lying in the streets of the Middle East? Tens of thousands have been killed just in the last three years, and the killings are still going on. Perhaps you think it is more important for you to throw "Zionist" around as is your usual shtick than to pay attention to what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. This is why I didn't even bother reading the blabber you post; just quickly scan through it to catch the word "Zionist" once again.. However, if it makes you feel good to blabber about the "Zionists." Go for it!!! Maybe throwing around "Zionists" is one of the little pleasures you have in life.

As usual,you try to deflect the tenor of my post which is A TYPICAL....I was referring to your slagging of the more intelligent posters on here by your statement(Bullshit) of saying "They use Palestinians as their pawns in their hatred against Jews"which they did not.
Moreover as a TERRORIST ZIONIST you know not the minute nor the hour but on you go,on and on.You draw in the Syrian and other problems to deflect the horrendous things YOU ZIONISTS have done to the Palestinians......You can spew your one liners to others but I do not listen to Bullshit.

You perpetuate HATRED and that is you life's work.........I detest HATERS because it's a continuance of TOTAL NEGATIVITY and DREAD.

Get a real life.

Viva Palestine,Viva Israel.ps being a Terrorist ZIONIST,you just feel threatened by the truth and facts,that is why you don't bother to read other peoples posts...but that's the ZIONIST way,isn't it Sally......do as I do and say.

Sorry but I am a Sentinal against War Crime....Get Use To It.....I can NEVER be COWERD into YOUR FILTHY ZIONIST MANTRA.But keep trying to convert others.

Non Shall Escape Judgement.sgg

Stevie thinks he is fooling anyone. How come. Stevie. you get on the Europe board just when some Jew haters are vomiting out their stuff. There are other things going on in Europe, but somehow you feel it is more important to talk about Zionists. Since you are in Australia, why not tell the readers on that forum what is going on in your country or is it more important for you to bash the "Zionists?" If you are a "Sentinal against War Crimes," why aren't you on the appropriate forum telling about the crimes against all those dead people in Syria. Over 150,000 people have been killed, thousands and thousands have been wounded, two million are refugees and all you want to do is keep babbling about "Zionists."
You are not fooling anyone, Stevie Boy. I think many readers have seen right through you and see you for the faker that you are. Meanwhile, how come you are ignoring all the bodies lying in the streets of the Middle East? Tens of thousands have been killed just in the last three years, and the killings are still going on. Perhaps you think it is more important for you to throw "Zionist" around as is your usual shtick than to pay attention to what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. This is why I didn't even bother reading the blabber you post; just quickly scan through it to catch the word "Zionist" once again.. However, if it makes you feel good to blabber about the "Zionists." Go for it!!! Maybe throwing around "Zionists" is one of the little pleasures you have in life.

As usual,you try to deflect the tenor of my post which is A TYPICAL....I was referring to your slagging of the more intelligent posters on here by your statement(Bullshit) of saying "They use Palestinians as their pawns in their hatred against Jews"which they did not.
Moreover as a TERRORIST ZIONIST you know not the minute nor the hour but on you go,on and on.You draw in the Syrian and other problems to deflect the horrendous things YOU ZIONISTS have done to the Palestinians......You can spew your one liners to others but I do not listen to Bullshit.

You perpetuate HATRED and that is you life's work.........I detest HATERS because it's a continuance of TOTAL NEGATIVITY and DREAD.

Get a real life.

Viva Palestine,Viva Israel.ps being a Terrorist ZIONIST,you just feel threatened by the truth and facts,that is why you don't bother to read other peoples posts...but that's the ZIONIST way,isn't it Sally......do as I do and say.

Sorry but I am a Sentinal against War Crime....Get Use To It.....I can NEVER be COWERD into YOUR FILTHY ZIONIST MANTRA.But keep trying to convert others.

Non Shall Escape Judgement.sgg

Stevie thinks he is fooling anyone. How come. Stevie. you get on the Europe board just when some Jew haters are vomiting out their stuff. There are other things going on in Europe, but somehow you feel it is more important to talk about Zionists. Since you are in Australia, why not tell the readers on that forum what is going on in your country or is it more important for you to bash the "Zionists?" If you are a "Sentinal against War Crimes," why aren't you on the appropriate forum telling about the crimes against all those dead people in Syria. Over 150,000 people have been killed, thousands and thousands have been wounded, two million are refugees and all you want to do is keep babbling about "Zionists."

Well I agree re Syria that conflict is now USA v Russia,well it has been for 3 years now,the Americans are hamstrung to a certain degree,as for the Ruskies,well they support the Syrian government....their biggest problem is that in Southern Russia they are surrounded by Islamic states/Countries and are worried that turmoil will start there.

