Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine

"Last month’s US-instigated, fascist-spearheaded coup in Ukraine has intensified the deep divisions within Iran’s bourgeois political elite over the Islamic Republic’s relations with US imperialism and its European Union allies.

"Those sections of the Iranian media most supportive of President Hassan Rouhani’s recent overtures to the US and EU are parroting Washington’s lies.

"Like the Obama administration and the Western media, they are hailing the overthrow of Ukraine’s elected president as a 'democratic revolution' and denouncing supposed Russian 'aggression.'”

Ukraine coup intensifies conflicts within Iran?s elite - World Socialist Web Site

A little news which doesn't come from the World Socialist Web Site.

Russian PM Medvedev Makes Surprise Visit To Crimea

Russia Moves To Scrap Black Sea Fleet Agreements With Ukraine | Eurasia Review

Now let's have some sports news...........

Ukraine Soccer Player Saves Rival After Frightening Injury (VIDEO)
One can only wonder why some Jew$ are so reticent to condemn neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

"However, the Ukraine coup and the confrontation between the US and Russia have thrown the differences within Iran’s political establishment into relief.

"Officially, the government has said next to nothing about the Ukraine events—itself an indication of sharp conflicts behind the scenes.

"The Ukraine crisis has also rekindled the dispute over the challenge that the middle-class Green movement, with massive US and EU support and based on unsubstantiated and implausible claims of a stolen election, mounted to the results of Iran’s 2009 presidential elections."

Ukraine coup intensifies conflicts within Iran?s elite - World Socialist Web Site
Of course, Holston, I don't mind you butting in, but people are smart enough here to have read your previous posts to realize that not only do you hate the Jews, but every group that isn't like you. This is how White Supremacists like you think. I believe Holston himself needs scapegoats and that is why he can't stand other groups which are a minority here.

You need to substantiate your claim that I am a "white supremacist". I have never said anything to that effect. What I have indicated is my belief that whites should have the same right to autonomy as anyone else. This would exclude Jewish meddling.

By the way, Holston, can you tell us the world populations according to each major religion so we can caompare how the Jews stand in comparison. I know a "smart" fellow like you can do that after you rest up from all your blabbering which I just scanned through quickly and actually didn't take it all in. Probably more of your nonsense.

It isn't hard to find statistics on religious populations. It IS hard to find those which are accurate and reliable.

The main reason I say this is because the religious affiliation percentages found do not correlate with the race/ethnicity populations. viz

According to the 2011 U.S. Census Bureau, the total population of the World was 7,153,526,700

The world's largest ethnic group is Han Chinese. Although English (5.52%) is spoken by many as a second language, Mandarin Chinese (14.1%), Hindi (8.5%), Spanish (5.85%) and Arabic (4.23%) are the languages with the highest number of native speakers.

China and India are the most populous countries,

You wouldn't expect to find a preponderance of "Christians" in either China or India. You wouldn't expect that in Asia or Africa either. I feel safe in saying that South America is predominately Catholic as far as "Christianity" goes. As you know, Catholic and Protestants are at variance.

The CIA's World Factbook gives the population as 7,021,836,029 (July 2012 est.) and the distribution of religions as Christian 31.59% (of which Roman Catholic 18.85%, Protestant 8.15%, Orthodox 4.96%, Anglican 1.26%), Muslim 23.2%, Hindu 15.0%, Buddhist 7.1%, Sikh 0.35%, Jewish 0.2%, Bahá'í 0.11%, other religions 10.95%, non-religious 9.66%, atheists 2.01%. (2010 est.).[1]
Population Distribution
Region Number Percentage
Asia 4,307,107,875 60.3%
Africa 1,037,524,058 14.5%
Europe 816,426,346 11.4%
North America 544,620,341 7.6%
South America 400,067,694 5.6%
Australia/Oceania 35,426,995 0.5%
Antarctica 1,169 0.00002%
Total 7,141,174,478 100.0%

Do you see the discrepancy?

Without listing the rest Judaism is given as: Judaism 14–18 million.

As I mentioned earlier, this small number is deceiving since it would not include unregistered Jews, secular Jews, Buddhist Jews, atheist Jews, and Jews of any other nominal description which would not reveal their Jewish heritage, persuasions, orientation, ethnic and traditional backgrounds.

