Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine

Let me clue you in, 'steinlight': the wee l'il holestain, in between spitting invective at 'Marxists', has just been 'defending' Coward Georgie, who's perhaps the staunchest Marxist on this entire site.
Have you assimilated any of your history, G-String?
From 1920:

"Any attempt at the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, unless under the bayonets of one of the powers of the League of Nations, would undoubtedly end in a 'pogrom,' to escape from which in Europe is the Jew's main idea in coming to Syria.

"This hostility to the Jews is a bond of union between the Arab Moslems and the Christians, and nowhere in the East do these two denominations live in greater harmony, despite the traditional enmity between the Crescent and the Cross. (The Moslem-Christian Association was formed in 1918, with headquarters in Jaffa, to fight the policy of the Zionist Commission.)

"It will be seen that, to fulfill their aspirations, the Zionists must obtain the armed assistance of one of the European powers, presumably Great Britain, or of the United States of America.

"To keep the peace in such a scattered and mountainous country the garrison would have to be a large one.

"Is the League of Nations, or any of the Western powers, willing to undertake such a task?

"But without such armed protection, the scheme of a Jewish state, or settlement, is bound to end in failure and disaster."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

Ready for the big SPLASH?

Comrade George wants the readers to think that he is really concerned about the Arabs n one tiny piece of land, even though he has his chance to show how concerned he is when they (both Muslims and Christians) are being murdered all over the Middle East by his newfound friends. The bodies of these unfortunate people are piling up, but Comrade George is not concerned. In this one tiny area on this planet, the Arabs are useful as his pawns in his fight against his scapegoats, the Jews. Meanwhile, I can put up articles too.

Think-Israel Article
"At one time some of the Jewish colonists were very tactless, telling their Arab neighbors that, under the protection of England, the Jews would be given the Arab lands and the Moslems would become their servants.

"The bringing up, after the Armistice, of three battalions of Jewish troops, whose conduct toward the people was often very foolish, was another mistake.

"The result to-day is that the mass of the native population has become fanatical and anti-European.

"While I write, I hear that, during the last few days, a peaceful anti-Zionist demonstration has taken place in Jerusalem, in which ten thousand Moslems and Christians protested against the Zionist claims.

"A second similar demonstration might not be peaceful, but might easily develop into an anti-foreign rising.

"Then troops would have to be called in to quell it, and the result would be bloodshed.

"Is this to be allowed in the Holy Land?"

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

Comrade George, just whom do you think you are fooling? Why not be an honest fellow and admit you are using these Palestinians as a pawn in your fight against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. You care nothing for them, just as you care nothing about the Arabs who have been killed in the tens of thousands in the Middle East by the Muslims. I think most of the readers here are intelligent enough to figure this out. Now since you are on the Europe forum, why not give us some news of your favorite scapegoat, the Jews, and how they are being harassed and even murdered in Europe nowadays. After all, if you are following the news about your favorite scapegoats, you should know what is happening to them in at least France, which I am sure you are smart enough in geography to realize is in Europe.
My in-laws went through the Holocaust and the Ukrainians were more than happy to comply with the Nazis.
Undoubtedly, the vast differences in education and culture caused jealousy and hatred towards Jews.

And Indy in a very BRUTAL fashion I may add,as a footnote I have been reading about Ghengis Khan over the past six months,far from being the monster the "West" has written about him......he was a very clever man,had complete freedom of speech,religion and no racism in his capital Khoukoram.......had the fastest form of postal/messenger service until the invention of the aeroplane,encouraged the arts,philosophy and business but all his administration was run by the Chinese,who he conquered,his vast Empire was from China to Austria,Ukraine and Russia in Europe,but for his death we could all be speaking Mongolian today.

When help was requested by the Knights Templars against Saladin.....he prompty refused saying "he never dealt with Cannibals,"which certain elements of the KT were.

Like many conquerers,it was his use of the Horse,(Transport) that defined his Empire,including brilliant horsemanship and the invention of the Mongolian BOW.plus so much more of course.

steve..excuse any spelling and grammar errors today,of which there are a fair few
Pooor l'il hole-stain! I guess he needs to believe that filth, so he won't have to look at his ignorance and lack of education whilst hypnotizing himself staring in adulation at his 'white' skin........

