Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine

I am more concerned with the innocent people who are still living in the Ukraine, no matter there religion. who are affected with what is going on. You, on the other hand, could care less about these people but just want to drag in the Jews with the NeoNazis as if they were in bed with each other because you want the readers to hate your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, as much as you do..

I doubt you have the slightest concern for any innocent people who aren't Jews. Since you continually support the displacement, arrest, torture, and murder of thousands of innocent Palestinians, your crocodile tears over Ukraine's victims are about as believable as Israel's commitment to democracy.

Unlike you, Comrade George, I don't need a scapegoat and actually care about people regardless of their religion, ethnicity or race. I have a suggestion for you. The Grove is having Date Night. Instead of constantly obsessing over your favoritate scapegoat, the Jews, all your waking hours and trying to blame them for all the evils in this world, find yourself a girlfriend. The Grove is going to have Date Night. For a fixed amount (save up), the admission will cover dinner, the movies, and valet parking. I realize you don't need Valet Parking since you don't have a car, but perhaps your date wouldn't mind taking a bus.

Speaking of Arabs, Comrade George, if you weren't so obsessed with the Jews and Israel, you would be on forums condemning what is happening to those innocent Arabs in other Middle East countries. Since you have been so silent on what is happening, no matter that tens of thousands have been killed, tens of thousands probably have been wounded and over two million are now refugees, it shows you really don't care about them. Mr. Phony Baloney, Comrade George, doesn't realize that readers are smart enough to discern that his alligator tears for the Palestinians are all for show because he is using them as pawns in his fight against his scapegoats, the Jews.
What Ha$bara $ally will never admit is the source of those millions of Arabs' misery: namely the creation of a Jewish state in a land that was one-third Jew. Spread your propaganda a little thicker, $ally, maybe a few are ignorant enough to believe it.
I doubt you have the slightest concern for any innocent people who aren't Jews. Since you continually support the displacement, arrest, torture, and murder of thousands of innocent Palestinians, your crocodile tears over Ukraine's victims are about as believable as Israel's commitment to democracy.

Unlike you, Comrade George, I don't need a scapegoat and actually care about people regardless of their religion, ethnicity or race. I have a suggestion for you. The Grove is having Date Night. Instead of constantly obsessing over your favoritate scapegoat, the Jews, all your waking hours and trying to blame them for all the evils in this world, find yourself a girlfriend. The Grove is going to have Date Night. For a fixed amount (save up), the admission will cover dinner, the movies, and valet parking. I realize you don't need Valet Parking since you don't have a car, but perhaps your date wouldn't mind taking a bus.

Speaking of Arabs, Comrade George, if you weren't so obsessed with the Jews and Israel, you would be on forums condemning what is happening to those innocent Arabs in other Middle East countries. Since you have been so silent on what is happening, no matter that tens of thousands have been killed, tens of thousands probably have been wounded and over two million are now refugees, it shows you really don't care about them. Mr. Phony Baloney, Comrade George, doesn't realize that readers are smart enough to discern that his alligator tears for the Palestinians are all for show because he is using them as pawns in his fight against his scapegoats, the Jews.

What Ha$bara $ally will never admit is the source of those millions of Arabs' misery: namely the creation of a Jewish state in a land that was one-third Jew. Spread your propaganda a little thicker, $ally, maybe a few are ignorant enough to believe it.

You are such a phony, Comrade George. You are not worried about the Arabs at all. If you really were worried about them, you have had plenty of opportunities to condemn what is happening to them when they are being car bombed or suicide bombed by other Arabs of different sects. The only reason you want the readers to believe that you care about the Arabs in the Israeli area is because your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are involved. While the bodies of innocent Arabs are piling up in the other Middle East countries, your eyes are tightly shut to what is happening. The Jews are not involved so you don't want to waste your time on this no matter how much innocent Arab blood is running down the roads.

As an aside, the readers can see how a person with money on his mind has dollar signs in his posts. We know that you can find the dollar sign on your keyboard, Comrade Geroge, to let us know you are short. If the dollar signs are a hint that you want a collection taken up, perhaps we can all chip in for you.
Unlike you, Comrade George, I don't need a scapegoat and actually care about people regardless of their religion, ethnicity or race. I have a suggestion for you. The Grove is having Date Night. Instead of constantly obsessing over your favoritate scapegoat, the Jews, all your waking hours and trying to blame them for all the evils in this world, find yourself a girlfriend. The Grove is going to have Date Night. For a fixed amount (save up), the admission will cover dinner, the movies, and valet parking. I realize you don't need Valet Parking since you don't have a car, but perhaps your date wouldn't mind taking a bus.