As Twain remarked, "There are lies, damned lies, and statistics."

If what you are insinuating is that because the Jews are purported to be such a small minority, that they should be given special consideration and privileges, and that laws should be enacted which would protect them from criticism and so forth.

I would point out to you that Jews have far and away been "Democrats" and SOCIALISTS traditionally.

Democracy is a MAJORITY rule.
If you want that, then it is all the more reason why a MINORITY, like the Jews, should not be allowed to dictate their will to a MAJORITY and enforce it by Marshall law, which is what the Jews seem to want and indeed is the direction in which the US is moving.

Many of us "right wing fundamentalist CHRISTIAN terrorist nut job tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists" have been pushing to reduce the size of government and restore the principles of the REPUBLIC upon which the nation was originally founded.
A Republic is supposed to be a government where laws are applied equitably and minorities therefore remain as protected as anyone.

But that is what the Jewish political lobbies are bent on destroying.

This leads me to believe that they don't really want a Republic or a Democracy either one. What they truly want is a Zionist totalitarian government which is under the auspices of a Mashianic authority headquartered in Jerusalem and implemented by Sanhedrin religious leaders.

As an aside, I can just imagine how an Asian student would wipe the floor with Holston when it came to grades if Holston were smart enough to even get into a college.

I'm sure there are many Asians who are smarter than me.

A "clever" person can "win" a debate against a less articulate or less informed opponent even when the "clever" one is arguing from a position built upon false premises.

Indeed, online Hasbara often make arguments based upon false assumptions. When these assumptions are exposed as being false then they resort to name calling and various tricks coming from multiple directions all at once so as to create an impression of "winning" in the minds of those who are not familiar enough with the topic and who tend to judge such matters depending upon whose shoulders appear to be pinned to the mat.

I on the other hand am not as concerned with appearance as they are. I am also less concerned with "having my own way" than I am about discovering the TRUTH...FOR MYSELF< if for no one else.

People can choose to believe what they will, whether it be lies or not.
I make no attempts to deceive others since Christian doctrine frowns upon the practice of lying, unlike Talmudic Judaism which gives it a religious seal of approval.

I am even more concerned about avoiding the possibility of deceiving myself than others!

So it doesn't matter too much to me whether you Jews and/or the Chinese and Asiatics feel that you are "superior", intellectually or otherwise. Even if it is so, that does nothing to dissuade me from my belief that I have a God granted right to be free of your subjugation.
I think you owe it to me personally inasmuch as I personally have made no attempts to subjugate you. I cannot speak for the NEO-CON Zionist Organizational Government that represents the US presently. Those who are disgruntled at their policies ought to take that up with those who ARE responsible for them.

That doesn't included me! A white Anglo Saxon male of the Christian persuasion who also belongs to the lower economic class virtually has no voice in the ZOG government OR society at this time.
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Keep on blabbering away, Holston. It is not worth my time reading your blabbering. You apparently forget that people have read your posts when you first appeared on these forums and could see from what you wrote that you are actually a White Supremacist who hates everyone who is not just like you.

I can see that some of them have learned better than to tangle with me. I have the truth on my side. That's something their arsenal of epithets and prevarications is not equipped to handle.

Keep on blabbering away, Holston. It is not worth my time reading your blabbering. You apparently forget that people have read your posts when you first appeared on these forums and could see from what you wrote that you are actually a White Supremacist who hates everyone who is not just like you.

I can see that some of them have learned better than to tangle with me. I have the truth on my side. That's something their arsenal of epithets and prevarications is not equipped to handle.


Look everyone -- Holston took a selfie. You certainly are cute, Holston. Eat a lot of bananas!!!

Poor Holston, he doesn't realize that if he didn't start in as a White Supremacist in the first place, he perhaps would have more creditability.

It is amusing how pipsqueaks brag about someone better not tangle with them. This is just a forum. Holston. You don't have to act like you are Superman and Captain Marvel combined.
Look everyone -- Holston took a selfie. You certainly are cute, Holston. Eat a lot of bananas!!!

Poor Holston, he doesn't realize that if he didn't start in as a White Supremacist in the first place, he perhaps would have more creditability.

It is amusing how pipsqueaks brag about someone better not tangle with them. This is just a forum. Holston. You don't have to act like you are Superman and Captain Marvel combined.

