Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine

Why, Herr George, given your hatred of the Jews (your favorite scapegoats) and which you are certainly illustrating to the readers of this thread how you resent them, no doubt some NeoNazi group here in the U.S. will send you on a first-class trip to Berlin where you can meet up with those NeoNazis who hate the Jews as much as you do. This way you can get out of your tiny one-room subsidized apartment where you are even given a break on your utilities and see another part of the world. I imagine some of the readers can just picture Herr George in the audience watching the movie with the other Nazis. Maybe he would be cheering the loudest.


As for a job, Herr George, I would suggest that you apply at your local WalMart to be a greeter. This way you will be able to supplement your meager income and have extra money to partake of the many things going on in a big city like Los Angeles. It sure would be far better than scouring the Internet looking for something bad to say about your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. It is quite obvious that you resent a group where many have been successful and have money since you have had very little in your life. Now how about a little news about what is going on in that area of the world which doesn't mention the Jews? By the way, since you are so interested in your favorite scapegoats, why not hitch hike to USC. A while ago I was sitting down with a cup of coffee reading my local newspaper when I came across some of the Religious Events happening in the city. At one of the campuses of USC, the talk on Monday will be..........Memories of the Forgotten Holocaust, Examining Jewish Life in the Ukraine's Troubled Past. You wouldn't even have to worry about the parking fee since you don't have a car. For a fellow so obsessed with the Jews (your scapegoats), such a talk might interest you, Herr George. If this is not your cup of tea, Herr George, many of the Buddhist Centers teach about meditation, which might do you a world of good because it might take your mind off your scapegoats.

AOL.com Article - Putin: No need for further retaliation against US
Does Hasbara provide you with some good benefits?
Maybe you can vacation in Kiev with Ihor and his fellow oligarchs:

"So, basically, the Europeans have told the kleptocrats, the ten or 12 billionaires that run the country, we will make you very, very rich if you join us. We will give you a lot of IMF money, you can transfer it into your banks and your bank accounts, you can then send it abroad to your offshore banking centers, and the Ukrainian people will own it. So you can do the Ukraine what the Irish government did to the Irish: you can take the public money, you can give it all to the private bankers, and then you can tax your people and make them pay."

Maybe you'll get enough to buy a bigger house?

Who In Ukraine Will Benefit From An IMF Bailout?

Why, Herr George, given your hatred of the Jews (your favorite scapegoats) and which you are certainly illustrating to the readers of this thread how you resent them, no doubt some NeoNazi group here in the U.S. will send you on a first-class trip to Berlin where you can meet up with those NeoNazis who hate the Jews as much as you do. This way you can get out of your tiny one-room subsidized apartment where you are even given a break on your utilities (and even those who immigrated from Russia and the Ukraine, whatever their religion, seem to have made out better than you who are native born) and see another part of the world. I imagine some of the readers can just picture Herr George in the audience watching the movie with the other Nazis. Maybe he would be cheering the loudest.

"But as soon as the IMF gives the loan to the Ukraine--Russia announced on Monday--and you can read this on the Johnson's Russia List that has a summary of all of the Russian official reports--Russia says that Ukraine owes $20 billion, dating back to the Soviet Union era in exchange for, in addition, to about $5 billion or $6 billion for the oil subsidies that it's been given.

"Russia said it is going to charge Ukraine the normal oil price, not the subsidized price. So all the money that the IMF and the U.S. gives Russia says is immediately owed to it itself.

"Whatever happens, either the Russian government will get the IMF money for gas and imports or the kleptocrats will.

"None of the money--and I think Jeff agrees--none of this money's going to go to the Ukrainian economy any more than the IMF money went to the Irish economy or the Greek economy or the other economies that are there.

"IMF money doesn't go to the country and it doesn't go to the people.

"It goes to the billionaires who run them to take the money and immediately send it back to the West so it's a circular flow, and it goes in and out of Ukraine in about 20 minutes."

How much will dual passport Israeli Jews pocket from the IMF looting of Ukraine?
More than Hasbara pays for your regurgitated tripe, $ALLY?

Who In Ukraine Will Benefit From An IMF Bailout?
Does Hasbara provide you with some good benefits?
Maybe you can vacation in Kiev with Ihor and his fellow oligarchs:

"So, basically, the Europeans have told the kleptocrats, the ten or 12 billionaires that run the country, we will make you very, very rich if you join us. We will give you a lot of IMF money, you can transfer it into your banks and your bank accounts, you can then send it abroad to your offshore banking centers, and the Ukrainian people will own it. So you can do the Ukraine what the Irish government did to the Irish: you can take the public money, you can give it all to the private bankers, and then you can tax your people and make them pay."

Maybe you'll get enough to buy a bigger house?

Who In Ukraine Will Benefit From An IMF Bailout?

Why, Herr George, given your hatred of the Jews (your favorite scapegoats) and which you are certainly illustrating to the readers of this thread how you resent them, no doubt some NeoNazi group here in the U.S. will send you on a first-class trip to Berlin where you can meet up with those NeoNazis who hate the Jews as much as you do. This way you can get out of your tiny one-room subsidized apartment where you are even given a break on your utilities (and even those who immigrated from Russia and the Ukraine, whatever their religion, seem to have made out better than you who are native born) and see another part of the world. I imagine some of the readers can just picture Herr George in the audience watching the movie with the other Nazis. Maybe he would be cheering the loudest.

"But as soon as the IMF gives the loan to the Ukraine--Russia announced on Monday--and you can read this on the Johnson's Russia List that has a summary of all of the Russian official reports--Russia says that Ukraine owes $20 billion, dating back to the Soviet Union era in exchange for, in addition, to about $5 billion or $6 billion for the oil subsidies that it's been given.

