Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine

"Mr. Kolomoysky, the new governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region, derided Rabbi Lazar’s support for Mr. Putin as Kremlin-orchestrated propaganda.

"Russia, he said in an interview, has put pressure on Jewish leaders to fall into line with Moscow’s contention that Ukraine’s government was toppled in a fascist coup. 'Unlike in Russia, Ukraine’s Jewish community is not a lever of the state,' he said.

"Mr. Kolomoysky, a Russian speaker who has both Israeli and Ukrainian passports, scoffed at the Kremlin’s pledges to protect Jews, Russian-speakers and other minorities. 'We can protect ourselves. We don’t need any protection from Russia,' he said. 'There is no fascism here. It does not exist.'"


Are you still blabbering away once again about the Jews, your favorite scapegoat, Comrade George? Amazing how Comrade George always seems to find articles where he can drag in his favorite scapegoats!!! Aren't you going to at least get out of your apartment for some fresh air today? I feel like finding some Rusian widow on one of the dating sites for you who has a nice dacha in Russia and will convince you to like the borscht that she makes. After all, you hate this country and appear to be backing the Russians so why not move over there where you might feel more comfortable with your sorry life? Now for some news that doesn't involve Comrade George's favorite scapegoat.

Russia appears to be behind Ukraine violence, U.S. envoy to U.N. says - latimes.com

AOL.com Article - Ukraine asks for UN peacekeepers in restive east

Maybe Comrade George, when he gets cozied up to that Russian woman, can have her to ask the Russian authorities how come they were not cooperating more fully with the U.S. so that the tragedy at Boston might have been avoided.

AOL.com Article - Russia omitted details on Boston Marathon bombing suspect
"Analyst have listed Kolomoyskyi as an ally of Ukrainian politician Yulia Tymoshenko and her Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko.[1]

"Although according to RIA Novosti (in January 2010), Kolomoysky relations with Tymoshenko 'were soured some time ago, probably due to his refusal to finance Tymoshenko's election campaign' in 2010.[17][16]

"Croatian newspaper Nacional claimed in September 2007 that Kolomoyskyi had become an ally of (then) Ukrainian President Victor Yushchenko and had financed Yushchenko's Our Ukraine–People's Self-Defense Bloc.[9]

"In the 2012 Ukrainian parliamentary election Kolomoyskyi was perceived as being one of UDAR’s main sponsors.[18][16] This has been denied by UDAR.[19]

"On 2 March 2014, admits the 2014 pro-Russian protests in Ukraine, acting President Oleksandr Turchynov appointed Kolomoyskyi Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.[20] 1 day later he referred to Russian President Vladimir Putin as a 'schizophrenic shorty' who was 'totally out of touch, completely crazy'.[4]

"During a news conference the next day, Putin claimed that Kolomoyskyi had reneged on a contract with Roman Abramovich, saying 'I myself asked Abramovich why he did it later, and he told me he did not think it possible that someone would play him like that.'

"Putin said of Kolomoyskyi, 'This is just a unique crook'[nb 1] and claimed that 'Of course people are not happy' with his appointment as Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast."

Ihor Kolomoyskyi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pathetic Comrade George, there are loads of people living in the Ukraine, the majority of whom aren't Jewish. Why not tell us why you are obsessed with the Jews there? Is what is happening there affecting you in any way for which a Jew is responsible/? Somehow I doubt it, and it is just because you feel you have to demonize your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. It would be far healthier if you would forget about your scapegoats for a while and take a walk. I have a great suggestion. Since you live in what is an Hispanic area, why not see if you can take a Spanish conversation class at some high school. Maybe some of the classes that are given to adults division would have something like this. This way you would be able to actually speak to real people face to face in your neighborhood and not have to just depend on communicating with people you will never meet in real life. It really is fun talking to real people face to face, Comrade George.

Hmm,, does this article mention Comrade George's fellow scapegoats?

AOL.com Article - Ukraine to launch anti-terror operation

Now for some business news/ It's a shame that Comrade George wasn't smart enough to have gotten involved with work that is done in Silicon Valley. If he had been, he might have had a great house in San Mateo by now.

AOL.com Article - Politics test Silicon Valley's Russian ties
I figured the 'inch-and-a half' was her indicating circumference - and that she was being 'optomistic'.....

Steve, Sayit was correct to apply the term 'schnitzel' to the wee winkies of 2 of the board's worst wankers (Coward George and the hole-stain): it's a colloquialism for 'tiny little bit', not the German dish. There's a lot of confusion with German vs Yiddish words.... I'll never forget the time some German jewelry enthusiasts came onto an English language board and started trying to get us (almost all ladies) interested in visiting their 'Schmuck-o-Rama' site..... ('schmuck' really does mean 'jewelry' in German)

NO, the l'il wee hole-stain is not a 'schmuck': he's merely a putz, dangling uselessly.

