Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine

It is silly to not recognize that the Jews of the Soviet Union made off with a lot of Soviet wealth. It is a fact. Chelsea Football Club is just one small example. The Jews are, after all, quite a clever people. That they now support the nationalists of Ukraine is not a surprise. So what if the nationalists are a tad fascist.

The little anti-Semite montelatici scratched her head and was thinking of what other forum she could come and show everyone that she is a Jew hater. Your Muslim friends, montelatici, have also taken off with a lot of wealth which belonged to the people. Perhaps you can get Arafat's wife to send some of that dough back and afterward you can apply to be the consort of the Ayatollah Khomeini who has billions stashed away. You can sit by his side and tell him how you hate the Jews like he does. You really would be the best companion for him.
It is silly to not recognize that the Jews of the Soviet Union made off with a lot of Soviet wealth. It is a fact. Chelsea Football Club is just one small example. The Jews are, after all, quite a clever people. That they now support the nationalists of Ukraine is not a surprise. So what if the nationalists are a tad fascist.

The little anti-Semite montelatici scratched her head and was thinking of what other forum she could come and show everyone that she is a Jew hater. Your Muslim friends, montelatici, have also taken off with a lot of wealth which belonged to the people. Perhaps you can get Arafat's wife to send some of that dough back and afterward you can apply to be the consort of the Ayatollah Khomeini who has billions stashed away. You can sit by his side and tell him how you hate the Jews like he does. You really would be the best companion for him.
Hasbara Sally is certainly a predictable, if pathetic, one trick pony
Rich Jews and others stage an illegal coup in Ukraine, yet all Jews are blameless

"Under the control and in the presence of US diplomats, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine carried out a coup d’état, on 22 and 23 February 2014.

"The Parliament first took note of the forced resignation of its president and appointed the former head of the Ukraine Security Service, Oleksandr Turchynov, in his place.

"Then, 328 MPs out of 450 repealed the Constitution, substituting it with that of 2004 [1], that is to say without a referendum and in an emergency situation, thereby contravening Articles 156 and 157 of the Constitution.

"In the process, the MPs deposed the president of the republic, Viktor Yanukovych, without complying with the impeachment procedure and without review by the Constitutional Court, in other words in violation of Article 111 of the Constitution."

Pro-US coup in Ukraine
It is silly to not recognize that the Jews of the Soviet Union made off with a lot of Soviet wealth. It is a fact. Chelsea Football Club is just one small example. The Jews are, after all, quite a clever people. That they now support the nationalists of Ukraine is not a surprise. So what if the nationalists are a tad fascist.

The little anti-Semite montelatici scratched her head and was thinking of what other forum she could come and show everyone that she is a Jew hater. Your Muslim friends, montelatici, have also taken off with a lot of wealth which belonged to the people. Perhaps you can get Arafat's wife to send some of that dough back and afterward you can apply to be the consort of the Ayatollah Khomeini who has billions stashed away. You can sit by his side and tell him how you hate the Jews like he does. You really would be the best companion for him.

Hasbara Sally is certainly a predictable, if pathetic, one trick pony
Rich Jews and others stage an illegal coup in Ukraine, yet all Jews are blameless

"Under the control and in the presence of US diplomats, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine carried out a coup d’état, on 22 and 23 February 2014.

"The Parliament first took note of the forced resignation of its president and appointed the former head of the Ukraine Security Service, Oleksandr Turchynov, in his place.

"Then, 328 MPs out of 450 repealed the Constitution, substituting it with that of 2004 [1], that is to say without a referendum and in an emergency situation, thereby contravening Articles 156 and 157 of the Constitution.

"In the process, the MPs deposed the president of the republic, Viktor Yanukovych, without complying with the impeachment procedure and without review by the Constitutional Court, in other words in violation of Article 111 of the Constitution."

Pro-US coup in Ukraine

It is you who are the one-trick pony, Herr George. You never are concerned with what is going on in the rest of the world if it doesn't involve the Jews which you want to demonize all the time, being your favorite scapegoats. Today I was reading about the Crimean self-defense group taking over the Navy Base, and the Ukrainian servicemen inside giving in to them. The article didn't mention anything about Jews. Then I was also reading the following. As the readers can see, Herr George, is only interested on this subject in the Jews in the Ukraine and nothing else even though there is much going on in the world today. He is even too lazy to hitch hike up to West Hollywood to find out for himself how the people from different parts of the U.S.S.R. think about this situation. Maybe he is afraid that they wouldn't be blaming the Jews for all of this.

