Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine

"Christopher Black, a leading international criminal lawyer based in Toronto, clearly defines the possible endgame, for this report: 'The Ukraine is the latest theatre of operations in the world war that erupted with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the drive thereafter by the West to dominate world resources and markets.

"'The first theaters of operation in this global war were Africa and Yugoslavia.

"'In Africa, America ejected France from Central Africa and turned Rwanda into a military state used to maintain a state of deadly chaos in the Great Lakes region of Africa.'

"The destruction of Yugoslavia during the same period culminated in the final brutal NATO attack of 1999 and the overthrow of Milosevic in 2001, Black says.

"In rapid succession the NATO states attacked Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, then Libya and Syria.

"The ultimate target of these wars is, of course, Russia and its vast resources, and those countries such as China, Iran, and of Latin America that insist on maintaining their independence and sovereignty."

?Intellectuals standing ground on Ukrainian issue ? RT Op-Edge

Let's see what is happening according to today's news..........

AOL.com Article - Amid Russia warning, Ukraine is in a security bind

This is pretty silly of Putin to claim this. Maybe even Comrade George will think it is silly, especially since Comrade George makes good use of the Internet to find his various sites such as the one he just posted above.

AOL.com Article - Russia's Putin calls the Internet a 'CIA project'
"If our interests, our legitimate interests, the interests of Russians have been attacked directly, like they were in South Ossetia, I do not see any other way but to respond in full accordance with international law,' Lavrov said, referring to the 2008 war that led to the breaking away of the Georgian republic of South Ossetia."

Do you actually believe Putin will allow NATO and the EU to plunder Ukraine in the same way as Libya and Yugoslavia?

AOL.com Article - Amid Russia warning, Ukraine is in a security bind

You don't think the Russians are smart enough to use the Internet to attack others, Comrade George? With all the smart people living in Russia, I am sure they have figured out a way. Looks at all the smart Russians here in Silicon Valley. There must be loads of them left in Russia.

It is amusing, yet pathetic, to see others always claiming that America does this and America does that to try to put the blame on America for something or other.
Let's see what is happening according to today's news..........

AOL.com Article - Amid Russia warning, Ukraine is in a security bind

This is pretty silly of Putin to claim this. Maybe even Comrade George will think it is silly, especially since Comrade George makes good use of the Internet to find his various sites such as the one he just posted above.

AOL.com Article - Russia's Putin calls the Internet a 'CIA project'
"If our interests, our legitimate interests, the interests of Russians have been attacked directly, like they were in South Ossetia, I do not see any other way but to respond in full accordance with international law,' Lavrov said, referring to the 2008 war that led to the breaking away of the Georgian republic of South Ossetia."

Do you actually believe Putin will allow NATO and the EU to plunder Ukraine in the same way as Libya and Yugoslavia?

AOL.com Article - Amid Russia warning, Ukraine is in a security bind

You don't think the Russians are smart enough to use the Internet to attack others, Comrade George? With all the smart people living in Russia, I am sure they have figured out a way. Looks at all the smart Russians here in Silicon Valley. There must be loads of them left in Russia.

It is amusing, yet pathetic, to see others always claiming that America does this and America does that to try to put the blame on America for something or other.
It isn't Russians, smart or otherwise, who have destabilized Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria over the past 20 years, is it?
"If our interests, our legitimate interests, the interests of Russians have been attacked directly, like they were in South Ossetia, I do not see any other way but to respond in full accordance with international law,' Lavrov said, referring to the 2008 war that led to the breaking away of the Georgian republic of South Ossetia."

Do you actually believe Putin will allow NATO and the EU to plunder Ukraine in the same way as Libya and Yugoslavia?

AOL.com Article - Amid Russia warning, Ukraine is in a security bind

You don't think the Russians are smart enough to use the Internet to attack others, Comrade George? With all the smart people living in Russia, I am sure they have figured out a way. Looks at all the smart Russians here in Silicon Valley. There must be loads of them left in Russia.

It is amusing, yet pathetic, to see others always claiming that America does this and America does that to try to put the blame on America for something or other
It isn't Russians, smart or otherwise, who have destabilized Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria over the past 20 years, is it?

Trying once again to blame the U.S. while enjoying the many perks this country has given a layabout like you? There are many people around the world who would be glad to take your place if given the chance. Meanwhile, my latest news........

AOL.com Article - Ukraine forces kill up to five rebels, Russia nears border

AOL.com Article - Ukraine forces kill up to five rebels, Russia nears border

Poll: Vast majority of Ukrainians oppose Russian intervention - latimes.com

Ukraine says it cleared pro-Russia gunmen from eastern town - latimes.com
You don't think the Russians are smart enough to use the Internet to attack others, Comrade George? With all the smart people living in Russia, I am sure they have figured out a way. Looks at all the smart Russians here in Silicon Valley. There must be loads of them left in Russia.

