Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine

?Against democratic principles?: EU?s Ashton denounces nationalists? pressure on Ukraine parliament ? RT News

"The US Embassy in Kiev and the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine also issued a statement 'condemning' the Right Sector tactics at the Verkhovna Rada.

“'We welcome the statements of Pravy Sector’s leadership that they intend to keep their actions "within the framework of the law." We urge all political forces to distance themselves from extremists, who undermine the efforts to stabilize Ukraine and to protect its sovereignty,' the joint statement read.

"On Wednesday night, several hundred neo-Nazi activists from the Right Sector and their supporters besieged the parliament building, pressuring lawmakers to sack the newly appointed Interior Minister Arsen Avakov.

"The Right Sector believes that Avakov is personally responsible for ordering what they call a political assassination of one of their leader, Aleksandr Muzychko, who was killed in a special operation in a city of Rovno on Tuesday.

"Avakov said that he is ready to resign if ordered, but wondered what would happen to Ukraine if he does."

One positive consequence would be a global awakening to how the current corrupt government of Ukraine relied on neo-Nazi street fighters to come to power and now the Nazis are turning on their political masters.

I know that Comrade George would love to connect the NeoNazis all over Europe with the Jews, but it just wouldn't wash. Does Comrade George really think that the NeoNazis look so favorably on his favorite scapegoats, the Jews? Since Comrade George has the habit of posting whatever site he finds usually more than once because he wants to make sure all the readers catch it, I hope the readers don't mind if I post this a second time.

Ukraine's Mess: Made in the EU

Meanwhile, let's get back to the current news and put aside the NeoNazis for the time being as well as Comrade Georgie's favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Obama Ends Overseas Trip In Diplomatic Limbo Over Ukraine

Obama Urges Russia To Pull Troops Back From Ukraine Border In Call With Putin

By the way, an interesting piece about migrant workers from Central Asia. Naturally Comrade George would not be interested in this because it doesn't involve his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Russian Blacklist Keeps Central Asian Migrants Out | Eurasia Review
"Given that Europe opposed the admission of Ukraine to NATO, it should not then have tempted the Ukrainians with EU membership, exacerbating the divisions between the Ukrainians and their ethnic Russian minority.

"As a result of this reckless policy, Ukraine is about to lose territorial control over the Crimea and everyone will be worse off.

"Fortunately for Ukraine's estimated 350,000 Jews, the third largest Jewish community in Europe, there is Israel.

"Last week, Russian-born Knesset Member Rina Frenkel, who lived in Kiev before moving permanently to Israel in 1990, sent a letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu, asking him to initiate an immediate rescue effort for Ukrainian Jews, to provide a framework to help Jews emigrate to Israel, and referring to Ukrainian history, which is replete with anti-Semitic murders and pogroms.

"She also could also have referred to Europe's history of turning a blind eye to Jewish suffering –"

Ukraine's Mess: Made in the EU

She could also have pointed out how Israel absorbs Europe's Jews at the expense of its indigenous population
?Against democratic principles?: EU?s Ashton denounces nationalists? pressure on Ukraine parliament ? RT News

"The US Embassy in Kiev and the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine also issued a statement 'condemning' the Right Sector tactics at the Verkhovna Rada.

“'We welcome the statements of Pravy Sector’s leadership that they intend to keep their actions "within the framework of the law." We urge all political forces to distance themselves from extremists, who undermine the efforts to stabilize Ukraine and to protect its sovereignty,' the joint statement read.

"On Wednesday night, several hundred neo-Nazi activists from the Right Sector and their supporters besieged the parliament building, pressuring lawmakers to sack the newly appointed Interior Minister Arsen Avakov.

"The Right Sector believes that Avakov is personally responsible for ordering what they call a political assassination of one of their leader, Aleksandr Muzychko, who was killed in a special operation in a city of Rovno on Tuesday.

"Avakov said that he is ready to resign if ordered, but wondered what would happen to Ukraine if he does."

One positive consequence would be a global awakening to how the current corrupt government of Ukraine relied on neo-Nazi street fighters to come to power and now the Nazis are turning on their political masters.

I know that Comrade George would love to connect the NeoNazis all over Europe with the Jews, but it just wouldn't wash. Does Comrade George really think that the NeoNazis look so favorably on his favorite scapegoats, the Jews? Since Comrade George has the habit of posting whatever site he finds usually more than once because he wants to make sure all the readers catch it, I hope the readers don't mind if I post this a second time.

Ukraine's Mess: Made in the EU

Meanwhile, let's get back to the current news and put aside the NeoNazis for the time being as well as Comrade Georgie's favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Obama Ends Overseas Trip In Diplomatic Limbo Over Ukraine

Obama Urges Russia To Pull Troops Back From Ukraine Border In Call With Putin

By the way, an interesting piece about migrant workers from Central Asia. Naturally Comrade George would not be interested in this because it doesn't involve his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.

Russian Blacklist Keeps Central Asian Migrants Out | Eurasia Review
"Given that Europe opposed the admission of Ukraine to NATO, it should not then have tempted the Ukrainians with EU membership, exacerbating the divisions between the Ukrainians and their ethnic Russian minority.

"As a result of this reckless policy, Ukraine is about to lose territorial control over the Crimea and everyone will be worse off.

"Fortunately for Ukraine's estimated 350,000 Jews, the third largest Jewish community in Europe, there is Israel.