I neither said nor implied that anyone licks schnitzel. That's just The Pompous Liq being typically stupid. Here's what I did say:

Didn't take you long to get back to lickin' Holston's ass. Taste like schnitzel?
All I can say is leave it up to a Muslim moron to blame to the situation in Ukraine on Jews. :cuckoo:
All I can say is leave it up to a Muslim moron to blame to the situation in Ukraine on Jews. :cuckoo:

Could be that Comrade George actually belongs to Louie Farrakhan's group, the Nation of Islam. There are lots of them in the Los Angeles area.
i figured the 'inch-and-a half' was her indicating circumference - and that she was being 'optomistic'.....

Steve, sayit was correct to apply the term 'schnitzel' to the wee winkies of 2 of the board's worst wankers (coward george and the hole-stain): It's a colloquialism for 'tiny little bit', not the german dish. There's a lot of confusion with german vs yiddish words.... I'll never forget the time some german jewelry enthusiasts came onto an english language board and started trying to get us (almost all ladies) interested in visiting their 'schmuck-o-rama' site..... ('schmuck' really does mean 'jewelry' in german)

no, the l'il wee hole-stain is not a 'schmuck': He's merely a putz, dangling uselessly.

i neither said nor implied that anyone licks schnitzel. That's just the pompous liq being typically stupid. Here's what i did say:

Didn't take you long to get back to lickin' holston's ass. Taste like schnitzel?

ok : ))
?Rule by oligarchs: Kiev appoints billionaires to govern east ? RT News
Rule by oligarchs: Kiev appoints billionaires to govern east

If any of this reminds you of what is happening in the US, it ought to.

What happens to Ukraine will be a model for the rest of us | Veterans Today
Ukraine names Oligarchs and Gangsters as Governors and Ministers
…by F. William Engdahl

The newly self-elected Ukrainian government is reorganizing all institutions of power, dissolving the special riot police, naming its cronies to key political posts.

But perhaps the most indicative of the true character of the new regime is the naming last week of new Governors to head the major political divisions of regions of Ukraine.

They include dual Israeli-Ukrainian nationals and notorious billionaire gangsters. This seems to be the “democracy” that US State Department Assistant Secretary for European Affairs, Victoris Nuland had in mind when she rejected earlier EU compromise initiatives with the terse comment, “Fuck the EU.”
US State Department Assistant Secretary for European Affairs, Victoris Nuland................“Fuck the EU.”

Ihor Kolomonskyi - Jewish Israeli-Ukranian billionaire

These are the people that the "your representatives" in Washington are backing against the Ukranian's right to autonomy.

Serhiy Taruta
Serhiy Taruta is a Ukrainian businessman, chairman of Industrial Union of Donbas, and President of FC Metalurh Donetsk. According to Forbes magazine, he ranks among the 500 richest people in the world, with his estimated wealth being around 2 billion US dollars.
This is the result of the US-engineered coup in Ukraine. Now with EU and US financial aid conditional on the new Ukraine government embracing severe IMF austerity and privatization as well as demand to end domestic gas price subsidies, the new government is clearly looking forward to the next rape of hapless Ukrainians and worse

Why would people in the US, allegedly promoters of democracy, not care about the gangsters and murderers their policies have brought into Kiev? US-Polish security strategist, Zbigniew Brzezinski stated it clearly back in 1997:

".......if Moscow regains control over Ukraine, with its 52 million people and major resources as well as its access to the Black Sea, Russia automatically again regains the wherewithal to become a powerful imperial state, spanning Europe and Asia.” -Zbigniew Brzezinski

Among the members of the Pravi Sektor is the hard-core Ukrainian National Assembly-Ukrainian National Self-Defense (UNA-UNSO), reported tied to NATO and used for their “dirty wars” in Chechnya, Georgia and elsewhere since 1991. Haaretz, Israel’s oldest newspaper, reports that Right Sector distributed translations of Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in Maidan Square.[5]

In 1991 on Ukrainian independence from Russia, new National Security and Defense Council head Parubiy founded the neo-Nazi Social-National Party of Ukraine together with Oleh Tyahnybok, the leader of Svoboda, who is now a People’s Deputy in the new Ukrainian parliament.

Yarosh also heads the neo-nazi Stepan Bandera Tryzub organization since 2005. On their website, Yarosh issued an appeal to Dokka Umarov, the Chechen terrorist guerrilla leader associated with Al-Qaeda, for support of Ukraine.

The claim that the overthrow of the government of Ukraine was led by "Nazis" sort of begs the question,

Why would "Nazis" be fighting against the Ukrainian government and Russia in order to install JEWISH oligarchs into power?

Are they that stupid or what?

And how is it that the US has axed the Constitution in the name of "war on terror" while it is sponsoring it's prime terrorist target "Al-Qaeda"?

How is it that their actions in one case are called "terror" and in another "freedom fighter"?

It sort of makes you wonder what that rotten smell is coming from Washington DC and the mainstream media.

Or is the Zionist media now supporting "Neo-Nazis"?

All the discussion by the forum Hasbara about penises, rectums, and sexual perversions, as much as they enjoy it, does nothing to answer these questions.

What do YOU think?