It is amusing, yet pathetic, to see others always claiming that America does this and America does that to try to put the blame on America for something or other
It isn't Russians, smart or otherwise, who have destabilized Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria over the past 20 years, is it?

Trying once again to blame the U.S. while enjoying the many perks this country has given a layabout like you? There are many people around the world who would be glad to take your place if given the chance. Meanwhile, my latest news........

AOL.com Article - Ukraine forces kill up to five rebels, Russia nears border

AOL.com Article - Ukraine forces kill up to five rebels, Russia nears border

Poll: Vast majority of Ukrainians oppose Russian intervention - latimes.com

Ukraine says it cleared pro-Russia gunmen from eastern town - latimes.com
You're not too good at separating history from propaganda, are you?

"The (propaganda) picture painted is one of a crisis in which ravening Russia is intent on invading the 12 former republics and six satellite countries that became independent when the Soviet Union collapsed almost a quarter of a century ago.

"Just why it would commit economic suicide by trying to do this is not explained.

"As Jacob Hornberger of the Future of Freedom Foundation points out, 'You won’t read how the US national-security state refused to dismantle NATO at the end of the Cold War. Or about how NATO has, in violation of US promises to Russia, expanded its membership to include the Eastern European and Baltic countries that once formed part of the Warsaw Pact.'”

Is it surprising those who support Israel's crimes in Palestine also lie about NATO's provocations in Ukraine?

NATO?s Happy Days » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
It isn't Russians, smart or otherwise, who have destabilized Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria over the past 20 years, is it?

Trying once again to blame the U.S. while enjoying the many perks this country has given a layabout like you? There are many people around the world who would be glad to take your place if given the chance. Meanwhile, my latest news........

AOL.com Article - Ukraine forces kill up to five rebels, Russia nears border

AOL.com Article - Ukraine forces kill up to five rebels, Russia nears border

Poll: Vast majority of Ukrainians oppose Russian intervention - latimes.com

Ukraine says it cleared pro-Russia gunmen from eastern town - latimes.com
You're not too good at separating history from propaganda, are you?

"The (propaganda) picture painted is one of a crisis in which ravening Russia is intent on invading the 12 former republics and six satellite countries that became independent when the Soviet Union collapsed almost a quarter of a century ago.

"Just why it would commit economic suicide by trying to do this is not explained.

"As Jacob Hornberger of the Future of Freedom Foundation points out, 'You won’t read how the US national-security state refused to dismantle NATO at the end of the Cold War. Or about how NATO has, in violation of US promises to Russia, expanded its membership to include the Eastern European and Baltic countries that once formed part of the Warsaw Pact.'”

Is it surprising those who support Israel's crimes in Palestine also lie about NATO's provocations in Ukraine?

NATO?s Happy Days » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Why, Comrade George, I hope I don't have to run to Socialist sites that you have used umpteenth times, just like you kept using that Sociast Web Site I do like to get opinions and analysis pieces from different people who have studied the matter.


Ukraine Crisis: Challenge To European Security Regime - Analysis | Eurasia Review

Trying once again to blame the U.S. while enjoying the many perks this country has given a layabout like you? There are many people around the world who would be glad to take your place if given the chance. Meanwhile, my latest news........

AOL.com Article - Ukraine forces kill up to five rebels, Russia nears border

AOL.com Article - Ukraine forces kill up to five rebels, Russia nears border

Poll: Vast majority of Ukrainians oppose Russian intervention - latimes.com

Ukraine says it cleared pro-Russia gunmen from eastern town - latimes.com
You're not too good at separating history from propaganda, are you?

"The (propaganda) picture painted is one of a crisis in which ravening Russia is intent on invading the 12 former republics and six satellite countries that became independent when the Soviet Union collapsed almost a quarter of a century ago.

"Just why it would commit economic suicide by trying to do this is not explained.

"As Jacob Hornberger of the Future of Freedom Foundation points out, 'You won’t read how the US national-security state refused to dismantle NATO at the end of the Cold War. Or about how NATO has, in violation of US promises to Russia, expanded its membership to include the Eastern European and Baltic countries that once formed part of the Warsaw Pact.'”

Is it surprising those who support Israel's crimes in Palestine also lie about NATO's provocations in Ukraine?

NATO?s Happy Days » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Why, Comrade George, I hope I don't have to run to Socialist sites that you have used umpteenth times, just like you kept using that Sociast Web Site I do like to get opinions and analysis pieces from different people who have studied the matter.

China's Little Known Security Stakes In Ukraine - Analysis | Eurasia Review

Ukraine Crisis: Challenge To European Security Regime - Analysis | Eurasia Review

Putin?s Dilemma - OpEd | Eurasia Review
"China late last year concluded a deal to farm three million hectares of arable Ukrainian land over the span of half a century.

"Under the initial agreement worth $1.7 billion with KSG Agro, Ukraine’s leading agricultural company, 100,000 hectares were slated to be leased to Xinjiang Production and Construction Corp (XPCC), a Chinese quasi-military organization, also known as Bingtuan.

