Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine

It kills you, doesn't it, Comrade George, that Harper has said that Canada would stick up for Israel. After all, you would like the entire world to hate your scapegoats, the Jews, as much as you do. How about you get your other Commie pals scrape up enough money so that you can see this Russian Jew perform in your own city. You can tell him all about one of your favorite websites, the World Socialist one. The viewers will notice that Comrade George still has his lack of money on his mind as evidenced by his dollar signs.

Music review: Evgeny Kissin puts distinct Russian stamp on Schubert - latimes.com

Meanwhile let's get to some articles which doesn't involved Comrade George's favorite scapegoats nor one of the supporters of George's scapegoats..........

Vladimir Putin, Russia's human tank - latimes.com

Think Russia's land grab is unique? Think again. - latimes.com
Ha$bara $ally conflates my income level with her $upport of Anti-$emitism.
Maybe she's angling for a rai$e..

"Anti-Semitism, as we all know, has no more uncompromising a foe than Stephen Harper and his government. They even denounce it where it does not exist. So we can be sure they must be outraged by Svoboda, even though in public, strangely enough, they have been silent as the grave."

As a champion of Israel, Harper will face uncomfortable truths in Ukraine - The Globe and Mail

Are you outraged or just another whore for Zion, $ally?

Poor Comrade George, with all his dollar signs, does he want us to know he is short of money and would be appreciative if we take up a collection for him? Now that you are insinuating I am a whore, Comrade George, perhaps it is you who should become a pimp to pick up a few bucks. Then after you make a few bucks doing this, you can ride around in your big pimpmobile instead of hitch hiking. I am sure the readers have discerned by now that the main characters in this Russian/Ukraine conflict in Comrade George's mind are his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. He really has no interest in the ordinary people who are hurting there as long as he can bring attention to the readers how bad the Jews are so that they will feel about them the way this loser does. Sad how some people need scapegoats.

Meanwhile, let us get on with some of the news and opinions (which do not mention Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews) from people much more intelligent than Comrade George,

Russian Buildup On Ukraine Border Seen By Western Governments

The next, key step on Ukraine - latimes.com

Ukraine gets new defense minister as its troops pull out of Crimea - latimes.com
$ally $wallows $ovoboda

"Given his newfound pre-occupation with Ukraine, Mr. Harper will surely know that only 16 months ago, the European Parliament expressed concern about Svoboda’s growing support, emphasizing that 'racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic views go against the European Union’s fundamental values and principles.'

"The EU actually appealed to 'pro-democratic parties [in Ukraine] …not to associate with, endorse or form coalitions with' Svoboda, an admonition Yatsenyuk’s new government has totally ignored."

As a champion of Israel, Harper will face uncomfortable truths in Ukraine - The Globe and Mail
Ha$bara $ally conflates my income level with her $upport of Anti-$emitism.
Maybe she's angling for a rai$e..

"Anti-Semitism, as we all know, has no more uncompromising a foe than Stephen Harper and his government. They even denounce it where it does not exist. So we can be sure they must be outraged by Svoboda, even though in public, strangely enough, they have been silent as the grave."

As a champion of Israel, Harper will face uncomfortable truths in Ukraine - The Globe and Mail

Are you outraged or just another whore for Zion, $ally?

Poor Comrade George, with all his dollar signs, does he want us to know he is short of money and would be appreciative if we take up a collection for him? Now that you are insinuating I am a whore, Comrade George, perhaps it is you who should become a pimp to pick up a few bucks. Then after you make a few bucks doing this, you can ride around in your big pimpmobile instead of hitch hiking. I am sure the readers have discerned by now that the main characters in this Russian/Ukraine conflict in Comrade George's mind are his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. He really has no interest in the ordinary people who are hurting there as long as he can bring attention to the readers how bad the Jews are so that they will feel about them the way this loser does. Sad how some people need scapegoats.

Meanwhile, let us get on with some of the news and opinions (which do not mention Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews) from people much more intelligent than Comrade George,

Russian Buildup On Ukraine Border Seen By Western Governments

The next, key step on Ukraine - latimes.com

Ukraine gets new defense minister as its troops pull out of Crimea - latimes.com
$ally $wallows $ovoboda

"Given his newfound pre-occupation with Ukraine, Mr. Harper will surely know that only 16 months ago, the European Parliament expressed concern about Svoboda’s growing support, emphasizing that 'racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic views go against the European Union’s fundamental values and principles.'