Ihor Kolomoyskyi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ihor Valeriyovych Kolomoyskyi is an Ukrainian-Israeli business oligarch of Jewish descent and the current Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.[4]

A multibillionaire, Kolomoyskyi is rated as the second or third richest person in Ukraine (after Rinat Akhmetov and/or Viktor Pinchuk) since 2006[5][6] and 377th richest person in the world by the Forbes (as of 2011.)

Kolomoyskyi is the co-founder of the PrivatBank (and its informal Privat Group, respectively) and was appointed Chairman of its Board of Directors in 1997.[1][7] Other fields of activity include: ferroalloys, finance, oil products, mass media,[8] metal and petroleum industries (also in Russia and Romania).

Kolomoysky has a dual Ukrainian-Israeli citizenship although dual citizenship is not recognized by Ukraine
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"The new 'interim' Cabinet of Arseniy Yatsenyuk fits into a similar pattern of oligarchs, gangsters and corruption.

"It includes Andriy V. Parubiy as new Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine. Parubiy led the anti-government riots.

"His mooted deputy at National Security is neo-nazi Right Sector (Pravyi Sektor) leader, Dmytro Yarosh.

"Pravi Sektor is estimated to number 5,000 and were inbvolved in the most extreme violence at Maidan Square and allegedly did the sniper killings of police and demonstrators that led to the coup on February 22.

"Among the members of the Pravi Sektor is the hard-core Ukrainian National Assembly-Ukrainian National Self-Defense (UNA-UNSO), reported tied to NATO and used for their 'dirty wars' in Chechnya, Georgia and elsewhere since 1991.

"Haaretz, Israel’s oldest newspaper, reports that Right Sector distributed translations of Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in Maidan Square.[5]"

What happens to Ukraine will be a model for the rest of us | Veterans Today

The hard core nationalists and their fire bombs that drove an elected president from office in Kiev are now heading for southeast Ukraine where they might find opponents that haven't been disarmed.
"The new 'interim' Cabinet of Arseniy Yatsenyuk fits into a similar pattern of oligarchs, gangsters and corruption.

"It includes Andriy V. Parubiy as new Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine. Parubiy led the anti-government riots.

"His mooted deputy at National Security is neo-nazi Right Sector (Pravyi Sektor) leader, Dmytro Yarosh.

"Pravi Sektor is estimated to number 5,000 and were inbvolved in the most extreme violence at Maidan Square and allegedly did the sniper killings of police and demonstrators that led to the coup on February 22.

"Among the members of the Pravi Sektor is the hard-core Ukrainian National Assembly-Ukrainian National Self-Defense (UNA-UNSO), reported tied to NATO and used for their 'dirty wars' in Chechnya, Georgia and elsewhere since 1991.

"Haaretz, Israel’s oldest newspaper, reports that Right Sector distributed translations of Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in Maidan Square.[5]"

What happens to Ukraine will be a model for the rest of us | Veterans Today

The hard core nationalists and their fire bombs that drove an elected president from office in Kiev are now heading for southeast Ukraine where they might find opponents that haven't been disarmed.

Poor Comrade George, he has to run to a site which thinks they are fooling everyone with the heading of Veterans Today, but it is not an official Veterans' site, but it certainly is anti-Semitic, and has plenty of articles against the Jews and Israel. This shows how desperately Comrade George needs a scapegoat for his own failures in life. By the way, Comrade George, all the Jew haters seem to quote Haaretz, the Leftist newspaper in Israel, but they never seem to quote the other Israeli newspapers. Hmmm, I wonder why.

Since Comrade George is so enamored with Russia, I really think he should find himself a Russian widow who advertises on one of those sites which are for Russian women looking for men. He might feel more comfortable living in a dacha in a Communist country than a tiny one-room subsidized apartment. in America. In time, he could learn to speak Russian.

Meanwhile, the news I am reading from an American newspaper, which Comrade George, doesn't seem to like to bring up because it never mentions his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, is .............

Pro-Russia police help foil Ukraine crackdown in east - latimes.com

And then there is the AOL news. Does it mention your favorite scapegoats, Comrade George?

AOL.com Article - Ukraine asks for UN peacekeepers in restive east.

Now since this thread is concentrating on that parts of the world, let's have a little entertainment......

Astounding Wire Balancing Act - Tatiana Kundyk - Ukraine Got Talent
"The new 'interim' Cabinet of Arseniy Yatsenyuk fits into a similar pattern of oligarchs, gangsters and corruption.

"It includes Andriy V. Parubiy as new Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine. Parubiy led the anti-government riots.

"His mooted deputy at National Security is neo-nazi Right Sector (Pravyi Sektor) leader, Dmytro Yarosh.

"Pravi Sektor is estimated to number 5,000 and were inbvolved in the most extreme violence at Maidan Square and allegedly did the sniper killings of police and demonstrators that led to the coup on February 22.

"Among the members of the Pravi Sektor is the hard-core Ukrainian National Assembly-Ukrainian National Self-Defense (UNA-UNSO), reported tied to NATO and used for their 'dirty wars' in Chechnya, Georgia and elsewhere since 1991.