"The leased farmland in Dnipropetrovsk region of eastern Ukraine was to be cultivated principally for crops and raising pigs and the output sold to two Chinese state-owned grain conglomerates at preferential prices.

"Eventually the project size was expected to increase to three million hectares, 50 percent more than China’s own agricultural land – becoming China’s largest overseas project involving farmland."

Hard to say how the EU and Cargill will feel about that?

China's Little Known Security Stakes In Ukraine - Analysis | Eurasia Review
You don't think the Russians are smart enough to use the Internet to attack others, Comrade George? With all the smart people living in Russia, I am sure they have figured out a way. Looks at all the smart Russians here in Silicon Valley. There must be loads of them left in Russia.

It is amusing, yet pathetic, to see others always claiming that America does this and America does that to try to put the blame on America for something or other
It isn't Russians, smart or otherwise, who have destabilized Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria over the past 20 years, is it?

Trying once again to blame the U.S. while enjoying the many perks this country has given a layabout like you? There are many people around the world who would be glad to take your place if given the chance. Meanwhile, my latest news........

AOL.com Article - Ukraine forces kill up to five rebels, Russia nears border

AOL.com Article - Ukraine forces kill up to five rebels, Russia nears border

Poll: Vast majority of Ukrainians oppose Russian intervention - latimes.com

Ukraine says it cleared pro-Russia gunmen from eastern town - latimes.com

I WOULDN'T because live in Paradise........anyhow,some of you guys are Gun Mad, Badder than Bad,and SADDER AND MADDER THAN GLAD:mad::cuckoo::eek:.........:D
You're not too good at separating history from propaganda, are you?

"The (propaganda) picture painted is one of a crisis in which ravening Russia is intent on invading the 12 former republics and six satellite countries that became independent when the Soviet Union collapsed almost a quarter of a century ago.

"Just why it would commit economic suicide by trying to do this is not explained.

"As Jacob Hornberger of the Future of Freedom Foundation points out, 'You won’t read how the US national-security state refused to dismantle NATO at the end of the Cold War. Or about how NATO has, in violation of US promises to Russia, expanded its membership to include the Eastern European and Baltic countries that once formed part of the Warsaw Pact.'”

Is it surprising those who support Israel's crimes in Palestine also lie about NATO's provocations in Ukraine?

NATO?s Happy Days » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Why, Comrade George, I hope I don't have to run to Socialist sites that you have used umpteenth times, just like you kept using that Sociast Web Site I do like to get opinions and analysis pieces from different people who have studied the matter.

China's Little Known Security Stakes In Ukraine - Analysis | Eurasia Review

Ukraine Crisis: Challenge To European Security Regime - Analysis | Eurasia Review

Putin?s Dilemma - OpEd | Eurasia Review
"China late last year concluded a deal to farm three million hectares of arable Ukrainian land over the span of half a century.

"Under the initial agreement worth $1.7 billion with KSG Agro, Ukraine’s leading agricultural company, 100,000 hectares were slated to be leased to Xinjiang Production and Construction Corp (XPCC), a Chinese quasi-military organization, also known as Bingtuan.

"The leased farmland in Dnipropetrovsk region of eastern Ukraine was to be cultivated principally for crops and raising pigs and the output sold to two Chinese state-owned grain conglomerates at preferential prices.

"Eventually the project size was expected to increase to three million hectares, 50 percent more than China’s own agricultural land – becoming China’s largest overseas project involving farmland."

Hard to say how the EU and Cargill will feel about that?

China's Little Known Security Stakes In Ukraine - Analysis | Eurasia Review

The Chinese are proposing the same sort of thing in Ausland on 100 year leases,the Eastern Ukraine is one of the most fertile regions on earth.....and was/is know as the Bread Basket of Europe. Saying that Australia produces the Best Wheat in the World......and unlike the US is not Government SUBCIDISED,like most of your Agriculture:D


Proving that Palestine had exported their Agriculture around the world including Dates,Jaffa Oranges..........and there was not a Zionist IT SIGHT.........YOU KNOW THE ZIONISTS,THEY INSIST AND TEACH THEIR CHILDREN THAT>>>>>>>>NO ONE LIVED IN PALESTINE PRIOR TO 1948......it was BOLLOCKS THEN and IS ZIONIST BOLLOCKTREY TODAY<<<<<<<<<<I am theliq,keeping the Bastards HONEST.......
Last edited:
Why, Comrade George, I hope I don't have to run to Socialist sites that you have used umpteenth times, just like you kept using that Sociast Web Site I do like to get opinions and analysis pieces from different people who have studied the matter.

China's Little Known Security Stakes In Ukraine - Analysis | Eurasia Review

Ukraine Crisis: Challenge To European Security Regime - Analysis | Eurasia Review

Putin?s Dilemma - OpEd | Eurasia Review
"China late last year concluded a deal to farm three million hectares of arable Ukrainian land over the span of half a century.

