Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine

Thanks you for your b.s., Stevie, and thank you for showing the readers that you have no interest on these forums except to put down Israel when there have been tens of thousands of Arabs killed in just the last three years in the Middle East, no doubt tens of thousands wounded, and over two and a half million refugees. I realize it is more important for you to put down Israel because the Jews are involved. Now how about some news coming out of Europe since you can't seem to get away from this Europe forum? If you have nothing to say about Europe, post something at least about the country you are living in, Australia. Surely things must be happening there.

HaHa it was you that drew in the Israeli connection...I certainly did not.......so which bus took you to Jerusalem from Lodd then???????I reckon you are based in Israel:D

Putin is a cunning fox........but it's all bad for the Ukrainians and there will a Russian inspired War,...regrettably as sophisticated arms/weapons are pouring into the Ukraine by the Russians

I think you should start from the beginning. It was your friend George Phillips who brought up this article and who was trying to blame the Jews for what was going on in the Ukraine. The people who are hurting right now in the Ukraine are the ordinary citizens regardless of their religion. Maybe you can find some Ukrainians who have settled in your own country and ask them how they feel about the situatiion.
No one was or is "trying to blame the Jews for what's going on in Ukraine."
That's more ha$bara agit-prop that $ally and her ilk spread like stink on shit to defect from the truth about colonialism in borderlands from Ukraine to Palestine

"Though Ukraine means 'borderland', it was often at the center of European events. One must pity Ukrainian schoolchildren.

"The changes in the history of their country were constant and extreme.

"At different times Ukraine was a European power and a poor downtrodden territory, extremely rich ('the breadbasket of Europe') or abjectly poor, attacked by neighbors who captured their people to sell them as slaves or attacking their neighbors to enlarge their country.

"The Ukraine’s relationship with Russia is even more complex. In a way, the Ukraine is the heartland of Russian culture, religion and orthography.

"Kiev was far more important than Moscow, before becoming the centerpiece of Muscovite imperialism.

"In the Crimean War of the 1850s, Russia fought valiantly against a coalition of Great Britain, France, the Ottoman Empire and Sardinia, and eventually lost.

"The war broke out over Christian rights in Jerusalem, and included a long siege of Sevastopol.

"The world remembers the charge of the Light Brigade.

"A British woman called Florence Nightingale established the first organization to tend the wounded on the battlefield.

"In my (Uri Avnery) lifetime, Stalin murdered millions of Ukrainians by deliberate starvation.

"As a result, most Ukrainians welcomed the German Wehrmacht in 1941 as liberators.

"It could have been the beginning of a beautiful friendship, but unfortunately Hitler was determined to eradicate the Ukrainian 'Untermenschen', in order to integrate the Ukraine into the German Lebensraum."

Israel and Ukraine » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Not unlike Zionists who believe the Jewish soul is to other human beings as the "untermenschen" souls are to cattle, Greater Israel is determined to rule all the land between the River and the sea regardless of demographics or human rights.
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shame you didn't put the link up.....i would have been interested to read that.have a nice day sally. Ps by the way i have never read an anti-jewish web site.......why the fcuk would i waste time with trolls like that....

because like holston, you have so much in common.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!..I think Holsten,is a good bloke...no matter how much you smear his character.

Of course you do and for the reason already stated. He's your kinda guy. :lol:
because like holston, you have so much in common.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!..I think Holsten,is a good bloke...no matter how much you smear his character.

Of course you do and for the reason already stated. He's your kinda guy. :lol:

I respect a lot of posters on here Say It.......even if I disagee with them......George,Holsten,Marg in particular,YOU actually,but it would be better if you adjusted your myopic position at times.....I never mind a discussion....you may think I'm your enemy but like Holsten and George we present the material facts,true FACTS being the operative word here.

Remember Say It....YOUR BEST FRIEND,CAN TURN OUT TO BE YOUR WORST ENEMY..and visa-versa..you should concede that G,H and I tell it like it is.Have a great day.