"Last week, Russian-born Knesset Member Rina Frenkel, who lived in Kiev before moving permanently to Israel in 1990, sent a letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu, asking him to initiate an immediate rescue effort for Ukrainian Jews, to provide a framework to help Jews emigrate to Israel, and referring to Ukrainian history, which is replete with anti-Semitic murders and pogroms.

"She also could also have referred to Europe's history of turning a blind eye to Jewish suffering –"

Ukraine's Mess: Made in the EU

She could also have pointed out how Israel absorbs Europe's Jews at the expense of its indigenous population

Why, Comrade George, it is quite obvious that you are not interested in anything else that happens in this world unless you can drag in the Jews. This has been your modus operendi because you desperately need a scapegoat, and the Jews (being small in number) were the ones that you picked. Just as you and I are not indigenous to California, the indigenous population was not all the Arabs that you want people to believe. Early travelers to the region stated that they saw very few Arabs, mainly Bedouins. As the British Officials in the area reported later on, the Arabs were coming from their surrounding poor countries in droves when the Jews had jobs for them. My goodness, you live in an area mainly populated by poor people from El Salvador and Guatemala. Surely you are not that dumb that you don't realize they came up here for jobs that their own countries didn't have for them, the same way others are able to see poor people flooding into Europe for jobs. Meanwhile, Comrade George would have a big problem with any country who tried to rescue the Ukraine Jews if there were once again pogroms started up against them as was in the past. The more dead Jews, the better Comrade George feels. He might even now be learning how to dance with the Cossacks.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIADWxQMrug]Russian/Cossack dance - YouTube[/ame]

Now we all know that since Comrade George is so interested in the Ukraine because it gives him a chance to try to demonize his scapegoats once again, perhaps we had better warn him that he shouldn't be planning a visit there any time in the future -- not that he actually has the money to buy an airplane ticket.

Foreign travel: Warnings on Crimean Peninsula, Mali - latimes.com
"Aleksandr Turchynov, the self-proclaimed President of Ukraine earlier on Friday has called the Right Sector's tactics 'an attempt to destabilize the situation in Ukraine, in the very heart of Ukraine – Kiev.'”

"Yet the Right Sector's bullying techniques seem to work as the parliament on Friday registered a new bill aimed at deposing the Interior Minister. There is no date set for the reading of the bill, but local media outlets say it could happen as early as next Friday..."

"The ongoing extremism rampant in Kiev as well as other regions was the topic of Friday’s phone conversation between the Russian an US leaders.

"The reason for concern is simple.

"The Right Sector has secured a reputation of an organization that uses threatening violent tactics to achieve their objectives.

"In addition, it is widely believed that the ultra-nationalist paramilitary structure is in possession of a vast arms arsenal that has gone missing from military depots during the February unrest in Ukraine.

"The growing strength of the Right Sector and their overwhelming bullying tactics are allegedly forcing informal discussions by Ukraine’s security officials to ban the movement, according to unconfirmed reports.

"Only a month after street protests – in which the Right Sector played a central role – forced President Viktor Yanukovich from the country, the movement is seen as an increasing threat to those who now cling to power in Kiev, as well as ordinary people across the country."

Including Ukraine's 300,000 Jews whose ancestors have been persecuted time and again by neo-fascists bankrolled by European banker$

Oh please Coward George - don't try to pretend that you care at all for the 300,000 Jews in Ukraine! We've seen enough of your posts demonizing the Jewish faith as 'racist' to see through that façade of 'humanitarian concern' you're trying to wear.

I can understand that you'll 'tolerate' some Jews - as long as they're atheists and commies like your own self. Of course that just underlines your own bigotry, lol!

Let those same 300,000 Ukrainian Jews escape to Israel - and you'll call them 'Zionists' like it's a curse, and wish them murdered by those ever-so-blameless Palestinian 'freedom fighters' you so wish you could be.
Oh please Coward George - don't try to pretend that you care at all for the 300,000 Jews in Ukraine! We've seen enough of your posts demonizing the Jewish faith as 'racist' to see through that façade of 'humanitarian concern' you're trying to wear.

I can understand that you'll 'tolerate' some Jews - as long as they're atheists and commies like your own self. Of course that just underlines your own bigotry, lol!

Let those same 300,000 Ukrainian Jews escape to Israel - and you'll call them 'Zionists' like it's a curse, and wish them murdered by those ever-so-blameless Palestinian 'freedom fighters' you so wish you could be.
"On 20 February, as revolution engulfed the centre of Kiev, Joseph Schilling, a 61-year-old builder from western Ukraine, went to the frontline to join the protests against President Viktor Yanukovych's government. He was standing beneath the neoclassical October Palace – once a girls' seminary and later the HQ for Lenin's secret police – when a sniper shot him in the head..."

"The Kremlin describes last month's uprising in next-door Ukraine as an illegitimate fascist coup. It says dark rightwing forces have..."

"Schilling, however, was an unlikely fascist. A father of two daughters, he and his wife Anna had lived in Italy. They had four grandchildren. Moreover, he was Jewish.

Kiev's protesters: Ukraine uprising was no neo-Nazi power-grab | World news | The Guardian
What was that post all about, CowardGeorge? Aside from demonstrating what a worthless POS you are and how fake your 'concern' for my coreligionists is?
Oh please Coward George - don't try to pretend that you care at all for the 300,000 Jews in Ukraine! We've seen enough of your posts demonizing the Jewish faith as 'racist' to see through that façade of 'humanitarian concern' you're trying to wear.