But both America and Russia are petrified that the opposition in Syria are a bigger basket-case than the present regime......this could have been sorted early on but like Iraq and Afghanistan has become an open sore.

The previous government and our present conservative government since September 2013 are influenced by the Israeli Right and Zionist,something the population here don't like at all,particually because we broke the truth about Palestinian children being locked up in cages.....which motivated the lady in the Kennesit sic to put an end to,to her credit.

I have many Jewish friends,I have NEVER hated Jews,WHY WOULD I??????but disagree with Zionism because they are Terrorists and are totally inflexible,like a fair few Islamic Organizations.I really am only interested for peace between Palestinians and Israel.steve...Remember it was only the PALESTINIANS who gave Jews safe REFUGE(as Jews and Palestinians had lived harmoniesly sic in Palestine for 2000 years) in the early 1900's onwards,until they were taken advantage of.........apart from a few to other countries but essentially...NO ONE ELSE WANTED YOU even during WW2 the allies knew full well of the CAMPS.....HITLERS EVIL WAS THE ALLIES SHAME TOO,to a degree.....BUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD THE PALESTINIANS DID YOU NO HARM........WHY DID YOU TREAT THEM OF ALL PEOPLE SO DESPICIBLY sic

As for the UKRAINE,that is not my area of expertise but Georges',which he seem very able to elucidate clearly.
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Again Comrade George is bringing up the Palestinians, his pawns in his fight against his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. I wonder if Comrade George can show us from some legitimate site, like the Encyclopedia Britanica or from the history department of a major university, that the Jews killed hundreds of thousands of "Palestinians.". Meanwhile, if Comrade George really cared about Arab human beings, he certainly would be concerned about the 150,000 who have been killed in the Syrian Civil War. God only knows how many have been wounded, and of course we can't forget the over two million who are refugees now.. No, this he shuts his eyes to because he can't drag the Jews into this.
Why are elite Jews dragging their feet on Ukraine?

"Perhaps Israel was disturbed by the language of today’s resolution, which 'Calls upon all States, international organizations and specialized agencies not to recognize any alteration of the status of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol' and to 'refrain from any action or dealing that might be interpreted as recognizing any such altered status.'”

"Israel, of course, remains in flagrant violation of dozens of similarly worded UN General Assembly and Security Council resolutions including Security Council Resolution 465 of 1980, deeming Israel’s annexation of Jerusalem and its settlements on occupied land to be illegal.

"That resolution declared that 'all measures taken by Israel to change the physical character, demographic composition, institutional structure or status of the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, or any part thereof, have no legal validity and that Israel’s policy and practices of settling parts of its population and new immigrants in those territories constitute a flagrant violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.'

"It also called 'upon all States not to provide Israel with any assistance to be used specifically in connexion with settlements in the occupied territories.'”

Why did Israel fail to back US-supported UN resolution on Crimea? | The Electronic Intifada

I am sure almost all the readers realize that there have been so many resolutions against Israel and so few against countries which actually deserve them. Didn't the Secretary General of the UN admit that the UN was anti-Semitic, Comrade George? And, Comrade George, any intelligent person is not going to fall for your nonsense, no matter how hard you try, that you actually care about the Palestinians. They do make some great pawns for you, don't they, in your right against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

As for you being so involved with the Ukraine and Russia (of course because you can drag your scapegoats into the mix), Comrade George, may i suggest that you find a site where Ukrainian and Russian women are looking for American men. You can petition to have one brought over as your housekeeper, saying you are finding it too difficult to handle your one-room subsidized apartment, and the woman your choose will be so happy to be able to come to American, even if it means she has to live with a poor American and a misanthrope when it comes to the Jews.

Now for some news which doesn't mention Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Russia tightens economic noose on Ukraine as armed showdowns persist - latimes.com
$ally Ha$bara $kips from one topic to another since she's too insecure to honestly debate Zioni$m's many crimes in Palestine:

"During the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel captured East Jerusalem, a part of the West Bank, from Jordan. On June 27, 1967, Israel unilaterally extended its law and jurisdiction to East Jerusalem and some of the surrounding area, incorporating about 70 square kilometers of territory into the Jerusalem Municipality.

"Although at the time Israel informed the United Nations that its measures constituted administrative and municipal integration rather than annexation, later rulings by the Israeli Supreme Court indicated that East Jerusalem had become part of Israel.