Speaking of Arabs, Comrade George, if you weren't so obsessed with the Jews and Israel, you would be on forums condemning what is happening to those innocent Arabs in other Middle East countries. Since you have been so silent on what is happening, no matter that tens of thousands have been killed, tens of thousands probably have been wounded and over two million are now refugees, it shows you really don't care about them. Mr. Phony Baloney, Comrade George, doesn't realize that readers are smart enough to discern that his alligator tears for the Palestinians are all for show because he is using them as pawns in his fight against his scapegoats, the Jews.

What Ha$bara $ally will never admit is the source of those millions of Arabs' misery: namely the creation of a Jewish state in a land that was one-third Jew. Spread your propaganda a little thicker, $ally, maybe a few are ignorant enough to believe it.

You are such a phony, Comrade George. You are not worried about the Arabs at all. If you really were worried about them, you have had plenty of opportunities to condemn what is happening to them when they are being car bombed or suicide bombed by other Arabs of different sects. The only reason you want the readers to believe that you care about the Arabs in the Israeli area is because your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are involved. While the bodies of innocent Arabs are piling up in the other Middle East countries, your eyes are tightly shut to what is happening. The Jews are not involved so you don't want to waste your time on this no matter how much innocent Arab blood is running down the roads.

As an aside, the readers can see how a person with money on his mind has dollar signs in his posts. We know that you can find the dollar sign on your keyboard, Comrade Geroge, to let us know you are short. If the dollar signs are a hint that you want a collection taken up, perhaps we can all chip in for you.
I'm not paid or compen$ated in any material $en$e for my USMB posts, Ha$bara $ally.
Are you?
What Ha$bara $ally will never admit is the source of those millions of Arabs' misery: namely the creation of a Jewish state in a land that was one-third Jew. Spread your propaganda a little thicker, $ally, maybe a few are ignorant enough to believe it.

You are such a phony, Comrade George. You are not worried about the Arabs at all. If you really were worried about them, you have had plenty of opportunities to condemn what is happening to them when they are being car bombed or suicide bombed by other Arabs of different sects. The only reason you want the readers to believe that you care about the Arabs in the Israeli area is because your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are involved. While the bodies of innocent Arabs are piling up in the other Middle East countries, your eyes are tightly shut to what is happening. The Jews are not involved so you don't want to waste your time on this no matter how much innocent Arab blood is running down the roads.

As an aside, the readers can see how a person with money on his mind has dollar signs in his posts. We know that you can find the dollar sign on your keyboard, Comrade Geroge, to let us know you are short. If the dollar signs are a hint that you want a collection taken up, perhaps we can all chip in for you.

I'm not paid or compen$ated in any material $en$e for my USMB posts, Ha$bara $ally.
Are you?

Are you a little short this month, Comrade George? You keep on showing us the dollar signs which must mean you have money on your mind.

I guess Comrade George, even if he could scrounge up the money now, might have a difficult time to visit his Russian comrades in the Crimea.

European flight safety agency warns pilots to avoid Crimea airspace - latimes.com

However, if he should bv chance make it to the Crimea, he can eat in Subway. It is healthier anyway than eating at a burger chain.

AOL.com Article - McDonald's shutters Crimea locations
Can you explain your obsession with Jews?
I'm less obsessed with Jews than with your spiritual (SS) brethren:

"The first sympathy goes to the Maidan rebels. (Maidan is an Arab word meaning town square. Curious how it travelled to Kiev. Probably via Istanbul.)

"They want to join the West, enjoy independence and democracy. What’s wrong with that?

"Nothing, except that they have dubious bedfellows.

"Neo-Nazis in their copycat Nazi uniforms, giving the Hitler salute and mouthing anti-Semitic slogans, are not very attractive.

"The encouragement they receive from Western allies, including the odious neocons, is off-putting.

On the other side, Vladimir Putin is also not very prepossessing. It’s the old Russian imperialism all over again."