No, no. I wouldn't want to steal any of Pouty's thunder. Those comic book guys are Jewish fictions anyway sort of like Tom Cruise and rest.

Just get a load of those six pack abs and the way he's bouncing everyone around with his shield.

The last time I was here he was giving everyone the HAI Karate.

Here. Have a banana, courtesy of the Kosher education system:

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Look everyone -- Holston took a selfie. You certainly are cute, Holston. Eat a lot of bananas!!!

Poor Holston, he doesn't realize that if he didn't start in as a White Supremacist in the first place, he perhaps would have more creditability.

It is amusing how pipsqueaks brag about someone better not tangle with them. This is just a forum. Holston. You don't have to act like you are Superman and Captain Marvel combined.

No, no. I wouldn't want to steal any of Pouty's thunder. Those comic book guys are Jewish fictions anyway sort of like Tom Cruise and rest.

Just get a load of those six pack abs and the way he's bouncing everyone around with his shield.

The last time I was here he was giving everyone the HAI Karate.

Here. Have a banana, courtesy of the Kosher education system:


So childish, Holstaon. Guess you must be sexually frustrated, and you want all the viewers to know. Anyhow, I am happy y0u didn't change out of your Clark Kent suit and into your Superman suit so that no poasters would bother tangling with "the Man of Steel." As an aside, I thought we would have Holston posting " I'm faster than a speeding bullet!, more powerful than a locomotive! able to leap tall buildings in a single bound -- so no one had better tangle with me on the forums."
So childish, Holstaon. Guess you must be sexually frustrated, and you want all the viewers to know. Anyhow, I am happy y0u didn't change out of your Clark Kent suit and into your Superman suit so that no poasters would bother tangling with "the Man of Steel." As an aside, I thought we would have Holston posting " I'm faster than a speeding bullet!, more powerful than a locomotive! able to leap tall buildings in a single bound -- so no one had better tangle with me on the forums."

Hey, that's not me in the picture above. I'm sure it's not Superman. He passed away a while back.

No. That title goes to either Pouty, SgtLefty, or BruceAlmighty. Maybe they form something like "The Justice League".

Is that you in the brass bra about to tie Flash up? The one to your left must either be Barbara Streisand or Cher in a blond wig.

The one to the far left who looks like he's clutching Superman's crotch must be "The Golden Goy Boy Toy" wearing falsies. He's the only one I don't recognize. Now that's what I call equal representation under Jewish Justice.

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n58IwCNw--0]Ron Paul: US has no right to lecture on Ukraine because of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya - YouTube[/ame]
"In 1914, Great Britain, shocked by the invasion of Belgium, hastened to the aid of its French ally. Italy, Japan, and others joined the fray.

"So did the Ottoman Empire, which ruled Palestine.

"World War I was underway.

"Who wanted this terrible war? Nobody. Who took a cool-headed decision to start it?


"Of course, many national and international interests were involved, but none so important as to justify such a catastrophe.

"No, it was a war nobody wanted or even envisioned. The flower of European youth was destroyed by the sheer stupidity of the contemporary politicians, followed by the colossal stupidity of the generals.

"And in the end, a peace treaty was concocted that made another world war practically inevitable. Only after another awful world war did the politicians come to their senses and make another fratricidal war in Western Europe unthinkable.

"A hundred years after it all started, it is well to remember.

"Can anything like this happen again?

"Can an unintended chain of foolish acts lead to another catastrophe? Can one thing lead to another in a way that incompetent leaders are unable to stop?

"I hope not. After all, during these hundred years, some lessons have been learned and absorbed.

"Or not?"

"In 1914, Great Britain, shocked by the invasion of Belgium, hastened to the aid of its French ally. Italy, Japan, and others joined the fray.

"So did the Ottoman Empire, which ruled Palestine.

"World War I was underway.

"Who wanted this terrible war? Nobody. Who took a cool-headed decision to start it?


"Of course, many national and international interests were involved, but none so important as to justify such a catastrophe.

"No, it was a war nobody wanted or even envisioned. The flower of European youth was destroyed by the sheer stupidity of the contemporary politicians, followed by the colossal stupidity of the generals.

"And in the end, a peace treaty was concocted that made another world war practically inevitable. Only after another awful world war did the politicians come to their senses and make another fratricidal war in Western Europe unthinkable.

"A hundred years after it all started, it is well to remember.

