Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine

Did I mention?

Jerusalem Post: Jewish businessman to run for Ukrainian presidency


Ukrainian Jewish businessman Vadim Rabinovich announced his candidacy for president of Ukraine in the May elections.

Did I mention that he was formerly sentenced to prison for racketeering or something like that?
And that he only had to serve 7 years of his sentence?
And that after he got out he managed to become a billionaire.

He certainly hasn't let his past hold him down.
My prospective employers have always been sticklers about stuff like that. Sheesh, if you can't account for 6 months of unemployment they think your a bum. Not that dude!

What about this?

Will the IMF Bailout Turn Ukraine Into Another Greece? | The Nation
When the International Monetary Fund announced a tentative loan agreement with Ukraine last month, the move was widely acclaimed as vital to saving the country’s struggling economy. Headlines trumpeted the decision to “help” Ukraine with a $14–18 billion “financial lifeline.” In Italy later that day, President Barack Obama called the deal a “major step forward” that will “meet the needs of Ukrainian people over the long term.”

But the news headlines and political statements only tell half the story: The IMF loan comes with demands for “economic reforms,” i.e., austerity measures, that will be borne by the working-class Ukrainians, one-fourth of whom already live below the poverty line. It is this imposition of conditions, which have grown more numerous in recent loan deals, that led the European Network of Debt and Development to call in a report last week for reform of the IMF.

The IMF conditions for Ukraine won’t include any debt relief, and unlike the European Union-IMF bailout for Cyprus, they won’t impose any haircuts on the country’s creditors. Instead, the IMF recipe hinges on cuts to subsidies and social services and a floating exchange rate that will sink purchasing power even further. Kiev has already started to implement all of these measures. According to economists, the result will be growing poverty, reduced social benefits and an extended recession. In fact, the economic prognosis sounds a lot like Greece, which, four years after the start of an EU-IMF loan program, is suffering from 27 percent unemployment and rising risk-of-poverty rates.

Ordinary people will be the undisputed losers in Ukraine, since they’ll pay for the so-called reform program rather than the oligarchs who continue to freely move billions of dollars to offshore tax havens. The biggest winners will be currency speculators; Western banks whose loans will be repaid via austerity measures; and European corporations who will gain access to the country’s markets and cheap Ukrainian labor under an EU association agreement set to be signed in May.

All the JUDEO xtian ZOGBots in the US think that this sort of thing could never happen in the US, not with the Jews running the Federal Reserve and telling Yomammi what to do.

That's because as long as they keep kissing Jew heiny, G-d will continue to bless them.

But watch out. The first sign G-d sees that someone is sassing his "Chosen Ones", he will surely Zappa them!
No soup for you!
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I mean, what more could Ukraine ask for?

.... than Jews running their government and more Jews giving them loans.

Why on earth would they rather take their chances with Russia against a sweet heart of a deal like that?

Surely they can see what a great boon this arrangement has been for the US.

No, maybe they can't. Their news media is probably no better then ours.

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Neither Coward George nor the l'il hole-stain give a tinker's dam for the Palestinians: they are ONLY interested in making use of absolutely any and every opportunity to pimp their political spew. Totalitarian ideologies like Communism and Naziism do not produce people committed to tolerance - let alone acceptance of people they are unable to control.

And poor pimply-faced l'il hole-stain is just all a-twitter fearing that he'll never get laid (unless he pays for it).....


Now there's a woman I'd really like to bang!

I wonder how much she would charge?


RC and a Moonpie.
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Neither Coward George nor the l'il hole-stain give a tinker's dam for the Palestinians: they are ONLY interested in making use of absolutely any and every opportunity to pimp their political spew. Totalitarian ideologies like Communism and Naziism do not produce people committed to tolerance - let alone acceptance of people they are unable to control.

And poor pimply-faced l'il hole-stain is just all a-twitter fearing that he'll never get laid (unless he pays for it).....


Now there's a woman I'd really like to bang!

I wonder how much she would charge?


RC and a Moonpie.