"Under the initial agreement worth $1.7 billion with KSG Agro, Ukraine’s leading agricultural company, 100,000 hectares were slated to be leased to Xinjiang Production and Construction Corp (XPCC), a Chinese quasi-military organization, also known as Bingtuan.

"The leased farmland in Dnipropetrovsk region of eastern Ukraine was to be cultivated principally for crops and raising pigs and the output sold to two Chinese state-owned grain conglomerates at preferential prices.

"Eventually the project size was expected to increase to three million hectares, 50 percent more than China’s own agricultural land – becoming China’s largest overseas project involving farmland."

Hard to say how the EU and Cargill will feel about that?

China's Little Known Security Stakes In Ukraine - Analysis | Eurasia Review

The Chinese are proposing the same sort of thing in Ausland on 100 year leases,the Eastern Ukraine is one of the most fertile regions on earth.....and was/is know as the Bread Basket of Europe. Saying that Australia produces the Best Wheat in the World......and unlike the US is not Government SUBCIDISED,like most of your Agriculture:D


Proving that Palestine had exported their Agriculture around the world including Dates,Jaffa Oranges..........and there was not a Zionist IT SIGHT.........YOU KNOW THE ZIONISTS,THEY INSIST AND TEACH THEIR CHILDREN THAT>>>>>>>>NO ONE LIVED IN PALESTINE PRIOR TO 1948......it was BOLLOCKS THEN and IS ZIONIST BOLLOCKTREY TODAY<<<<<<<<<<I am theliq,keeping the Bastards HONEST.......

I have to disagree with you there, Stevie. There was always a Jewish presence in the Holy Land, and the Jews were known as the Palestinians. If you called an Arab a Palestinian, you were insulting him that he was a Jew. They just called themselves Arabs or Syrians. Strange how Stevie never concerns himself with the all the innocent people the Muslims have murdered and are still murdering in the rest of the Middle East. All those dead bodies apparently mean nothing to him because he can't drag "the Zionists" into the equation. It doesn't take a member of MENSA to figure out why this is. You know where you can stick your "bastard" label, Stevie. And to keep yourself honest, Stevie, why not see what the Muslims think about an Infidel like you. I would imagine they would have very, very colorful words to describe a Dhimmi like you.

It isn't Russians, smart or otherwise, who have destabilized Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria over the past 20 years, is it?

Trying once again to blame the U.S. while enjoying the many perks this country has given a layabout like you? There are many people around the world who would be glad to take your place if given the chance. Meanwhile, my latest news........

AOL.com Article - Ukraine forces kill up to five rebels, Russia nears border

AOL.com Article - Ukraine forces kill up to five rebels, Russia nears border

Poll: Vast majority of Ukrainians oppose Russian intervention - latimes.com

Ukraine says it cleared pro-Russia gunmen from eastern town - latimes.com

I WOULDN'T because live in Paradise........anyhow,some of you guys are Gun Mad, Badder than Bad,and SADDER AND MADDER THAN GLAD:mad::cuckoo::eek:.........:D

Is anyone asking you to live here, Stevie? However, no matter how you want to think about your own country, which is of course your prerogative, your country is slowly, slowly changing due to immigration. For all you know, in no time at all, the new immigrants will be clamoring for Sharia Law. Some of us do read the articles about Australia and it really is not the bed or roses you want to portray to the readers.
You're not too good at separating history from propaganda, are you?

"The (propaganda) picture painted is one of a crisis in which ravening Russia is intent on invading the 12 former republics and six satellite countries that became independent when the Soviet Union collapsed almost a quarter of a century ago.

"Just why it would commit economic suicide by trying to do this is not explained.

"As Jacob Hornberger of the Future of Freedom Foundation points out, 'You won’t read how the US national-security state refused to dismantle NATO at the end of the Cold War. Or about how NATO has, in violation of US promises to Russia, expanded its membership to include the Eastern European and Baltic countries that once formed part of the Warsaw Pact.'”

Is it surprising those who support Israel's crimes in Palestine also lie about NATO's provocations in Ukraine?

NATO?s Happy Days » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Why, Comrade George, I hope I don't have to run to Socialist sites that you have used umpteenth times, just like you kept using that Sociast Web Site I do like to get opinions and analysis pieces from different people who have studied the matter.

China's Little Known Security Stakes In Ukraine - Analysis | Eurasia Review

Ukraine Crisis: Challenge To European Security Regime - Analysis | Eurasia Review

Putin?s Dilemma - OpEd | Eurasia Review
"China late last year concluded a deal to farm three million hectares of arable Ukrainian land over the span of half a century.

"Under the initial agreement worth $1.7 billion with KSG Agro, Ukraine’s leading agricultural company, 100,000 hectares were slated to be leased to Xinjiang Production and Construction Corp (XPCC), a Chinese quasi-military organization, also known as Bingtuan.