"The EU actually appealed to 'pro-democratic parties [in Ukraine] …not to associate with, endorse or form coalitions with' Svoboda, an admonition Yatsenyuk’s new government has totally ignored."

As a champion of Israel, Harper will face uncomfortable truths in Ukraine - The Globe and Mail

My goodness, by now I thought Comrade George would be driving his purple pimp mobile down Pico Blvd., and the bystanders would wonder what all the dollar signs painted on the pimp mobile stood for. You really need to find a Buddhist Meditation Center near you, Comrade George, where you will learn how to get over your anger, irritation and frustration over your lot in life and, consequently will let your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, not be your obsession day and night. Here's one not too far from your apartment.

Buddhist Temples Koreatown, Los Angeles, CA

Let's see what is being reported now with regard to the Ukraine and Russia since Comrade George is not inviting any of us for a ride in his purple pimp mobile.

Russia antagonist Tymoshenko will run for Ukraine presidency - latimes.com

AOL.com Article - NATO allies agree on Stoltenberg as next secretary-general

UN Backs Ukraine?s Territorial Integrity, Declares Crimea Referendum Invalid | Eurasia Review
I don't want to read all this, but are there people here that support Svoboda whose leaders claimed (before the coup) that the Kiev was governed by "a Jewish-Russian mafia" and that Ukrainians bravely fought Russians, Jews and other scum in World War II? I don't think these are nice people.
I don't want to read all this, but are there people here that support Svoboda whose leaders claimed (before the coup) that the Kiev was governed by "a Jewish-Russian mafia" and that Ukrainians bravely fought Russians, Jews and other scum in World War II? I don't think these are nice people.

Oh boy, now we have a Muslim convert bringing up the Jews too.. One would think from these anti-Semites that the entire Ukraine/Russia conflict is all about the Jews. Does anyone think that these anti-Semites actually care about the ordinary people in the Ukraine and Russia?
Or, you have no clue as to what is going on in Ukraine.

Like you really care what is happening to the people. Say, maybe you have some Russians or Ukrainians at your mosque, and they can tell you all about it -- how the Ukrainian and Russian Jews are so, so bad and the entire crisis over there is because of these bad, bad Jews.
Poor Comrade George, with all his dollar signs, does he want us to know he is short of money and would be appreciative if we take up a collection for him? Now that you are insinuating I am a whore, Comrade George, perhaps it is you who should become a pimp to pick up a few bucks. Then after you make a few bucks doing this, you can ride around in your big pimpmobile instead of hitch hiking. I am sure the readers have discerned by now that the main characters in this Russian/Ukraine conflict in Comrade George's mind are his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. He really has no interest in the ordinary people who are hurting there as long as he can bring attention to the readers how bad the Jews are so that they will feel about them the way this loser does. Sad how some people need scapegoats.

Meanwhile, let us get on with some of the news and opinions (which do not mention Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews) from people much more intelligent than Comrade George,

Russian Buildup On Ukraine Border Seen By Western Governments

The next, key step on Ukraine - latimes.com

Ukraine gets new defense minister as its troops pull out of Crimea - latimes.com
$ally $wallows $ovoboda

"Given his newfound pre-occupation with Ukraine, Mr. Harper will surely know that only 16 months ago, the European Parliament expressed concern about Svoboda’s growing support, emphasizing that 'racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic views go against the European Union’s fundamental values and principles.'

"The EU actually appealed to 'pro-democratic parties [in Ukraine] …not to associate with, endorse or form coalitions with' Svoboda, an admonition Yatsenyuk’s new government has totally ignored."

As a champion of Israel, Harper will face uncomfortable truths in Ukraine - The Globe and Mail

My goodness, by now I thought Comrade George would be driving his purple pimp mobile down Pico Blvd., and the bystanders would wonder what all the dollar signs painted on the pimp mobile stood for. You really need to find a Buddhist Meditation Center near you, Comrade George, where you will learn how to get over your anger, irritation and frustration over your lot in life and, consequently will let your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, not be your obsession day and night. Here's one not too far from your apartment.

Buddhist Temples Koreatown, Los Angeles, CA

Let's see what is being reported now with regard to the Ukraine and Russia since Comrade George is not inviting any of us for a ride in his purple pimp mobile.