AOL.com Article - Putin signs treaty to add Crimea to map of Russia
The little anti-Semite montelatici scratched her head and was thinking of what other forum she could come and show everyone that she is a Jew hater. Your Muslim friends, montelatici, have also taken off with a lot of wealth which belonged to the people. Perhaps you can get Arafat's wife to send some of that dough back and afterward you can apply to be the consort of the Ayatollah Khomeini who has billions stashed away. You can sit by his side and tell him how you hate the Jews like he does. You really would be the best companion for him.

Hasbara Sally is certainly a predictable, if pathetic, one trick pony
Rich Jews and others stage an illegal coup in Ukraine, yet all Jews are blameless

"Under the control and in the presence of US diplomats, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine carried out a coup d’état, on 22 and 23 February 2014.

"The Parliament first took note of the forced resignation of its president and appointed the former head of the Ukraine Security Service, Oleksandr Turchynov, in his place.

"Then, 328 MPs out of 450 repealed the Constitution, substituting it with that of 2004 [1], that is to say without a referendum and in an emergency situation, thereby contravening Articles 156 and 157 of the Constitution.

"In the process, the MPs deposed the president of the republic, Viktor Yanukovych, without complying with the impeachment procedure and without review by the Constitutional Court, in other words in violation of Article 111 of the Constitution."

Pro-US coup in Ukraine

It is you who are the one-trick pony, Herr George. You never are concerned with what is going on in the rest of the world if it doesn't involve the Jews which you want to demonize all the time, being your favorite scapegoats. Today I was reading about the Crimean self-defense group taking over the Navy Base, and the Ukrainian servicemen inside giving in to them. The article didn't mention anything about Jews. Then I was also reading the following. As the readers can see, Herr George, is only interested on this subject in the Jews in the Ukraine and nothing else even though there is much going on in the world today. He is even too lazy to hitch hike up to West Hollywood to find out for himself how the people from different parts of the U.S.S.R. think about this situation. Maybe he is afraid that they wouldn't be blaming the Jews for all of this.

AOL.com Article - Putin signs treaty to add Crimea to map of Russia
Actually, it's Sally One Trick who seems to spend her days obsessing with defending Jews whatever their crimes; one might almost suspect she's paid to do so

"The lion’s share of the $15 billion IMF loan will go to western banks (especially in Austria and Italy who are seriously exposed) to pay principle and interest on previous loans to the IMF and western banks (about $2 billion this year), will be used to finance future exports from the Ukraine (now running a $20 billion a year trade deficit), or will be used by the Ukrainian central bank to prop up the Ukrainian currency (now falling 20%).

"How much of the $15 billion in the IMF/EU package will be initially diverted to cover bank loan interest, finance trade deficits, and for Ukraine’s central bank efforts to slow the collapse of its currency remains to be seen.

"It past IMF deals are an indicator, much of that $15 billion will be used as a first priority for the preceding purposes.

"What’s left, if any, will go directly to the Ukraine economy.

"What’s left will no doubt amount to far less going into the real economy, than that which will ‘taken out’ of the Ukraine economy as a result of cutting gas subsidies, government spending, and pensions."

Watch Sally ignore every single tangible fact she's too ignorant to refute, and resort to offering advice on getting out more, which sounds like some tripe she could put to good use.

Who Benefits From Ukraine?s Economic Crisis? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Hasbara Sally is certainly a predictable, if pathetic, one trick pony
Rich Jews and others stage an illegal coup in Ukraine, yet all Jews are blameless

"Under the control and in the presence of US diplomats, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine carried out a coup d’état, on 22 and 23 February 2014.

"The Parliament first took note of the forced resignation of its president and appointed the former head of the Ukraine Security Service, Oleksandr Turchynov, in his place.

"Then, 328 MPs out of 450 repealed the Constitution, substituting it with that of 2004 [1], that is to say without a referendum and in an emergency situation, thereby contravening Articles 156 and 157 of the Constitution.

"In the process, the MPs deposed the president of the republic, Viktor Yanukovych, without complying with the impeachment procedure and without review by the Constitutional Court, in other words in violation of Article 111 of the Constitution."

Pro-US coup in Ukraine

It is you who are the one-trick pony, Herr George. You never are concerned with what is going on in the rest of the world if it doesn't involve the Jews which you want to demonize all the time, being your favorite scapegoats. Today I was reading about the Crimean self-defense group taking over the Navy Base, and the Ukrainian servicemen inside giving in to them. The article didn't mention anything about Jews. Then I was also reading the following. As the readers can see, Herr George, is only interested on this subject in the Jews in the Ukraine and nothing else even though there is much going on in the world today. He is even too lazy to hitch hike up to West Hollywood to find out for himself how the people from different parts of the U.S.S.R. think about this situation. Maybe he is afraid that they wouldn't be blaming the Jews for all of this.