"Russia said it is going to charge Ukraine the normal oil price, not the subsidized price. So all the money that the IMF and the U.S. gives Russia says is immediately owed to it itself.

"Whatever happens, either the Russian government will get the IMF money for gas and imports or the kleptocrats will.

"None of the money--and I think Jeff agrees--none of this money's going to go to the Ukrainian economy any more than the IMF money went to the Irish economy or the Greek economy or the other economies that are there.

"IMF money doesn't go to the country and it doesn't go to the people.

"It goes to the billionaires who run them to take the money and immediately send it back to the West so it's a circular flow, and it goes in and out of Ukraine in about 20 minutes."

How much will dual passport Israeli Jews pocket from the IMF looting of Ukraine?
More than Hasbara pays for your regurgitated tripe, $ALLY?

Who In Ukraine Will Benefit From An IMF Bailout?

Herr George wants the readers to think that the crises in the Ukarain is all about his favorite scapegoat, the Jews. If there were no Jews in the Ukraine, Herr George wouldn't be trying so hard to get the readers on this Europe forum to hate them as much as he does. I wonder what the Jews in Los Angeles did to Herr George to make him hate them so. Then again he hates the U.S. too. It really is sad that when someone has had nothing in his actual life money-wise and even was homeless for a time (for which I am truly sorry for, Herr George, regardless of the reason you found yourself homeless), picks on a group that is of a small population in the world of today to be his scapegoats. As I said, Herr George, just be happy that the Jews are among the taxpayers in Los Angeles who help keep a roof over your head. Meanwhile, there are many people from different parts of the old USSR living here in the U.S. of different religious groups, and somehow many of them have found their way in this new country of theirs and have been successful that they own their owns homes (some of which are even what we would call mansions), and yet a native-born citizens has to depend on help. I have a great idea, Herr George. I know without a car that it would be difficult for you to get to this restaurant, but you can write to the Russians owners and ask them how they became so successful. Byt the way, folks, if you happen to live in the area, you will enjoy the food and the atmosphare at this restaurant.

Why, Herr George, given your hatred of the Jews (your favorite scapegoats) and which you are certainly illustrating to the readers of this thread how you resent them, no doubt some NeoNazi group here in the U.S. will send you on a first-class trip to Berlin where you can meet up with those NeoNazis who hate the Jews as much as you do. This way you can get out of your tiny one-room subsidized apartment where you are even given a break on your utilities (and even those who immigrated from Russia and the Ukraine, whatever their religion, seem to have made out better than you who are native born) and see another part of the world. I imagine some of the readers can just picture Herr George in the audience watching the movie with the other Nazis. Maybe he would be cheering the loudest.

"But as soon as the IMF gives the loan to the Ukraine--Russia announced on Monday--and you can read this on the Johnson's Russia List that has a summary of all of the Russian official reports--Russia says that Ukraine owes $20 billion, dating back to the Soviet Union era in exchange for, in addition, to about $5 billion or $6 billion for the oil subsidies that it's been given.

"Russia said it is going to charge Ukraine the normal oil price, not the subsidized price. So all the money that the IMF and the U.S. gives Russia says is immediately owed to it itself.

"Whatever happens, either the Russian government will get the IMF money for gas and imports or the kleptocrats will.

"None of the money--and I think Jeff agrees--none of this money's going to go to the Ukrainian economy any more than the IMF money went to the Irish economy or the Greek economy or the other economies that are there.

"IMF money doesn't go to the country and it doesn't go to the people.

"It goes to the billionaires who run them to take the money and immediately send it back to the West so it's a circular flow, and it goes in and out of Ukraine in about 20 minutes."

How much will dual passport Israeli Jews pocket from the IMF looting of Ukraine?
More than Hasbara pays for your regurgitated tripe, $ALLY?

Who In Ukraine Will Benefit From An IMF Bailout?

Herr George wants the readers to think that the crises in the Ukarain is all about his favorite scapegoat, the Jews. If there were no Jews in the Ukraine, Herr George wouldn't be trying so hard to get the readers on this Europe forum to hate them as much as he does. I wonder what the Jews in Los Angeles did to Herr George to make him hate them so. Then again he hates the U.S. too. It really is sad that when someone has had nothing in his actual life money-wise and even was homeless for a time (for which I am truly sorry for, Herr George, regardless of the reason you found yourself homeless), picks on a group that is of a small population in the world of today to be his scapegoats. As I said, Herr George, just be happy that the Jews are among the taxpayers in Los Angeles who help keep a roof over your head. Meanwhile, there are many people from different parts of the old USSR living here in the U.S. of different religious groups, and somehow many of them have found their way in this new country of theirs and have been successful that they own their owns homes (some of which are even what we would call mansions), and yet a native-born citizens has to depend on help. I have a great idea, Herr George. I know without a car that it would be difficult for you to get to this restaurant, but you can write to the Russians owners and ask them how they became so successful. Byt the way, folks, if you happen to live in the area, you will enjoy the food and the atmosphare at this restaurant.

$ieg Heil, $ally can't stay on topic, so she deflects with amateurish attempts at obscuring the neo-con pillage of Palestine with the one going on in Ukraine

"Simply compare.

"Is Russia urging Quebec to secede from Canada so that the province can join a military alliance led by Moscow?

"Evidently not.

"That would be comparable, and yet mild compared to the recent U.S. gambit led by Victoria Nuland aimed at bringing Ukraine, including the main Russian naval base at Sebastopol, into the Western orbit.

"The material reality of this political orbit is NATO, which since the end of the Soviet Union has systematically expanded toward Russia, which stations missiles whose only strategic function would be to provide the United States with a hypothetical nuclear first strike capacity against Russia, and which regularly holds military manoeuvers along Russian borders.