"Can anything like this happen again?

"Can an unintended chain of foolish acts lead to another catastrophe? Can one thing lead to another in a way that incompetent leaders are unable to stop?

"I hope not. After all, during these hundred years, some lessons have been learned and absorbed.

"Or not?"


Has anyone seen Comrade George on any other forums condemning what is happening to people in many locations in the Middle East. Evidently he has no interest in the over 150,000 who have died in Syria, God only know how many were wounded, and over two million are now refugees. He much rather believe in what a Leftist Jew like Avnery has to say because it suits Comrade George's agenda. Does anyone really even think that Comrade George would be so interested in the Ukraine if there were no Jews (his favorite scapegoats) living there?

Now for some real news regarding the Ukraine..........

AOL.com Article - Yanukovych hopes for Crimea's return
"In 1914, Great Britain, shocked by the invasion of Belgium, hastened to the aid of its French ally. Italy, Japan, and others joined the fray.

"So did the Ottoman Empire, which ruled Palestine.

"World War I was underway.

"Who wanted this terrible war? Nobody. Who took a cool-headed decision to start it?


"Of course, many national and international interests were involved, but none so important as to justify such a catastrophe.

"No, it was a war nobody wanted or even envisioned. The flower of European youth was destroyed by the sheer stupidity of the contemporary politicians, followed by the colossal stupidity of the generals.

"And in the end, a peace treaty was concocted that made another world war practically inevitable. Only after another awful world war did the politicians come to their senses and make another fratricidal war in Western Europe unthinkable.

"A hundred years after it all started, it is well to remember.

"Can anything like this happen again?

"Can an unintended chain of foolish acts lead to another catastrophe? Can one thing lead to another in a way that incompetent leaders are unable to stop?

"I hope not. After all, during these hundred years, some lessons have been learned and absorbed.

"Or not?"


Has anyone seen Comrade George on any other forums condemning what is happening to people in many locations in the Middle East. Evidently he has no interest in the over 150,000 who have died in Syria, God only know how many were wounded, and over two million are now refugees. He much rather believe in what a Leftist Jew like Avnery has to say because it suits Comrade George's agenda. Does anyone really even think that Comrade George would be so interested in the Ukraine if there were no Jews (his favorite scapegoats) living there?

Now for some real news regarding the Ukraine..........

AOL.com Article - Yanukovych hopes for Crimea's return
$ally is truly a one trick pony, incapable of any form of debate; she simply resorts to ad hominem insults and pathetic distraction. Ha$bara must be scraping the bottom of the barrel.

"March 21, 2014

"A Hundred Years Later

"THERE IS an old Chinese curse that says: 'May you live in historic times!' (If there isn’t, there should be.) This week was a historic time. The Crimea seceded from Ukraine. Russia annexed it. A dangerous situation. No one knows how it will develop."

Uri Avnery on Crimea, Ukraine, Putin and the Nazis | Tikkun Magazine
"In 1914, Great Britain, shocked by the invasion of Belgium, hastened to the aid of its French ally. Italy, Japan, and others joined the fray.

"So did the Ottoman Empire, which ruled Palestine.

"World War I was underway.

"Who wanted this terrible war? Nobody. Who took a cool-headed decision to start it?


"Of course, many national and international interests were involved, but none so important as to justify such a catastrophe.

"No, it was a war nobody wanted or even envisioned. The flower of European youth was destroyed by the sheer stupidity of the contemporary politicians, followed by the colossal stupidity of the generals.

"And in the end, a peace treaty was concocted that made another world war practically inevitable. Only after another awful world war did the politicians come to their senses and make another fratricidal war in Western Europe unthinkable.

"A hundred years after it all started, it is well to remember.

"Can anything like this happen again?

"Can an unintended chain of foolish acts lead to another catastrophe? Can one thing lead to another in a way that incompetent leaders are unable to stop?

"I hope not. After all, during these hundred years, some lessons have been learned and absorbed.

"Or not?"


Has anyone seen Comrade George on any other forums condemning what is happening to people in many locations in the Middle East. Evidently he has no interest in the over 150,000 who have died in Syria, God only know how many were wounded, and over two million are now refugees. He much rather believe in what a Leftist Jew like Avnery has to say because it suits Comrade George's agenda. Does anyone really even think that Comrade George would be so interested in the Ukraine if there were no Jews (his favorite scapegoats) living there?