I can understand that you'll 'tolerate' some Jews - as long as they're atheists and commies like your own self. Of course that just underlines your own bigotry, lol!

Let those same 300,000 Ukrainian Jews escape to Israel - and you'll call them 'Zionists' like it's a curse, and wish them murdered by those ever-so-blameless Palestinian 'freedom fighters' you so wish you could be.
"On 20 February, as revolution engulfed the centre of Kiev, Joseph Schilling, a 61-year-old builder from western Ukraine, went to the frontline to join the protests against President Viktor Yanukovych's government. He was standing beneath the neoclassical October Palace – once a girls' seminary and later the HQ for Lenin's secret police – when a sniper shot him in the head..."

"The Kremlin describes last month's uprising in next-door Ukraine as an illegitimate fascist coup. It says dark rightwing forces have..."

"Schilling, however, was an unlikely fascist. A father of two daughters, he and his wife Anna had lived in Italy. They had four grandchildren. Moreover, he was Jewish.

Kiev's protesters: Ukraine uprising was no neo-Nazi power-grab | World news | The Guardian
Did being Jewish make him a target to be killed? Apparently you don't believe in protesting evil.
Oh please Coward George - don't try to pretend that you care at all for the 300,000 Jews in Ukraine! We've seen enough of your posts demonizing the Jewish faith as 'racist' to see through that façade of 'humanitarian concern' you're trying to wear.

I can understand that you'll 'tolerate' some Jews - as long as they're atheists and commies like your own self. Of course that just underlines your own bigotry, lol!

Let those same 300,000 Ukrainian Jews escape to Israel - and you'll call them 'Zionists' like it's a curse, and wish them murdered by those ever-so-blameless Palestinian 'freedom fighters' you so wish you could be.
"On 20 February, as revolution engulfed the centre of Kiev, Joseph Schilling, a 61-year-old builder from western Ukraine, went to the frontline to join the protests against President Viktor Yanukovych's government. He was standing beneath the neoclassical October Palace – once a girls' seminary and later the HQ for Lenin's secret police – when a sniper shot him in the head..."

"The Kremlin describes last month's uprising in next-door Ukraine as an illegitimate fascist coup. It says dark rightwing forces have..."

"Schilling, however, was an unlikely fascist. A father of two daughters, he and his wife Anna had lived in Italy. They had four grandchildren. Moreover, he was Jewish.

Kiev's protesters: Ukraine uprising was no neo-Nazi power-grab | World news | The Guardian
Did being Jewish make him a target to be killed? Apparently you don't believe in protesting evil.
Apparently you believe protesting a rich, corrupt politician alongside neo-Nazis who are throwing fire bombs at police officers isn't evil; we still don't know for sure whether it was Nazi snipers that killed protesters and police alike on February 20th.
"On 20 February, as revolution engulfed the centre of Kiev, Joseph Schilling, a 61-year-old builder from western Ukraine, went to the frontline to join the protests against President Viktor Yanukovych's government. He was standing beneath the neoclassical October Palace – once a girls' seminary and later the HQ for Lenin's secret police – when a sniper shot him in the head..."

"The Kremlin describes last month's uprising in next-door Ukraine as an illegitimate fascist coup. It says dark rightwing forces have..."

"Schilling, however, was an unlikely fascist. A father of two daughters, he and his wife Anna had lived in Italy. They had four grandchildren. Moreover, he was Jewish.

Kiev's protesters: Ukraine uprising was no neo-Nazi power-grab | World news | The Guardian
Did being Jewish make him a target to be killed? Apparently you don't believe in protesting evil.

Apparently you believe protesting a rich, corrupt politician alongside neo-Nazis who are throwing fire bombs at police officers isn't evil; we still don't know for sure whether it was Nazi snipers that killed protesters and police alike on February 20th.

You have to excuse Comrade George, folks. His brain is rattling around because of the earthquake in the Los Angeles area, and he believes that if he keeps up with his nonsense, everyone will blame his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, for the trouble in the Ukraine and will even tie his favorite scapegoats in with the NeoNazis. Meanwhile, let's read some news regarding that part of the world.

U.S., Russian diplomats agree to work with Ukraine's government - latimes.com

Another thing we have to remember, Roudy, is that many of these Ukrainians and others who have emigrated here to America are doing much, much better than native-born Americans who are living in one-room susidizefd apartments. I think we realize by now that some people need a scapegoat in their lives because of their inability to get ahead; and since the Jews are small in number, they are chosen as the scapegoats.

The Chinese don't look at them as scapegoats.

“Do the Jews Really Control America?” asked one Chinese newsweekly headline in 2009. The factoids doled out in such articles and in books about Jews in China—for example: “The world’s wealth is in Americans’ pockets; Americans are in Jews’ pockets”—would rightly be seen to be alarming in other contexts. But in China, where Jews are widely perceived as clever and accomplished, they are meant as compliments. Scan the shelves in any bookstore in China and you are likely to find best-selling self-help books based on Jewish knowledge. Most focus on how to make cash. Titles range from 101 Money Earning Secrets From Jews’ Notebooks to Learn To Make Money With the Jews.

In the US where so many Jewish Political Organizations flourish and Jewish lobbies dominate the American political scene, most non-Jews seem to enjoy having Jewish overlords telling them what to do.
That's because a great many of them are, frankly stupid, right wing fundamentalist "Christians" who are actually more Zionist than Christian, who still believe in all that superstitious nonsense about the Jews being "God's chosen people".