"The leased farmland in Dnipropetrovsk region of eastern Ukraine was to be cultivated principally for crops and raising pigs and the output sold to two Chinese state-owned grain conglomerates at preferential prices.

"Eventually the project size was expected to increase to three million hectares, 50 percent more than China’s own agricultural land – becoming China’s largest overseas project involving farmland."

Hard to say how the EU and Cargill will feel about that?

China's Little Known Security Stakes In Ukraine - Analysis | Eurasia Review

But, Comrade George, let's face facts. The Chinese are busy in many areas of the world. Do you really think that are ignoring the Los Angeles area? I was thinking you might get a little part-time job working for one of their business ventures. Why not read the Business Section and see what is going on locally with respect to the Chinese?
"China late last year concluded a deal to farm three million hectares of arable Ukrainian land over the span of half a century.

"Under the initial agreement worth $1.7 billion with KSG Agro, Ukraine&#8217;s leading agricultural company, 100,000 hectares were slated to be leased to Xinjiang Production and Construction Corp (XPCC), a Chinese quasi-military organization, also known as Bingtuan.

"The leased farmland in Dnipropetrovsk region of eastern Ukraine was to be cultivated principally for crops and raising pigs and the output sold to two Chinese state-owned grain conglomerates at preferential prices.

"Eventually the project size was expected to increase to three million hectares, 50 percent more than China&#8217;s own agricultural land &#8211; becoming China&#8217;s largest overseas project involving farmland."

Hard to say how the EU and Cargill will feel about that?

China's Little Known Security Stakes In Ukraine - Analysis | Eurasia Review

The Chinese are proposing the same sort of thing in Ausland on 100 year leases,the Eastern Ukraine is one of the most fertile regions on earth.....and was/is know as the Bread Basket of Europe. Saying that Australia produces the Best Wheat in the World......and unlike the US is not Government SUBCIDISED,like most of your Agriculture:D


Proving that Palestine had exported their Agriculture around the world including Dates,Jaffa Oranges..........and there was not a Zionist IT SIGHT.........YOU KNOW THE ZIONISTS,THEY INSIST AND TEACH THEIR CHILDREN THAT>>>>>>>>NO ONE LIVED IN PALESTINE PRIOR TO 1948......it was BOLLOCKS THEN and IS ZIONIST BOLLOCKTREY TODAY<<<<<<<<<<I am theliq,keeping the Bastards HONEST.......

I have to disagree with you there, Stevie. There was always a Jewish presence in the Holy Land, and the Jews were known as the Palestinians. If you called an Arab a Palestinian, you were insulting him that he was a Jew. They just called themselves Arabs or Syrians. Strange how Stevie never concerns himself with the all the innocent people the Muslims have murdered and are still murdering in the rest of the Middle East. All those dead bodies apparently mean nothing to him because he can't drag "the Zionists" into the equation. It doesn't take a member of MENSA to figure out why this is. You know where you can stick your "bastard" label, Stevie. And to keep yourself honest, Stevie, why not see what the Muslims think about an Infidel like you. I would imagine they would have very, very colorful words to describe a Dhimmi like you.


Yep a few Jews were in Palestine since the Roman times and they were treated well and lived harmoniously..until the influx of Illegal Jewish Immigrants began to flood into Palestine.in the 1920's..where as everywhere else in the world they were mainly banished,murdered and eliminated(except in Spain under the Muslim Moors):D

Funny you should bring up MENSA because for a Non-Brainer like you, would have known that over 18,000+(over 6700 Children)Palestinians have been murdered/killed since 1948 compared to circa 6000 Jews!!!!!!!!As I have said to you Sally "You know not the minute,nor the hour."

This does not include the time prior to 1948 when 100,000's of thousands of Palestinians were murdered and forcibly removed from the homes and banished into exile....their towns and villages being then RAZED to the ground by the Zionists.....FACT.

No you carry on Sal....streaming your Zionist Terrorist Doctrine and Bullshit.

But I and the World see through your VEILED WORLD OF UNREALITY:D Just get use to it,your craving for sympathy is now PASSED IT 'S USE BY DATE.
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The Chinese are proposing the same sort of thing in Ausland on 100 year leases,the Eastern Ukraine is one of the most fertile regions on earth.....and was/is know as the Bread Basket of Europe. Saying that Australia produces the Best Wheat in the World......and unlike the US is not Government SUBCIDISED,like most of your Agriculture:D


Proving that Palestine had exported their Agriculture around the world including Dates,Jaffa Oranges..........and there was not a Zionist IT SIGHT.........YOU KNOW THE ZIONISTS,THEY INSIST AND TEACH THEIR CHILDREN THAT>>>>>>>>NO ONE LIVED IN PALESTINE PRIOR TO 1948......it was BOLLOCKS THEN and IS ZIONIST BOLLOCKTREY TODAY<<<<<<<<<<I am theliq,keeping the Bastards HONEST.......