"Russia has done nothing against the United States, and recently provided President Obama with a face-saving way to avoid being voted down in Congress in regard to military action against Syria – action which was not desired by the Pentagon but only by the fraction of Israeli-oriented policy makers called 'neocons'.

"Russia professes no hostile ideology, and only seeks normal relations with the West. What more can it do?

"It is up to Americans to come to their senses."

Ukraine and Yugoslavia » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"But as soon as the IMF gives the loan to the Ukraine--Russia announced on Monday--and you can read this on the Johnson's Russia List that has a summary of all of the Russian official reports--Russia says that Ukraine owes $20 billion, dating back to the Soviet Union era in exchange for, in addition, to about $5 billion or $6 billion for the oil subsidies that it's been given.

"Russia said it is going to charge Ukraine the normal oil price, not the subsidized price. So all the money that the IMF and the U.S. gives Russia says is immediately owed to it itself.

"Whatever happens, either the Russian government will get the IMF money for gas and imports or the kleptocrats will.

"None of the money--and I think Jeff agrees--none of this money's going to go to the Ukrainian economy any more than the IMF money went to the Irish economy or the Greek economy or the other economies that are there.

"IMF money doesn't go to the country and it doesn't go to the people.

"It goes to the billionaires who run them to take the money and immediately send it back to the West so it's a circular flow, and it goes in and out of Ukraine in about 20 minutes."

How much will dual passport Israeli Jews pocket from the IMF looting of Ukraine?
More than Hasbara pays for your regurgitated tripe, $ALLY?

Who In Ukraine Will Benefit From An IMF Bailout?

Herr George wants the readers to think that the crises in the Ukarain is all about his favorite scapegoat, the Jews. If there were no Jews in the Ukraine, Herr George wouldn't be trying so hard to get the readers on this Europe forum to hate them as much as he does. I wonder what the Jews in Los Angeles did to Herr George to make him hate them so. Then again he hates the U.S. too. It really is sad that when someone has had nothing in his actual life money-wise and even was homeless for a time (for which I am truly sorry for, Herr George, regardless of the reason you found yourself homeless), picks on a group that is of a small population in the world of today to be his scapegoats. As I said, Herr George, just be happy that the Jews are among the taxpayers in Los Angeles who help keep a roof over your head. Meanwhile, there are many people from different parts of the old USSR living here in the U.S. of different religious groups, and somehow many of them have found their way in this new country of theirs and have been successful that they own their owns homes (some of which are even what we would call mansions), and yet a native-born citizens has to depend on help. I have a great idea, Herr George. I know without a car that it would be difficult for you to get to this restaurant, but you can write to the Russians owners and ask them how they became so successful. Byt the way, folks, if you happen to live in the area, you will enjoy the food and the atmosphare at this restaurant.

$ieg Heil, $ally can't stay on topic, so she deflects with amateurish attempts at obscuring the neo-con pillage of Palestine with the one going on in Ukraine

"Simply compare.

"Is Russia urging Quebec to secede from Canada so that the province can join a military alliance led by Moscow?

"Evidently not.

"That would be comparable, and yet mild compared to the recent U.S. gambit led by Victoria Nuland aimed at bringing Ukraine, including the main Russian naval base at Sebastopol, into the Western orbit.

"The material reality of this political orbit is NATO, which since the end of the Soviet Union has systematically expanded toward Russia, which stations missiles whose only strategic function would be to provide the United States with a hypothetical nuclear first strike capacity against Russia, and which regularly holds military manoeuvers along Russian borders.

"Russia has done nothing against the United States, and recently provided President Obama with a face-saving way to avoid being voted down in Congress in regard to military action against Syria – action which was not desired by the Pentagon but only by the fraction of Israeli-oriented policy makers called 'neocons'.

"Russia professes no hostile ideology, and only seeks normal relations with the West. What more can it do?

"It is up to Americans to come to their senses."

Ukraine and Yugoslavia » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

You know, Herr Geroge, I don't waste my time on your Leftist anti-Semitic propaganda sites, like Counterpunch. I and the other readers with brains realize that the crises in the Ukraine is not about the Jews as much as you want your favorite scapegoats to be behind everything bad happening in the world even though thousands and thousands of innocent people have been murdered and are still being murdered every day in places like the Middle East which have had nothing at all to do with the Jews or Israel and places which you yourself wouldn't be safe no matter how much you tell your captors you hate the Jews like they do. However, if it gives you the jollies to think that everyone here is going to believe as you do, by all means go for it. There is not much in your life, and it is laughable to see you actually think you will eventually get all the readers to start taking up the Jews as their scapegoats with all your nonsensical pieces from such dubious sites like Counterpunch. Go for it, Herr Georgie, if it makes you able to sleep better at night. Meanwhile, let's see a regular news article about what is happening with regard to Russia and the Ukraine. I don't think Herr George's scapegoats are mentioned in this article either.

Ukrainian Warships In Crimea Seized By Pro-Russian Crowds
"Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman issued an anodyne statement last week saying: 'Israel is following the events in Ukraine with grave concern, worries for the safety of the Ukrainian people and hopes that the situation does not deteriorate and that no human lives are lost.'

"This came just two days after Netanyahu’s visit to Washington and, reportedly, after pressure from the US State Department for a public display of support for the new government in Kiev."

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site
"Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman issued an anodyne statement last week saying: 'Israel is following the events in Ukraine with grave concern, worries for the safety of the Ukrainian people and hopes that the situation does not deteriorate and that no human lives are lost.'

"This came just two days after Netanyahu’s visit to Washington and, reportedly, after pressure from the US State Department for a public display of support for the new government in Kiev."

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site

Oh look, everyone. Herr George (or should we call him Comrade George since he now is using the World Socialist Site) is back to bashing his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Poor Comrade George, he does need scapegoats in his miserable existence. Meanwhile, let's look at some current news. I didn't read the entire article, but maybe Comrade George will and then tell us if his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are mentioned at all.