Russia antagonist Tymoshenko will run for Ukraine presidency - latimes.com

AOL.com Article - NATO allies agree on Stoltenberg as next secretary-general

UN Backs Ukraine?s Territorial Integrity, Declares Crimea Referendum Invalid | Eurasia Review
Thought I'd drop in and pick up the latest about the Ukraine but all I see is George blaming the Jews for starting the conflict and the Rothchilds and Rockefellers bankrolling the whole thing through secret organizations. I knew George is a propagandist for Hamas but I never suspected that he would shill for the Rooskies. What a pity.

[MENTION=36253]Sally[/MENTION] [MENTION=36154]Roudy[/MENTION]
I don't want to read all this, but are there people here that support Svoboda whose leaders claimed (before the coup) that the Kiev was governed by "a Jewish-Russian mafia" and that Ukrainians bravely fought Russians, Jews and other scum in World War II? I don't think these are nice people.
I began this thread by quoting a Jew, Uri Avnery, who's lived in Palestine longer than the Jewish state has existed on recent events in Ukraine:

"In my lifetime, Stalin murdered millions of Ukrainians by deliberate starvation. As a result, most Ukrainians welcomed the German Wehrmacht in 1941 as liberators. It could have been the beginning of a beautiful friendship, but unfortunately Hitler was determined to eradicate the Ukrainian “Untermenschen”, in order to integrate the Ukraine into the German Lebensraum..."

"When Ukraine was a part of the extensive Polish empire, many Polish noblemen took hold of large estates there. They employed Jews as their managers. Thus the Ukrainian peasants came to look upon the Jews as the agents of their oppressors, and anti-Semitism became part of the national culture of Ukraine.

"As we learned in school, at every turn of Ukrainian history, the Jews were slaughtered. The names of most Ukrainian folk-heroes, leaders and rebels who are revered in their homeland are, in Jewish consciousness, connected with awful pogroms."

Israel and Ukraine » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

I think you'll quickly discover anyone who advocates for holding Israel and the US to the same standards of international law as Russia, for example, becomes an anti-Semite to the many apologists for the Jewish state on USMB.

Welcome to the Hasbara asylum.
$ally $wallows $ovoboda

"Given his newfound pre-occupation with Ukraine, Mr. Harper will surely know that only 16 months ago, the European Parliament expressed concern about Svoboda’s growing support, emphasizing that 'racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic views go against the European Union’s fundamental values and principles.'

"The EU actually appealed to 'pro-democratic parties [in Ukraine] …not to associate with, endorse or form coalitions with' Svoboda, an admonition Yatsenyuk’s new government has totally ignored."

As a champion of Israel, Harper will face uncomfortable truths in Ukraine - The Globe and Mail

My goodness, by now I thought Comrade George would be driving his purple pimp mobile down Pico Blvd., and the bystanders would wonder what all the dollar signs painted on the pimp mobile stood for. You really need to find a Buddhist Meditation Center near you, Comrade George, where you will learn how to get over your anger, irritation and frustration over your lot in life and, consequently will let your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, not be your obsession day and night. Here's one not too far from your apartment.

Buddhist Temples Koreatown, Los Angeles, CA

Let's see what is being reported now with regard to the Ukraine and Russia since Comrade George is not inviting any of us for a ride in his purple pimp mobile.

Russia antagonist Tymoshenko will run for Ukraine presidency - latimes.com

AOL.com Article - NATO allies agree on Stoltenberg as next secretary-general

UN Backs Ukraine?s Territorial Integrity, Declares Crimea Referendum Invalid | Eurasia Review
Thought I'd drop in and pick up the latest about the Ukraine but all I see is George blaming the Jews for starting the conflict and the Rothchilds and Rockefellers bankrolling the whole thing through secret organizations. I knew George is a propagandist for Hamas but I never suspected that he would shill for the Rooskies. What a pity.

[MENTION=36253]Sally[/MENTION] [MENTION=36154]Roudy[/MENTION]
The latest on Ukraine requires an international tribunal of some sort to determine which side (opposition or government) used snipers to murder police officers AND opposition protesters alike on February 20th.

For some reason Ukrainian oligarchs, some with dual Jewish state citizenship, are not encouraging their puppets in Kiev to cooperate. Neither does the US State Department seem particularly concerned.