I think she is telling you Guys an inch and a half is no good for her,if the job is too big for you...give the fanny(that's Vigina in Australia)to ME.:D
As usual,you try to deflect the tenor of my post which is A TYPICAL....I was referring to your slagging of the more intelligent posters on here by your statement(Bullshit) of saying "They use Palestinians as their pawns in their hatred against Jews"which they did not.
Moreover as a TERRORIST ZIONIST you know not the minute nor the hour but on you go,on and on.You draw in the Syrian and other problems to deflect the horrendous things YOU ZIONISTS have done to the Palestinians......You can spew your one liners to others but I do not listen to Bullshit.

You perpetuate HATRED and that is you life's work.........I detest HATERS because it's a continuance of TOTAL NEGATIVITY and DREAD.

Get a real life.

Viva Palestine,Viva Israel.ps being a Terrorist ZIONIST,you just feel threatened by the truth and facts,that is why you don't bother to read other peoples posts...but that's the ZIONIST way,isn't it Sally......do as I do and say.

Sorry but I am a Sentinal against War Crime....Get Use To It.....I can NEVER be COWERD into YOUR FILTHY ZIONIST MANTRA.But keep trying to convert others.

Non Shall Escape Judgement.sgg

Stevie thinks he is fooling anyone. How come. Stevie. you get on the Europe board just when some Jew haters are vomiting out their stuff. There are other things going on in Europe, but somehow you feel it is more important to talk about Zionists. Since you are in Australia, why not tell the readers on that forum what is going on in your country or is it more important for you to bash the "Zionists?" If you are a "Sentinal against War Crimes," why aren't you on the appropriate forum telling about the crimes against all those dead people in Syria. Over 150,000 people have been killed, thousands and thousands have been wounded, two million are refugees and all you want to do is keep babbling about "Zionists."

Well I agree re Syria that conflict is now USA v Russia,well it has been for 3 years now,the Americans are hamstrung to a certain degree,as for the Ruskies,well they support the Syrian government....their biggest problem is that in Southern Russia they are surrounded by Islamic states/Countries and are worried that turmoil will start there.

But both America and Russia are petrified that the opposition in Syria are a bigger basket-case than the present regime......this could have been sorted early on but like Iraq and Afghanistan has become an open sore.

The previous government and our present conservative government since September 2013 are influenced by the Israeli Right and Zionist,something the population here don't like at all,particually because we broke the truth about Palestinian children being locked up in cages.....which motivated the lady in the Kennesit sic to put an end to,to her credit.

I have many Jewish friends,I have NEVER hated Jews,WHY WOULD I??????but disagree with Zionism because they are Terrorists and are totally inflexible,like a fair few Islamic Organizations.I really am only interested for peace between Palestinians and Israel.steve...Remember it was only the PALESTINIANS who gave Jews safe REFUGE(as Jews and Palestinians had lived harmoniesly sic in Palestine for 2000 years) in the early 1900's onwards,until they were taken advantage of.........apart from a few to other countries but essentially...NO ONE ELSE WANTED YOU even during WW2 the allies knew full well of the CAMPS.....HITLERS EVIL WAS THE ALLIES SHAME TOO,to a degree.....BUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD THE PALESTINIANS DID YOU NO HARM........WHY DID YOU TREAT THEM OF ALL PEOPLE SO DESPICIBLY sic

As for the UKRAINE,that is not my area of expertise but Georges',which he seem very able to elucidate clearly.

After reading all your blabbering, Stevie, this is what you should do. Why not inform your "Jewish friends" that there is a loser posting on a forum who is trying to blame all the trouble in the Ukraine on his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and that you find that he elucidates very well on the situation there -- even when he drags in on a Europe forum what is happening with regard to the Israel/Palestine conflict which I am sure you realize belongs on a Middle East forum.
Uh, the Jews in eastern Ukraine fear the Russians, not the Ukrainians.

They saw what the Russians did to the Jews....
Some Jews don't see a lot of difference...

"When Ukraine was a part of the extensive Polish empire, many Polish noblemen took hold of large estates there.

"They employed Jews as their managers.

"Thus the Ukrainian peasants came to look upon the Jews as the agents of their oppressors, and anti-Semitism became part of the national culture of Ukraine.

"As we learned in school, at every turn of Ukrainian history, the Jews were slaughtered. The names of most Ukrainian folk-heroes, leaders and rebels who are revered in their homeland are, in Jewish consciousness, connected with awful pogroms..."

"Some elderly Jewish immigrants in Israel must find it hard to decide whom to hate more, the Ukrainians or the Russians (or the Poles, for that matter.)"