You DO put on a hilarious show, wee l'il hole-stain : ))

Hi Marg,you must admit that the Pro Right Wing Israeli Lobby have a great deal of influence with Western Countries......far too much in my opinion....Israeli Lobby fair enough but Manic Right Wing(Including Zionist)...No Fcuking Way

Viva Palestine,Viva Israel

Steve, I very much disagree with you about the nature of the actual 'Israeli lobby' - mostly because it is NOT one organization. I'm part of Hadassah, and trust me, NOBODY tells Jewish nurses to toe some party line. While groups within what might be regarded as 'the Israeli lobby' will not generally oppose what other groups advocate - they also won't support what they feel is 'outside our mission' if they do not agree. And when your organization has over 300,000 members, people notice its absence as well as its presence.

The 'Israeii lobby' is more diverse, Steve, than you are assuming - and far less influential than you suppose, especially outside of the US. Note that the US has no laws criminalizing Holocaust denial.
Comrade George wants the readers to think that he is really concerned about the Arabs n one tiny piece of land, even though he has his chance to show how concerned he is when they (both Muslims and Christians) are being murdered all over the Middle East by his newfound friends. The bodies of these unfortunate people are piling up, but Comrade George is not concerned. In this one tiny area on this planet, the Arabs are useful as his pawns in his fight against his scapegoats, the Jews. Meanwhile, I can put up articles too.

Think-Israel Article
"At one time some of the Jewish colonists were very tactless, telling their Arab neighbors that, under the protection of England, the Jews would be given the Arab lands and the Moslems would become their servants.

"The bringing up, after the Armistice, of three battalions of Jewish troops, whose conduct toward the people was often very foolish, was another mistake.

"The result to-day is that the mass of the native population has become fanatical and anti-European.

"While I write, I hear that, during the last few days, a peaceful anti-Zionist demonstration has taken place in Jerusalem, in which ten thousand Moslems and Christians protested against the Zionist claims.

"A second similar demonstration might not be peaceful, but might easily develop into an anti-foreign rising.

"Then troops would have to be called in to quell it, and the result would be bloodshed.

"Is this to be allowed in the Holy Land?"

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

Comrade George, just whom do you think you are fooling? Why not be an honest fellow and admit you are using these Palestinians as a pawn in your fight against your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. You care nothing for them, just as you care nothing about the Arabs who have been killed in the tens of thousands in the Middle East by the Muslims. I think most of the readers here are intelligent enough to figure this out. Now since you are on the Europe forum, why not give us some news of your favorite scapegoat, the Jews, and how they are being harassed and even murdered in Europe nowadays. After all, if you are following the news about your favorite scapegoats, you should know what is happening to them in at least France, which I am sure you are smart enough in geography to realize is in Europe.
If you want to start a thread about Jews in France, what's holding you back? This thread deals with Jews, Ukraine, and the Zionist curse of Israel. Instead of constantly whining about what others choose to debate, sharpen your own rhetorical skills, which appear to be sadly lacking. Possibly hasbara has some talking point$ you might find useful, $ally.
Steve, I very much disagree with you about the nature of the actual 'Israeli lobby' - mostly because it is NOT one organization. I'm part of Hadassah, and trust me, NOBODY tells Jewish nurses to toe some party line. While groups within what might be regarded as 'the Israeli lobby' will not generally oppose what other groups advocate - they also won't support what they feel is 'outside our mission' if they do not agree. And when your organization has over 300,000 members, people notice its absence as well as its presence.

They don't have to!
They're intelligent enough to know how the bread gets buttered.

If there is one decent thing I can say about the Jews, it's that they know how to act like a team.
They understand all too well the principle of divide and conquer, which they have applied with great success in the US.
Just as creating the public impression that they comprise only 2% of the population serves them by putting their gentile hosts off guard against them as a potential threat, it also serves their interest to create the FALSE impression that they are divided. Blacks know that this ruse is nothing bu shuckin' 'n' jivin'.

There is an old saying that if you want to destroy the Jews just go away and leave them alone and they'll destroy themselves.
I believe this could very well be true except that there is no way to "leave the Jews alone" because the Jews will never leave YOU alone, that is the culture of white Anglo Saxons whom they spit venom at so much!
It sounds paradoxical doesn't it, that they would despise the very people they thrive best among? Nevertheless it's true otherwise we would be able to escape them. But no matter where we go in the world, here they come, like so many carpetbaggers in the post Civil War South.
It shouldn't be so hard to understand when you consider that they accuse their critics of being envious of their success while the whole time so many white Anglo Saxon men and women are willing to prostitute themselves to the Jews for whatever bribes and advantages they have to offer.