Israel and Ukraine » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The Ukraine, including the Crimea, has been a burning cauldron of misery, death, and dehumanization from the beginning of it's history, and Russia has been the primary cause. If there is a hell on Earth, it's the Ukraine.

I certainly have no solution, except maybe nuke Russia, and that ain't gonna happen, should have in 1946, but it was too late once they stole ballistic missile technology from us.
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Can you explain your obsession with Jews?
I'm less obsessed with Jews than with your spiritual (SS) brethren:

"The first sympathy goes to the Maidan rebels. (Maidan is an Arab word meaning town square. Curious how it travelled to Kiev. Probably via Istanbul.)

"They want to join the West, enjoy independence and democracy. What’s wrong with that?

"Nothing, except that they have dubious bedfellows.

"Neo-Nazis in their copycat Nazi uniforms, giving the Hitler salute and mouthing anti-Semitic slogans, are not very attractive.

"The encouragement they receive from Western allies, including the odious neocons, is off-putting.

On the other side, Vladimir Putin is also not very prepossessing. It’s the old Russian imperialism all over again."

Israel and Ukraine » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The Ukraine, including the Crimea, has been a burning cauldron of misery, death, and dehumanization from the beginning of it's history, and Russia has been the primary cause. If there is a hell on Earth, it's the Ukraine.

I certainly have no solution, except maybe nuke Russia, and that ain't gonna happen, should have in 1946, but it was too late once they stole ballistic missile technology from us.
Stalin did his part to tun Ukraine into hell on earth; however, Russia also destroyed 90% of Hitler's war machine while suffering millions of civilian casualties. It seems a little unpatriotic to nuke an ally that useful to US capitalism.:lol:
I'm less obsessed with Jews than with your spiritual (SS) brethren:

"The first sympathy goes to the Maidan rebels. (Maidan is an Arab word meaning town square. Curious how it travelled to Kiev. Probably via Istanbul.)

"They want to join the West, enjoy independence and democracy. What’s wrong with that?

"Nothing, except that they have dubious bedfellows.

"Neo-Nazis in their copycat Nazi uniforms, giving the Hitler salute and mouthing anti-Semitic slogans, are not very attractive.

"The encouragement they receive from Western allies, including the odious neocons, is off-putting.

On the other side, Vladimir Putin is also not very prepossessing. It’s the old Russian imperialism all over again."

Israel and Ukraine » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The Ukraine, including the Crimea, has been a burning cauldron of misery, death, and dehumanization from the beginning of it's history, and Russia has been the primary cause. If there is a hell on Earth, it's the Ukraine.

I certainly have no solution, except maybe nuke Russia, and that ain't gonna happen, should have in 1946, but it was too late once they stole ballistic missile technology from us.
Stalin did his part to tun Ukraine into hell on earth; however, Russia also destroyed 90% of Hitler's war machine while suffering millions of civilian casualties. It seems a little unpatriotic to nuke an ally that useful to US capitalism.:lol:

I don't want to see anyone nuked, but it is very telling when Comrade George brings up capitalism like it was such a terrible thing. He wants everyone to share and share alike and put all their money into one pool so that he will be better off. Would anyone of us want to have lived under communism where we had to stand in line for hours at a market to buy something and then stand on another line to pay. The Russians who were lucky enough to come here must have thought they arrived in Utopia where they could just go into the market, put products into their shopping cart, and then pay in one fell scoop.
"That left Ukrainians deeply angry and frustrated about the state of their country being eaten from the inside by the graft and thievery of its government on one hand, and the concentration of oligarchical wealth on the other.

"According to the Kiev's newly folded weekly Korrespondent, the twelve richest businessmen in this country of 46 million had a combined wealth worth more than 20% of the total country.

"That combined with the reality that the economy is owned by 5 oligarchs and their families has created a socio-economic powder keg.

"Most countries that have kleptocracy and corruption on a wide scale still exist in relative peace until there is a certain level reached that makes normal life for most people impossible. 'I will tell you the real story from real life how bad things are here,' said a twenty something Yuri who had recently relocated from Kiev to Lviv in the west. 'I know of someone whose family member was put in this situation. One guy had an accident at work that almost severed his leg. He was brought to the hospital where he was seen by a doctor. The doctor said: to re-attach your leg will cost you $5000. Here is the phone as you have 40 minutes to get the money so you better start making phone calls. When you come to Ukraine, you make sure you are healthy and there is nothing wrong with you,' Yuri concluded."