Israel and Ukraine » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"Historically, Jews in Ukraine have suffered disastrous losses during times of upheaval.

"During the Cossack uprising of 1648-57, led by Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky, 15-30,000 Ukrainian Jews out of a total population of 51,000 were murdered or taken captive.

"The organized violence against the helpless and impoverished Jews in the Ukraine in the 19th and early 20th century spawned a new word in the lexicon of hate - pogrom.

"Many of our grandparents fled the Ukraine, arriving on American shores penniless with little more than a dream of a safe haven.

"During the Russian Revolution and ensuing Civil War, another estimated 30,000-100,000 Jews were killed.

"The total civilian losses during the Nazi occupation of Ukraine is estimated at 7 million, with more than 1 million Jews shot by Einsatzgruppen killing squads and Ukrainian collaborators in Western Ukraine."

Some of those Ukrainian collaborators and their Maidan descendants would be right at home serving the Jewish state in East Jerusalem, in spite of UNSC 465.

Tough Times Again for Ukraine's Jewish Population | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

Comrade Jew, a reader would have to be very dumb to actually think you care about the Arabs in Israel and the territories. There are anti-Semites just like you who use these Arabs as pawns in your fight against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. I think Comrade George is very jealous of those with Ukrainian roots who have made it in America while he, because of the lack of initiative, is actually doing very poorly.

Now since we are talking about the Ukraine and Russia, let's hear some news from there that doesn't talk about Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews. I think by now that the readers have figured out that people like Comrade George always desperately need a scapegoat for their own failures in life.

AOL.com Article - Ukrainian city seized by pro-Russia forces

Ukraine Separatists Call On Putin For Help | Eurasia Review
They've certainly had adequate proof you don't have an independent thought going through your mind.
Neither Coward George nor the l'il hole-stain give a tinker's dam for the Palestinians: they are ONLY interested in making use of absolutely any and every opportunity to pimp their political spew. Totalitarian ideologies like Communism and Naziism do not produce people committed to tolerance - let alone acceptance of people they are unable to control.

And poor pimply-faced l'il hole-stain is just all a-twitter fearing that he'll never get laid (unless he pays for it).....


Now there's a woman I'd really like to bang!

I wonder how much she would charge?


RC and a Moonpie.

I think she is telling you Guys an inch and a half is no good for her,if the job is too big for you...give the fanny(that's Vigina in Australia)to ME.:D

Didn't take you long to get back to lickin' Holston's ass. Taste like schnitzel? :lol:
"Historically, Jews in Ukraine have suffered disastrous losses during times of upheaval.

"During the Cossack uprising of 1648-57, led by Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky, 15-30,000 Ukrainian Jews out of a total population of 51,000 were murdered or taken captive.

"The organized violence against the helpless and impoverished Jews in the Ukraine in the 19th and early 20th century spawned a new word in the lexicon of hate - pogrom.

"Many of our grandparents fled the Ukraine, arriving on American shores penniless with little more than a dream of a safe haven.

"During the Russian Revolution and ensuing Civil War, another estimated 30,000-100,000 Jews were killed.

"The total civilian losses during the Nazi occupation of Ukraine is estimated at 7 million, with more than 1 million Jews shot by Einsatzgruppen killing squads and Ukrainian collaborators in Western Ukraine."

Some of those Ukrainian collaborators and their Maidan descendants would be right at home serving the Jewish state in East Jerusalem, in spite of UNSC 465.

Tough Times Again for Ukraine's Jewish Population | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

Comrade Jew, a reader would have to be very dumb to actually think you care about the Arabs in Israel and the territories. There are anti-Semites just like you who use these Arabs as pawns in your fight against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. I think Comrade George is very jealous of those with Ukrainian roots who have made it in America while he, because of the lack of initiative, is actually doing very poorly.

Now since we are talking about the Ukraine and Russia, let's hear some news from there that doesn't talk about Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews. I think by now that the readers have figured out that people like Comrade George always desperately need a scapegoat for their own failures in life.

AOL.com Article - Ukrainian city seized by pro-Russia forces

Ukraine Separatists Call On Putin For Help | Eurasia Review

They've certainly had adequate proof you don't have an independent thought going through your mind.

