US adds massive 287,000 jobs in June.....Quite A Change From Bush's Fiasco

But you claim that "MOST" who have dropped out did so out of discouragement, which IS a lie, and you know it.
Discouraged workers have declined from 1,318,000 at the peak of the Great Bush Recession to 502,000 now.

Well, whether it's "most" or not is debatable based on how you're counting them, and I agree I wasn't specific in that. But where do you get that there are 502K discouraged workers? That's hard to swallow

You can go to BLS...

Already did and showed the lie in the statistic. It doesn't count people who gave up and went away, the main group of "discouraged" workers. LOL, you people are priceless.

I said when I was wrong, are you going to do the same?

Seriously....where do they find you people...

BLS provides a glossary, with detailed definitions of all are struggling to reconcile what you've been told to think with what can be demonstrated.....

You are the one who argued all discouraged workers are counted. They are only counted if they looked more than 4 weeks but less than 52 weeks.
Because that's what discouraged means. If someone looked for work in the last 4 weeks, he's unemployed, and if someone hasn't looked for work in the last year he's "not in the labor force, wants a job now."
Already did and showed the lie in the statistic. It doesn't count people who gave up and went away, the main group of "discouraged" workers. LOL, you people are priceless.

Read your own stat, it said it only counted people who were marginally attached. That means people who worked not too long ago and sorta are working but not in the last 4 weeks.

Workers who gave up and went away are not "marginally attached" workers
Gee what a surprise, NOT!
When caught lying about "discouraged" workers you move the goalposts to "marginally attached" workers which includes people who didn't look for work because they were sick, or their car was broken down or they had to care for a family member, etc., and a lot of other reasons other than giving up due to discouragement.

You're smoking dope, Doobie
And you are just a liar!

Read marginally attached footnote 3:
Table A-16. Persons not in the labor force and multiple jobholders by sex, not seasonally adjusted
(3) Includes those who did not actively look for work in the prior 4 weeks for such reasons as school or family responsibilities, ill health, and transportation problems, as well as a number for whom reason for nonparticipation was not determined.
You don't have any idea, do you.....

I got your number, Slim....never believe a democRAT...they're inbred liars.
A) I'm a Republican

B) the data comes from bls.....

C) in a crowded field you are a standout cretin

And you are my errand boy....see how this works, yoyo? :lol:

yeah......whatever........when kaz is done prying my Cole Haan White Buc out of your ass would be sure to return it?
The GDP hasn't changed but about 280,000 kids got out of school and took burger flipper jobs for the summer in the last six months of the Hussein administration and the minister of propaganda calls calls it a freaking victory. No surprises here.

10 million jobs have been added under President Obama and they have been in all sectors

10 million jobs have been added in spite of President Obama and they have been in all sectors

You're welcome I fixed it for you

Wow....that's some really good shit.......and here I thought they called your "Doc" in the holler on account of you only having six toes on each foot.....
I love how you lie as you accuse people of lying. Hilarious stuff.

You said most jobs created were part time and just because that is not ALL you said doesn't mean you didn't say it. I've proven that to be fabricated BS and now you post more BS trying to skirt around the facts.

You don't have to accept simple facts, you just have to accept them to not look like a fact denying idiot without any credibility.

Now as to your other claim of "shit jobs", I have no idea what you base it on, but going by your record it is based on NOTHING substantive.

Same goes to the rest of your naked assertions - SOURCE IT because there is not a single reason for anyone to trust anything you type.

More blatant lying.


You seriously see only "one good month"?

:eusa_liar: :eusa_naughty:

If you count underemployed as part time and claim that part time workers are not going up, yeah, that's a lie

You want the category

Employed Part Time for Economic Reasons...

Thank me later.

Thank you for what? Again, you're spinning, spinning, spinning.

I think part time workers are people who work but don't work full time. You think it's a contrived category that doesn't include people who work less than 30 hours a week because their employers don't want to get fucked by government with Obamacare.

You think you're winning that point?
I don't give a shit what you "think", I'm telling you what IS....

BLS distinguishes between those who work part time because they want to, from those who do so because it is all they can find.....please don't oblige me to explain why that matters.

Relax, I don't give a shit why you think that matters

Then, by all means, Stay Stupid.....
The GDP hasn't changed but about 280,000 kids got out of school and took burger flipper jobs for the summer in the last six months of the Hussein administration and the minister of propaganda calls calls it a freaking victory. No surprises here.