AOL.com Article - Putin signs treaty to add Crimea to map of Russia
Actually, it's Sally One Trick who seems to spend her days obsessing with defending Jews whatever their crimes; one might almost suspect she's paid to do so

"The lion’s share of the $15 billion IMF loan will go to western banks (especially in Austria and Italy who are seriously exposed) to pay principle and interest on previous loans to the IMF and western banks (about $2 billion this year), will be used to finance future exports from the Ukraine (now running a $20 billion a year trade deficit), or will be used by the Ukrainian central bank to prop up the Ukrainian currency (now falling 20%).

"How much of the $15 billion in the IMF/EU package will be initially diverted to cover bank loan interest, finance trade deficits, and for Ukraine’s central bank efforts to slow the collapse of its currency remains to be seen.

"It past IMF deals are an indicator, much of that $15 billion will be used as a first priority for the preceding purposes.

"What’s left, if any, will go directly to the Ukraine economy.

"What’s left will no doubt amount to far less going into the real economy, than that which will ‘taken out’ of the Ukraine economy as a result of cutting gas subsidies, government spending, and pensions."

Watch Sally ignore every single tangible fact she's too ignorant to refute, and resort to offering advice on getting out more, which sounds like some tripe she could put to good use.

Who Benefits From Ukraine?s Economic Crisis? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

I would suggest, Herr George, that instead of your running to your favorite sites which demonize the Jews, you get out of your one-room apartment and walk down to your local McDonald's, spring for a senior coffee and see if someone left one of your local papers behind. If so, you will see on the front page stories of the Crimea, and the Jews (your favorite scapegoats) are not even mentioned. However, if it is too difficult for you to drag yourself away from your computer while you look for more articles which demonize the Jews, why not read something like this. You can scroll down and read plenty of stories which don't mention your favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

AOL.com Article - Putin signs treaty to add Crimea to map of Russia

I would suggest, Herr George, that instead of your running to your favorite sites which demonize the Jews, you get out of your one-room apartment and walk down to your local McDonald's, spring for a senior coffee and see if someone left one of your local papers behind. If so, you will see on the front page stories of the Crimea, and the Jews (your favorite scapegoats) are not even mentioned. However, if it is too difficult for you to drag yourself away from your computer while you look for more articles which demonize the Jews, why not read something like this. You can scroll down and read plenty of stories which don't mention your favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

AOL.com Article - Putin signs treaty to add Crimea to map of Russia
"The newly self-elected Ukrainian government is reorganizing all institutions of power, dissolving the special riot police, naming its cronies to key political posts.

"But perhaps the most indicative of the true character of the new regime is the naming last week of new Governors to head the major political divisions of regions of Ukraine.

"They include dual Israeli-Ukrainian nationals and notorious billionaire gangsters.

"This seems to be the 'democracy' that US State Department Assistant Secretary for European Affairs, Victori Nuland had in mind when she rejected earlier EU compromise initiatives with the terse comment, 'Fuck the EU.'”

Ukraine names Oligarchs and Gangsters as Governors & Ministers
"The newly self-elected Ukrainian government is reorganizing all institutions of power, dissolving the special riot police, naming its cronies to key political posts.

"But perhaps the most indicative of the true character of the new regime is the naming last week of new Governors to head the major political divisions of regions of Ukraine.

"They include dual Israeli-Ukrainian nationals and notorious billionaire gangsters.

"This seems to be the 'democracy' that US State Department Assistant Secretary for European Affairs, Victori Nuland had in mind when she rejected earlier EU compromise initiatives with the terse comment, 'Fuck the EU.'”

Ukraine names Oligarchs and Gangsters as Governors & Ministers

I'm really surprised that Herr George is constantly showing us what a loser he is and that he desperaterly needs scapegoats, the Jews. I'll save you a trip to McDonald's, Herr George, and show you what your local newspaper is saying. Can you show us where they are mentioning your scapegoats?

Russians reportedly attack two Ukrainian naval units in Crimea - latimes.com
"The newly self-elected Ukrainian government is reorganizing all institutions of power, dissolving the special riot police, naming its cronies to key political posts.

"But perhaps the most indicative of the true character of the new regime is the naming last week of new Governors to head the major political divisions of regions of Ukraine.

"They include dual Israeli-Ukrainian nationals and notorious billionaire gangsters.

"This seems to be the 'democracy' that US State Department Assistant Secretary for European Affairs, Victori Nuland had in mind when she rejected earlier EU compromise initiatives with the terse comment, 'Fuck the EU.'”