Now for some real news regarding the Ukraine..........

AOL.com Article - Yanukovych hopes for Crimea's return
$ally is truly a one trick pony, incapable of any form of debate; she simply resorts to ad hominem insults and pathetic distraction. Ha$bara must be scraping the bottom of the barrel.

"March 21, 2014

"A Hundred Years Later

"THERE IS an old Chinese curse that says: 'May you live in historic times!' (If there isn’t, there should be.) This week was a historic time. The Crimea seceded from Ukraine. Russia annexed it. A dangerous situation. No one knows how it will develop."

Uri Avnery on Crimea, Ukraine, Putin and the Nazis | Tikkun Magazine

I don't think many here are interested in what a Leftist group has to say. By the way, I am sure a person like you would be happy to join the UN forces to help keep everything in check over there. You wimped out of the service here by faking a bad fake after only ten days in basic trianing, but maybe you have gotten braver in your later years.

Crimean Tatar Leader Calls For UN Peacekeeping Troops | Eurasia Review
Has anyone seen Comrade George on any other forums condemning what is happening to people in many locations in the Middle East. Evidently he has no interest in the over 150,000 who have died in Syria, God only know how many were wounded, and over two million are now refugees. He much rather believe in what a Leftist Jew like Avnery has to say because it suits Comrade George's agenda. Does anyone really even think that Comrade George would be so interested in the Ukraine if there were no Jews (his favorite scapegoats) living there?

Now for some real news regarding the Ukraine..........

AOL.com Article - Yanukovych hopes for Crimea's return
$ally is truly a one trick pony, incapable of any form of debate; she simply resorts to ad hominem insults and pathetic distraction. Ha$bara must be scraping the bottom of the barrel.

"March 21, 2014

"A Hundred Years Later

"THERE IS an old Chinese curse that says: 'May you live in historic times!' (If there isn’t, there should be.) This week was a historic time. The Crimea seceded from Ukraine. Russia annexed it. A dangerous situation. No one knows how it will develop."

Uri Avnery on Crimea, Ukraine, Putin and the Nazis | Tikkun Magazine

I don't think many here are interested in what a Leftist group has to say. By the way, I am sure a person like you would be happy to join the UN forces to help keep everything in check over there. You wimped out of the service here by faking a bad fake after only ten days in basic trianing, but maybe you have gotten braver in your later years.

Crimean Tatar Leader Calls For UN Peacekeeping Troops | Eurasia Review
Who made you decider?

"By the same token, Ukrainians can be understood when they kick out a president who wants to bring them into the Russian orbit against their will. His golden bathroom appliances are beside the point.

"Another question is what role the fascists play in the process.

"There are contradictory reports, but Israeli reporters on the scene testify to their conspicuous presence in the center of Kiev.

"The problem has confronted us since the Tunisian Spring: in many of the 'spring' countries the uprisings bring to the fore elements that are worse than the tyrants they want to displace.

"The revolutions are started by idealists who are unable to unite and set up an effective regime, and then are taken over by intolerant fanatics, who are better fighters and better organizers."

Uri Avnery on Crimea, Ukraine, Putin and the Nazis | Tikkun Magazine
$ally is truly a one trick pony, incapable of any form of debate; she simply resorts to ad hominem insults and pathetic distraction. Ha$bara must be scraping the bottom of the barrel.

"March 21, 2014

"A Hundred Years Later

"THERE IS an old Chinese curse that says: 'May you live in historic times!' (If there isn’t, there should be.) This week was a historic time. The Crimea seceded from Ukraine. Russia annexed it. A dangerous situation. No one knows how it will develop."

Uri Avnery on Crimea, Ukraine, Putin and the Nazis | Tikkun Magazine

I don't think many here are interested in what a Leftist group has to say. By the way, I am sure a person like you would be happy to join the UN forces to help keep everything in check over there. You wimped out of the service here by faking a bad fake after only ten days in basic trianing, but maybe you have gotten braver in your later years.

Crimean Tatar Leader Calls For UN Peacekeeping Troops | Eurasia Review
Who made you decider?

"By the same token, Ukrainians can be understood when they kick out a president who wants to bring them into the Russian orbit against their will. His golden bathroom appliances are beside the point.