Viva Palestine...Viva Israel.......Peace and Harmony to all. steve
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Thanks you for your b.s., Stevie, and thank you for showing the readers that you have no interest on these forums except to put down Israel when there have been tens of thousands of Arabs killed in just the last three years in the Middle East, no doubt tens of thousands wounded, and over two and a half million refugees. I realize it is more important for you to put down Israel because the Jews are involved. Now how about some news coming out of Europe since you can't seem to get away from this Europe forum? If you have nothing to say about Europe, post something at least about the country you are living in, Australia. Surely things must be happening there.

HaHa it was you that drew in the Israeli connection...I certainly did not.......so which bus took you to Jerusalem from Lodd then???????I reckon you are based in Israel:D

Putin is a cunning fox........but it's all bad for the Ukrainians and there will a Russian inspired War,...regrettably as sophisticated arms/weapons are pouring into the Ukraine by the Russians

I think you should start from the beginning. It was your friend George Phillips who brought up this article and who was trying to blame the Jews for what was going on in the Ukraine. The people who are hurting right now in the Ukraine are the ordinary citizens regardless of their religion. Maybe you can find some Ukrainians who have settled in your own country and ask them how they feel about the situatiion.

No he did not,and his tenor has always been factual.Sorry Sal., just because you say and think something.....I doesn't mean its true at all...it's just YOUR OPINION
!!!!!!!!!!!!!..I think Holsten,is a good bloke...no matter how much you smear his character.

Of course you do and for the reason already stated. He's your kinda guy. :lol:

I respect a lot of posters on here Say It.......even if I disagee with them......George,Holsten,Marg in particular,YOU actually,but it would be better if you adjusted your myopic position at times.....I never mind a discussion....you may think I'm your enemy but like Holsten and George we present the material facts,true FACTS being the operative word here.

Remember Say It....YOUR BEST FRIEND,CAN TURN OUT TO BE YOUR WORST ENEMY..and visa-versa..you should concede that G,H and I tell it like it is.Have a great day.

Viva Palestine...Viva Israel.......Peace and Harmony to all. steve

Holsten presents facts? :lol:
His posts are strictly opinion pieces based on his unvarnished hate for Jooos.
You just "respect" him because he says the things you wish you could.
"A startling report on the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Feb. 28 tells of a 'Jewish-led militia force' that participated in the Ukrainian revolution—called the the 'Blue Helmets of Maidan' even though their helmets are (tellingly) brown, and under the command of a Ukraine-born veteran of the Israel Defense Forces who goes by the nom de guerre 'Delta.'

"In an interview, Delta boasted how he used combat skills gained in the Shu'alei Shimshon reconnaissance battalion of the IDF's Givati infantry brigade to rise through the ranks of Kiev's street fighters.

"He now heads a force of 40 men and women—including several fellow IDF veterans—that clashed with government troops in the street-fighting that brought down Viktor Yanukovich.

"Most bizarrely, Delta said he takes orders from activists linked to Svoboda, the ultra-nationalist party that is widely accused of anti-Semitism. 'I don’t belong [to Svoboda], but I take orders from their team,' he said. 'They know I'm Israeli, Jewish and an ex-IDF soldier. They call me 'brother.' What they're saying about Svoboda is exaggerated, I know this for a fact.'"

"The strange interview comes just days after one of Ukraine's chief rabbis, Moshe Reuven Asman, urged Jews to leave Kiev following a reported anti-Semitic attack on two orthodox yeshiva students in the city, as reported in the Israeli daily Ma'ariv. 'I told my community to get out of the city and if possible out of the state… There are many warnings about planned attacks against Jewish institutions,' Asman said. 'We have been told by the Israeli Embassy to not go outside.' (Algemeiner, Feb. 21)

"Quite predictably, anti-Semitism appears to be infecting both sides in the Ukraine crisis..."

Israeli-trained unit fights for Ukrainian fascists? | New Jewish Resistance
Of course you do and for the reason already stated. He's your kinda guy. :lol:

I respect a lot of posters on here Say It.......even if I disagee with them......George,Holsten,Marg in particular,YOU actually,but it would be better if you adjusted your myopic position at times.....I never mind a discussion....you may think I'm your enemy but like Holsten and George we present the material facts,true FACTS being the operative word here.

Remember Say It....YOUR BEST FRIEND,CAN TURN OUT TO BE YOUR WORST ENEMY..and visa-versa..you should concede that G,H and I tell it like it is.Have a great day.

