US Biggest Threat: Unchecked Presidential Power Unlike any other.

Anyone who thinks the Obama did this or his little evolution about gay marriage because he thinks it's the right thing to do for the nation needs their head examined.

This is nothing more than pure pandering to the hispanic community in an election year. .

A new coalition of groups is rallying conservative Latino voters with an anti-gay marriage campaign launched on Wednesday in Nevada, a crucial swing state where President Barack Obama leads Mitt Romney by only 48 percent to 46 percent, according to the latest poll.

You should check out how much Obama leads with the latino vote. ;)

I don't think Romney has a chance of gaining much ground there.

Or you could offer some evidence to support your conclusion?


I know: pretty radical concept.
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There are some others who think Obama is outside the law as well as lurching towards tyranny:
Obama's government is the biggest violator of law in our history. His very methods of governing, which include bypassing Congress's constitutional authority to make law, actually show contempt for the Constitution and the American rule of law.
By executive orders, Mr. Obama both violates the law against his own American-citizen "enemies," such as Catholic institutions when it comes to abortion and birth control, and grants unlawful privileges for his supporters or potential supporters, such as his immigration amnesty order this week
Mark J. Fitzgibbons, the American Thinker

Mark J. Fitzgibbons coauthored "The Law That Governs Government: Reclaiming The Constitution From Usurpers And Society's Biggest Lawbreaker" with Richard A Viguerie.

There are some others who think Obama is outside the law as well as lurching towards tyranny:
Obama's government is the biggest violator of law in our history. His very methods of governing, which include bypassing Congress's constitutional authority to make law, actually show contempt for the Constitution and the American rule of law.
By executive orders, Mr. Obama both violates the law against his own American-citizen "enemies," such as Catholic institutions when it comes to abortion and birth control, and grants unlawful privileges for his supporters or potential supporters, such as his immigration amnesty order this week
Mark J. Fitzgibbons, the American Thinker

Mark J. Fitzgibbons coauthored "The Law That Governs Government: Reclaiming The Constitution From Usurpers And Society's Biggest Lawbreaker" with Richard A Viguerie.

Well, if he's broken the law (law? what law?) then I imagine Republicans will begin impeachment proccedings.

But they won't.

Because he hasn't.
Well, if he's broken the law (law? what law?) then I imagine Republicans will begin impeachment proccedings.

But they won't.

Because he hasn't.

He's violating the Constitution, dumbass.

Well, if he's broken the law (law? what law?) then I imagine Republicans will begin impeachment proccedings.

But they won't.

Because he hasn't.

He's violating the Constitution, dumbass.



Well, its hard to argue with anyone with such a well developed vocabulary.

However, changing administrative policy is not "violating the Constitutuion."
Well, if he's broken the law (law? what law?) then I imagine Republicans will begin impeachment proccedings.

But they won't.

Because he hasn't.

He's violating the Constitution, dumbass.



Well, its hard to argue with anyone with such a well developed vocabulary.

However, changing administrative policy is not "violating the Constitutuion."

As the chief executive is pretty much in charge of seeng that the laws are enforced, it is a constitutional violation.

If Obama was going to issue an executive order like this, he should have done something useful like ordering the DoJ to leave medical marijuana clinics alone in the states where medical marijuana is legal.

Well, its hard to argue with anyone with such a well developed vocabulary.

I only use that when someone shows a shockingly low level of intelligence or lacks cognitive abilities, dumbass.

However, changing administrative policy is not "violating the Constitutuion."

However my ass.

Flagrantly bypassing a branch of government IS "violating the Constitution".

(You misspelled 'Constitution', dumbass)
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If Obama was going to issue an executive order like this, he should have done something useful like ordering the DoJ to leave medical marijuana clinics alone in the states where medical marijuana is legal.

Yeah, I heard about that.

He even fucked that up. I made myself feel a little better back when he was elected by telling myself that maybe we would at least get legalized weed out of this chump.

The novelty president isn't good for shit.
its interesting how people pick and choose their battles.

This really isnt breaking the law,as were the NDAA and Patriot act really do curb our rights. Those where power grabs, this is really nothing at all. Past presidents have changed policies before.

Of course This just makes the cons look bad with their objections to this.

Its so sad how the OP and other get played so easily.
Obama needs to get his lies straight......his teleprompter needs reprogramming.

FLASHBACK: Obama on Deporting Illegals
Obama – whose administration announced Friday that it would no longer enforce immigration law for certain young illegal immigrants – once told a group of Hispanic students that “America is a nation of laws” and that as president, it was his job to enforce them.