AOL.com Article - Crimea goes east, Ukraine goes west in 2 new deals
"Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman issued an anodyne statement last week saying: 'Israel is following the events in Ukraine with grave concern, worries for the safety of the Ukrainian people and hopes that the situation does not deteriorate and that no human lives are lost.'

"This came just two days after Netanyahu’s visit to Washington and, reportedly, after pressure from the US State Department for a public display of support for the new government in Kiev."

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site

Oh look, everyone. Herr George (or should we call him Comrade George since he now is using the World Socialist Site) is back to bashing his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Poor Comrade George, he does need scapegoats in his miserable existence. Meanwhile, let's look at some current news. I didn't read the entire article, but maybe Comrade George will and then tell us if his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are mentioned at all.

AOL.com Article - Crimea goes east, Ukraine goes west in 2 new deals
Ha$bara $ally can't read?
I'm not surprised.
Not enough $ signs, I guess:

"The Zionist state, whose self-proclaimed raison d’être is the defence of the Jewish people against anti-Semitism, now gives unalloyed support to a European government in which for the first time since 1945 an avowedly anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi party controls key levers of state power."

Have one of your Kosher Kin translate the above, and see if you can manage a critical response.

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site
"Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman issued an anodyne statement last week saying: 'Israel is following the events in Ukraine with grave concern, worries for the safety of the Ukrainian people and hopes that the situation does not deteriorate and that no human lives are lost.'

"This came just two days after Netanyahu’s visit to Washington and, reportedly, after pressure from the US State Department for a public display of support for the new government in Kiev."

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site

Oh look, everyone. Herr George (or should we call him Comrade George since he now is using the World Socialist Site) is back to bashing his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Poor Comrade George, he does need scapegoats in his miserable existence. Meanwhile, let's look at some current news. I didn't read the entire article, but maybe Comrade George will and then tell us if his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are mentioned at all.

AOL.com Article - Crimea goes east, Ukraine goes west in 2 new deals
Ha$bara $ally can't read?
I'm not surprised.
Not enough $ signs, I guess:

"The Zionist state, whose self-proclaimed raison d’être is the defence of the Jewish people against anti-Semitism, now gives unalloyed support to a European government in which for the first time since 1945 an avowedly anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi party controls key levers of state power."

Have one of your Kosher Kin translate the above, and see if you can manage a critical response.

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site

But, Tovarishch George, I gave up reading your nonsense a long, long time ago since it was so obvious that you, having no money in life because of your own lack of initiative and depending on other citizens to help with your one-room subsidized apartment, desperatedly needed a scapegoat. This is what happens when people like you have such shortcominings in life. Tovarishch George, the good little Commie, wants the viewers to read the nonsense from the World Socialist Web as if all the viewers were good little Communists themselves. Have you ever thought, Tovarishch George, that the people around the world who are keeping up with what is happening in the Ukraine are not falling over themselves thinking about the Jews, your favorite scapegoat. They are concerned with what is actually happening day by day. Meanwhile, since you are showing everyone that you are so short of dollars that you have to post dollar signs, might I suggest that you start panning for gold and you might get lucky to find some.

Persistent California Drought Exposes Opportunity for Gold Rush
Oh look, everyone. Herr George (or should we call him Comrade George since he now is using the World Socialist Site) is back to bashing his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Poor Comrade George, he does need scapegoats in his miserable existence. Meanwhile, let's look at some current news. I didn't read the entire article, but maybe Comrade George will and then tell us if his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are mentioned at all.

AOL.com Article - Crimea goes east, Ukraine goes west in 2 new deals
Ha$bara $ally can't read?
I'm not surprised.
Not enough $ signs, I guess:

"The Zionist state, whose self-proclaimed raison d’être is the defence of the Jewish people against anti-Semitism, now gives unalloyed support to a European government in which for the first time since 1945 an avowedly anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi party controls key levers of state power."

Have one of your Kosher Kin translate the above, and see if you can manage a critical response.

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site

But, Tovarishch George, I gave up reading your nonsense a long, long time ago since it was so obvious that you, having no money in life because of your own lack of initiative and depending on other citizens to help with your one-room subsidized apartment, desperatedly needed a scapegoat. This is what happens when people like you have such shortcominings in life. Tovarishch George, the good little Commie, wants the viewers to read the nonsense from the World Socialist Web as if all the viewers were good little Communists themselves. Have you ever thought, Tovarishch George, that the people around the world who are keeping up with what is happening in the Ukraine are not falling over themselves thinking about the Jews, your favorite scapegoat. They are concerned with what is actually happening day by day. Meanwhile, since you are showing everyone that you are so short of dollars that you have to post dollar signs, might I suggest that you start panning for gold and you might get lucky to find some.

Persistent California Drought Exposes Opportunity for Gold Rush
"Israel’s response to the crisis in Ukraine testifies to the fact that the Israeli ruling elite speaks not for world Jewry, as it likes to claim, but for Israel’s capitalist class, a corrupt and venal social layer that carries out criminal attacks on Palestinians and others in alliance with Washington.

"The 20 wealthiest Israeli families control about half the stock market and 25 percent of the major corporations, notably the newspapers, banks and high-tech companies.

"A number of these oligarchs came from Russia and the former Soviet republics, having made their money through the privatisation of state-owned enterprises.

"This class has long allied with fascistic forces outside Israel to defend its interests, most notably with the Phalange movement in Lebanon during the civil war of 1975-1989.

"More recently, it has shown no qualms in supporting, training and working with right-wing Islamists funded by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and the CIA in an attempt to topple President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.

"Neither is Israel opposed to coups, having worked even more closely with Egypt since the July 2013 military coup than it did during the Mubarak era."