Why, Comrade George, it is hilarious for you to say something like that. Basically what you have been doing all along is pulling up the same sites over and over ad nauseam. You sure do like to Spam. I would imagine you would be very frustrated if you were told not to Spam so much.
Comrade Jew, a reader would have to be very dumb to actually think you care about the Arabs in Israel and the territories. There are anti-Semites just like you who use these Arabs as pawns in your fight against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. I think Comrade George is very jealous of those with Ukrainian roots who have made it in America while he, because of the lack of initiative, is actually doing very poorly.

Now since we are talking about the Ukraine and Russia, let's hear some news from there that doesn't talk about Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews. I think by now that the readers have figured out that people like Comrade George always desperately need a scapegoat for their own failures in life.

AOL.com Article - Ukrainian city seized by pro-Russia forces

Ukraine Separatists Call On Putin For Help | Eurasia Review

They've certainly had adequate proof you don't have an independent thought going through your mind.

Why, Comrade George, it is hilarious for you to say something like that. Basically what you have been doing all along is pulling up the same sites over and over ad nauseam. You sure do like to Spam. I would imagine you would be very frustrated if you were told not to Spam so much.
How many times have you used the word "scapegoat"?
When it comes to nausea, few hold a candle to 'jew.

"Having spent so much money on a putsch, Washington is very angry that it is not being accepted.

"The regions of eastern Ukrainian with close linguistic and industrial ties to Russia, which were Yanukovych’s power base, were deeply repelled by the new Kiev regime and its pledge to eliminate the status of Russian as an official language and impose austerity measures demanded by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

"These grievances provided the fuel for pro-Russian protests by thousands of people in Donetsk, Luhansk, and Kharkiv, as the few US media reports filed from the region admitted.

“'Unlike the pro-Europe protest movement in Kiev, the stirrings in Donetsk have so far attracted little support from the middle class, and seem dominated by pensioners nostalgic for the Soviet Union and angry, often drunk, young men… Any crackdown that results in serious bloodshed would probably widen the appeal of the protesters in a mostly Russian-speaking region that has little liking for leaders in Kiev,' New York Times journalists wrote from Donetsk."

Imperialist hypocrisy and lies on eastern Ukraine protests - World Socialist Web Site
They've certainly had adequate proof you don't have an independent thought going through your mind.

Why, Comrade George, it is hilarious for you to say something like that. Basically what you have been doing all along is pulling up the same sites over and over ad nauseam. You sure do like to Spam. I would imagine you would be very frustrated if you were told not to Spam so much.
How many times have you used the word "scapegoat"?
When it comes to nausea, few hold a candle to 'jew.

"Having spent so much money on a putsch, Washington is very angry that it is not being accepted.

"The regions of eastern Ukrainian with close linguistic and industrial ties to Russia, which were Yanukovych’s power base, were deeply repelled by the new Kiev regime and its pledge to eliminate the status of Russian as an official language and impose austerity measures demanded by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

"These grievances provided the fuel for pro-Russian protests by thousands of people in Donetsk, Luhansk, and Kharkiv, as the few US media reports filed from the region admitted.

“'Unlike the pro-Europe protest movement in Kiev, the stirrings in Donetsk have so far attracted little support from the middle class, and seem dominated by pensioners nostalgic for the Soviet Union and angry, often drunk, young men… Any crackdown that results in serious bloodshed would probably widen the appeal of the protesters in a mostly Russian-speaking region that has little liking for leaders in Kiev,' New York Times journalists wrote from Donetsk."

Imperialist hypocrisy and lies on eastern Ukraine protests - World Socialist Web Site

You don't like the readers learning what you really use the Jews for, do you? Comrade George? For your own failures in life, you desperately need a scapegoat, and you picked the Jews to be yours.. And, Comrade George, those who have been reading your nonsense for a long, long time have seen how you have repeated the same things ad nauseam from the same old web sites. You must think the readers are very dumb not to have realized that.

As the readers can see, Comrade George is back with his World Socialist Web Site once again. Now here is some news that doesn't come from some Socialist site. Major newspapers have reporters right on the scene in various spots in the world to report on what is happening. The sad thing is that while these reporters plus photographers are trying to do their job, some of them land up dead, such as that woman reporter killed recently in Afghanistan plus those reporters killed in Syria..