New research: One people! | JPost | Israel News

Jews the world over share age-old genetic ties.
They also share financial ties. They are truly international.

The 'Israeii lobby' is more diverse, Steve, than you are assuming - and far less influential than you suppose, especially outside of the US. Note that the US has no laws criminalizing Holocaust denial.

I also noted the time when the Jews of Europe had a certain "holocaust denier" extradited ILLEGALLY from the US so that they could throw him in jail in Europe! Yes that really happened. The Jews here can DENY THAT if they will.

Jews will search the world over for anyone they can jail who defies them.

You can also note that our Socialist neighbors in Canada already DO have laws against "holocaust denial". If you "leave the Jews alone" it will only be a matter of time before they have them in the US as well.

We also note that Jewish lobbies are ALL working hard to get them enacted in the US just as they are trying to enact "hate crime" laws which ultimately will give Jews the power to have anyone jailed who speaks ANY criticism of them.

Any fool can see for themselves the way the Jewish hordes jump on anyone who dares criticize them on these forums. Imagine what they WILL DO given the legal teeth to bite the people they hate.
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Let me clue you in, 'steinlight': the wee l'il holestain, in between spitting invective at 'Marxists', has just been 'defending' Coward Georgie, who's perhaps the staunchest Marxist on this entire site.

I'm not defending anyone. I'm merely speaking my mind.

Will you Jews in the US be allowed to vote for your Jewish candidate for the Ukarinian Presidency in their election.

I don't see why not. Israelis are currently allowed to vote for US Presidents.

Maybe it's something like this that Putin is worried about in the Jewish bid for power in Ukraine via the IMF and the US Golem.

Maybe he's decided that Russia has suffered enough because of Bolshevism. I just wish that all the potheads and commies in the US had the same experience to go by. Then maybe they wouldn't be so eager to institutionalize it in the US.
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Poor wee hole-stain! He doesn't understand that Hadassah has been self-supporting since its beginning a century ago. We do our own fund-raising: we are independent. Our History | Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Org of America
At no time has Hadassah limited our efforts to only Jewish people in need.

Perhaps, Marg, the anti-Semite Holston might enjoy some music. Naturally the anti-Semite Holston wouldn't bring up that there are many dual citizens in this country who can vote in other countries. Perhaps the anti-Semite Holston should do some research to find out how many Americans are dual citizens with another country. By the way, if Holston has one Irish or Italian grandparent, he can apply for citizenship in those countries.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzwWskM4hN8]Tchaikovsky Flashwaltz at Hadassah Hospital - YouTube[/ame]
Let me clue you in, 'steinlight': the wee l'il holestain, in between spitting invective at 'Marxists', has just been 'defending' Coward Georgie, who's perhaps the staunchest Marxist on this entire site.

I'm not defending anyone. I'm merely speaking my mind.

Will you Jews in the US be allowed to vote for your Jewish candidate for the Ukarinian Presidency in their election.

I don't see why not. Israelis are currently allowed to vote for US Presidents.

Maybe it's something like this that Putin is worried about in the Jewish bid for power in Ukraine via the IMF and the US Golem.

Maybe he's decided that Russia has suffered enough because of Bolshevism. I just wish that all the potheads and commies in the US had the same experience to go by. Then maybe they wouldn't be so eager to institutionalize it in the US.
Maybe it's worth considering what the "World's Smartest Jew" has to say about Bolshevism?

"We are in a period of corporatization of power, consolidation of power, centralization. That’s supposed to be good if you’re a progressive, like a Marxist-Leninist. Out of the same background came three major things, fascism, Bolshevism, and corporate tyranny."

Noam Chomsky and Marxism: On the roots of modern "authoritarianism"  Part One

The point being it's entirely possible that Marx and JP Morgan were on the same page when it came to controlling a society.
Let me clue you in, 'steinlight': the wee l'il holestain, in between spitting invective at 'Marxists', has just been 'defending' Coward Georgie, who's perhaps the staunchest Marxist on this entire site.

I'm not defending anyone. I'm merely speaking my mind.

Will you Jews in the US be allowed to vote for your Jewish candidate for the Ukarinian Presidency in their election.

I don't see why not. Israelis are currently allowed to vote for US Presidents.

Maybe it's something like this that Putin is worried about in the Jewish bid for power in Ukraine via the IMF and the US Golem.