Ukraine names Oligarchs and Gangsters as Governors & Ministers

I'm really surprised that Herr George is constantly showing us what a loser he is and that he desperaterly needs scapegoats, the Jews. I'll save you a trip to McDonald's, Herr George, and show you what your local newspaper is saying. Can you show us where they are mentioning your scapegoats?

Russians reportedly attack two Ukrainian naval units in Crimea - latimes.com
Sally Hasbara sieg heils for Soviet gangsters:

"The Zionist state, whose self-proclaimed raison d’être is the defence of the Jewish people against anti-Semitism, now gives unalloyed support to a European government in which for the first time since 1945 an avowedly anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi party controls key levers of state power.

Israel’s response to the crisis in Ukraine testifies to the fact that the Israeli ruling elite speaks not for world Jewry, as it likes to claim, but for Israel’s capitalist class, a corrupt and venal social layer that carries out criminal attacks on Palestinians and others in alliance with Washington.

"The 20 wealthiest Israeli families control about half the stock market and 25 percent of the major corporations, notably the newspapers, banks and high-tech companies.

"A number of these oligarchs came from Russia and the former Soviet republics, having made their money through the privatisation of state-owned enterprises."

"The newly self-elected Ukrainian government is reorganizing all institutions of power, dissolving the special riot police, naming its cronies to key political posts.

"But perhaps the most indicative of the true character of the new regime is the naming last week of new Governors to head the major political divisions of regions of Ukraine.

"They include dual Israeli-Ukrainian nationals and notorious billionaire gangsters.

"This seems to be the 'democracy' that US State Department Assistant Secretary for European Affairs, Victori Nuland had in mind when she rejected earlier EU compromise initiatives with the terse comment, 'Fuck the EU.'”

Ukraine names Oligarchs and Gangsters as Governors & Ministers

I'm really surprised that Herr George is constantly showing us what a loser he is and that he desperaterly needs scapegoats, the Jews. I'll save you a trip to McDonald's, Herr George, and show you what your local newspaper is saying. Can you show us where they are mentioning your scapegoats?

Russians reportedly attack two Ukrainian naval units in Crimea - latimes.com
Sally Hasbara sieg heils for Soviet gangsters:

"The Zionist state, whose self-proclaimed raison d’être is the defence of the Jewish people against anti-Semitism, now gives unalloyed support to a European government in which for the first time since 1945 an avowedly anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi party controls key levers of state power.

Israel’s response to the crisis in Ukraine testifies to the fact that the Israeli ruling elite speaks not for world Jewry, as it likes to claim, but for Israel’s capitalist class, a corrupt and venal social layer that carries out criminal attacks on Palestinians and others in alliance with Washington.

"The 20 wealthiest Israeli families control about half the stock market and 25 percent of the major corporations, notably the newspapers, banks and high-tech companies.

"A number of these oligarchs came from Russia and the former Soviet republics, having made their money through the privatisation of state-owned enterprises."


The readers have to admit that Herr George works very hard to demonize his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Meanwhile, Herr George, here is something else from one of the local Los Angeles newspapers, and unless I missed it, did the article mention your scapegoats. I would think Herr George would be grateful to the Jews since they are among the Los Angeles taxpayers responsible for keeping a roof over his head.

Here’s the latest on what’s happening in Ukraine

Tomorrow try to get down to your local McDonald's to pick up a newspaper left behind by another customer. Given where you live, perhaps by now you have picked up the language and the newspaper you find left behind is in Spanish which you will be able to read.

Las fuerzas rusas bloquean los focos de resistencia militar ucraniana en Crimea
"The government of Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu is backing the fascist-led putsch that ousted Ukraine’s elected pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych. Far from opposing anti-Semitism and defending Ukrainian Jews from the neo-Nazi parties that have joined the new coalition government, Israel is doing its best to deny that any such threat exists."

"The government of Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu is backing the fascist-led putsch that ousted Ukraine’s elected pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych. Far from opposing anti-Semitism and defending Ukrainian Jews from the neo-Nazi parties that have joined the new coalition government, Israel is doing its best to deny that any such threat exists."


Strange how people with a lack of initiative in their younger years to better themselves havce to find a scapegoat. I am sure the readers have picked up by now that Herr George is really not interested in the Ukraine or Russia unless he can drag in his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Now the following is from a Russian source, and I don't see any mention of Herr Georgie favorite scapegoats. Even though he wants to make the crises in the Ukraine all about the Jews, it just wouldn't wash. There is much more going on in the area which does not involve his favorite scapegoats. Naturally he isn't interested in anything else but his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.