Viva Palestine...Viva Israel.......Peace and Harmony to all. steve

Holsten presents facts? :lol:
His posts are strictly opinion pieces based on his unvarnished hate for Jooos.
You just "respect" him because he says the things you wish you could.

Stop being silly.......No One wants to harm Jewish people and stop calling them by the derogatory term of Joooooos....you never see me say it...Say It,you do it to inflame others..steve
HaHa it was you that drew in the Israeli connection...I certainly did not.......so which bus took you to Jerusalem from Lodd then???????I reckon you are based in Israel:D

Putin is a cunning fox........but it's all bad for the Ukrainians and there will a Russian inspired War,...regrettably as sophisticated arms/weapons are pouring into the Ukraine by the Russians

I think you should start from the beginning. It was your friend George Phillips who brought up this article and who was trying to blame the Jews for what was going on in the Ukraine. The people who are hurting right now in the Ukraine are the ordinary citizens regardless of their religion. Maybe you can find some Ukrainians who have settled in your own country and ask them how they feel about the situatiion.

No he did not,and his tenor has always been factual.Sorry Sal., just because you say and think something.....I doesn't mean its true at all...it's just YOUR OPINION

Perhaps you need some reading glasses, Stevie. Just whom do you think started this thread. Look again. And he has consistently tried to pull the Jews into being one of the groups who started the trouble in the Ukraine. If Comrade George could figure out a way, he would drag his scapegoats, the Jews, into every conflict going on in the world today. By the way, don't you think the author of Comrade George's piece is just stating his opinion or do you think that everything a Leftist Jew says just has to be the truth?
I think you should start from the beginning. It was your friend George Phillips who brought up this article and who was trying to blame the Jews for what was going on in the Ukraine. The people who are hurting right now in the Ukraine are the ordinary citizens regardless of their religion. Maybe you can find some Ukrainians who have settled in your own country and ask them how they feel about the situatiion.

No he did not,and his tenor has always been factual.Sorry Sal., just because you say and think something.....I doesn't mean its true at all...it's just YOUR OPINION

Perhaps you need some reading glasses, Stevie. Just whom do you think started this thread. Look again. And he has consistently tried to pull the Jews into being one of the groups who started the trouble in the Ukraine. If Comrade George could figure out a way, he would drag his scapegoats, the Jews, into every conflict going on in the world today. By the way, don't you think the author of Comrade George's piece is just stating his opinion or do you think that everything a Leftist Jew says just has to be the truth?

I'm sorry Sally but I am making no more comment on this thread.....mainly because of the abuse I get....it is totally unfounded......as I have clearly annunciated I want a better life for Palestinians and by virtue Jews themselves.

George,Holsten and others you decry so flippantly are good Guys,that you seem incapable of having a proper discussion with them,is a shame, but all this Tittle,Tattle and half truths(putting it mildly) has no real long term benefit for me.It's just repetion steve
No he did not,and his tenor has always been factual.Sorry Sal., just because you say and think something.....I doesn't mean its true at all...it's just YOUR OPINION

Perhaps you need some reading glasses, Stevie. Just whom do you think started this thread. Look again. And he has consistently tried to pull the Jews into being one of the groups who started the trouble in the Ukraine. If Comrade George could figure out a way, he would drag his scapegoats, the Jews, into every conflict going on in the world today. By the way, don't you think the author of Comrade George's piece is just stating his opinion or do you think that everything a Leftist Jew says just has to be the truth?

I'm sorry Sally but I am making no more comment on this thread.....mainly because of the abuse I get....it is totally unfounded......as I have clearly annunciated I want a better life for Palestinians and by virtue Jews themselves.

George,Holsten and others you decry so flippantly are good Guys,that you seem incapable of having a proper discussion with them,is a shame, but all this Tittle,Tattle and half truths(putting it mildly) has no real long term benefit for me.It's just repetion steve
I tried to rep you, Steve, but I've got to "spread some around first."
Thanks for the sanity

"It might seem strange that Kolomoisky the Jew would support Tyaghnibok the ultra-nationalist. But the main goal of Tyaghnibok is to get Ukrainians and Russians fighting each other. His ultra-nationalism is not anti-semitic."