"Haaretz, Israel’s oldest newspaper, reports that Right Sector distributed translations of Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in Maidan Square.[5]"

What happens to Ukraine will be a model for the rest of us | Veterans Today

The hard core nationalists and their fire bombs that drove an elected president from office in Kiev are now heading for southeast Ukraine where they might find opponents that haven't been disarmed.

Poor Comrade George, he has to run to a site which thinks they are fooling everyone with the heading of Veterans Today, but it is not an official Veterans' site, but it certainly is anti-Semitic, and has plenty of articles against the Jews and Israel. This shows how desperately Comrade George needs a scapegoat for his own failures in life. By the way, Comrade George, all the Jew haters seem to quote Haaretz, the Leftist newspaper in Israel, but they never seem to quote the other Israeli newspapers. Hmmm, I wonder why.

Since Comrade George is so enamored with Russia, I really think he should find himself a Russian widow who advertises on one of those sites which are for Russian women looking for men. He might feel more comfortable living in a dacha in a Communist country than a tiny one-room subsidized apartment. in America. In time, he could learn to speak Russian.

Meanwhile, the news I am reading from an American newspaper, which Comrade George, doesn't seem to like to bring up because it never mentions his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, is .............

Pro-Russia police help foil Ukraine crackdown in east - latimes.com

And then there is the AOL news. Does it mention your favorite scapegoats, Comrade George?

AOL.com Article - Ukraine asks for UN peacekeepers in restive east.

Now since this thread is concentrating on that parts of the world, let's have a little entertainment......

Astounding Wire Balancing Act - Tatiana Kundyk - Ukraine Got Talent
"Press TV: Is this a policy of economic aggression now that Russia has hiked the prices or is it their right to do that with Kiev?

"Dean: Well, it certainly is. There were ways they were supporting Ukraine – which has 8-10 million Russians in it – get through their economic problems and this was to subsidize the gas prices.

"This is something that Russia has an awful lot of so that was the least expensive way for them to try to support the Ukraine getting through its economic problems.

"But then again, un-said in that, Ukraine would not become a bastion for Western military power or NATO or be seduced by them into putting missiles or NATO bases right on the Russian border and they made a very good deal with them.

"The EU tried to get a deal by just moving Ukraine’s debt around, but never really wanted to give them any cash because they didn’t really have a lot to give.

"So, Russia countered that by continuing the gas discounts – which really is ‘cash’.

"And that’s why [Viktor] Yanukovych [, former President of Ukraine], he basically went the other way (siding with Russia) and now we saw the West decided that we have to make a move now and we all know that they were totally behind the coup."

West has no play over Kiev gas subsidy | Veterans Today
"The new 'interim' Cabinet of Arseniy Yatsenyuk fits into a similar pattern of oligarchs, gangsters and corruption.

"It includes Andriy V. Parubiy as new Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine. Parubiy led the anti-government riots.

"His mooted deputy at National Security is neo-nazi Right Sector (Pravyi Sektor) leader, Dmytro Yarosh.

"Pravi Sektor is estimated to number 5,000 and were inbvolved in the most extreme violence at Maidan Square and allegedly did the sniper killings of police and demonstrators that led to the coup on February 22.

"Among the members of the Pravi Sektor is the hard-core Ukrainian National Assembly-Ukrainian National Self-Defense (UNA-UNSO), reported tied to NATO and used for their 'dirty wars' in Chechnya, Georgia and elsewhere since 1991.

"Haaretz, Israel’s oldest newspaper, reports that Right Sector distributed translations of Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in Maidan Square.[5]"

What happens to Ukraine will be a model for the rest of us | Veterans Today

The hard core nationalists and their fire bombs that drove an elected president from office in Kiev are now heading for southeast Ukraine where they might find opponents that haven't been disarmed.

Poor Comrade George, he has to run to a site which thinks they are fooling everyone with the heading of Veterans Today, but it is not an official Veterans' site, but it certainly is anti-Semitic, and has plenty of articles against the Jews and Israel. This shows how desperately Comrade George needs a scapegoat for his own failures in life. By the way, Comrade George, all the Jew haters seem to quote Haaretz, the Leftist newspaper in Israel, but they never seem to quote the other Israeli newspapers. Hmmm, I wonder why.

Since Comrade George is so enamored with Russia, I really think he should find himself a Russian widow who advertises on one of those sites which are for Russian women looking for men. He might feel more comfortable living in a dacha in a Communist country than a tiny one-room subsidized apartment. in America. In time, he could learn to speak Russian.

Meanwhile, the news I am reading from an American newspaper, which Comrade George, doesn't seem to like to bring up because it never mentions his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, is .............

Pro-Russia police help foil Ukraine crackdown in east - latimes.com

And then there is the AOL news. Does it mention your favorite scapegoats, Comrade George?

AOL.com Article - Ukraine asks for UN peacekeepers in restive east.

Now since this thread is concentrating on that parts of the world, let's have a little entertainment......

Astounding Wire Balancing Act - Tatiana Kundyk - Ukraine Got Talent

"Press TV: Is this a policy of economic aggression now that Russia has hiked the prices or is it their right to do that with Kiev?