"Another question is what role the fascists play in the process.

"There are contradictory reports, but Israeli reporters on the scene testify to their conspicuous presence in the center of Kiev.

"The problem has confronted us since the Tunisian Spring: in many of the 'spring' countries the uprisings bring to the fore elements that are worse than the tyrants they want to displace.

"The revolutions are started by idealists who are unable to unite and set up an effective regime, and then are taken over by intolerant fanatics, who are better fighters and better organizers."

Uri Avnery on Crimea, Ukraine, Putin and the Nazis | Tikkun Magazine

Why not tell all the readers Comrade George why you are just interested in what is happening in the Ukraine and are not intrerested in other events which have happened and are happening in Europe? Could it be that you can't drag your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, into the equation so you are just not interested? Why do those who need scapegoats in their lives always depend on Leftist Jews for their information? Why not actually speak to those from the former USSR who are living here in Los Angeles and get their opinion about what is happening? Don't you want to get it from the horse's mouth, so to speak, Comrade George. They all probably have relatives still back in these various countries who are in touch with them and thus have a better handle on things than Avnery does.

Say, I wonder if Comrade George can find us something that this Leftist Jew Avnery has written about the other Nazis in Europe. Anything about the Golden Dawn from him, Comrade George?
I don't think many here are interested in what a Leftist group has to say. By the way, I am sure a person like you would be happy to join the UN forces to help keep everything in check over there. You wimped out of the service here by faking a bad fake after only ten days in basic trianing, but maybe you have gotten braver in your later years.

Crimean Tatar Leader Calls For UN Peacekeeping Troops | Eurasia Review
Who made you decider?

"By the same token, Ukrainians can be understood when they kick out a president who wants to bring them into the Russian orbit against their will. His golden bathroom appliances are beside the point.

"Another question is what role the fascists play in the process.

"There are contradictory reports, but Israeli reporters on the scene testify to their conspicuous presence in the center of Kiev.

"The problem has confronted us since the Tunisian Spring: in many of the 'spring' countries the uprisings bring to the fore elements that are worse than the tyrants they want to displace.

"The revolutions are started by idealists who are unable to unite and set up an effective regime, and then are taken over by intolerant fanatics, who are better fighters and better organizers."

Uri Avnery on Crimea, Ukraine, Putin and the Nazis | Tikkun Magazine

Why not tell all the readers Comrade George why you are just interested in what is happening in the Ukraine and are not intrerested in other events which have happened and are happening in Europe? Could it be that you can't drag your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, into the equation so you are just not interested? Why do those who need scapegoats in their lives always depend on Leftist Jews for their information? Why not actually speak to those from the former USSR who are living here in Los Angeles and get their opinion about what is happening? Don't you want to get it from the horse's mouth, so to speak, Comrade George. They all probably have relatives still back in these various countries who are in touch with them and thus have a better handle on things than Avnery does.

Say, I wonder if Comrade George can find us something that this Leftist Jew Avnery has written about the other Nazis in Europe. Anything about the Golden Dawn from him, Comrade George?
Still confused about which thread you're posting on?

"... Few people want Syria to fall into the hands of a Taliban-like Islamic tyranny.

"That is also the fate of Egypt: the liberal democrats started the revolution but lost the democratic elections to a religious party, which was in a haste to impose its creed on the people.

"They were overthrown by a military dictatorship that is worse than the regime which the original revolution overthrew.

"The emergence of the neo-Nazis in Kiev is worrying, even if Putin uses their presence for his own purposes. If they are supported by the West, overtly or covertly, that is disturbing.

Would you agree?

Uri Avnery on Crimea, Ukraine, Putin and the Nazis | Tikkun Magazine
Who made you decider?

"By the same token, Ukrainians can be understood when they kick out a president who wants to bring them into the Russian orbit against their will. His golden bathroom appliances are beside the point.

"Another question is what role the fascists play in the process.

"There are contradictory reports, but Israeli reporters on the scene testify to their conspicuous presence in the center of Kiev.

"The problem has confronted us since the Tunisian Spring: in many of the 'spring' countries the uprisings bring to the fore elements that are worse than the tyrants they want to displace.

"The revolutions are started by idealists who are unable to unite and set up an effective regime, and then are taken over by intolerant fanatics, who are better fighters and better organizers."