Battleground Ukraine: A Comprehensive Summary (From A Russian Perspective) | Zero Hedge
No he did not,and his tenor has always been factual.Sorry Sal., just because you say and think something.....I doesn't mean its true at all...it's just YOUR OPINION

Perhaps you need some reading glasses, Stevie. Just whom do you think started this thread. Look again. And he has consistently tried to pull the Jews into being one of the groups who started the trouble in the Ukraine. If Comrade George could figure out a way, he would drag his scapegoats, the Jews, into every conflict going on in the world today. By the way, don't you think the author of Comrade George's piece is just stating his opinion or do you think that everything a Leftist Jew says just has to be the truth?

I'm sorry Sally but I am making no more comment on this thread.....mainly because of the abuse I get....it is totally unfounded......as I have clearly annunciated I want a better life for Palestinians and by virtue Jews themselves.

George,Holsten and others you decry so flippantly are good Guys,that you seem incapable of having a proper discussion with them,is a shame, but all this Tittle,Tattle and half truths(putting it mildly) has no real long term benefit for me.It's just repetion steve

Oh, Stevie, I have to laugh at your comments. You are so obvious. With all the forums around and all the different threads you can post something on, you seem obsessed with this one thread because your little anti-Semitic friends drag in the Jews. So tell us, Stevie, are you keeping abreast about what is going on in the rest of the world? Since you can't seem to get off this particular thread on the Europe forum because your friends have dragged in the Jews, have you anything else to report about what is going on in the other European countries. Maybe you can tell the readers something that is happening in your own country Australia. Surely something must be happening there of which the readers are unaware. By the way, Stevie, is anything stopping your good little friends from talking to some Ukrainians who are living in this country to get their viewpoint on what is happening? There are Ukrainians in this country who are not only Jewish but Russian Orthodox who can probably give your little friends their own thoughts on what is going on in the Ukraine.
One facet of NSA data collection in the US that most citizens are ignorant of relates to corporate espionage.
Ukraine is filled with all the usual suspects:

"Israeli interests in Ukraine

"The next player in Ukraine is Israel, which is represented in Ukraine by Mossad and practically all of the Israeli intelligence services.

"Including the Komemiyut management, that's an administration within Mossad, whose business is the physical removal of Mossad's opponents. Komemiyut is Hebrew for 'sovereignty'.

"This Komemiyut administration, for example, they were the ones who killed the Iranian nuclear scientists.

"They are very effective, like Mossad generally. Aman is military intelligence service of the Prime Minister. Shabak is the internal security service. Shin Bet, Nativ - they are all present in Ukraine.

"Israel's current ambassador in Ukraine is Reuven Din El - formerly a Mossad resident in the CIS countries, he was thrown out of Moscow, and then received in Ukraine as ambassador."

Battleground Ukraine: A Comprehensive Summary (From A Russian Perspective) | Zero Hedge
One facet of NSA data collection in the US that most citizens are ignorant of relates to corporate espionage.
Ukraine is filled with all the usual suspects:

"Israeli interests in Ukraine

"The next player in Ukraine is Israel, which is represented in Ukraine by Mossad and practically all of the Israeli intelligence services.

"Including the Komemiyut management, that's an administration within Mossad, whose business is the physical removal of Mossad's opponents. Komemiyut is Hebrew for 'sovereignty'.

"This Komemiyut administration, for example, they were the ones who killed the Iranian nuclear scientists.

"They are very effective, like Mossad generally. Aman is military intelligence service of the Prime Minister. Shabak is the internal security service. Shin Bet, Nativ - they are all present in Ukraine.

"Israel's current ambassador in Ukraine is Reuven Din El - formerly a Mossad resident in the CIS countries, he was thrown out of Moscow, and then received in Ukraine as ambassador."

Battleground Ukraine: A Comprehensive Summary (From A Russian Perspective) | Zero Hedge

Oh look, Comrade George found another site which drags in the Jews. He doesn't even pay attention to the other Ukrainians or to what Russia is doing. All he wants to do is drag in the Jews, his favorite scapegoats. Have you spoken to any Ukrainians and others from the former USSR who are living in the Los Angeles area right now, Comrade George, and ask them what they think about what is going on? No doubt many of these people have relatives and friends still over there who are keeping them apprised of the situation. I doubt very much if Comrade George would go to some place where he can meet up with many of these people (like in Plummer Park in West Hollywood) that they would be dragging in the Jews with what is happening in the Ukraine.
"The main stronghold of U.S. and Israeli intelligence services is a network of offices of the agency 'Jewish Agency', and additional – representative of the Israeli cultural center in Ukraine and Moldova, the American Jewish Distribution Committee 'Joint', largely associated with the United States.