Are you?
My goodness, by now I thought Comrade George would be driving his purple pimp mobile down Pico Blvd., and the bystanders would wonder what all the dollar signs painted on the pimp mobile stood for. You really need to find a Buddhist Meditation Center near you, Comrade George, where you will learn how to get over your anger, irritation and frustration over your lot in life and, consequently will let your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, not be your obsession day and night. Here's one not too far from your apartment.

Buddhist Temples Koreatown, Los Angeles, CA

Let's see what is being reported now with regard to the Ukraine and Russia since Comrade George is not inviting any of us for a ride in his purple pimp mobile.

Russia antagonist Tymoshenko will run for Ukraine presidency - latimes.com

AOL.com Article - NATO allies agree on Stoltenberg as next secretary-general

UN Backs Ukraine?s Territorial Integrity, Declares Crimea Referendum Invalid | Eurasia Review
Thought I'd drop in and pick up the latest about the Ukraine but all I see is George blaming the Jews for starting the conflict and the Rothchilds and Rockefellers bankrolling the whole thing through secret organizations. I knew George is a propagandist for Hamas but I never suspected that he would shill for the Rooskies. What a pity.

[MENTION=36253]Sally[/MENTION] [MENTION=36154]Roudy[/MENTION]
The latest on Ukraine requires an international tribunal of some sort to determine which side (opposition or government) used snipers to murder police officers AND opposition protesters alike on February 20th.

For some reason Ukrainian oligarchs, some with dual Jewish state citizenship, are not encouraging their puppets in Kiev to cooperate. Neither does the US State Department seem particularly concerned.

Are you?

With Comrade George, it is THE JEWS, THE JEWS, THE JEWS (his favorite scapegoats in the world). If he could figure out a way to blame THE JEWS for everything horrendous happening in the world today, he wouldn't hesitate to do so.

Now let us get down to what is happening. I don't think THE JEWS were mentioned.

Russia Threatened Countries Ahead Of UN Vote On Ukraine, Diplomats Say

Click here: Ukraine gets new defense minister as its troops pull out of Crimea - latimes.com

Ukraine Hands Over Chechen Militant To Russia | Eurasia Review

Vladimir Putin calls Obama about Ukraine crisis - latimes.com

Now from a scholar who, unlike Comrade George, has been studying Russia for a long time.

Beware the rise of Putin the Terrible - latimes.com
Thought I'd drop in and pick up the latest about the Ukraine but all I see is George blaming the Jews for starting the conflict and the Rothchilds and Rockefellers bankrolling the whole thing through secret organizations. I knew George is a propagandist for Hamas but I never suspected that he would shill for the Rooskies. What a pity.

[MENTION=36253]Sally[/MENTION] [MENTION=36154]Roudy[/MENTION]
The latest on Ukraine requires an international tribunal of some sort to determine which side (opposition or government) used snipers to murder police officers AND opposition protesters alike on February 20th.

For some reason Ukrainian oligarchs, some with dual Jewish state citizenship, are not encouraging their puppets in Kiev to cooperate. Neither does the US State Department seem particularly concerned.

Are you?

With Comrade George, it is THE JEWS, THE JEWS, THE JEWS (his favorite scapegoats in the world). If he could figure out a way to blame THE JEWS for everything horrendous happening in the world today, he wouldn't hesitate to do so.

Now let us get down to what is happening. I don't think THE JEWS were mentioned.

Russia Threatened Countries Ahead Of UN Vote On Ukraine, Diplomats Say

Click here: Ukraine gets new defense minister as its troops pull out of Crimea - latimes.com

Ukraine Hands Over Chechen Militant To Russia | Eurasia Review

Vladimir Putin calls Obama about Ukraine crisis - latimes.com

Now from a scholar who, unlike Comrade George, has been studying Russia for a long time.

Beware the rise of Putin the Terrible - latimes.com
"The lawless actions of Ukraine's nationalists have finally caught attention of the intl community, with EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton denouncing Right Sector for its ‘pressure’ and ‘undemocratic’ demand of the interior minister’s resignation.

"A day after neo-Nazi activists who helped bring the acting government in Kiev to power turned against it, Ashton has issued a statement condemning the 'pressure by activists of the Right Sector who have surrounded the building of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.'

