Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine

Comrade George thinks his fellow Commies in Russia have been and still are as pure as the driven snow. If Comrade George had his way, the Jews in the Ukraine would undergo pogrom after pogrom until the Jews, his fellow scapegoats (either by his fellow Commies or the NeoNazis), were all eliminated there.

Ukraine?s anti-Semitism: Real and not new | Opinion | Jewish Journal

No one is advocating the "eliminating" the Jews, in Ukraine or anywhere else.
What we would like to see is the return of the US to it's original form of a Constitutional Republic without all the meddling, interference, and dictating by the scads of Jewish political organizations and lobbies.

In short, we "WASPS" would like to have our country back if you don't mind, or at least have a say so in who and what is to be forced upon us. We don't want a Marxist government or a Jewish plutocracy no matter how wise and wonderful you think Marx was. We don't consider Jonathon Pollard to be a hero the way Jews do. And we don't believe you are gods either.

?Seven countries in five years? - Salon.com

While the Bush White House promotes the possibility of armed conflict with Iran, a tantalizing passage in Wesley Clark’s new memoir suggests that another war is part of a long-planned Department of Defense strategy that anticipated “regime change” by force in no fewer than seven Mideast states. Critics of the war have often voiced suspicions of such imperial schemes, but this is the first time that a high-ranking former military officer has claimed to know that such plans existed.

The existence of that classified memo would certainly cast more dubious light not only on the original decision to invade Iraq because of Saddam Hussein‘s weapons and ambitions but on the current efforts to justify and even instigate military action against Iran.

Clark’s book also describes a telling encounter nearly a decade earlier with neoconservative eminence Paul Wolfowitz, the former deputy secretary of defense under Rumsfeld who resigned under a cloud of scandal from the World Bank last spring. In May 1991, according to Clark, he dropped in for a conversation with Wolfowitz, then the third-ranking civilian in the Pentagon, to congratulate him on the success of the Gulf War.

“We screwed up and left Saddam Hussein in power. The president [then George H.W. Bush] believes he’ll be overthrown by his own people, but I rather doubt it,” he quotes Wolfowitz lamenting. “But we did learn one thing that’s very important. With the end of the Cold War, we can now use our military with impunity. The Soviets won’t come in to block us. And we’ve got five, maybe 10, years to clean up these old Soviet surrogate regimes like Iraq and Syria before the next superpower emerges to challenge us … We could have a little more time, but no one really knows.”

Some have speculated that for a successful strike on Iran, it would be necessary to bottle up Russian access to the sea in the west. This kind of obstruction would serve as a deterrent against Russian interference.

Jewish businessman to run for Ukrainian presidency | JPost | Israel News
Ukrainian Jewish businessman Vadim Rabinovich announced his candidacy for president of Ukraine in the May elections.

Rabinovich, 61, the owner and co-founder of Jewish News One and co-chair of the European Jewish Parliament, made the announcement during an interview Tuesday for the Vesti.ua news website and online radio service.

“I want to debunk the myth that Ukraine is anti-Semitic, which is being spread throughout the world,” he said, referencing allegations by Russian President Vladimir Putin that the revolution over former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych’s perceived pro-Russian policies was being led by “anti-Semites and neo-Nazis.”

“I’m probably the best candidate. We need union, and I am the unifying candidate. I have no particular lust for power, I just want to help the country,” Rabinovich said.

Rabinovich, founder of the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress, told JTA during an interview at his office in October that he became involved in Jewish causes after he turned 40.

In the 1980s, Rabinovich was arrested and sentenced to 14 years in prison for black market ventures, but wound up serving only seven years, according to Korrespondent, a Ukrainian weekly.

Rabinovich says he was jailed on “trumped-up charges,” but the United States still bars his entry as a result, he confirmed to JTA.

Following his release in 1991, Rabinovich began to amass a fortune as a metals dealer. He has donated millions of dollars to Jewish causes, including bringing the Limmud Jewish learning festival to Ukraine.

This the kind of thing that some of us who are accused of being "anti-Semitic" object to.

There's nothing Democratic about (an alleged) 3% of the population lording it over the remaining 97%.
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Behadrey Haredim - News - Jewish oligarch to run for President of Ukraine


Vadim Rabinowitz who heads the Ukrainian Jewish Congress announced yesterday (Tuesday) that he decided to run for president of Ukraine which will take place on May 25, and applied to the local election committee.

Rabinowitz explained at a press conference that he wants to run in order to disprove the thesis disseminated by interested parties on the rising anti-Semitism in Ukraine: "These are lies which cause great harm to the Jewish community in Ukraine," said Rabinowitz.

He also said that he is armed with an economic program which will take the Ukraine out of the economic crisis within a year. He added that he was sure many would support his candidacy for presidency and that is the best candidate for the job because he has no lust for power and the country needs unity now, and he sees himself as a uniting force.

Rabinowitz is a wealthy businessman known for his contributions to Chabad institutions in Russia, and conservation projects in the Jewish tradition in Israel.

Rabinowitz contributed to the golden Menorah installed on stairs leading to the Western Wall, and funded the restoration and construction of the Hurva Synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Chabad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chabad, also known as Habad, Lubavitch, and Chabad-Lubavitch, is a Hasidic movement. Chabad adheres to the Orthodox practice of Judaism. Founded in Russia in 1775, Chabad is today one of the world's largest and best-known Hasidic movements. Its official headquarters are currently located in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, New York. Organizationally, it is the largest Jewish religious organization in the world today

Chabad maintains a network of over 3,600 institutions in over 1,000 cities, spanning 70 countries. Chabad institutions provide outreach to unaffiliated Jews, as well as religious,...