"Rabbis Chabad-Lubavitch, as a rule, members of the Israeli security forces. Israel lobbyists and agents of the Mossad at a high level are oligarchs, big businessmen of Jewish origin and / or religion Igor Kolomoisky and Gennady Bogolyubov, Alexander Feldman, Victor Pinchuk, Vadim Rabinovich, Yevgeny Chervonenko (has access to secret documents of Ukraine), Alexander Levin, folk deputies Alexander Feldman, Edward Hurwitz.

"Most synagogues and centers, projects receive funding from abroad, therefore dependent on foreign centers, primarily the United States and controlled by the US-Israeli special services.

"It is significant that the North Atlantic Alliance and the 'Mossad' officially assisted Ukraine in ensuring security during Euro 2012."

Mossad took turnover in Ukraine? | Wadeward News
"The main stronghold of U.S. and Israeli intelligence services is a network of offices of the agency 'Jewish Agency', and additional – representative of the Israeli cultural center in Ukraine and Moldova, the American Jewish Distribution Committee 'Joint', largely associated with the United States.

"Rabbis Chabad-Lubavitch, as a rule, members of the Israeli security forces. Israel lobbyists and agents of the Mossad at a high level are oligarchs, big businessmen of Jewish origin and / or religion Igor Kolomoisky and Gennady Bogolyubov, Alexander Feldman, Victor Pinchuk, Vadim Rabinovich, Yevgeny Chervonenko (has access to secret documents of Ukraine), Alexander Levin, folk deputies Alexander Feldman, Edward Hurwitz.

"Most synagogues and centers, projects receive funding from abroad, therefore dependent on foreign centers, primarily the United States and controlled by the US-Israeli special services.

"It is significant that the North Atlantic Alliance and the 'Mossad' officially assisted Ukraine in ensuring security during Euro 2012."

Mossad took turnover in Ukraine? | Wadeward News

Strange how Comrade George always seems to find articles that drag in the Jews, but he never shows us articles from actual newspapes where there are reporters on the ground who see what is happening. Evidently, Comrade George is obsessed with dragging in his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and could care less how the ordinary Ukarainian citizens is suffering right now from what is going on. He is very lucky to be able to sit safe in his little one-room apartment while those unfortunate Ukrainians have to worry about their future while suffering in the meanwhile.
Perhaps you need some reading glasses, Stevie. Just whom do you think started this thread. Look again. And he has consistently tried to pull the Jews into being one of the groups who started the trouble in the Ukraine. If Comrade George could figure out a way, he would drag his scapegoats, the Jews, into every conflict going on in the world today. By the way, don't you think the author of Comrade George's piece is just stating his opinion or do you think that everything a Leftist Jew says just has to be the truth?

I'm sorry Sally but I am making no more comment on this thread.....mainly because of the abuse I get....it is totally unfounded......as I have clearly annunciated I want a better life for Palestinians and by virtue Jews themselves.

George,Holsten and others you decry so flippantly are good Guys,that you seem incapable of having a proper discussion with them,is a shame, but all this Tittle,Tattle and half truths(putting it mildly) has no real long term benefit for me.It's just repetion steve

Oh, Stevie, I have to laugh at your comments. You are so obvious. With all the forums around and all the different threads you can post something on, you seem obsessed with this one thread because your little anti-Semitic friends drag in the Jews. So tell us, Stevie, are you keeping abreast about what is going on in the rest of the world? Since you can't seem to get off this particular thread on the Europe forum because your friends have dragged in the Jews, have you anything else to report about what is going on in the other European countries. Maybe you can tell the readers something that is happening in your own country Australia. Surely something must be happening there of which the readers are unaware. By the way, Stevie, is anything stopping your good little friends from talking to some Ukrainians who are living in this country to get their viewpoint on what is happening? There are Ukrainians in this country who are not only Jewish but Russian Orthodox who can probably give your little friends their own thoughts on what is going on in the Ukraine.