Maybe he's decided that Russia has suffered enough because of Bolshevism. I just wish that all the potheads and commies in the US had the same experience to go by. Then maybe they wouldn't be so eager to institutionalize it in the US.
Maybe it's worth considering what the "World's Smartest Jew" has to say about Bolshevism?

"We are in a period of corporatization of power, consolidation of power, centralization. That’s supposed to be good if you’re a progressive, like a Marxist-Leninist. Out of the same background came three major things, fascism, Bolshevism, and corporate tyranny."

Noam Chomsky and Marxism: On the roots of modern "authoritarianism"  Part One

The point being it's entirely possible that Marx and JP Morgan were on the same page when it came to controlling a society.

Comrade George's favorite Jews are the Leftist Jews, and he will continually spams and spams their articles on forums (he has loads of articles by his favorite Leftist Jews and will keep on pulling them out to spam the readers). Such a good little Commie is Comrade George. Comrade George loves Communism. He can sit in his little subsidized apartment in Los Angeles paid for by the hard work of the Los Angeles taxpayers.

Now that Comrade George is on the Europe forum, instead of spamming his usual Leftist Jew articles, I wonder if he can tell us what else is happening in Europe.
"Yes, I know. Uri Avnery has achieved many great things as a journalist and a peace activist. He has probably done more to educate people around the world about the terrible situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, and for longer, than any other single human being.

"And, to boot, he’s celebrating his 90th birthday this week.

"So best wishes to him.

"Nonetheless, it is important to challenge the many fallacious claims Avnery makes to bolster the arguments in his latest article, dismissing the growing comparisons being made between Israel and apartheid South Africa.

There is much to criticise in his weakly argued piece, based on a recent conversation with an unnamed 'expert'.

"Avnery, like many before him, makes the mistake of thinking that, by pointing out the differences between Israel and apartheid South Africa, he proves that Israel is not an apartheid state.

"But this is the ultimate straw-man argument.

"No one claims Israel is identical to South Africa.

"You don’t need an expert to realise that."

How Come Uri Avnery Knows So Little about Israel? | Dissident Voice
Hilarious - the Commie and the Nazi are bonding over their mutual Jew-murdering hatred.
What is the purported difference between the evil 'Bolshevism' and the marvelous 'Marxist-Leninism' ?

And the purported difference between the evil 'fascism' and the evil 'corporate tyranny'?

Marxists want to call themselves 'progressives' now - but IMO it's just more 'Marxist dialectic', aka BS - aka lies.

A pox on both your fringes.
Hilarious - the Commie and the Nazi are bonding over their mutual Jew-murdering hatred.

It certainly is. They are both losers in life. Meanwhile, Israelis themselves should be asked for their opinion of Avnery. I am sure the Leftist Jews love him, but there are no doubt plenty of Israelis who think that he is flat-out wrong. I once asked an israeli what she thought of him, and she said most Israelis don't even bother reading his nonsense. However, Avnery seems to be a hit on those sites where the readers would love Israel to roll over and die. They could care less about the "Palestinians." They use the "Palestinians" as their pawns in their hatred against the Jews.
Hilarious - the Commie and the Nazi are bonding over their mutual Jew-murdering hatred.

There are many notable Jews who recognize what I am saying and have the courage and integrity to admit it.

I won't say that your accusation is a lie because you may actually believe that.

I know that you have read enough of what I have written in order to know better.
In that case you are knowingly telling a damnable lie.
Hilarious - the Commie and the Nazi are bonding over their mutual Jew-murdering hatred.

It certainly is. They are both losers in life. Meanwhile, Israelis themselves should be asked for their opinion of Avnery. I am sure the Leftist Jews love him, but there are no doubt plenty of Israelis who think that he is flat-out wrong. I once asked an israeli what she thought of him, and she said most Israelis don't even bother reading his nonsense. However, Avnery seems to be a hit on those sites where the readers would love Israel to roll over and die. They could care less about the "Palestinians." They use the "Palestinians" as their pawns in their hatred against the Jews.

I never have and never will.....BUT I will point out your horrible HYPOCRICY HERE Sally,on one hand you decry others motivation(in your sordid little mind) Yet you as a TERRORIST ZIONIST have actually carried out atrocities willingly against the Semetic Palestinians,with ruthless will and murder for over 80 years..........your stupidity and aggression have NO bounds.......like all Zionist as soon as you are threatened by others with the facts and truth..you weep..you cast Avnery in this instant as Rubbish and yet he is a Jew,not every Jew thinks as you do (Thank God) but being a Zionist comes before even Judaism for Trolls like you.