Jewish messianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One Jewish understanding of the messiah is based on the writings of Maimonides, (also known as Rambam)
Isaiah 1:26: "And I will restore your judges as at first and your counsellors as in the beginning; afterwards you shall be called City of Righteousness, Faithful City." Some Jews interpret this to mean that the Sanhedrin will be re-established."(Isaiah 1:26)
Once he is King, leaders of other nations will look to him for guidance. (Isaiah 2:4)
The whole world will worship the One God of Israel (Isaiah 2:11-17)

One can only imagine how a bunch of modern day Sanhedrins could interpret these passages.
Do you need more clues?
Suffice it to say that they don't see them the way Christian readers do.

Nations will recognize the wrongs they did to Israel (Isaiah 52:13-53:5)
The peoples of the world will turn to the Jews for spiritual guidance (Zechariah 8:23)
Hasidic Jews tend to have a particularly strong and passionate belief in the immediacy of the Messiah's coming, and in the ability of their actions to hasten his arrival.

We do not know when the Messiah will come, nor whether he will be a charismatic human figure or is a symbol of the redemption of humankind from the evils of the world. Through the doctrine of a Messianic figure, Judaism teaches us that every individual human being must live as if he or she, individually, has the responsibility to bring about the messianic age.

Bear in mind that the future Presidential candidate for Ukraine is a self professed Hasidic Jew. These Jews deal in a form of mysticism they call the Kaballa.

The Messiah Truth Project: Who We Are
The Messiah Truth Project:
Who We Are
New Jersey Georgia Israel
The Messiah Truth Project, Inc. is a non-profit organization established to combat the deceptive missionary techniques of evangelical Christian denominations and the Messianic movements.

"The Seven Noahide Laws Prohibition of Idolatry Belief in One G-d

Every person should believe in the existence of the one and only Creator of the world. He creates the world and every person, and knows all our actions and thoughts. He observes them and judges each person according to his deeds. He is the one and only G-d whom we must worship and to whom we should pray."

Appointment of Judges
Establishing a Court System

In order that all the above laws will be properly observed, courts of justice should be established in every city (or zone), with judges, who will make decisions with regard these commandments and have the authority to punish those who transgress them. Every person who has an argument will be able to go to these appointed judges and obey their judgment.

Idolatry in Judaism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Worship of humans

Worship of humans is considered idolatry in Judaism. See Sanhedrin 93a: "Daniel said: Let me go away from here, so that he shall not perform on me [the ruling] 'You shall burn in fire the images of their idols' (Deuteronomy 7:25)". Rashi explains that Nebuchadnezzar worshiped Daniel, as in Daniel 2:46.

Capital punishment in Judaism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Modes of Punishment

Only in comparatively few instances is the particular mode of death incurred by the commission of a crime prescribed. Blasphemy, idolatry, Sabbath-breaking, witchcraft, prostitution by a betrothed virgin, or deceiving her husband at marriage as to her chastity (Deut. xxii. 21), and the rebellious son are, according to the Pentateuchal laws, to be punished with death by stoning; bigamous marriage with a wife's mother and the prostitution of a priest's daughter are punished by burning; communal apostasy is punished by the sword. With reference to all other capital offenses, the law ordains that the perpetrator shall die a violent death, occasionally adding the expression, "His (their) blood shall be upon him (them)." This expression, as we shall see presently, post-Biblical legislation applies to death by stoning. The Bible speaks also of hanging (Deut. xxi. 22), but, according to the rabbinical interpretation, not as a mode of execution, but rather of exposure after death (Sanh. vi. 4, 75b).

BEHEADING - JewishEncyclopedia.com
—In Rabbinical Literature:

According to rabbinical opinion, Beheading was one of the accepted modes of execution in the Bible (Mishnah Sanh. vii. 1). Murder and idolatry (when committed by a whole city, Deut. xiii. 14) were the crimes punishable with Beheading (Mishnah Sanh. ix. 1; Mek., Mishpaṭim, 4; Sifre, Deut. 94).

Judaism's view of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Judaism generally views Jesus as one of a number of false messiahs who have appeared throughout history.[1] Jesus is viewed as having been the most influential, and consequently the most damaging, of all false messiahs.
Judaism has never accepted any of the claimed fulfillments of prophecy that Christianity attributes to Jesus. Judaism also forbids the worship of a person as a form of idolatry, since the central belief of Judaism is the absolute unity and singularity of God.[3][4] Jewish eschatology holds that the coming of the Messiah will be associated with a specific series of events that have not yet occurred, including the return of Jews to their homeland and the rebuilding of The Temple, a Messianic Age of peace[5] and understanding during which "the knowledge of God" fills the earth,[6] and since Jews believe that none of these events occurred during the lifetime of Jesus (nor have they occurred afterwards, except for the return of many Jews to their homeland in Israel), he is not a candidate for messiah.

Khazars - Part 3 - Noahide Laws contained in House & Senate JR signed by the Khazar Bush in '91. | Power Elite

The first part of this below is about the Noahide Laws and penalties for violating them and the second part is the resolution and info on how they were signed into law in 1991 here in the US and have been sitting there waiting until the NWO emerges. Since they were already passed, they are defacto in effect now.

WHO Supports This?

George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah
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The violence in eastern Ukraine has been done by Russian forces and goons targeting anyone that opposes their invasion of Ukraine, there are zero reports of Jews fearing for their lives at the hands of "Nazis."

One mayor in eastern Ukraine was shot because he didn't support the Russian goons.