"In 1980, Israel passed the Jerusalem Law as part of its Basic Law, which declared Jerusalem the 'complete and united' capital of Israel. In other words, Israel purported to annex East Jerusalem.[14][15][16]

"The annexation was declared null and void by UNSC Resolutions 252, 267, 271, 298, 465, 476 [17] and UNSC res 478[18]"

Annexation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hilarious - the Commie and the Nazi are bonding over their mutual Jew-murdering hatred.

There are many notable Jews who recognize what I am saying and have the courage and integrity to admit it.

I won't say that your accusation is a lie because you may actually believe that.

I know that you have read enough of what I have written in order to know better.
In that case you are knowingly telling a damnable lie.

I'm not interested in the opinions of whoever you might claim are 'notable Jews' - you're as much of an ideologue as Commie George the Coward, who got homesick in boot camp and faked an injury to get discharged.....no wonder his life's been in the toilet since then.

You've spouted enough of your Nazi-sucking swill for everyone to realize you insist that NO Jew has courage or integrity.

There is NOTHING that you can say worth reading, bupkele : )) You're a Nazi wanna-be: that says it ALL.
Not exactly ALL, Slut.
My life has never been bad enough to inspire me to kill innocent women and children or defend those who do, unlike your pathic prostitution on behalf of Zionism. Maybe you should stop swallowing rich Jew chicken-shit and find some personal courage and integrity; you're likely to need some.:(
Why are elite Jews dragging their feet on Ukraine?

"Perhaps Israel was disturbed by the language of today’s resolution, which 'Calls upon all States, international organizations and specialized agencies not to recognize any alteration of the status of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol' and to 'refrain from any action or dealing that might be interpreted as recognizing any such altered status.'”

"Israel, of course, remains in flagrant violation of dozens of similarly worded UN General Assembly and Security Council resolutions including Security Council Resolution 465 of 1980, deeming Israel’s annexation of Jerusalem and its settlements on occupied land to be illegal.

"That resolution declared that 'all measures taken by Israel to change the physical character, demographic composition, institutional structure or status of the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, or any part thereof, have no legal validity and that Israel’s policy and practices of settling parts of its population and new immigrants in those territories constitute a flagrant violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.'

"It also called 'upon all States not to provide Israel with any assistance to be used specifically in connexion with settlements in the occupied territories.'”

Why did Israel fail to back US-supported UN resolution on Crimea? | The Electronic Intifada

I am sure almost all the readers realize that there have been so many resolutions against Israel and so few against countries which actually deserve them. Didn't the Secretary General of the UN admit that the UN was anti-Semitic, Comrade George? And, Comrade George, any intelligent person is not going to fall for your nonsense, no matter how hard you try, that you actually care about the Palestinians. They do make some great pawns for you, don't they, in your right against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

As for you being so involved with the Ukraine and Russia (of course because you can drag your scapegoats into the mix), Comrade George, may i suggest that you find a site where Ukrainian and Russian women are looking for American men. You can petition to have one brought over as your housekeeper, saying you are finding it too difficult to handle your one-room subsidized apartment, and the woman your choose will be so happy to be able to come to American, even if it means she has to live with a poor American and a misanthrope when it comes to the Jews.

Now for some news which doesn't mention Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Russia tightens economic noose on Ukraine as armed showdowns persist - latimes.com
$ally Ha$bara $kips from one topic to another since she's too insecure to honestly debate Zioni$m's many crimes in Palestine:

"During the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel captured East Jerusalem, a part of the West Bank, from Jordan. On June 27, 1967, Israel unilaterally extended its law and jurisdiction to East Jerusalem and some of the surrounding area, incorporating about 70 square kilometers of territory into the Jerusalem Municipality.

"Although at the time Israel informed the United Nations that its measures constituted administrative and municipal integration rather than annexation, later rulings by the Israeli Supreme Court indicated that East Jerusalem had become part of Israel.

"In 1980, Israel passed the Jerusalem Law as part of its Basic Law, which declared Jerusalem the 'complete and united' capital of Israel. In other words, Israel purported to annex East Jerusalem.[14][15][16]

"The annexation was declared null and void by UNSC Resolutions 252, 267, 271, 298, 465, 476 [17] and UNSC res 478[18]"

Annexation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As the readers can see from this, Comrade George does desperately needs a scapegoat that he is now posting Middle East stuff on a Europe board, and it is the same old stuff that he has been posting there. What a sicko!!! Really, Comrade George, instead of all your dollar signs showing us that money is your main concern since you have to little, why not get a part-time job to earn a few bucks to supplement what you are now receiving. And I would suggest that you contact your health care provider for permission to see a geriatric psychiatrist to help your get over your obsession with the Jews. They are not the reason for you being held back in life; it was you own lack of initiative. Why not lead a mentally healthy life without needing a scapegoat after a few sessions with the psychiatrist?