I'm sorry Sally but I am making no more comment on this thread.....mainly because of the abuse I get....it is totally unfounded......as I have clearly annunciated I want a better life for Palestinians and by virtue Jews themselves.

George,Holsten and others you decry so flippantly are good Guys,that you seem incapable of having a proper discussion with them,is a shame, but all this Tittle,Tattle and half truths(putting it mildly) has no real long term benefit for me.It's just repetion steve

Oh, Stevie, I have to laugh at your comments. You are so obvious. With all the forums around and all the different threads you can post something on, you seem obsessed with this one thread because your little anti-Semitic friends drag in the Jews. So tell us, Stevie, are you keeping abreast about what is going on in the rest of the world? Since you can't seem to get off this particular thread on the Europe forum because your friends have dragged in the Jews, have you anything else to report about what is going on in the other European countries. Maybe you can tell the readers something that is happening in your own country Australia. Surely something must be happening there of which the readers are unaware. By the way, Stevie, is anything stopping your good little friends from talking to some Ukrainians who are living in this country to get their viewpoint on what is happening? There are Ukrainians in this country who are not only Jewish but Russian Orthodox who can probably give your little friends their own thoughts on what is going on in the Ukraine.


HAve you ever thought, Stevie, that you are the one who is cuckoo? You and your friends have no interest in what the people of the Ukraine are suffering, nor do you care about the suffering of other people around the world. You, like your friends, seem obsessed with the Jews and nothing else, and most of the readers are smart enough to figure out why no matter how much you deny it.
One facet of NSA data collection in the US that most citizens are ignorant of relates to corporate espionage.
Ukraine is filled with all the usual suspects:

"Israeli interests in Ukraine

"The next player in Ukraine is Israel, which is represented in Ukraine by Mossad and practically all of the Israeli intelligence services.

"Including the Komemiyut management, that's an administration within Mossad, whose business is the physical removal of Mossad's opponents. Komemiyut is Hebrew for 'sovereignty'.

"This Komemiyut administration, for example, they were the ones who killed the Iranian nuclear scientists.

"They are very effective, like Mossad generally. Aman is military intelligence service of the Prime Minister. Shabak is the internal security service. Shin Bet, Nativ - they are all present in Ukraine.

"Israel's current ambassador in Ukraine is Reuven Din El - formerly a Mossad resident in the CIS countries, he was thrown out of Moscow, and then received in Ukraine as ambassador."

Battleground Ukraine: A Comprehensive Summary (From A Russian Perspective) | Zero Hedge

Oh look, Comrade George found another site which drags in the Jews. He doesn't even pay attention to the other Ukrainians or to what Russia is doing. All he wants to do is drag in the Jews, his favorite scapegoats. Have you spoken to any Ukrainians and others from the former USSR who are living in the Los Angeles area right now, Comrade George, and ask them what they think about what is going on? No doubt many of these people have relatives and friends still over there who are keeping them apprised of the situation. I doubt very much if Comrade George would go to some place where he can meet up with many of these people (like in Plummer Park in West Hollywood) that they would be dragging in the Jews with what is happening in the Ukraine.
Here's why so many Ukrainians are suffering today, not that ha$bara Sally cares:

"It's very interesting to examine the growth of the billionaire class. In 2010 the number of billionaires in Ukraine was 8. By only 2011 there were 21."

Battleground Ukraine: A Comprehensive Summary (From A Russian Perspective) | Zero Hedge
One facet of NSA data collection in the US that most citizens are ignorant of relates to corporate espionage.
Ukraine is filled with all the usual suspects:

"Israeli interests in Ukraine

"The next player in Ukraine is Israel, which is represented in Ukraine by Mossad and practically all of the Israeli intelligence services.

"Including the Komemiyut management, that's an administration within Mossad, whose business is the physical removal of Mossad's opponents. Komemiyut is Hebrew for 'sovereignty'.

"This Komemiyut administration, for example, they were the ones who killed the Iranian nuclear scientists.

"They are very effective, like Mossad generally. Aman is military intelligence service of the Prime Minister. Shabak is the internal security service. Shin Bet, Nativ - they are all present in Ukraine.