Uri Avnery on Crimea, Ukraine, Putin and the Nazis | Tikkun Magazine

Why not tell all the readers Comrade George why you are just interested in what is happening in the Ukraine and are not intrerested in other events which have happened and are happening in Europe? Could it be that you can't drag your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, into the equation so you are just not interested? Why do those who need scapegoats in their lives always depend on Leftist Jews for their information? Why not actually speak to those from the former USSR who are living here in Los Angeles and get their opinion about what is happening? Don't you want to get it from the horse's mouth, so to speak, Comrade George. They all probably have relatives still back in these various countries who are in touch with them and thus have a better handle on things than Avnery does.

Say, I wonder if Comrade George can find us something that this Leftist Jew Avnery has written about the other Nazis in Europe. Anything about the Golden Dawn from him, Comrade George?
Still confused about which thread you're posting on?

"... Few people want Syria to fall into the hands of a Taliban-like Islamic tyranny.

"That is also the fate of Egypt: the liberal democrats started the revolution but lost the democratic elections to a religious party, which was in a haste to impose its creed on the people.

"They were overthrown by a military dictatorship that is worse than the regime which the original revolution overthrew.

"The emergence of the neo-Nazis in Kiev is worrying, even if Putin uses their presence for his own purposes. If they are supported by the West, overtly or covertly, that is disturbing.

Would you agree?

Uri Avnery on Crimea, Ukraine, Putin and the Nazis | Tikkun Magazine

Why not tell us, Comrade George, why you are so loathe to interview people who are actually from those regions of the USSR instead of depending on Leftist writers like Avnery. Why don't you want to take a chance on speaking to these people living right in the Los Angeles area who certainly are more aware of what is going on than the Leftist Avnery, and you can get first hand their feelings regarding this.

Meanwhile, I wonder if Comrade George has any inkling of what is going on in the rest of Europe because he is only obsessed right now with the Ukraine because Jews happen to live there and he wants to tie them in with the Nazis there. Believe me, if Comrade George could figure out a way to blame everything in Europe on the Jews, he would not hestitate to do this. This is what happens when someone needs a scapegoat.
Why not tell all the readers Comrade George why you are just interested in what is happening in the Ukraine and are not intrerested in other events which have happened and are happening in Europe? Could it be that you can't drag your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, into the equation so you are just not interested? Why do those who need scapegoats in their lives always depend on Leftist Jews for their information? Why not actually speak to those from the former USSR who are living here in Los Angeles and get their opinion about what is happening? Don't you want to get it from the horse's mouth, so to speak, Comrade George. They all probably have relatives still back in these various countries who are in touch with them and thus have a better handle on things than Avnery does.

Say, I wonder if Comrade George can find us something that this Leftist Jew Avnery has written about the other Nazis in Europe. Anything about the Golden Dawn from him, Comrade George?
Still confused about which thread you're posting on?

"... Few people want Syria to fall into the hands of a Taliban-like Islamic tyranny.

"That is also the fate of Egypt: the liberal democrats started the revolution but lost the democratic elections to a religious party, which was in a haste to impose its creed on the people.

"They were overthrown by a military dictatorship that is worse than the regime which the original revolution overthrew.

"The emergence of the neo-Nazis in Kiev is worrying, even if Putin uses their presence for his own purposes. If they are supported by the West, overtly or covertly, that is disturbing.

Would you agree?

Uri Avnery on Crimea, Ukraine, Putin and the Nazis | Tikkun Magazine

Why not tell us, Comrade George, why you are so loathe to interview people who are actually from those regions of the USSR instead of depending on Leftist writers like Avnery. Why don't you want to take a chance on speaking to these people living right in the Los Angeles area who certainly are more aware of what is going on than the Leftist Avnery, and you can get first hand their feelings regarding this.

Meanwhile, I wonder if Comrade George has any inkling of what is going on in the rest of Europe because he is only obsessed right now with the Ukraine because Jews happen to live there and he wants to tie them in with the Nazis there. Believe me, if Comrade George could figure out a way to blame everything in Europe on the Jews, he would not hestitate to do this. This is what happens when someone needs a scapegoat.
I take it you are not disturbed by US support for neo-Nazis in Ukraine?
Still confused about which thread you're posting on?

"... Few people want Syria to fall into the hands of a Taliban-like Islamic tyranny.