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"That left Ukrainians deeply angry and frustrated about the state of their country being eaten from the inside by the graft and thievery of its government on one hand, and the concentration of oligarchical wealth on the other.

"According to the Kiev's newly folded weekly Korrespondent, the twelve richest businessmen in this country of 46 million had a combined wealth worth more than 20% of the total country.

"That combined with the reality that the economy is owned by 5 oligarchs and their families has created a socio-economic powder keg.

"Most countries that have kleptocracy and corruption on a wide scale still exist in relative peace until there is a certain level reached that makes normal life for most people impossible. 'I will tell you the real story from real life how bad things are here,' said a twenty something Yuri who had recently relocated from Kiev to Lviv in the west. 'I know of someone whose family member was put in this situation. One guy had an accident at work that almost severed his leg. He was brought to the hospital where he was seen by a doctor. The doctor said: to re-attach your leg will cost you $5000. Here is the phone as you have 40 minutes to get the money so you better start making phone calls. When you come to Ukraine, you make sure you are healthy and there is nothing wrong with you,' Yuri concluded."

Euro Maidan 2014: The Ruptured Rebellion of Incoherent Revolution

Then there is other news about the area. I see like a good commie, Comrade George is bringing up wealth again. However, has anyone seen Comrade George bringing up the enormous wealth of others around the world where he can't drag in his favorite scapegoats, the Jews? How about Mexico, Comrade George. Which people have all the wealth there? Is Carlos Slim a secret Jew?

I found this piece about Merkel and Germany quite interesting.

Crimea crisis highlights Germany's aversion to being in the vanguard - latimes.com

Some news about what is going on:

Eastern Ukrainian City Of Donetsk Rallies In Favor Of Independence Referendum | Eurasia Review

Ukraine Puts Mothballed Mig-29 Fighter Jets Back In Service | Eurasia Review

Then there is an analysis piece regarding Putin.

Putin?s Next Move ? Analysis | Eurasia Review
"In a NATO-Russian conflict, in which Russia introduced nuclear weapons, NATO would be fully capable of responding in a tit-for-tat fashion.

"This would be the same pattern as was seen in the NATO war games of the Cold War.

"Once the nuclear 'firebreak' is crossed, once nuclear weapons are introduced into a military conflict in which *both sides have nuclear weapons*, there would likely be an almost inevitable escalation of conflict, a progressive use of nuclear weapons by both sides, with progressively larger targets being taken out."

Ukraine + NATO = Nuclear War
"In a NATO-Russian conflict, in which Russia introduced nuclear weapons, NATO would be fully capable of responding in a tit-for-tat fashion.

"This would be the same pattern as was seen in the NATO war games of the Cold War.

"Once the nuclear 'firebreak' is crossed, once nuclear weapons are introduced into a military conflict in which *both sides have nuclear weapons*, there would likely be an almost inevitable escalation of conflict, a progressive use of nuclear weapons by both sides, with progressively larger targets being taken out."

Ukraine + NATO = Nuclear War

How silly, Comrade George!!! I doubt that any civilized country wants to see a nuclear war because they are smart enough to realize the devastation there would be. Maybe the terrorists in places like Pakistan wouldb't hesitate for a moment to set off a nuclear bomb if they had the opportunity, but I don't think others would be willing to try it.
"In a NATO-Russian conflict, in which Russia introduced nuclear weapons, NATO would be fully capable of responding in a tit-for-tat fashion.

"This would be the same pattern as was seen in the NATO war games of the Cold War.

"Once the nuclear 'firebreak' is crossed, once nuclear weapons are introduced into a military conflict in which *both sides have nuclear weapons*, there would likely be an almost inevitable escalation of conflict, a progressive use of nuclear weapons by both sides, with progressively larger targets being taken out."

Ukraine + NATO = Nuclear War

How silly, Comrade George!!! I doubt that any civilized country wants to see a nuclear war because they are smart enough to realize the devastation there would be. Maybe the terrorists in places like Pakistan wouldb't hesitate for a moment to set off a nuclear bomb if they had the opportunity, but I don't think others would be willing to try it.
Hope you're right, Ha$bara, but mistakes do happen:

"Even if NATO could manage to use its conventional forces to defeat Russian conventional forces, Russia would *not* allow such a defeat upon its very border. Russia would certainly use nuclear weapons to stop NATO.