By Ria Novosti

Ukraine’s breakaway region of Crimea will ask Tatars to vacate part of the land where they now live in exchange for new territory elsewhere in the region, a top Crimean government official said Tuesday.

Crimean Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Temirgaliyev said in an interview with RIA Novosti on Tuesday the new government in Crimea, where residents voted Sunday to become part of Russia, wants to regularize the land unofficially taken over by Crimean Tatar squatters following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

“We have asked the Crimean Tatars to vacate part of their land, which is required for social needs,” Temirgaliyev said. “But we are ready to allocate and legalize many other plots of land to ensure a normal life for the Crimean Tatars,” he said.

Crimean Tatars Will Have To Vacate Land ? Official | Eurasia Review
"The government of Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu is backing the fascist-led putsch that ousted Ukraine’s elected pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych. Far from opposing anti-Semitism and defending Ukrainian Jews from the neo-Nazi parties that have joined the new coalition government, Israel is doing its best to deny that any such threat exists."


Strange how people with a lack of initiative in their younger years to better themselves havce to find a scapegoat. I am sure the readers have picked up by now that Herr George is really not interested in the Ukraine or Russia unless he can drag in his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Now the following is from a Russian source, and I don't see any mention of Herr Georgie favorite scapegoats. Even though he wants to make the crises in the Ukraine all about the Jews, it just wouldn't wash. There is much more going on in the area which does not involve his favorite scapegoats. Naturally he isn't interested in anything else but his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.


By Ria Novosti

Ukraine’s breakaway region of Crimea will ask Tatars to vacate part of the land where they now live in exchange for new territory elsewhere in the region, a top Crimean government official said Tuesday.

Crimean Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Temirgaliyev said in an interview with RIA Novosti on Tuesday the new government in Crimea, where residents voted Sunday to become part of Russia, wants to regularize the land unofficially taken over by Crimean Tatar squatters following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

“We have asked the Crimean Tatars to vacate part of their land, which is required for social needs,” Temirgaliyev said. “But we are ready to allocate and legalize many other plots of land to ensure a normal life for the Crimean Tatars,” he said.

Crimean Tatars Will Have To Vacate Land ? Official | Eurasia Review
Now tell us if the tatars would have been asked to relocate if neo-Nazis hadn't driven an elected president from office in Kiev?
"The government of Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu is backing the fascist-led putsch that ousted Ukraine’s elected pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych. Far from opposing anti-Semitism and defending Ukrainian Jews from the neo-Nazi parties that have joined the new coalition government, Israel is doing its best to deny that any such threat exists."


Strange how people with a lack of initiative in their younger years to better themselves havce to find a scapegoat. I am sure the readers have picked up by now that Herr George is really not interested in the Ukraine or Russia unless he can drag in his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Now the following is from a Russian source, and I don't see any mention of Herr Georgie favorite scapegoats. Even though he wants to make the crises in the Ukraine all about the Jews, it just wouldn't wash. There is much more going on in the area which does not involve his favorite scapegoats. Naturally he isn't interested in anything else but his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.


By Ria Novosti

Ukraine’s breakaway region of Crimea will ask Tatars to vacate part of the land where they now live in exchange for new territory elsewhere in the region, a top Crimean government official said Tuesday.

Crimean Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Temirgaliyev said in an interview with RIA Novosti on Tuesday the new government in Crimea, where residents voted Sunday to become part of Russia, wants to regularize the land unofficially taken over by Crimean Tatar squatters following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

“We have asked the Crimean Tatars to vacate part of their land, which is required for social needs,” Temirgaliyev said. “But we are ready to allocate and legalize many other plots of land to ensure a normal life for the Crimean Tatars,” he said.

Crimean Tatars Will Have To Vacate Land ? Official | Eurasia Review

Now tell us if the tatars would have been asked to relocate if neo-Nazis hadn't driven an elected president from office in Kiev?

Just whom do you think you are kidding, Herr, George. You don't care a fig about what is happening to the Tartars or to any other news coming out of Russia or the Ukraine unless you can drag your scapegoats, the Jews, into it. Speaking of NeoNazis, being that you are abnormally obsessed with your scapegoats, I am surprised that you, yourself, haven't tried to join up with some NeoNazi group in California.
Strange how people with a lack of initiative in their younger years to better themselves havce to find a scapegoat. I am sure the readers have picked up by now that Herr George is really not interested in the Ukraine or Russia unless he can drag in his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Now the following is from a Russian source, and I don't see any mention of Herr Georgie favorite scapegoats. Even though he wants to make the crises in the Ukraine all about the Jews, it just wouldn't wash. There is much more going on in the area which does not involve his favorite scapegoats. Naturally he isn't interested in anything else but his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.