"That is also the fate of Egypt: the liberal democrats started the revolution but lost the democratic elections to a religious party, which was in a haste to impose its creed on the people.

"They were overthrown by a military dictatorship that is worse than the regime which the original revolution overthrew.

"The emergence of the neo-Nazis in Kiev is worrying, even if Putin uses their presence for his own purposes. If they are supported by the West, overtly or covertly, that is disturbing.

Would you agree?

Uri Avnery on Crimea, Ukraine, Putin and the Nazis | Tikkun Magazine

Why not tell us, Comrade George, why you are so loathe to interview people who are actually from those regions of the USSR instead of depending on Leftist writers like Avnery. Why don't you want to take a chance on speaking to these people living right in the Los Angeles area who certainly are more aware of what is going on than the Leftist Avnery, and you can get first hand their feelings regarding this.

Meanwhile, I wonder if Comrade George has any inkling of what is going on in the rest of Europe because he is only obsessed right now with the Ukraine because Jews happen to live there and he wants to tie them in with the Nazis there. Believe me, if Comrade George could figure out a way to blame everything in Europe on the Jews, he would not hestitate to do this. This is what happens when someone needs a scapegoat.

I take it you are not disturbed by US support for neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

I am more concerned with the innocent people who are still living in the Ukraine, no matter there religion. who are affected with what is going on. You, on the other hand, could care less about these people but just want to drag in the Jews with the NeoNazis as if they were in bed with each other because you want the readers to hate your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, as much as you do..
Why not tell us, Comrade George, why you are so loathe to interview people who are actually from those regions of the USSR instead of depending on Leftist writers like Avnery. Why don't you want to take a chance on speaking to these people living right in the Los Angeles area who certainly are more aware of what is going on than the Leftist Avnery, and you can get first hand their feelings regarding this.

Meanwhile, I wonder if Comrade George has any inkling of what is going on in the rest of Europe because he is only obsessed right now with the Ukraine because Jews happen to live there and he wants to tie them in with the Nazis there. Believe me, if Comrade George could figure out a way to blame everything in Europe on the Jews, he would not hestitate to do this. This is what happens when someone needs a scapegoat.

I take it you are not disturbed by US support for neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

I am more concerned with the innocent people who are still living in the Ukraine, no matter there religion. who are affected with what is going on. You, on the other hand, could care less about these people but just want to drag in the Jews with the NeoNazis as if they were in bed with each other because you want the readers to hate your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, as much as you do..
I doubt you have the slightest concern for any innocent people who aren't Jews. Since you continually support the displacement, arrest, torture, and murder of thousands of innocent Palestinians, your crocodile tears over Ukraine's victims are about as believable as Israel's commitment to democracy.
I take it you are not disturbed by US support for neo-Nazis in Ukraine?

I am more concerned with the innocent people who are still living in the Ukraine, no matter there religion. who are affected with what is going on. You, on the other hand, could care less about these people but just want to drag in the Jews with the NeoNazis as if they were in bed with each other because you want the readers to hate your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, as much as you do..

I doubt you have the slightest concern for any innocent people who aren't Jews. Since you continually support the displacement, arrest, torture, and murder of thousands of innocent Palestinians, your crocodile tears over Ukraine's victims are about as believable as Israel's commitment to democracy.

Unlike you, Comrade George, I don't need a scapegoat and actually care about people regardless of their religion, ethnicity or race. I have a suggestion for you. The Grove is having Date Night. Instead of constantly obsessing over your favoritate scapegoat, the Jews, all your waking hours and trying to blame them for all the evils in this world, find yourself a girlfriend. The Grove is going to have Date Night. For a fixed amount (save up), the admission will cover dinner, the movies, and valet parking. I realize you don't need Valet Parking since you don't have a car, but perhaps your date wouldn't mind taking a bus.

Speaking of Arabs, Comrade George, if you weren't so obsessed with the Jews and Israel, you would be on forums condemning what is happening to those innocent Arabs in other Middle East countries. Since you have been so silent on what is happening, no matter that tens of thousands have been killed, tens of thousands probably have been wounded and over two million are now refugees, it shows you really don't care about them. Mr. Phony Baloney, Comrade George, doesn't realize that readers are smart enough to discern that his alligator tears for the Palestinians are all for show because he is using them as pawns in his fight against his scapegoats, the Jews.

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