"Israel's current ambassador in Ukraine is Reuven Din El - formerly a Mossad resident in the CIS countries, he was thrown out of Moscow, and then received in Ukraine as ambassador."

Battleground Ukraine: A Comprehensive Summary (From A Russian Perspective) | Zero Hedge

Oh look, Comrade George found another site which drags in the Jews. He doesn't even pay attention to the other Ukrainians or to what Russia is doing. All he wants to do is drag in the Jews, his favorite scapegoats. Have you spoken to any Ukrainians and others from the former USSR who are living in the Los Angeles area right now, Comrade George, and ask them what they think about what is going on? No doubt many of these people have relatives and friends still over there who are keeping them apprised of the situation. I doubt very much if Comrade George would go to some place where he can meet up with many of these people (like in Plummer Park in West Hollywood) that they would be dragging in the Jews with what is happening in the Ukraine.
Here's why so many Ukrainians are suffering today, not that ha$bara Sally cares:

"It's very interesting to examine the growth of the billionaire class. In 2010 the number of billionaires in Ukraine was 8. By only 2011 there were 21."

Battleground Ukraine: A Comprehensive Summary (From A Russian Perspective) | Zero Hedge

We know you are short of money, Comrade George, but you don't have to advertise it with the dollar signs. Meanwhile, why not tell the readers why you have no interest in what is going on elsewhere. It appears that you only perk up when you can drag your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, into something. By the way, how many times are you going to spam that site? You must think that hundreds and hundreds of new readers come to this forum every day of the week so you have to spam your sites over and over. My goodness, whatever would you do if you were only allowed to post a site a single time? You probably would go bonkers.
Oh look, Comrade George found another site which drags in the Jews. He doesn't even pay attention to the other Ukrainians or to what Russia is doing. All he wants to do is drag in the Jews, his favorite scapegoats. Have you spoken to any Ukrainians and others from the former USSR who are living in the Los Angeles area right now, Comrade George, and ask them what they think about what is going on? No doubt many of these people have relatives and friends still over there who are keeping them apprised of the situation. I doubt very much if Comrade George would go to some place where he can meet up with many of these people (like in Plummer Park in West Hollywood) that they would be dragging in the Jews with what is happening in the Ukraine.
Here's why so many Ukrainians are suffering today, not that ha$bara Sally cares:

"It's very interesting to examine the growth of the billionaire class. In 2010 the number of billionaires in Ukraine was 8. By only 2011 there were 21."

Battleground Ukraine: A Comprehensive Summary (From A Russian Perspective) | Zero Hedge

We know you are short of money, Comrade George, but you don't have to advertise it with the dollar signs. Meanwhile, why not tell the readers why you have no interest in what is going on elsewhere. It appears that you only perk up when you can drag your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, into something. By the way, how many times are you going to spam that site? You must think that hundreds and hundreds of new readers come to this forum every day of the week so you have to spam your sites over and over. My goodness, whatever would you do if you were only allowed to post a site a single time? You probably would go bonkers.
One thing every reader knows by now is how incapable Ha$bara $ally is when it comes to refuting claims $he disagree$ with.

Try this one, $al, it's a real $low pitch $oft ball

"The next corporate group is Privat.

"This is the most interesting one.

"It's the group of Ihor Kolomoisky. Kolomoisky's worth is 3 billion dollars. His partner is Gennady Bogolubov. Kolomoisky is a very interesting figure. Not only because he called our president a schizophrenic.

"He is the engine behind what is currently happening in Ukraine.

"Born in 1963. Jewish. He very actively supports the Hasidic group Chabad, which is not a sect, it's a movement.

"He's the main sponsor of the Dnepropetrovsk Jewish community. An old friend of Berezovsky.

"He owns about 200 companies, controls 40% of Ukrnafta, the media..."

"It might seem strange that Kolomoisky the Jew would support Tyaghnibok the ultra-nationalist. But the main goal of Tyaghnibok is to get Ukrainians and Russians fighting each other. His ultra-nationalism is not anti-semitic."

Why would a rich Jew support neo-Nazis, $al?

Battleground Ukraine: A Comprehensive Summary (From A Russian Perspective) | Zero Hedge

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