This 'intimidation' the EU foreign policy chief believes, stands against all 'democratic principles and rule of law,' as Ashton called on the ultra-right group 'to refrain from the use or threat of violence.'

"Ashton stressed the need to 'hand over any unauthorised arms to the authorities immediately.'"

The latest on Ukraine requires an international tribunal of some sort to determine which side (opposition or government) used snipers to murder police officers AND opposition protesters alike on February 20th.

For some reason Ukrainian oligarchs, some with dual Jewish state citizenship, are not encouraging their puppets in Kiev to cooperate. Neither does the US State Department seem particularly concerned.

Are you?

With Comrade George, it is THE JEWS, THE JEWS, THE JEWS (his favorite scapegoats in the world). If he could figure out a way to blame THE JEWS for everything horrendous happening in the world today, he wouldn't hesitate to do so.

Now let us get down to what is happening. I don't think THE JEWS were mentioned.

Russia Threatened Countries Ahead Of UN Vote On Ukraine, Diplomats Say

Click here: Ukraine gets new defense minister as its troops pull out of Crimea - latimes.com

Ukraine Hands Over Chechen Militant To Russia | Eurasia Review

Vladimir Putin calls Obama about Ukraine crisis - latimes.com

Now from a scholar who, unlike Comrade George, has been studying Russia for a long time.

Beware the rise of Putin the Terrible - latimes.com
"The lawless actions of Ukraine's nationalists have finally caught attention of the intl community, with EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton denouncing Right Sector for its ‘pressure’ and ‘undemocratic’ demand of the interior minister’s resignation.

"A day after neo-Nazi activists who helped bring the acting government in Kiev to power turned against it, Ashton has issued a statement condemning the 'pressure by activists of the Right Sector who have surrounded the building of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.'

This 'intimidation' the EU foreign policy chief believes, stands against all 'democratic principles and rule of law,' as Ashton called on the ultra-right group 'to refrain from the use or threat of violence.'

"Ashton stressed the need to 'hand over any unauthorised arms to the authorities immediately.'"


If Comrade George had his greatest wish, it would be that everyone blame everything going on all over this planet on his favorite scapegoat, the Jews. Comrade George wants you to think that the entire Ukraine is populated only by Jews and they are the ones who are fighting against Russia. Now let's see what the disposed president is suggesting. By the way, Comrade George, do you think of anything else but the Jews each day. Seeing your nonsense on other forums, it appears that you don't. I certainly wish you would hitch hike up to West Hollywood and interview some people from the Ukraine and other parts of the former U.S.S.R. to see what they have to say about what is going on. Since you appear to want to blame the Jews for the problems in their former location, maybe you will find some sympatico people there who will agree with you and invite you into their homes for a bowl of borscht or a glass of vodka.

Deposed Ukrainian President Yanukovich Wants Referendum In Each Of Country's Regions
George's brethren:

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage


George's IslamoNazi brethren praying:


Hey George remember this brethren?


Do you have this picture of your IslamoNazi Brethern best friends of Hitler, in your living room?


And here is the flag of IslamoNazism. Comrade in arms?


Oh well, the apple doesn't fall from the tree, does it?





Another thing we have to remember, Roudy, is that many of these Ukrainians and others who have emigrated here to America are doing much, much better than native-born Americans who are living in one-room susidizefd apartments. I think we realize by now that some people need a scapegoat in their lives because of their inability to get ahead; and since the Jews are small in number, they are chosen as the scapegoats.

The Chinese don't look at them as scapegoats.
The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America. Is That a Good Thing?

Prof. Xu Xin’s Institute of Jewish and Israel Studies at Nanjing University seeks to establish Chinese scholarship on Jews

“Do the Jews Really Control America?” asked one Chinese newsweekly headline in 2009. The factoids doled out in such articles and in books about Jews in China—for example: “The world’s wealth is in Americans’ pockets; Americans are in Jews’ pockets”—would rightly be seen to be alarming in other contexts. But in China, where Jews are widely perceived as clever and accomplished, they are meant as compliments. Scan the shelves in any bookstore in China and you are likely to find best-selling self-help books based on Jewish knowledge. Most focus on how to make cash. Titles range from 101 Money Earning Secrets From Jews’ Notebooks to Learn To Make Money With the Jews.