Invading may be President Vladimir Putin's Plan B in Ukraine - latimes.com

Gunmen seize more sites in eastern Ukraine as official blames Russia - latimes.com

Now there's a woman I'd really like to bang!

I wonder how much she would charge?


RC and a Moonpie.

I think she is telling you Guys an inch and a half is no good for her,if the job is too big for you...give the fanny(that's Vigina in Australia)to ME.:D

Didn't take you long to get back to lickin' Holston's ass. Taste like schnitzel? :lol:

I don't know anyone who LICKS a schnitzel???????you a bit weird or WHAT,No you chew schnitzel.......I liq no ones ass,unlike you:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:but keep trying and losing:D
Stevie thinks he is fooling anyone. How come. Stevie. you get on the Europe board just when some Jew haters are vomiting out their stuff. There are other things going on in Europe, but somehow you feel it is more important to talk about Zionists. Since you are in Australia, why not tell the readers on that forum what is going on in your country or is it more important for you to bash the "Zionists?" If you are a "Sentinal against War Crimes," why aren't you on the appropriate forum telling about the crimes against all those dead people in Syria. Over 150,000 people have been killed, thousands and thousands have been wounded, two million are refugees and all you want to do is keep babbling about "Zionists."

Well I agree re Syria that conflict is now USA v Russia,well it has been for 3 years now,the Americans are hamstrung to a certain degree,as for the Ruskies,well they support the Syrian government....their biggest problem is that in Southern Russia they are surrounded by Islamic states/Countries and are worried that turmoil will start there.

But both America and Russia are petrified that the opposition in Syria are a bigger basket-case than the present regime......this could have been sorted early on but like Iraq and Afghanistan has become an open sore.

The previous government and our present conservative government since September 2013 are influenced by the Israeli Right and Zionist,something the population here don't like at all,particually because we broke the truth about Palestinian children being locked up in cages.....which motivated the lady in the Kennesit sic to put an end to,to her credit.

I have many Jewish friends,I have NEVER hated Jews,WHY WOULD I??????but disagree with Zionism because they are Terrorists and are totally inflexible,like a fair few Islamic Organizations.I really am only interested for peace between Palestinians and Israel.steve...Remember it was only the PALESTINIANS who gave Jews safe REFUGE(as Jews and Palestinians had lived harmoniesly sic in Palestine for 2000 years) in the early 1900's onwards,until they were taken advantage of.........apart from a few to other countries but essentially...NO ONE ELSE WANTED YOU even during WW2 the allies knew full well of the CAMPS.....HITLERS EVIL WAS THE ALLIES SHAME TOO,to a degree.....BUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD THE PALESTINIANS DID YOU NO HARM........WHY DID YOU TREAT THEM OF ALL PEOPLE SO DESPICIBLY sic

As for the UKRAINE,that is not my area of expertise but Georges',which he seem very able to elucidate clearly.

After reading all your blabbering, Stevie, this is what you should do. Why not inform your "Jewish friends" that there is a loser posting on a forum who is trying to blame all the trouble in the Ukraine on his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and that you find that he elucidates very well on the situation there -- even when he drags in on a Europe forum what is happening with regard to the Israel/Palestine conflict which I am sure you realize belongs on a Middle East forum.

Well your premise is wrong on several counts,one,the Palestinians "situation as You put it" is now a worldwide Problem,two George does elucidate well in his prose,whether he is completely correct I don't know AND NEITHER DO YOU........

WHY DID YOU TREAT THE PALESTINIANS SO DISPICIBLY..they had done nothing over centuries to harm you.Stop pissing around and Answer my reasonable question.

Don't imply I have NO Jewish friends,it just won't work.
Well I agree re Syria that conflict is now USA v Russia,well it has been for 3 years now,the Americans are hamstrung to a certain degree,as for the Ruskies,well they support the Syrian government....their biggest problem is that in Southern Russia they are surrounded by Islamic states/Countries and are worried that turmoil will start there.

But both America and Russia are petrified that the opposition in Syria are a bigger basket-case than the present regime......this could have been sorted early on but like Iraq and Afghanistan has become an open sore.

The previous government and our present conservative government since September 2013 are influenced by the Israeli Right and Zionist,something the population here don't like at all,particually because we broke the truth about Palestinian children being locked up in cages.....which motivated the lady in the Kennesit sic to put an end to,to her credit.