“America is a nation of laws, which means I, as the president, am obligated to enforce the law. I don't have a choice about that. That's part of my job,” Obama said in March 2011 at a town hall event hosted by the Spanish-language television network Univision.

Well, its hard to argue with anyone with such a well developed vocabulary.

I only use that when someone shows a shockingly low level of intelligence or lacks cognitive abilities, dumbass.

However, changing administrative policy is not "violating the Constitutuion."

However my ass.

Flagrantly bypassing a branch of government IS "violating the Constitution".

(You misspelled 'Constitution', dumbass)

Once again, your keen powers of observation are as impressive as you vast vocabulary.

Unhappily, you haven't a clue about the subject at hand.

If Obama has broken a law, then congress can impeach him.

They won't.

Because he hasn't.

Nice playing with ya kid, now back to the sand-box with your toys before you hurt yourself.
There is an article on this topic whose author said Obama disregarded the US Constitution by improperly and illegally appointed Richard Cordray without the approval of Congress, and also did it while they were in session.

That means he broke his Oath of Office agreement when he took office, because he swore to uphold the Constitution as I recollect from watching him sworn in twice on tv due to some kind of error.

His presidency is becoming something of a three-ring circus of inappropriate sayings and doings. He is about to illegally appoint three more people to the Labor board, according to the Heritage Foundation piece. (1st link above).

Harry Reid is not doing his job. Throw the bum out.
Anyone who thinks the Obama did this or his little evolution about gay marriage because he thinks it's the right thing to do for the nation needs their head examined.

This is nothing more than pure pandering to the hispanic community in an election year. He can't run on his economic record because that's been an abysmal failure. He can't run on his foreign policy record because that's been a failure too. After his criticism of Bush on Gitmo, he decided to just use drones and kill possible terrorists instead of taking prisoners. Telling Medvedev, " This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility," wipes out any possible credence to running on his defense policies. Job creation? After spending all that stimulus money and unemployment still remains above 8%.

To put it simply, he can't run on his record for pretty much everything he's done in the past 3 1/2 years.

And as per-usual? Anyone against these 'policy shifts' will be branded a racist/bigot/homophobe. Same old playbook.
Thank you for your observation, google. Unfortunately, this administration is using executive order in order to win an upcoming election by creating more voters for himself.

Those people will not be allowed to vote in the upcoming election.
Thread fail.

The Immigration and Nationality Act, though, gives the Department of Homeland Security the general authority to enforce immigration laws. Federal courts, moreover, have recognized that officials can exercise their discretion in determining deportation priorities.

In the mid-1970s, for instance, a native of South Korea named Soon Bok Yoon came to Hawaii legally, and then when her visa expired she sought to avoid deportation back to her home country. She failed, with appellate judges noting that the Immigration and Naturalization Service had the discretion to "grant or withhold non-priority status" when handling immigrants.

"To ameliorate a harsh and unjust outcome, the INS may decline to institute proceedings, terminate proceedings or decline to execute a final order of deportation," Justice Antonin Scalia, quoting from another writer, added in a 1999 Supreme Court decision.

The prosecutorial discretion adopted by the Obama administration on Friday is sometimes called "deferred action." Aldana said that this could be the largest-ever application of deferred action, if the estimates are correct that upward of 800,000 illegal immigrants may benefit.

Read more here: Did Obama exert too much executive power on deportations? - Politics Wires -
Thank you for your observation, google. Unfortunately, this administration is using executive order in order to win an upcoming election by creating more voters for himself.

Those people will not be allowed to vote in the upcoming election.
Theoretically, that is true. In hear-no-see-no-speak-no weevil states who do not check ids of anybody, they will vote.

And when they catch on to how hard President Obama is making it for the business world by attempting a commie-coup society, they'll vote against "socialists" who are anti-business right up until nobody has a job in the private sector, there is no way the government can collect money, and riots are like those in Greece who did the same thing as Obama wants a dozen years ago and are now reaping the empty barrel that used to be full when businesses weren't overrun by greedy big government tit suckers who think the world and everybody owes them a living for free.
Thread: success! Telling people the truth about Obama's usurpation of power will make them be watching closely whether he can pull this 2012 vote swindle off.

I think Obama will fail, not this thread.

It's too bad Obama has been around at the top of the government a few years and never caught on to how this country works.

It works of the people, for the people, and by the people.

And since he can't accept that, he'll have to pass power peacefully to the other guy in November.

Meanwhile, I hope Congress nails that Treasury revolving door shut before Obama continues his shovel-ready removal of America's money for himself and his drones.

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