You are neither fair or balanced regarding the Palestinians......Just RABID HATE all the time,and HATE towards these Semetic People.:cuckoo:,you sound so stupid when you Troll out the Anti-Semetic line when corrected of the material facts regarding Jews.

As a Pragmatic person I have always wanted the best for both peoples.......the trouble with you Zionists,you hate and try to manipulate anyone and everyone constantly...EVEN YOUR OWN BLOOD,if you don't get your own way.....yet you'r surprized when others don't like you!!!!!!!!!!!Amazing really but without realizing this MENTAL CONDITION YOU HAVE CREATED...........has detrimentally affected your human .....being.

Not all Jews think like you.....although your Zionism wrongly tries to entwine itself as Judaism...WHICH IT CERTAINLY IS NOT........YOU ARE ONLY A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION......and by implication YOU ARE A WONTON TERRORIST.

STOP mouthing off your Zionist MANTRA......We just are not interested that much about what you say but do MONITOR WHAT YOU DO...and it's UGLY most of the time.steve:D
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Hilarious - the Commie and the Nazi are bonding over their mutual Jew-murdering hatred.
Marg clucks in defense of Jew-murdering hatred?
Some of us find hatred an appropriate response for the murder of any and all innocent beings.
What's your problem, Marg?
Are some beings more equal than others, or does your daily $tipend depend on apologizing for all the hundreds of thousands of innocent beings who have been maimed, murdered, and displaced by greedy Jews over the last century in Palestine?:smiliehug:
Hilarious - the Commie and the Nazi are bonding over their mutual Jew-murdering hatred.

It certainly is. They are both losers in life. Meanwhile, Israelis themselves should be asked for their opinion of Avnery. I am sure the Leftist Jews love him, but there are no doubt plenty of Israelis who think that he is flat-out wrong. I once asked an israeli what she thought of him, and she said most Israelis don't even bother reading his nonsense. However, Avnery seems to be a hit on those sites where the readers would love Israel to roll over and die. They could care less about the "Palestinians." They use the "Palestinians" as their pawns in their hatred against the Jews.

I never have and never will.....BUT I will point out your horrible HYPOCRICY HERE Sally,on one hand you decry others motivation(in your sordid little mind) Yet you as a TERRORIST ZIONIST have actually carried out atrocities willingly against the Semetic Palestinians,with ruthless will and murder for over 80 years..........your stupidity and aggression have NO bounds.......like all Zionist as soon as you are threatened by others with the facts and truth..you weep..you cast Avnery in this instant as Rubbish and yet he is a Jew,not every Jew thinks as you do (Thank God) but being a Zionist comes before even Judaism for Trolls like you.

You are neither fair or balanced regarding the Palestinians......Just RABID HATE all the time,and HATE towards these Semetic People.:cuckoo:,you sound so stupid when you Troll out the Anti-Semetic line when corrected of the material facts regarding Jews.

As a Pragmatic person I have always wanted the best for both peoples.......the trouble with you Zionists,you hate and try to manipulate anyone and everyone constantly...EVEN YOUR OWN BLOOD,if you don't get your own way.....yet you'r surprized when others don't like you!!!!!!!!!!!Amazing really but without realizing this MENTAL CONDITION YOU HAVE CREATED...........has detrimentally affected your human .....being.

Not all Jews think like you.....although your Zionism wrongly tries to entwine itself as Judaism...WHICH IT CERTAINLY IS NOT........YOU ARE ONLY A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION......and by implication YOU ARE A WONTON TERRORIST.

STOP mouthing off your Zionist MANTRA......We just are not interested that much about what you say but do MONITOR WHAT YOU DO...and it's UGLY most of the time.steve:D

You are not fooling anyone, Stevie Boy. I think many readers have seen right through you and see you for the faker that you are. Meanwhile, how come you are ignoring all the bodies lying in the streets of the Middle East? Tens of thousands have been killed just in the last three years, and the killings are still going on. Perhaps you think it is more important for you to throw "Zionist" around as is your usual shtick than to pay attention to what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. This is why I didn't even bother reading the blabber you post; just quickly scan through it to catch the word "Zionist" once again.. However, if it makes you feel good to blabber about the "Zionists." Go for it!!! Maybe throwing around "Zionists" is one of the little pleasures you have in life.

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