I have many Jewish friends,I have NEVER hated Jews,WHY WOULD I??????but disagree with Zionism because they are Terrorists and are totally inflexible,like a fair few Islamic Organizations.I really am only interested for peace between Palestinians and Israel.steve...Remember it was only the PALESTINIANS who gave Jews safe REFUGE(as Jews and Palestinians had lived harmoniesly sic in Palestine for 2000 years) in the early 1900's onwards,until they were taken advantage of.........apart from a few to other countries but essentially...NO ONE ELSE WANTED YOU even during WW2 the allies knew full well of the CAMPS.....HITLERS EVIL WAS THE ALLIES SHAME TOO,to a degree.....BUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD THE PALESTINIANS DID YOU NO HARM........WHY DID YOU TREAT THEM OF ALL PEOPLE SO DESPICIBLY sic

As for the UKRAINE,that is not my area of expertise but Georges',which he seem very able to elucidate clearly.

After reading all your blabbering, Stevie, this is what you should do. Why not inform your "Jewish friends" that there is a loser posting on a forum who is trying to blame all the trouble in the Ukraine on his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and that you find that he elucidates very well on the situation there -- even when he drags in on a Europe forum what is happening with regard to the Israel/Palestine conflict which I am sure you realize belongs on a Middle East forum.

Well your premise is wrong on several counts,one,the Palestinians "situation as You put it" is now a worldwide Problem,two George does elucidate well in his prose,whether he is completely correct I don't know AND NEITHER DO YOU........

WHY DID YOU TREAT THE PALESTINIANS SO DISPICIBLY..they had done nothing over centuries to harm you.Stop pissing around and Answer my reasonable question.

Don't imply I have NO Jewish friends,it just won't work.

Clearly you have no friends, Princess, and you have no idea how Sally treats Palestinians but those poor, put-upon Jerusalem Palestinians have recently been applying for and receiving Israeli CITIZENSHIP. Kinda blows up your silliness. :D
I figured the 'inch-and-a half' was her indicating circumference - and that she was being 'optomistic'.....

Steve, Sayit was correct to apply the term 'schnitzel' to the wee winkies of 2 of the board's worst wankers (Coward George and the hole-stain): it's a colloquialism for 'tiny little bit', not the German dish. There's a lot of confusion with German vs Yiddish words.... I'll never forget the time some German jewelry enthusiasts came onto an English language board and started trying to get us (almost all ladies) interested in visiting their 'Schmuck-o-Rama' site..... ('schmuck' really does mean 'jewelry' in German)

NO, the l'il wee hole-stain is not a 'schmuck': he's merely a putz, dangling uselessly.
After reading all your blabbering, Stevie, this is what you should do. Why not inform your "Jewish friends" that there is a loser posting on a forum who is trying to blame all the trouble in the Ukraine on his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and that you find that he elucidates very well on the situation there -- even when he drags in on a Europe forum what is happening with regard to the Israel/Palestine conflict which I am sure you realize belongs on a Middle East forum.

Well your premise is wrong on several counts,one,the Palestinians "situation as You put it" is now a worldwide Problem,two George does elucidate well in his prose,whether he is completely correct I don't know AND NEITHER DO YOU........

WHY DID YOU TREAT THE PALESTINIANS SO DISPICIBLY..they had done nothing over centuries to harm you.Stop pissing around and Answer my reasonable question.

Don't imply I have NO Jewish friends,it just won't work.

Clearly you have no friends, Princess, and you have no idea how Sally treats Palestinians but those poor, put-upon Jerusalem Palestinians have recently been applying for and receiving Israeli CITIZENSHIP. Kinda blows up your silliness. :D

But Licker I know how the Right Wing Jews and Zionists have..........I know that their are loads of Palestinian Israelis and on the whole are treated well.......but that is not what I'm referring to..........try to keep up to speed please,otherwise these posts degenerate to a slanging match....which seems your preference.....but not mine.

Personally I only responded to Sally in kind,I do not know her personally,I'm sure she is a nice person but that doesn't mean I cannot respond to her as I feel.......I know Marg is probably a bit pissed at me but I find her a real:eusa_angel:she stands by her convictions,I do not always agree with certain things she says but respect her all the same.