These morons are not only willing to sacrifice as many of their own sons and daughters on the alter of greater Zion, they eagerly give them all the financial support which they and Congress can manage while seeking their sage advice as to what to do next on every issue which is of importance to the Kosher community.

The US as a nation is fast on the road to becoming a perfectly subdued nation of Noahides. I see very little "anti-semitism" to complain about.

The only prominent scapegoats I see who aren't considered Muslim terrorists (which includes ALL Muslims) would be the remnants of the old White Anglo Saxon Protestant establishment. Even they consist mostly of "Old Farts" and other angry white men. Come to think of it a great many of those right wing fundamentalists have ironically been added to the list of potential terrorists by the Jew directed DHS and ADL offices of the FBI.

The world is getting better every day.

La la la la la.

Aah, Holston is back. I have often wondered which skinhead group he belongs to. He doesn't like anyone who doesn't think like he does or has the same skin color as he does, whether they are Black, Asian, etc. I would imagine that if Holston had been born earlier, he would have been marching with the Nazi Bund here in the U.S. backing Hitler. And even earlier than that, he would have been burning crosses on the lawns of Blacks while running around in his little pointy hat and white robes. I imagine Holston thinks that he is the one who is very clever, but I think most people realize how frankly stupid he really is.

I believe that it is you and Pouty who are obsessed with the Nazi thingy. You're the ones constantly bringing it up.

Not to fear, Sully.
I will never forsake you.
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The Chinese don't look at them as scapegoats.


In the US where so many Jewish Political Organizations flourish and Jewish lobbies dominate the American political scene, most non-Jews seem to enjoy having Jewish overlords telling them what to do.
That's because a great many of them are, frankly stupid, right wing fundamentalist "Christians" who are actually more Zionist than Christian, who still believe in all that superstitious nonsense about the Jews being "God's chosen people".

These morons are not only willing to sacrifice as many of their own sons and daughters on the alter of greater Zion, they eagerly give them all the financial support which they and Congress can manage while seeking their sage advice as to what to do next on every issue which is of importance to the Kosher community.

The US as a nation is fast on the road to becoming a perfectly subdued nation of Noahides. I see very little "anti-semitism" to complain about.

The only prominent scapegoats I see who aren't considered Muslim terrorists (which includes ALL Muslims) would be the remnants of the old White Anglo Saxon Protestant establishment. Even they consist mostly of "Old Farts" and other angry white men. Come to think of it a great many of those right wing fundamentalists have ironically been added to the list of potential terrorists by the Jew directed DHS and ADL offices of the FBI.

The world is getting better every day.

La la la la la.

Aah, Holston is back. I have often wondered which skinhead group he belongs to. He doesn't like anyone who doesn't think like he does or has the same skin color as he does, whether they are Black, Asian, etc. I would imagine that if Holston had been born earlier, he would have been marching with the Nazi Bund here in the U.S. backing Hitler. And even earlier than that, he would have been burning crosses on the lawns of Blacks while running around in his little pointy hat and white robes. I imagine Holston thinks that he is the one who is very clever, but I think most people realize how frankly stupid he really is.

I believe that it is you and Pouty who are obsessed with the Nazi thingy. Your the ones constantly bringing it up.

Not to fear, Sully.
I will never forsake you.

Holston, did you miss the call from your proctologist? He found your head and wants you to pick it up. He said that maybe if you pick your head up, you wilol realize that in your prior posts you have shown everyone how you hate all the different groups (other than your own) just like a good White Supremacist/KKK member does.
Apparently you believe protesting a rich, corrupt politician alongside neo-Nazis who are throwing fire bombs at police officers isn't evil; we still don't know for sure whether it was Nazi snipers that killed protesters and police alike on February 20th.

You realize of course that these people don't really care who is killing whom, so long as the killing is promoting the Mashianic agenda of greater Zion.

Has anyone mentioned this yet? :

IMF Offers Ukraine Loans To Boost Fledgling Government, Keep Country's Economy Afloat

KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — The International Monetary Fund on Thursday pledged $18 billion in loans to prop up Ukraine's sinking economy, as the nation's prime minister forecast more pain ahead without reforms that will affect nearly everyone in the country.

The IMF loan hinges on structural reforms that Ukraine has pledged to undertake. The IMF said measures will need to include maintaining a flexible exchange rate and reforming the energy sector to make it profitable.

Christine Lagarde - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On 25 May 2011, Lagarde announced her candidacy to be head of the IMF to succeed Dominique Strauss-Kahn upon his resignation
U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said that Lagarde's "exceptional talent and broad experience will provide invaluable leadership for this indispensable institution at a critical time for the global economy."[5] Nicolas Sarkozy referred to Lagarde's appointment as "a victory for France." Oxfam, a charity working in developing nations, called the appointment process "farcical" and argued that what it saw as a lack of transparency hurt the IMF's credibility.

. She said, "If I have one message tonight about Greece, it is to call on the Greek political opposition to support the party that is currently in power in a spirit of national unity."[5] She said of her predecessor that: "The IMF has taken up the challenges of the crisis thanks to the actions of [Managing Director] Dominique Strauss-Kahn and to his team as well."[33] On 25 December 2011, Lagarde argued that the world economy was at risk and urged Europeans to unify in terms of the debt crisis facing the continent

This is more about the continuing advances that are being made to "unify" the GLOBAL economy. It's about whipping countries into line with the program, one after the other.
At each turn the IMF, the World Bank et al will acquire control of each fallen nations economic system.
If they can control the money supply, they practically control everything else.