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site

$ieg Heil, $ally.
You really need to get out more, unless this is how you pay your rent?:ack-1:
Ha$bara $ally can't read?
I'm not surprised.
Not enough $ signs, I guess:

"The Zionist state, whose self-proclaimed raison d’être is the defence of the Jewish people against anti-Semitism, now gives unalloyed support to a European government in which for the first time since 1945 an avowedly anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi party controls key levers of state power."

Have one of your Kosher Kin translate the above, and see if you can manage a critical response.

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site

But, Tovarishch George, I gave up reading your nonsense a long, long time ago since it was so obvious that you, having no money in life because of your own lack of initiative and depending on other citizens to help with your one-room subsidized apartment, desperatedly needed a scapegoat. This is what happens when people like you have such shortcominings in life. Tovarishch George, the good little Commie, wants the viewers to read the nonsense from the World Socialist Web as if all the viewers were good little Communists themselves. Have you ever thought, Tovarishch George, that the people around the world who are keeping up with what is happening in the Ukraine are not falling over themselves thinking about the Jews, your favorite scapegoat. They are concerned with what is actually happening day by day. Meanwhile, since you are showing everyone that you are so short of dollars that you have to post dollar signs, might I suggest that you start panning for gold and you might get lucky to find some.

Persistent California Drought Exposes Opportunity for Gold Rush
"Israel’s response to the crisis in Ukraine testifies to the fact that the Israeli ruling elite speaks not for world Jewry, as it likes to claim, but for Israel’s capitalist class, a corrupt and venal social layer that carries out criminal attacks on Palestinians and others in alliance with Washington.

"The 20 wealthiest Israeli families control about half the stock market and 25 percent of the major corporations, notably the newspapers, banks and high-tech companies.

"A number of these oligarchs came from Russia and the former Soviet republics, having made their money through the privatisation of state-owned enterprises.

"This class has long allied with fascistic forces outside Israel to defend its interests, most notably with the Phalange movement in Lebanon during the civil war of 1975-1989.

"More recently, it has shown no qualms in supporting, training and working with right-wing Islamists funded by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and the CIA in an attempt to topple President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.

"Neither is Israel opposed to coups, having worked even more closely with Egypt since the July 2013 military coup than it did during the Mubarak era."

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site

$ieg Heil, $ally.
You really need to get out more, unless this is how you pay your rent?:ack-1:

Looks like Comrade George decided he didn't want to go out today to pan for some gold to supplement his meager income. As you can see from his dollar signs, his shortage of money is always on his mind. Pay rent, Comrade George? My mortgage is all paid off. I don't have to live in a subsidized apartment like you do because you as a good Commie feels that the rest of the L.A. taxpapers have to help you get by. As the readers will notice, the good Comrade George is back with his World Socialist Web Site like all the viewers are going to bother to read it. I guess this is a site that all good Commies have to run to. Meanwhile, why don't tyou forget your obsession with your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and hitch hike down to Grand Park which can't be that far from your subsidized apartment, sit on a bench while enjoying some fresh air, and just let the world pass you by for a while.

Meanwhile, I wonder if Comrade George can tell the viewers about the sanctions the Russians and U.S. are siggesting for each other. I think the average person around the world would be more interested in that than what nonsense comes from some World Socialist Site. After all, everyone doesn't need a favorite scapegoat like many losers in life do.
But, Tovarishch George, I gave up reading your nonsense a long, long time ago since it was so obvious that you, having no money in life because of your own lack of initiative and depending on other citizens to help with your one-room subsidized apartment, desperatedly needed a scapegoat. This is what happens when people like you have such shortcominings in life. Tovarishch George, the good little Commie, wants the viewers to read the nonsense from the World Socialist Web as if all the viewers were good little Communists themselves. Have you ever thought, Tovarishch George, that the people around the world who are keeping up with what is happening in the Ukraine are not falling over themselves thinking about the Jews, your favorite scapegoat. They are concerned with what is actually happening day by day. Meanwhile, since you are showing everyone that you are so short of dollars that you have to post dollar signs, might I suggest that you start panning for gold and you might get lucky to find some.

Persistent California Drought Exposes Opportunity for Gold Rush
"Israel’s response to the crisis in Ukraine testifies to the fact that the Israeli ruling elite speaks not for world Jewry, as it likes to claim, but for Israel’s capitalist class, a corrupt and venal social layer that carries out criminal attacks on Palestinians and others in alliance with Washington.

"The 20 wealthiest Israeli families control about half the stock market and 25 percent of the major corporations, notably the newspapers, banks and high-tech companies.

"A number of these oligarchs came from Russia and the former Soviet republics, having made their money through the privatisation of state-owned enterprises.

"This class has long allied with fascistic forces outside Israel to defend its interests, most notably with the Phalange movement in Lebanon during the civil war of 1975-1989.

"More recently, it has shown no qualms in supporting, training and working with right-wing Islamists funded by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and the CIA in an attempt to topple President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.

"Neither is Israel opposed to coups, having worked even more closely with Egypt since the July 2013 military coup than it did during the Mubarak era."

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site

$ieg Heil, $ally.
You really need to get out more, unless this is how you pay your rent?:ack-1:

Looks like Comrade George decided he didn't want to go out today to pan for some gold to supplement his meager income. As you can see from his dollar signs, his shortage of money is always on his mind. Pay rent, Comrade George? My mortgage is all paid off. I don't have to live in a subsidized apartment like you do because you as a good Commie feels that the rest of the L.A. taxpapers have to help you get by. As the readers will notice, the good Comrade George is back with his World Socialist Web Site like all the viewers are going to bother to read it. I guess this is a site that all good Commies have to run to. Meanwhile, why don't tyou forget your obsession with your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and hitch hike down to Grand Park which can't be that far from your subsidized apartment, sit on a bench while enjoying some fresh air, and just let the world pass you by for a while.