The handpicked Ukrainian to represent Russia in the May elections, Oleh Tsaryov, has now come out against Russia after what he is seeing being done in his country by the invaders...he better get into protection or else he will be dead within a week.
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The violence in eastern Ukraine has been done by Russian forces and goons targeting anyone that opposes their invasion of Ukraine, there are zero reports of Jews fearing for their lives at the hands of "Nazis."

One mayor in eastern Ukraine was shot because he didn't support the Russian goons.

The handpicked Ukrainian to represent Russia in the May elections, Oleh Tsaryov, has now come out against Russia after what he is seeing being done in his country by the invaders...he better get into protection or else he will be dead within a week.

Goons is goons.

Poor Stevie, just like Comrade George, he is obsessed with the Jews. Can you tell us, Stevie, what this has to do with the Europe forum. If you want to make it a Middle East forum, why not talk about the tens of thousands who have been murdered by Muslims just in the last three years in Syria. You can also add in those who have been murdered by suicide bombers in places like Iraq. Say, Stevie, since you are such an expert on population, can you tell us the number of Muslim immigrants to your country in recent years?

On one hand you say I am obsessed with Jews..Palestinians to a Degree..Jews NOT REALLY.

Then YOU say what has this to do with the EUROPE FORUM(YOU SAID IT??)



Just whom do you think you are kidding, Stevie? The Middle East is a huge place, and all you ever want to talk about is Israel when so much is happening there in other countries. If ytou are going to drag Israel onto the Europe forum, why are you so silent about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East? Why don't you talk about Australia where you live? Are you trying to tell us that nothing ever happens there, and everything is just peaches and cream?

Peaches and Cream,well I travel quite a lot........and Australians are the only people I have seen that CLAP in the aircraft as it's landing...happy to be on HOME SOIL...I have never seen this anywhere else throughout the world..."It is a sense of PRIDE AND WELL BEING"

That said,I am sorry to see you have been BANNED,the person who dobbed you in and the person who administered the ban,need to have a good look at themselves...IT IS VERY UNAUSTRALIAN.steve
Poor Stevie, just like Comrade George, he is obsessed with the Jews. Can you tell us, Stevie, what this has to do with the Europe forum. If you want to make it a Middle East forum, why not talk about the tens of thousands who have been murdered by Muslims just in the last three years in Syria. You can also add in those who have been murdered by suicide bombers in places like Iraq. Say, Stevie, since you are such an expert on population, can you tell us the number of Muslim immigrants to your country in recent years?

Don't be silly Sal.......Muslims in Australia.....476,291 or 2.2% of the Population......a growth of 438% since 1981


But, Stevie, you are getting many more Shia Muslims there since that is their destination after getting tired of the Sunni suicide and car bombing them in Pakistan. Tell you what -- get over your obsession with Israel if you can't also delve into what is happening in the rest of the Middle East and concentrate on your own country.

Sorry will not happen,after going to Israel in 1969 and seeing the disgusting treatment the Israelis were melting out to the Palestinians.....my sense of decency encouraged me to support the Palestinian cause.

Personal facts......I got a bus from Haifa to Nazareth and the Bus was stopped after about half an hour....my brother and I were sitting at the back of the bus......the soldiers then started to herd everyone off the bus in what can only be described as "In an aggressive and rough manner,women and children there were no other men on the bus.....one woman was thrown to the ground"

My brother and I stayed put........a young soldier came to the back of the bus screaming at us with his Gun pointed at us.........we told him we were not moving,and told him we were Guests in Israel,he then tried to man handle my brother off the bus but we held our ground and told him to FUKC OFF.........at this point the Captain of the group of 8 soldiers realised we were NOT PALESTINIAN.......he calmed the situation well,but said we should not have taken this bus in Haifa as it was for Palestinians ONLY!!!!!!!!!we should have taken the ELAL Bus..........we told him that it was a disgrace and a form of APARTHEID and he should be ASHAMED.He knew what we meant

The Captain got us off the Bus and made us wait for the ELAL Bus!!!! bundling the Palestinian women and children and infants,babies back on theirs.

We got to Nazareth later.....annoyed and pissed off to say the least......but there was one final insult to the Palestinians.....the ELAL bus driver asked us prior to disembarkation if we wanted Nazareth or Nazareth Elite!!!!! when questioned Nazareth Elite was the settlement on the outskirts of Nazareth proper where the Jews lived.........The word ELITE was used extensively for Jewish settlements or New Towns on the outskirts of Palestinian towns.

It was at this point I started to educate my mind all things Israel and over the years have not been too impressed....the worst of which is the ULTRA'S and ZIONIST"S indoctorination (sic) of the children of Jewish friends who travel to Israel around the age of 16-18 with a fair and open mind...yet come back after a couple of months defiling the Palestinians...much to their parents shame and sadness.

Sally you know nothing
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Russia's lies were exposed at a Human Rights hearing by the OSCE where a Ukrainian activist from Crimea said he was kidnapped and tortured by paid Russian goons for a couple days. They cut him, electrocuted him, etc in order to find out what groups he worked for in his own fucking country.

The Russians at the meeting had no clue he was going to show up and speak....they slithered out the door like typical scum.

Burn in hell you socialist piece of shit.

The violence in eastern Ukraine has been done by Russian forces and goons targeting anyone that opposes their invasion of Ukraine, there are zero reports of Jews fearing for their lives at the hands of "Nazis."

One mayor in eastern Ukraine was shot because he didn't support the Russian goons.

The handpicked Ukrainian to represent Russia in the May elections, Oleh Tsaryov, has now come out against Russia after what he is seeing being done in his country by the invaders...he better get into protection or else he will be dead within a week.

Goons is goons.