And who sits at the pinnacle of this global banking consortium?
Or rather should I say which international cabal is primarily in charge?

You guessed it.


I guess I better not say it out loud or some people around here might start calling name and throwing their usual stink bombs. Come to think of it, when have they ever stopped?
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Did being Jewish make him a target to be killed? Apparently you don't believe in protesting evil.

Apparently you believe protesting a rich, corrupt politician alongside neo-Nazis who are throwing fire bombs at police officers isn't evil; we still don't know for sure whether it was Nazi snipers that killed protesters and police alike on February 20th.

You have to excuse Comrade George, folks. His brain is rattling around because of the earthquake in the Los Angeles area, and he believes that if he keeps up with his nonsense, everyone will blame his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, for the trouble in the Ukraine and will even tie his favorite scapegoats in with the NeoNazis. Meanwhile, let's read some news regarding that part of the world.

U.S., Russian diplomats agree to work with Ukraine's government - latimes.com

Kyivans honor Ukraine's 'Heavenly Hundred' on 40th day after their murders

"In the Christian Orthodox tradition, Kyivans turned out on March 30 to mark the 40th day since the murders of many of the 'Heavenly Hundred,' the EuroMaidan Revolution participants slain allegedly on orders of ousted President Viktor Yanukovych.

"Yanukovych and many of his former top officials -- including ex-Prosecutor General Viktor Pshonka, ex-Interior Minister Vitaliy Zakharchenko and former presidential chief of staff Andriy Klyuyev -- are fugitives from justice, suspected of conspiring in the deaths of more than 100 protesters.

"While five protesters were killed in January, most of the others were shot on Feb. 18 and Feb. 20 on Institutska Street.

"Interior Minister Arsen Avakov says investigators have identified the killers, but so far no one has been brought to justice.

"Avakov has promised to publish the preliminary findings of the investigation on April 3."

April 3rd will provide the first "official" explanation of which side the snipers on Institutska Street served.
Apparently you believe protesting a rich, corrupt politician alongside neo-Nazis who are throwing fire bombs at police officers isn't evil; we still don't know for sure whether it was Nazi snipers that killed protesters and police alike on February 20th.

You have to excuse Comrade George, folks. His brain is rattling around because of the earthquake in the Los Angeles area, and he believes that if he keeps up with his nonsense, everyone will blame his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, for the trouble in the Ukraine and will even tie his favorite scapegoats in with the NeoNazis. Meanwhile, let's read some news regarding that part of the world.

U.S., Russian diplomats agree to work with Ukraine's government - latimes.com

Kyivans honor Ukraine's 'Heavenly Hundred' on 40th day after their murders

"In the Christian Orthodox tradition, Kyivans turned out on March 30 to mark the 40th day since the murders of many of the 'Heavenly Hundred,' the EuroMaidan Revolution participants slain allegedly on orders of ousted President Viktor Yanukovych.

"Yanukovych and many of his former top officials -- including ex-Prosecutor General Viktor Pshonka, ex-Interior Minister Vitaliy Zakharchenko and former presidential chief of staff Andriy Klyuyev -- are fugitives from justice, suspected of conspiring in the deaths of more than 100 protesters.

"While five protesters were killed in January, most of the others were shot on Feb. 18 and Feb. 20 on Institutska Street.

"Interior Minister Arsen Avakov says investigators have identified the killers, but so far no one has been brought to justice.

"Avakov has promised to publish the preliminary findings of the investigation on April 3."

April 3rd will provide the first "official" explanation of which side the snipers on Institutska Street served.

Comrade George, just whom do y ou actually think you are fooling? Most of the viewers, unless they are comatose, realize that a loser like you needs a scapegoat, and you have picked one of the smallest groups in the world to be yours. It makes losers feel good when they have scapegoats for their own failures in life. No matter how you are trying to cut it, the Ukrainian Jews are not in bed with the NeoNazis. However, given your hatred of the Jews, can we take up a collection for you to join up with the Golden Dawn in Greece so you and they can go after the minorities there? It certianly will get you out of your little one-room subsidized apartment which in part is paid for by the Jewish taxpayers of Los Angeles.
Comrade George, just whom do y ou actually think you are fooling? Most of the viewers, unless they are comatose, realize that a loser like you needs a scapegoat, and you have picked one of the smallest groups in the world to be yours. It makes losers feel good when they have scapegoats for their own failures in life. No matter how you are trying to cut it, the Ukrainian Jews are not in bed with the NeoNazis. However, given your hatred of the Jews, can we take up a collection for you to join up with the Golden Dawn in Greece so you and they can go after the minorities there? It certianly will get you out of your little one-room subsidized apartment which in part is paid for by the Jewish taxpayers of Los Angeles.

Pardon me if I butt in (I'm sure you won't mind) but speaking of "scapegoats", exactly who is it that the Jews have been using as a scapegoat for the fact that they have been kicked out of so many countries down through the centuries as a result of their wheelin' and dealin'?

Surely you can't say that all those countries gave them the boot because they were "Nazis". How many countries and how many people would have to be Nazis for this to be true?

Maybe you should find another scapegoat or two besides Nazis to explain this reoccurring phenomenon.

You accuse everyone who is critical of anything some Jews are guilty of as hating all Jews or being Nazis. But I can't say I've ever had more venom spit my way than some of these Hasbarats have squirted. Take Pouty for example. He's one of the biggest squirts of all.

If he isn't "hateful" then who is?
You're not so far behind yourself.

My favorite Nazi just happened to be a Jew!