I have to disagree with you there, Stevie. There was always a Jewish presence in the Holy Land, and the Jews were known as the Palestinians. If you called an Arab a Palestinian, you were insulting him that he was a Jew. They just called themselves Arabs or Syrians. Strange how Stevie never concerns himself with the all the innocent people the Muslims have murdered and are still murdering in the rest of the Middle East. All those dead bodies apparently mean nothing to him because he can't drag "the Zionists" into the equation. It doesn't take a member of MENSA to figure out why this is. You know where you can stick your "bastard" label, Stevie. And to keep yourself honest, Stevie, why not see what the Muslims think about an Infidel like you. I would imagine they would have very, very colorful words to describe a Dhimmi like you.


Yep a few Jews were in Palestine since the Roman times and they were treated well and lived harmoniously..until the influx of Illegal Jewish Immigrants began to flood into Palestine.in the 1920's..where as everywhere else in the world they were mainly banished,murdered and eliminated(except in Spain under the Muslim Moors):D

Funny you should bring up MENSA because for a Non-Brainer like you, would have known that over 18,000+(over 6700 Children)Palestinians have been murdered/killed since 1948 compared to circa 6000 Jews!!!!!!!!As I have said to you Sally "You know not the minute,nor the hour."

This does not include the time prior to 1948 when 100,000's of thousands of Palestinians were murdered and forcibly removed from the homes and banished into exile....their towns and villages being then RAZED to the ground by the Zionists.....FACT.

No you carry on Sal....streaming your Zionist Terrorist Doctrine and Bullshit.

But I and the World see through your VEILED WORLD OF UNREALITY:D Just get use to it,your craving for sympathy is now PASSED IT 'S USE BY DATE.

You are a fraud, Stevie. If you were so concerned with children who are killed, you certainly would be on a forum mentioning the thousands and thouands of children in Syria (both Muslims and Christians) who have been killed just in the last three years. In addition you would be concerned about the Coptic Christian children who have been killed by members of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Assyrian children killed by suicide bombers in Iraq. We will not even go into the Shia and Ahmadiyya children killed by suicide and car bombers in Pakistan. That you just want to concentrate on one tiny area of the world tells an awful lot about you, Stevie, but you are too dense to realize this so you continue with your b.s. facts,
I have to disagree with you there, Stevie. There was always a Jewish presence in the Holy Land, and the Jews were known as the Palestinians. If you called an Arab a Palestinian, you were insulting him that he was a Jew. They just called themselves Arabs or Syrians. Strange how Stevie never concerns himself with the all the innocent people the Muslims have murdered and are still murdering in the rest of the Middle East. All those dead bodies apparently mean nothing to him because he can't drag "the Zionists" into the equation. It doesn't take a member of MENSA to figure out why this is. You know where you can stick your "bastard" label, Stevie. And to keep yourself honest, Stevie, why not see what the Muslims think about an Infidel like you. I would imagine they would have very, very colorful words to describe a Dhimmi like you.


Yep a few Jews were in Palestine since the Roman times and they were treated well and lived harmoniously..until the influx of Illegal Jewish Immigrants began to flood into Palestine.in the 1920's..where as everywhere else in the world they were mainly banished,murdered and eliminated(except in Spain under the Muslim Moors):D

Funny you should bring up MENSA because for a Non-Brainer like you, would have known that over 18,000+(over 6700 Children)Palestinians have been murdered/killed since 1948 compared to circa 6000 Jews!!!!!!!!As I have said to you Sally "You know not the minute,nor the hour."

This does not include the time prior to 1948 when 100,000's of thousands of Palestinians were murdered and forcibly removed from the homes and banished into exile....their towns and villages being then RAZED to the ground by the Zionists.....FACT.

No you carry on Sal....streaming your Zionist Terrorist Doctrine and Bullshit.

But I and the World see through your VEILED WORLD OF UNREALITY:D Just get use to it,your craving for sympathy is now PASSED IT 'S USE BY DATE.

You are a fraud, Stevie. If you were so concerned with children who are killed, you certainly would be on a forum mentioning the thousands and thouands of children in Syria (both Muslims and Christians) who have been killed just in the last three years. In addition you would be concerned about the Coptic Christian children who have been killed by members of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Assyrian children killed by suicide bombers in Iraq. We will not even go into the Shia and Ahmadiyya children killed by suicide and car bombers in Pakistan. That you just want to concentrate on one tiny area of the world tells an awful lot about you, Stevie, but you are too dense to realize this so you continue with your b.s. facts,

No fraud,just mentioning how the Palestinians have been treated by the Jews,Zionists and Israelis......if you find the truth too hard to deal with and cannot accept these piquant situations.....You become a bit of a bore.

The Syrian conflict is another dreadful situation but for me this is not the forum.......I will gladly give you my exposea at another time if you wish,let me know......Assyrians were a people from 1500/2000 odd years before Christ who had an empire from Turkey,Iraq and todays Syria......Who were so advanced,in writing and mathematics etc.,which the Greeks tried to say were their inventions....so who are your Assyians yo speak of?.