Ukrainian pro-Russia presidential candidate is beaten | Video | 9news.com
1776, how do you feel about this? Looks like Kiev have lost the east for good according to their President. They ought to heed Putin's advice and leave the South and East of Ukraine before they get a further ass kicking.

Ukraine: Militia Controls A Million Weapons

Ukraine's government has lost control of east, says acting president | World news | The Guardian

Had Putrid Opps Putin been defeated at the last contrived election...he would have been Executed.

Not a BAD THING in my opinion.steve
"Ukraine's embattled government has announced that it is bringing back military conscription to help counter a growing pro-Russia insurgency in the east of the country.

"The announcement came after pro-Russia separatists stormed another key public building in Donetsk on Thursday, forcing the surrender of riot police trapped inside, in the latest humiliation for the Kiev government.

"A decree issued by Ukraine's interim president, Oleksandr Turchynov, said that compulsory military service – which was scrapped earlier this year – was being reinstated 'given the deteriorating situation in the east and the south … the rising force of armed pro-Russian units and the taking of public administration buildings … which threaten territorial integrity'".

So, I guess the big question is which side most of the conscripts will kill/die for?

Ukraine reintroduces conscription to counter threat of pro-Russia separatists | World news | theguardian.com
"Ukraine's embattled government has announced that it is bringing back military conscription to help counter a growing pro-Russia insurgency in the east of the country.

"The announcement came after pro-Russia separatists stormed another key public building in Donetsk on Thursday, forcing the surrender of riot police trapped inside, in the latest humiliation for the Kiev government.

"A decree issued by Ukraine's interim president, Oleksandr Turchynov, said that compulsory military service – which was scrapped earlier this year – was being reinstated 'given the deteriorating situation in the east and the south … the rising force of armed pro-Russian units and the taking of public administration buildings … which threaten territorial integrity'".

So, I guess the big question is which side most of the conscripts will kill/die for?

Ukraine reintroduces conscription to counter threat of pro-Russia separatists | World news | theguardian.com

Thanks steve
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Don't be silly Sal.......Muslims in Australia.....476,291 or 2.2% of the Population......a growth of 438% since 1981


But, Stevie, you are getting many more Shia Muslims there since that is their destination after getting tired of the Sunni suicide and car bombing them in Pakistan. Tell you what -- get over your obsession with Israel if you can't also delve into what is happening in the rest of the Middle East and concentrate on your own country.

Sorry will not happen,after going to Israel in 1969 and seeing the disgusting treatment the Israelis were melting out to the Palestinians.....my sense of decency encouraged me to support the Palestinian cause.

Personal facts......I got a bus from Haifa to Nazareth and the Bus was stopped after about half an hour....my brother and I were sitting at the back of the bus......the soldiers then started to herd everyone off the bus in what can only be described as "In an aggressive and rough manner,women and children there were no other men on the bus.....one woman was thrown to the ground"

My brother and I stayed put........a young soldier came to the back of the bus screaming at us with his Gun pointed at us.........we told him we were not moving,and told him we were Guests in Israel,he then tried to man handle my brother off the bus but we held our ground and told him to FUKC OFF.........at this point the Captain of the group of 8 soldiers realised we were NOT PALESTINIAN.......he calmed the situation well,but said we should not have taken this bus in Haifa as it was for Palestinians ONLY!!!!!!!!!we should have taken the ELAL Bus..........we told him that it was a disgrace and a form of APARTHEID and he should be ASHAMED.He knew what we meant

The Captain got us off the Bus and made us wait for the ELAL Bus!!!! bundling the Palestinian women and children and infants,babies back on theirs.

We got to Nazareth later.....annoyed and pissed off to say the least......but there was one final insult to the Palestinians.....the ELAL bus driver asked us prior to disembarkation if we wanted Nazareth or Nazareth Elite!!!!! when questioned Nazareth Elite was the settlement on the outskirts of Nazareth proper where the Jews lived.........The word ELITE was used extensively for Jewish settlements or New Towns on the outskirts of Palestinian towns.

It was at this point I started to educate my mind all things Israel and over the years have not been too impressed....the worst of which is the ULTRA'S and ZIONIST"S indoctorination (sic) of the children of Jewish friends who travel to Israel around the age of 16-18 with a fair and open mind...yet come back after a couple of months defiling the Palestinians...much to their parents shame and sadness.

Sally you know nothing

All I read was your first paragraph, Stevie, and that was it because I could see where you were lying. Don't you think that many of us know people who have also gone to Israel and have not seen the same as you declare you have seen. Strange how when my husband was in Israel with the U.S. Navy teaching Israeli pilots how to operate some new equipment he didn't see the same as you. In fact, there was once a poster whose sister happened to be working there and going with a Muslim fellow, and this poster didn't see the same as you claim you did. However, it is quite obvious why you are busy discussing Israel on a Europe forum, and please do not think you are fooling all the readers. Now what have you to say about something that is going on in Europe? No doubt you are not interested in all the Arabs being murdered in the other Middle East countries by other Arabs because you haven't figured out a way to drag the Jews into this yet, but you are probably trying.
But, Stevie, you are getting many more Shia Muslims there since that is their destination after getting tired of the Sunni suicide and car bombing them in Pakistan. Tell you what -- get over your obsession with Israel if you can't also delve into what is happening in the rest of the Middle East and concentrate on your own country.

Sorry will not happen,after going to Israel in 1969 and seeing the disgusting treatment the Israelis were melting out to the Palestinians.....my sense of decency encouraged me to support the Palestinian cause.