By Ria Novosti

Ukraine’s breakaway region of Crimea will ask Tatars to vacate part of the land where they now live in exchange for new territory elsewhere in the region, a top Crimean government official said Tuesday.

Crimean Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Temirgaliyev said in an interview with RIA Novosti on Tuesday the new government in Crimea, where residents voted Sunday to become part of Russia, wants to regularize the land unofficially taken over by Crimean Tatar squatters following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

“We have asked the Crimean Tatars to vacate part of their land, which is required for social needs,” Temirgaliyev said. “But we are ready to allocate and legalize many other plots of land to ensure a normal life for the Crimean Tatars,” he said.

Crimean Tatars Will Have To Vacate Land ? Official | Eurasia Review

Now tell us if the tatars would have been asked to relocate if neo-Nazis hadn't driven an elected president from office in Kiev?

Just whom do you think you are kidding, Herr, George. You don't care a fig about what is happening to the Tartars or to any other news coming out of Russia or the Ukraine unless you can drag your scapegoats, the Jews, into it. Speaking of NeoNazis, being that you are abnormally obsessed with your scapegoats, I am surprised that you, yourself, haven't tried to join up with some NeoNazi group in California.
You obviously don't have anything to do all day, every day except apologize for crimes committed by Jews; is that your only job?
Now tell us if the tatars would have been asked to relocate if neo-Nazis hadn't driven an elected president from office in Kiev?

Just whom do you think you are kidding, Herr, George. You don't care a fig about what is happening to the Tartars or to any other news coming out of Russia or the Ukraine unless you can drag your scapegoats, the Jews, into it. Speaking of NeoNazis, being that you are abnormally obsessed with your scapegoats, I am surprised that you, yourself, haven't tried to join up with some NeoNazi group in California.

You obviously don't have anything to do all day, every day except apologize for crimes committed by Jews; is that your only job?

Why, Herr Geroge, I don't live in a little one-room apartment paid partly by the taxpayers. I have a good-sized house to clean, shopping and cooking, taking walks with friends in the early morning, occasionally having lunch (which I did today) and/or going to the mall with friends, etc. You, on the other hand, spend your days searching for things which will demonize the Jews no matter where they happen to be located. If you couldn't have participated on the other threads about the Ukraine, at least you could have posted a news article about what is happening instead of looking for something which would drag in your scapegoats, the Jews. You could have found something like this, but since it doesn't mention your scapegoats, I guess you would think it is just a waste of time.

10 Surprising Facts About Vladimir Putin's Extraordinary Past
Just whom do you think you are kidding, Herr, George. You don't care a fig about what is happening to the Tartars or to any other news coming out of Russia or the Ukraine unless you can drag your scapegoats, the Jews, into it. Speaking of NeoNazis, being that you are abnormally obsessed with your scapegoats, I am surprised that you, yourself, haven't tried to join up with some NeoNazi group in California.

You obviously don't have anything to do all day, every day except apologize for crimes committed by Jews; is that your only job?

Why, Herr Geroge, I don't live in a little one-room apartment paid partly by the taxpayers. I have a good-sized house to clean, shopping and cooking, taking walks with friends in the early morning, occasionally having lunch (which I did today) and/or going to the mall with friends, etc. You, on the other hand, spend your days searching for things which will demonize the Jews no matter where they happen to be located. If you couldn't have participated on the other threads about the Ukraine, at least you could have posted a news article about what is happening instead of looking for something which would drag in your scapegoats, the Jews. You could have found something like this, but since it doesn't mention your scapegoats, I guess you would think it is just a waste of time.

10 Surprising Facts About Vladimir Putin's Extraordinary Past
Sounds like you need a second job, Hasbara Sally.
Human Rights Watch could use your help in Crimea:

"Simferopol) – Crimean authorities should urgently conduct a thorough investigation into the enforced disappearance and subsequent killing of Reshat Ametov, a Crimean Tatar from the Simferopol region, and bring the perpetrators to justice."

Crimea: Disappeared Man Found Killed | Human Rights Watch

On your way home be sure to drop in on Ihor Kolomoyskyi, either the 2nd or 3rd richest man in Ukraine, and lend a hand with his Jewish News One TV station; who knows, maybe he'll pay for your next shopping trip:lol:
You obviously don't have anything to do all day, every day except apologize for crimes committed by Jews; is that your only job?