By the way, you did know that the idea of a "scapegoat" is a Jewish concept taken from the Old Testament?

Jews sure do accuse a lot of people of using scapegoats for someone who invented the term.

Where do you suppose all those Jewish tax payers got all their money? It sure wasn't from working in the Jack 'n the Box.

Besides, being "one of the smallest groups in the world" how many one room apartments do you think they could be credited with subsidizing anyway?

I know they have an awful lot of money for being such a "small group". But they also have an awful lot of lawyers in their tribe to show them all the loop holes. They ought to know. They put them there.

It's too bad so few others can find them in all those volumes of small print. On the other hand, if they could, then this country would scarcely have a dime for anything.

It's rather ironic that you should say that we "losers" need someone to blame for our failures. If George is as white gentile as I am, he should be able to attest to the fact that it has been us white men who have been blamed for all the failures of the black people whom the Jewish civil rights lawyers and activists have represented for so long. And that's besides all the things which the Jews themselves have been blaming on "the WASP establishment".

How else can you explain Affirmative Action and all the racially based law suits that have been filed over the years? If a person could add up all the dollars awarded to these "victims" in all the cities in the US where they were given, I bet the sum would be a staggering amount of money.

And guess who picks up the tab every time an instance of this happens.
Do you think it's that oh so tiny minority of Jews who bear the brunt of the bill? I don't think so. As far as the lawyers go I KNOW SO.

But to be fair to you, I don't believe that the Jews comprise nearly so small a minority as it would seem. The numbers of them who are not declared on the census forms no doubt far exceed the numbers of typically Orthodox Jews who register themselves as such.

Besides that, there is no way of estimating the numbers of Ashkenazim/Khazar extractions which have inundated the so called Christian institutions who never declare themselves to be anything but white and gentile as other people might presume. At least not openly they don't.

Look at it this way. If you were to agree with me that the Jews are no where near the minority they claim to be, then think of how that would effect the statistics of the numbers of Jews who are over represented in high paying high powered professional type positions.
Including those Jews who are not counted as Jews, the numbers indicating their over representation might be reduced from upwards of 3 and 4 THOUSAND percent too high to something more reasonable like maybe 500% over represented.

Then all the "Nazis" wouldn't have so much to raise their eye brows about.

PS There are some "Nazis" that I can't stand either!

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Comrade George, just whom do y ou actually think you are fooling? Most of the viewers, unless they are comatose, realize that a loser like you needs a scapegoat, and you have picked one of the smallest groups in the world to be yours. It makes losers feel good when they have scapegoats for their own failures in life. No matter how you are trying to cut it, the Ukrainian Jews are not in bed with the NeoNazis. However, given your hatred of the Jews, can we take up a collection for you to join up with the Golden Dawn in Greece so you and they can go after the minorities there? It certianly will get you out of your little one-room subsidized apartment which in part is paid for by the Jewish taxpayers of Los Angeles.

Pardon me if I butt in (I'm sure you won't mind) but speaking of "scapegoats", exactly who is it that the Jews have been using as a scapegoat for the fact that they have been kicked out of so many countries down through the centuries as a result of their wheelin' and dealin'?

Surely you can't say that all those countries gave them the boot because they were "Nazis". How many countries and how many people would have to be Nazis for this to be true?

Maybe you should find another scapegoat or two besides Nazis to explain this reoccurring phenomenon.

You accuse everyone who is critical of anything some Jews are guilty of as hating all Jews or being Nazis. But I can't say I've ever had more venom spit my way than some of these Hasbarats have squirted. Take Pouty for example. He's one of the biggest squirts of all.

If he isn't "hateful" then who is?
You're not so far behind yourself.

My favorite Nazi just happened to be a Jew!

By the way, you did know that the idea of a "scapegoat" is a Jewish concept taken from the Old Testament?

Jews sure do accuse a lot of people of using scapegoats for someone who invented the term.

Where do you suppose all those Jewish tax payers got all their money? It sure wasn't from working in the Jack 'n the Box.

Besides, being "one of the smallest groups in the world" how many one room apartments do you think they could be credited with subsidizing anyway?

I know they have an awful lot of money for being such a "small group". But they also have an awful lot of lawyers in their tribe to show them all the loop holes. They ought to know. They put them there.

It's too bad so few others can find them in all those volumes of small print. On the other hand, if they could, then this country would scarcely have a dime for anything.

It's rather ironic that you should say that we "losers" need someone to blame for our failures. If George is as white gentile as I am, he should be able to attest to the fact that it has been us white men who have been blamed for all the failures of the black people whom the Jewish civil rights lawyers and activists have represented for so long. And that's besides all the things which the Jews themselves have been blaming on "the WASP establishment".

How else can you explain Affirmative Action and all the racially based law suits that have been filed over the years? If a person could add up all the dollars awarded to these "victims" in all the cities in the US where they were given, I bet the sum would be a staggering amount of money.

And guess who picks up the tab every time an instance of this happens.
Do you think it's that oh so tiny minority of Jews who bear the brunt of the bill? I don't think so. As far as the lawyers go I KNOW SO.

But to be fair to you, I don't believe that the Jews comprise nearly so small a minority as it would seem. The numbers of them who are not declared on the census forms no doubt far exceed the numbers of typically Orthodox Jews who register themselves as such.

Besides that, there is no way of estimating the numbers of Ashkenazim/Khazar extractions which have inundated the so called Christian institutions who never declare themselves to be anything but white and gentile as other people might presume. At least not openly they don't.