Personal facts......I got a bus from Haifa to Nazareth and the Bus was stopped after about half an hour....my brother and I were sitting at the back of the bus......the soldiers then started to herd everyone off the bus in what can only be described as "In an aggressive and rough manner,women and children there were no other men on the bus.....one woman was thrown to the ground"

My brother and I stayed put........a young soldier came to the back of the bus screaming at us with his Gun pointed at us.........we told him we were not moving,and told him we were Guests in Israel,he then tried to man handle my brother off the bus but we held our ground and told him to FUKC OFF.........at this point the Captain of the group of 8 soldiers realised we were NOT PALESTINIAN.......he calmed the situation well,but said we should not have taken this bus in Haifa as it was for Palestinians ONLY!!!!!!!!!we should have taken the ELAL Bus..........we told him that it was a disgrace and a form of APARTHEID and he should be ASHAMED.He knew what we meant

The Captain got us off the Bus and made us wait for the ELAL Bus!!!! bundling the Palestinian women and children and infants,babies back on theirs.

We got to Nazareth later.....annoyed and pissed off to say the least......but there was one final insult to the Palestinians.....the ELAL bus driver asked us prior to disembarkation if we wanted Nazareth or Nazareth Elite!!!!! when questioned Nazareth Elite was the settlement on the outskirts of Nazareth proper where the Jews lived.........The word ELITE was used extensively for Jewish settlements or New Towns on the outskirts of Palestinian towns.

It was at this point I started to educate my mind all things Israel and over the years have not been too impressed....the worst of which is the ULTRA'S and ZIONIST"S indoctorination (sic) of the children of Jewish friends who travel to Israel around the age of 16-18 with a fair and open mind...yet come back after a couple of months defiling the Palestinians...much to their parents shame and sadness.

Sally you know nothing

All I read was your first paragraph, Stevie, and that was it because I could see where you were lying. Don't you think that many of us know people who have also gone to Israel and have not seen the same as you declare you have seen. Strange how when my husband was in Israel with the U.S. Navy teaching Israeli pilots how to operate some new equipment he didn't see the same as you. In fact, there was once a poster whose sister happened to be working there and going with a Muslim fellow, and this poster didn't see the same as you claim you did. However, it is quite obvious why you are busy discussing Israel on a Europe forum, and please do not think you are fooling all the readers. Now what have you to say about something that is going on in Europe? No doubt you are not interested in all the Arabs being murdered in the other Middle East countries by other Arabs because you haven't figured out a way to drag the Jews into this yet, but you are probably trying.
Of course, Ha$bara $ally can't prove anyone is lying about Israel's well-documented apartheid, as John Kerry recently discovered.

"John Kerry has offered us a reminder that in American politics, the debate about our closest ally in the Middle East has all the candor and thoughtfulness of a cabinet meeting in North Korea.

"In this case it was the mention of the word 'apartheid,' which he used in a private meeting — not saying the situation in Israel is apartheid, but saying it could one day become apartheid.

"So last night, Kerry performed the appropriate ritual of repentance, issuing a statement walking back his previous statement.

"Like others before it, this controversy played out according to a familiar script: 1) Official says something uncomfortable but true about Israel; 2) The Anti-Defamation League and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) condemn the statement, pretending to be shocked and appalled that anyone could ever criticize Israel; 3) Democratic and Republican senators rush to condemn the statement as well, with the Republican response a little more intense, and a little more stupid; 4) Official issues an apology, pledging not to criticize Israel so sharply in the future."

Kerry ?apartheid? controversy shows limits on debate over Israel

Stupid and $ally: like stink on $hit.
Sorry will not happen,after going to Israel in 1969 and seeing the disgusting treatment the Israelis were melting out to the Palestinians.....my sense of decency encouraged me to support the Palestinian cause.

Personal facts......I got a bus from Haifa to Nazareth and the Bus was stopped after about half an hour....my brother and I were sitting at the back of the bus......the soldiers then started to herd everyone off the bus in what can only be described as "In an aggressive and rough manner,women and children there were no other men on the bus.....one woman was thrown to the ground"

My brother and I stayed put........a young soldier came to the back of the bus screaming at us with his Gun pointed at us.........we told him we were not moving,and told him we were Guests in Israel,he then tried to man handle my brother off the bus but we held our ground and told him to FUKC OFF.........at this point the Captain of the group of 8 soldiers realised we were NOT PALESTINIAN.......he calmed the situation well,but said we should not have taken this bus in Haifa as it was for Palestinians ONLY!!!!!!!!!we should have taken the ELAL Bus..........we told him that it was a disgrace and a form of APARTHEID and he should be ASHAMED.He knew what we meant

The Captain got us off the Bus and made us wait for the ELAL Bus!!!! bundling the Palestinian women and children and infants,babies back on theirs.

We got to Nazareth later.....annoyed and pissed off to say the least......but there was one final insult to the Palestinians.....the ELAL bus driver asked us prior to disembarkation if we wanted Nazareth or Nazareth Elite!!!!! when questioned Nazareth Elite was the settlement on the outskirts of Nazareth proper where the Jews lived.........The word ELITE was used extensively for Jewish settlements or New Towns on the outskirts of Palestinian towns.

It was at this point I started to educate my mind all things Israel and over the years have not been too impressed....the worst of which is the ULTRA'S and ZIONIST"S indoctorination (sic) of the children of Jewish friends who travel to Israel around the age of 16-18 with a fair and open mind...yet come back after a couple of months defiling the Palestinians...much to their parents shame and sadness.