Why, Herr Geroge, I don't live in a little one-room apartment paid partly by the taxpayers. I have a good-sized house to clean, shopping and cooking, taking walks with friends in the early morning, occasionally having lunch (which I did today) and/or going to the mall with friends, etc. You, on the other hand, spend your days searching for things which will demonize the Jews no matter where they happen to be located. If you couldn't have participated on the other threads about the Ukraine, at least you could have posted a news article about what is happening instead of looking for something which would drag in your scapegoats, the Jews. You could have found something like this, but since it doesn't mention your scapegoats, I guess you would think it is just a waste of time.

10 Surprising Facts About Vladimir Putin's Extraordinary Past
Sounds like you need a second job, Hasbara Sally.
Human Rights Watch could use your help in Crimea:

"Simferopol) – Crimean authorities should urgently conduct a thorough investigation into the enforced disappearance and subsequent killing of Reshat Ametov, a Crimean Tatar from the Simferopol region, and bring the perpetrators to justice."

Crimea: Disappeared Man Found Killed | Human Rights Watch

On your way home be sure to drop in on Ihor Kolomoyskyi, either the 2nd or 3rd richest man in Ukraine, and lend a hand with his Jewish News One TV station; who knows, maybe he'll pay for your next shopping trip:lol:

As for a job, Herr George, I would suggest that you apply at your local WalMart to be a greeter. This way you will be able to supplement your meager income and have extra money to partake of the many things going on in a big city like Los Angeles. It sure would be far better than scouring the Internet looking for something bad to say about your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. It is quite obvious that you resent a group where many have been successful and have money since you have had very little in your life. Now how about a little news about what is going on in that area of the world which doesn't mention the Jews? By the way, since you are so interested in your favorite scapegoats, why not hitch hike to USC. A while ago I was sitting down with a cup of coffee reading my local newspaper when I came across some of the Religious Events happening in the city. At one of the campuses of USC, the talk on Monday will be..........Memories of the Forgotten Holocaust, Examining Jewish Life in the Ukraine's Troubled Past. You wouldn't even have to worry about the parking fee since you don't have a car. For a fellow so obsessed with the Jews (your scapegoats), such a talk might interest you, Herr George. If this is not your cup of tea, Herr George, many of the Buddhist Centers teach about meditation, which might do you a world of good because it might take your mind off your scapegoats.

AOL.com Article - Putin: No need for further retaliation against US
Thanks for the article, Sally. It looks as if Putin is toning down the rhetoric for some reason. Good news for the moment. Maybe China is not quite ready to invade Taiwan. Maybe he needs to appear to be our friend again before we have the next terrorist attack on American soil ( with KGB assistance ) who knows... The Bear is Awake irregardless it would behoove us to keep our eye on him. He's up to something. People in that region of the world - Ukraine, Poland, Romania know who Putin is. He isn't fooling them. ( or me ) - Jeri
Why, Herr Geroge, I don't live in a little one-room apartment paid partly by the taxpayers. I have a good-sized house to clean, shopping and cooking, taking walks with friends in the early morning, occasionally having lunch (which I did today) and/or going to the mall with friends, etc. You, on the other hand, spend your days searching for things which will demonize the Jews no matter where they happen to be located. If you couldn't have participated on the other threads about the Ukraine, at least you could have posted a news article about what is happening instead of looking for something which would drag in your scapegoats, the Jews. You could have found something like this, but since it doesn't mention your scapegoats, I guess you would think it is just a waste of time.

10 Surprising Facts About Vladimir Putin's Extraordinary Past
Sounds like you need a second job, Hasbara Sally.
Human Rights Watch could use your help in Crimea:

"Simferopol) – Crimean authorities should urgently conduct a thorough investigation into the enforced disappearance and subsequent killing of Reshat Ametov, a Crimean Tatar from the Simferopol region, and bring the perpetrators to justice."

Crimea: Disappeared Man Found Killed | Human Rights Watch

On your way home be sure to drop in on Ihor Kolomoyskyi, either the 2nd or 3rd richest man in Ukraine, and lend a hand with his Jewish News One TV station; who knows, maybe he'll pay for your next shopping trip:lol:

As for a job, Herr George, I would suggest that you apply at your local WalMart to be a greeter. This way you will be able to supplement your meager income and have extra money to partake of the many things going on in a big city like Los Angeles. It sure would be far better than scouring the Internet looking for something bad to say about your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. It is quite obvious that you resent a group where many have been successful and have money since you have had very little in your life. Now how about a little news about what is going on in that area of the world which doesn't mention the Jews? By the way, since you are so interested in your favorite scapegoats, why not hitch hike to USC. A while ago I was sitting down with a cup of coffee reading my local newspaper when I came across some of the Religious Events happening in the city. At one of the campuses of USC, the talk on Monday will be..........Memories of the Forgotten Holocaust, Examining Jewish Life in the Ukraine's Troubled Past. You wouldn't even have to worry about the parking fee since you don't have a car. For a fellow so obsessed with the Jews (your scapegoats), such a talk might interest you, Herr George. If this is not your cup of tea, Herr George, many of the Buddhist Centers teach about meditation, which might do you a world of good because it might take your mind off your scapegoats.