Meanwhile, I wonder if Comrade George can tell the viewers about the sanctions the Russians and U.S. are siggesting for each other. I think the average person around the world would be more interested in that than what nonsense comes from some World Socialist Site. After all, everyone doesn't need a favorite scapegoat like many losers in life do.
Ha$bara paid off $ally's mortgage?
Maybe she isn't afraid to tell us if the following is true or false:

"The government of Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu is backing the fascist-led putsch that ousted Ukraine’s elected pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych. Far from opposing anti-Semitism and defending Ukrainian Jews from the neo-Nazi parties that have joined the new coalition government, Israel is doing its best to deny that any such threat exists."

Don't hold your breath...

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site
"Israel’s response to the crisis in Ukraine testifies to the fact that the Israeli ruling elite speaks not for world Jewry, as it likes to claim, but for Israel’s capitalist class, a corrupt and venal social layer that carries out criminal attacks on Palestinians and others in alliance with Washington.

"The 20 wealthiest Israeli families control about half the stock market and 25 percent of the major corporations, notably the newspapers, banks and high-tech companies.

"A number of these oligarchs came from Russia and the former Soviet republics, having made their money through the privatisation of state-owned enterprises.

"This class has long allied with fascistic forces outside Israel to defend its interests, most notably with the Phalange movement in Lebanon during the civil war of 1975-1989.

"More recently, it has shown no qualms in supporting, training and working with right-wing Islamists funded by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and the CIA in an attempt to topple President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.

"Neither is Israel opposed to coups, having worked even more closely with Egypt since the July 2013 military coup than it did during the Mubarak era."

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site

$ieg Heil, $ally.
You really need to get out more, unless this is how you pay your rent?:ack-1:

Looks like Comrade George decided he didn't want to go out today to pan for some gold to supplement his meager income. As you can see from his dollar signs, his shortage of money is always on his mind. Pay rent, Comrade George? My mortgage is all paid off. I don't have to live in a subsidized apartment like you do because you as a good Commie feels that the rest of the L.A. taxpapers have to help you get by. As the readers will notice, the good Comrade George is back with his World Socialist Web Site like all the viewers are going to bother to read it. I guess this is a site that all good Commies have to run to. Meanwhile, why don't tyou forget your obsession with your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and hitch hike down to Grand Park which can't be that far from your subsidized apartment, sit on a bench while enjoying some fresh air, and just let the world pass you by for a while.

Meanwhile, I wonder if Comrade George can tell the viewers about the sanctions the Russians and U.S. are siggesting for each other. I think the average person around the world would be more interested in that than what nonsense comes from some World Socialist Site. After all, everyone doesn't need a favorite scapegoat like many losers in life do.
Ha$bara paid off $ally's mortgage?
Maybe she isn't afraid to tell us if the following is true or false:

"The government of Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu is backing the fascist-led putsch that ousted Ukraine’s elected pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych. Far from opposing anti-Semitism and defending Ukrainian Jews from the neo-Nazi parties that have joined the new coalition government, Israel is doing its best to deny that any such threat exists."

Don't hold your breath...

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site

You don't say Comrade George??? As the readers can see, Comrade George, like the good Commie that he is, is right back with one of his favorite sites, the World Socialist Web Site. Instead of showing us that you know how to find the dollar sign on your keyboard, your lack of money, and your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, why not get out of your one-room subsidized apartment today for some fresh air. Surely there must be something going on in your part of town which will be free. At least, walk to Koreatown which is not that far from you to see another part of Los Angeles. See how industrious the Koreans are that they probably will never have to apply for a subsidized apartment.

While the good Comrade George is obsessing over his usual, there are other things being reported in the news which don't come from Commie sites.

Ukraine signs political accord with European Union - latimes.com

And since Comrade George is such a good Commie, I wonder if he can talk his fellow Russian Commie friends in releasing this General. Go for it, Comrade George. The man's family will be appreciative of your efforts.

AOL.com Article - Ukraine says top commander held after base stormed
Looks like Comrade George decided he didn't want to go out today to pan for some gold to supplement his meager income. As you can see from his dollar signs, his shortage of money is always on his mind. Pay rent, Comrade George? My mortgage is all paid off. I don't have to live in a subsidized apartment like you do because you as a good Commie feels that the rest of the L.A. taxpapers have to help you get by. As the readers will notice, the good Comrade George is back with his World Socialist Web Site like all the viewers are going to bother to read it. I guess this is a site that all good Commies have to run to. Meanwhile, why don't tyou forget your obsession with your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and hitch hike down to Grand Park which can't be that far from your subsidized apartment, sit on a bench while enjoying some fresh air, and just let the world pass you by for a while.

Meanwhile, I wonder if Comrade George can tell the viewers about the sanctions the Russians and U.S. are siggesting for each other. I think the average person around the world would be more interested in that than what nonsense comes from some World Socialist Site. After all, everyone doesn't need a favorite scapegoat like many losers in life do.
Ha$bara paid off $ally's mortgage?
Maybe she isn't afraid to tell us if the following is true or false:

"The government of Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu is backing the fascist-led putsch that ousted Ukraine’s elected pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych. Far from opposing anti-Semitism and defending Ukrainian Jews from the neo-Nazi parties that have joined the new coalition government, Israel is doing its best to deny that any such threat exists."

Don't hold your breath...

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site

You don't say Comrade George??? As the readers can see, Comrade George, like the good Commie that he is, is right back with one of his favorite sites, the World Socialist Web Site. Instead of showing us that you know how to find the dollar sign on your keyboard, your lack of money, and your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, why not get out of your one-room subsidized apartment today for some fresh air. Surely there must be something going on in your part of town which will be free. At least, walk to Koreatown which is not that far from you to see another part of Los Angeles. See how industrious the Koreans are that they probably will never have to apply for a subsidized apartment.