"Dean: Well, it certainly is. There were ways they were supporting Ukraine – which has 8-10 million Russians in it – get through their economic problems and this was to subsidize the gas prices.

"This is something that Russia has an awful lot of so that was the least expensive way for them to try to support the Ukraine getting through its economic problems.

"But then again, un-said in that, Ukraine would not become a bastion for Western military power or NATO or be seduced by them into putting missiles or NATO bases right on the Russian border and they made a very good deal with them.

"The EU tried to get a deal by just moving Ukraine’s debt around, but never really wanted to give them any cash because they didn’t really have a lot to give.

"So, Russia countered that by continuing the gas discounts – which really is ‘cash’.

"And that’s why [Viktor] Yanukovych [, former President of Ukraine], he basically went the other way (siding with Russia) and now we saw the West decided that we have to make a move now and we all know that they were totally behind the coup."

West has no play over Kiev gas subsidy | Veterans Today

Isn't Press TV the Iranian mouthpiece? How come you never speak up against the Iranian regime, Comrade Geroge? Perhaps you should go sit with the Ayatollahs while they await the 12th Imam to jump out of the well. After all, they want to destroy Israel, and you are all for that.

So tell us, are you interested at all with what is going on in the rest of Europe which doesn't involve any Jews? Plenty is happening there, but I guess if you can't drag in your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, it isn't worth your time.

Anyhow, Comrade George, if you were a judge at Ukraine Got Talent, how would you have voted for Tatiana? Gee, maybe the Russian widow you get will have the same name.?
I am still wondering how "Neo Nazis" could be fighting on behalf of Jewish oligarchs and gangsters.

Doesn't anyone have any idea how this works.

If not, then the internet Hasbara are going to have to begin calling "anti-Semites" something other than "Nazis".
I am still wondering how "Neo Nazis" could be fighting on behalf of Jewish oligarchs and gangsters.

Doesn't anyone have any idea how this works.

If not, then the internet Hasbara are going to have to begin calling "anti-Semites" something other than "Nazis".
Orwell would be hard pressed to answer how Nazis and rich Jews in Israel and Ukraine would find common ground.

Here's one possible explanation from CounterPunch:

"We live in the times that George Orwell predicted in his groundbreaking novel 1984.

"A time of deception, where nothing is what it seems to be.

"Lost in a deep fog of propaganda that passes for information, we have to decipher through conflicting narratives, where stories are planted to hide other ones. In this fictional conundrum, reality has become surreal, and words have lost their meaning.

"In our Orwellian lexicon, a pro-capitalist and neo-colonialist such as French President Francois Hollande is called a socialist; violent imperialist interventions conducted by the United States and its allies, or even the United Nations, worldwide are called humanitarian missions or peacekeeping missions; policies of regime change, already conducted in Iraq and Libya, and underway in Ukraine, Syria, Venezuela, and even Cuba, are called promoting democracy or strengthening civil society.

"{In Orwellian times, a phony revolution in Kiev is concocted by neocons in Washington DC with help from so-called humanitarian non-governmental organizations (NGO), and USAID takes on the CIA’s role to promote supposedly spontaneous protests in Cuba.

"In Orwellian times, a big lie often repeated becomes the truth.

"When policymakers are spin masters, truth is the first casualty."

Ukraine and Syria, In Orwellian Times » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

One would think the lies Barry and Kerry told last August regarding Sarin in Syria would still be fresh enough in most minds to make more Americans suspicious about the recent coup in Kiev.

Obviously, too many of us are distracted by the spin to notice the abyss we're plunging in to.

I am still wondering how "Neo Nazis" could be fighting on behalf of Jewish oligarchs and gangsters.

Doesn't anyone have any idea how this works.

If not, then the internet Hasbara are going to have to begin calling "anti-Semites" something other than "Nazis".
Orwell would be hard pressed to answer how Nazis and rich Jews in Israel and Ukraine would find common ground.

Here's one possible explanation from CounterPunch:

"We live in the times that George Orwell predicted in his groundbreaking novel 1984.

"A time of deception, where nothing is what it seems to be.

"Lost in a deep fog of propaganda that passes for information, we have to decipher through conflicting narratives, where stories are planted to hide other ones. In this fictional conundrum, reality has become surreal, and words have lost their meaning.

"In our Orwellian lexicon, a pro-capitalist and neo-colonialist such as French President Francois Hollande is called a socialist; violent imperialist interventions conducted by the United States and its allies, or even the United Nations, worldwide are called humanitarian missions or peacekeeping missions; policies of regime change, already conducted in Iraq and Libya, and underway in Ukraine, Syria, Venezuela, and even Cuba, are called promoting democracy or strengthening civil society.

"{In Orwellian times, a phony revolution in Kiev is concocted by neocons in Washington DC with help from so-called humanitarian non-governmental organizations (NGO), and USAID takes on the CIA’s role to promote supposedly spontaneous protests in Cuba.

"In Orwellian times, a big lie often repeated becomes the truth.

"When policymakers are spin masters, truth is the first casualty."