You can't play games with me....I note with my usual disgust that you never denied what was in my post....of course you didn't because you are the Guilty....not only that you have a selective memory when it suits YOU...typical Zionist Terrorist....I'm RIGHT,of course I am,I always am..........but try to deflect your Guiltiness by dragging in other conflicts,not relevant to this POST....:D..I suggest you should shut your mouth:eusa_silenced::cuckoo:on matters you are completely ignorant about

Why is there no LOVE in your world Sal,no :smiliehug:at all
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"China late last year concluded a deal to farm three million hectares of arable Ukrainian land over the span of half a century.

"Under the initial agreement worth $1.7 billion with KSG Agro, Ukraine’s leading agricultural company, 100,000 hectares were slated to be leased to Xinjiang Production and Construction Corp (XPCC), a Chinese quasi-military organization, also known as Bingtuan.

"The leased farmland in Dnipropetrovsk region of eastern Ukraine was to be cultivated principally for crops and raising pigs and the output sold to two Chinese state-owned grain conglomerates at preferential prices.

"Eventually the project size was expected to increase to three million hectares, 50 percent more than China’s own agricultural land – becoming China’s largest overseas project involving farmland."

Hard to say how the EU and Cargill will feel about that?

China's Little Known Security Stakes In Ukraine - Analysis | Eurasia Review

The Chinese are proposing the same sort of thing in Ausland on 100 year leases,the Eastern Ukraine is one of the most fertile regions on earth.....and was/is know as the Bread Basket of Europe. Saying that Australia produces the Best Wheat in the World......and unlike the US is not Government SUBCIDISED,like most of your Agriculture:D


Proving that Palestine had exported their Agriculture around the world including Dates,Jaffa Oranges..........and there was not a Zionist IT SIGHT.........YOU KNOW THE ZIONISTS,THEY INSIST AND TEACH THEIR CHILDREN THAT>>>>>>>>NO ONE LIVED IN PALESTINE PRIOR TO 1948......it was BOLLOCKS THEN and IS ZIONIST BOLLOCKTREY TODAY<<<<<<<<<<I am theliq,keeping the Bastards HONEST.......

I have to disagree with you there, Stevie. There was always a Jewish presence in the Holy Land, and the Jews were known as the Palestinians. If you called an Arab a Palestinian, you were insulting him that he was a Jew. They just called themselves Arabs or Syrians. Strange how Stevie never concerns himself with the all the innocent people the Muslims have murdered and are still murdering in the rest of the Middle East. All those dead bodies apparently mean nothing to him because he can't drag "the Zionists" into the equation. It doesn't take a member of MENSA to figure out why this is. You know where you can stick your "bastard" label, Stevie. And to keep yourself honest, Stevie, why not see what the Muslims think about an Infidel like you. I would imagine they would have very, very colorful words to describe a Dhimmi like you.

How many Jews lived in Palestine in 1890?
How much wheat did Jews produce without Arab labor?
What percentage of Jews supported Zionism at that time?
The Chinese are proposing the same sort of thing in Ausland on 100 year leases,the Eastern Ukraine is one of the most fertile regions on earth.....and was/is know as the Bread Basket of Europe. Saying that Australia produces the Best Wheat in the World......and unlike the US is not Government SUBCIDISED,like most of your Agriculture:D


Proving that Palestine had exported their Agriculture around the world including Dates,Jaffa Oranges..........and there was not a Zionist IT SIGHT.........YOU KNOW THE ZIONISTS,THEY INSIST AND TEACH THEIR CHILDREN THAT>>>>>>>>NO ONE LIVED IN PALESTINE PRIOR TO 1948......it was BOLLOCKS THEN and IS ZIONIST BOLLOCKTREY TODAY<<<<<<<<<<I am theliq,keeping the Bastards HONEST.......

I have to disagree with you there, Stevie. There was always a Jewish presence in the Holy Land, and the Jews were known as the Palestinians. If you called an Arab a Palestinian, you were insulting him that he was a Jew. They just called themselves Arabs or Syrians. Strange how Stevie never concerns himself with the all the innocent people the Muslims have murdered and are still murdering in the rest of the Middle East. All those dead bodies apparently mean nothing to him because he can't drag "the Zionists" into the equation. It doesn't take a member of MENSA to figure out why this is. You know where you can stick your "bastard" label, Stevie. And to keep yourself honest, Stevie, why not see what the Muslims think about an Infidel like you. I would imagine they would have very, very colorful words to describe a Dhimmi like you.


How many Jews lived in Palestine in 1890?
How much wheat did Jews produce without Arab labor?
What percentage of Jews supported Zionism at that time?