Sally you know nothing

All I read was your first paragraph, Stevie, and that was it because I could see where you were lying. Don't you think that many of us know people who have also gone to Israel and have not seen the same as you declare you have seen. Strange how when my husband was in Israel with the U.S. Navy teaching Israeli pilots how to operate some new equipment he didn't see the same as you. In fact, there was once a poster whose sister happened to be working there and going with a Muslim fellow, and this poster didn't see the same as you claim you did. However, it is quite obvious why you are busy discussing Israel on a Europe forum, and please do not think you are fooling all the readers. Now what have you to say about something that is going on in Europe? No doubt you are not interested in all the Arabs being murdered in the other Middle East countries by other Arabs because you haven't figured out a way to drag the Jews into this yet, but you are probably trying.
Of course, Ha$bara $ally can't prove anyone is lying about Israel's well-documented apartheid, as John Kerry recently discovered.

"John Kerry has offered us a reminder that in American politics, the debate about our closest ally in the Middle East has all the candor and thoughtfulness of a cabinet meeting in North Korea.

"In this case it was the mention of the word 'apartheid,' which he used in a private meeting — not saying the situation in Israel is apartheid, but saying it could one day become apartheid.

"So last night, Kerry performed the appropriate ritual of repentance, issuing a statement walking back his previous statement.

"Like others before it, this controversy played out according to a familiar script: 1) Official says something uncomfortable but true about Israel; 2) The Anti-Defamation League and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) condemn the statement, pretending to be shocked and appalled that anyone could ever criticize Israel; 3) Democratic and Republican senators rush to condemn the statement as well, with the Republican response a little more intense, and a little more stupid; 4) Official issues an apology, pledging not to criticize Israel so sharply in the future."

Kerry ?apartheid? controversy shows limits on debate over Israel

Stupid and $ally: like stink on $hit.

Why don't you tell everyone how your tiny subsidized apartment smell like feces with the windows closed and you sitting in front of your computer all day long figuring how you can demonize your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Meanwhile, Comrade George, if Israel is so bad to the Arabs, could you tell us why there are Druze in the military and why the Greek Orthodox priest is encouraging Christians to join the IDF. Of course, you could always look up the article written by the late Muslim editor of Pakistan Today who say he had a negative outlook against Israel until he actually visited there. Perhaps, Comrade George, you can save some of the dollar signs you keep on showing the readers you can find on your computer and actually take a trip to Israel yourself to see how things are there. No doubt you never watch the videos of Muslims strolling along the streets there with people who are Jews. Horrors, oh horros, Muslims walking alongside Jews and nothing is happening to them, Now Comrade George, since he wants us to believe he is such a champion for Arabs, is going to tell us what is happening to them in the rest of the Middle East where many are being killed by their fellow Arabs. Oh, I forgot, Comrade George doesn't care one bit about the tens of thousands of dead Arabs in the other Middle East countries because he can't drag his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, into this humongous amount of dead people, the enormous amount of people wounded, and the two and a half million refugees, of whom Comrade George doesn't contribute any of his dollar signs to help, unlike many, many Americans giving to relief organizations to try to alleviate the suffering of these people..
All I read was your first paragraph, Stevie, and that was it because I could see where you were lying. Don't you think that many of us know people who have also gone to Israel and have not seen the same as you declare you have seen. Strange how when my husband was in Israel with the U.S. Navy teaching Israeli pilots how to operate some new equipment he didn't see the same as you. In fact, there was once a poster whose sister happened to be working there and going with a Muslim fellow, and this poster didn't see the same as you claim you did. However, it is quite obvious why you are busy discussing Israel on a Europe forum, and please do not think you are fooling all the readers. Now what have you to say about something that is going on in Europe? No doubt you are not interested in all the Arabs being murdered in the other Middle East countries by other Arabs because you haven't figured out a way to drag the Jews into this yet, but you are probably trying.
Of course, Ha$bara $ally can't prove anyone is lying about Israel's well-documented apartheid, as John Kerry recently discovered.

"John Kerry has offered us a reminder that in American politics, the debate about our closest ally in the Middle East has all the candor and thoughtfulness of a cabinet meeting in North Korea.

"In this case it was the mention of the word 'apartheid,' which he used in a private meeting — not saying the situation in Israel is apartheid, but saying it could one day become apartheid.

"So last night, Kerry performed the appropriate ritual of repentance, issuing a statement walking back his previous statement.

"Like others before it, this controversy played out according to a familiar script: 1) Official says something uncomfortable but true about Israel; 2) The Anti-Defamation League and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) condemn the statement, pretending to be shocked and appalled that anyone could ever criticize Israel; 3) Democratic and Republican senators rush to condemn the statement as well, with the Republican response a little more intense, and a little more stupid; 4) Official issues an apology, pledging not to criticize Israel so sharply in the future."

Kerry ?apartheid? controversy shows limits on debate over Israel

Stupid and $ally: like stink on $hit.

Why don't you tell everyone how your tiny subsidized apartment smell like feces with the windows closed and you sitting in front of your computer all day long figuring how you can demonize your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Meanwhile, Comrade George, if Israel is so bad to the Arabs, could you tell us why there are Druze in the military and why the Greek Orthodox priest is encouraging Christians to join the IDF. Of course, you could always look up the article written by the late Muslim editor of Pakistan Today who say he had a negative outlook against Israel until he actually visited there. Perhaps, Comrade George, you can save some of the dollar signs you keep on showing the readers you can find on your computer and actually take a trip to Israel yourself to see how things are there. No doubt you never watch the videos of Muslims strolling along the streets there with people who are Jews. Horrors, oh horros, Muslims walking alongside Jews and nothing is happening to them, Now Comrade George, since he wants us to believe he is such a champion for Arabs, is going to tell us what is happening to them in the rest of the Middle East where many are being killed by their fellow Arabs. Oh, I forgot, Comrade George doesn't care one bit about the tens of thousands of dead Arabs in the other Middle East countries because he can't drag his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, into this humongous amount of dead people, the enormous amount of people wounded, and the two and a half million refugees, of whom Comrade George doesn't contribute any of his dollar signs to help, unlike many, many Americans giving to relief organizations to try to alleviate the suffering of these people..
$till $tuck on $tink, $tupid?
Maybe you should spend more of your time helping the poor in your neighborhood, or would ha$bara cut your stipend, $ally? You really are a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Of course, Ha$bara $ally can't prove anyone is lying about Israel's well-documented apartheid, as John Kerry recently discovered.