In the US where so many Jewish Political Organizations flourish and Jewish lobbies dominate the American political scene, most non-Jews seem to enjoy having Jewish overlords telling them what to do.
That's because a great many of them are, frankly stupid, right wing fundamentalist "Christians" who are actually more Zionist than Christian, who still believe in all that superstitious nonsense about the Jews being "God's chosen people".

These morons are not only willing to sacrifice as many of their own sons and daughters on the alter of greater Zion, they eagerly give them all the financial support which they and Congress can manage while seeking their sage advice as to what to do next on every issue which is of importance to the Kosher community.

The US as a nation is fast on the road to becoming a perfectly subdued nation of Noahides. I see very little "anti-semitism" to complain about.

The only prominent scapegoats I see who aren't considered Muslim terrorists (which includes ALL Muslims) would be the remnants of the old White Anglo Saxon Protestant establishment. Even they consist mostly of "Old Farts" and other angry white men. Come to think of it a great many of those right wing fundamentalists have ironically been added to the list of potential terrorists by the Jew directed DHS and ADL offices of the FBI.

The world is getting better every day.

La la la la la.
Last edited:
George's brethren:

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage


George's IslamoNazi brethren praying:


Hey George remember this brethren?


Do you have this picture of your IslamoNazi Brethern best friends of Hitler, in your living room?


And here is the flag of IslamoNazism. Comrade in arms?


Oh well, the apple doesn't fall from the tree, does it?





Another thing we have to remember, Roudy, is that many of these Ukrainians and others who have emigrated here to America are doing much, much better than native-born Americans who are living in one-room susidizefd apartments. I think we realize by now that some people need a scapegoat in their lives because of their inability to get ahead; and since the Jews are small in number, they are chosen as the scapegoats.

The Chinese don't look at them as scapegoats.
The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America. Is That a Good Thing?

Prof. Xu Xin’s Institute of Jewish and Israel Studies at Nanjing University seeks to establish Chinese scholarship on Jews

“Do the Jews Really Control America?” asked one Chinese newsweekly headline in 2009. The factoids doled out in such articles and in books about Jews in China—for example: “The world’s wealth is in Americans’ pockets; Americans are in Jews’ pockets”—would rightly be seen to be alarming in other contexts. But in China, where Jews are widely perceived as clever and accomplished, they are meant as compliments. Scan the shelves in any bookstore in China and you are likely to find best-selling self-help books based on Jewish knowledge. Most focus on how to make cash. Titles range from 101 Money Earning Secrets From Jews’ Notebooks to Learn To Make Money With the Jews.

In the US where so many Jewish Political Organizations flourish and Jewish lobbies dominate the American political scene, most non-Jews seem to enjoy having Jewish overlords telling them what to do.
That's because a great many of them are, frankly stupid, right wing fundamentalist "Christians" who are actually more Zionist than Christian, who still believe in all that superstitious nonsense about the Jews being "God's chosen people".

These morons are not only willing to sacrifice as many of their own sons and daughters on the alter of greater Zion, they eagerly give them all the financial support which they and Congress can manage while seeking their sage advice as to what to do next on every issue which is of importance to the Kosher community.

The US as a nation is fast on the road to becoming a perfectly subdued nation of Noahides. I see very little "anti-semitism" to complain about.

The only prominent scapegoats I see who aren't considered Muslim terrorists (which includes ALL Muslims) would be the remnants of the old White Anglo Saxon Protestant establishment. Even they consist mostly of "Old Farts" and other angry white men. Come to think of it a great many of those right wing fundamentalists have ironically been added to the list of potential terrorists by the Jew directed DHS and ADL offices of the FBI.

The world is getting better every day.

La la la la la.

Aah, Holston is back. I have often wondered which skinhead group he belongs to. He doesn't like anyone who doesn't think like he does or has the same skin color as he does, whether they are Black, Asian, etc. I would imagine that if Holston had been born earlier, he would have been marching with the Nazi Bund here in the U.S. backing Hitler. And even earlier than that, he would have been burning crosses on the lawns of Blacks while running around in his little pointy hat and white robes. I imagine Holston thinks that he is the one who is very clever, but I think most people realize how frankly stupid he really is.
Can you explain your obsession with Jews?

same as hitler's... anti-semitism runs deep and is passed on from generation to generation.
Walk a mile in Catherine's heels:

"The lawless actions of Ukraine's nationalists have finally caught attention of the intl community, with EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton denouncing Right Sector for its ‘pressure’ and ‘undemocratic’ demand of the interior minister’s resignation."