"Russia has for some time adopted the policy of 'nuclear de-escalation':

"In order to maintain a credible nuclear deterrence effect under the conditions of a regional war, Russia believes it should not rely on strategic nuclear forces, or on them only, but must maintain a range of options for the limited or selective use of nuclear weapons in order to be able to inflict a precisely set level of damage to the enemy sufficient to convince him to terminate military confrontation by exposing him to the danger of further nuclear escalation"

Ukraine + NATO = Nuclear War

One thing everyone is sure of is that Putin isn't positioning nuclear weapons in Mexico or Central America.
"In a NATO-Russian conflict, in which Russia introduced nuclear weapons, NATO would be fully capable of responding in a tit-for-tat fashion.

"This would be the same pattern as was seen in the NATO war games of the Cold War.

"Once the nuclear 'firebreak' is crossed, once nuclear weapons are introduced into a military conflict in which *both sides have nuclear weapons*, there would likely be an almost inevitable escalation of conflict, a progressive use of nuclear weapons by both sides, with progressively larger targets being taken out."

Ukraine + NATO = Nuclear War

How silly, Comrade George!!! I doubt that any civilized country wants to see a nuclear war because they are smart enough to realize the devastation there would be. Maybe the terrorists in places like Pakistan wouldb't hesitate for a moment to set off a nuclear bomb if they had the opportunity, but I don't think others would be willing to try it.
Hope you're right, Ha$bara, but mistakes do happen:

"Even if NATO could manage to use its conventional forces to defeat Russian conventional forces, Russia would *not* allow such a defeat upon its very border. Russia would certainly use nuclear weapons to stop NATO.

"Russia has for some time adopted the policy of 'nuclear de-escalation':

"In order to maintain a credible nuclear deterrence effect under the conditions of a regional war, Russia believes it should not rely on strategic nuclear forces, or on them only, but must maintain a range of options for the limited or selective use of nuclear weapons in order to be able to inflict a precisely set level of damage to the enemy sufficient to convince him to terminate military confrontation by exposing him to the danger of further nuclear escalation"

Ukraine + NATO = Nuclear War

One thing everyone is sure of is that Putin isn't positioning nuclear weapons in Mexico or Central America.

Back with your dollar signs, Comrade George? I will be happy to send you a few bucks. Meanwhile, that is only someone's opinion, and you know what they say about opinions.
Do you actually see Putin wants to see the retaliation of nukes falling on Moscow? You must think that he is very, very stupid.
How silly, Comrade George!!! I doubt that any civilized country wants to see a nuclear war because they are smart enough to realize the devastation there would be. Maybe the terrorists in places like Pakistan wouldb't hesitate for a moment to set off a nuclear bomb if they had the opportunity, but I don't think others would be willing to try it.
Hope you're right, Ha$bara, but mistakes do happen:

"Even if NATO could manage to use its conventional forces to defeat Russian conventional forces, Russia would *not* allow such a defeat upon its very border. Russia would certainly use nuclear weapons to stop NATO.

"Russia has for some time adopted the policy of 'nuclear de-escalation':

"In order to maintain a credible nuclear deterrence effect under the conditions of a regional war, Russia believes it should not rely on strategic nuclear forces, or on them only, but must maintain a range of options for the limited or selective use of nuclear weapons in order to be able to inflict a precisely set level of damage to the enemy sufficient to convince him to terminate military confrontation by exposing him to the danger of further nuclear escalation"

Ukraine + NATO = Nuclear War

One thing everyone is sure of is that Putin isn't positioning nuclear weapons in Mexico or Central America.

Back with your dollar signs, Comrade George? I will be happy to send you a few bucks. Meanwhile, that is only someone's opinion, and you know what they say about opinions.
Do you actually see Putin wants to see the retaliation of nukes falling on Moscow? You must think that he is very, very stupid.
Which is probably why Putin isn't putting missiles in Canada, since only very stupid people think they can win a nuclear war.
Hope you're right, Ha$bara, but mistakes do happen:

"Even if NATO could manage to use its conventional forces to defeat Russian conventional forces, Russia would *not* allow such a defeat upon its very border. Russia would certainly use nuclear weapons to stop NATO.

