US Backed Rebels Behead Syrian Orthodox Bishop

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Luis Manuel: Syrian Orthodox Bishop Beheaded By Syrian 'Rebels'

The story is inside link. You have option at the bottom of news article of viewing these Syrian rebels Obama adminstration is arming - actually beheading the Bishop - which I would advise caution about. Graphic video.

Bottom line? We need to stop arming terrorists. It is almost surreal that one would have to state the obvious here.

USA should not be funding or arming terrorists. No way. No how.
Past three adminstrations - are responsible - each for their own part. Plenty of blame to go around, Kiwi. We have to remove ourself from this business in Syria. Somehow.
Syria is too important but for none of the reasons the MSM or the moron in chief would have you believe.

What makes it important?

It's a proxy war to weaken Iran. Iran is the big prize and all sides know this.

Whomever wins this battle gets to play world super power for the next 100 years, while the others remain marginalized. It's very important for the Chinese, Russians, and Americans to control that area. Their futures are heavily dependent upon control of it.

With all of these heavy hitters in play, it's not hard to begin to understand how miscalculation of enemy intentions could turn this proxy war into a hot war between the U.S. her allies, vs Russia, China, and shia Muslims.

Nobody is going to back down. This is part of long term foreign policy goal that was first realized after the end of the first cold war.
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"O" is getting more like "W" every single day.
"W" gave aid to Sunni groups that were former insurgents. Of course previously those insurgents attacked and injured /killed American troops.
Now "O" is doing his thing. When will someone get a clue?

And the Sons of Iraq aka "The Awakening" was very successful in driving al-Qaida out of previous that "clue" enough for ya? The same thing could have worked in Syria if this pissant president had acted two years ago.....he also watched the Iranian "greens" beaten and shot by Basij thugs without lifting a finger when that movement might well have driven the mullahs from power and ended Iran's nuclear bomb program.

I personally worked with turned V.C. in the chieu hoi program....didn't trust them but never had to shoot one that I recall. I do remember a couple falling out the door of a UH-1 at altitude but that was Vietnam for ya.
If Syria is so important, the US would be interested in Syrian stability. Assad provided that stability for years and his father before him. US support for Syrian rebels is because the rebels are al quaeda and slaughter Christians. obama's interest is in BOTH.

Iran supports Assad because obama supports the rebels. Iran will take whatever side we aren't on. If we supported Assad, Iran would support the rebels. If we had stayed out of it, Iran would have no interest in a Syrian civil war. The only country with an interest in maintaining Assad in power is Russia because they have a navy base at Tarsus.
If Syria is so important, the US would be interested in Syrian stability. Assad provided that stability for years and his father before him. US support for Syrian rebels is because the rebels are al quaeda and slaughter Christians. obama's interest is in BOTH.

Iran supports Assad because obama supports the rebels. Iran will take whatever side we aren't on. If we supported Assad, Iran would support the rebels. If we had stayed out of it, Iran would have no interest in a Syrian civil war. The only country with an interest in maintaining Assad in power is Russia because they have a navy base at Tarsus.

That's terribly simplistic.

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