Ukraine and Syria, In Orwellian Times » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

One would think the lies Barry and Kerry told last August regarding Sarin in Syria would still be fresh enough in most minds to make more Americans suspicious about the recent coup in Kiev.

Obviously, too many of us are distracted by the spin to notice the abyss we're plunging in to.

You said it, comrade.
I would be interesting to see how the Hasbarats are going to spin this one.

There was Rabbi I quoted a few pages back who denied that there was any "anti-Semitism" in Ukraine.

Maybe the only way these oligarchs could disguise the fact that they're the ones who are taking control of Ukraine is to spread the scuttlebutt that it was Neo-Nazi extremists who were leading the overthrow.

I suspect that the leaders of the uprising are being paid under the table with some of those TRILLIONS of dollars that went missing from the Pentagon budget right before 9/11. Unfortunately I don't have any way of finding out.

I just feel almost certain that the "Arab Spring" has been fomented by foreign agents working in collusion with the agents of ZOG and that US taxpayers have been funding the operations unawares.

Does that sound plausible to you?

My instincts tell me that these kinds of covert actions are not good for the US, not because they are covert, but because they are fundamentally wrong in principle.
I am as pro US as a person can be. That's why I am opposed to practices like the use of torture as a means of interrogating prisoners being adopted as a matter of routine policy.

How can the US serve as a "Beacon of Light" if we are doing all the nasty things we have accused other nations of doing?

This kind of attitude is typical of the Machiavellian Talmudic worshiping Neo-Con crowds.
This and many other signs such as the NDAA, the "Patriot Act", the expatriation act, and etc and etc have convinced me that it is those people who are behind this mess.
I am also convinced that they care not a flitter whether the US goes bankrupt in the process, economically OR MORALLY, just as long as they can carry their ambitions a step closer to their religious "Mashianic Age".

I've added that to emphasize that I am NOT un-American. I LIVE here. Why should I want to crap my own bed???

It's just that I see the US drifting towards a godless kind of Sodom and Gomorrah or a modern day Babylon with each passing day.

I do not wish to be buried under the rubble when it falls down around our ears. Our national infidels do not believe this is possible. Neither did those empires of old mentioned in the Bible who became proud of their might despite the rampant wickedness among their people as well as their leaders.

These dolts don't seem to believe in the maxim that "Righteousness exalts a nation". They show no fear of God even though History has shown time and again that what happens to people who get too big for their britches can happen to nations as well.

What is most ironic to me is that despite my disdain for the old Soviet Union, I find myself agreeing more with Putin than Yomammi!
This is distressing to me since Russia is not my native land. My own country seems to be increasingly playing the role of the villain and I don't like it one bit.

Now it appears that Russia is the one standing in defense of their national heritage against the Globalist take over. Thirty years ago I wouldn't have believed it was possible. Yet, WHOOMP, There it is.
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Antony C. Sutton, among others, has written of Wall Street's contribution to the success of the Bolshevik Revolution almost one hundred years ago. As I understand the story, Lenin needed food to feed starving Russians and Wall Street money came to his rescue. In exchange a handful of capitalists were rewarded with lucrative asbestos and timber concessions.

I can't help wondering if international bankers have been behind virtually everything that's happened between the US and Russia since that time.

"Sutton's next three major published books — Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler and Wall Street and FDR — detailed Wall Street's involvement in the Bolshevik Revolution (in order to destroy Russia as an economic competitor and turn it into 'a captive market and a technical colony to be exploited by a few high-powered American financiers and the corporations under their control'[3]) as well as its decisive contributions to the rise of Adolf Hitler and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whose policies he assessed as being essentially the same, namely 'corporate socialism' planned by the big corporations.[4]

"Sutton concluded that this was all part of the economic power elites 'long-range program of nurturing collectivism'[1] and fostering 'corporate socialism' in order to ensure 'monopoly acquisition of wealth', because it 'would fade away if it were exposed to the activity of a free market'".[5]

Antony C. Sutton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Sutton is correct about Wall Street's influence over Russia, then perhaps Putin will face a choice between keeping his billion$ or explaining to his nationalists how he lost Ukraine?
Why hasn't the Jewish state allied itself with Washington over recent events in Ukraine?

"In short, at stake is a major clash between Europe and Russia, a confrontation in which America has taken sides hastily and now expects its allies to follow it as it stumbles further into this European fray.

"The Jewish state, it appears, is politely rejecting this demand.

"THERE WAS a brief moment during Israel’s infancy when it toyed with the idea of assuming a policy of neutrality between East and West.

"That quest quickly proved unrealistic, as the Arab states loomed prominently in what became the nonaligned bloc, while the Jewish state could fit nowhere but in the West, whether in terms of its ideals, economy or diplomacy.

"That is why even during the Korean War, when David Ben-Gurion turned down a request to send troops to fight alongside the US-led international force, Israel did send the South medicines and food, even though the Jewish state was at the time so strapped that it rationed bread, milk and eggs..."

What's changed?

"Today’s situation is different in just about every aspect.

"First, Russia is not anti-Israel.