"Russia has for some time adopted the policy of 'nuclear de-escalation':

"In order to maintain a credible nuclear deterrence effect under the conditions of a regional war, Russia believes it should not rely on strategic nuclear forces, or on them only, but must maintain a range of options for the limited or selective use of nuclear weapons in order to be able to inflict a precisely set level of damage to the enemy sufficient to convince him to terminate military confrontation by exposing him to the danger of further nuclear escalation"

Ukraine + NATO = Nuclear War

One thing everyone is sure of is that Putin isn't positioning nuclear weapons in Mexico or Central America.

Back with your dollar signs, Comrade George? I will be happy to send you a few bucks. Meanwhile, that is only someone's opinion, and you know what they say about opinions.
Do you actually see Putin wants to see the retaliation of nukes falling on Moscow? You must think that he is very, very stupid.

Which is probably why Putin isn't putting missiles in Canada, since only very stupid people think they can win a nuclear war.

Why are you concentrating then on nukes that will never be used by Russia? Putin realizes what would happen. Why not concentrate on the ordinary people in the Ukraine who are affected by this and also think about their relatives here in the U.S. who are also worried about what is happening? If you had relatives still living in the Ukraine as they do, wouldn't you be worrying about them?
Back with your dollar signs, Comrade George? I will be happy to send you a few bucks. Meanwhile, that is only someone's opinion, and you know what they say about opinions.
Do you actually see Putin wants to see the retaliation of nukes falling on Moscow? You must think that he is very, very stupid.

Which is probably why Putin isn't putting missiles in Canada, since only very stupid people think they can win a nuclear war.

Why are you concentrating then on nukes that will never be used by Russia? Putin realizes what would happen. Why not concentrate on the ordinary people in the Ukraine who are affected by this and also think about their relatives here in the U.S. who are also worried about what is happening? If you had relatives still living in the Ukraine as they do, wouldn't you be worrying about them?
Dick doesn't realize what would happen:

"As tensions between Washington and Moscow continue to rise over the crisis in Ukraine, Cheney, who was one of the major architects of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, appeared on CBS News’ Face the Nation on Sunday and said the US should not take 'military options' against Russia off the table.

“'I worry when we begin to address a crisis, the first thing we do is we take options off the table,' Cheney said on TV. 'I don’t think the administration should do that.'

"He also urged the Obama administration to boost its missile systems in Poland and the Czech Republic."

Dick Cheney | Global Clarity
Which is probably why Putin isn't putting missiles in Canada, since only very stupid people think they can win a nuclear war.

Why are you concentrating then on nukes that will never be used by Russia? Putin realizes what would happen. Why not concentrate on the ordinary people in the Ukraine who are affected by this and also think about their relatives here in the U.S. who are also worried about what is happening? If you had relatives still living in the Ukraine as they do, wouldn't you be worrying about them?
Dick doesn't realize what would happen:

"As tensions between Washington and Moscow continue to rise over the crisis in Ukraine, Cheney, who was one of the major architects of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, appeared on CBS News’ Face the Nation on Sunday and said the US should not take 'military options' against Russia off the table.

“'I worry when we begin to address a crisis, the first thing we do is we take options off the table,' Cheney said on TV. 'I don’t think the administration should do that.'

"He also urged the Obama administration to boost its missile systems in Poland and the Czech Republic."

Dick Cheney | Global Clarity

Why don't you admit, Comrade George, that you actually have no interest in the unfortunate people of the world. You just want to show how much you dislike the U.S., but continue to live here for the perks you get. I wonder if all the readers realize that Comrade George first posted this thread on a Middle East forum because he wanted to blame the Israelis for what was happening in the Ukraine. That is one of his favorite themes -- blame the Israelis/Jews (his favorite scapegoats) for whatever is happening bad in this world.
So, Georgie boy, we should just lay on our back and piss all over our belly like a cowardly dog.
There was a time when what is now called Ukraine, including Crimea was called, "The Pale", and was inhabited by mostly Jews. Russia needed a 'scapegoat' to blame for a failed assassination attempt so they used the Jews. The Pale was totally free of Jews in a few months, they were all, men women, and children, buried in the graves the Russian Army forced them to dig for themselves. To save bullets most were buried alive.

No, there are no innocent Russians.

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