While the good Comrade George is obsessing over his usual, there are other things being reported in the news which don't come from Commie sites.

Ukraine signs political accord with European Union - latimes.com

And since Comrade George is such a good Commie, I wonder if he can talk his fellow Russian Commie friends in releasing this General. Go for it, Comrade George. The man's family will be appreciative of your efforts.

AOL.com Article - Ukraine says top commander held after base stormed
$ally can't answer a simple question, and performs her usual deflection trick like a true ha$bara profe$$ional.
Ha$bara paid off $ally's mortgage?
Maybe she isn't afraid to tell us if the following is true or false:

"The government of Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu is backing the fascist-led putsch that ousted Ukraine’s elected pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych. Far from opposing anti-Semitism and defending Ukrainian Jews from the neo-Nazi parties that have joined the new coalition government, Israel is doing its best to deny that any such threat exists."

Don't hold your breath...

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site

You don't say Comrade George??? As the readers can see, Comrade George, like the good Commie that he is, is right back with one of his favorite sites, the World Socialist Web Site. Instead of showing us that you know how to find the dollar sign on your keyboard, your lack of money, and your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, why not get out of your one-room subsidized apartment today for some fresh air. Surely there must be something going on in your part of town which will be free. At least, walk to Koreatown which is not that far from you to see another part of Los Angeles. See how industrious the Koreans are that they probably will never have to apply for a subsidized apartment.

While the good Comrade George is obsessing over his usual, there are other things being reported in the news which don't come from Commie sites.

Ukraine signs political accord with European Union - latimes.com

And since Comrade George is such a good Commie, I wonder if he can talk his fellow Russian Commie friends in releasing this General. Go for it, Comrade George. The man's family will be appreciative of your efforts.

AOL.com Article - Ukraine says top commander held after base stormed

$ally can't answer a simple question, and performs her usual deflection trick like a true ha$bara profe$$ional.

Oh, Comrade George, do you really think I am paying attention to your nonsense? All I am doing is chuckling that you think you are one clever little fellow by being able to type the dollar sign. Perhaps you think that your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, have all the money in the world that they should share with poor little old you. Meanwhile, let's get back to the news over there without your silly nonsense from a socialist site. I certainly hope that in your life you had someone to kiss.

AOL.com Article - After a kiss, Ukrainian troops leave Crimea by bus
You don't say Comrade George??? As the readers can see, Comrade George, like the good Commie that he is, is right back with one of his favorite sites, the World Socialist Web Site. Instead of showing us that you know how to find the dollar sign on your keyboard, your lack of money, and your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, why not get out of your one-room subsidized apartment today for some fresh air. Surely there must be something going on in your part of town which will be free. At least, walk to Koreatown which is not that far from you to see another part of Los Angeles. See how industrious the Koreans are that they probably will never have to apply for a subsidized apartment.

While the good Comrade George is obsessing over his usual, there are other things being reported in the news which don't come from Commie sites.

Ukraine signs political accord with European Union - latimes.com

And since Comrade George is such a good Commie, I wonder if he can talk his fellow Russian Commie friends in releasing this General. Go for it, Comrade George. The man's family will be appreciative of your efforts.

AOL.com Article - Ukraine says top commander held after base stormed

$ally can't answer a simple question, and performs her usual deflection trick like a true ha$bara profe$$ional.

Oh, Comrade George, do you really think I am paying attention to your nonsense? All I am doing is chuckling that you think you are one clever little fellow by being able to type the dollar sign. Perhaps you think that your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, have all the money in the world that they should share with poor little old you. Meanwhile, let's get back to the news over there without your silly nonsense from a socialist site. I certainly hope that in your life you had someone to kiss.

AOL.com Article - After a kiss, Ukrainian troops leave Crimea by bus
Still no answer...

"The Zionist state, whose self-proclaimed raison d’être is the defence of the Jewish people against anti-Semitism, now gives unalloyed support to a European government in which for the first time since 1945 an avowedly anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi party controls key levers of state power."

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site
$ally can't answer a simple question, and performs her usual deflection trick like a true ha$bara profe$$ional.

Oh, Comrade George, do you really think I am paying attention to your nonsense? All I am doing is chuckling that you think you are one clever little fellow by being able to type the dollar sign. Perhaps you think that your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, have all the money in the world that they should share with poor little old you. Meanwhile, let's get back to the news over there without your silly nonsense from a socialist site. I certainly hope that in your life you had someone to kiss.

AOL.com Article - After a kiss, Ukrainian troops leave Crimea by bus
Still no answer...

"The Zionist state, whose self-proclaimed raison d’être is the defence of the Jewish people against anti-Semitism, now gives unalloyed support to a European government in which for the first time since 1945 an avowedly anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi party controls key levers of state power."

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site

As everyone can see, Comrade George is really pushing that World Socialist Web Site like the good Commie that he is. Of course, the readers will notice that he is getting his jollies from this particular site because it mentions his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Meanwhile, just yesterday I went to an optomitrist who happens to be Russian. We were talking over the situation, and you could see the sadness in her face. She said the Ukrainians and Russians share a similar language and culture, and the ones who are hurting are the people. She told me one of her grandmothers came from Kiev. Of course, Comrade George doesn't care about the peoiple. He just wants people to hate his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, the same way he does. For all we know, he blames them for the failure in his own life. Say, Comrade George, is their a Communist Party get-together occasionally in the LA. area and do you get someone to drive you there since you can't afford a car?
"For his own political reasons, the Canadian PM will continue his apparently unconditional embrace of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s unelected government. But in private, we must hope, he will tell Yatsenyuk that it is intolerable and unacceptable that his government contains seven ministers connected to the radical right, including members of the extremist Svoboda Party as deputy prime minister and ministers of defence, agriculture and ecology."

