US Bribed Muslim Brotherhood?


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
Beats the Hell outta me but evidence is popping up that gifts were paid to Egypts Muslim Brotherhood Government in US dollars paid through the US Embassy in Cairo. No wonder Obama wants the MB back in power. He wants his money's worth out of the bribes he's paid. No biggee, the Left Media will sprinkle lime powder on all Obama's missteps and miscues, a leaky sphincter muscle here, a weak sphincter muscle there, the people won't smell a thing thanks to the efforts of the AP, the WaPo, the NYT, ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC. The really big messes, they'll have somebody with a silver shovel muy quick, turning it under before anyone gets wind. Who can ever forget the block that the Big Rock Candy Mountain, surnamed Crowley, threw on Mitt Romney during the Second Presidential Debate when there was nothing but open field and touchdown against Barack Obama in front of him. The Big Guy really needed that one and Candy came through when the chips were down, especially after Denver when the Big Guy actually showed up stoned for the debate, slurring his words, having difficulty keeping his eyes open. Too bad the Denver cops weren't supplying Doritos like the cops in Washington State do at the big Marijuana festivals. Barack musta had the munchies. These Narcissists. Thinking so little of their opponent, they actually thought they could show up stoned and still beat them in a debate. The Hell with the debate! Its Choomwagon time! These white guys. They're all so untermuenchen!

Speaking of lost and missing persons, Samantha Power, the missing American UN Ambassador, while the Syrians were busy paving the Damascus/Bagdad highway with nerve gassed corpses showed up in Kerry, Ireland where her husband is giving a speech. Nice country, America. Free cellphones, free groceries, free gasoline, soon to be free pot and free college for all, provided you're appropriately liberal.

Boom! Evidence U.S. Bribed Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood? | Walid ShoebatWalid Shoebat
Gulf countries gettin' together to fight MB...

Gulf nations unite to combat Brotherhood
Saturday, Sept. 14, 2013 — More than six months ago, Dr. Mahmoud al-Jaidah was detained as he traveled through Dubai en route home to Qatar. He has been held ever since.
UAE authorities have given no public statements on the case. The family of the 52-year-old doctor has no doubt why he is detained: He has been caught up in the escalating pressures across the Western-backed Persian Gulf states against the Muslim Brotherhood and its perceived Islamist allies. Al-Jaidah's family claims he has no active role with the Brotherhood. The crackdowns in the gulf began more than a year before the Muslim Brotherhood's political collapse in Egypt this July. They now take on wider regional implications, meshing with the campaign of arrests by Cairo's new military-protected leadership against the Brotherhood.

The Egyptian military's ouster of President Mohamed Morsy further emboldened the UAE and other gulf states to step up arrests of suspected Brotherhood supporters, whom they view as a threat to the gulf's tightly run fraternity of monarchs, sheiks and emirs. In turn, several gulf countries have stepped up as critical sources of cash for Egypt's new military-backed leadership. The UAE, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have promised Egypt $12 billion in aid. “The gulf states and Egypt are now bonded together in the belief of the Muslim Brotherhood as their common enemy,” said Christopher Davidson, an expert in Persian Gulf affairs at Britain's Durham University.

Gulf rulers long have considered the Brotherhood a danger. In Saudi Arabia, the Brotherhood's version of political Islam is perceived as a challenge to the country's monarchy, which is backed by the strict Wahhabi interpretation of Islam. Gulf officials have become fearful of anything that could serve as potential footholds for the Brotherhood. In rhetoric at least, the group has begun to replace Iran as the most worrisome threat. The exception is Qatar, which has cultivated the Brotherhood regionwide and strongly backed Morsy. In July, Dubai's police chief, Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, warned of an “international plot” by the Brotherhood to undermine gulf leaders and expropriate the region's huge riches. Last week, he posted a Twitter message directed at the Brotherhood and its backers: “You must know that everyone from the ocean to the Gulf hates you.”

Read more: Gulf nations unite to combat Brotherhood | TribLIVE

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