Look at it this way. If you were to agree with me that the Jews are no where near the minority they claim to be, then think of how that would effect the statistics of the numbers of Jews who are over represented in high paying high powered professional type positions.
Including those Jews who are not counted as Jews, the numbers indicating their over representation might be reduced from upwards of 3 and 4 THOUSAND percent too high to something more reasonable like maybe 500% over represented.

Then all the "Nazis" wouldn't have so much to raise their eye brows about.

PS There are some "Nazis" that I can't stand either!


Of course, Holston, I don't mind you butting in, but people are smart enough here to have read your previous posts to realize that not only do you hate the Jews, but every group that isn't like you. This is how White Supremacists like you think. I believe Holston himself needs scapegoats and that is why he can't stand other groups which are a minority here. By the way, Holston, can you tell us the world populations according to each major religion so we can caompare how the Jews stand in comparison. I know a "smart" fellow like you can do that after you rest up from all your blabbering which I just scanned through quickly and actually didn't take it all in. Probably more of your nonsense. As an aside, I can just imagine how an Asian student would wipe the floor with Holston when it came to grades if Holston were smart enough to even get into a college.
"Last month’s US-instigated, fascist-spearheaded coup in Ukraine has intensified the deep divisions within Iran’s bourgeois political elite over the Islamic Republic’s relations with US imperialism and its European Union allies.

"Those sections of the Iranian media most supportive of President Hassan Rouhani’s recent overtures to the US and EU are parroting Washington’s lies.

"Like the Obama administration and the Western media, they are hailing the overthrow of Ukraine’s elected president as a 'democratic revolution' and denouncing supposed Russian 'aggression.'”

Ukraine coup intensifies conflicts within Iran?s elite - World Socialist Web Site
"Last month’s US-instigated, fascist-spearheaded coup in Ukraine has intensified the deep divisions within Iran’s bourgeois political elite over the Islamic Republic’s relations with US imperialism and its European Union allies.

"Those sections of the Iranian media most supportive of President Hassan Rouhani’s recent overtures to the US and EU are parroting Washington’s lies.

"Like the Obama administration and the Western media, they are hailing the overthrow of Ukraine’s elected president as a 'democratic revolution' and denouncing supposed Russian 'aggression.'”

Ukraine coup intensifies conflicts within Iran?s elite - World Socialist Web Site

A little news which doesn't come from the World Socialist Web Site.

Russian PM Medvedev Makes Surprise Visit To Crimea

Russia Moves To Scrap Black Sea Fleet Agreements With Ukraine | Eurasia Review

Now let's have some sports news...........

Ukraine Soccer Player Saves Rival After Frightening Injury (VIDEO)
Of course, Holston, I don't mind you butting in, but people are smart enough here to have read your previous posts to realize that not only do you hate the Jews, but every group that isn't like you. This is how White Supremacists like you think. I believe Holston himself needs scapegoats and that is why he can't stand other groups which are a minority here. By the way, Holston, can you tell us the world populations according to each major religion so we can caompare how the Jews stand in comparison. I know a "smart" fellow like you can do that after you rest up from all your blabbering which I just scanned through quickly and actually didn't take it all in. Probably more of your nonsense. As an aside, I can just imagine how an Asian student would wipe the floor with Holston when it came to grades if Holston were smart enough to even get into a college.

Let me condense it for you.

Who is it that the Jews have been using as a scapegoat for the fact that they have been kicked out of so many countries ?

How could all those people in all those different countries have been "Nazis"?
The Nazis didn't even exist way back then.

You accuse everyone who is critical of anything some Jews are guilty of as hating all Jews or being Nazis. Youskys seem pretty hateful yourself.

The idea of a "scapegoat" is a Jewish concept taken from the Old Testament.
Jews sure do accuse a lot of people of using scapegoats for someone who invented the term.

It's rather ironic that you should say that we "losers" need someone to blame for our failures.
Jews have been blaming "the WASP establishment" for all sorts of things for a long time. Jewish civil rights lawyers and activists blame them for all the failures of the black people.
How else can you explain Affirmative Action and all the racially based law suits that have been filed over the years?

Jews also complained of being discriminated against for such things as not being fairly represented in ivy league universities like Harvard. So whitey let them in. Now they run the place. If a white man such as myself calls attention to how over represented Jews are now in those places, you call them anti-Semite.

This would make one think that racial quotas were only intended as a means of displacing as many white guys as possible, NOT for "equality" Indeed, the Jews do not think they are equal. They think they are SUPERIOR.
Yet a white man who attempts to assert the right of whites to control their own destiny and associate themselves with whom they please is called a "white supremacist" by Jews such as yourself.

How do you figure that as "fair"?

You want Israel preserved as a JEWISH state do you not?
Then why do you say it is wrong that whites should want to preserve the US as a "Christian" nation?

I don't believe that the Jews comprise nearly so small a minority as it would seem. The numbers of them who are not declared on the census forms no doubt far exceed the numbers of typically Orthodox Jews who register themselves as such.

There is no way of estimating the numbers of Ashkenazim/Khazar extractions which have inundated the so called Christian institutions who never declare themselves to be anything but white and gentile.

Jews have changed there names and hid their identity for a long time. You say it's because of "anti-Semitism". If that was so, then how have the Jews acquired an inordinate amount of wealth and power in the midst of such a nation?
If you say it is because they hid their identity, then how can you claim their was any "anti-Semitism" if they weren't recognized as Semites in the first place. You can say it is because of their SUPERIOR intelligence and work ethics and so forth. Then why do they need special legal provisions made for them? And isn't that claim of SUPERIORITY, SUPREMACISM. I have given you one example of where they openly make these claims. There are countlss others as well.