"Not only are relations between Jerusalem and Moscow normal, in many ways they are even warm.

"Traffic between the two countries is free and hectic, Russia has become Israel’s major oil supplier, it is a potentially deep destination for Israeli exports and the two countries are in the process of finalizing a free-trade agreement.

"Then there is the Jewish aspect.

"Though a million Jews have left, both Russia and Ukraine remain home to sizable Jewish communities.

"According to last year’s World Jewish Population Survey there were 255,000 Jews in Russia and Ukraine, about a quarter of them in Ukraine."

Middle East: Can Israel be neutral on Ukraine? | JPost | Israel News
Why hasn't the Jewish state allied itself with Washington over recent events in Ukraine?

"In short, at stake is a major clash between Europe and Russia, a confrontation in which America has taken sides hastily and now expects its allies to follow it as it stumbles further into this European fray.

"The Jewish state, it appears, is politely rejecting this demand.

"THERE WAS a brief moment during Israel’s infancy when it toyed with the idea of assuming a policy of neutrality between East and West.

"That quest quickly proved unrealistic, as the Arab states loomed prominently in what became the nonaligned bloc, while the Jewish state could fit nowhere but in the West, whether in terms of its ideals, economy or diplomacy.

"That is why even during the Korean War, when David Ben-Gurion turned down a request to send troops to fight alongside the US-led international force, Israel did send the South medicines and food, even though the Jewish state was at the time so strapped that it rationed bread, milk and eggs..."

What's changed?

"Today’s situation is different in just about every aspect.

"First, Russia is not anti-Israel.

"Not only are relations between Jerusalem and Moscow normal, in many ways they are even warm.

"Traffic between the two countries is free and hectic, Russia has become Israel’s major oil supplier, it is a potentially deep destination for Israeli exports and the two countries are in the process of finalizing a free-trade agreement.

"Then there is the Jewish aspect.

"Though a million Jews have left, both Russia and Ukraine remain home to sizable Jewish communities.

"According to last year’s World Jewish Population Survey there were 255,000 Jews in Russia and Ukraine, about a quarter of them in Ukraine."

Middle East: Can Israel be neutral on Ukraine? | JPost | Israel News

Poor Comrade George, still obsessing over his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Why would a person sitting in his apartment worry about what people in Israel think about the Ukraine? Is what people think in Israel affecting Comrade George in any way? Instead of obsessing over Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, there are posters actually reading news about the Ukraine which don't even mention the Jews, such as:

Russia cites economic fallout from Crimea annexation - latimes.com

AOL.com Article - Putin admits Russian soldiers were in Crimea, slams West for role in Ukraine crisis

Ukraine Submits Proof Of Russian Covert Action | Eurasia Review

Putin: Russia may invade Ukraine to protect locals - latimes.com
Why hasn't the Jewish state allied itself with Washington over recent events in Ukraine?

"In short, at stake is a major clash between Europe and Russia, a confrontation in which America has taken sides hastily and now expects its allies to follow it as it stumbles further into this European fray.

"The Jewish state, it appears, is politely rejecting this demand.

"THERE WAS a brief moment during Israel’s infancy when it toyed with the idea of assuming a policy of neutrality between East and West.

"That quest quickly proved unrealistic, as the Arab states loomed prominently in what became the nonaligned bloc, while the Jewish state could fit nowhere but in the West, whether in terms of its ideals, economy or diplomacy.

"That is why even during the Korean War, when David Ben-Gurion turned down a request to send troops to fight alongside the US-led international force, Israel did send the South medicines and food, even though the Jewish state was at the time so strapped that it rationed bread, milk and eggs..."

What's changed?

"Today’s situation is different in just about every aspect.

"First, Russia is not anti-Israel.

"Not only are relations between Jerusalem and Moscow normal, in many ways they are even warm.

"Traffic between the two countries is free and hectic, Russia has become Israel’s major oil supplier, it is a potentially deep destination for Israeli exports and the two countries are in the process of finalizing a free-trade agreement.

"Then there is the Jewish aspect.

"Though a million Jews have left, both Russia and Ukraine remain home to sizable Jewish communities.

"According to last year’s World Jewish Population Survey there were 255,000 Jews in Russia and Ukraine, about a quarter of them in Ukraine."

Middle East: Can Israel be neutral on Ukraine? | JPost | Israel News

Poor Comrade George, still obsessing over his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Why would a person sitting in his apartment worry about what people in Israel think about the Ukraine? Is what people think in Israel affecting Comrade George in any way? Instead of obsessing over Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, there are posters actually reading news about the Ukraine which don't even mention the Jews, such as:

Russia cites economic fallout from Crimea annexation - latimes.com

AOL.com Article - Putin admits Russian soldiers were in Crimea, slams West for role in Ukraine crisis

Ukraine Submits Proof Of Russian Covert Action | Eurasia Review

Putin: Russia may invade Ukraine to protect locals - latimes.com
Ha$bara $ally proves once again she's always ready to discuss anything except the current topic; maybe that's why ha$bara finds her so u$eful to I$rael?