Don't be a fool, Comrade George. It is quite obvious to anyone who has a head on their shoulders that you and Stevie are using these Arabs as pawns. If you two truly cared about the Arabs (and we know that the Arab world is much, much larger than that tiny dot that is Israel), you would also be posting about what is happening to the innocent Arabvs (both Christians and Muslims) who are being murdered in this vast Arab world. That you are silent about these unfortunate Arabs tells an awful lot about you. You and Stevie have never posted anything that has been happening in the vast Arab world -- nothing about Egypt, nothing about Syria, nothing about Yemen, etc. You two are only focused on one thing and certainly don't care what atrocities the innocent Arabs have been facing in the Arab world in general.
I have to disagree with you there, Stevie. There was always a Jewish presence in the Holy Land, and the Jews were known as the Palestinians. If you called an Arab a Palestinian, you were insulting him that he was a Jew. They just called themselves Arabs or Syrians. Strange how Stevie never concerns himself with the all the innocent people the Muslims have murdered and are still murdering in the rest of the Middle East. All those dead bodies apparently mean nothing to him because he can't drag "the Zionists" into the equation. It doesn't take a member of MENSA to figure out why this is. You know where you can stick your "bastard" label, Stevie. And to keep yourself honest, Stevie, why not see what the Muslims think about an Infidel like you. I would imagine they would have very, very colorful words to describe a Dhimmi like you.


How many Jews lived in Palestine in 1890?
How much wheat did Jews produce without Arab labor?
What percentage of Jews supported Zionism at that time?

Don't be a fool, Comrade George. It is quite obvious to anyone who has a head on their shoulders that you and Stevie are using these Arabs as pawns. If you two truly cared about the Arabs (and we know that the Arab world is much, much larger than that tiny dot that is Israel), you would also be posting about what is happening to the innocent Arabvs (both Christians and Muslims) who are being murdered in this vast Arab world. That you are silent about these unfortunate Arabs tells an awful lot about you. You and Stevie have never posted anything that has been happening in the vast Arab world -- nothing about Egypt, nothing about Syria, nothing about Yemen, etc. You two are only focused on one thing and certainly don't care what atrocities the innocent Arabs have been facing in the Arab world in general.
What was the ratio of Jew to Arab living in Palestine in 1890?
How many Jews lived in Palestine in 1890?
How much wheat did Jews produce without Arab labor?
What percentage of Jews supported Zionism at that time?

Don't be a fool, Comrade George. It is quite obvious to anyone who has a head on their shoulders that you and Stevie are using these Arabs as pawns. If you two truly cared about the Arabs (and we know that the Arab world is much, much larger than that tiny dot that is Israel), you would also be posting about what is happening to the innocent Arabvs (both Christians and Muslims) who are being murdered in this vast Arab world. That you are silent about these unfortunate Arabs tells an awful lot about you. You and Stevie have never posted anything that has been happening in the vast Arab world -- nothing about Egypt, nothing about Syria, nothing about Yemen, etc. You two are only focused on one thing and certainly don't care what atrocities the innocent Arabs have been facing in the Arab world in general.

What was the ratio of Jew to Arab living in Palestine in 1890?

As the readers can see, Comrade George is still obsessed with his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, that he feels he must talk about them on the Europe forum even though he has been posting ad nauseam about this same topic on another forum. Comrade George wants the readers to feel that he actually cares about the Arabs, but is really just using them as his pawns in his fight against his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Tens of thousands of innocent Arabs have been killed in the last three years by other Arabs, and Comrade George doesn't even blink over this. Meanwhile, Comrade George, why not do something different. It would be a change from your blabbering about your favorite scapegoats on forums and would give you a little fun in your life. If an elderly World War II Vet can do it, you can try to drag yourself out of your little apartment and join in with these people. Just stick out your thumb, and eventually someone will give you a lift to this place.

Social dancing can be a lift and a turnaround - latimes.com
The Soviets killed their share of the Jews, so their claims today looking out for the Jews is laughable. They are using it as cover for their evil actions enslaving the Jews and every other Ukrainian...in Ukraine.

It would be as if Mexico sent into their criminals, special forces and spies into Texas to "protect" Mexicans while claiming they are also there to protect blacks from the KKK....when in reality they intend on making Texas a part of Mexico and forcing blacks and whites there to move or become Mexicans.
The Soviets killed their share of the Jews, so their claims today looking out for the Jews is laughable. They are using it as cover for their evil actions enslaving the Jews and every other Ukrainian...in Ukraine.

It would be as if Mexico sent into their criminals, special forces and spies into Texas to "protect" Mexicans while claiming they are also there to protect blacks from the KKK....when in reality they intend on making Texas a part of Mexico and forcing blacks and whites there to move or become Mexicans.
What Soviets are you hallucinating.
The US conspired with neo-Nazis in Ukraine to topple a corrupt, yet duly elected president.
The resulting regime change produced an illegitimate government that is now threatening to go to war against its own population. Had Putin used compliant politicians and thugs in Mexico in the same way, Fort Hood would be half-way to Yucatan by now, and I'm guessing you would be flapping the flag for that, as well.

BTW, what do you know about JSOC in eastern Ukraine at this very moment?

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