Meanwhile, let's get back to the Ukraine with articles that don't mention Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Ukraine Separatists Call On Putin For Help | Eurasia Review

AOL.com Article - Armed men seize police station in eastern Ukraine
I am sure almost all the readers realize that there have been so many resolutions against Israel and so few against countries which actually deserve them. Didn't the Secretary General of the UN admit that the UN was anti-Semitic, Comrade George? And, Comrade George, any intelligent person is not going to fall for your nonsense, no matter how hard you try, that you actually care about the Palestinians. They do make some great pawns for you, don't they, in your right against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

As for you being so involved with the Ukraine and Russia (of course because you can drag your scapegoats into the mix), Comrade George, may i suggest that you find a site where Ukrainian and Russian women are looking for American men. You can petition to have one brought over as your housekeeper, saying you are finding it too difficult to handle your one-room subsidized apartment, and the woman your choose will be so happy to be able to come to American, even if it means she has to live with a poor American and a misanthrope when it comes to the Jews.

Now for some news which doesn't mention Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Russia tightens economic noose on Ukraine as armed showdowns persist - latimes.com
$ally Ha$bara $kips from one topic to another since she's too insecure to honestly debate Zioni$m's many crimes in Palestine:

"During the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel captured East Jerusalem, a part of the West Bank, from Jordan. On June 27, 1967, Israel unilaterally extended its law and jurisdiction to East Jerusalem and some of the surrounding area, incorporating about 70 square kilometers of territory into the Jerusalem Municipality.

"Although at the time Israel informed the United Nations that its measures constituted administrative and municipal integration rather than annexation, later rulings by the Israeli Supreme Court indicated that East Jerusalem had become part of Israel.

"In 1980, Israel passed the Jerusalem Law as part of its Basic Law, which declared Jerusalem the 'complete and united' capital of Israel. In other words, Israel purported to annex East Jerusalem.[14][15][16]

"The annexation was declared null and void by UNSC Resolutions 252, 267, 271, 298, 465, 476 [17] and UNSC res 478[18]"

Annexation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As the readers can see from this, Comrade George does desperately needs a scapegoat that he is now posting Middle East stuff on a Europe board, and it is the same old stuff that he has been posting there. What a sicko!!! Really, Comrade George, instead of all your dollar signs showing us that money is your main concern since you have to little, why not get a part-time job to earn a few bucks to supplement what you are now receiving. And I would suggest that you contact your health care provider for permission to see a geriatric psychiatrist to help your get over your obsession with the Jews. They are not the reason for you being held back in life; it was you own lack of initiative. Why not lead a mentally healthy life without needing a scapegoat after a few sessions with the psychiatrist?

Meanwhile, let's get back to the Ukraine with articles that don't mention Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Ukraine Separatists Call On Putin For Help | Eurasia Review

AOL.com Article - Armed men seize police station in eastern Ukraine
Make up your mind, Ha$bara $ally.
Are you deflecting from Ukraine or UNSC 465, or does it even matter to you?

"United Nations Security Council resolution 465, adopted unanimously on 1 March 1980, was on the issue of the Israeli settlements and administration in 'the Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem'. This refers to the Palestinian territories of the West Bank including East Jerusalem, Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights."

Maybe both subjects are above $ally's pay grade?

United Nations Security Council Resolution 465 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
$ally Ha$bara $kips from one topic to another since she's too insecure to honestly debate Zioni$m's many crimes in Palestine:

"During the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel captured East Jerusalem, a part of the West Bank, from Jordan. On June 27, 1967, Israel unilaterally extended its law and jurisdiction to East Jerusalem and some of the surrounding area, incorporating about 70 square kilometers of territory into the Jerusalem Municipality.

"Although at the time Israel informed the United Nations that its measures constituted administrative and municipal integration rather than annexation, later rulings by the Israeli Supreme Court indicated that East Jerusalem had become part of Israel.

"In 1980, Israel passed the Jerusalem Law as part of its Basic Law, which declared Jerusalem the 'complete and united' capital of Israel. In other words, Israel purported to annex East Jerusalem.[14][15][16]

"The annexation was declared null and void by UNSC Resolutions 252, 267, 271, 298, 465, 476 [17] and UNSC res 478[18]"

Annexation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As the readers can see from this, Comrade George does desperately needs a scapegoat that he is now posting Middle East stuff on a Europe board, and it is the same old stuff that he has been posting there. What a sicko!!! Really, Comrade George, instead of all your dollar signs showing us that money is your main concern since you have to little, why not get a part-time job to earn a few bucks to supplement what you are now receiving. And I would suggest that you contact your health care provider for permission to see a geriatric psychiatrist to help your get over your obsession with the Jews. They are not the reason for you being held back in life; it was you own lack of initiative. Why not lead a mentally healthy life without needing a scapegoat after a few sessions with the psychiatrist?