But you are a nasty piece of work in my opinion.......I think there should be an Israel and have always been completely open and consistent in this view BUT I SUPPORT a Palestine.

Something that YOU WOULD NEVER CONSIDER because you are a TWAT.

Shalom steve
Well I agree re Syria that conflict is now USA v Russia,well it has been for 3 years now,the Americans are hamstrung to a certain degree,as for the Ruskies,well they support the Syrian government....their biggest problem is that in Southern Russia they are surrounded by Islamic states/Countries and are worried that turmoil will start there.

But both America and Russia are petrified that the opposition in Syria are a bigger basket-case than the present regime......this could have been sorted early on but like Iraq and Afghanistan has become an open sore.

The previous government and our present conservative government since September 2013 are influenced by the Israeli Right and Zionist,something the population here don't like at all,particually because we broke the truth about Palestinian children being locked up in cages.....which motivated the lady in the Kennesit sic to put an end to,to her credit.

I have many Jewish friends,I have NEVER hated Jews,WHY WOULD I??????but disagree with Zionism because they are Terrorists and are totally inflexible,like a fair few Islamic Organizations.I really am only interested for peace between Palestinians and Israel.steve...Remember it was only the PALESTINIANS who gave Jews safe REFUGE(as Jews and Palestinians had lived harmoniesly sic in Palestine for 2000 years) in the early 1900's onwards,until they were taken advantage of.........apart from a few to other countries but essentially...NO ONE ELSE WANTED YOU even during WW2 the allies knew full well of the CAMPS.....HITLERS EVIL WAS THE ALLIES SHAME TOO,to a degree.....BUT OF ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD THE PALESTINIANS DID YOU NO HARM........WHY DID YOU TREAT THEM OF ALL PEOPLE SO DESPICIBLY sic

As for the UKRAINE,that is not my area of expertise but Georges',which he seem very able to elucidate clearly.

After reading all your blabbering, Stevie, this is what you should do. Why not inform your "Jewish friends" that there is a loser posting on a forum who is trying to blame all the trouble in the Ukraine on his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and that you find that he elucidates very well on the situation there -- even when he drags in on a Europe forum what is happening with regard to the Israel/Palestine conflict which I am sure you realize belongs on a Middle East forum.

Well your premise is wrong on several counts,one,the Palestinians "situation as You put it" is now a worldwide Problem,two George does elucidate well in his prose,whether he is completely correct I don't know AND NEITHER DO YOU........

WHY DID YOU TREAT THE PALESTINIANS SO DISPICIBLY..they had done nothing over centuries to harm you.Stop pissing around and Answer my reasonable question.

Don't imply I have NO Jewish friends,it just won't work.

This is what you should do, Stevie. Print out all the posts from your friend, Comrade George which reference his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and show them to your "Jewish friends." Tell them that you appreciate Comrade George's posts because you feel they are right on the button -- that the Jews run everything in the Ukraine and they are so, so bad to the Arabs in one tiny area of the Middle East. While your "Jewish friends" are reading Comrade George's posts, there will be many more Arabs murdered in the other Middle East countries by their fellow Arabs, which, of course, you have no interest in because they don't involve the "Zionists."
"Mr. Kolomoysky, the new governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region, derided Rabbi Lazar’s support for Mr. Putin as Kremlin-orchestrated propaganda.

"Russia, he said in an interview, has put pressure on Jewish leaders to fall into line with Moscow’s contention that Ukraine’s government was toppled in a fascist coup. 'Unlike in Russia, Ukraine’s Jewish community is not a lever of the state,' he said.

"Mr. Kolomoysky, a Russian speaker who has both Israeli and Ukrainian passports, scoffed at the Kremlin’s pledges to protect Jews, Russian-speakers and other minorities. 'We can protect ourselves. We don’t need any protection from Russia,' he said. 'There is no fascism here. It does not exist.'"

"Mr. Kolomoysky, the new governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region, derided Rabbi Lazar’s support for Mr. Putin as Kremlin-orchestrated propaganda.

"Russia, he said in an interview, has put pressure on Jewish leaders to fall into line with Moscow’s contention that Ukraine’s government was toppled in a fascist coup. 'Unlike in Russia, Ukraine’s Jewish community is not a lever of the state,' he said.