AOL.com Article - Putin: No need for further retaliation against US
Does Hasbara provide you with some good benefits?
Maybe you can vacation in Kiev with Ihor and his fellow oligarchs:

"So, basically, the Europeans have told the kleptocrats, the ten or 12 billionaires that run the country, we will make you very, very rich if you join us. We will give you a lot of IMF money, you can transfer it into your banks and your bank accounts, you can then send it abroad to your offshore banking centers, and the Ukrainian people will own it. So you can do the Ukraine what the Irish government did to the Irish: you can take the public money, you can give it all to the private bankers, and then you can tax your people and make them pay."

Maybe you'll get enough to buy a bigger house?

Who In Ukraine Will Benefit From An IMF Bailout?
Sounds like you need a second job, Hasbara Sally.
Human Rights Watch could use your help in Crimea:

"Simferopol) – Crimean authorities should urgently conduct a thorough investigation into the enforced disappearance and subsequent killing of Reshat Ametov, a Crimean Tatar from the Simferopol region, and bring the perpetrators to justice."

Crimea: Disappeared Man Found Killed | Human Rights Watch

On your way home be sure to drop in on Ihor Kolomoyskyi, either the 2nd or 3rd richest man in Ukraine, and lend a hand with his Jewish News One TV station; who knows, maybe he'll pay for your next shopping trip:lol:

Why, Herr George, given your hatred of the Jews (your favorite scapegoats) and which you are certainly illustrating to the readers of this thread how you resent them, no doubt some NeoNazi group here in the U.S. will send you on a first-class trip to Berlin where you can meet up with those NeoNazis who hate the Jews as much as you do. This way you can get out of your tiny one-room subsidized apartment where you are even given a break on your utilities and see another part of the world. I imagine some of the readers can just picture Herr George in the audience watching the movie with the other Nazis. Maybe he would be cheering the loudest.


As for a job, Herr George, I would suggest that you apply at your local WalMart to be a greeter. This way you will be able to supplement your meager income and have extra money to partake of the many things going on in a big city like Los Angeles. It sure would be far better than scouring the Internet looking for something bad to say about your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. It is quite obvious that you resent a group where many have been successful and have money since you have had very little in your life. Now how about a little news about what is going on in that area of the world which doesn't mention the Jews? By the way, since you are so interested in your favorite scapegoats, why not hitch hike to USC. A while ago I was sitting down with a cup of coffee reading my local newspaper when I came across some of the Religious Events happening in the city. At one of the campuses of USC, the talk on Monday will be..........Memories of the Forgotten Holocaust, Examining Jewish Life in the Ukraine's Troubled Past. You wouldn't even have to worry about the parking fee since you don't have a car. For a fellow so obsessed with the Jews (your scapegoats), such a talk might interest you, Herr George. If this is not your cup of tea, Herr George, many of the Buddhist Centers teach about meditation, which might do you a world of good because it might take your mind off your scapegoats.

AOL.com Article - Putin: No need for further retaliation against US
Does Hasbara provide you with some good benefits?
Maybe you can vacation in Kiev with Ihor and his fellow oligarchs:

"So, basically, the Europeans have told the kleptocrats, the ten or 12 billionaires that run the country, we will make you very, very rich if you join us. We will give you a lot of IMF money, you can transfer it into your banks and your bank accounts, you can then send it abroad to your offshore banking centers, and the Ukrainian people will own it. So you can do the Ukraine what the Irish government did to the Irish: you can take the public money, you can give it all to the private bankers, and then you can tax your people and make them pay."

Maybe you'll get enough to buy a bigger house?

Who In Ukraine Will Benefit From An IMF Bailout?

Why, Herr George, given your hatred of the Jews (your favorite scapegoats) and which you are certainly illustrating to the readers of this thread how you resent them, no doubt some NeoNazi group here in the U.S. will send you on a first-class trip to Berlin where you can meet up with those NeoNazis who hate the Jews as much as you do. This way you can get out of your tiny one-room subsidized apartment where you are even given a break on your utilities (and even those who immigrated from Russia and the Ukraine, whatever their religion, seem to have made out better than you who are native born) and see another part of the world. I imagine some of the readers can just picture Herr George in the audience watching the movie with the other Nazis. Maybe he would be cheering the loudest.


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