Meanwhile, let's get back to the Ukraine with articles that don't mention Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Ukraine Separatists Call On Putin For Help | Eurasia Review

AOL.com Article - Armed men seize police station in eastern Ukraine
Make up your mind, Ha$bara $ally.
Are you deflecting from Ukraine or UNSC 465, or does it even matter to you?

"United Nations Security Council resolution 465, adopted unanimously on 1 March 1980, was on the issue of the Israeli settlements and administration in 'the Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem'. This refers to the Palestinian territories of the West Bank including East Jerusalem, Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights."

Maybe both subjects are above $ally's pay grade?

United Nations Security Council Resolution 465 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you really that mentally ill, Comrade George that you don't realize that you are showing the readers how desperately you need a scapegoat in your sorry life that is evidenced by your constant use of dollars signs plus your habit of always trying to demonize the Jews for the lowly position in life that was your own fault.. Why are you dragging in Middle East thing (things that you have also blabbered about recently like there was no tomorrow) when you started a thread about the Ukraine here on the Europe forum. If the readers want to read about Middle East stuff, they would go to the appropriate forum. They are intelligent enough to find that forum if they are interested in the Middle East.

Now since you were so obsessed with the Jews in the Ukraine, let us see how some of them fare in a different region over there.

Dagestan's 'Mountain Jews' Flee Chaos ? Forward.com
"Historically, Jews in Ukraine have suffered disastrous losses during times of upheaval.

"During the Cossack uprising of 1648-57, led by Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky, 15-30,000 Ukrainian Jews out of a total population of 51,000 were murdered or taken captive.

"The organized violence against the helpless and impoverished Jews in the Ukraine in the 19th and early 20th century spawned a new word in the lexicon of hate - pogrom.

"Many of our grandparents fled the Ukraine, arriving on American shores penniless with little more than a dream of a safe haven.

"During the Russian Revolution and ensuing Civil War, another estimated 30,000-100,000 Jews were killed.

"The total civilian losses during the Nazi occupation of Ukraine is estimated at 7 million, with more than 1 million Jews shot by Einsatzgruppen killing squads and Ukrainian collaborators in Western Ukraine."

Some of those Ukrainian collaborators and their Maidan descendants would be right at home serving the Jewish state in East Jerusalem, in spite of UNSC 465.

Tough Times Again for Ukraine's Jewish Population | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com
Uh, the Jews in eastern Ukraine fear the Russians, not the Ukrainians.

They saw what the Russians did to the Jews....
"Historically, Jews in Ukraine have suffered disastrous losses during times of upheaval.

"During the Cossack uprising of 1648-57, led by Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky, 15-30,000 Ukrainian Jews out of a total population of 51,000 were murdered or taken captive.

"The organized violence against the helpless and impoverished Jews in the Ukraine in the 19th and early 20th century spawned a new word in the lexicon of hate - pogrom.

"Many of our grandparents fled the Ukraine, arriving on American shores penniless with little more than a dream of a safe haven.

"During the Russian Revolution and ensuing Civil War, another estimated 30,000-100,000 Jews were killed.

"The total civilian losses during the Nazi occupation of Ukraine is estimated at 7 million, with more than 1 million Jews shot by Einsatzgruppen killing squads and Ukrainian collaborators in Western Ukraine."

Some of those Ukrainian collaborators and their Maidan descendants would be right at home serving the Jewish state in East Jerusalem, in spite of UNSC 465.

Tough Times Again for Ukraine's Jewish Population | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

Comrade Jew, a reader would have to be very dumb to actually think you care about the Arabs in Israel and the territories. There are anti-Semites just like you who use these Arabs as pawns in your fight against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. I think Comrade George is very jealous of those with Ukrainian roots who have made it in America while he, because of the lack of initiative, is actually doing very poorly.

Now since we are talking about the Ukraine and Russia, let's hear some news from there that doesn't talk about Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews. I think by now that the readers have figured out that people like Comrade George always desperately need a scapegoat for their own failures in life.

AOL.com Article - Ukrainian city seized by pro-Russia forces

Ukraine Separatists Call On Putin For Help | Eurasia Review

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