"Mr. Kolomoysky, a Russian speaker who has both Israeli and Ukrainian passports, scoffed at the Kremlin’s pledges to protect Jews, Russian-speakers and other minorities. 'We can protect ourselves. We don’t need any protection from Russia,' he said. 'There is no fascism here. It does not exist.'"


Are you still blabbering away once again about the Jews, your favorite scapegoat, Comrade George? Amazing how Comrade George always seems to find articles where he can drag in his favorite scapegoats!!! Aren't you going to at least get out of your apartment for some fresh air today? I feel like finding some Rusian widow on one of the dating sites for you who has a nice dacha in Russia and will convince you to like the borscht that she makes. After all, you hate this country and appear to be backing the Russians so why not move over there where you might feel more comfortable with your sorry life? Now for some news that doesn't involve Comrade George's favorite scapegoat.

Russia appears to be behind Ukraine violence, U.S. envoy to U.N. says - latimes.com

AOL.com Article - Ukraine asks for UN peacekeepers in restive east

Maybe Comrade George, when he gets cozied up to that Russian woman, can have her to ask the Russian authorities how come they were not cooperating more fully with the U.S. so that the tragedy at Boston might have been avoided.

AOL.com Article - Russia omitted details on Boston Marathon bombing suspect
"Mr. Kolomoysky, the new governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region, derided Rabbi Lazar’s support for Mr. Putin as Kremlin-orchestrated propaganda.

"Russia, he said in an interview, has put pressure on Jewish leaders to fall into line with Moscow’s contention that Ukraine’s government was toppled in a fascist coup. 'Unlike in Russia, Ukraine’s Jewish community is not a lever of the state,' he said.

"Mr. Kolomoysky, a Russian speaker who has both Israeli and Ukrainian passports, scoffed at the Kremlin’s pledges to protect Jews, Russian-speakers and other minorities. 'We can protect ourselves. We don’t need any protection from Russia,' he said. 'There is no fascism here. It does not exist.'"


Are you still blabbering away once again about the Jews, your favorite scapegoat, Comrade George? Amazing how Comrade George always seems to find articles where he can drag in his favorite scapegoats!!! Aren't you going to at least get out of your apartment for some fresh air today? I feel like finding some Rusian widow on one of the dating sites for you who has a nice dacha in Russia and will convince you to like the borscht that she makes. After all, you hate this country and appear to be backing the Russians so why not move over there where you might feel more comfortable with your sorry life? Now for some news that doesn't involve Comrade George's favorite scapegoat.

Russia appears to be behind Ukraine violence, U.S. envoy to U.N. says - latimes.com

AOL.com Article - Ukraine asks for UN peacekeepers in restive east

Maybe Comrade George, when he gets cozied up to that Russian woman, can have her to ask the Russian authorities how come they were not cooperating more fully with the U.S. so that the tragedy at Boston might have been avoided.

AOL.com Article - Russia omitted details on Boston Marathon bombing suspect
"Analyst have listed Kolomoyskyi as an ally of Ukrainian politician Yulia Tymoshenko and her Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko.[1]

"Although according to RIA Novosti (in January 2010), Kolomoysky relations with Tymoshenko 'were soured some time ago, probably due to his refusal to finance Tymoshenko's election campaign' in 2010.[17][16]

"Croatian newspaper Nacional claimed in September 2007 that Kolomoyskyi had become an ally of (then) Ukrainian President Victor Yushchenko and had financed Yushchenko's Our Ukraine–People's Self-Defense Bloc.[9]

"In the 2012 Ukrainian parliamentary election Kolomoyskyi was perceived as being one of UDAR’s main sponsors.[18][16] This has been denied by UDAR.[19]

"On 2 March 2014, admits the 2014 pro-Russian protests in Ukraine, acting President Oleksandr Turchynov appointed Kolomoyskyi Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.[20] 1 day later he referred to Russian President Vladimir Putin as a 'schizophrenic shorty' who was 'totally out of touch, completely crazy'.[4]

"During a news conference the next day, Putin claimed that Kolomoyskyi had reneged on a contract with Roman Abramovich, saying 'I myself asked Abramovich why he did it later, and he told me he did not think it possible that someone would play him like that.'

"Putin said of Kolomoyskyi, 'This is just a unique crook'[nb 1] and claimed that 'Of course people are not happy' with his appointment as Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast."

Ihor Kolomoyskyi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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