10 million jobs have been added under President Obama and they have been in all sectors

10 million jobs have been added in spite of President Obama and they have been in all sectors

You're welcome I fixed it for you

Wow....that's some really good shit.......and here I thought they called your "Doc" in the holler on account of you only having six toes on each foot..... code is not that good.
Workers who gave up and went away are not "marginally attached" workers
If they say they want and are available for work and looked in the last year but not the last month, they are.
So workers who gave up and went away but are still looking for a job are marginally attached.
No. How can they both have given up and still be looking????

Wow, that does destroy my argument when I said not all discouraged workers are being counted.
Discouraged workers are a subset of the marginally attached.
Now, this week happens to be the survey reference week, and the interviewers will be out on Monday asking about this week.
A marginally attached worker for July will be someone who:
  1. Did not work at all this week.
  2. Wants a job.
  3. Has not looked for work or gone to interviews or submitted an application or answered an ad or placed an ad or sent a resume etc after 18 June.
  4. Could have started a job this week.
A discouraged worker meets all the above requirements plus:

Stopped looking due to the belief that there were no available jobs, or that s/he would face discrimination.

You can word parse all you want, but someone who gave up and went away because they gave up on finding a job isn't counted, and there are millions of those. Keep spinning

Isn't counted where?
The GDP hasn't changed but about 280,000 kids got out of school and took burger flipper jobs for the summer in the last six months of the Hussein administration and the minister of propaganda calls calls it a freaking victory. No surprises here.

10 million jobs have been added under President Obama and they have been in all sectors

10 million jobs have been added in spite of President Obama and they have been in all sectors

You're welcome I fixed it for you

Wow....that's some really good shit.......and here I thought they called your "Doc" in the holler on account of you only having six toes on each foot..... code is not that good.

I fell asleep going through that list long before I got to the "M"s....
Already did and showed the lie in the statistic. It doesn't count people who gave up and went away, the main group of "discouraged" workers. LOL, you people are priceless.

Read your own stat, it said it only counted people who were marginally attached. That means people who worked not too long ago and sorta are working but not in the last 4 weeks.

Workers who gave up and went away are not "marginally attached" workers
Gee what a surprise, NOT!
When caught lying about "discouraged" workers you move the goalposts to "marginally attached" workers which includes people who didn't look for work because they were sick, or their car was broken down or they had to care for a family member, etc., and a lot of other reasons other than giving up due to discouragement.

You're smoking dope, Doobie

Did you cast one or more votes for Obama's immediate predecessor?
Already did and showed the lie in the statistic. It doesn't count people who gave up and went away, the main group of "discouraged" workers. LOL, you people are priceless.

Read your own stat, it said it only counted people who were marginally attached. That means people who worked not too long ago and sorta are working but not in the last 4 weeks.

Workers who gave up and went away are not "marginally attached" workers
Gee what a surprise, NOT!
When caught lying about "discouraged" workers you move the goalposts to "marginally attached" workers which includes people who didn't look for work because they were sick, or their car was broken down or they had to care for a family member, etc., and a lot of other reasons other than giving up due to discouragement.

You're smoking dope, Doobie

Did you cast one or more votes for Obama's immediate predecessor?

I casted zero votes for his immediate predecessor and I continually point out that Obama and W are the same.

Thanks for playing, but again, you are a l-o-s-e-r in our game today. Here's the home version. Don't go away mad, just go away
The GDP hasn't changed but about 280,000 kids got out of school and took burger flipper jobs for the summer in the last six months of the Hussein administration and the minister of propaganda calls calls it a freaking victory. No surprises here.

10 million jobs have been added under President Obama and they have been in all sectors

10 million jobs have been added in spite of President Obama and they have been in all sectors

You're welcome I fixed it for you

Wow....that's some really good shit.......and here I thought they called your "Doc" in the holler on account of you only having six toes on each foot..... code is not that good.

I fell asleep going through that list long before I got to the "M"s....

Dude I can figure out any language as long as they know mathematics and have a mechanical aptitude..

But I still can't figure out what you meant?
10 million jobs have been added under President Obama and they have been in all sectors

10 million jobs have been added in spite of President Obama and they have been in all sectors

You're welcome I fixed it for you

Wow....that's some really good shit.......and here I thought they called your "Doc" in the holler on account of you only having six toes on each foot..... code is not that good.