As a champion of Israel, Harper will face uncomfortable truths in Ukraine - The Globe and Mail
"For his own political reasons, the Canadian PM will continue his apparently unconditional embrace of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s unelected government. But in private, we must hope, he will tell Yatsenyuk that it is intolerable and unacceptable that his government contains seven ministers connected to the radical right, including members of the extremist Svoboda Party as deputy prime minister and ministers of defence, agriculture and ecology."

As a champion of Israel, Harper will face uncomfortable truths in Ukraine - The Globe and Mail

It kills you, doesn't it, Comrade George, that Harper has said that Canada would stick up for Israel. After all, you would like the entire world to hate your scapegoats, the Jews, as much as you do. How about you get your other Commie pals scrape up enough money so that you can see this Russian Jew perform in your own city. You can tell him all about one of your favorite websites, the World Socialist one. The viewers will notice that Comrade George still has his lack of money on his mind as evidenced by his dollar signs.

Music review: Evgeny Kissin puts distinct Russian stamp on Schubert - latimes.com

Meanwhile let's get to some articles which doesn't involved Comrade George's favorite scapegoats nor one of the supporters of George's scapegoats..........

Vladimir Putin, Russia's human tank - latimes.com

Think Russia's land grab is unique? Think again. - latimes.com
"For his own political reasons, the Canadian PM will continue his apparently unconditional embrace of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s unelected government. But in private, we must hope, he will tell Yatsenyuk that it is intolerable and unacceptable that his government contains seven ministers connected to the radical right, including members of the extremist Svoboda Party as deputy prime minister and ministers of defence, agriculture and ecology."

As a champion of Israel, Harper will face uncomfortable truths in Ukraine - The Globe and Mail

It kills you, doesn't it, Comrade George, that Harper has said that Canada would stick up for Israel. After all, you would like the entire world to hate your scapegoats, the Jews, as much as you do. How about you get your other Commie pals scrape up enough money so that you can see this Russian Jew perform in your own city. You can tell him all about one of your favorite websites, the World Socialist one. The viewers will notice that Comrade George still has his lack of money on his mind as evidenced by his dollar signs.

Music review: Evgeny Kissin puts distinct Russian stamp on Schubert - latimes.com

Meanwhile let's get to some articles which doesn't involved Comrade George's favorite scapegoats nor one of the supporters of George's scapegoats..........

Vladimir Putin, Russia's human tank - latimes.com

Think Russia's land grab is unique? Think again. - latimes.com
Ha$bara $ally conflates my income level with her $upport of Anti-$emitism.
Maybe she's angling for a rai$e..

"Anti-Semitism, as we all know, has no more uncompromising a foe than Stephen Harper and his government. They even denounce it where it does not exist. So we can be sure they must be outraged by Svoboda, even though in public, strangely enough, they have been silent as the grave."

As a champion of Israel, Harper will face uncomfortable truths in Ukraine - The Globe and Mail

Are you outraged or just another whore for Zion, $ally?
"For his own political reasons, the Canadian PM will continue his apparently unconditional embrace of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s unelected government. But in private, we must hope, he will tell Yatsenyuk that it is intolerable and unacceptable that his government contains seven ministers connected to the radical right, including members of the extremist Svoboda Party as deputy prime minister and ministers of defence, agriculture and ecology."

As a champion of Israel, Harper will face uncomfortable truths in Ukraine - The Globe and Mail

It kills you, doesn't it, Comrade George, that Harper has said that Canada would stick up for Israel. After all, you would like the entire world to hate your scapegoats, the Jews, as much as you do. How about you get your other Commie pals scrape up enough money so that you can see this Russian Jew perform in your own city. You can tell him all about one of your favorite websites, the World Socialist one. The viewers will notice that Comrade George still has his lack of money on his mind as evidenced by his dollar signs.

Music review: Evgeny Kissin puts distinct Russian stamp on Schubert - latimes.com

Meanwhile let's get to some articles which doesn't involved Comrade George's favorite scapegoats nor one of the supporters of George's scapegoats..........

Vladimir Putin, Russia's human tank - latimes.com

Think Russia's land grab is unique? Think again. - latimes.com
Ha$bara $ally conflates my income level with her $upport of Anti-$emitism.
Maybe she's angling for a rai$e..

"Anti-Semitism, as we all know, has no more uncompromising a foe than Stephen Harper and his government. They even denounce it where it does not exist. So we can be sure they must be outraged by Svoboda, even though in public, strangely enough, they have been silent as the grave."

As a champion of Israel, Harper will face uncomfortable truths in Ukraine - The Globe and Mail

Are you outraged or just another whore for Zion, $ally?

Poor Comrade George, with all his dollar signs, does he want us to know he is short of money and would be appreciative if we take up a collection for him? Now that you are insinuating I am a whore, Comrade George, perhaps it is you who should become a pimp to pick up a few bucks. Then after you make a few bucks doing this, you can ride around in your big pimpmobile instead of hitch hiking. I am sure the readers have discerned by now that the main characters in this Russian/Ukraine conflict in Comrade George's mind are his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. He really has no interest in the ordinary people who are hurting there as long as he can bring attention to the readers how bad the Jews are so that they will feel about them the way this loser does. Sad how some people need scapegoats.

Meanwhile, let us get on with some of the news and opinions (which do not mention Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews) from people much more intelligent than Comrade George,

Russian Buildup On Ukraine Border Seen By Western Governments

The next, key step on Ukraine - latimes.com

Ukraine gets new defense minister as its troops pull out of Crimea - latimes.com

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