"John Kerry has offered us a reminder that in American politics, the debate about our closest ally in the Middle East has all the candor and thoughtfulness of a cabinet meeting in North Korea.

"In this case it was the mention of the word 'apartheid,' which he used in a private meeting — not saying the situation in Israel is apartheid, but saying it could one day become apartheid.

"So last night, Kerry performed the appropriate ritual of repentance, issuing a statement walking back his previous statement.

"Like others before it, this controversy played out according to a familiar script: 1) Official says something uncomfortable but true about Israel; 2) The Anti-Defamation League and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) condemn the statement, pretending to be shocked and appalled that anyone could ever criticize Israel; 3) Democratic and Republican senators rush to condemn the statement as well, with the Republican response a little more intense, and a little more stupid; 4) Official issues an apology, pledging not to criticize Israel so sharply in the future."

Kerry ?apartheid? controversy shows limits on debate over Israel

Stupid and $ally: like stink on $hit.

Why don't you tell everyone how your tiny subsidized apartment smell like feces with the windows closed and you sitting in front of your computer all day long figuring how you can demonize your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Meanwhile, Comrade George, if Israel is so bad to the Arabs, could you tell us why there are Druze in the military and why the Greek Orthodox priest is encouraging Christians to join the IDF. Of course, you could always look up the article written by the late Muslim editor of Pakistan Today who say he had a negative outlook against Israel until he actually visited there. Perhaps, Comrade George, you can save some of the dollar signs you keep on showing the readers you can find on your computer and actually take a trip to Israel yourself to see how things are there. No doubt you never watch the videos of Muslims strolling along the streets there with people who are Jews. Horrors, oh horros, Muslims walking alongside Jews and nothing is happening to them, Now Comrade George, since he wants us to believe he is such a champion for Arabs, is going to tell us what is happening to them in the rest of the Middle East where many are being killed by their fellow Arabs. Oh, I forgot, Comrade George doesn't care one bit about the tens of thousands of dead Arabs in the other Middle East countries because he can't drag his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, into this humongous amount of dead people, the enormous amount of people wounded, and the two and a half million refugees, of whom Comrade George doesn't contribute any of his dollar signs to help, unlike many, many Americans giving to relief organizations to try to alleviate the suffering of these people..

$till $tuck on $tink, $tupid?
Maybe you should spend more of your time helping the poor in your neighborhood, or would ha$bara cut your stipend, $ally? You really are a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Still back with those dollar signs to show us you are one of those poor people, Comrade George? It's a shame that you didn't push yourself harder in your earlier years because there were many free and/or low cost schools in Los Angeles you could have gone to where you could have learned a trade and made something of yourself. Meanwhile, perhaps once in a while, you can actually forget about your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and tell the readers about something that is happening in one of the European countries. In the interim, I suggest you start saving up your pennies in a little jar so that you might eventually have enough to visit Israel and see what is happening there. No doubt you do not get out of your little subsidized apartment in the Hispanic area you are in to even see what is happening in the rest of Los Angeles. Here is some help for you just in case those pennies start pilling up into dollars. This way, if you are actually able to save enough, you can leave the windows open in your apartment while you are gone to air out that stink. By the way, I doubt that the majority of readers are falling for Comrade George's crocodile tears for the Arabs when apparently he could care less about what is happening to the Arabs where there are no Jews in residence.

How to get the cheapest flight to Israel | Israel | Jewish Journal
Why don't you tell everyone how your tiny subsidized apartment smell like feces with the windows closed and you sitting in front of your computer all day long figuring how you can demonize your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Meanwhile, Comrade George, if Israel is so bad to the Arabs, could you tell us why there are Druze in the military and why the Greek Orthodox priest is encouraging Christians to join the IDF. Of course, you could always look up the article written by the late Muslim editor of Pakistan Today who say he had a negative outlook against Israel until he actually visited there. Perhaps, Comrade George, you can save some of the dollar signs you keep on showing the readers you can find on your computer and actually take a trip to Israel yourself to see how things are there. No doubt you never watch the videos of Muslims strolling along the streets there with people who are Jews. Horrors, oh horros, Muslims walking alongside Jews and nothing is happening to them, Now Comrade George, since he wants us to believe he is such a champion for Arabs, is going to tell us what is happening to them in the rest of the Middle East where many are being killed by their fellow Arabs. Oh, I forgot, Comrade George doesn't care one bit about the tens of thousands of dead Arabs in the other Middle East countries because he can't drag his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, into this humongous amount of dead people, the enormous amount of people wounded, and the two and a half million refugees, of whom Comrade George doesn't contribute any of his dollar signs to help, unlike many, many Americans giving to relief organizations to try to alleviate the suffering of these people..