How can the majority of Jews in the US claim to be Semites in the first place when it's easy enough for the dullest goy to spot a true mideasterner from his own people?
The Jews couldn't get away with disguising themselves if they were truly Semitic.

They might however IF they were of a Khazar European Turkish extraction. For IF these differences were noticeable for the average stupid goy to notice, then don't you think it would be easy for them to tell them apart the way they have blacks?

From the above one may surmise that there hasn't been much if any "anti-Semitism" in the US and that the complaint of it has been made by Jews who were looking for special favors and advantages, which they got.

Now that they have supplanted the WASP establishment with a ZIONIST one, they do not want to hear about inequality unless it is of the same kind that always tends to disenfranchise white males.

As far as "anti-Semitism" goes, there was no such thing even in Germany until the Jews betrayed Germany in WWI and declared economic WAR on Germany. At that time, the Jews had risen to similar positions of wealth and power there as they have in the US.
This could not have been possible had "anti-Semitism" been so rampant as you have accused.
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Of course, Holston, I don't mind you butting in, but people are smart enough here to have read your previous posts to realize that not only do you hate the Jews, but every group that isn't like you. This is how White Supremacists like you think. I believe Holston himself needs scapegoats and that is why he can't stand other groups which are a minority here. By the way, Holston, can you tell us the world populations according to each major religion so we can caompare how the Jews stand in comparison. I know a "smart" fellow like you can do that after you rest up from all your blabbering which I just scanned through quickly and actually didn't take it all in. Probably more of your nonsense. As an aside, I can just imagine how an Asian student would wipe the floor with Holston when it came to grades if Holston were smart enough to even get into a college.

Let me condense it for you.

Who is it that the Jews have been using as a scapegoat for the fact that they have been kicked out of so many countries ?

How could all those people in all those different countries have been "Nazis"?
The Nazis didn't even exist way back then.

You accuse everyone who is critical of anything some Jews are guilty of as hating all Jews or being Nazis. Youskys seem pretty hateful yourself.

The idea of a "scapegoat" is a Jewish concept taken from the Old Testament.
Jews sure do accuse a lot of people of using scapegoats for someone who invented the term.

It's rather ironic that you should say that we "losers" need someone to blame for our failures.
Jews have been blaming "the WASP establishment" for all sorts of things for a long time. Jewish civil rights lawyers and activists blame them for all the failures of the black people.
How else can you explain Affirmative Action and all the racially based law suits that have been filed over the years?

Jews also complained of being discriminated against for such things as not being fairly represented in ivy league universities like Harvard. So whitey let them in. Now they run the place. If a white man such as myself calls attention to how over represented Jews are now in those places, you call them anti-Semite.

This would make one think that racial quotas were only intended as a means of displacing as many white guys as possible, NOT for "equality" Indeed, the Jews do not think they are equal. They think they are SUPERIOR.
Yet a white man who attempts to assert the right of whites to control their own destiny and associate themselves with whom they please is called a "white supremacist" by Jews such as yourself.

How do you figure that as "fair"?

You want Israel preserved as a JEWISH state do you not?
Then why do you say it is wrong that whites should want to preserve the US as a "Christian" nation?

I don't believe that the Jews comprise nearly so small a minority as it would seem. The numbers of them who are not declared on the census forms no doubt far exceed the numbers of typically Orthodox Jews who register themselves as such.

There is no way of estimating the numbers of Ashkenazim/Khazar extractions which have inundated the so called Christian institutions who never declare themselves to be anything but white and gentile.

Jews have changed there names and hid their identity for a long time. You say it's because of "anti-Semitism". If that was so, then how have the Jews acquired an inordinate amount of wealth and power in the midst of such a nation?
If you say it is because they hid their identity, then how can you claim their was any "anti-Semitism" if they weren't recognized as Semites in the first place. You can say it is because of their SUPERIOR intelligence and work ethics and so forth. Then why do they need special legal provisions made for them? And isn't that claim of SUPERIORITY, SUPREMACISM. I have given you one example of where they openly make these claims. There are countlss others as well.

How can the majority of Jews in the US claim to be Semites in the first place when it's easy enough for the dullest goy to spot a true mideasterner from his own people?
The Jews couldn't get away with disguising themselves if they were truly Semitic.

They might however IF they were of a Khazar European Turkish extraction. For IF these differences were noticeable for the average stupid goy to notice, then don't you think it would be easy for them to tell them apart the way they have blacks?

From the above one may surmise that there hasn't been much if any "anti-Semitism" in the US and that the complaint of it has been made by Jews who were looking for special favors and advantages, which they got.

Now that they have supplanted the WASP establishment with a ZIONIST one, they do not want to hear about inequality unless it is of the same kind that always tends to disenfranchise white males.

As far as "anti-Semitism" goes, there was no such thing even in Germany until the Jews betrayed Germany in WWI and declared economic WAR on Germany. At that time, the Jews had risen to similar positions of wealth and power there as they have in the US.
This could not have been possible had "anti-Semitism" been so rampant as you have accused.

Keep on blabbering away, Holston. It is not worth my time reading your blabbering. You apparently forget that people have read your posts when you first appeared on these forums and could see from what you wrote that you are actually a White Supremacist who hates everyone who is not just like you.

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