Can you explain your obsession with Jews?

same as hitler's... anti-semitism runs deep and is passed on from generation to generation.
Walk a mile in Catherine's heels:

"The lawless actions of Ukraine's nationalists have finally caught attention of the intl community, with EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton denouncing Right Sector for its ‘pressure’ and ‘undemocratic’ demand of the interior minister’s resignation."


You already posted that site, Comrade George. What is it with you that you find some site and you have to use it repeatedly? Meanwhile, there is other news you can pick up about this Russian/Ukraine conflict without having to repeat yourself.

Top American and Russian diplomats plan meeting to discuss Ukraine - latimes.com

Obama Urges Russia To Pull Troops Back From Ukraine Border In Call With Putin

And here are some opinion pieces.

Mustafa Dzhemilev: the man who might clip Putin’s wings | The National

My goodness, the followiong opinion piece mentions Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Ukraine's Mess: Made in the EU

And this one was written by someone who holds a position in a Russian university. Boo hoo, though. The article doesn't mention Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Ukraine: And the Winner Is . . . China | Foreign Policy Research Institute

And then there is the financial news which Comrade George can use to advise all the clients he has in his own neighborhood. They do look up to a Gringo like Comrade George to make them muy rico.

After Market: Jittery Investors Fear Putin Won't Take the Weekend Off - DailyFinance

"The US Embassy in Kiev and the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine also issued a statement 'condemning' the Right Sector tactics at the Verkhovna Rada.

“'We welcome the statements of Pravy Sector’s leadership that they intend to keep their actions "within the framework of the law." We urge all political forces to distance themselves from extremists, who undermine the efforts to stabilize Ukraine and to protect its sovereignty,' the joint statement read.

"On Wednesday night, several hundred neo-Nazi activists from the Right Sector and their supporters besieged the parliament building, pressuring lawmakers to sack the newly appointed Interior Minister Arsen Avakov.

"The Right Sector believes that Avakov is personally responsible for ordering what they call a political assassination of one of their leader, Aleksandr Muzychko, who was killed in a special operation in a city of Rovno on Tuesday.

"Avakov said that he is ready to resign if ordered, but wondered what would happen to Ukraine if he does."

One positive consequence would be a global awakening to how the current corrupt government of Ukraine relied on neo-Nazi street fighters to come to power and now the Nazis are turning on their political masters.

"The US Embassy in Kiev and the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine also issued a statement 'condemning' the Right Sector tactics at the Verkhovna Rada.

“'We welcome the statements of Pravy Sector’s leadership that they intend to keep their actions "within the framework of the law." We urge all political forces to distance themselves from extremists, who undermine the efforts to stabilize Ukraine and to protect its sovereignty,' the joint statement read.

"On Wednesday night, several hundred neo-Nazi activists from the Right Sector and their supporters besieged the parliament building, pressuring lawmakers to sack the newly appointed Interior Minister Arsen Avakov.

"The Right Sector believes that Avakov is personally responsible for ordering what they call a political assassination of one of their leader, Aleksandr Muzychko, who was killed in a special operation in a city of Rovno on Tuesday.

"Avakov said that he is ready to resign if ordered, but wondered what would happen to Ukraine if he does."

One positive consequence would be a global awakening to how the current corrupt government of Ukraine relied on neo-Nazi street fighters to come to power and now the Nazis are turning on their political masters.

I know that Comrade George would love to connect the NeoNazis all over Europe with the Jews, but it just wouldn't wash. Does Comrade George really think that the NeoNazis look so favorably on his favorite scapegoats, the Jews? Since Comrade George has the habit of posting whatever site he finds usually more than once because he wants to make sure all the readers catch it, I hope the readers don't mind if I post this a second time.

Ukraine's Mess: Made in the EU

Meanwhile, let's get back to the current news and put aside the NeoNazis for the time being as well as Comrade Georgie's favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Obama Ends Overseas Trip In Diplomatic Limbo Over Ukraine

Obama Urges Russia To Pull Troops Back From Ukraine Border In Call With Putin

By the way, an interesting piece about migrant workers from Central Asia. Naturally Comrade George would not be interested in this because it doesn't involve his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Russian Blacklist Keeps Central Asian Migrants Out | Eurasia Review

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