$till $tuck on $tink, $tupid?
Maybe you should spend more of your time helping the poor in your neighborhood, or would ha$bara cut your stipend, $ally? You really are a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Still back with those dollar signs to show us you are one of those poor people, Comrade George? It's a shame that you didn't push yourself harder in your earlier years because there were many free and/or low cost schools in Los Angeles you could have gone to where you could have learned a trade and made something of yourself. Meanwhile, perhaps once in a while, you can actually forget about your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and tell the readers about something that is happening in one of the European countries. In the interim, I suggest you start saving up your pennies in a little jar so that you might eventually have enough to visit Israel and see what is happening there. No doubt you do not get out of your little subsidized apartment in the Hispanic area you are in to even see what is happening in the rest of Los Angeles. Here is some help for you just in case those pennies start pilling up into dollars. This way, if you are actually able to save enough, you can leave the windows open in your apartment while you are gone to air out that stink. By the way, I doubt that the majority of readers are falling for Comrade George's crocodile tears for the Arabs when apparently he could care less about what is happening to the Arabs where there are no Jews in residence.

How to get the cheapest flight to Israel | Israel | Jewish Journal
As long as you continue $hilling and $pamming for ha$bara you and your crocodile tears can move to Israel since you profess to love it so much.
$till $tuck on $tink, $tupid?
Maybe you should spend more of your time helping the poor in your neighborhood, or would ha$bara cut your stipend, $ally? You really are a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Still back with those dollar signs to show us you are one of those poor people, Comrade George? It's a shame that you didn't push yourself harder in your earlier years because there were many free and/or low cost schools in Los Angeles you could have gone to where you could have learned a trade and made something of yourself. Meanwhile, perhaps once in a while, you can actually forget about your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and tell the readers about something that is happening in one of the European countries. In the interim, I suggest you start saving up your pennies in a little jar so that you might eventually have enough to visit Israel and see what is happening there. No doubt you do not get out of your little subsidized apartment in the Hispanic area you are in to even see what is happening in the rest of Los Angeles. Here is some help for you just in case those pennies start pilling up into dollars. This way, if you are actually able to save enough, you can leave the windows open in your apartment while you are gone to air out that stink. By the way, I doubt that the majority of readers are falling for Comrade George's crocodile tears for the Arabs when apparently he could care less about what is happening to the Arabs where there are no Jews in residence.

How to get the cheapest flight to Israel | Israel | Jewish Journal[/QUOTE
As long as you continue $hilling and $pamming for ha$bara you and your crocodile tears can move to Israel since you profess to love it so much.

Comrade George, do you really think that majority of readers here are so dense that they don't realize you desperately need a scapegoat for your failure in life? They can see how obsessed you are with the Jews, and nothing else seems to matter. On this Europe forum, with so many countries in Europe, you are still obsessing over your scqpegoats. It wasn't the Jews in the Los Angeles area who held you back so that now you find yourself where you are in life. It was your own lack of ambition. In fact, the Hispanics living in your area no doubt work harder in one day than you ever worked in one week in your entire life. By the way, Comrade George, all you are showing the readers is that even you are able to find the dollar signs on your computer, which of course is not a big achievement. One could probably train a monkey to find the dollar sign also.
Still back with those dollar signs to show us you are one of those poor people, Comrade George? It's a shame that you didn't push yourself harder in your earlier years because there were many free and/or low cost schools in Los Angeles you could have gone to where you could have learned a trade and made something of yourself. Meanwhile, perhaps once in a while, you can actually forget about your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and tell the readers about something that is happening in one of the European countries. In the interim, I suggest you start saving up your pennies in a little jar so that you might eventually have enough to visit Israel and see what is happening there. No doubt you do not get out of your little subsidized apartment in the Hispanic area you are in to even see what is happening in the rest of Los Angeles. Here is some help for you just in case those pennies start pilling up into dollars. This way, if you are actually able to save enough, you can leave the windows open in your apartment while you are gone to air out that stink. By the way, I doubt that the majority of readers are falling for Comrade George's crocodile tears for the Arabs when apparently he could care less about what is happening to the Arabs where there are no Jews in residence.

How to get the cheapest flight to Israel | Israel | Jewish Journal[/QUOTE
As long as you continue $hilling and $pamming for ha$bara you and your crocodile tears can move to Israel since you profess to love it so much.

Comrade George, do you really think that majority of readers here are so dense that they don't realize you desperately need a scapegoat for your failure in life? They can see how obsessed you are with the Jews, and nothing else seems to matter. On this Europe forum, with so many countries in Europe, you are still obsessing over your scqpegoats. It wasn't the Jews in the Los Angeles area who held you back so that now you find yourself where you are in life. It was your own lack of ambition. In fact, the Hispanics living in your area no doubt work harder in one day than you ever worked in one week in your entire life. By the way, Comrade George, all you are showing the readers is that even you are able to find the dollar signs on your computer, which of course is not a big achievement. One could probably train a monkey to find the dollar sign also.

from board to board to board??
Comrade George, do you really think that majority of readers here are so dense that they don't realize you desperately need a scapegoat for your failure in life? They can see how obsessed you are with the Jews, and nothing else seems to matter. On this Europe forum, with so many countries in Europe, you are still obsessing over your scqpegoats. It wasn't the Jews in the Los Angeles area who held you back so that now you find yourself where you are in life. It was your own lack of ambition. In fact, the Hispanics living in your area no doubt work harder in one day than you ever worked in one week in your entire life. By the way, Comrade George, all you are showing the readers is that even you are able to find the dollar signs on your computer, which of course is not a big achievement. One could probably train a monkey to find the dollar sign also.

from board to board to board??

Isn'it it amazing, Aris? However, you will have to forgive Comrade George on this one. His post about the Ukraine was moved from where he usually posts about the Jews because, as we all know, the Ukraine is in Europe. However, as you can see, hs is back to his shtick about Israel and the Palestinians when a lot is happening in the Ukraine right now.

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