I fell asleep going through that list long before I got to the "M"s....

Dude I can figure out any language as long as they know mathematics and have a mechanical aptitude..

But I still can't figure out what you meant?

He means

The U.S. added 287,000 new jobs in June, according to the Labor Department report ...


I didn't realize McDonalds opened that many new locations. Maybe if you hurry you can head up the french fry department.

Read your own stat, it said it only counted people who were marginally attached. That means people who worked not too long ago and sorta are working but not in the last 4 weeks.

Workers who gave up and went away are not "marginally attached" workers
Gee what a surprise, NOT!
When caught lying about "discouraged" workers you move the goalposts to "marginally attached" workers which includes people who didn't look for work because they were sick, or their car was broken down or they had to care for a family member, etc., and a lot of other reasons other than giving up due to discouragement.

You're smoking dope, Doobie

Did you cast one or more votes for Obama's immediate predecessor?

I casted zero votes for his immediate predecessor and I continually point out that Obama and W are the same.

Thanks for playing, but again, you are a l-o-s-e-r in our game today. Here's the home version. Don't go away mad, just go away


You arrived here knowing NOTHING about employment statistics, and people who have actually taken the time to inform themselves have been kind enough to provide you with a thorough tutorial......

I suggest that you strike a more humble pose....
You're welcome I fixed it for you

Wow....that's some really good shit.......and here I thought they called your "Doc" in the holler on account of you only having six toes on each foot..... code is not that good.

I fell asleep going through that list long before I got to the "M"s....

Dude I can figure out any language as long as they know mathematics and have a mechanical aptitude..

But I still can't figure out what you meant?

He means

Thanks for playing, but again, you are a l-o-s-e-r in our game today.

  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Wow....that's some really good shit.......and here I thought they called your "Doc" in the holler on account of you only having six toes on each foot..... code is not that good.

I fell asleep going through that list long before I got to the "M"s....

Dude I can figure out any language as long as they know mathematics and have a mechanical aptitude..

But I still can't figure out what you meant?

He means

Thanks for playing, but again, you are a l-o-s-e-r in our game today.


So now we are playing nannah poo poo..

What the hell dude you smoking crack again and have mumble mouth?
Every economics discussion I've ever had counts people who took major step downs, like from a $100K professional to working in a restaurant counts that as "underemployed." I'm not debating you if you're going to debate basic definitions. I don't give a shit about the semantics, the point is that's clearly underemployed. If you want to play with yourself, go do it by yourself

What you are saying is stupid and not because it ignores official definitions of words. It is stupid because it non-workable one-sided bullshit one arrives at out of desperate straw grasping to maintain the un-maintainable.

Lets take your definition of "underemployed" as including those that got a demotion, but by this reasoning can you explain what the OPPOSITE would be? Am I OVERemployed since I got a couple of raises? Or if you want to mix in underpaid full timers with part-times, by what reasoning can you protest mixing in part timers who got a raise with full timers?

If you are going to measure demotions you have to somehow account for promotions as well to get numbers that actually tell you something real that reflects the balance between demotion and promotions in the economy.

But AGAIN getting real, honest measurement IS NOT YOUR CONCERN. Your concern is to upkeep conclusions you made for stupid reasons well before you started getting schooled on economics here.
Last edited:
Wow....that's some really good shit.......and here I thought they called your "Doc" in the holler on account of you only having six toes on each foot..... code is not that good.

I fell asleep going through that list long before I got to the "M"s....

Dude I can figure out any language as long as they know mathematics and have a mechanical aptitude..

But I still can't figure out what you meant?

He means

Thanks for playing, but again, you are a l-o-s-e-r in our game today.



Repeating my own line to me, there can be no clearer declaration that you have NOTHING!

:lmao: code is not that good.

I fell asleep going through that list long before I got to the "M"s....

Dude I can figure out any language as long as they know mathematics and have a mechanical aptitude..

But I still can't figure out what you meant?

He means

Thanks for playing, but again, you are a l-o-s-e-r in our game today.


So now we are playing nannah poo poo..

What the hell dude you smoking crack again and have mumble mouth?

Larry the Lounge Lizard has struck out more times than Reggie Jackson ...

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