"Bored by life in the opposition and missing his previous career’s action, Moshe Dayan decided to go to Vietnam, take a close look at what then was the world’s only major war, and report his impressions in several newspapers.

"The Americans – still confident of their victory – rolled out the red carpet for the celebrated general as he landed in Saigon, showing him whatever he wished, from close-range fighting to large-scale deployments, and showering him with briefings, tours and dinners with assorted generals, including the war’s commander, Gen. William Westmoreland.

"Jerusalem, however, was less enthusiastic.

"Responding to protestations in the Knesset, even from Dayan’s own Rafi faction, over a famous Israeli personality arguably taking sides in the conflict, foreign minister Abba Eban told the plenary he could not stop a private citizen from traveling wherever he wished.

"The Jewish state, however, had elaborate and sensitive interests in Asia, and 'would welcome any effort that would lead to opening negotiations for a settlement of just peace in this conflict.'”

We can only wonder if $ally will respond to the similarities between Ukraine and Vietnam for the US and Israel, or if she will perform her usual vapid trick of deflection.

Middle East: Can Israel be neutral on Ukraine? | JPost | Israel News
Why hasn't the Jewish state allied itself with Washington over recent events in Ukraine?

"In short, at stake is a major clash between Europe and Russia, a confrontation in which America has taken sides hastily and now expects its allies to follow it as it stumbles further into this European fray.

"The Jewish state, it appears, is politely rejecting this demand.

"THERE WAS a brief moment during Israel’s infancy when it toyed with the idea of assuming a policy of neutrality between East and West.

"That quest quickly proved unrealistic, as the Arab states loomed prominently in what became the nonaligned bloc, while the Jewish state could fit nowhere but in the West, whether in terms of its ideals, economy or diplomacy.

"That is why even during the Korean War, when David Ben-Gurion turned down a request to send troops to fight alongside the US-led international force, Israel did send the South medicines and food, even though the Jewish state was at the time so strapped that it rationed bread, milk and eggs..."

What's changed?

"Today’s situation is different in just about every aspect.

"First, Russia is not anti-Israel.

"Not only are relations between Jerusalem and Moscow normal, in many ways they are even warm.

"Traffic between the two countries is free and hectic, Russia has become Israel’s major oil supplier, it is a potentially deep destination for Israeli exports and the two countries are in the process of finalizing a free-trade agreement.

"Then there is the Jewish aspect.

"Though a million Jews have left, both Russia and Ukraine remain home to sizable Jewish communities.

"According to last year’s World Jewish Population Survey there were 255,000 Jews in Russia and Ukraine, about a quarter of them in Ukraine."

Middle East: Can Israel be neutral on Ukraine? | JPost | Israel News

Poor Comrade George, still obsessing over his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Why would a person sitting in his apartment worry about what people in Israel think about the Ukraine? Is what people think in Israel affecting Comrade George in any way? Instead of obsessing over Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, there are posters actually reading news about the Ukraine which don't even mention the Jews, such as:

Russia cites economic fallout from Crimea annexation - latimes.com

AOL.com Article - Putin admits Russian soldiers were in Crimea, slams West for role in Ukraine crisis

Ukraine Submits Proof Of Russian Covert Action | Eurasia Review

Putin: Russia may invade Ukraine to protect locals - latimes.com
Ha$bara $ally proves once again she's always ready to discuss anything except the current topic; maybe that's why ha$bara finds her so u$eful to I$rael?

"Bored by life in the opposition and missing his previous career’s action, Moshe Dayan decided to go to Vietnam, take a close look at what then was the world’s only major war, and report his impressions in several newspapers.

"The Americans – still confident of their victory – rolled out the red carpet for the celebrated general as he landed in Saigon, showing him whatever he wished, from close-range fighting to large-scale deployments, and showering him with briefings, tours and dinners with assorted generals, including the war’s commander, Gen. William Westmoreland.

"Jerusalem, however, was less enthusiastic.

"Responding to protestations in the Knesset, even from Dayan’s own Rafi faction, over a famous Israeli personality arguably taking sides in the conflict, foreign minister Abba Eban told the plenary he could not stop a private citizen from traveling wherever he wished.

"The Jewish state, however, had elaborate and sensitive interests in Asia, and 'would welcome any effort that would lead to opening negotiations for a settlement of just peace in this conflict.'”

We can only wonder if $ally will respond to the similarities between Ukraine and Vietnam for the US and Israel, or if she will perform her usual vapid trick of deflection.

Middle East: Can Israel be neutral on Ukraine? | JPost | Israel News

Comrade George, you don't have to advertise with your use of dollar signs that you are short of money. I can take up a collection for you if you want. I am sure someone can find the only non Hispanic guy living in the Pico Union area of L.A. All someone has to ask is "Donde esta el Gringo Jorge?"

Meanwhile, no doubt many of the readers have picked up that Comrade Georgie desperately needs a scapegiat so he digs through to find what he can post about his scapegoat. Naturally, others read articles with what is happening, articles which don't drag in Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

AOL.com Article - Putin to Obama: Russia not behind Ukraine protests

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